{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2004 by the Free Pascal development team. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. System.pp for Netware libc environment **********************************************************************} { no stack check in system } {$S-} unit system; interface {$define netware} {$define netware_libc} {$define StdErrToConsole} {$define autoHeapRelease} {$define IOpossix} {$define DisableArrayOfConst} {$ifdef SYSTEMDEBUG} {$define SYSTEMEXCEPTIONDEBUG} {$endif SYSTEMDEBUG} {$ifdef cpui386} {$define Set_i386_Exception_handler} {$endif cpui386} { include system-independent routine headers } {$I systemh.inc} {Platform specific information} const LineEnding = #13#10; LFNSupport : boolean = false; DirectorySeparator = '/'; DriveSeparator = ':'; PathSeparator = ';'; { FileNameCaseSensitive is defined separately below!!! } maxExitCode = $ffff; MaxPathLen = 256; CONST { Default filehandles } UnusedHandle : THandle = -1; StdInputHandle : THandle = 0; StdOutputHandle : THandle = 0; StdErrorHandle : THandle = 0; FileNameCaseSensitive : boolean = false; CtrlZMarksEOF: boolean = false; (* #26 not considered as end of file *) sLineBreak = LineEnding; DefaultTextLineBreakStyle : TTextLineBreakStyle = tlbsCRLF; type TNWCheckFunction = procedure (var code : longint); TDLL_Process_Entry_Hook = function (dllparam : longint) : longbool; TDLL_Entry_Hook = procedure (dllparam : longint); VAR ArgC : INTEGER; ArgV : ppchar; NetwareCheckFunction: TNWCheckFunction; NWLoggerScreen : pointer = nil; const Dll_Process_Attach_Hook : TDLL_Process_Entry_Hook = nil; Dll_Process_Detach_Hook : TDLL_Entry_Hook = nil; Dll_Thread_Attach_Hook : TDLL_Entry_Hook = nil; Dll_Thread_Detach_Hook : TDLL_Entry_Hook = nil; NetwareUnloadProc : pointer = nil; {like exitProc but for nlm unload only} envp : ppchar = nil; type //TSysCloseAllRemainingSemaphores = procedure; TSysReleaseThreadVars = procedure; TSysSetThreadDataAreaPtr = function (newPtr:pointer):pointer; procedure NWSysSetThreadFunctions (atv:TSysReleaseThreadVars; rtv:TSysReleaseThreadVars; stdata:TSysSetThreadDataAreaPtr); procedure _ConsolePrintf (s :shortstring); procedure _ConsolePrintf (FormatStr : PCHAR; Param : LONGINT); procedure _ConsolePrintf (FormatStr : PCHAR; Param : pchar); procedure _ConsolePrintf (FormatStr : PCHAR; P1,P2 : LONGINT); procedure _ConsolePrintf (FormatStr : PCHAR; P1,P2,P3 : LONGINT); procedure _ConsolePrintf (FormatStr : PCHAR); procedure __EnterDebugger;cdecl;external '!netware' name 'EnterDebugger'; function NWGetCodeStart : pointer; // needed for Lineinfo function NWGetCodeLength : dword; function NWGetDataStart : pointer; function NWGetDataLength : dword; implementation { Indicate that stack checking is taken care by OS} {$DEFINE NO_GENERIC_STACK_CHECK} { include system independent routines } {$I system.inc} procedure PASCALMAIN;external name 'PASCALMAIN'; procedure fpc_do_exit;external name 'FPC_DO_EXIT'; {***************************************************************************** System Dependent Exit code *****************************************************************************} var SigTermHandlerActive : boolean; Procedure system_exit; begin if TerminatingThreadID <> 0 then if TerminatingThreadID <> ThreadId then if TerminatingThreadID <> dword(pthread_self) then begin {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} _ConsolePrintf ('Terminating Thread %x because halt was called while Thread %x terminates nlm'#13#10,dword(pthread_self),TerminatingThreadId); {$endif} pthread_exit (nil); // only for the case ExitThread fails while true do NXThreadYield; end; if assigned (ReleaseThreadVars) then ReleaseThreadVars; {$ifdef autoHeapRelease} FreeSbrkMem; { free memory allocated by heapmanager } {$endif} if not SigTermHandlerActive then begin if Erroraddr <> nil then { otherwise we dont see runtime-errors } SetScreenMode (0); _exit (ExitCode); end; end; {***************************************************************************** Stack check code *****************************************************************************} const StackErr : boolean = false; procedure int_stackcheck(stack_size:Cardinal);[public,alias:'FPC_STACKCHECK']; { called when trying to get local stack if the compiler directive $S is set this function must preserve all registers With a 5k byte safe area used to write to StdIo and some libc functions without crossing the stack