{ Copyright (c) 2002 by Marco van de Voort The base *BSD syscalls required to implement the system unit. These are aliased for use in other units (to avoid poluting the system units interface) See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **************************************************************************** } {$i ostypes.inc} {$ifdef FPC_USE_LIBC} {$Linklib root} // Out of date atm. const clib = 'root'; const netlib = 'net'; {$ifdef FPC_IS_SYSTEM} {$i oscdeclh.inc} {$endif} {$I osmacro.inc} { var Errno : cint; external name 'errno'; function Fptime(tloc:ptime_t): time_t; cdecl; external name 'time'; function Fpopen(const path: pchar; flags : cint; mode: mode_t):cint; cdecl; external name 'open'; function Fpclose(fd : cint): cint; cdecl; external name 'close'; function Fplseek(fd : cint; offset : off_t; whence : cint): off_t; cdecl; external name 'lseek'; function Fpread(fd: cint; buf: pchar; nbytes : size_t): ssize_t; cdecl; external name 'read'; function Fpwrite(fd: cint;const buf:pchar; nbytes : size_t): ssize_t; cdecl; external name 'write'; function Fpunlink(const path: pchar): cint; cdecl; external name 'unlink'; function Fprename(const old : pchar; const newpath: pchar): cint; cdecl;external name 'rename'; function Fpstat(const path: pchar; var buf : stat): cint; cdecl; external name 'stat'; function Fpchdir(const path : pchar): cint; cdecl; external name 'chdir'; function Fpmkdir(const path : pchar; mode: mode_t):cint; cdecl; external name 'mkdir'; function Fprmdir(const path : pchar): cint; cdecl; external name 'rmdir'; function Fpopendir(const dirname : pchar): pdir; cdecl; external name 'opendir'; function Fpreaddir(var dirp : dir) : pdirent;cdecl; external name 'readdir'; function Fpclosedir(var dirp : dir): cint; cdecl; external name 'closedir'; procedure Fpexit(status : cint); cdecl; external name '_exit'; function Fpsigaction(sig: cint; var act : sigactionrec; var oact : sigactionrec): cint; cdecl; external name 'sigaction'; function Fpftruncate(fd : cint; flength : off_t): cint; cdecl; external name 'ftruncate'; function Fprename(const old : pchar; const newpath: pchar): cint; cdecl;external name 'rename'; function Fpfstat(fd : cint; var sb : stat): cint; cdecl; external name 'fstat'; function Fpfork : pid_t; cdecl; external name 'fork'; function Fpexecve(const path : pchar; const argv : ppchar; const envp: ppchar): cint; cdecl; external name 'execve'; function Fpwaitpid(pid : pid_t; tat_loc : pcint; options: cint): pid_t; cdecl; external name 'waitpid'; function Fpaccess(const pathname : pchar; amode : cint): cint; cdecl; external name 'access'; function Fpuname(var name: utsname): cint; cdecl; external name 'uname'; function FpDup(oldd:cint):cint; cdecl; external name 'dup'; function FpDup2(oldd:cint;newd:cint):cint; cdecl; external name 'dup2'; } {$else} {***************************************************************************** --- Main:The System Call Self --- *****************************************************************************} { The system designed for Linux can't be used for *BSD so easily, since *BSD pushes arguments, instead of loading them to registers.} // Var ErrNo : Longint; {$I syscallh.inc} {$I syscall.inc} {$I sysnr.inc} {$I osmacro.inc} // Should be moved to a FreeBSD specific unit in the future. function Fptime( tloc:ptime): time_t; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_TIME']; {VAR tv : timeval; tz : timezone; retval : longint; } var args : SysCallArgs; begin { don't treat errno, since there is never any } tloc^ := Do_Syscall(syscall_nr_time,args); fptime := tloc^; {begin // Retval:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_gettimeofday,TSysParam(@tv),TSysParam(@tz)); If retval=-1 then Fptime:=-1 else Begin If Assigned(tloc) Then TLoc^:=tv.tv_sec; Fptime:=tv.tv_sec; End; } End; {***************************************************************************** --- File:File handling related calls --- *****************************************************************************} function Fpopen(path: pchar; flags : cint; mode: