{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the Free Pascal development team. Processor independent implementation for the system unit (adapted for intel i386.inc file) See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {**************************************************************************** Primitives ****************************************************************************} type pstring = ^shortstring; {$ifndef FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_SHORTSTR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} {$define FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_SHORTSTR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} procedure fpc_shortstr_shortstr_intern_charmove(const src: shortstring; const srcindex: byte; var dst: shortstring; const dstindex, len: byte); {$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin move(src[srcindex],dst[dstindex],len); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_SHORTSTR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_CHARARRAY_INTERN_CHARMOVE} {$define FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_CHARARRAY_INTERN_CHARMOVE} procedure fpc_shortstr_chararray_intern_charmove(const src: shortstring; out dst: array of char; const len: sizeint); begin move(src[1],pchar(@dst)^,len); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_CHARARRAY_INTERN_CHARMOVE} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MOVE} procedure Move(const source;var dest;count:SizeInt);[public, alias: 'FPC_MOVE']; var aligncount : sizeint; pdest,psrc,pend : pbyte; begin if (@dest=@source) or (count<=0) then exit; if (@dest<@source) or (@source+count<@dest) then begin { Forward Move } psrc:=@source; pdest:=@dest; if (Count>4*sizeof(ptruint)-11) {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} and ((PtrUInt(pdest) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1))=(PtrUInt(psrc) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1))) {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} then begin { Align on native pointer size } aligncount:=(PtrUInt(pdest) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1)); dec(count,aligncount); pend:=psrc+aligncount; while psrc4*sizeof(ptruint)-11) {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} and ((PtrUInt(pdest) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1))=(PtrUInt(psrc) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1))) {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} then begin { Align on native pointer size } aligncount:=(PtrUInt(pdest) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1)); dec(count,aligncount); pend:=psrc-aligncount; while psrc>pend do begin dec(pdest); dec(psrc); pdest^:=psrc^; end; { use sizeuint typecast to force shr optimization } pptruint(pend):=pptruint(psrc)-(sizeuint(count) div sizeof(ptruint)); while psrc>pend do begin dec(pptruint(pdest)); dec(pptruint(psrc)); pptruint(pdest)^:=pptruint(psrc)^; end; count:=count and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1); end; pend:=psrc-count; while psrc>pend do begin dec(pdest); dec(psrc); pdest^:=psrc^; end; end; end; {$endif not FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MOVE} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FILLCHAR} Procedure FillChar(var x;count:SizeInt;value:byte); var pdest,pend : pbyte; v : ptruint; begin if count <= 0 then exit; pdest:=@x; if Count>4*sizeof(ptruint)-1 then begin v:=(value shl 8) or value; v:=(v shl 16) or v; {$ifdef CPU64} v:=(v shl 32) or v; {$endif CPU64} { Align on native pointer size } pend:=pbyte(align(pdest,sizeof(PtrUInt))); dec(count,pend-pdest); while pdest4*sizeof(ptruint)-1 then begin v:=(value shl 16) or value; {$ifdef CPU64} v:=(v shl 32) or v; {$endif CPU64} { Align on native pointer size } aligncount:=(PtrUInt(pdest) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1)) shr 1; dec(count,aligncount); pend:=pdest+aligncount; while pdest4*sizeof(ptruint)-1 then begin v:=value; {$ifdef CPU64} v:=(v shl 32) or v; {$endif CPU64} { Align on native pointer size } aligncount:=(PtrUInt(pdest) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1)) shr 2; dec(count,aligncount); pend:=pdest+aligncount; while pdest high(PtrInt)) or (psrc+len < psrc) then pend:=pword(high(PtrUInt)-sizeof(word)) else pend:=psrc+len; {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} if (ptruint(psrc) mod 2)<>0 then while psrc high(PtrInt) div 2) or (psrc+len < psrc) then pend:=pdword(high(PtrUInt)-PtrUInt(sizeof(dword))) else pend:=psrc+len; {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} if (ptruint(psrc) mod 4)<>0 then while psrc high(PtrInt) div 4) or (psrc+len < psrc) then pend:=pqword(high(PtrUInt)-PtrUInt(sizeof(qword))) else pend:=psrc+len; {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} if (ptruint(psrc) mod 8)<>0 then while psrc4*sizeof(ptruint)-1) {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} and ((PtrUInt(pdest) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1))=(PtrUInt(psrc) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1))) {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} then begin { Align on native pointer size } aligncount:=(sizeof(PtrUInt)-(PtrUInt(pdest) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1))) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1); dec(len,aligncount); pend:=psrc+aligncount; while psrc0 then begin if b<0 then exit(-1) else exit(1); end; inc(pdest); inc(psrc); end; { use sizeuint typecast to force shr optimization } pptruint(pend):=pptruint(psrc)+(sizeuint(len) div sizeof(ptruint)); len:=len and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1); while psrc0 then begin len:=sizeof(ptruint); break; end; inc(pptruint(pdest)); inc(pptruint(psrc)); end; end; if (psrc+len >= psrc) then pend:=psrc+len else pend:=pbyte(high(ptruint)-1); while psrc0 then begin if b<0 then exit(-1) else exit(1); end; inc(pdest); inc(psrc); end; result:=0; end; {$endif not FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_COMPAREBYTE} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_COMPAREWORD} function CompareWord(Const buf1,buf2;len:SizeInt):SizeInt; var aligncount : sizeint; psrc,pdest,pend : pword; b : ptrint; begin b:=0; psrc:=@buf1; pdest:=@buf2; if (len>4*sizeof(ptruint)-1) {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} and ((PtrUInt(pdest) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1))=(PtrUInt(psrc) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1))) and (((PtrUInt(pdest) and 1) or (PtrUInt(psrc) and 1))=0) {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} then begin { Align on native pointer size } aligncount:=((sizeof(PtrUInt)-(PtrUInt(pdest) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1))) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1)) shr 1; dec(len,aligncount); pend:=psrc+aligncount; while psrc0 then begin if b<0 then exit(-1) else exit(1); end; inc(pdest); inc(psrc); end; { use sizeuint typecast to force shr optimization } pptruint(pend):=pptruint(psrc)+(sizeuint(len)*2 div sizeof(ptruint)); len:=((len*2) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1)) shr 1; while psrc0 then begin len:=sizeof(ptruint) shr 1; break; end; inc(pptruint(pdest)); inc(pptruint(psrc)); end; end; if (psrc+len >= psrc) then pend:=psrc+len else pend:=pword(high(ptruint)-2); {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} if ((PtrUInt(pdest) and 1) or (PtrUInt(psrc) and 1))<>0 then while psrc0 then begin if b<0 then exit(-1) else exit(1); end; inc(pdest); inc(psrc); end else {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} while psrc0 then begin if b<0 then exit(-1) else exit(1); end; inc(pdest); inc(psrc); end; result:=0; end; {$endif not FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_COMPAREWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_COMPAREDWORD} function CompareDWord(Const buf1,buf2;len:SizeInt):SizeInt; var aligncount : sizeint; psrc,pdest,pend : pdword; begin psrc:=@buf1; pdest:=@buf2; if (len>4*sizeof(ptruint)-11) {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} and (((PtrUInt(pdest) and 3) or (PtrUInt(psrc) and 3))=0) {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} then begin { Align on native pointer size } aligncount:=((sizeof(PtrUInt)-(PtrUInt(pdest) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1))) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1)) shr 2; dec(len,aligncount); pend:=psrc+aligncount; while psrcpdest^ then if psrc^>pdest^ then exit(1) else exit(-1); inc(pdest); inc(psrc); end; { use sizeuint typecast to force shr optimization } pptruint(pend):=pptruint(psrc)+(sizeuint(len)*4 div sizeof(ptruint)); len:=((len*4) and (sizeof(PtrUInt)-1)) shr 2; while psrcpptrint(pdest)^ then begin len:=sizeof(ptruint) shr 2; break; end; inc(pptruint(pdest)); inc(pptruint(psrc)); end; end; if (len <= high(ptrint) div 2) and (psrc+len >= psrc) then pend:=psrc+len else pend:=pdword(high(ptruint)-4); {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} if ((PtrUInt(pdest) and 3) or (PtrUInt(psrc) and 3))<>0 then while psrcunaligned(pdest^) then if unaligned(psrc^)>unaligned(pdest^) then exit(1) else exit(-1); inc(pdest); inc(psrc); end else {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} while psrcpdest^ then if psrc^>pdest^ then exit(1) else exit(-1); inc(pdest); inc(psrc); end; result:=0; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_COMPAREDWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MOVECHAR0} procedure MoveChar0(Const buf1;var buf2;len:SizeInt); var I : SizeInt; begin if Len = 0 then exit; I:=IndexByte(Buf1,Len,0); if I<>-1 then Move(Buf1,Buf2,I) else Move(Buf1,Buf2,len); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MOVECHAR0} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INDEXCHAR0} function IndexChar0(Const buf;len:SizeInt;b:Char):SizeInt; var psrc,pend : pbyte; begin psrc:=@buf; { simulate assembler implementations behaviour, which is expected } { fpc_pchar_to_ansistr in astrings.inc } if (len < 0) then pend:=pbyte(high(PtrUInt)-PtrUInt(sizeof(byte))) else pend:=psrc+len; while (psrc0) do begin if (psrc^=byte(b)) then begin result:=psrc-pbyte(@buf); exit; end; inc(psrc); end; result:=-1; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INDEXCHAR0} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_COMPARECHAR0} function CompareChar0(Const buf1,buf2;len:SizeInt):SizeInt; var psrc,pdest,pend : pbyte; b : ptrint; begin b:=0; psrc:=@buf1; pdest:=@buf2; pend:=psrc+len; while psrc0 then exit(1); if (psrc^=0) or (pdest^=0) then exit(0); inc(pdest); inc(psrc); end; result:=0; end; {$endif not FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_COMPARECHAR0} {**************************************************************************** Object Helpers ****************************************************************************} {$ifdef FPC_HAS_FEATURE_OBJECTS} type pobjectvmt=^tobjectvmt; tobjectvmt=record size,msize:sizeuint; parent:pointer; end; {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_HELP_CONSTRUCTOR} { Note: _vmt will be reset to -1 when memory is allocated, this is needed for fpc_help_fail } function fpc_help_constructor(_self:pointer;var _vmt:pointer;_vmt_pos:cardinal):pointer;[public,alias:'FPC_HELP_CONSTRUCTOR'];compilerproc; var vmtcopy : pobjectvmt; begin vmtcopy:=pobjectvmt(_vmt); { Inherited call? } if vmtcopy=nil then begin fpc_help_constructor:=_self; exit; end; if (_self=nil) and (vmtcopy^.size>0) then begin getmem(_self,vmtcopy^.size); { reset vmt needed for fail } _vmt:=pointer(-1); end; if _self<>nil then begin fillchar(_self^,vmtcopy^.size,0); ppointer(_self+_vmt_pos)^:=vmtcopy; end; fpc_help_constructor:=_self; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_HELP_CONSTRUCTOR} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_HELP_DESTRUCTOR} { Note: _self will not be reset, the compiler has to generate the reset } procedure fpc_help_destructor(_self,_vmt:pointer;vmt_pos:cardinal);[public,alias:'FPC_HELP_DESTRUCTOR']; compilerproc; begin { already released? } if (_self=nil) or (_vmt<>pointer(-1)) or (ppointer(_self+vmt_pos)^=nil) then exit; if (pobjectvmt(ppointer(_self+vmt_pos)^)^.size=0) or (pobjectvmt(ppointer(_self+vmt_pos)^)^.size+pobjectvmt(ppointer(_self+vmt_pos)^)^.msize<>0) then RunError(210); { reset vmt to nil for protection } ppointer(_self+vmt_pos)^:=nil; freemem(_self); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_HELP_DESTRUCTOR} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_HELP_FAIL} { Note: _self will not be reset, the compiler has to generate the reset } procedure fpc_help_fail(_self:pointer;var _vmt:pointer;vmt_pos:cardinal);[public,alias:'FPC_HELP_FAIL'];compilerproc; begin if (_self=nil) or (_vmt=nil) then exit; { vmt=$ffffffff when memory was allocated } if ptruint(_vmt)=high(ptruint) then begin if (_self=nil) or (ppointer(_self+vmt_pos)^=nil) then HandleError(210) else begin ppointer(_self+vmt_pos)^:=nil; freemem(_self); { reset _vmt to nil so it will not be freed a second time } _vmt:=nil; end; end else ppointer(_self+vmt_pos)^:=nil; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_HELP_FAIL} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_CHECK_OBJECT} procedure fpc_check_object(_vmt : pointer); [public,alias:'FPC_CHECK_OBJECT']; compilerproc; begin if (_vmt=nil) or (pobjectvmt(_vmt)^.size=0) or (pobjectvmt(_vmt)^.size+pobjectvmt(_vmt)^.msize<>0) then RunError(210); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_CHECK_OBJECT} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_CHECK_OBJECT_EXT} { checks for a correct vmt pointer } { deeper check to see if the current object is } { really related to the true } procedure fpc_check_object_ext(vmt, expvmt : pointer); [public,alias:'FPC_CHECK_OBJECT_EXT']; compilerproc; begin if (vmt=nil) or (pobjectvmt(vmt)^.size=0) or (pobjectvmt(vmt)^.size+pobjectvmt(vmt)^.msize<>0) then RunError(210); while assigned(vmt) do if vmt=expvmt then exit else vmt:=pobjectvmt(vmt)^.parent; RunError(219); end; {$endif not FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_CHECK_OBJECT_EXT} {$endif FPC_HAS_FEATURE_OBJECTS} {**************************************************************************** String ****************************************************************************} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_SHORTSTR_ASSIGN} procedure fpc_shortstr_to_shortstr(out res:shortstring; const sstr: shortstring);[public,alias:'FPC_SHORTSTR_TO_SHORTSTR']; compilerproc; var slen : byte; begin slen:=length(sstr); if slen>high(res) then slen:=high(res); move(sstr[0],res[0],slen+1); res[0]:=chr(slen); end; procedure fpc_shortstr_assign(len:{$ifdef cpu16}smallint{$else}longint{$endif};sstr,dstr:pointer);[public,alias:'FPC_SHORTSTR_ASSIGN']; compilerproc; var slen : byte; begin slen:=length(pshortstring(sstr)^); if slenlen then pchar(dstr)^:=chr(len); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_SHORTSTR_ASSIGN} {$push} { ensure that comparing addresses of openshortstrings with regular shortstrings doesn't cause errors } {$t-} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_SHORTSTR_CONCAT} procedure fpc_shortstr_concat(var dests:shortstring;const s1,s2:shortstring);compilerproc; var s1l, s2l : longint; begin s1l:=length(s1); s2l:=length(s2); if s1l+s2l>high(dests) then begin if s1l>high(dests) then s1l:=high(dests); s2l:=high(dests)-s1l; end; if @dests=@s1 then fpc_shortstr_shortstr_intern_charmove(s2,1,dests,s1l+1,s2l) else if @dests=@s2 then begin fpc_shortstr_shortstr_intern_charmove(dests,1,dests,s1l+1,s2l); fpc_shortstr_shortstr_intern_charmove(s1,1,dests,1,s1l); end else begin fpc_shortstr_shortstr_intern_charmove(s1,1,dests,1,s1l); fpc_shortstr_shortstr_intern_charmove(s2,1,dests,s1l+1,s2l); end; dests[0]:=chr(s1l+s2l); end; procedure fpc_shortstr_concat_multi(var dests:shortstring;const sarr:array of pshortstring);compilerproc; var s2l : byte; LowStart,i, Len : longint; needtemp : boolean; tmpstr : shortstring; p,pdest : pshortstring; begin if high(sarr)=0 then begin DestS:=''; exit; end; lowstart:=low(sarr); if Pointer(@DestS)=Pointer(sarr[lowstart]) then inc(lowstart); { Check for another reuse, then we can't use the append optimization and need to use a temp } needtemp:=false; for i:=lowstart to high(sarr) do begin if Pointer(@DestS)=Pointer(sarr[i]) then begin needtemp:=true; break; end; end; if needtemp then begin lowstart:=low(sarr); tmpstr:=''; pdest:=@tmpstr end else begin { Start with empty DestS if we start with concatting the first array element } if lowstart=low(sarr) then DestS:=''; pdest:=@DestS; end; { Concat all strings, except the string we already copied in DestS } Len:=length(pdest^); for i:=lowstart to high(sarr) do begin p:=sarr[i]; if assigned(p) then begin s2l:=length(p^); if Len+s2l>high(dests) then s2l:=high(dests)-Len; fpc_shortstr_shortstr_intern_charmove(p^,1,pdest^,Len+1,s2l); inc(Len,s2l); end; end; pdest^[0]:=Chr(Len); if needtemp then DestS:=TmpStr; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_SHORTSTR_CONCAT} {$pop} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_SHORTSTR_APPEND_SHORTSTR} procedure fpc_shortstr_append_shortstr(var s1:shortstring;const s2:shortstring);compilerproc; [public,alias:'FPC_SHORTSTR_APPEND_SHORTSTR']; var s1l, s2l : sizeint; begin s1l:=length(s1); s2l:=length(s2); if s1l+s2l>high(s1) then s2l:=high(s1)-s1l; move(s2[1],s1[s1l+1],s2l); s1[0]:=chr(s1l+s2l); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_SHORTSTR_APPEND_SHORTSTR} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_SHORTSTR_COMPARE} function fpc_shortstr_compare(const left,right:shortstring) : longint;[public,alias:'FPC_SHORTSTR_COMPARE']; compilerproc; var s1,s2,max,i : byte; d : longint; begin s1:=length(left); s2:=length(right); if s10 then exit(1) else if d<0 then exit(-1); end; if s1>s2 then exit(1) else if s1high(res) then l:=high(res); if l>0 then move(p^,s[1],l); s[0]:=chr(l); res:=s; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_PCHAR_TO_SHORTSTR} {$ifndef cpujvm} { also define alias which can be used inside the system unit } procedure fpc_pchar_to_shortstr(out res : shortstring;p:pchar);[external name 'FPC_PCHAR_TO_SHORTSTR']; function strpas(p:pchar):shortstring;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin fpc_pchar_to_shortstr(result,p); end; {$endif not cpujvm} function Utf8CodePointLen(P: PAnsiChar; MaxLookAhead: SizeInt; IncludeCombiningDiacriticalMarks: Boolean): SizeInt; var bytes: sizeint; firstzerobit: byte; begin { see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Description for details } if maxlookahead<=0 then begin { incomplete } result:=0; exit; end; { inlcude the first byte } result:=1; { multiple byte utf-8 code point? } if p[0]>#127 then begin { bsr searches for the leftmost 1 bit. We are interested in the leftmost 0 bit, so first invert the value } firstzerobit:=bsrbyte(not(byte(p[0]))); { if there is no zero bit or the first zero bit is the rightmost bit (bit 0), this is an invalid UTF-8 byte ($ff cannot appear in an UTF-8-encoded string, and in the worst case bit 1 has to be zero) Additionally, 5-byte UTF-8 sequences don't exist either, so bit 1 cannot be the first zero-bit either. And bits 6 and 7 can't be 0 either in the first byte. } if (firstzerobit<=1) or (firstzerobit>=6) then begin result:=-result; exit; end; { the number of bytes belonging to this code point is 7-(pos first 0-bit). Subtract 1 since we're already at the first byte. All subsequent bytes of the same sequence must have their highest bit set and the next one unset. We stop when we detect an invalid sequence. } bytes:=6-firstzerobit; while (result0) and ((ord(p[result]) and %11000000)=%10000000) do begin inc(result); dec(bytes); end; { stopped because of invalid/incomplete sequence -> exit } if bytes<>0 then begin if result>=maxlookahead then result:=0 else result:=-result; exit; end; end; if includecombiningdiacriticalmarks then begin { combining diacritical marks? 