{ %OPT=-St -Cr } { Old file: tbs0187.pp } { constructor in a WIth statement isn't called correct. (works at lest in the case stated) OK 0.99.11 (PM) } {$static on} type Tbaseclass = object base_arg : longint; st_count : longint;static; constructor Init; destructor Done; procedure Run; virtual; end; Totherclass = object(Tbaseclass) other_arg : longint; procedure Run; virtual; end; const BaseRunCount : integer = 0; OtherRunCount : integer = 0; constructor Tbaseclass.Init; begin writeln('Init'); Inc(st_count); Run; end; destructor Tbaseclass.Done; begin writeln('Done'); dec(st_count); end; procedure Tbaseclass.Run; begin writeln('Base method'); inc(BaseRunCount); end; procedure Totherclass.Run; begin writeln('Inherited method'); inc(OtherRunCount); end; { try this as local vars } procedure test_local_class_init; var base1 : TbaseClass; var other1 : TOtherClass; begin with other1 do Init; with base1 do Init; with other1 do begin Writeln('number of objects = ',st_count); base_arg:=2; other_arg:=6; Run; end; { test if changed !! } if (other1.base_arg<>2) or (other1.other_arg<>6) then Halt(1); with base1 do begin Run; Done; end; other1.done; end; var base : Tbaseclass; other : Totherclass; testfield : longint; begin // Uncommenting here and commenting the init in the WIth solves it. // Base.Init; with base do begin Init; Run; Done; end; // Uncommenting here and commenting the init in the WIth solves it. // Other.init; with other do begin Init; Run; Done; end; test_local_class_init; { Calls Tbaseclass.Run when it should call Totherclass.Run } If (BaseRunCount<>4) or (OtherRunCount<>4) then Begin Writeln('Error in tb162'); Halt(1); End; end.