# # This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. # Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Michael Van Canneyt and Peter Vreman # members of the Free Pascal development team. # # See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, # for details about the copyright. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # #**********************************************************************} # # Linux ELF startup code for Free Pascal # .file "prt1.as" .text .globl _start .type _start,@function _start: /* First locate the start of the environment variables */ popl %esi movl %esp,%ebx /* Points to the arguments */ movl %esi,%eax incl %eax shll $2,%eax addl %esp,%eax andl $0xfffffff0,%esp /* Align stack to 16 bytes */ movl %eax,operatingsystem_parameter_envp /* Move the environment pointer */ movl %esi,operatingsystem_parameter_argc /* Move the argument counter */ movl %ebx,operatingsystem_parameter_argv /* Move the argument pointer */ xorl %ebp,%ebp pushl %eax /* __libc_start_main takes 7 arguments -> push 1 extra to keep 16 byte stack alignment */ pushl %esp pushl %edx pushl $_fini_dummy pushl $_init_dummy pushl %ebx pushl %esi pushl $cmain call __libc_start_main hlt /* fake main routine which will be run from libc */ cmain: /* save return address */ popl %eax movl %eax,___fpc_ret movl %ebx,___fpc_ret_ebx movl %esi,___fpc_ret_esi movl %edi,___fpc_ret_edi pushl %eax /* align stack to 16 bytes before call */ subl $12, %esp call __gmon_start__ /* restore stack */ addl $12, %esp /* Save initial stackpointer */ movl %esp,__stkptr /* start the program (jmp to keep stack alignment) */ jmp PASCALMAIN hlt .globl _haltproc .type _haltproc,@function _haltproc: movzwl operatingsystem_result,%eax movl ___fpc_ret,%edx /* return to libc */ movl ___fpc_ret_ebx,%ebx movl ___fpc_ret_esi,%esi movl ___fpc_ret_edi,%edi push %edx _init_dummy: _fini_dummy: ret .globl __gmon_start__ .type __gmon_start__,@function __gmon_start__: pushl %ebp movl __monstarted,%eax leal 0x1(%eax),%edx movl %esp,%ebp movl %edx,__monstarted testl %eax,%eax jnz .Lnomonstart pushl $etext /* Initialize gmon */ pushl $_start call monstartup addl $8,%esp pushl $_mcleanup call atexit addl $4,%esp .Lnomonstart: movl %ebp,%esp popl %ebp ret .data .align 4 ___fpc_ret: /* return address to libc */ .long 0 ___fpc_ret_ebx: .long 0 ___fpc_ret_esi: .long 0 ___fpc_ret_edi: .long 0 .bss .lcomm __monstarted,4 .type __stkptr,@object .size __stkptr,4 .global __stkptr __stkptr: .skip 4 .type operatingsystem_parameters,@object .size operatingsystem_parameters,12 operatingsystem_parameters: .skip 3*4 .global operatingsystem_parameter_envp .global operatingsystem_parameter_argc .global operatingsystem_parameter_argv .set operatingsystem_parameter_envp,operatingsystem_parameters+0 .set operatingsystem_parameter_argc,operatingsystem_parameters+4 .set operatingsystem_parameter_argv,operatingsystem_parameters+8 .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits