{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the Free Pascal development team This unit makes Free Pascal as much as possible Delphi compatible See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$ifdef FPC_HAS_FEATURE_VARIANTS} procedure DoDispCallByIDError(res : Pointer; const disp : IDispatch;desc : PDispDesc; params : Pointer); begin handleerroraddrframeind(RuntimeErrorExitCodes[reVarDispatch], get_pc_addr,get_frame); end; procedure fpc_dispatch_by_id(Result: Pointer; const Dispatch: pointer; DispDesc: Pointer; Params: Pointer); compilerproc; type TDispProc = procedure(res : Pointer; const disp : IDispatch;desc : PDispDesc; params : Pointer); begin TDispProc(DispCallByIDProc)(Result,IDispatch(Dispatch),DispDesc,Params); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_FEATURE_VARIANTS} {**************************************************************************** Internal Routines called from the Compiler ****************************************************************************} { the reverse order of the parameters make code generation easier } function fpc_do_is(aclass : tclass;aobject : tobject) : boolean;[public,alias: 'FPC_DO_IS']; compilerproc; begin fpc_do_is:=assigned(aobject) and assigned(aclass) and aobject.inheritsfrom(aclass); end; { the reverse order of the parameters make code generation easier } function fpc_do_as(aclass : tclass;aobject : tobject): tobject;[public,alias: 'FPC_DO_AS']; compilerproc; begin if assigned(aobject) and not(aobject.inheritsfrom(aclass)) then handleerroraddrframeInd(219,get_pc_addr,get_frame); result := aobject; end; { interface helpers } procedure fpc_intf_decr_ref(var i: pointer);[public,alias: 'FPC_INTF_DECR_REF']; compilerproc; begin if assigned(i) then begin IUnknown(i)._Release; i:=nil; end; end; { local declaration for intf_decr_ref for local access } procedure intf_decr_ref(var i: pointer); [external name 'FPC_INTF_DECR_REF']; procedure fpc_intf_incr_ref(i: pointer);[public,alias: 'FPC_INTF_INCR_REF']; compilerproc; begin if assigned(i) then IUnknown(i)._AddRef; end; { local declaration of intf_incr_ref for local access } procedure intf_incr_ref(i: pointer); [external name 'FPC_INTF_INCR_REF']; procedure fpc_intf_assign(var D: pointer; const S: pointer);[public,alias: 'FPC_INTF_ASSIGN']; compilerproc; begin if assigned(S) then IUnknown(S)._AddRef; if assigned(D) then IUnknown(D)._Release; D:=S; end; procedure fpc_intf_assign(var D: pointer; const s: pointer); [external name 'FPC_INTF_ASSIGN']; {procedure fpc_intf_assign_by_iid(var D: pointer; const S: pointer; const iid: TGUID);[public,alias: 'FPC_INTF_ASSIGN2']; compilerproc; var tmp : pointer; begin if assigned(S) then begin tmp:=nil; if IUnknown(S).QueryInterface(iid,tmp)<>S_OK then handleerror(219); if assigned(D) then IUnknown(D)._Release; D:=tmp; end else begin if assigned(D) then IUnknown(D)._Release; D:=nil; end; end;} function fpc_intf_is(const S: pointer; const iid: TGUID): Boolean;[public,alias: 'FPC_INTF_IS']; compilerproc; var tmpi: pointer; begin tmpi:=nil; fpc_intf_is:=Assigned(S) and (IUnknown(S).QueryInterface(iid,tmpi)=S_OK); if Assigned(tmpi) then IUnknown(tmpi)._Release; end; function fpc_intf_is_class(const S: pointer; const aclass: tclass): Boolean;[public,alias: 'FPC_INTF_IS_CLASS']; compilerproc; var tmpo: tobject; begin fpc_intf_is_class:=Assigned(S) and (IUnknown(S).QueryInterface(IObjectInstance,tmpo)=S_OK) and tmpo.InheritsFrom(aclass); end; function fpc_class_is_intf(const S: pointer; const iid: TGUID): Boolean;[public,alias: 'FPC_CLASS_IS_INTF']; compilerproc; var tmpi: pointer; tmpi2: pointer; // weak! begin tmpi:=nil; tmpi2:=nil; fpc_class_is_intf:=Assigned(S) and ((TObject(S).GetInterfaceWeak(IUnknown,tmpi2) and (IUnknown(tmpi2).QueryInterface(IID,tmpi)=S_OK)) or TObject(S).GetInterface(IID,tmpi)); if Assigned(tmpi) then IUnknown(tmpi)._Release; end; function fpc_class_is_corbaintf(const S: pointer; const iid: Shortstring): Boolean;[public,alias: 'FPC_CLASS_IS_CORBAINTF']; compilerproc; begin