1) U+0300 - U+036F in UTF-8 = %11001100 10000000 - %11001101 10101111 2) U+1AB0 - U+1AFF in UTF-8 = %11100001 10101010 10110000 - %11100001 10101011 10111111 3) U+1DC0 - U+1DFF in UTF-8 = %11100001 10110111 10000000 - %11100001 10110111 10111111 4) U+20D0 - U+20FF in UTF-8 = %11100010 10000011 10010000 - %11100010 10000011 10111111 5) U+FE20 - U+FE2F in UTF-8 = %11101111 10111000 10100000 - %11101111 10111000 10101111 } repeat bytes:=result; if result+1=%10000000) and (ord(p[result+1])<=%10101111) then inc(result,2) { case 2), 3), 4), 5) } else if (result+2=%11100001) then begin { case 2) } if ((ord(p[result])=%11100001) and (ord(p[result+1])=%10101010) and (ord(p[result+2])>=%10110000) and (ord(p[result+2])<=%10111111)) or { case 3) } ((ord(p[result])=%11100001) and (ord(p[result+1])=%10110111) and (ord(p[result+2])>=%10000000) and (ord(p[result+2])<=%10111111)) or { case 4) } ((ord(p[result])=%11100010) and (ord(p[result+1])=%10000011) and (ord(p[result+2])>=%10010000) and (ord(p[result+2])<=%10111111)) or { case 5) } ((ord(p[result])=%11101111) and (ord(p[result+1])=%10111000) and (ord(p[result+2])>=%10100000) and (ord(p[result+2])<=%10101111)) then inc(result,3); end; end; until bytes=result; { is there an incomplete diacritical mark? (invalid makes little sense: either a sequence is a combining diacritical mark, or it's not ; if it's invalid, it may also not have been a combining diacritical mark) } if result=maxlookahead)) or { case 2) and 3)} ((ord(p[result])=%11100001) and ((result+1>=maxlookahead) or (((ord(p[result+1])=%10101010) or (ord(p[result+1])=%10110111)) and (result+2>=maxlookahead)))) or { case 4 } ((ord(p[result])=%11100010) and ((result+1>=maxlookahead) or ((ord(p[result+1])=%10000011) and (result+2>=maxlookahead)))) or { case 5 } ((ord(p[result])=%11101111) and ((result+1>=maxlookahead) or ((ord(p[result+1])=%10111000) and (result+2>=maxlookahead)))) then begin result:=0; exit; end; end; end; end; {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_CHARARRAY_TO_SHORTSTR} procedure fpc_chararray_to_shortstr(out res : shortstring;const arr: array of char; zerobased: boolean = true);[public,alias:'FPC_CHARARRAY_TO_SHORTSTR']; compilerproc; var l: longint; index: longint; len: byte; begin l:=high(arr)+1; if l>=high(res)+1 then l:=high(res) else if l<0 then l:=0; if zerobased then begin index:=IndexByte(arr[0],l,0); if index<0 then len:=l else len:=index; end else len:=l; move(arr[0],res[1],len); res[0]:=chr(len); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_CHARARRAY_TO_SHORTSTR} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_SHORTSTR_TO_CHARARRAY} procedure fpc_shortstr_to_chararray(out res: array of char; const src: ShortString); compilerproc; var len: longint; begin len := length(src); if len > length(res) then len := length(res); {$push}{$r-} { make sure we don't access char 1 if length is 0 (JM) } if len > 0 then move(src[1],res[0],len); fillchar(res[len],length(res)-len,0); {$pop} end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_SHORTSTR_TO_CHARARRAY} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_PCHAR_LENGTH} function fpc_pchar_length(p:pchar):sizeint;[public,alias:'FPC_PCHAR_LENGTH']; compilerproc; var i : sizeint; begin i:=0; if assigned(p) then while p[i]<>#0 do inc(i); exit(i); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_PCHAR_LENGTH} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_PWIDECHAR_LENGTH} function fpc_pwidechar_length(p:pwidechar):sizeint;[public,alias:'FPC_PWIDECHAR_LENGTH']; compilerproc; var i : sizeint; begin i:=0; if assigned(p) then while p[i]<>#0 do inc(i); exit(i); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_PWIDECHAR_LENGTH} {**************************************************************************** Caller/StackFrame Helpers ****************************************************************************} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_GET_FRAME} {_$error Get_frame must be defined for each processor } {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_GET_FRAME} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_GET_CALLER_ADDR} {_$error Get_caller_addr must be defined for each processor } {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_GET_CALLER_ADDR} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_GET_CALLER_FRAME} {_$error Get_caller_frame must be defined for each processor } {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_GET_CALLER_FRAME} {**************************************************************************** Math ****************************************************************************} {**************************************************************************** Software multiplication ****************************************************************************} {$ifdef FPC_INCLUDE_SOFTWARE_MUL} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MUL_INTEGER} function fpc_mul_integer(f1,f2 : integer;checkoverflow : boolean) : integer;[public,alias: 'FPC_MUL_INTEGER']; compilerproc; var sign : boolean; q1,q2,q3 : word; begin { there's no difference between signed and unsigned multiplication, when the destination size is equal to the source size and overflow checking is off } if not checkoverflow then { word(f1)*word(f2) is coded as a call to mulword } fpc_mul_integer:=integer(word(f1)*word(f2)) else begin sign:=false; if f1<0 then begin sign:=not(sign); q1:=word(-f1); end else q1:=f1; if f2<0 then begin sign:=not(sign); q2:=word(-f2); end else q2:=f2; { the q1*q2 is coded as call to mulword } q3:=q1*q2; if (q1 <> 0) and (q2 <>0) and ((q1>q3) or (q2>q3) or { the bit 63 can be only set if we have $8000 } { and sign is true } (q3 shr 15<>0) and ((q3<>word(word(1) shl 15)) or not(sign)) ) then HandleErrorAddrFrameInd(215,get_pc_addr,get_frame); if sign then fpc_mul_integer:=-q3 else fpc_mul_integer:=q3; end; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MUL_INTEGER} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MUL_WORD} function fpc_mul_word(f1,f2 : word;checkoverflow : boolean) : word;[public,alias: 'FPC_MUL_WORD']; compilerproc; var _f1,bitpos : word; b : byte; f1overflowed : boolean; begin fpc_mul_word:=0; bitpos:=1; f1overflowed:=false; for b:=0 to 15 do begin if (f2 and bitpos)<>0 then begin _f1:=fpc_mul_word; fpc_mul_word:=fpc_mul_word+f1; { if one of the operands is greater than the result an overflow occurs } if checkoverflow and (f1overflowed or ((_f1<>0) and (f1<>0) and ((_f1>fpc_mul_word) or (f1>fpc_mul_word)))) then HandleErrorAddrFrameInd(215,get_pc_addr,get_frame); end; { when bootstrapping, we forget about overflow checking for qword :) } f1overflowed:=f1overflowed or ((f1 and (1 shl 15))<>0); f1:=f1 shl 1; bitpos:=bitpos shl 