mode_t):cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_OPEN']; var args: SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[2] := cint(path); args.param[3] := flags; args.param[4] := cint(mode); args.param[5] := 0; { close on execute flag } fpopen:= SysCall(syscall_nr_open, args); {Begin Fpopen:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_open,TSysParam(path),TSysParam(flags),TSysParam(mode)); } End; function Fpclose(fd : cint): cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_CLOSE']; var args : SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := fd; fpclose:=SysCall(syscall_nr_close,args); {begin Fpclose:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_close,fd); } end; {$ifdef netbsd} {$ifdef cpupowerpc} {$define netbsdmacppc} {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef netbsdmacppc} {$i sysofft.inc} // odd ball calling convention. {$else} // generic versions. function Fplseek(fd : cint; offset : off_t; whence : cint): off_t; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_LSEEK']; { this one is special for the return value being 64-bit.. hi/lo offset not yet tested. NetBSD: ok, but implicit return value in edx:eax FreeBSD: same implementation as NetBSD. } var args: SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := fd; args.param[2] := cint(offset and $FFFFFFFF); args.param[3] := cint((offset shr 32) and $FFFFFFFF); args.param[4] := whence; { we currently only support seeks upto 32-bit in length } fplseek := off_t(SysCall(syscall_nr_lseek,args)); (*begin Fplseek:=do_syscall(syscall_nr___syscall,syscall_nr_lseek,0,TSysParam(fd),0,lo(Offset),{0} hi(offset),Whence); *) end; type { _kwstat_ kernel call structure } pwstat = ^twstat; twstat = packed record {00} filler : array[1..3] of longint; {12} newmode : mode_t; { chmod mode_t parameter } {16} unknown1 : longint; {20} newuser : uid_t; { chown uid_t parameter } {24} newgroup : gid_t; { chown gid_t parameter } {28} trunc_offset : off_t; { ftrucnate parameter } {36} unknown2 : array[1..2] of longint; {44} utime_param: int64; {52} unknown3 : array[1..2] of longint; end; function Fpftruncate(fd : cint; flength : off_t): cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_FTRUNCATE']; var args: SysCallArgs; wstat : pwstat; begin New(wstat); FillChar(wstat^,sizeof(wstat),0); wstat^.trunc_offset := flength; args.param[1] := fd; args.param[2] := $00000000; args.param[3] := cint(wstat); args.param[4] := $00000008; args.param[5] := $00000001; fpftruncate:=SysCall(syscall_nr_ftruncate, args); Dispose(wstat); {begin Fpftruncate:=Do_syscall(syscall_nr___syscall,syscall_nr_ftruncate,0,fd,0,lo(flength),hi(flength)); } end; const B_OS_NAME_LENGTH = 32; B_PAGE_SIZE = 4096; const B_NO_LOCK = 0; B_LAZY_LOCK = 1; B_FULL_LOCK = 2; B_CONTIGUOUS = 3; B_LOMEM = 4; B_ANY_ADDRESS = 0; B_EXACT_ADDRESS = 1; B_BASE_ADDRESS = 2; B_CLONE_ADDRESS = 3; B_ANY_KERNEL_ADDRESS = 4; B_READ_AREA = 1; B_WRITE_AREA = 2; type area_id = Longint; function create_area(name : pchar; var addr : longint; addr_typ : longint; size : longint; lock_type: longint; protection : longint): area_id; var args : SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := cint(name); args.param[2] := cint(@addr); args.param[3] := cint(addr_typ); args.param[4] := cint(size); args.param[5] := cint(lock_type); args.param[6] := cint(protection); create_area := SysCall(syscall_nr_create_area, args); end; Function Fpmmap(start:pointer;len:size_t;prot:cint;flags:cint;fd:cint;offst:off_t):pointer; [public, alias: 'FPC_SYSC_MMAP']; var heap_handle : area_id; const zero=0; myheapsize=$20000; myheaprealsize=$20000; var myheapstart:pointer; s : string; begin WriteLn('fpmmap'); Str(len, s); WriteLn(s); myheapstart:=start; {$IFDEF FPC_USE_LIBC} heap_handle := create_area('fpcheap',myheapstart,0,len,0,3);//!! {$ELSE} heap_handle := create_area('fpcheap',longint(myheapstart),0,len,0,3);//!! {$ENDIF} case heap_handle of B_BAD_VALUE : WriteLn('B_BAD_VALUE'); B_PAGE_SIZE : WriteLn('B_PAGE_SIZE'); B_NO_MEMORY : WriteLn('B_NO_MEMORY'); B_ERROR : WriteLn('B_ERROR'); end; fpmmap := myheapstart; // not available under BeOS // Fpmmap:=pointer(longint(do_syscall(syscall_nr_mmap,TSysParam(Start),Len,Prot,Flags,fd,{$ifdef cpupowerpc}0,{$endif}offst{$ifdef cpui386},0{$endif}))); end; {$endif} function Fpread(fd: cint; buf: pchar; nbytes : size_t): ssize_t; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_READ']; var args : SysCallArgs; funcresult: ssize_t; errorcode : cint; begin args.param[1] := fd; args.param[2] := cint(buf); args.param[3] := cint(nbytes); args.param[4] := cint(@errorcode); funcresult := ssize_t(Do_SysCall(syscall_nr_read,args)); if funcresult >= 0 then begin fpread := funcresult; errno := 0; end else begin fpread := -1; errno := errorcode; end; {begin Fpread:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_read,Fd,TSysParam(buf),nbytes); } end; //function Fpmywrite(fd: cint;const buf:pchar; nbytes : size_t): ssize_t; cdecl; external name 'write'; function Fpwrite(fd: cint;buf:pchar; nbytes : size_t): ssize_t; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_WRITE']; var args : SysCallArgs; funcresult : ssize_t; errorcode : cint; begin errorcode := 0; // There is a bug in syscall in 1.9 under BeOS !!! // Fixed ! 26/05/2004 ! See in syscall.inc args.param[1] := fd; args.param[2] := cint(buf); args.param[3] := cint(nbytes); args.param[4] := cint(@errorcode); funcresult := Do_SysCall(syscall_nr_write,args); // funcresult := Fpmywrite(fd, buf, nbytes); if funcresult >= 0 then begin fpwrite := funcresult; errno := 0; end else begin fpwrite := -1; errno := errorcode; end; {begin Fpwrite:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_write,Fd,TSysParam(buf),nbytes); } end; function Fpunlink(const path: pchar): cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_UNLINK']; var args :SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[2] := cint(path); fpunlink := SysCall(syscall_nr_unlink,args); {begin Fpunlink:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_unlink,TSysParam(path)); } end; function Fprename(old : pchar; newpath: pchar): cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_RENAME']; var args: SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[2] := cint(old); args.param[3] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[4] := cint(newpath); fprename := SysCall(syscall_nr_rename,args); {begin Fprename:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_rename,TSysParam(old),TSysParam(newpath)); } end; function Fpstat(const path: pchar; var buf : stat):cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_STAT']; var args : SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[2] := cint(path); args.param[3] := cint(@buf); args.param[4] := $01000000; fpstat := SysCall(syscall_nr_stat, args); {begin Fpstat:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_stat,TSysParam(path),TSysParam(@buf)); } end; {***************************************************************************** --- Directory:Directory related calls --- *****************************************************************************} function Fpchdir(path : pchar): cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_CHDIR']; var args: SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[2] := cint(path); fpchdir := SysCall(syscall_nr_chdir, args); {begin Fpchdir:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_chdir,TSysParam(path)); } end; function Fpmkdir(path : pchar; mode: mode_t):cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_MKDIR']; var args :SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[2] := cint(path); args.param[3] := cint(mode); fpmkdir := SysCall(syscall_nr_mkdir,args); (*begin {Mode is 16-bit on F-BSD 4!