{ Old file: tbs0079.pp } { Shows problems with stackframe with assembler keyword OK 0.99.1 (CEC) } { This test does not really give a good result because you need to look into the assembler to see if there is an error or not :( PM } {$ifdef CPUI386} {$asmmode intel} {$endif CPUI386} procedure nothing(x,y: longint);assembler; {$ifdef CPUI386} asm mov eax,x mov ebx,y end; {$endif CPUI386} {$ifdef CPU68K} asm move.l x,d0 move.l y,d1 end; {$endif CPU68K} {$ifdef CPUPOWERPC} asm mr r5,x mr r6,y end; {$endif CPUPOWERPC} {$ifdef CPUARM} asm mov r2,x mov r3,y end; {$endif CPUARM} {$ifdef CPUX86_64} asm movl x,%eax movl y,%ecx end; {$endif CPUX86_64} {$ifdef CPUSPARC} asm mov x,%i0 mov y,%i1 end; {$endif CPUSPARC} {procedure nothing(x,y: longint); begin asm mov eax,x mov ebx,y end; end; } Begin end.