1; end; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MUL_WORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MUL_LONGINT} function fpc_mul_longint(f1,f2 : longint;checkoverflow : boolean) : longint;[public,alias: 'FPC_MUL_LONGINT']; compilerproc; var sign : boolean; q1,q2,q3 : dword; begin { there's no difference between signed and unsigned multiplication, when the destination size is equal to the source size and overflow checking is off } if not checkoverflow then { dword(f1)*dword(f2) is coded as a call to muldword } fpc_mul_longint:=longint(dword(f1)*dword(f2)) else begin sign:=false; if f1<0 then begin sign:=not(sign); q1:=dword(-f1); end else q1:=f1; if f2<0 then begin sign:=not(sign); q2:=dword(-f2); end else q2:=f2; { the q1*q2 is coded as call to muldword } q3:=q1*q2; if (q1 <> 0) and (q2 <>0) and ((q1>q3) or (q2>q3) or { the bit 31 can be only set if we have $8000 0000 } { and sign is true } (q3 shr 15<>0) and ((q3<>dword(dword(1) shl 31)) or not(sign)) ) then HandleErrorAddrFrameInd(215,get_pc_addr,get_frame); if sign then fpc_mul_longint:=-q3 else fpc_mul_longint:=q3; end; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MUL_INTEGER} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MUL_DWORD} { multiplies two dwords the longbool for checkoverflow avoids a misaligned stack } function fpc_mul_dword(f1,f2 : dword;checkoverflow : boolean) : dword;[public,alias: 'FPC_MUL_DWORD']; compilerproc; var _f1,bitpos : dword; b : byte; f1overflowed : boolean; begin fpc_mul_dword:=0; bitpos:=1; f1overflowed:=false; for b:=0 to 31 do begin if (f2 and bitpos)<>0 then begin _f1:=fpc_mul_dword; fpc_mul_dword:=fpc_mul_dword+f1; { if one of the operands is greater than the result an overflow occurs } if checkoverflow and (f1overflowed or ((_f1<>0) and (f1<>0) and ((_f1>fpc_mul_dword) or (f1>fpc_mul_dword)))) then HandleErrorAddrFrameInd(215,get_pc_addr,get_frame); end; { when bootstrapping, we forget about overflow checking for qword :) } f1overflowed:=f1overflowed or ((f1 and (dword(1) shl 31))<>0); f1:=f1 shl 1; bitpos:=bitpos shl 1; end; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MUL_DWORD} {$endif FPC_INCLUDE_SOFTWARE_MUL} {**************************************************************************** Software longint/dword division ****************************************************************************} {$ifdef FPC_INCLUDE_SOFTWARE_MOD_DIV} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_DIV_DWORD} function fpc_div_dword(n,z : dword) : dword; [public,alias: 'FPC_DIV_DWORD']; compilerproc; var shift,lzz,lzn : ObjpasInt; begin result:=0; if n=0 then HandleErrorAddrFrameInd(200,get_pc_addr,get_frame); if z=0 then exit; lzz:=BsrDWord(z); lzn:=BsrDWord(n); { if the denominator contains less zeros then the numerator then d is greater than the n } if lzn>lzz then exit; shift:=lzz-lzn; n:=n shl shift; for shift:=shift downto 0 do begin if z>=n then begin z:=z-n; result:=result+dword(dword(1) shl shift); end; n:=n shr 1; end; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_DIV_DWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MOD_DWORD} function fpc_mod_dword(n,z : dword) : dword; [public,alias: 'FPC_MOD_DWORD']; compilerproc; var shift,lzz,lzn : ObjpasInt; begin result:=0; if n=0 then HandleErrorAddrFrameInd(200,get_pc_addr,get_frame); if z=0 then exit; lzz:=BsrDWord(z); lzn:=BsrDWord(n); { if the denominator contains less zeros then the numerator then d is greater than the n } if lzn>lzz then begin result:=z; exit; end; shift:=lzz-lzn; n:=n shl shift; for shift:=shift downto 0 do begin if z>=n then z:=z-n; n:=n shr 1; end; result:=z; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MOD_DWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_DIV_LONGINT} function fpc_div_longint(n,z : longint) : longint; [public,alias: 'FPC_DIV_LONGINT']; compilerproc; var sign : boolean; d1,d2 : dword; begin if n=0 then HandleErrorAddrFrameInd(200,get_pc_addr,get_frame); sign:=false; if z<0 then begin sign:=not(sign); d1:=dword(-z); end else d1:=z; if n<0 then begin sign:=not(sign); d2:=dword(-n); end else d2:=n; { the div is coded by the compiler as call to divdword } if sign then result:=-(d1 div d2) else result:=d1 div d2; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_DIV_LONGINT} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MOD_LONGINT} function fpc_mod_longint(n,z : longint) : longint; [public,alias: 'FPC_MOD_LONGINT']; compilerproc; var signed : boolean; r,nq,zq : dword; begin if n=0 then HandleErrorAddrFrameInd(200,get_pc_addr,get_frame); nq:=abs(n); if z<0 then begin zq:=dword(-z); signed:=true; end else begin zq:=z; signed:=false; end; r:=zq mod nq; if signed then result:=-longint(r) else result:=r; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MOD_LONGINT} {$endif FPC_INCLUDE_SOFTWARE_MOD_DIV} {****************************************************************************} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ABS_LONGINT} { This is only needed to bootstrap on SPARC targets (MIPS and m68k too, but they have no releases, so bootstrapping is not an issue) } function abs(l:longint):longint;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin if l<0 then abs:=-l else abs:=l; end; {$endif not FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ABS_LONGINT} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ODD_LONGINT} function odd(l:longint):boolean;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin odd:=boolean(l and 1); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ODD_LONGINT} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ODD_LONGWORD} function odd(l:longword):boolean;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin odd:=boolean(l and 1); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ODD_LONGWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ODD_INT64} function odd(l:int64):boolean;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin odd:=boolean(longint(l) and 1); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ODD_INT64} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ODD_QWORD} function odd(l:qword):boolean;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin odd:=boolean(longint(l) and 1); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ODD_QWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SQR_LONGINT} function sqr(l:longint):longint;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin sqr:=l*l; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SQR_LONGINT} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ABS_INT64} function abs(l: Int64): Int64;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin if l < 0 then abs := -l else abs := l; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ABS_INT64} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SQR_INT64} function