{ Netware Server Imports for FreePascal, contains definitions for the netware server protocol library Initial Version 2003/02/23 Armin (diehl@nordrhein.de or armin@freepascal.org) The C-NDK and Documentation can be found here: http://developer.novell.com This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Do not blame Novell if there are errors in this file, instead contact me and i will se what i can do. This module is untested, for the socket functions please use winsock } unit nwprot; interface {$mode objfpc} {$packrecords C} const O_RDONLY = $0000; O_WRONLY = $0001; O_RDWR = $0002; O_ACCMODE = $0003; O_APPEND = $0010; O_CREAT = $0020; O_TRUNC = $0040; O_EXCL = $0080; O_TEXT = $0100; O_BINARY = $0200; O_NDELAY = $0400; O_NOCTTY = $0800; O_NONBLOCK = O_NDELAY; {-ip_route.h-------------------------------------------------------------------} // dont know where the symbols came from, may be TCPIP.NLM, for now we // define 'clib' { total size of an IP address in bytes } const IP_ADDR_SZ = 4; type Pip_addr = ^Tip_addr; Tip_addr = record case longint of 0 : ( ip_array : array[0..(IP_ADDR_SZ)-1] of byte ); 1 : ( ip_short : array[0..(IP_ADDR_SZ DIV 2)-1] of word ); 2 : ( ip_long : dword ); end; const SNPA_MX = 10; // maximum address mapping size is that largest we currently use // Simple IP interface information block -- type Pip_if_info = ^Tip_if_info; Tip_if_info = record ifi_local_addr : Tip_addr; // interface's IP address ifi_net_mask : Tip_addr; // Netmask ifi_broadcast : Tip_addr; // Broadcast end; // Extended IP interface information block Pip_extended_if_info = ^Tip_extended_if_info; Tip_extended_if_info = record iex_signature : dword; // API signature iex_version : dword; // API version iex_length : dword; // bufsize iex_flags : dword; iex_if_id : dword; // Interface-ID iex_timestamp : dword; // creation time iex_local_addr : Tip_addr; // IP Address iex_net_mask : Tip_addr; // Netmask iex_broadcast : Tip_addr; // Broadcast Address iex_packet_mx : dword; // max out packet size iex_packet_opt : dword; // optimum packet size iex_reasm_mx : dword; // maximum reassembled packet iex_net_type : longint; // Network type iex_board_num : dword; // ODLI voardnumber iex_our_snpa : array[0..(SNPA_MX)-1] of byte; // SNPA for interface end; function IPExtendedIFInfo(info_pt:Pip_extended_if_info):longint;cdecl;external 'clib' name 'IPExtendedIFInfo'; function IPExtendedIFInfo(var info_t:Tip_extended_if_info):longint;cdecl;external 'clib' name 'IPExtendedIFInfo'; function IPGetIFInfo(if_info_pt:Pip_if_info):longint;cdecl;external 'clib' name 'IPGetIFInfo'; function IPGetIFInfo(var if_info_t:Tip_if_info):longint;cdecl;external 'clib' name 'IPGetIFInfo'; function IPGetLocalAddr(last_addr:dword):dword;cdecl;external 'clib' name 'IPGetLocalAddr';function IPGetLocalAddrIncludingAux(last_addr:dword):dword;cdecl;external 'clib' name 'IPGetLocalAddrIncludingAux'; {-netdb.h----------------------------------------------------------------------} // Macros mapping the standard 4.3BSD names are not implemented in pascal { $Abstract: Standard definitions for accessing the socket interface's network database in Novell's NetWare 386 TCP/IP. Since process context is limited in NetWare 386, we need to play some games to provide context to the database. $ $Implementation Notes: The actual NetWare 386 TCP/IP routines take an additional parameter to provide them a block for maintaining context. The normal routines are actually macros which call the context aware routines. One modification is required for porting an NLM the NetWare 386 versions of the database routines: a context block must be defined. This is done by using the macro NETDB_DEFINE_CONTEXT in any one module linked into the NLM. If the preprocessor symbol NOT_NETWARE_386 is defined, this becomes the standard netdb.h from 4.3BSD for use in more typical environments. $ The HOSTS database macros (i.e. gethostxxx) have the capability to evaluate either to the routines that access just the local /etc/hosts file (i.e. NWgethostxxx), or else the routines that automatically access a combination of local file, DNS, and NIS (i.e. NetDBgethostxxx). The former case is the way previous SDK usage of the macro was implemented. The latter case is a newer option that utilizes network name services transparent to the NLM, but it requires NETDB.NLM (which is also provided in this SDK). NETDB.NLM is an extension to TCP/IP and may be freely distributed with your product. The developer may choose which routines to use by directly calling the routines desired (either NWgethostxxx or NetDBgethostxxx). If the macros are used, then the macros will call the local-file-only versions of the calls (i.e. NWgethostxxx) unless the symbol NETDB_USE_INTERNET is defined below. If you wish to use the internet name services such as NIS or DNS in addition to the local hosts file for host access, then this symbol must be defined (either here or in your source file). } {$define NETDB_USE_INTERNET} const HOST_NOT_FOUND = 1; TRY_AGAIN = 2; NO_RECOVERY = 3; NO_ADDRESS = 4; { Structures returned by network data base library. All addresses are supplied in host order, and returned in network order (suitable for use in system calls). } { define h_addr h_addr_list[0] /* address, for backward compatiblity */ } type Phostent = ^Thostent; Thostent = record h_name : Pchar; // official name of host h_aliases : ^Pchar; // alias list h_addrtype : longint; h_length : longint; // length of address h_addr_list : ^Pchar; // list of addresses from name server end; // Assumption here is that a network number fits in 32 bits -- probably a poor one. Pnetent = ^Tnetent; Tnetent = record n_name : Pchar; // official name of net n_aliases : ^Pchar; // alias list n_addrtype : longint; n_net : dword; n_mask : dword; // Netmask, Novell extension end; Pservent = ^Tservent; Tservent = record s_name : Pchar; // official service name s_aliases : ^Pchar; // alias list s_port : longint; // portnumber s_proto : Pchar; // protocol to use end; Pprotoent = ^Tprotoent; Tprotoent = record p_name : Pchar; // official protocol name p_aliases : ^Pchar; p_proto : longint; end; // var h_errno : longint;cvar;external; const SCRATCHBUFSIZE = 1024; MAXALIASES = 10; MAXALIASSIZE = 64; MAXNAMESIZE = 64; MAXADDRSIZE = 19; MAXHOSTADDR = 1; { Special Novell structure for providing context in the otherwise context-free NetWare 386 environment. The applications SHOULD NOT access this structure ! } type Pnwsockent = ^Tnwsockent; Tnwsockent = record nse_hostctx : pointer; // PFILE; nse_netctx : pointer; // PFILE; nse_protoctx : pointer; // PFILE; nse_servctx : pointer; // PFILE; nse_h_errno : longint; nse_sockent_un : record case longint of 0 : ( nsu_hst : Thostent ); 1 : ( nsu_net : Tnetent ); 2 : ( nsu_proto : Tprotoent ); 3 : ( nsu_serv : Tservent ); end; nse_scratch : array[0..(SCRATCHBUFSIZE)-1] of char; end; { Declare the context block. The client must supply the actual block by placing NETDB_DEFINE_CONTEXT in one of the C modules in the link. } // var nwSocketCtx : longint;cvar;external; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Host file examination ------------------------------------------------------------------------ } { Local-file-only routines } function NWgethostbyname(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; name:Pchar):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgethostbyname'; function NWgethostbyname(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; name:Pchar):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgethostbyname'; function NWgethostbyaddr(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; addr:Pchar; length:longint; _type:longint):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgethostbyaddr'; function NWgethostbyaddr(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; addr:Pchar; length:longint; _type:longint):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgethostbyaddr'; function NWgethostent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgethostent'; function NWgethostent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgethostent'; procedure NWsethostent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; stayopen:longint);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWsethostent'; procedure NWsethostent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; stayopen:longint);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWsethostent'; procedure NWendhostent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWendhostent'; procedure NWendhostent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWendhostent'; { Internet Name Service routines } { NetDBgethostbyname() -- returns the host entry (struct hostent ) given the name of a host. The local file sys:/etc/hosts is consulted first to see if the entry exists there. If so, then that is returned. If not, then if DNS is installed on the machine, it will be consulted to perform the lookup. If the host still is not found, then NIS will be consulted if at all possible. This function returns NULL when an error occurs. The integer nwsktent->nse_h_errno can be checked to determine the nature of the error. The integer nwsktent->nse_h_errno can have the following values: HOST_NOT_FOUND No such host exists. If the NetDBgethostbyname function succeeds, it will return a pointer to a structure of type struct hostent. Syntax: struct hostent NetDBgethostbyname(struct nwsockent nwsktent, char name); nwskent: Points to a context block. name: Official name of the host. Returns: A pointer to the appropriate struct hostent if any that matches. NULL if no match found. } function NetDBgethostbyname(nwskent:Pnwsockent; name:Pchar):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBgethostbyname'; function NetDBgethostbyname(var nwskent:Tnwsockent; name:Pchar):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBgethostbyname'; { NetDBgethostbyaddr() -- returns the host entry (struct hostent ) given the address of a host. The local file sys:/etc/hosts is consulted first to see if the entry exists there. If so, then that is returned. If not, then if DNS is installed on the machine, it will be consulted to perform the lookup. If the host still is not found, then NIS will be consulted if at all possible. This function returns NULL when an error occurs. The integer nwsktent->nse_h_errno can be checked to determine the nature of the error. The integer nwsktent->nse_h_errno can have the following values: HOST_NOT_FOUND No such host exists. If the NetDBgethostbyaddr function succeeds, it will return a pointer to a structure of type struct hostent. Syntax: struct hostent NetDBgethostbyaddr(struct nwsockent nwskent, char addr, int len, int type); nwsktent: (Input) Points to a context block. addr: (Input) Internet address of the host. len: (Input) Length of the Internet