fpc_class_is_corbaintf:=Assigned(S) and Assigned(TObject(S).GetInterfaceEntryByStr(iid)); end; function fpc_intf_cast(const S: pointer; const iid: TGUID): IInterface;[public,alias: 'FPC_INTF_CAST']; compilerproc; var tmpi: pointer; begin tmpi:=nil; if Assigned(S) and (IUnknown(S).QueryInterface(iid,tmpi)=S_OK) then pointer(fpc_intf_cast):=tmpi else fpc_intf_cast:= nil; end; function fpc_intf_cast_class(const S: pointer; const aclass: tclass): pointer;[public,alias: 'FPC_INTF_CAST_CLASS']; compilerproc; var tmpo: tobject; begin if Assigned(S) and (IUnknown(S).QueryInterface(IObjectInstance,tmpo)=S_OK) and tmpo.InheritsFrom(aclass) then fpc_intf_cast_class:=tmpo else fpc_intf_cast_class:=nil; end; function fpc_class_cast_intf(const S: pointer; const iid: TGUID): IInterface;[public,alias: 'FPC_CLASS_CAST_INTF']; compilerproc; var tmpi: pointer; tmpi2: pointer; // weak! begin tmpi:=nil; tmpi2:=nil; if Assigned(S) and ((TObject(S).GetInterfaceWeak(IUnknown,tmpi2) and (IUnknown(tmpi2).QueryInterface(IID,tmpi)=S_OK)) or TObject(S).GetInterface(IID,tmpi)) then begin // decrease reference count fpc_class_cast_intf:=nil; pointer(fpc_class_cast_intf):=tmpi end else fpc_class_cast_intf:=nil; end; function fpc_class_cast_corbaintf(const S: pointer; const iid: Shortstring): Pointer;[public,alias: 'FPC_CLASS_CAST_CORBAINTF']; compilerproc; var tmpi: pointer; begin if Assigned(S) and TObject(S).GetInterface(iid,tmpi) then fpc_class_cast_corbaintf:=tmpi else fpc_class_cast_corbaintf:=nil; end; function fpc_intf_as(const S: pointer; const iid: TGUID): IInterface;[public,alias: 'FPC_INTF_AS']; compilerproc; var tmpi: pointer; // _AddRef before _Release begin if assigned(S) then begin tmpi:=nil; if IUnknown(S).QueryInterface(iid,tmpi)<>S_OK then handleerror(219); // decrease reference count fpc_intf_as:=nil; pointer(fpc_intf_as):=tmpi; end else fpc_intf_as:=nil; end; function fpc_intf_as_class(const S: pointer; const aclass: tclass): pointer;[public,alias: 'FPC_INTF_AS_CLASS']; compilerproc; var tmpo: tobject; begin if assigned(S) then begin if not ((IUnknown(S).QueryInterface(IObjectInstance,tmpo)=S_OK) and tmpo.inheritsfrom(aclass)) then handleerror(219); fpc_intf_as_class:=tmpo; end else fpc_intf_as_class:=nil; end; function fpc_class_as_intf(const S: pointer; const iid: TGUID): IInterface;[public,alias: 'FPC_CLASS_AS_INTF']; compilerproc; var tmpi: pointer; // _AddRef before _Release tmpi2: pointer; // weak! begin if assigned(S) then begin tmpi:=nil; tmpi2:=nil; if not ((TObject(S).GetInterfaceWeak(IUnknown,tmpi2) and (IUnknown(tmpi2).QueryInterface(IID,tmpi)=S_OK)) or TObject(S).GetInterface(IID,tmpi)) then handleerror(219); // decrease reference count fpc_class_as_intf:=nil; pointer(fpc_class_as_intf):=tmpi; end else fpc_class_as_intf:=nil; end; function fpc_class_as_corbaintf(const S: pointer; const iid: Shortstring): Pointer;[public,alias: 'FPC_CLASS_AS_CORBAINTF']; compilerproc; var tmpi: pointer; // _AddRef before _Release begin if assigned(S) then begin tmpi:=nil; if not TObject(S).GetInterface(iid,tmpi) then handleerror(219); fpc_class_as_corbaintf:=tmpi; end else fpc_class_as_corbaintf:=nil; end; {**************************************************************************** TOBJECT ****************************************************************************} constructor TObject.Create; begin end; destructor TObject.Destroy; begin end; procedure TObject.Free; begin // the call via self avoids a warning if self<>nil then self.destroy; end; class function TObject.InstanceSize : SizeInt; begin InstanceSize := PVmt(Self)^.vInstanceSize; end; var emptyintf: ptruint; public name 'FPC_EMPTYINTF'; procedure InitInterfacePointers(objclass: tclass;instance : pointer); var ovmt: PVmt; i: longint; intftable: pinterfacetable; Res: pinterfaceentry; begin ovmt := PVmt(objclass); while assigned(ovmt) and (ovmt^.vIntfTable <> @emptyintf) do begin intftable:=ovmt^.vIntfTable; if assigned(intftable) then begin i:=intftable^.EntryCount; Res:=@intftable^.Entries[0]; while i>0 do begin if Res^.IType = etStandard then ppointer(@(pbyte(instance)[Res^.IOffset]))^:= pointer(Res^.VTable); inc(Res); dec(i); end; end; ovmt:=ovmt^.vParent; end; end; class function TObject.InitInstance(instance : pointer) : tobject; {$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE} inline; {$ENDIF} begin { the size is saved at offset 0 } fillchar(instance^, InstanceSize, 0); { insert VMT pointer into the new created memory area } { (in class methods self contains the VMT!) } ppointer(instance)^:=pointer(self); if PVmt(self)^.vIntfTable <> @emptyintf then InitInterfacePointers(self,instance); InitInstance:=TObject(Instance); end; class function TObject.ClassParent : tclass; begin { type of self is class of tobject => it points to the vmt } { the parent vmt is saved at offset vmtParent } classparent:=tclass(PVmt(Self)^.vParent); end; class function TObject.NewInstance : tobject; var p : pointer; begin getmem(p, InstanceSize); if p <> nil then InitInstance(p); NewInstance:=TObject(p); end; procedure TObject.FreeInstance; begin CleanupInstance; FreeMem(Pointer(Self)); end; class function TObject.ClassType : TClass; begin ClassType:=TClass(Pointer(Self)) end; type tmethodnamerec = packed record name : pshortstring; addr : codepointer; end; tmethodnametable = packed record count : dword; entries : packed array[0..0] of tmethodnamerec; end; pmethodnametable = ^tmethodnametable; class function TObject.MethodAddress(const name : shortstring) : codepointer; var methodtable : pmethodnametable; i : dword; ovmt : PVmt; begin ovmt:=PVmt(self); while assigned(ovmt) do begin methodtable:=pmethodnametable(ovmt^.vMethodTable); if assigned(methodtable) then begin for i:=0 to methodtable^.count-1 do if ShortCompareText(methodtable^.entries[i].name^, name)=0 then begin MethodAddress:=methodtable^.entries[i].addr; exit; end; end; ovmt := ovmt^.vParent; end; MethodAddress:=nil; end; class function TObject.MethodName(address : codepointer) : shortstring; var methodtable : pmethodnametable; i : dword; ovmt : PVmt; begin ovmt:=PVmt(self); while assigned(ovmt) do begin methodtable:=pmethodnametable(ovmt^.vMethodTable); if assigned(methodtable) then begin for i:=0 to methodtable^.count-1 do if methodtable^.entries[i].addr=address then begin MethodName:=methodtable^.entries[i].name^; exit; end; end; ovmt := ovmt^.vParent; end; MethodName:=''; end; function TObject.FieldAddress(const name : shortstring) : pointer; type PFieldInfo = ^TFieldInfo; TFieldInfo = {$ifndef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} packed {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} record FieldOffset: PtrUInt; ClassTypeIndex: Word; Name: ShortString; end; PFieldTable = ^TFieldTable; TFieldTable = {$ifndef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} packed {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} record FieldCount: Word; ClassTable: Pointer; { should be array[Word] of TFieldInfo; but Elements have variant size! force at least proper alignment } Fields: array[0..0] of TFieldInfo end; var ovmt: PVmt; FieldTable: PFieldTable; FieldInfo: PFieldInfo; i: longint; begin if Length(name) > 0 then begin ovmt := PVmt(ClassType); while ovmt <> nil do begin FieldTable := PFieldTable(ovmt^.vFieldTable); if FieldTable <> nil then begin FieldInfo := @FieldTable^.Fields[0]; for i := 0 to FieldTable^.FieldCount - 1 do begin if ShortCompareText(FieldInfo^.Name, name) = 0 then begin fieldaddress := Pointer(Self) + FieldInfo^.FieldOffset; exit; end; FieldInfo := PFieldInfo(PByte(@FieldInfo^.Name) + 1 + Length(FieldInfo^.Name)); {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} { align to largest field of TFieldInfo } FieldInfo := Align(FieldInfo, SizeOf(PtrUInt)); {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} end; end; { Try again with the parent class type } ovmt:=ovmt^.vParent; end; end; fieldaddress:=nil; end; function TObject.SafeCallException(exceptobject : tobject; exceptaddr : codepointer) : HResult; begin safecallexception:=E_UNEXPECTED; end; class function TObject.ClassInfo : pointer; begin ClassInfo := PVmt(Self)^.vTypeInfo; end; class function TObject.ClassName : ShortString; begin ClassName := PVmt(Self)^.vClassName^; end; class function TObject.ClassNameIs(const name : string) : boolean; begin // call to ClassName inlined here, this eliminates stack and string copying. ClassNameIs:=ShortCompareText(PVmt(Self)^.vClassName^, name) = 0; end; class function TObject.InheritsFrom(aclass : TClass) : Boolean; var vmt: PVmt; begin if assigned(aclass) then begin vmt:=PVmt(self); while assigned(vmt) and (vmt <> PVmt(aclass)) do vmt := vmt^.vParent; InheritsFrom := (vmt = PVmt(aclass)); end else inheritsFrom := False; end; class function TObject.stringmessagetable : pstringmessagetable; begin stringmessagetable:=PVmt(Self)^.vMsgStrPtr; end; type tmessagehandler = procedure(var msg) of object; procedure TObject.Dispatch(var message); type {$PUSH} {$PACKRECORDS NORMAL} PMsgIntTable = ^TMsgIntTable; TMsgIntTable = record index : dword; method : codepointer; end; PMsgInt = ^TMsgInt; TMsgInt = record count : longint; msgs : array[0..0] of TMsgIntTable; end; {$POP} var index : dword; count,i : longint; msgtable : PMsgIntTable; p : PMsgInt; ovmt : PVmt; msghandler : tmessagehandler; begin index:=dword(message); ovmt := PVmt(ClassType); while assigned(ovmt) do begin // See if we have messages at all in this class. p:=PMsgInt(ovmt^.vDynamicTable); If Assigned(p) then begin msgtable:=@p^.msgs; count:=p^.count; end else Count:=0; { later, we can implement a binary search here } for i:=0 to count-1 do begin if index=msgtable[i].index then begin TMethod(msghandler).Code:=msgtable[i].method; TMethod(msghandler).Data:=self; msghandler(message); exit; end; end; ovmt:=ovmt^.vParent; end; DefaultHandler(message); end; procedure TObject.DispatchStr(var message); var name : shortstring; count,i : longint; msgstrtable : pmsgstrtable; p: pstringmessagetable; ovmt : PVmt; msghandler : tmessagehandler; begin name:=pshortstring(@message)^; ovmt:=PVmt(ClassType); while assigned(ovmt) do begin p := ovmt^.vMsgStrPtr; if (P<>Nil) and (p^.count<>0) then begin count:=p^.count; msgstrtable:=@p^.msgstrtable; end else Count:=0; { later, we can implement a binary search here } for i:=0 to count-1 do begin if name=msgstrtable[i].name^ then begin TMethod(msghandler).Code:=msgstrtable[i].method; TMethod(msghandler).Data:=self; msghandler(message); exit; end; end; ovmt:=ovmt^.vParent; end; DefaultHandlerStr(message); end; procedure TObject.DefaultHandler(var message); begin end; procedure TObject.DefaultHandlerStr(var message); begin end; procedure TObject.CleanupInstance; var vmt : PVmt; temp : pointer; begin vmt := PVmt(ClassType); while vmt<>nil do begin Temp:= vmt^.vInitTable; { The RTTI format matches one for records, except the type is tkClass. Since RecordRTTI does not check the type, calling it yields the desired result. } if Assigned(Temp) then RecordRTTI(Self,Temp,@int_finalize); vmt:= vmt^.vParent; end; end; procedure TObject.AfterConstruction; begin end; procedure TObject.BeforeDestruction; begin end; function IsGUIDEqual(const guid1, guid2: tguid): boolean; begin IsGUIDEqual:= (guid1.D1=guid2.D1) and (PDWORD(@guid1.D2)^=PDWORD(@guid2.D2)^) and (PDWORD(@guid1.D4[0])^=PDWORD(@guid2.D4[0])^) and (PDWORD(@guid1.D4[4])^=PDWORD(@guid2.D4[4])^); end; // Use of managed types should be avoided here; implicit _Addref/_Release // will end up in unpredictable behaviour if called on CORBA interfaces. type TInterfaceGetter = procedure(out Obj) of object; TClassGetter = function: TObject of object; function GetInterfaceByEntry(Instance: pointer; IEntry: pinterfaceentry; out obj): boolean; var Getter: TMethod; begin Pointer(Obj) := nil; Getter.Data := Instance; if Assigned(IEntry) and Assigned(Instance) then begin case IEntry^.IType of etStandard: Pointer(Obj) := PByte(instance)+IEntry^.IOffset; etFieldValue, etFieldValueClass: Pointer(obj) := PPointer(PByte(Instance)+IEntry^.IOffset)^; etVirtualMethodResult: begin // IOffset is relative to the VMT, not to