{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by the Free Pascal development team Include file with set operations called by the compiler See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {**************************************************************************** Var sets ****************************************************************************} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_LOAD_SMALL} { convert sets } {$ifdef FPC_SETBASE_USED} procedure fpc_varset_load(const l;sourcesize : longint;var dest;size,srcminusdstbase : ptrint); compilerproc; var srcptr, dstptr: pointer; begin srcptr:=@l; dstptr:=@dest; { going from a higher base to a lower base, e.g. src: 001f0000, base=2,size=4 -> 0000001f0000 in base 0 dstr in base = 1 (-> srcminusdstbase = 1) -> to 00001f0000, base=1 -> need to prepend "srcminusdstbase" zero bytes } if (srcminusdstbase>0) then begin { fill the skipped part with 0 } fillchar(dstptr^,srcminusdstbase,0); inc(dstptr,srcminusdstbase); dec(size,srcminusdstbase); end else if (srcminusdstbase<0) then begin { inc/dec switched since srcminusdstbase < 0 } dec(srcptr,srcminusdstbase); inc(sourcesize,srcminusdstbase); end; if sourcesize>size then sourcesize:=size; move(srcptr^,dstptr^,sourcesize); { fill the leftover (if any) with 0 } FillChar((dstptr+sourcesize)^,size-sourcesize,0); end; {$else FPC_SETBASE_USED} procedure fpc_varset_load(const l;sourcesize : longint;var dest;size : ptrint); compilerproc; begin if sourcesize>size then sourcesize:=size; move(l,plongint(@dest)^,sourcesize); FillChar((@dest+sourcesize)^,size-sourcesize,0); end; {$endif FPC_SETBASE_USED} {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_SET_LOAD_SMALL} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_CREATE_ELEMENT} { create a new set in p from an element b } procedure fpc_varset_create_element(b,size : ptrint; var data); compilerproc; type tbsetarray = bitpacked array[0..high(sizeint)-1] of 0..1; begin FillChar(data,size,0); tbsetarray(data)[b]:=1; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_CREATE_ELEMENT} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_SET_BYTE} { add the element b to the set "source" } procedure fpc_varset_set(const source;var dest; b,size : ptrint); compilerproc; type tbsetarray = bitpacked array[0..high(sizeint)-1] of 0..1; begin move(source,dest,size); tbsetarray(dest)[b]:=1; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_SET_BYTE} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_UNSET_BYTE} { suppresses the element b to the set pointed by p used for exclude(set,element) } procedure fpc_varset_unset(const source;var dest; b,size : ptrint); compilerproc; type tbsetarray = bitpacked array[0..high(sizeint)-1] of 0..1; begin move(source,dest,size); tbsetarray(dest)[b]:=0; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_UNSET_BYTE} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_SET_RANGE} { adds the range [l..h] to the set orgset } procedure fpc_varset_set_range(const orgset; var dest;l,h,size : ptrint); compilerproc; type tbsetarray = bitpacked array[0..high(sizeint)-1] of 0..1; var i : ptrint; begin move(orgset,dest,size); for i:=l to h do tbsetarray(dest)[i]:=1; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_SET_RANGE} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_ADD_SETS} { adds set1 and set2 into set dest } procedure fpc_varset_add_sets(const set1,set2; var dest;size : ptrint); compilerproc; type tbytearray = array[0..high(sizeint)-1] of byte; var i : ptrint; begin for i:=0 to size-1 do tbytearray(dest)[i]:=tbytearray(set1)[i] or tbytearray(set2)[i]; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_ADD_SETS} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_MUL_SETS} { multiplies (takes common elements of) set1 and set2 result put in dest } procedure fpc_varset_mul_sets(const set1,set2; var dest;size : ptrint); compilerproc; type tbytearray = array[0..high(sizeint)-1] of byte; var i : ptrint; begin for i:=0 to size-1 do tbytearray(dest)[i]:=tbytearray(set1)[i] and tbytearray(set2)[i]; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_MUL_SETS} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_SUB_SETS} { computes the diff from set1 to set2 result in dest } procedure fpc_varset_sub_sets(const set1,set2; var dest;size : ptrint); compilerproc; type tbytearray = array[0..high(sizeint)-1] of byte; var i : ptrint; begin for i:=0 to size-1 do tbytearray(dest)[i]:=tbytearray(set1)[i] and not tbytearray(set2)[i]; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_SUB_SETS} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_SYMDIF_SETS} { computes the symetric diff from set1 to set2 result in dest } procedure fpc_varset_symdif_sets(const set1,set2; var dest;size : ptrint); compilerproc; type tbytearray = array[0..high(sizeint)-1] of byte; var i : ptrint; begin for i:=0 to size-1 do tbytearray(dest)[i]:=tbytearray(set1)[i] xor tbytearray(set2)[i]; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_SYMDIF_SETS} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_COMP_SETS} { compares set1 and set2 zeroflag is set if they are equal } function fpc_varset_comp_sets(const set1,set2;size : ptrint):boolean; compilerproc; type tbytearray = array[0..high(sizeint)-1] of byte; var i : ptrint; begin fpc_varset_comp_sets:= false; for i:=0 to size-1 do if tbytearray(set1)[i]<>tbytearray(set2)[i] then exit; fpc_varset_comp_sets:=true; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_COMP_SETS} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_CONTAINS_SET} { on exit, zero flag is set if set1 <= set2 (set2 contains set1) } function fpc_varset_contains_sets(const set1,set2;size : ptrint):boolean; compilerproc; type tbytearray = array[0..high(sizeint)-1] of byte; var i : ptrint; begin fpc_varset_contains_sets:= false; for i:=0 to size-1 do if (tbytearray(set1)[i] and not tbytearray(set2)[i])<>0 then exit; fpc_varset_contains_sets:=true; end; {$endif ndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_FPC_VARSET_CONTAINS_SET}