{ Basic Native NT stuff This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2009 by Sven Barth See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} { Platform specific information } type THandle = PtrUInt; TThreadID = THandle; { the fields of this record are os dependent } { and they shouldn't be used in a program } { only the type TCriticalSection is important } PRTLCriticalSection = ^TRTLCriticalSection; TRTLCriticalSection = packed record DebugInfo : pointer; LockCount : longint; RecursionCount : longint; OwningThread : THandle; LockSemaphore : THandle; SpinCount : LongWord; // PtrUInt? end; var { the following variables are only set if apptype=native and the RTL is compiled with -dKMODE (device driver) they are exported with their real types in unit DDK } // real type: PNtUnicodeString; only valid during PascalMain SysRegistryPath: Pointer = Nil; // real type: PDriverObject; only valid during PascalMain SysDriverObject: Pointer = Nil; type TTagString = String[4]; {$ifdef KMODE} const DefaultPoolTag = 'fpc'; var // tells the heap whether to use paged memory or not HeapUsePagedPool: Boolean = True; // the tag is a four byte string to identify the memory allocated by our // driver, which must not be empty HeapPoolTag: TTagString = DefaultPoolTag; {$endif KMODE}