{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2005 by Thomas Schatzl member of the Free Pascal development team See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} const RoundModeMask = %00000011; NonIEEEModeMask = %00000100; InvalidOperationMask = %10000000; OverflowMask = %01000000; UnderflowMask = %00100000; ZeroDivideMask = %00010000; InexactMask = %00001000; AllExceptionsMask = %11111000; ExceptionsPendingMask = %11111111111111100000011100000000; ExceptionMask = InvalidOperationMask or OverflowMask or UnderflowMask or ZeroDivideMask or InexactMask; AllConfigBits = ExceptionMask or NonIEEEModeMask or RoundModeMask; function getFPSCR : DWord; assembler; nostackframe; asm mffs f0 stfd f0, -16(r1) {$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} lwz r3, -12(r1) {$else} lwz r3, -16(r1) {$endif} end; procedure setFPSCR(newFPSCR : DWord); assembler; nostackframe; asm {$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} stw r3, -12(r1) {$else} stw r3, -16(r1) {$endif} lfd f0, -16(r1) mtfsf 255, f0 end; {$ifdef aix} const FP_RND_RZ = 0; FP_RND_RN = 1; FP_RND_RP = 2; FP_RND_RM = 3; function fp_is_enabled(Mask: DWord): boolean;cdecl;external; procedure fp_enable(Mask: DWord);cdecl;external; function feclearexcept(Mask: DWord):DWord;cdecl;external; procedure fp_disable(Mask: DWord);cdecl;external; function fp_read_rnd: word;cdecl;external; function fp_swap_rnd(RoundMode: word): word;cdecl;external; {$else aix} const FP_RND_RZ = 1; FP_RND_RN = 0; FP_RND_RP = 2; FP_RND_RM = 3; {$endif aix} function GetRoundMode: TFPURoundingMode; begin {$ifndef aix} case (getFPSCR and RoundModeMask) of {$else not aix} case fp_read_rnd of {$endif not aix} FP_RND_RN : result := rmNearest; FP_RND_RZ : result := rmTruncate; FP_RND_RP : result := rmUp; FP_RND_RM : result := rmDown; end; end; function SetRoundMode(const RoundMode: TFPURoundingMode): TFPURoundingMode; var mode : DWord; begin softfloat_rounding_mode:=RoundMode; case (RoundMode) of rmNearest : begin mode := FP_RND_RN; end; rmTruncate : begin mode := FP_RND_RZ; end; rmUp : begin mode := FP_RND_RP; end; rmDown : begin mode := FP_RND_RM; end; end; result := GetRoundMode; {$ifndef aix} setFPSCR((getFPSCR and (not RoundModeMask)) or mode); {$else not aix} fp_swap_rnd(mode); {$endif not aix} end; function GetPrecisionMode: TFPUPrecisionMode; begin result := pmDouble; end; function SetPrecisionMode(const Precision: TFPUPrecisionMode): TFPUPrecisionMode; begin { nothing to do, not supported } result := pmDouble; end; function GetExceptionMask: TFPUExceptionMask; begin result := []; {$ifndef aix} if ((getFPSCR and InvalidOperationMask) = 0) then result := result + [exInvalidOp]; if ((getFPSCR and OverflowMask) = 0) then result := result + [exOverflow]; if ((getFPSCR and UnderflowMask) = 0) then result := result + [exUnderflow]; if ((getFPSCR and ZeroDivideMask) = 0) then result := result + [exZeroDivide]; if ((getFPSCR and InexactMask) = 0) then result := result + [exPrecision]; {$else not aix} if not fp_is_enabled(InvalidOperationMask) then result := result + [exInvalidOp]; if not fp_is_enabled(OverflowMask) then result := result + [exOverflow]; if not fp_is_enabled(UnderflowMask) then result := result + [exUnderflow]; if not fp_is_enabled(ZeroDivideMask) then result := result + [exZeroDivide]; if not fp_is_enabled(InexactMask) then result := result + [exPrecision]; {$endif not aix} end; function SetExceptionMask(const Mask: TFPUExceptionMask): TFPUExceptionMask; var mode : DWord; begin mode := 0; softfloat_exception_mask := mask; if (exInvalidOp in Mask) then begin mode := mode or InvalidOperationMask; end; if (exOverflow in Mask) then begin mode := mode or OverflowMask; end; if (exUnderflow in Mask) then begin mode := mode or UnderflowMask; end; if (exZeroDivide in Mask) then begin mode := mode or ZeroDivideMask; end; if (exPrecision in Mask) then begin mode := mode or InexactMask; end; setFPSCR((getFPSCR or ExceptionMask) and not mode and not ExceptionsPendingMask); softfloat_exception_flags := [];; { also clear out pending exceptions on AIX } {$ifdef aix} { clear pending exceptions } feclearexcept(AllExceptionsMask); { enable the exceptions that are not disabled } fp_enable(mode xor AllExceptionsMask); { and disable the rest } fp_disable(mode); {$endif} result := Mask - [exDenormalized]; end; procedure ClearExceptions(RaisePending: Boolean = true); begin {$ifdef aix} { clear pending exceptions } feclearexcept(AllExceptionsMask); {$endif} softfloat_exception_flags := []; { RaisePending has no effect on PPC, always raises them at the correct location } setFPSCR(getFPSCR and (not ExceptionsPendingMask)); end;