{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Pierre Muller, member of the Free Pascal development team. Profiling support for Go32V2 See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ********************************************************************** } {$S- do not use stackcheck here .. PM } {$ifdef FPC_PROFILE} {$error } {$message you can not compile profile unit with profiling} {$endif FPC_PROFILE} Unit profile; interface type header = record low,high,nbytes : longint; end; { entry of a GPROF type file } ppMTABE = ^pMTABE; pMTABE = ^MTABE; MTABE = record from,_to,count : longint; end; { internal form - sizeof(MTAB) is 4096 for efficiency } PMTAB = ^M_TAB; M_TAB = record calls : array [0..340] of MTABE; prev : PMTAB; end; const mcount_skip : longint = 1; mtab : PMTAB = nil; var h : header; histogram : ^integer; histlen : longint; oldexitproc : pointer; { called by functions. Use the pointer it provides to cache the last used MTABE, so that repeated calls to/from the same pair works quickly - no lookup. } procedure mcount; implementation {$asmmode ATT} uses go32,dpmiexcp; type plongint = ^longint; const cache : pMTABE = nil; var djgpp_old_timer : tseginfo;external name '___djgpp_old_timer'; start : longint;external name 'start'; _etext : longint;external name '_etext'; starttext : longint; endtext : longint; procedure djgpp_timer_hdlr;external name '___djgpp_timer_hdlr'; procedure sbrk_getmem(var p : pointer;size : longint); begin system.getmem(p,size); end; { problem how to avoid mcount calling itself !! } procedure mcount; [public, alias : 'MCOUNT']; { ebp contains the frame of mcount (ebp) the frame of calling (to_) ((ebp)) the frame of from } var m : pmtab; i,to_,ebp,from,mtabi : longint; begin { optimisation !! } asm pushal movl 4(%ebp),%eax movl %eax,to_ movl (%ebp),%eax movl 4(%eax),%eax movl %eax,from end; if endtext=0 then asm popal leave ret end; mcount_skip := 1; if (to_ > endtext) or (from > endtext) then runerror(255); if ((cache<>nil) and (cache^.from=from) and (cache^._to=to_)) then begin { cache paid off - works quickly } inc(cache^.count); mcount_skip:=0; asm popal leave ret end; end; { no cache hit - search all mtab tables for a match, or an empty slot } mtabi := -1; m:=mtab; while m<>nil do begin for i:=0 to 340 do begin if m^.calls[i].from=0 then begin { empty slot - end of table } mtabi := i; break; end; if ((m^.calls[i].from = from) and (m^.calls[i]._to = to_)) then begin { found a match - bump count and return } inc(m^.calls[i].count); cache:=@(m^.calls[i]); mcount_skip:=0; asm popal leave ret end; end; end; m:=m^.prev; end; if (mtabi<>-1) then begin { found an empty - fill it in } mtab^.calls[mtabi].from := from; mtab^.calls[mtabi]._to := to_; mtab^.calls[mtabi].count := 1; cache := @(mtab^.calls[mtabi]); mcount_skip := 0; asm popal leave ret end; end; { lob off another page of memory and initialize the new table } { problem here : getmem is not reentrant yet !! PM } { lets hope that a direct call to sbrk correct this } sbrk_getmem(m,sizeof(M_TAB)); fillchar(m^, sizeof(M_TAB),#0); m^.prev := mtab; mtab := m; m^.calls[0].from := from; m^.calls[0]._to := to_; m^.calls[0].count := 1; cache := @(m^.calls[0]); mcount_skip := 0; asm popal leave ret end; end; var new_timer, old_timer : tseginfo; invalid_mcount_call, mcount_nb, doublecall, reload : longint; {=0} function mcount_tick(x : longint) : longint;cdecl; var bin : longint; begin if mcount_skip=0 then begin bin := djgpp_exception_state^.__eip; if (djgpp_exception_state^.__cs=get_cs) and (bin >= starttext) and (bin <= endtext) then begin bin := (bin - starttext) div 16; inc(histogram[bin]); end else inc(invalid_mcount_call); inc(mcount_nb); end else inc(doublecall); mcount_tick:=0; end; var ___djgpp_timer_countdown:longint;external name '___djgpp_timer_countdown'; function timer(x : longint) : longint;cdecl; begin if reload>0 then ___djgpp_timer_countdown:=RELOAD; timer:=mcount_tick(x); { _raise(SIGPROF); } end; procedure mcount_write; { this is called during program exit } var m : PMTAB; i : longint; f : file; begin mcount_skip:=1; signal(SIGTIMR,@SIG_IGN); signal(SIGPROF,@SIG_IGN); set_pm_interrupt($8,old_timer); reload:=0; exitproc:=oldexitproc; writeln(stderr,'Writing profile output'); writeln(stderr,'histogram length = ',histlen); writeln(stderr,'Nb of double calls = ',doublecall); if invalid_mcount_call>0 then writeln(stderr,'nb of invalid mcount : ',invalid_mcount_call,'/',mcount_nb) else writeln(stderr,'nb of mcount : ',mcount_nb); assign(f,'gmon.out'); rewrite(f,1); blockwrite(f, h, sizeof(header)); blockwrite(f, histogram^, histlen); m:=mtab; while m<>nil do begin for i:=0 to 340 do begin if (m^.calls[i].from = 0) then break; blockwrite(f, m^.calls[i],sizeof(MTABE)); {$ifdef DEBUG} if m^.calls[i].count>0 then writeln(stderr,' 0x',hexstr(m^.calls[i]._to,8),' called from ',hexstr(m^.calls[i].from,8), ' ',m^.calls[i].count,' times'); {$endif DEBUG} end; m:=m^.prev; end; close(f); end; procedure mcount_init; { this is called to initialize profiling before the program starts } procedure set_old_timer_handler; begin djgpp_old_timer:=Old_Timer; end; begin starttext:=longint(@start); endtext:=longint(@_etext); h.low := starttext; h.high := endtext; histlen := ((h.high-h.low) div 16) * 2; { must be even } h.nbytes := sizeof(header) + histlen; getmem(histogram,histlen); fillchar(histogram^, histlen,#0); oldexitproc:=exitproc; exitproc:=@mcount_write; { here, do whatever it takes to initialize the timer interrupt } signal(SIGPROF,@mcount_tick); signal(SIGTIMR,@timer); get_pm_interrupt($8,old_timer); set_old_timer_handler; {$ifdef DEBUG} writeln(stderr,'ori pm int8 '+hexstr(old_timer.segment,4)+':'+hexstr(longint(old_timer.offset),8)); flush(stderr); {$endif DEBUG} new_timer.segment:=get_cs; new_timer.offset:=@djgpp_timer_hdlr; reload:=3; {$ifdef DEBUG} writeln(stderr,'new pm int8 '+hexstr(new_timer.segment,4)+':'+hexstr(longint(new_timer.offset),8)); flush(stderr); {$endif DEBUG} set_pm_interrupt($8,new_timer); reload:=1; ___djgpp_timer_countdown:=RELOAD; mcount_skip := 0; end; begin mcount_init; end.