sqr(l: Int64): Int64;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin sqr := l*l; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SQR_INT64} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SQR_QWORD} function sqr(l: QWord): QWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin sqr := l*l; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SQR_INT64} {$ifdef CPU16} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_DECLOCKED_SMALLINT} function declocked(var l:smallint):boolean; begin Dec(l); declocked:=(l=0); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_DECLOCKED_SMALLINT} {$endif CPU16} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_DECLOCKED_LONGINT} function declocked(var l:longint):boolean; begin Dec(l); declocked:=(l=0); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_DECLOCKED_LONGINT} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_DECLOCKED_INT64} function declocked(var l:int64):boolean; begin Dec(l); declocked:=(l=0); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_DECLOCKED_INT64} {$ifdef CPU16} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INCLOCKED_SMALLINT} procedure inclocked(var l:smallint); begin Inc(l); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INCLOCKED_SMALLINT} {$endif CPU16} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INCLOCKED_LONGINT} procedure inclocked(var l:longint); begin Inc(l); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INCLOCKED_LONGINT} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INCLOCKED_INT64} procedure inclocked(var l:int64); begin Inc(l); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INCLOCKED_INT64} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SPTR} {_$error Sptr must be defined for each processor } {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SPTR} function align(addr : PtrUInt;alignment : PtrUInt) : PtrUInt;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} var tmp: PtrUInt; begin tmp:=addr+(alignment-1); result:=tmp-(tmp mod alignment) end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function align(addr : Pointer;alignment : PtrUInt) : Pointer;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} var tmp: PtrUInt; begin tmp:=PtrUInt(addr)+(alignment-1); result:=pointer(tmp-(tmp mod alignment)); end; {$endif} {**************************************************************************** Str() ****************************************************************************} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INT_STR_LONGINT} procedure int_str(l:longint;out s:shortstring); var m,m1 : longword; pcstart, pc2start, pc,pc2 : pchar; hs : string[32]; overflow : longint; begin pc2start:=@s[1]; pc2:=pc2start; if (l<0) then begin pc2^:='-'; inc(pc2); m:=longword(-l); end else m:=longword(l); pcstart:=pchar(@hs[0]); pc:=pcstart; repeat m1:=m div 10; inc(pc); pc^:=char(m-(m1*10)+byte('0')); m:=m1; until m=0; overflow:=(pc-pcstart)+(pc2-pc2start)-high(s); if overflow>0 then inc(pcstart,overflow); while (pc>pcstart) do begin pc2^:=pc^; inc(pc2); dec(pc); end; s[0]:=char(pc2-pc2start); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INT_STR_LONGINT} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INT_STR_LONGWORD} procedure int_str_unsigned(l:longword;out s:shortstring); var m1 : longword; pcstart, pc2start, pc,pc2 : pchar; hs : string[32]; overflow : longint; begin pc2start:=@s[1]; pc2:=pc2start; pcstart:=pchar(@hs[0]); pc:=pcstart; repeat inc(pc); m1:=l div 10; pc^:=char(l-(m1*10)+byte('0')); l:=m1; until l=0; overflow:=(pc-pcstart)-high(s); if overflow>0 then inc(pcstart,overflow); while (pc>pcstart) do begin pc2^:=pc^; inc(pc2); dec(pc); end; s[0]:=char(pc2-pc2start); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INT_STR_LONGWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INT_STR_INT64} procedure int_str(l:int64;out s:shortstring); var m,m1 : qword; pcstart, pc2start, pc,pc2 : pchar; hs : string[32]; overflow : longint; begin pc2start:=@s[1]; pc2:=pc2start; if (l<0) then begin pc2^:='-'; inc(pc2); m:=qword(-l); end else m:=qword(l); pcstart:=pchar(@hs[0]); pc:=pcstart; repeat m1:=m div 10; inc(pc); pc^:=char(m-(m1*10)+byte('0')); m:=m1; until m=0; overflow:=(pc-pcstart)+(pc2-pc2start)-high(s); if overflow>0 then inc(pcstart,overflow); while (pc>pcstart) do begin pc2^:=pc^; inc(pc2); dec(pc); end; s[0]:=char(pc2-pc2start); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INT_STR_INT64} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INT_STR_QWORD} procedure int_str_unsigned(l:qword;out s:shortstring); var m1 : qword; pcstart, pc2start, pc,pc2 : pchar; hs : string[64]; overflow : longint; begin pc2start:=@s[1]; pc2:=pc2start; pcstart:=pchar(@hs[0]); pc:=pcstart; repeat inc(pc); m1:=l div 10; pc^:=char(l-(m1*10)+byte('0')); l:=m1; until l=0; overflow:=(pc-pcstart)-high(s); if overflow>0 then inc(pcstart,overflow); while (pc>pcstart) do begin pc2^:=pc^; inc(pc2); dec(pc); end; s[0]:=char(pc2-pc2start); end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_INT_STR_QWORD} {$ifndef FPUNONE} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SYSRESETFPU} procedure SysResetFpu;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin softfloat_exception_flags:=[]; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SYSRESETFPU} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SYSINITFPU} procedure SysInitFpu;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin softfloat_exception_mask:=[float_flag_underflow,float_flag_inexact,float_flag_denormal]; end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SYSINITFPU} {$endif} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SWAPENDIAN} function SwapEndian(const AValue: SmallInt): SmallInt;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin { the extra Word type cast is necessary because the "AValue shr 8" } { is turned into "longint(AValue) shr 8", so if AValue < 0 then } { the sign bits from the upper 16 bits are shifted in rather than } { zeroes. } Result := SmallInt((Word(AValue) shr 8) or (Word(AValue) shl 8)); end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function SwapEndian(const AValue: Word): Word;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result := Word((AValue shr 8) or (AValue shl 8)); end; {$endif} function SwapEndian(const AValue: LongInt): LongInt; begin Result := ((AValue shl 8) and $FF00FF00) or ((AValue shr 8) and $00FF00FF); Result := (Result shl 16) or (Result shr 16); end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function SwapEndian(const AValue: DWord): DWord; begin Result := ((AValue shl 8) and $FF00FF00) or ((AValue shr 