} Fpmkdir:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_mkdir,TSysParam(path),mode); *) end; function Fprmdir(path : pchar): cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_RMDIR']; var args: SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[2] := cint(path); fprmdir := SysCall(syscall_nr_rmdir,args); {begin Fprmdir:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_rmdir,TSysParam(path)); } end; {$ifndef NewReaddir} const DIRBLKSIZ=1024; function Fpopendir(dirname : pchar): pdir; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_OPENDIR']; var args : SysCallArgs; dirp: pdir; fd : cint; begin New(dirp); { just in case } FillChar(dirp^,sizeof(dir),#0); if assigned(dirp) then begin args.param[1] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[2] := cint(dirname); args.param[3] := 0; fd:=SysCall(syscall_nr_opendir,args); if fd = -1 then begin Dispose(dirp); fpopendir := nil; exit; end; dirp^.fd := fd; fpopendir := dirp; exit; end; Errno := ESysEMFILE; fpopendir := nil; (*var fd:longint; st:stat; ptr:pdir; begin Fpopendir:=nil; if Fpstat(dirname,st)<0 then exit; { Is it a dir ? } if not((st.st_mode and $f000)=$4000)then begin errno:=ESysENOTDIR; exit end; { Open it} fd:=Fpopen(dirname,O_RDONLY,438); if fd<0 then Begin Errno:=-1; exit; End; new(ptr); if ptr=nil then Begin Errno:=1; exit; End; Getmem(ptr^.dd_buf,2*DIRBLKSIZ); if ptr^.dd_buf=nil then exit; ptr^.dd_fd:=fd; ptr^.dd_loc:=-1; ptr^.dd_rewind:=longint(ptr^.dd_buf); ptr^.dd_size:=0; // ptr^.dd_max:=sizeof(ptr^.dd_buf^); Fpopendir:=ptr; *) end; function Fpclosedir(dirp : pdir): cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_CLOSEDIR']; var args : SysCallArgs; begin if assigned(dirp) then begin args.param[1] := dirp^.fd; fpclosedir := SysCall(syscall_nr_closedir,args); Dispose(dirp); dirp := nil; exit; end; Errno := ESysEBADF; fpclosedir := -1; {begin Fpclosedir:=Fpclose(dirp^.dd_fd); Freemem(dirp^.dd_buf); dispose(dirp); } end; function Fpreaddir(dirp : pdir) : pdirent; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_READDIR']; {Different from Linux, Readdir on BSD is based on Getdents, due to the missing of the readdir syscall. Getdents requires the buffer to be larger than the blocksize. This usually the sectorsize =512 bytes, but maybe tapedrives and harddisks with blockmode have this higher?} (*function readbuffer:longint; var retval :longint; begin Retval:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_getdents,TSysParam(dirp^.dd_fd),TSysParam(@dirp^.dd_buf^),DIRBLKSIZ {sizeof(getdentsbuffer)}); dirp^.dd_rewind:=TSysParam(dirp^.dd_buf); if retval=0 then begin dirp^.dd_rewind:=0; dirp^.dd_loc:=0; end else dirP^.dd_loc:=retval; readbuffer:=retval; end;*) var args : SysCallArgs; funcresult : cint; begin args.param[1] := dirp^.fd; args.param[2] := cint(@(dirp^.ent)); args.param[3] := $0000011C; args.param[4] := $00000001; { the error will be processed here } funcresult := Do_SysCall(syscall_nr_readdir, args); if funcresult <> 1 then begin if funcresult <> 0 then errno := funcresult; fpreaddir := nil; exit; end; errno := 0; fpreaddir := @dirp^.ent (* var FinalEntry : pdirent; novalid : boolean; Reclen : Longint; CurEntry : PDirent; begin if (dirp^.dd_buf=nil) or (dirp^.dd_loc=0) THEN exit(nil); if (dirp^.dd_loc=-1) OR {First readdir on this pdir. Initial fill of buffer} (dirp^.dd_rewind>=(longint(dirp^.dd_buf)+dirblksiz)) then {no more entries left?} Begin if readbuffer=0 then {succesful read?} Exit(NIL); {No more data} End; FinalEntry:=NIL; CurEntry:=nil; repeat novalid:=false; CurEntry:=pdirent(dirp^.dd_rewind); RecLen:=CurEntry^.d_reclen; if RecLen<>0 Then begin {valid direntry?} if CurEntry^.d_fileno<>0 then FinalEntry:=CurEntry; inc(dirp^.dd_rewind,Reclen); end else begin {block entirely searched or reclen=0} Novalid:=True; if dirp^.dd_loc<>0 THEN {blocks left?} if readbuffer()<>0 then {succesful read?} novalid:=false; end; until (FinalEntry<>nil) or novalid; If novalid then FinalEntry:=nil; FpReadDir:=FinalEntry;*) end; {$endif} {***************************************************************************** --- Process:Process & program handling - related calls --- *****************************************************************************} procedure Fpexit(status : cint); [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_EXIT']; var args : SysCallArgs; begin // sys_exit(status); args.param[1] := status; do_syscall(syscall_nr_exit, args); end; { Change action of process upon receipt of a signal. Signum specifies the signal (all except SigKill and SigStop). If Act is non-nil, it is used to specify the new action. If OldAct is non-nil the