instance. Getter.code := PCodePointer(PByte(PPointer(Instance)^) + IEntry^.IOffset)^; TInterfaceGetter(Getter)(obj); end; etVirtualMethodClass: begin // IOffset is relative to the VMT, not to instance. Getter.code := PCodePointer(PByte(PPointer(Instance)^) + IEntry^.IOffset)^; TObject(obj) := TClassGetter(Getter)(); end; etStaticMethodResult: begin Getter.code := CodePointer(IEntry^.IOffset); TInterfaceGetter(Getter)(obj); end; etStaticMethodClass: begin Getter.code := CodePointer(IEntry^.IOffset); TObject(obj) := TClassGetter(Getter)(); end; end; end; result := assigned(pointer(obj)); end; function TObject.GetInterface(const iid : tguid;out obj) : boolean; var IEntry: PInterfaceEntry; Instance: TObject; begin if IsGUIDEqual(IObjectInstance,iid) then begin TObject(Obj) := Self; Result := True; Exit; end; Instance := self; repeat IEntry := Instance.GetInterfaceEntry(iid); result := GetInterfaceByEntry(Instance, IEntry, obj); if (not result) or (IEntry^.IType in [etStandard, etFieldValue, etStaticMethodResult, etVirtualMethodResult]) then Break; { if interface is implemented by a class-type property or field, continue search } Instance := TObject(obj); until False; { Getter function will normally AddRef, so adding another reference here will cause memleak. } if result and (IEntry^.IType in [etStandard, etFieldValue]) then IInterface(obj)._AddRef; end; function TObject.GetInterfaceWeak(const iid : tguid; out obj) : boolean; var IEntry: PInterfaceEntry; Instance: TObject; begin if IsGUIDEqual(IObjectInstance,iid) then begin TObject(Obj) := Self; Result := True; Exit; end; Instance := self; repeat IEntry := Instance.GetInterfaceEntry(iid); result := GetInterfaceByEntry(Instance, IEntry, obj); if (not result) or (IEntry^.IType in [etStandard, etFieldValue, etStaticMethodResult, etVirtualMethodResult]) then Break; { if interface is implemented by a class-type property or field, continue search } Instance := TObject(obj); until False; { Getter function will normally AddRef, so we have to release it, else the ref is not weak. } if result and not (IEntry^.IType in [etStandard, etFieldValue]) then IInterface(obj)._Release; end; function TObject.GetInterfaceByStr(const iidstr : shortstring;out obj) : boolean; var IEntry: PInterfaceEntry; Instance: TObject; begin Instance := self; repeat IEntry := Instance.GetInterfaceEntryByStr(iidstr); result := GetInterfaceByEntry(Instance, IEntry, obj); if (not result) or (IEntry^.IType in [etStandard, etFieldValue, etStaticMethodResult, etVirtualMethodResult]) then Break; { if interface is implemented by a class-type property or field, continue search } Instance := TObject(obj); until False; { Getter function will normally AddRef, so adding another reference here will cause memleak. (com interfaces only!) } if result and Assigned(IEntry^.IID) and (IEntry^.IType in [etStandard, etFieldValue]) then IInterface(obj)._AddRef; end; function TObject.GetInterface(const iidstr : shortstring;out obj) : boolean; begin Result := GetInterfaceByStr(iidstr,obj); end; class function TObject.GetInterfaceEntry(const iid : tguid) : pinterfaceentry; var i: longint; intftable: pinterfacetable; ovmt: PVmt; begin ovmt := PVmt(Self); while Assigned(ovmt) and (ovmt^.vIntfTable <> @emptyintf) do begin intftable:=ovmt^.vIntfTable; if assigned(intftable) then begin for i:=0 to intftable^.EntryCount-1 do begin result:=@intftable^.Entries[i]; if assigned(Result^.iid) and IsGUIDEqual(Result^.iid^,iid) then Exit; end; end; ovmt := ovmt^.vParent; end; result := nil; end; class function TObject.GetInterfaceEntryByStr(const iidstr : shortstring) : pinterfaceentry; var i: longint; intftable: pinterfacetable; ovmt: PVmt; begin ovmt := PVmt(Self); while Assigned(ovmt) and (ovmt^.vIntfTable <> @emptyintf) do begin intftable:=ovmt^.vIntfTable; if assigned(intftable) then begin for i:=0 to intftable^.EntryCount-1 do begin result:=@intftable^.Entries[i]; if assigned(result^.iidstr) and (result^.iidstr^ = iidstr) then Exit; end; end; ovmt := ovmt^.vParent; end; result:=nil; end; class