address, in bytes. type: (Input) Value corresponding to the type of Internet address. Currently, the type is always AF_INET. Returns: A pointer to the appropriate struct hostent if any that matches. NULL if no match found. } function NetDBgethostbyaddr(nwsktent:Pnwsockent; addr:Pchar; len:longint; _type:longint):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBgethostbyaddr'; function NetDBgethostbyaddr(var nwsktent:Tnwsockent; addr:Pchar; len:longint; _type:longint):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBgethostbyaddr'; { NetDBgethostent() -- returns the next sequential entry from the SYS:ETC/HOSTS file, opening the file it it is not already open. Once the local file is depleted, all of the NIS host entries will be retrieved until those are depleted. Note that there may be duplicate entries in the local and NIS databases. The caller should handle these appropriately. This function returns NULL when an error occurs. The integer nwsktent->nse_h_errno can be checked to determine the nature of the error. The integer nwsktent->nse_h_errno can have the following values: HOST_NOT_FOUND No more hosts exist in either SYS:ETC/HOSTS or NIS. Syntax: struct hostent NetDBgethostent(struct nwsockent nwsktent, short ploc); nwsktent: (Input) Points to a context block. ploc: (Output) If non-NULL, this short will indicate if this entry is from the local sys:etc/hosts file (NETDB_LOC_LOCAL) or from the NIS database (NETDB_LOC_NIS). Pass in NULL if you're not interested in this information. Returns: A pointer to the next host entry if the function is successful. NULL if no more entries or an error occurred. } function NetDBgethostent(nwsktent:Pnwsockent; ploc:Psmallint):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBgethostent'; function NetDBgethostent(var nwsktent:Tnwsockent; ploc:Psmallint):Phostent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBgethostent'; { NetDBsethostent() -- rewinds the SYS:ETC/HOSTS file if the file is already open. This call guarantees that the next call to NetDBgethostent() will return the FIRST record in the local hosts file, regardless of whether the LAST call returned an entry from the local file or from NIS. If the stayopen flag is set (nonzero), the SYS:ETC/HOSTS file is NOT closed after each call made to NetDBgethostbyname() or NetDBgethostbyaddr(). Syntax: void NetDBsethostent(struct nwsockent nwsktent, int stayopen); nwsktent: (Input) Points to a context block. stayopen: (Input) If nonzero, causes SYS:ETC/HOSTS to remain open after a call to NetDBgethostbyname() or NetDBgethostbyaddr(). Returns: Nothing. } procedure NetDBsethostent(nwsktent:Pnwsockent; stayopen:longint);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBsethostent'; procedure NetDBsethostent(var nwsktent:Tnwsockent; stayopen:longint);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBsethostent'; { NetDBendhostent() -- closes the SYS:ETC/HOSTS file. Also ends access to the NIS database. After this call, the next call to NetDBgethostent() will be from the beginning of the local file again. Syntax: void NetDBendhostent(struct nwsockent nwsktent); nwsktent: (Input) Points to a context block. Returns: Nothing. } procedure NetDBendhostent(nwsktent:Pnwsockent);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBendhostent'; procedure NetDBendhostent(var nwsktent:Tnwsockent);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBendhostent'; { NetDBgethostname() -- this gets the current machine's host name into the passed in buffer (if it is large enough). This will use the local hosts file if it exists, otherwise it will then try both DNS and NIS if available in order to get the official name of our own machine. Syntax: int NetDBgethostname(struct nwsockent nwsktent, char name, int namelen); nwsktent: (Input) Points to a context block. name: (Output) Official name of the host. namelen: (Input) Specifies the size of the array pointed to by name. Returns: 0: The call succeeded. -1: The call failed. } function NetDBgethostname(nwsktent:Pnwsockent; name:Pchar; namelen:longint):longint;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBgethostname'; function NetDBgethostname(var nwsktent:Tnwsockent; name:Pchar; namelen:longint):longint;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NetDBgethostname'; // Network file examination function NWgetnetbyname(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; name:Pchar):Pnetent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetnetbyname'; function NWgetnetbyname(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; name:Pchar):Pnetent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetnetbyname'; function NWgetnetbyaddr(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; net:longint; _type:longint):Pnetent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetnetbyaddr'; function NWgetnetbyaddr(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; net:longint; _type:longint):Pnetent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetnetbyaddr'; function NWgetnetent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent):Pnetent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetnetent'; function NWgetnetent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent):Pnetent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetnetent'; procedure NWsetnetent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; stayopen:longint);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWsetnetent'; procedure