previous action is saved there. } function Fpsigaction(sig: cint; var act : sigactionrec; var oact : sigactionrec): cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_SIGACTION']; { Change action of process upon receipt of a signal. Signum specifies the signal (all except SigKill and SigStop). If Act is non-nil, it is used to specify the new action. If OldAct is non-nil the previous action is saved there. } var args : SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := sig; args.param[2] := cint(@act); args.param[3] := cint(@oact); fpsigaction := SysCall(syscall_nr_sigaction, args); //begin // do_syscall(syscall_nr_sigaction,TSysParam(sig),TSysParam(@act),TSysParam(@oact)); end; (*=================== MOVED from sysunix.inc ========================*) function Fpfstat(fd : cint; var sb : stat): cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_FSTAT']; var args : SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := fd; args.param[2] := $00; args.param[3] := cint(@sb); args.param[4] := $00000001; fpfstat := SysCall(syscall_nr_fstat, args); {begin fpFStat:=do_SysCall(syscall_nr_fstat,fd,TSysParam(@sb)); } end; {$ifdef NewReaddir} {$I readdir.inc} {$endif} function fork : pid_t; external 'root' name 'fork'; { These routines are currently not required for BeOS } function Fpfork : pid_t; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_FORK']; { This function issues the 'fork' System call. the program is duplicated in memory and Execution continues in parent and child process. In the parent process, fork returns the PID of the child. In the child process, zero is returned. A negative value indicates that an error has occurred, the error is returned in LinuxError. } Begin WriteLn('fpfork'); fpfork := fork; // Not required for BeOS // Fpfork:=Do_syscall(SysCall_nr_fork); End; { function Fpexecve(const path : pathstr; const argv : ppchar; const envp: ppchar): cint; } { Replaces the current program by the program specified in path, arguments in args are passed to Execve. environment specified in ep is passed on. } { Begin path:=path+#0; do_syscall(syscall_nr_Execve,TSysParam(@path[1]),TSysParam(Argv),TSysParam(envp)); End; } { function Fpexecve(const path : pchar; const argv : ppchar; const envp: ppchar): cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_EXECVE']; } { Replaces the current program by the program specified in path, arguments in args are passed to Execve. environment specified in ep is passed on. } { Begin do_syscall(syscall_nr_Execve,TSysParam(path),TSysParam(Argv),TSysParam(envp)); End; } function waitpid(pid : pid_t; stat_loc : pcint; options: cint): pid_t; external 'root' name 'waitpid'; function Fpwaitpid(pid : pid_t; stat_loc : pcint; options: cint): pid_t; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_WAITPID']; { Waits until a child with PID Pid exits, or returns if it is exited already. Any resources used by the child are freed. The exit status is reported in the adress referred to by Status. It should be a longint. } begin // actually a wait4() call with 4th arg 0. FpWaitPID := waitpid(pid, stat_loc, options); // FpWaitPID:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_WaitPID,PID,TSysParam(Stat_loc),options,0); end; function Fpaccess(const pathname : pchar; amode : cint): cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_ACCESS']; { Test users access rights on the specified file. Mode is a mask xosisting of one or more of R_OK, W_OK, X_OK, F_OK. R,W,X stand for read,write and Execute access, simultaneously. F_OK checks whether the test would be allowed on the file. i.e. It checks the search permissions in all directory components of the path. The test is done with the real user-ID, instead of the effective. If access is denied, or an error occurred, false is returned. If access is granted, true is returned. Errors other than no access,are reported in unixerror. } var args : SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[2] := cint(pathname); args.param[3] := amode; fpaccess := SysCall(syscall_nr_access,args); {begin FpAccess:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_access,TSysParam(pathname),amode); } end; (* function