{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2020 by Karoly Balogh System Entry point for the Sinclair QL See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} unit si_prc; interface implementation {$i qdosfuncs.inc} var binstart: byte; external name '_stext'; binend: byte; external name '_etext'; bssstart: byte; external name '_sbss'; bssend: byte; external name '_ebss'; stackpointer_on_entry: pointer; public name '__stackpointer_on_entry'; procedure PascalMain; external name 'PASCALMAIN'; procedure PascalStart(a7_on_entry: pointer); noreturn; forward; { this function must be the first in this unit which contains code } procedure _FPC_proc_start; cdecl; assembler; nostackframe; noreturn; public name '_start'; asm bra @start dc.l $0 dc.w $4afb dc.w 8 dc.l $4650435f { Job name buffer. FPC_PROG by default, can be overridden } dc.l $50524f47 { the startup code will inject the main program name here } dc.l $00000000 { user codes is free to use the SetQLJobName() function } dc.l $00000000 { max. length: 48 characters } dc.l $00000000 dc.l $00000000 dc.l $00000000 dc.l $00000000 dc.l $00000000 dc.l $00000000 dc.l $00000000 dc.l $00000000 @start: { relocation code } { get our actual position in RAM } lea.l binstart(pc),a0 move.l a0,d0 { get an offset to the end of the binary. this works both relocated and not. The decision if to relocate is done later then } lea.l binend,a1 lea.l binstart,a0 sub.l a0,a1 add.l d0,a1 move.l d0,a0 { read the relocation marker, this is always two padding bytes ad the end of .text, so we're free to poke there } move.w -2(a1),d7 beq @noreloc { zero out the relocation marker, so if our code is called again without reload, it won't relocate itself twice } move.w #0,-2(a1) { first item in the relocation table is the number of relocs } move.l (a1)+,d7 beq @noreloc {.$DEFINE PACKEDRELOCS} {$IFNDEF PACKEDRELOCS} @relocloop: { we read the offsets and relocate them } move.l (a1)+,d1 add.l d0,(a0,d1) subq.l #1,d7 bne @relocloop {$ELSE PACKEDRELOCS} moveq #0,d2 @relocloop: { we read the offsets and relocate them } moveq #0,d1 move.b (a1)+,d1 bne @addoffs { if byte = 0, we have a long offset following } move.b (a1)+,d1 lsl.w #8,d1 move.b (a1)+,d1 swap d1 move.b (a1)+,d1 lsl.w #8,d1 move.b (a1)+,d1 subq.l #4,d7 @addoffs: add.l d1,d2 add.l d0,(a0,d2) subq.l #1,d7 bpl @relocloop {$ENDIF PACKEDRELOCS} @noreloc: move.l a7,a0 bra PascalStart end; procedure _FPC_proc_halt(_ExitCode: longint); noreturn; public name '_haltproc'; begin mt_frjob(-1, _ExitCode); end; procedure PascalStart(a7_on_entry: pointer); noreturn; begin { initialize .bss } FillChar(bssstart,PtrUInt(@bssend)-PtrUInt(@bssstart),#0); stackpointer_on_entry:=a7_on_entry; PascalMain; end; end.