{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2000 by Florian Klaempfl member of the Free Pascal development team. This unit implements several classes for charset conversions See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$mode objfpc} {$pointermath on} {$PACKENUM 1} unit charset; interface type tunicodechar = word; tunicodestring = ^tunicodechar; tunicodecharmappingflag = (umf_noinfo,umf_leadbyte,umf_undefined, umf_unused); punicodecharmapping = ^tunicodecharmapping; tunicodecharmapping = packed record unicode : tunicodechar; flag : tunicodecharmappingflag; reserved : byte; end; preversecharmapping = ^treversecharmapping; treversecharmapping = packed record unicode : tunicodechar; char1 : Byte; char2 : Byte; end; punicodemap = ^tunicodemap; tunicodemap = record cpname : string[20]; cp : word; map : punicodecharmapping; lastchar : longint; reversemap : preversecharmapping; reversemaplength : longint; next : punicodemap; internalmap : boolean; end; TSerializedMapHeader = packed record cpName : string[20]; cp : UInt16; mapLength : UInt32; lastChar : Int32; reverseMapLength : UInt32; end; const BINARY_MAPPING_FILE_EXT = '.bcm'; function loadunicodemapping(const cpname,f : string; cp :word) : punicodemap; function loadbinaryunicodemapping(const directory,cpname : string) : punicodemap;overload; function loadbinaryunicodemapping(const filename : string) : punicodemap;overload; function loadbinaryunicodemapping( const AData : Pointer; const ADataLength : Integer ) : punicodemap;overload; procedure registermapping(p : punicodemap); function registerbinarymapping(const directory,cpname : string):Boolean; function getmap(const s : string) : punicodemap; function getmap(cp : word) : punicodemap; function mappingavailable(const s : string) : boolean;inline; function mappingavailable(cp :word) : boolean;inline; function getunicode(c : char;p : punicodemap) : tunicodechar;inline; function getunicode( AAnsiStr : pansichar; AAnsiLen : LongInt; AMap : punicodemap; ADest : tunicodestring ) : LongInt; function getascii(c : tunicodechar;p : punicodemap) : string; function getascii(c : tunicodechar;p : punicodemap; ABuffer : PAnsiChar; ABufferLen : LongInt) : LongInt; implementation const UNKNOW_CHAR_A = ansichar(63); UNKNOW_CHAR_W = tunicodechar(63); var mappings : punicodemap; procedure QuickSort(AList: preversecharmapping; L, R : Longint); var I, J : Longint; P, Q : treversecharmapping; begin repeat I:=L; J:=R; P:=AList[(L + R) div 2]; repeat while (P.unicode-AList[I].unicode) > 0 do I:=I+1; while (P.unicode-AList[J].unicode) < 0 do J:=J-1; if I<=J then begin Q:=AList[I]; AList[I]:=AList[J]; AList[J]:=Q; I:=I+1; J:=J-1; end; until I > J; if J-L < R-I then begin if L=R; end; function find( const c : tunicodechar; const AData : preversecharmapping; const ALen : LongInt ) : preversecharmapping;overload; var l, h, m : longint; r:preversecharmapping; begin if ALen=0 then exit(nil); r:=AData; l:=0; h:=ALen-1; while lactualCount then ReAllocMem(r0,actualCount*SizeOf(treversecharmapping)); AResultLen:=actualCount; Result:=r0; end; function buildreversemap( const AMapping : punicodecharmapping; const ALen : LongInt; out AResultLen : LongInt ) : preversecharmapping; var r0, r, t : preversecharmapping; i, c, actualCount, ti : LongInt; p : punicodecharmapping; begin if (ALen<1) then exit(nil); p:=AMapping; c:=ALen; GetMem(r0,c*SizeOf(treversecharmapping)); r:=r0; actualCount:=0; i:=0; while iactualCount then ReAllocMem(r0,actualCount*SizeOf(treversecharmapping)); if actualCount>1 then begin QuickSort(r0,0,(actualCount-1)); t:=RemoveDuplicates(r0,actualCount,ti); FreeMem(r0,actualCount*SizeOf(treversecharmapping)); r0:=t; actualCount:=ti; end; AResultLen:=actualCount; Result:=r0; end; procedure inititems(const p : punicodecharmapping; const ALen : LongInt); const INIT_ITEM : tunicodecharmapping = (unicode:0; flag:umf_unused; reserved:0); var x : punicodecharmapping; i : LongInt; begin x:=p; for i:=0 