{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Peter Vreman member of the Free Pascal development team. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This file contains the implementation of several termio(s) functions This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {****************************************************************************** IOCtl and Termios calls ******************************************************************************} Function TCGetAttr(fd:cint;var tios:TermIOS):cint; begin TCGETAttr:=fpIoCtl(Fd,TIOCGETA,@tios); end; Function TCSetAttr(fd:cint;OptAct:cint;const tios:TermIOS):cint; var nr:cint; begin case OptAct of TCSANOW : nr:=TIOCSETA; TCSADRAIN : nr:=TIOCSETAW; TCSAFLUSH : nr:=TIOCSETAF; else begin fpsetErrNo(ESysEINVAL); TCSetAttr:=-1; exit; end; end; TCSetAttr:=fpIOCtl(fd,nr,@Tios); end; Procedure CFSetISpeed(var tios:TermIOS;speed:Cardinal); begin tios.c_ispeed:=speed; {Probably the Bxxxx speed constants} end; Procedure CFSetOSpeed(var tios:TermIOS;speed:Cardinal); begin tios.c_ospeed:=speed; end; Procedure CFMakeRaw(var tios:TermIOS); begin with tios do begin c_iflag:=c_iflag and (not (IMAXBEL or IXOFF or INPCK or BRKINT or PARMRK or ISTRIP or INLCR or IGNCR or ICRNL or IXON or IGNPAR)); c_iflag:=c_iflag OR IGNBRK; c_oflag:=c_oflag and (not OPOST); c_lflag:=c_lflag and (not (ECHO or ECHOE or ECHOK or ECHONL or ICANON or ISIG or IEXTEN or NOFLSH or TOSTOP or PENDIN)); c_cflag:=(c_cflag and (not (CSIZE or PARENB))) or (CS8 OR cread); c_cc[VMIN]:=1; c_cc[VTIME]:=0; end; end; //Function TCGetAttr(fd:cint;var tios:TermIOS):cint; cdecl; external 'c' name 'tcgetattr'; //Function TCSetAttr(fd:cint;OptAct:cint;const tios:TermIOS):cint; cdecl; external 'c' name 'tcsetattr'; //Procedure CFSetISpeed(var tios:TermIOS;speed:Cardinal); cdecl; external 'c' name 'cfsetispeed'; //Procedure CFSetOSpeed(var tios:TermIOS;speed:Cardinal); cdecl; external 'c' name 'cfsetospeed'; //Procedure CFMakeRaw(var tios:TermIOS); cdecl; external 'c' name 'cfmakeraw'; Function TCSendBreak(fd,duration:cint):cint; begin TCSendBreak:=fpIOCtl(fd,TIOCSBRK,nil); end; Function TCSetPGrp(fd,id:cint):cint; begin TCSetPGrp:=fpIOCtl(fd,TIOCSPGRP,pointer(id)); end; Function TCGetPGrp(fd:cint;var id:cint):cint; begin TCGetPGrp:=fpIOCtl(fd,TIOCGPGRP,@id); end; Function TCDrain(fd:cint):cint; begin TCDrain:=fpIOCtl(fd,TIOCDRAIN,nil); {Should set timeout to 1 first?} end; Function TCFlow(fd,act:cint):cint; begin case act OF TCOOFF : TCFlow:=fpIoctl(fd,TIOCSTOP,nil); TCOOn : TCFlow:=fpIOctl(Fd,TIOCStart,nil); TCIOFF : {N/I} end; end; Function TCFlush(fd,qsel:cint):cint; begin TCFlush:=fpIOCtl(fd,TIOCFLUSH,pointer(qsel)); end; Function IsATTY (Handle:cint):cint; { Check if the filehandle described by 'handle' is a TTY (Terminal) } var t : Termios; begin IsAtty:=TCGetAttr(Handle,t); end; Function IsATTY(var f: text):cint; { Idem as previous, only now for text variables. } begin IsATTY:=IsaTTY(textrec(f).handle); end; { $Log: termiosproc.inc,v $ Revision 1.5 2005/02/14 17:13:22 peter * truncate log }