{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2003 by the Free Pascal development team. SetJmp and LongJmp implementation for exception handling See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} function fpc_setjmp(var S : jmp_buf) : longint;assembler;[Public, alias : 'FPC_SETJMP'];nostackframe; compilerproc; asm {$if defined(FPUVFPV2) or defined(FPUVFPV3) or defined(FPUVFPV4) or defined(FPUVFPV3_D16)} {$if defined(CPUARMV3) or defined(CPUARMV4) or defined(CPUARMV5)} fstmiax r0!, {d8-d15} // according to the ARM Developer Suite Assembler Guide Version 1.2 // fstmiad increases the address register always by 2n+1 words, so fix this sub r0,r0,#4 {$else} {$ifdef VER3_0} fstmiad r0!, {d8-d15} {$else} vstmia r0!, {d8-d15} {$endif} {$endif} {$endif} {$if defined(CPUTHUMB2)} stmia r0!, {v1-v6, sl, fp} mov r2, sp stmia r0!, {r2, lr} mov r0,#0 mov pc,lr {$elseif defined(CPUTHUMB)} stmia r0!,{v1-v4} mov r1,v5 str r1,[r0] mov r1,v6 str r1,[r0,#4] mov r1,sl str r1,[r0,#8] mov r1,fp str r1,[r0,#12] mov r1,sp str r1,[r0,#16] mov r1,lr str r1,[r0,#20] mov r0,#0 bx lr {$else} stmia r0,{v1-v6, sl, fp, sp, lr} mov r0,#0 {$ifdef CPUARM_HAS_BX} bx lr {$else} mov pc,lr {$endif} {$endif} end; procedure fpc_longjmp(var S : jmp_buf;value : longint);assembler;[Public, alias : 'FPC_LONGJMP']; compilerproc; asm {$if defined(CPUTHUMB2)} mov ip, r0 movs r0, r1 it eq moveq r0, #1 {$if defined(FPUVFPV2) or defined(FPUVFPV3) or defined(FPUVFPV4) or defined(FPUVFPV3_D16)} {$ifdef VER3_0} fldmiad ip!, {d8-d15} {$else} vldmia ip!, {d8-d15} {$endif} {$endif} ldmia ip!, {v1-v6, sl, fp} ldr sp, [ip] add ip, ip, #4 ldr pc, [ip] {$elseif defined(CPUTHUMB)} mov r3, r0 movs r0, r1 bne .L1 mov r0, #1 .L1: ldmia r3!,{v1-v4} ldr r2,[r3] mov v5,r2 ldr r2,[r3,#4] mov v6,r2 ldr r2,[r3,#8] mov sl,r2 ldr r2,[r3,#12] mov fp,r2 ldr r2,[r3,#16] mov sp,r2 ldr r2,[r3,#20] mov pc,r2 {$else} mov ip, r0 movs r0, r1 moveq r0, #1 {$if defined(FPUVFPV2) or defined(FPUVFPV3) or defined(FPUVFPV4) or defined(FPUVFPV3_D16)} {$if defined(CPUARMV3) or defined(CPUARMV4) or defined(CPUARMV5)} fldmiax ip!, {d8-d15} // according to the ARM Developer Suite Assembler Guide Version 1.2 // increases fldmiax the address register always by 2n+1 words, so fix this sub ip,ip,#4 {$else} {$ifdef VER3_0} fldmiad ip!, {d8-d15} {$else} vldmia ip!, {d8-d15} {$endif} {$endif} {$endif} ldmia ip,{v1-v6, sl, fp, sp, pc} {$endif} end;