{ %fail } { Source provided for Free Pascal Bug Report 2383 } { Submitted by "Anton Roolaid" on 2003-02-18 } { e-mail: Anton.Roolaid@mail.ee } program VarParameterLoop; const Elements = 3; { Array size } Arr: array [0 .. Elements - 1] of char = ('B', 'U', 'G'); function FindIndex(chElement: char; var iIndex: integer): boolean; begin FindIndex := false; { Not found } { Using a variable parameter should not be allowed } for iIndex := 0 to Elements - 1 do if Arr[iIndex] = chElement then exit(true) { Found } end; var i: integer; begin if FindIndex('U', i) then writeln('The index is ', i) else writeln('Not found') end.