Fpaccess(const pathname : pathstr; amode : cint): cint; { Test users access rights on the specified file. Mode is a mask xosisting of one or more of R_OK, W_OK, X_OK, F_OK. R,W,X stand for read,write and Execute access, simultaneously. F_OK checks whether the test would be allowed on the file. i.e. It checks the search permissions in all directory components of the path. The test is done with the real user-ID, instead of the effective. If access is denied, or an error occurred, false is returned. If access is granted, true is returned. Errors other than no access,are reported in unixerror. } begin pathname:=pathname+#0; Access:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_access, TSysParam(@pathname[1]),mode)=0; end; *) Function FpDup(fildes:cint):cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_DUP']; begin {$warning TODO BeOS FpDup implementation} // Fpdup:=Do_syscall(syscall_nr_dup,TSysParam(fildes)); end; Function FpDup2(fildes,fildes2:cint):cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_DUP2']; begin {$warning TODO BeOS FpDup2 implementation} // Fpdup2:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_dup2,TSysParam(fildes),TSysParam(fildes2)); end; Function Fpmunmap(start:pointer;len:size_t):cint; [public, alias :'FPC_SYSC_MUNMAP']; begin {$warning TODO BeOS Fpmunmap implementation} // Fpmunmap:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_munmap,TSysParam(start),Len); end; { Interface to Unix ioctl call. Performs various operations on the filedescriptor Handle. Ndx describes the operation to perform. Data points to data needed for the Ndx function. The structure of this data is function-dependent. } Function FpIOCtl(Handle:cint;Ndx: culong;Data: Pointer):cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_IOCTL']; // This was missing here, instead hardcoded in Do_IsDevice begin {$warning TODO BeOS FpIOCtl implementation} // FpIOCtl:=do_SysCall(syscall_nr_ioctl,handle,Ndx,TSysParam(data)); end; Function FpGetPid:LongInt; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_GETPID']; { Get Process ID. } begin {$warning TODO BeOS FpGetPid implementation} // FpGetPID:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_getpid); end; function fpgettimeofday(tp: ptimeval;tzp:ptimezone):cint; [public, alias: 'FPC_SYSC_GETTIMEOFDAY']; begin {$warning TODO BeOS fpgettimeofday implementation} // fpgettimeofday:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_gettimeofday,TSysParam(tp),TSysParam(tzp)); end; function FPSigProcMask(how:cint;nset : psigset;oset : psigset):cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_SIGPROCMASK']; { Change the list of currently blocked signals. How determines which signals will be blocked : SigBlock : Add SSet to the current list of blocked signals SigUnBlock : Remove the signals in SSet from the list of blocked signals. SigSetMask : Set the list of blocked signals to SSet if OldSSet is non-null, the old set will be saved there. } begin {$warning TODO BeOS FPSigProcMask implementation} // FPsigprocmask:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_sigprocmask,longint(how),longint(nset),longint(oset)); end; {$user BLA!} Function FpNanoSleep(req : ptimespec;rem : ptimespec) : cint; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_NANOSLEEP']; begin {$warning TODO BeOS FpNanoSleep implementation} {$ifndef darwin} // FpNanoSleep:=Do_SysCall(syscall_nr_nanosleep,TSysParam(req),TSysParam(rem)); {$else not darwin} {$warning: TODO: nanosleep!!!