NWsetnetent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; stayopen:longint);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWsetnetent'; procedure NWendnetent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWendnetent'; procedure NWendnetent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWendnetent'; // Service file examination function NWgetservbyname(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; name:Pchar; protocol:Pchar):Pservent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetservbyname'; function NWgetservbyname(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; name:Pchar; protocol:Pchar):Pservent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetservbyname'; function NWgetservbyport(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; port:longint; protocol:Pchar):Pservent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetservbyport'; function NWgetservbyport(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; port:longint; protocol:Pchar):Pservent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetservbyport'; function NWgetservent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent):Pservent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetservent'; function NWgetservent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent):Pservent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetservent'; procedure NWsetservent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; stayopen:longint);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWsetservent'; procedure NWsetservent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; stayopen:longint);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWsetservent'; procedure NWendservent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWendservent'; procedure NWendservent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWendservent'; // Protocol file examination function NWgetprotobyname(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; name:Pchar):Pprotoent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetprotobyname'; function NWgetprotobyname(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; name:Pchar):Pprotoent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetprotobyname'; function NWgetprotobynumber(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; protocol:longint):Pprotoent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetprotobynumber'; function NWgetprotobynumber(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; protocol:longint):Pprotoent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetprotobynumber'; function NWgetprotoent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent):Pprotoent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetprotoent'; function NWgetprotoent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent):Pprotoent;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWgetprotoent'; procedure NWsetprotoent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent; stayopen:longint);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWsetprotoent'; procedure NWsetprotoent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent; stayopen:longint);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWsetprotoent'; procedure NWendprotoent(nwsktctx:Pnwsockent);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWendprotoent'; procedure NWendprotoent(var nwsktctx:Tnwsockent);cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'NWendprotoent'; function gethostname(name:Pchar; namelen:longint):longint;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'gethostname'; function gethostid:longint;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'gethostid'; {-tiuser.h---------------------------------------------------------------------} const EAGAIN = -(1); { Error values } TACCES = 1; TBADADDR = 2; TBADDATA = 3; TBADF = 4; TBADFLAG = 5; TBADOPT = 6; TBADSEQ = 7; TBUFOVFLW = 8; TFLOW = 9; TLOOK = 10; TNOADDR = 11; TNODATA = 12; TNOREL = 13; TNOTSUPPORT = 14; TOUTSTATE = 15; TSTATECHNG = 16; TSYSERR = 17; TNOUDERR = 18; TNODIS = 19; TNOSTRUCTYPE = 20; TBADNAME = 21; TBADQLEN = 22; TADDRBUSY = 23; { t_look events } _T_LISTEN = 1; _T_CONNECT = 2; _T_DATA = 3; _T_EXDATA = 4; _T_DISCONNECT = 5; _T_ORDREL = 6; _T_ERROR = 7; _T_UDERR = 8; _T_GODATA = 9; _T_GOEXDATA = 10; _T_EVENTS = 11; { Flag definitions } _T_EXPEDITED = $01; _T_MORE = $02; _T_NEGOTIATE = $04; _T_CHECK = $08; _T_DEFAULT = $10; _T_SUCCESS = $20; _T_FAILURE = $40; var t_errno : longint;cvar;external; type Pt_info = ^Tt_info; Tt_info = record addr : longint; options : longint; tsdu : longint; etsdu : longint; connect : longint; discon : longint; servtype : longint; end; { Service types } { Connection-mode service } const T_COTS = 1; { Connection service with orderly release } T_COTS_ORD = 2; { Connectionless-mode service } T_CLTS = 3; type Pnetbuf = ^Tnetbuf; Tnetbuf = record maxlen : dword; len : dword; buf : Pchar; end; Pt_bind = ^Tt_bind; Tt_bind = record addr : Tnetbuf; qlen : dword; end; Pt_optmgmt = ^Tt_optmgmt; Tt_optmgmt = record opt : Tnetbuf; flags : longint; end; Pt_discon = ^Tt_discon; Tt_discon = record udata : Tnetbuf; reason : longint; sequence : longint; end; Pt_call = ^Tt_call; Tt_call = record addr : Tnetbuf; opt : Tnetbuf; udata : Tnetbuf; sequence : longint; end; Pt_unitdata = ^Tt_unitdata; Tt_unitdata = record addr : Tnetbuf; opt : Tnetbuf; udata : Tnetbuf; end; Pt_uderr = ^Tt_uderr; Tt_uderr = record addr : Tnetbuf; opt : Tnetbuf; error : longint; end; // t_alloc structure types, had to prefix with _ because some // names conflict with functions const _T_BIND = $1; _T_CALL = $2; _T_OPTMGMT = $4; _T_DIS = $8; _T_UNITDATA = $10; _T_UDERROR = $20; _T_INFO = $40; { XTI names for t_alloc structure types } _T_BIND_STR = _T_BIND; _T_OPTMGMT_STR = _T_OPTMGMT; _T_CALL_STR = _T_CALL; _T_DIS_STR = _T_DIS; _T_UNITDATA_STR = _T_UNITDATA; _T_UDERROR_STR = _T_UDERROR; _T_INFO_STR = _T_INFO; { t_alloc field identifiers } _T_ADDR = $1000; _T_OPT = $2000; _T_UDATA = $4000; _T_ALL = $8000; { State values } { added to match xti state tables } _T_UNINIT = 0; { unbound } _T_UNBND = 1; { idle } _T_IDLE = 2; { outgoing connection pending } _T_OUTCON = 3; { incoming connection pending } _T_INCON = 4; { data transfer } _T_DATAXFER = 5; { outgoing orderly release } _T_OUTREL = 6; { incoming orderly release } _T_INREL = 7; { general purpose defines } _T_YES = 1; _T_NO = 0; _T_UNUSED = -(1); _T_NULL = 0; _T_ABSREQ = $8000; var t_errlist : array of Pchar;cvar;external; t_nerr : longint;cvar;external; {---------------------TCP specific Options-------------------------- } { TCP Precedence Levels } const _T_ROUTINE = 0; _T_PRIORITY = 1; _T_IMMEDIATE = 2; _T_FLASH = 3; _T_OVERRIDEFLASH = 4; _T_CRITIC_ECP = 5; _T_INETCONTROL = 6; _T_NETCONTROL = 7; type Psecoptions = ^Tsecoptions; Tsecoptions = record security : smallint; compartment : smallint; handling : smallint; tcc : longint; end; Ptcp_options = ^Ttcp_options; Ttcp_options = record precedence : smallint; // TCP options timeout : longint; // abort timeout max_seg_size : longint; secopt : Tsecoptions; // security options end; function t_accept(fd:longint; resfd:longint; call:Pt_call):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_accept'; function t_alloc(fd:longint; struct_type:longint; fields:longint):Pchar;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_alloc'; function t_bind(fd:longint; req:Pt_bind; ret:Pt_bind):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_bind'; function t_blocking(fd:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_blocking'; function t_close(fd:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_close'; function t_connect(fd:longint; sndcall:Pt_call; rcvcall:Pt_call):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_connect'; procedure t_error(errmsg:Pchar);cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_error'; function t_free(ptr:Pchar; struct_type:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_free'; function t_getinfo(fd:longint; info:Pt_info):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_getinfo'; function t_getstate(fd:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_getstate'; function t_listen(fd:longint; call:Pt_call):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_listen'; function t_look(fd:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_look'; function t_nonblocking(fd:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_nonblocking'; function t_open(path:Pchar; oflag:longint; info:Pt_info):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_open'; function t_optmgmt(fd:longint; req:Pt_optmgmt; ret:Pt_optmgmt):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_optmgmt'; function t_rcv(fd:longint; buf:Pchar; nbytes:dword; flags:Plongint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_rcv'; function t_rcvconnect(fd:longint; call:Pt_call):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_rcvconnect'; function t_rcvdis(fd:longint; discon:Pt_discon):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_rcvdis'; function t_rcvrel(fd:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_rcvrel'; function t_rcvudata(fd:longint; unitdata:Pt_unitdata; flags:Plongint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_rcvudata'; function t_rcvuderr(fd:longint; uderr:Pt_uderr):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_rcvuderr'; function t_snd(fd:longint; buf:Pchar; nbytes:dword; flags:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_snd'; function t_snddis(fd:longint; call:Pt_call):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_snddis'; function t_sndrel(fd:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_sndrel'; function t_sndudata(fd:longint; unitdata:Pt_unitdata):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_sndudata'; function t_sync(fd:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_sync'; function t_unbind(fd:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'tli' name 't_unbind'; // havent found the declaration for __get_t_errno_ptr, hope that is correct: function __get_t_errno_ptr:plongint; cdecl;external 'clib' name '__get_t_errno_ptr'; function t_error : longint; {-ositli.h---------------------------------------------------------------------} const TPDR_NORMAL = 128 + 0; TPDR_CRCONG = 128 + 1; TPDR_CONNEG = 128 + 2; TPDR_DUPSR = 128 + 3; TPDR_MMREF = 128 + 4; TPDR_PE = 128 + 5; TPDR_REOVFL = 128 + 7; TPDR_NWREF = 128 + 8; TPDR_INVHD = 128 + 10; TPDR_RNS = 0; TPDR_CONG = 1; TPDR_NOSESS = 2; TPDR_UNKADDR = 3; // Address unknown // Options management pre-defined values. T_YES = 1; T_NO = 0; T_UNUSED = -(1); T_NULL = 0; T_ABSREQ = $8000; T_PRIDFLT = 4; T_PRILOW = 3; T_PRIMID = 2; T_PRIHIGH = 1; T_PRITOP = 0; T_NOPROTECT = 1; T_PASSIVEPROTECT = 2; T_ACTIVEPROTECT = 4; T_LTPDUDFLT = 2048; T_CLASS0 = 0; T_CLASS1 = 1; T_CLASS2 = 2; T_CLASS3 = 3; T_CLASS4 = 4; // Options Management structures. type Prate = ^Trate; Trate = record targetvalue : longint; // target value minacceptvalue : longint; // minimum acceptable value end; Preqvalue = ^Treqvalue; Treqvalue = record called : Trate; // called rate calling : Trate; // calling rate end; Pthrpt = ^Tthrpt; Tthrpt = record maxthrpt : Treqvalue; // maximum throughput avgthrpt : Treqvalue; // average throughput end; Pmanagement = ^Tmanagement; Tmanagement = record dflt : smallint; ltpdu : longint; reastime : smallint; _class : char; altclass : char; extform : char; flowctrl : char; checksum : char; netexp : char; netrecptcf: char; end; // Connection oriented options. Pisoco_options = ^Tisoco_options; Tisoco_options = record throughput : Tthrpt; transdel : Treqvalue; reserrorrate : Trate; transffailprob : Trate; estfailprob : Trate; relfailprob : Trate; estdelay : Trate; reldelay : Trate; connresil : Tnetbuf; protection : word; priority : smallint; mngmt : Tmanagement; // management parameters expd : char; // expedited data: T_YES or T_NO end; // Connectionless options. Pisocl_options = ^Tisocl_options; Tisocl_options = record transdel : Trate; // transit delay reserrorrate : Trate; // residual error rate protection : word; priority : smallint; end; // Novell connectionless options. Pnovell_isocl_options = ^Tnovell_isocl_options; Tnovell_isocl_options = record transdel : Trate; // transit delay reserrorrate : Trate; // residual error rate protection : word; priority : smallint; checksum : longint; end; {-param.h----------------------------------------------------------------------} const HZ = 18; NULL = 0; PZERO = 20; PCATCH = $8000; {-poll.h-----------------------------------------------------------------------} const NPOLLFILE = 65535; POLLIN = 1; POLLPRI = 2; POLLOUT = 4; POLLERR = 10; POLLHUP = 20; POLLNVAL = 40; { array of streams to poll } { Internal "fd" for the benefit of the kernel } type Ppollfd = ^Tpollfd; Tpollfd = record fd : longint; events : smallint; revents : smallint; _ifd : longint; end; { I_POLL structure for ioctl on non-5.3 systems } Pstrpoll = ^Tstrpoll; Tstrpoll = record nfds : dword; pollfdp : Ppollfd; timeout : longint; end; function poll(const fds:array of Tpollfd; nfds:dword; timeout:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'clib' name 'poll'; {-proc.h-----------------------------------------------------------------------} type Pproc = ^Tproc; Tproc = record p_pid : smallint; p_pgrp : smallint; end; {-strlog.h---------------------------------------------------------------------} const SL_FATAL = $1; SL_NOTIFY = $2; SL_ERROR = $4; SL_TRACE = $8; I_TRCLOG = 1; I_ERRLOG = 2; LOGMSGSZ = 128; type Plog_ctl = ^Tlog_ctl; Tlog_ctl = record mid : smallint; sid : smallint; level : char; flags : smallint; ltime : longint; ttime : longint; seq_no: longint; end; Ptrace_ids = ^Ttrace_ids; Ttrace_ids = record ti_mid : smallint; ti_sid : smallint; ti_level : char; ti_flags : smallint; end; {-strstat.h--------------------------------------------------------------------} type Pmodule_stat = ^Tmodule_stat; Tmodule_stat = record ms_pcnt : longint; ms_scnt : longint; ms_ocnt : longint; ms_ccnt : longint; ms_acnt : longint; ms_xptr : Pchar; ms_xsize: smallint; end; {-user.h-----------------------------------------------------------------------} type Puser = ^Tuser; Tuser = record u_error : longint; u_uid : longint; u_gid : longint; u_ruid : longint; u_rgid : longint; u_ttyp : Psmallint; u_procp : Pproc; end; {-stream.h---------------------------------------------------------------------} type Pmodule_info = ^Tmodule_info; Tmodule_info = record mi_idnum : word; mi_idname : Pchar; mi_minpsz : smallint; mi_maxpsz : smallint; mi_hiwat : smallint; mi_lowat : smallint; end; Pqinit = ^Tqinit; Tqinit = record qi_putp : function :longint;cdecl; qi_srvp : function :longint; qi_qopen : function :longint; qi_qclose : function :longint; qi_qadmin : function :longint; qi_minfo : Pmodule_info; qi_mstat : Pmodule_stat; end; Pdatab = ^Tdatab; Tdatab = record db_freep : Pdatab; db_base : Pbyte; db_lim : Pbyte; db_ref : byte; db_type : byte; db_class : byte; db_pad : array[0..0] of byte; end; Tdblk_t = Tdatab; type Pmsgb = ^Tmsgb; Tmsgb = record b_next : Pmsgb; // next message on queue b_prev : Pmsgb; // previous message on queue b_cont : Pmsgb; // next message block of message b_rptr : PChar; // first unread data byte in buffer b_wptr : PChar; // first unwritten data byte b_datap : Pdatab; // data block end; Tmblk_t = Tmsgb; Pmblk_t = Pmsgb; Pq_xtra = pointer; // dont know where this is defined Pqueue = ^Tqueue; Tqueue = record q_qinfo : Pqinit; q_first : Pmsgb; q_last : Pmsgb; q_next : Pqueue; q_link : Pqueue; q_ptr : Pchar; q_count : byte; //ushort; q_flag : byte; // ushort; q_minpsz: smallint; q_maxpsz: smallint; q_hiwat : byte; // ushort; q_lowat : byte; // ushort; q_osx : Pq_xtra; q_ffcp : Pqueue; q_bfcp : Pqueue; end; Tqueue_t = Tqueue; Pqueue_t = Pqueue; { Q state defines } const F_Q_IS_WRITE_Q = $1; F_Q_DISABLED = $2; F_Q_FULL = $4; F_Q_TO_SCHEDULE = $8; F_Q_PUT_STOPPED = $10; F_Q_WELDED = $20; F_Q_SEQUENT_SYNCH = $40; { Q state defines for 5.4 compatibility } QREADR = $80; QFULL = F_Q_FULL; QENAB = F_Q_TO_SCHEDULE; { Used in M_IOCTL mblks to muxes (ioc_cmd I_LINK) } { lowest level write queue