function TObject.GetInterfaceTable : pinterfacetable; begin getinterfacetable:=PVmt(Self)^.vIntfTable; end; class function TObject.UnitName : ansistring; type // from the typinfo unit TClassTypeInfo = {$ifndef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT}packed{$endif}record ClassType: TClass; ParentInfo: Pointer; PropCount: SmallInt; UnitName: ShortString; end; PClassTypeInfo = ^TClassTypeInfo; var classtypeinfo: PClassTypeInfo; begin classtypeinfo:=ClassInfo; if Assigned(classtypeinfo) then begin // offset PTypeInfo by Length(Name) + 2 (ShortString length byte + SizeOf(Kind)) inc(Pointer(classtypeinfo), PByte(Pointer(classtypeinfo)+1)^ + 2); {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} classtypeinfo:=align(classtypeinfo,sizeof(classtypeinfo)); {$endif} result:=classtypeinfo^.UnitName; end else result:=''; end; function TObject.Equals(Obj: TObject) : boolean; begin result:=Obj=Self; end; function TObject.GetHashCode: PtrInt; begin result:=PtrInt(Self); end; function TObject.ToString: ansistring; begin result:=ClassName; end; {**************************************************************************** TINTERFACEDOBJECT ****************************************************************************} function TInterfacedObject.QueryInterface( {$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid : tguid;out obj) : longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF}; begin if getinterface(iid,obj) then result:=S_OK else result:=longint(E_NOINTERFACE); end; function TInterfacedObject._AddRef : longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF}; begin _addref:=interlockedincrement(frefcount); end; function TInterfacedObject._Release : longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF}; begin _Release:=interlockeddecrement(frefcount); if _Release=0 then self.destroy; end; procedure TInterfacedObject.AfterConstruction; begin { we need to fix the refcount we forced in newinstance } { further, it must be done in a thread safe way } declocked(frefcount); end; procedure TInterfacedObject.BeforeDestruction; begin if frefcount<>0 then HandleError(204); end; class function TInterfacedObject.NewInstance : TObject; begin NewInstance:=inherited NewInstance; if NewInstance<>nil then TInterfacedObject(NewInstance).frefcount:=1; end; {**************************************************************************** TAGGREGATEDOBJECT ****************************************************************************} constructor TAggregatedObject.Create(const aController: IUnknown); begin inherited Create; { do not keep a counted reference to the controller! } fcontroller := Pointer(aController); end; function TAggregatedObject.QueryInterface( {$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid : tguid;out obj) : longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF}; begin Result := IUnknown(fcontroller).QueryInterface(iid, obj); end; function TAggregatedObject._AddRef : longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF}; begin Result := IUnknown(fcontroller)._AddRef; end; function TAggregatedObject._Release : longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF}; begin Result := IUnknown(fcontroller)._Release; end; function TAggregatedObject.GetController : IUnknown; begin Result := IUnknown(fcontroller); end; {**************************************************************************** TContainedOBJECT ****************************************************************************} function TContainedObject.QueryInterface( {$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid : tguid;out obj) : longint; {$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF}; begin if getinterface(iid,obj) then result:=S_OK else result:=longint(E_NOINTERFACE); end; {**************************************************************************** Exception Support ****************************************************************************} {$ifdef FPC_HAS_FEATURE_EXCEPTIONS} {$i except.inc} {$endif FPC_HAS_FEATURE_EXCEPTIONS}