} {$endif not darwin} end; function Fpgetcwd(pt:pchar; _size:size_t):pchar;[public, alias :'FPC_SYSC_GETCWD']; {$ifndef darwin} const intpathmax = 1024-4; // didn't use POSIX data in libc // implementation. var ept,bpt : pchar; c : char; ret : cint; begin {$warning TODO BeOS Fpgetcwd implementation} (* if pt=NIL Then begin // POSIX: undefined. (exit(nil) ?) // BSD : allocate mem for path. getmem(pt,intpathmax); if pt=nil Then exit(nil); ept:=pt+intpathmax; end else Begin if (_size=0) Then Begin seterrno(ESysEINVAL); exit(nil); End; if (_size=1) Then Begin seterrno(ESysERANGE); exit(nil); End; ept:=pt+_size; end; ret := do_syscall(syscall_nr___getcwd,TSysParam(pt),TSysParam( ept - pt)); If (ret = 0) Then If (pt[0] <> '/') Then Begin bpt := pt; ept := pt + strlen(pt) - 1; While (bpt < ept) Do Begin c := bpt^; bpt^:=ept^; inc(bpt); ept^:=c; dec(ept); End; End; Fpgetcwd:=pt;*) end; {$else not darwin} {$i getcwd.inc} {$endif darwin} {$endif} Function Do_IsDevice(Handle:Longint):boolean; { Interface to Unix ioctl call. Performs various operations on the filedescriptor Handle. Ndx describes the operation to perform. Data points to data needed for the Ndx function. The structure of this data is function-dependent. } begin do_isdevice:= (handle=StdInputHandle) or (handle=StdOutputHandle) or (handle=StdErrorHandle); end; { extern _IMPEXP_ROOT status_t get_image_symbol(image_id imid, const char *name, int32 sclass, void **ptr); extern _IMPEXP_ROOT status_t get_nth_image_symbol(image_id imid, int32 index, char *buf, int32 *bufsize, int32 *sclass, void **ptr); } // {$ifdef FPC_USE_LIBC} // private; use the macros, below function _get_image_info(image : image_id; var info : image_info; size : size_t) : status_t; cdecl; external 'root' name '_get_image_info'; function _get_next_image_info(team : team_id; var cookie : Longint; var info : image_info; size : size_t) : status_t; cdecl; external 'root' name '_get_next_image_info'; function get_image_info(image : image_id; var info : image_info) : status_t; begin Result := _get_image_info(image, info, SizeOf(info)); end; function get_next_image_info(team : team_id; var cookie : Longint; var info : image_info) : status_t; begin Result := _get_next_image_info(team, cookie, info, SizeOf(info)); end; {$else} function wait_for_thread(thread: thread_id; var status : status_t): status_t; var args: SysCallArgs; i: longint; begin args.param[1] := cint(thread); args.param[2] := cint(@status); wait_for_thread := SysCall(syscall_nr_wait_thread, args); end; function get_team_info(team: team_id; var info : team_info): status_t; var args: SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := cint(team); args.param[2] := cint(@info); get_team_info := SysCall(syscall_nr_get_team_info, args); end; function kill_team(team: team_id): status_t; var args: SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := cint(team); kill_team := SysCall(syscall_nr_kill_team, args); end; function get_next_image_info(team : team_id; var cookie: longint;var info : image_info): status_t; var args: SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := cint(team); args.param[2] := cint(@cookie); args.param[3] := cint(@info); args.param[4] := cint(sizeof(image_info)); get_next_image_info := SysCall(syscall_nr_get_next_image_info, args); end; function load_image(argc : longint; argv : ppchar; envp : ppchar): thread_id; var args: SysCallArgs; i: longint; begin args.param[1] := cint(argc); args.param[2] := cint(argv); args.param[3] := cint(envp); load_image := SysCall(syscall_nr_load_image, args); end; function get_system_info(var info: system_info): status_t; var args: SysCallArgs; i: longint; begin args.param[1] := cint(@info); i := SysCall(syscall_nr_get_system_info, args); get_system_info := i; end; function dev_for_path(const pathname : pchar): dev_t; var args: SysCallArgs; buffer: array[1..15] of longint; i: cint; begin args.param[1] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[2] := cint(pathname); args.param[3] := cint(@buffer); args.param[4] := $01000000; if SysCall(syscall_nr_rstat, args)=0 then i:=buffer[1] else i:=-1; dev_for_path := i; end; function fs_stat_dev(device: dev_t; var info: fs_info): dev_t; var args: SysCallArgs; begin args.param[1] := cint(device); args.param[2] := 0; args.param[3] := $FFFFFFFF; args.param[4] := 0; args.param[5] := cint(@info); fs_stat_dev := SysCall(syscall_nr_statfs, args); end; {$endif} (* Implemented in sytem under BeOS CONST { Constansts for MMAP } MAP_PRIVATE =2; MAP_ANONYMOUS =$1000; Function sbrk(size : cint) : pointer; begin sbrk:=Fpmmap(nil,cardinal(Size),3,MAP_PRIVATE+MAP_ANONYMOUS,-1,0); if sbrk=pointer(-1) then sbrk:=nil else seterrno(0); end; *)