of upper stream } { highest level write queue of lower stream } { system-unique index for lower stream } type Plinkblk = ^Tlinkblk; Tlinkblk = record l_qtop : Pqueue_t; l_qbot : Pqueue_t; l_index : longint; end; { Message types } const QNORM = 0; { Ordinary data } M_DATA = 0; { Internal control info and data } M_PROTO = 1; { Request a driver to send a break } M_BREAK = 010; { Used to pass a file pointer } M_PASSFP = 011; { Requests a signal to be sent } M_SIG = 013; { Request a real-time delay } M_DELAY = 014; { For inter-module communication } M_CTL = 015; { Used internally for I_STR requests } M_IOCTL = 016; { Alters characteristics of stream head } M_SETOPTS = 020; { Priority messages types } QPCTL = 0200; { Positive ack of previous M_IOCTL } M_IOCACK = 0201; { Previous M_IOCTL failed } M_IOCNAK = 0202; { Same as M_PROTO except for priority } M_PCPROTO = 0203; { Priority signal } M_PCSIG = 0204; { Requests modules to flush queues } M_FLUSH = 0206; { Request drivers to stop output } M_STOP = 0207; { Request drivers to start output } M_START = 0210; { Driver can no longer produce data } M_HANGUP = 0211; { Reports downstream error condition } M_ERROR = 0212; { Reports client read at stream head } M_READ = 0213; { PSE-private type; high priority data } M_HPDATA = 0214; FLUSHALL = 1; FLUSHDATA = 0; type Piocblk = ^Tiocblk; Tiocblk = record ioc_cmd : longint; ioc_uid : word; ioc_gid : word; ioc_id : dword; ioc_count : dword; ioc_error : longint; ioc_rval : longint; end; Pstrpfp = ^Tstrpfp; Tstrpfp = record pass_file_cookie : dword; pass_uid : word; pass_gid : word; pass_sth : pointer; end; Pstroptions = ^Tstroptions; Tstroptions = record so_flags : smallint; so_readopt : smallint; so_wroff : word; so_minpsz : smallint; so_maxpsz : smallint; so_hiwat : word; so_lowat : word; end; const SO_ALL = 0377; SO_READOPT = 01; SO_WROFF = 02; SO_MINPSZ = 04; SO_MAXPSZ = 010; SO_HIWAT = 020; SO_LOWAT = 040; SO_MREADON = 0100; SO_MREADOFF = 0200; BPRI_LO = 1; BPRI_MED = 2; BPRI_HI = 3; INFPSZ = -(1); const MAXMSGSIZE = 4096; OPENFAIL = -(1); CLONEOPEN = $2; MODOPEN = $1; NSTREVENT = 40; STRMSGSZ = MAXMSGSIZE; STRCTLSZ = 1024; STRLOFRAC = 80; STRMEDFRAC = 90; MAXBSIZE = MAXMSGSIZE; type TFuncLongCdecl = function : longint; cdecl; function allocb(size:longint; pri:longint):Pmblk_t;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'allocb'; function allocq:Pqueue_t;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'allocq'; function adjmsg(mp:Pmblk_t; len_param:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'adjmsg'; function backq(q:Pqueue_t):Pqueue_t;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'backq'; function bufcall(size:longint; pri:longint; func:TFuncLongCdecl; arg:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'bufcall'; procedure bcopy(src:Pchar; dst:Pchar; len:longint);cdecl;external 'streams' name 'bcopy'; procedure bzero(buffer:Pchar; nbytes:longint);cdecl;external 'streams' name 'bzero'; function canput(q:Pqueue_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'canput'; function copyb(mp:Pmblk_t):Pmblk_t;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'copyb'; function copymsg(mp:Pmblk_t):Pmblk_t;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'copymsg'; function dupb(bp:Pmblk_t):Pmblk_t;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'dupb'; function dupmsg(mp:Pmblk_t):Pmblk_t;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'dupmsg'; function flushq(q:Pqueue_t; flag:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'flushq'; function freeb(bp:Pmblk_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'freeb'; function freemsg(mp:Pmblk_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'freemsg'; function freeq(q:Pqueue_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'freeq'; function getq(q:Pqueue_t):Pmblk_t;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'getq'; function insq(q:Pqueue_t; emp:Pmblk_t; nmp:Pmblk_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'insq'; function linkb(mp1:Pmblk_t; mp2:Pmblk_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'linkb'; function msgdsize(mp:Pmblk_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'msgdsize'; function pullupmsg(mp:Pmblk_t; len:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'pullupmsg'; function putbq(q:Pqueue_t; mp:Pmblk_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'putbq'; function putctl(q:Pqueue_t; _type:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'putctl'; function putctl1(q:Pqueue_t; _type:longint; c:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'putctl1'; function putq(q:Pqueue_t; mp:Pmblk_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'putq'; function qenable(q:Pqueue_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'qenable'; function qreply(q:Pqueue_t; mp:Pmblk_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'qreply'; function qsize(q:Pqueue_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'qsize'; function rmvb(mp:Pmblk_t; bp:Pmblk_t):Pmblk_t;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'rmvb'; function rmvq(q:Pqueue_t; mp:Pmblk_t):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'rmvq'; function strlog(sid:smallint; mid:smallint; level:char; aflags:smallint; args:array of const):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'strlog'; function strlog(sid:smallint; mid:smallint; level:char; aflags:smallint):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'strlog'; function