to ALen-1 do begin x^:=INIT_ITEM; Inc(x); end; end; function loadunicodemapping(const cpname,f : string; cp :word) : punicodemap; var data : punicodecharmapping; datasize : longint; t : text; s,hs : string; scanpos,charpos,unicodevalue : longint; code : word; flag : tunicodecharmappingflag; p : punicodemap; lastchar, i : longint; begin lastchar:=-1; loadunicodemapping:=nil; datasize:=256; GetMem(data,sizeof(tunicodecharmapping)*datasize); inititems(data,datasize); assign(t,f); {$I-} reset(t); {$I+} if ioresult<>0 then begin freemem(data,sizeof(tunicodecharmapping)*datasize); exit; end; while not(eof(t)) do begin readln(t,s); if (s[1]='0') and (s[2]='x') then begin flag:=umf_unused; scanpos:=3; hs:='$'; while s[scanpos] in ['0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f'] do begin hs:=hs+s[scanpos]; inc(scanpos); end; val(hs,charpos,code); if code<>0 then begin freemem(data,sizeof(tunicodecharmapping)*datasize); close(t); exit; end; while not(s[scanpos] in ['0','#']) do inc(scanpos); if s[scanpos]='#' then begin { special char } unicodevalue:=$ffff; hs:=copy(s,scanpos,length(s)-scanpos+1); if hs='#DBCS LEAD BYTE' then flag:=umf_leadbyte; end else begin { C hex prefix } inc(scanpos,2); hs:='$'; while s[scanpos] in ['0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f'] do begin hs:=hs+s[scanpos]; inc(scanpos); end; val(hs,unicodevalue,code); if code<>0 then begin freemem(data,sizeof(tunicodecharmapping)*datasize); close(t); exit; end; if charpos>datasize then begin { allocate 1024 bytes more because } { if we need more than 256 entries it's } { probably a mbcs with a lot of } { entries } i:=datasize; datasize:=charpos+8*1024; reallocmem(data,sizeof(tunicodecharmapping)*datasize); inititems(@data[i],(datasize-i)); end; flag:=umf_noinfo; end; data[charpos].flag:=flag; data[charpos].unicode:=unicodevalue; if charpos>lastchar then lastchar:=charpos; end; end; close(t); new(p); p^.lastchar:=lastchar; p^.cpname:=cpname; p^.cp:=cp; p^.internalmap:=false; p^.next:=nil; p^.map:=data; p^.reversemap:=buildreversemap(p^.map,(p^.lastchar+1),p^.reversemaplength); loadunicodemapping:=p; end; function loadbinaryunicodemapping(const directory, cpname : string) : punicodemap; const {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} ENDIAN_SUFFIX = 'le'; {$ENDIF ENDIAN_LITTLE} {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} ENDIAN_SUFFIX = 'be'; {$ENDIF ENDIAN_BIG} var fileName : string; begin fileName := directory; if (fileName <> '') then begin if (fileName[Length(fileName)] <> DirectorySeparator) then fileName := fileName + DirectorySeparator; end; fileName := fileName + cpname + '_' + ENDIAN_SUFFIX + BINARY_MAPPING_FILE_EXT; Result := loadbinaryunicodemapping(fileName); end; {$PUSH} {$I-} function loadbinaryunicodemapping(const filename : string) : punicodemap; const BLOCK_SIZE = 16*1024; var f : File of Byte; locSize, locReaded, c : LongInt; locBuffer : PByte; locBlockSize : LongInt; begin Result := nil; if (filename='') then exit; Assign(f,filename); Reset(f); if (IOResult<>0) then exit; locSize:=FileSize(f); if (locSize(locSize-locReaded)) then locBlockSize:=locSize-locReaded; BlockRead(f,locBuffer[locReaded],locBlockSize,c); if (IOResult<>0) or (c<=0) then begin FreeMem(locBuffer,locSize); Close(f); exit; end; locReaded:=locReaded+c; end; Result:=loadbinaryunicodemapping(locBuffer,locSize); FreeMem(locBuffer,locSize); Close(f); end; {$POP} procedure freemapping(amapping : punicodemap); begin if (amapping = nil) then exit; if (amapping^.map <> nil) then freemem(amapping^.map); if (amapping^.reversemap <> nil) then freemem(amapping^.reversemap); dispose(amapping); end; function loadbinaryunicodemapping( const AData : Pointer; const ADataLength : Integer ) : punicodemap; var dataPointer : PByte; readedLength : LongInt; function ReadBuffer(ADest : Pointer; ALength : LongInt) : Boolean; begin Result := (readedLength + ALength) <= ADataLength; if not result then