8) and $00FF00FF); Result := (Result shl 16) or (Result shr 16); end; {$endif} function SwapEndian(const AValue: Int64): Int64; begin Result := ((AValue shl 8) and $FF00FF00FF00FF00) or ((AValue shr 8) and $00FF00FF00FF00FF); Result := ((Result shl 16) and $FFFF0000FFFF0000) or ((Result shr 16) and $0000FFFF0000FFFF); Result := (Result shl 32) or ((Result shr 32)); end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function SwapEndian(const AValue: QWord): QWord; begin Result := ((AValue shl 8) and $FF00FF00FF00FF00) or ((AValue shr 8) and $00FF00FF00FF00FF); Result := ((Result shl 16) and $FFFF0000FFFF0000) or ((Result shr 16) and $0000FFFF0000FFFF); Result := (Result shl 32) or ((Result shr 32)); end; {$endif} {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SWAPENDIAN} function BEtoN(const AValue: SmallInt): SmallInt;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function BEtoN(const AValue: Word): Word;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} function BEtoN(const AValue: LongInt): LongInt;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function BEtoN(const AValue: DWord): DWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} function BEtoN(const AValue: Int64): Int64;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function BEtoN(const AValue: QWord): QWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} function LEtoN(const AValue: SmallInt): SmallInt;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function LEtoN(const AValue: Word): Word;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} function LEtoN(const AValue: LongInt): LongInt;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function LEtoN(const AValue: DWord): DWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} function LEtoN(const AValue: Int64): Int64;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function LEtoN(const AValue: QWord): QWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} function NtoBE(const AValue: SmallInt): SmallInt;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function NtoBE(const AValue: Word): Word;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} function NtoBE(const AValue: LongInt): LongInt;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function NtoBE(const AValue: DWord): DWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} function NtoBE(const AValue: Int64): Int64;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function NtoBE(const AValue: QWord): QWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} function NtoLE(const AValue: SmallInt): SmallInt;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function NtoLE(const AValue: Word): Word;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} function NtoLE(const AValue: LongInt): LongInt;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function NtoLE(const AValue: DWord): DWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} function NtoLE(const AValue: Int64): Int64;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$ifndef cpujvm} function NtoLE(const AValue: QWord): QWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Result := AValue; {$ELSE} Result := SwapEndian(AValue); {$ENDIF} end; {$endif not cpujvm} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MEM_BARRIER} procedure ReadBarrier;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin end; procedure ReadDependencyBarrier;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin end; procedure ReadWriteBarrier;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin end; procedure WriteBarrier;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_MEM_BARRIER} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX_BYTE} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ROX_BYTE} function RorByte(Const AValue : Byte): Byte;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shr 1) or (AValue shl 7); end; function RorByte(Const AValue : Byte;const Dist : Byte): Byte;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shr (Dist and 7)) or (AValue shl (8-(Dist and 7))); end; function RolByte(Const AValue : Byte): Byte;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shl 1) or (AValue shr 7); end; function RolByte(Const AValue : Byte;const Dist : Byte): Byte;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shl (Dist and 7)) or (AValue shr (8-(Dist and 7))); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ROX_BYTE} {$endif FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX_BYTE} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX_WORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ROX_WORD} function RorWord(Const AValue : Word): Word;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shr 1) or (AValue shl 15); end; function RorWord(Const AValue : Word;const Dist : Byte): Word;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shr (Dist and 15)) or (AValue shl (16-(Dist and 15))); end; function RolWord(Const AValue : Word): Word;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shl 1) or (AValue shr 15); end; function RolWord(Const AValue : Word;const Dist : Byte): Word;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shl (Dist and 15)) or (AValue shr (16-(Dist and 15))); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ROX_WORD} {$endif FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX_WORD} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX_DWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ROX_DWORD} function RorDWord(Const AValue : DWord): DWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shr 1) or (AValue shl 31); end; function RorDWord(Const AValue : DWord;const Dist : Byte): DWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shr (Dist and 31)) or (AValue shl (32-(Dist and 31))); end; function RolDWord(Const AValue : DWord): DWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shl 1) or (AValue shr 31); end; function RolDWord(Const AValue : DWord;const Dist : Byte): DWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shl (Dist and 31)) or (AValue shr (32-(Dist and 31))); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ROX_DWORD} {$endif FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX_DWORD} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX_QWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ROX_QWORD} function RorQWord(Const AValue : QWord): QWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shr 1) or (AValue shl 63); end; function RorQWord(Const AValue : QWord;const Dist : Byte): QWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shr (Dist and 63)) or (AValue shl (64-(Dist and 63))); end; function RolQWord(Const AValue : QWord): QWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shl 