testb(size:longint; pri:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'testb'; function timeout(func:TFuncLongCdecl; arg:pointer; ticks:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'timeout'; function unlinkb(mp:Pmblk_t):Pmblk_t;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'unlinkb'; function unbufcall(id:longint):longint;cdecl;external 'streams' name 'unbufcall'; {-tispxipx.h-------------------------------------------------------------------} type Pipxaddr_s = ^Tipxaddr_s; Tipxaddr_s = record ipxa_net : array[0..3] of byte; ipxa_node : array[0..5] of byte; ipxa_socket : array[0..1] of byte; end; TIPX_ADDR = Tipxaddr_s; PIPX_ADDR = ^TIPX_ADDR; Pipxopt_s = ^Tipxopt_s; Tipxopt_s = record ipx_type : byte; ipx_pad1 : array[0..2] of byte; ipx_hops : byte; ipx_pad2 : array[0..2] of byte; end; TIPX_OPTS = Tipxopt_s; PIPX_OPTS = ^TIPX_OPTS; Pspxopt_s = ^Tspxopt_s; Tspxopt_s = record spx_connectionID : array[0..1] of byte; spx_allocationNumber : array[0..1] of byte; spx_pad1 : array[0..3] of byte; end; TSPX_OPTS = Tspxopt_s; PSPX_OPTS = ^TSPX_OPTS; Pspx_optmgmt = ^Tspx_optmgmt; Tspx_optmgmt = record spxo_retry_count : byte; spxo_watchdog_flag : byte; spxo_min_retry_delay : dword; spxo_pad2 : array[0..1] of byte; end; const OPTIONS_VERSION = 1; function OPTIONS_SIZE : longint; type Pspx2_options = ^Tspx2_options; Tspx2_options = record versionNumber : dword; spxIIOptionNegotiate : dword; spxIIRetryCount : dword; spxIIMinimumRetryDelay : dword; spxIIMaximumRetryDelta : dword; spxIIWatchdogTimeout : dword; spxIIConnectTimeout : dword; spxIILocalWindowSize : dword; spxIIRemoteWindowSize : dword; spxIIConnectionID : dword; spxIIInboundPacketSize : dword; spxIIOutboundPacketSize: dword; spxIISessionFlags : dword; end; const SPX_WATCHDOG_OFF = 0; SPX_WATCHDOG_ON = not (SPX_WATCHDOG_OFF); SPX_WATCHDOG_DEFAULT = SPX_WATCHDOG_ON; SPX_RETRY_MIN = 3; SPX_RETRY_MAX = 50; SPX_RETRY_DEFAULT = 10; SPX_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_MIN = 3000; SPX_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_MAX = 300000; SPX_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 60000; SPX_MIN_RETRY_DELAY_MIN = 1; SPX_MIN_RETRY_DELAY_MAX = 60000; SPX_MIN_RETRY_DELAY_DEFAULT = 0; SPX_MAX_RETRY_DELTA_MIN = 1000; SPX_MAX_RETRY_DELTA_MAX = 60000; SPX_MAX_RETRY_DELTA_DEFAULT = 5000; SPX_OPTION_NEGOTIATE_OFF = 0; SPX_OPTION_NEGOTIATE_ON = not (SPX_OPTION_NEGOTIATE_OFF); SPX_OPTION_NEGOTIATE_DEFAULT = SPX_OPTION_NEGOTIATE_ON; SPX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MIN = 1000; SPX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MAX = 120000; SPX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 0; SPX_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE_MIN = 1; SPX_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE_MAX = 8; SPX_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE_DEFAULT = 0; SPX2_SF_NONE = $00; SPX2_SF_IPX_CHECKSUM = $01; SPX2_SF_SPX2_SESSION = $02; TLI_SPX_CONNECTION_FAILED = $ed; TLI_SPX_CONNECTION_TERMINATED = $ec; TLI_SPX_MALFORMED_PACKET = $fe; TLI_SPX_PACKET_OVERFLOW = $fd; TLI_SPX_UNREACHABLE_DEST = $70; TLI_IPX_MALFORMED_ADDRESS = $fe; TLI_IPX_PACKET_OVERFLOW = $fd; {-in.pp------------------------------------------------------------------------} const IPPROTO_IP = 0; IPPROTO_ICMP = 1; IPPROTO_IGMP = 2; IPPROTO_GGP = 3; IPPROTO_TCP = 6; IPPROTO_EGP = 8; IPPROTO_PUP = 12; IPPROTO_UDP = 17; IPPROTO_IDP = 22; IPPROTO_ND = 77; IPPROTO_RAW = 255; IPPROTO_MAX = 256; // Port/socket numbers: network standard functions IPPORT_ECHO = 7; IPPORT_DISCARD = 9; IPPORT_SYSTAT = 11; IPPORT_DAYTIME = 13; IPPORT_NETSTAT = 15; IPPORT_FTP = 21; IPPORT_TELNET = 23; IPPORT_SMTP = 25; IPPORT_TIMESERVER = 37; IPPORT_NAMESERVER = 42; IPPORT_WHOIS = 43; IPPORT_MTP = 57; // Port/socket numbers: host specific functions IPPORT_TFTP = 69; IPPORT_RJE = 77; IPPORT_FINGER = 79; IPPORT_TTYLINK = 87; IPPORT_SUPDUP = 95; // UNIX TCP sockets IPPORT_EXECSERVER = 512; IPPORT_LOGINSERVER = 513; IPPORT_CMDSERVER = 514; IPPORT_EFSSERVER = 520; // UNIX UDP sockets IPPORT_BIFFUDP = 512; IPPORT_WHOSERVER = 513; { 520+1 also used } IPPORT_ROUTESERVER = 520; IPPORT_RESERVED = 1024; IPPORT_USERRESERVED = 5000; type Pin_addr = ^Tin_addr; Tin_addr = record s_addr : dword; end; const IN_CLASSA_NET = $ff000000; IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 24; IN_CLASSA_HOST = $00ffffff; IN_CLASSA_MAX = 128; IN_CLASSB_NET = $ffff0000; IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 16; IN_CLASSB_HOST = $0000ffff; IN_CLASSB_MAX = 65536; IN_CLASSC_NET = $ffffff00; IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 8; IN_CLASSC_HOST = $000000ff; IN_LOOPBACKNET = 127; // var sin_port : word;cvar;public; // sin_zero : array[0..7] of char;cvar;public; const IP_OPTIONS = 1; function ntohs(value:word):word;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'ntohs'; function htons(value:word):word;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'htons'; function ntohl(value:dword):dword;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'ntohl'; function htonl(value:dword):dword;cdecl;external {'tcpip'} name 'htonl'; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} implementation function t_error : longint; begin t_error := __get_t_errno_ptr^; end; function OPTIONS_SIZE : longint; begin OPTIONS_SIZE:=13 * (sizeof(longint)); end; end.