exit; Move(dataPointer^,ADest^,ALength); Inc(dataPointer,ALength); readedLength := readedLength + ALength; end; var h : TSerializedMapHeader; r : punicodemap; begin Result := nil; readedLength := 0; dataPointer := AData; if not ReadBuffer(@h,SizeOf(h)) then exit; New(r); FillChar(r^,SizeOf(tunicodemap),0); r^.cpname := h.cpName; r^.cp := h.cp; r^.map := AllocMem(h.mapLength); if not ReadBuffer(r^.map,h.mapLength) then begin freemapping(r); exit; end; r^.lastchar := h.lastChar; r^.reversemap := AllocMem(h.reverseMapLength); if not ReadBuffer(r^.reversemap,h.reverseMapLength) then begin freemapping(r); exit; end; r^.reversemaplength := (h.reverseMapLength div SizeOf(treversecharmapping)); Result := r; end; procedure registermapping(p : punicodemap); begin p^.next:=mappings; mappings:=p; end; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_FEATURE_THREADING} threadvar {$else FPC_HAS_FEATURE_THREADING} var {$endif FPC_HAS_FEATURE_THREADING} strmapcache : string; strmapcachep : punicodemap; function registerbinarymapping(const directory, cpname : string) : Boolean; var p : punicodemap; begin Result := False; p := loadbinaryunicodemapping(directory,cpname); if (p = nil) then exit; registermapping(p); Result := True; end; function getmap(const s : string) : punicodemap; var hp : punicodemap; begin if (strmapcache=s) and assigned(strmapcachep) and (strmapcachep^.cpname=s) then begin getmap:=strmapcachep; exit; end; hp:=mappings; while assigned(hp) do begin if hp^.cpname=s then begin getmap:=hp; strmapcache:=s; strmapcachep:=hp; exit; end; hp:=hp^.next; end; getmap:=nil; end;//////// {$ifdef FPC_HAS_FEATURE_THREADING} threadvar {$else FPC_HAS_FEATURE_THREADING} var {$endif FPC_HAS_FEATURE_THREADING} intmapcache : word; intmapcachep : punicodemap; function getmap(cp : word) : punicodemap; var hp : punicodemap; begin if (intmapcache=cp) and assigned(intmapcachep) and (intmapcachep^.cp=cp) then begin getmap:=intmapcachep; exit; end; hp:=mappings; while assigned(hp) do begin if hp^.cp=cp then begin getmap:=hp; intmapcache:=cp; intmapcachep:=hp; exit; end; hp:=hp^.next; end; getmap:=nil; end; function mappingavailable(const s : string) : boolean; begin mappingavailable:=getmap(s)<>nil; end; function mappingavailable(cp : word) : boolean; begin mappingavailable:=getmap(cp)<>nil; end; function getunicode(c : char;p : punicodemap) : tunicodechar; begin if ord(c)<=p^.lastchar then getunicode:=p^.map[ord(c)].unicode else getunicode:=0; end; function getunicode( AAnsiStr : pansichar; AAnsiLen : LongInt; AMap : punicodemap; ADest : tunicodestring ) : LongInt; var i, c, k, destLen : longint; ps : pansichar; pd : ^tunicodechar; begin if (AAnsiStr=nil) or (AAnsiLen<=0) then exit(0); ps:=AAnsiStr; if (ADest=nil) then begin c:=AAnsiLen-1; destLen:=0; i:=0; while (i<=c) do begin if (ord(ps^)<=AMap^.lastchar) then begin if (AMap^.map[ord(ps^)].flag=umf_leadbyte) and (inil then begin if rm^.char2=0 then begin SetLength(Result,1); Byte(Result[1]):=rm^.char1; end else begin SetLength(Result,2); Byte(Result[1]):=rm^.char1; Byte(Result[2]):=rm^.char2; end; end else Result:=UNKNOW_CHAR_A; end; function getascii(c : tunicodechar;p : punicodemap; ABuffer : PAnsiChar; ABufferLen : LongInt) : LongInt; var rm : preversecharmapping; begin if (ABuffer<>nil) and (ABufferLen<=0) then exit(-1); rm:=find(c,p); if rm<>nil then begin if (ABuffer=nil) then begin if rm^.char2=0 then Result:=1 else Result:=2; end else begin if rm^.char2=0 then begin Byte(ABuffer^):=rm^.char1; Result:=1; end else begin if (ABufferLen<2) then Result:=-1 else begin Byte(ABuffer^):=rm^.char1; Byte((ABuffer+1)^):=rm^.char2; Result:=2; end end; end; end else begin ABuffer^:=UNKNOW_CHAR_A; Result:=1; end; end; var hp : punicodemap; initialization mappings:=nil; finalization while assigned(mappings) do begin hp:=mappings^.next; if not(mappings^.internalmap) then begin freemem(mappings^.map); freemem(mappings^.reversemap); dispose(mappings); end; mappings:=hp; end; end.