{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Pierre Muller FPU Emulator support See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} unit emu387; interface procedure npxsetup(prog_name : string); implementation {$asmmode ATT} uses dxeload,dpmiexcp,strings; type emu_entry_type = function(exc : pexception_state) : longint; var _emu_entry : emu_entry_type; procedure _control87(mask1,mask2 : longint); begin { Copyright (C) 1995 DJ Delorie, see COPYING.DJ for details } { from file cntrl87.s in src/libc/pc_hw/fpu } asm { make room on stack } pushl %eax fstcw (%esp) fwait popl %eax andl $0xffff, %eax { OK; we have the old value ready } movl mask2, %ecx notl %ecx andl %eax, %ecx { the bits we want to keep } movl mask2, %edx andl mask1, %edx { the bits we want to change } orl %ecx, %edx { the new value } pushl %edx fldcw (%esp) popl %edx end; end; { the problem with the stack that is not cleared } function emu_entry(exc : pexception_state) : longint; begin emu_entry:=_emu_entry(exc); end; function nofpsig( sig : longint) : longint;cdecl; const last_eip : longint = 0; var res : longint; begin {if last_eip=djgpp_exception_state^.__eip then begin writeln('emu call two times at same address'); dpmi_set_coprocessor_emulation(1); _raise(SIGFPE); exit(0); end; } last_eip:=djgpp_exception_state^.__eip; res:=emu_entry(djgpp_exception_state); if res<>0 then begin writeln('emu call failed. res = ',res); dpmi_set_coprocessor_emulation(1); _raise(SIGFPE); exit(0); end; dpmi_longjmp(pdpmi_jmp_buf(djgpp_exception_state)^, djgpp_exception_state^.__eax); nofpsig:=0; end; var prev_exit : pointer; procedure restore_DPMI_fpu_state; begin exitproc:=prev_exit; { Enable Coprocessor, no exceptions } dpmi_set_coprocessor_emulation(1); {$ifdef SYSTEMDEBUG} writeln(stderr,'Coprocessor restored '); {$endif} end; { function _detect_80387 : boolean; not used because of the underscore problem } {$L fpu.o } function getenv(const envvar:string):string; { Copied here, preserves uses Dos (PFV) } var hp : ppchar; hs, _envvar : string; eqpos : longint; begin _envvar:=upcase(envvar); hp:=envp; getenv:=''; while assigned(hp^) do begin hs:=strpas(hp^); eqpos:=pos('=',hs); if copy(hs,1,eqpos-1)=_envvar then begin getenv:=copy(hs,eqpos+1,255); exit; end; inc(hp); end; end; function __detect_80387:byte;external name '__detect_80387'; procedure npxsetup(prog_name : string); var cp : string; i : byte; have_80387 : boolean; emu_p : pointer; const veryfirst : boolean = True; begin cp:=getenv('387'); if (length(cp)>0) and (upcase(cp[1])='N') then have_80387:=False else begin dpmi_set_coprocessor_emulation(1); asm call __detect_80387 movb %al,have_80387 end; end; if (length(cp)>0) and (upcase(cp[1])='Q') then begin if not have_80387 then write(stderr,'No '); writeln(stderr,'80387 detected.'); end; if have_80387 then begin { mask all exceptions, except invalid operation } { change to same value as in v2prt0.as (PM) } _control87($0332, $ffff) end else begin { Flags value 3 means coprocessor emulation, exceptions to us } if (dpmi_set_coprocessor_emulation(3)<>0) then begin writeln(stderr,'Warning: Coprocessor not present and DPMI setup failed!'); writeln(stderr,' If application attempts floating operations system may hang!'); end else begin cp:=getenv('EMU387'); if length(cp)=0 then begin for i:=length(prog_name) downto 1 do if prog_name[i] in AllowDirectorySeparators then break; if i>1 then cp:=copy(prog_name,1,i); cp:=cp+'wmemu387.dxe'; end; emu_p:=dxe_load(cp); _emu_entry:=emu_entry_type(emu_p); if (emu_p=nil) then begin writeln(cp+' load failed !'); halt; end; if veryfirst then begin veryfirst:=false; prev_exit:=exitproc; exitproc:=@restore_DPMI_fpu_state; end; signal(SIGNOFP,@nofpsig); end; end; end; begin npxsetup(paramstr(0)); end.