1) or (AValue shr 63); end; function RolQWord(Const AValue : QWord;const Dist : Byte): QWord;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=(AValue shl (Dist and 63)) or (AValue shr (64-(Dist and 63))); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ROX_QWORD} {$endif FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX_QWORD} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR_BYTE} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SAR_BYTE} function SarShortint(Const AValue : Shortint;const Shift : Byte): Shortint; begin Result:=shortint(byte(byte(byte(AValue) shr (Shift and 7)) or (byte(shortint(byte(0-byte(byte(AValue) shr 7)) and byte(shortint(0-(ord((Shift and 7)<>0){ and 1}))))) shl (8-(Shift and 7))))); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR_BYTE} {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SAR_BYTE} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR_WORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SAR_WORD} function SarSmallint(Const AValue : Smallint;const Shift : Byte): Smallint; begin Result:=smallint(word(word(word(AValue) shr (Shift and 15)) or (word(smallint(word(0-word(word(AValue) shr 15)) and word(smallint(0-(ord((Shift and 15)<>0){ and 1}))))) shl (16-(Shift and 15))))); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR_WORD} {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SAR_WORD} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR_DWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SAR_DWORD} function SarLongint(Const AValue : Longint;const Shift : Byte): Longint; begin Result:=longint(dword(dword(dword(AValue) shr (Shift and 31)) or (dword(longint(dword(0-dword(dword(AValue) shr 31)) and dword(longint(0-(ord((Shift and 31)<>0){ and 1}))))) shl (32-(Shift and 31))))); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR_DWORD} {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SAR_DWORD} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR_QWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SAR_QWORD} function fpc_SarInt64(Const AValue : Int64;const Shift : Byte): Int64; [Public,Alias:'FPC_SARINT64']; compilerproc; begin Result:=int64(qword(qword(qword(AValue) shr (Shift and 63)) or (qword(int64(qword(0-qword(qword(AValue) shr 63)) and qword(int64(0-(ord((Shift and 63)<>0){ and 1}))))) shl (64-(Shift and 63))))); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR_QWORD} {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SAR_QWORD} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_BSF_BYTE} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_BSF_BYTE} function BsfByte(Const AValue: Byte): Byte; const bsf8bit: array [Byte] of Byte = ( $ff,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 7,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0, 5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0 ); begin result:=bsf8bit[AValue]; end; {$endif} {$endif} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_BSR_BYTE} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_BSR_BYTE} function BsrByte(Const AValue: Byte): Byte; const bsr8bit: array [Byte] of Byte = ( $ff,0,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5, 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6, 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7 ); begin result:=bsr8bit[AValue]; end; {$endif} {$endif} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_BSF_WORD} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_BSF_WORD} function BsfWord(Const AValue: Word): {$ifdef CPU16}byte{$else}cardinal{$endif}; begin result:=ord(lo(AValue)=0)*8; result:=result or BsfByte(byte(AValue shr result)); end; {$endif} {$endif} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_BSR_WORD} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_BSR_WORD} function BsrWord(Const AValue: Word): {$ifdef CPU16}byte{$else}cardinal{$endif}; begin result:=ord(AValue>255)*8; result:=result or BsrByte(byte(AValue shr result)); end; {$endif} {$endif} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_BSF_DWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_BSF_DWORD} function BsfDWord(Const AValue : DWord): {$ifdef CPU16}byte{$else}cardinal{$endif}; var tmp: DWord; begin result:=ord(lo(AValue)=0)*16; tmp:=AValue shr result; result:=result or (ord((tmp and $FF)=0)*8); tmp:=tmp shr (result and 8); result:=result or BsfByte(byte(tmp)); end; {$endif} {$endif} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_BSR_DWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_BSR_DWORD} function BsrDWord(Const AValue : DWord): {$ifdef CPU16}byte{$else}cardinal{$endif}; var tmp: DWord; begin result:=ord(AValue>$FFFF)*16; tmp:=AValue shr result; result:=result or (ord(tmp>$FF)*8); tmp:=tmp shr (result and 8); result:=result or BsrByte(byte(tmp)); end; {$endif} {$endif} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_BSF_QWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_BSF_QWORD} function BsfQWord(Const AValue : QWord): {$ifdef CPU16}byte{$else}cardinal{$endif}; var tmp: DWord; begin result:=0; tmp:=lo(AValue); if (tmp=0) then begin tmp:=hi(AValue); result:=32; end; result:=result or BsfDword(tmp); end; {$endif} {$endif} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_BSR_QWORD} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_BSR_QWORD} function BsrQWord(Const AValue : QWord): {$ifdef CPU16}byte{$else}cardinal{$endif}; var tmp: DWord; begin result:=32; tmp:=hi(AValue); if (tmp=0) then begin tmp:=lo(AValue); result:=0; end; result:=result or BsrDword(tmp); end; {$endif} {$endif} const PopCntData : array[0..15] of byte = (0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4); function fpc_PopCnt_byte(AValue : Byte): Byte;[Public,Alias:'FPC_POPCNT_BYTE'];compilerproc; begin Result:=PopCntData[AValue and $f]+PopCntData[(AValue shr 4) and $f]; end; function fpc_PopCnt_word(AValue : Word): Word;[Public,Alias:'FPC_POPCNT_WORD'];compilerproc; var i : SizeInt; begin Result:=0; for i:=0 to 3 do begin inc(Result,PopCntData[AValue and $f]); AValue:=AValue shr 4; end; end; function fpc_PopCnt_dword(AValue : DWord): DWord;[Public,Alias:'FPC_POPCNT_DWORD'];compilerproc; var i : SizeInt; begin Result:=0; for i:=0 to 7 do begin inc(Result,PopCntData[AValue and $f]); AValue:=AValue shr 4; end; end; {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_POPCNT_QWORD} function fpc_PopCnt_qword(AValue : QWord): QWord;[Public,Alias:'FPC_POPCNT_QWORD'];compilerproc; {$ifdef VER2_6} var i : SizeInt; begin Result:=0; for i:=0 to 15 do begin inc(Result,PopCntData[AValue and $f]); AValue:=AValue shr 4; end; {$else VER2_6} begin Result:=PopCnt(lo(AValue))+PopCnt(hi(AValue)) {$endif VER2_6} end; {$endif}