{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2008 by the Free Pascal development team. SetJmp and LongJmp implementation for exception handling See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} function fpc_setjmp(var S : jmp_buf) : shortint;assembler;[Public, alias : 'FPC_SETJMP'];nostackframe;compilerproc; asm push ix ld ix, 0 add ix,sp ld l, (ix+4) { (S) } ld h, (ix+5) { (S+1) } { save caller ix } ld c, (ix) ld b, (ix+1) ld (hl), c inc hl ld (hl), b inc hl { save caller sp (i.e. what its value was, right before the call instrunction) } ld iy, 4 add iy, sp push iy pop bc ld (hl), c inc hl ld (hl), b inc hl { save ret address } ld c, (ix+2) ld b, (ix+3) ld (hl), c inc hl ld (hl), b inc hl ld l, 0 pop ix end; procedure fpc_longjmp(var S : jmp_buf;value : shortint);assembler;[Public, alias : 'FPC_LONGJMP'];nostackframe;compilerproc; asm push ix ld ix, 0 add ix, sp ld d, (ix+6) { (value) } ld l, (ix+4) { (S) } ld h, (ix+5) { (S+1) } { restore ix } ld c, (hl) inc hl ld b, (hl) inc hl push bc pop ix { restore sp } ld c, (hl) inc hl ld b, (hl) inc hl push bc pop iy ld sp, iy { restore pc } ld c, (hl) inc hl ld b, (hl) inc hl { prepare the new return address, will be popped by the ret instruction } push bc { return result } ld l, d end;