boundary } begin if StackErr then exit; // avoid recursive calls asm pusha end; stackerr := (stackavail < stack_size + 5120); // we really need that much, at least on nw6.5 asm popa end; if not StackErr then exit; StackErr := true; HandleError (202); end; {***************************************************************************** ParamStr/Randomize *****************************************************************************} { number of args } function paramcount : longint; begin paramcount := argc - 1; end; { argument number l } function paramstr(l : longint) : string; begin if (l>=0) and (l+1<=argc) then begin paramstr:=strpas(argv[l]); if l = 0 then // fix nlm path begin for l := 1 to length (paramstr) do if paramstr[l] = '\' then paramstr[l] := '/'; end; end else paramstr:=''; end; { set randseed to a new pseudo random value } procedure randomize; begin randseed := time (NIL); end; {***************************************************************************** Thread Handling *****************************************************************************} procedure InitFPU;assembler; asm fninit fldcw fpucw end; { if return-value is <> 0, netware shows the message Unload Anyway ? To Disable unload at all, SetNLMDontUnloadFlag can be used on Netware >= 4.0 } function CheckFunction : longint; CDECL; [public,alias: '_NonAppCheckUnload']; var oldPtr : pointer; begin //_ConsolePrintf ('CheckFunction'#13#10); if assigned (NetwareCheckFunction) then begin if assigned (SetThreadDataAreaPtr) then oldPtr := SetThreadDataAreaPtr (NIL); { nil means main thread } result := 0; NetwareCheckFunction (result); if assigned (SetThreadDataAreaPtr) then SetThreadDataAreaPtr (oldPtr); end else result := 0; end; procedure _ConsolePrintf (s : shortstring); begin if length(s) > 254 then byte(s[0]) := 254; s := s + #0; _ConsolePrintf (@s[1]); end; procedure _ConsolePrintf (FormatStr : PCHAR); begin if NWLoggerScreen = nil then NWLoggerScreen := getnetwarelogger; if NWLoggerScreen <> nil then screenprintf (NWLoggerScreen,FormatStr); end; procedure _ConsolePrintf (FormatStr : PCHAR; Param : LONGINT); begin if NWLoggerScreen = nil then NWLoggerScreen := getnetwarelogger; if NWLoggerScreen <> nil then screenprintf (NWLoggerScreen,FormatStr,Param); end; procedure _ConsolePrintf (FormatStr : PCHAR; Param : pchar); begin _ConsolePrintf (FormatStr,longint(Param)); end; procedure _ConsolePrintf (FormatStr : PCHAR; P1,P2 : LONGINT); begin if NWLoggerScreen = nil then NWLoggerScreen := getnetwarelogger; if NWLoggerScreen <> nil then screenprintf (NWLoggerScreen,FormatStr,P1,P2); end; procedure _ConsolePrintf (FormatStr : PCHAR; P1,P2,P3 : LONGINT); begin if NWLoggerScreen = nil then NWLoggerScreen := getnetwarelogger; if NWLoggerScreen <> nil then screenprintf (NWLoggerScreen,FormatStr,P1,P2,P3); end; var NWUts : Tutsname; procedure getCodeAddresses; begin if Fpuname(NWUts) < 0 then FillChar(NWuts,sizeof(NWUts),0); end; function NWGetCodeStart : pointer; begin NWGetCodeStart := NWUts.codeoffset; NXThreadYield; end; function NWGetCodeLength : dword; begin NWGetCodeLength := NWUts.codelength; NXThreadYield; end; function NWGetDataStart : pointer; begin NWGetDataStart := NWUts.dataoffset; NXThreadYield; end; function NWGetDataLength : dword; begin NWGetDataLength := NWUts.datalength; NXThreadYield; end; {$ifdef StdErrToConsole} var ConsoleBuff : array [0..512] of char; Function ConsoleWrite(Var F: TextRec): Integer; var i : longint; Begin if F.BufPos>0 then begin if F.BufPos>sizeof(ConsoleBuff)-1 then i:=sizeof(ConsoleBuff)-1 else i:=F.BufPos; Move(F.BufPtr^,ConsoleBuff,i); ConsoleBuff[i] := #0; screenprintf (NWLoggerScreen,@ConsoleBuff); end; F.BufPos:=0; ConsoleWrite := 0; NXThreadYield; End; Function ConsoleClose(Var F: TextRec): Integer; begin ConsoleClose:=0; end; Function ConsoleOpen(Var F: TextRec): Integer; Begin TextRec(F).InOutFunc:=@ConsoleWrite; TextRec(F).FlushFunc:=@ConsoleWrite; TextRec(F).CloseFunc:=@ConsoleClose; ConsoleOpen:=0; End; procedure AssignStdErrConsole(Var T: Text); begin Assign(T,''); TextRec(T).OpenFunc:=@ConsoleOpen; Rewrite(T); end; {$endif} function GetProcessID: SizeUInt; begin GetProcessID := SizeUInt (getnlmhandle); end; { this will be called if the nlm is unloaded. It will NOT be called if the program exits i.e. with halt. Halt (or _exit) can not be called from this callback procedure } procedure TermSigHandler (Sig:longint); CDecl; var oldPtr : pointer; current_exit : procedure; begin { Threadvar Pointer will not be valid because the signal handler is called by netware with a differnt thread. To avoid problems in the exit routines, we set the data of the main thread here } if assigned (SetThreadDataAreaPtr) then oldPtr := SetThreadDataAreaPtr (NIL); { nil means main thread } TerminatingThreadID := dword(pthread_self); {we need to finalize winock to release threads waiting on a blocking socket call. If that thread calls halt, we have to avoid that unit finalization is called by that thread because we are doing it here like the old exitProc, mainly to allow winsock to release threads blocking in a winsock calls } while NetwareUnloadProc<>nil Do Begin InOutRes:=0; current_exit:=tProcedure(NetwareUnloadProc); NetwareUnloadProc:=nil; current_exit(); NXThreadYield; //hadExitProc := true; End; SigTermHandlerActive := true; { to avoid that system_exit calls _exit } do_exit; { calls finalize units } if assigned (SetThreadDataAreaPtr) then SetThreadDataAreaPtr (oldPtr); end; procedure SysInitStdIO; begin { Setup stdin, stdout and stderr } {$ifdef IOpossix} StdInputHandle := THandle (fileno (___stdin^)); // GetStd** returns **FILE ! StdOutputHandle:= THandle (fileno (___stdout^)); StdErrorHandle := THandle (fileno (___stderr^)); {$else} StdInputHandle := THandle (___stdin^); // GetStd** returns **FILE ! StdOutputHandle:= THandle (___stdout^); StdErrorHandle := THandle (___stderr^); {$endif} OpenStdIO(Input,fmInput,StdInputHandle); OpenStdIO(Output,fmOutput,StdOutputHandle); OpenStdIO(StdOut,fmOutput,StdOutputHandle); {$ifdef StdErrToConsole} AssignStdErrConsole(StdErr); AssignStdErrConsole(ErrOutput); {$else} OpenStdIO(StdErr,fmOutput,StdErrorHandle); OpenStdIO(ErrOutput,fmOutput,StdErrorHandle); {$endif} end; // this is called by main.as, setup args and call PASCALMAIN procedure nlm_main (_ArgC : LONGINT; _ArgV : ppchar); cdecl; [public,alias: '_FPC_NLM_Entry']; BEGIN ArgC := _ArgC; ArgV := _ArgV; isLibrary := false; PASCALMAIN; do_exit; // currently not needed END; function _DLLMain (hInstDLL:pointer; fdwReason:dword; DLLParam:longint):longbool; cdecl; [public, alias : '_FPC_DLL_Entry']; var res : longbool; begin {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} _ConsolePrintf ('_FPC_DLL_Entry called'); {$endif} _DLLMain := false; isLibrary := true; case fdwReason of DLL_ACTUAL_DLLMAIN : _DLLMain := true; DLL_NLM_STARTUP : begin //_ConsolePrintf ('DLL_NLM_STARTUP'); if assigned(Dll_Process_Attach_Hook) then begin res:=Dll_Process_Attach_Hook(DllParam); if not res then exit(false); end; PASCALMAIN; _DLLMain := true; end; DLL_NLM_SHUTDOWN : begin //_ConsolePrintf ('DLL_NLM_SHUTDOWN'); TermSigHandler(0); _DLLMain := true; end; { standard DllMain() messages... } DLL_THREAD_ATTACH, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH : begin //__ConsolePrintf ('DLL_PROCESS/THREAD_ATTACH'); if assigned(AllocateThreadVars) then AllocateThreadVars; if assigned(Dll_Thread_Attach_Hook) then Dll_Thread_Attach_Hook(DllParam); _DLLMain := true; end; DLL_THREAD_DETACH, DLL_PROCESS_DETACH : begin //__ConsolePrintf ('DLL_PROCESS/THREAD_DETACH'); if assigned(Dll_Thread_Detach_Hook) then Dll_Thread_Detach_Hook(DllParam); if assigned(ReleaseThreadVars) then ReleaseThreadVars; _DLLMain := true; end; end; end; {***************************************************************************** SystemUnit Initialization *****************************************************************************} Begin getCodeAddresses; StackBottom := SPtr - StackLength; SigTermHandlerActive := false; NetwareCheckFunction := nil; {$ifdef StdErrToConsole} NWLoggerScreen := getnetwarelogger; {$endif} CheckFunction; // avoid check function to be removed by the linker envp := ____environ^; NLMHandle := getnlmhandle; { allocate resource tags to see what kind of memory i forgot to release } HeapAllocResourceTag := AllocateResourceTag(NLMHandle,'Heap Memory',AllocSignature); {$ifdef autoHeapRelease} HeapListAllocResourceTag := AllocateResourceTag(NLMHandle,'Heap Memory List',AllocSignature); {$endif} FpSignal (SIGTERM, @TermSigHandler); { Setup heap } InitHeap; SysInitExceptions; { Reset IO Error } InOutRes:=0; ThreadID := dword(pthread_self); SysInitStdIO; {Delphi Compatible} IsConsole := TRUE; ExitCode := 0; InitSystemThreads; {$ifdef HASVARIANT} initvariantmanager; {$endif HASVARIANT} {$ifdef HASWIDESTRING} initwidestringmanager; {$endif HASWIDESTRING} End.