{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Armin Diehl, member of the Free Pascal development team Dummy Mouse unit for netware See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {2001/04/14 armin: first version, only a dummy, i think there is no 'official' way to support a mouse under netware } unit Mouse; interface {$ifdef NOMOUSE} {$DEFINE NOGPM} {$ENDIF} {const MouseEventBufSize = 16; } {$i mouseh.inc} implementation procedure PlaceMouseCur(ofs:longint); begin end; procedure InitMouse; begin end; procedure DoneMouse; begin end; function DetectMouse:byte; begin DetectMouse:=0; end; procedure ShowMouse; begin end; procedure HideMouse; begin end; function GetMouseX:word; begin GetMouseX:=0; end; function GetMouseY:word; begin GetMouseY:=0; end; function GetMouseButtons:word; begin GetMouseButtons:=0; end; procedure SetMouseXY(x,y:word); begin end; procedure GetMouseEvent(var MouseEvent: TMouseEvent); begin fillchar(MouseEvent,SizeOf(TMouseEvent),#0); end; procedure PutMouseEvent(const MouseEvent: TMouseEvent); begin end; function PollMouseEvent(var MouseEvent: TMouseEvent):boolean; begin fillchar(MouseEvent,SizeOf(TMouseEvent),#0); exit(false); end; Procedure SetMouseDriver(Const Driver : TMouseDriver); { Sets the mouse driver. } begin end; Procedure GetMouseDriver(Var Driver : TMouseDriver); { Returns the currently active mouse driver } begin FillChar (Driver, sizeof(Driver),0); end; end.