{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the Free Pascal development team Implements OS dependent part for loading of dynamic libraries. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$ifdef readinterface} { --------------------------------------------------------------------- Interface declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------} {$DEFINE DYNLIBS_SUPPORTS_ORDINAL} type TLibHandle = longint; TOrdinalEntry = cardinal; const NilHandle = 0; // these are for easier crossplatform construction of dll names in dynloading libs. SharedSuffix = 'dll'; {$else} { --------------------------------------------------------------------- Implementation section ---------------------------------------------------------------------} uses DosCalls; threadvar DynLibErrNo: cardinal; DynLibErrPath: array [0..259] of char; function DoLoadLibrary (const Name: RawbyteString): TLibHandle; var Handle: longint; begin DynLibErrPath [0] := #0; DynLibErrNo := DosLoadModule (@DynLibErrPath [0], SizeOf (DynLibErrPath), PAnsiChar (Name), Handle); if DynLibErrNo = 0 then Result := Handle else begin Result := NilHandle; OSErrorWatch (DynLibErrNo); end; end; function GetProcedureAddress (Lib: TLibHandle; const ProcName: AnsiString): pointer; var P: pointer; begin DynLibErrPath [0] := #0; DynLibErrNo := DosQueryProcAddr (Lib, 0, PChar (ProcName), P); if DynLibErrNo = 0 then Result := P else begin Result := nil; OSErrorWatch (DynLibErrNo); end; end; function GetProcedureAddress (Lib: TLibHandle; Ordinal: TOrdinalEntry): pointer; var P: pointer; begin DynLibErrPath [0] := #0; DynLibErrNo := DosQueryProcAddr (Lib, Ordinal, nil, P); if DynLibErrNo = 0 then Result := P else begin Result := nil; OSErrorWatch (DynLibErrNo); end; end; function UnloadLibrary (Lib: TLibHandle): boolean; begin DynLibErrPath [0] := #0; DynLibErrNo := DosFreeModule (Lib); Result := DynLibErrNo = 0; if DynLibErrNo <> 0 then OSErrorWatch (DynLibErrNo); end; function GetDynLibsError: longint; begin GetDynLibsError := DynLibErrNo; end; function GetDynLibsErrorStr: string; const SysMsgFile: array [0..10] of char = 'OSO001.MSG'#0; var VarArr: array [1..9] of PChar; OutBuf: array [0..999] of char; RetMsgSize: cardinal; RC: cardinal; begin if DynLibErrNo = 0 then GetDynLibsErrorStr := '' else begin Result := ''; VarArr [1] := @DynLibErrPath [0]; RC := DosGetMessage (@VarArr, 1, @OutBuf [0], SizeOf (OutBuf), DynLibErrNo, @SysMsgFile [0], RetMsgSize); if RC = 0 then begin SetLength (Result, RetMsgSize); Move (OutBuf [0], Result [1], RetMsgSize); end else begin Str (DynLibErrNo, Result); Result := 'Error ' + Result; if DynLibErrPath [0] <> #0 then Result := StrPas (@DynLibErrPath [0]) + ' - ' + Result; OSErrorWatch (RC); end; end; end; function GetLoadErrorStr: string; begin GetLoadErrorStr := GetDynLibsErrorStr; end; {$endif}