{ methods of the extended class can be called using "inherited" } program tchlp40; {$ifdef fpc} {$mode delphi} {$endif} {$apptype console} type TTest = class function Test(aRecurse: Boolean): Integer; end; TTestHelper = class helper for TTest function Test(aRecurse: Boolean): Integer; end; function TTest.Test(aRecurse: Boolean): Integer; begin Result := 1; end; function TTestHelper.Test(aRecurse: Boolean): Integer; begin if aRecurse then Result := inherited Test(False) else Result := 2; end; var t: TTest; res: Integer; begin t := TTest.Create; res := t.Test(True); Writeln('t.Test: ', res); if res <> 1 then Halt(1); Writeln('ok'); end.