{ %fail } // Mainly used for compiler discovery and turning on global compiler settings. // This simplifies vwrdefines.inc maintenance, since vwrdefines.inc is per application, and this one is global // delphi 2009 related {$if compilerversion>=20} //D2009 {$define Delphiunicode} {$define has_pointermath} {$ifend} {$if compilerversion>=21} // D2010 {$define has_debugthread} {$define has_bigrtti} {$ifend} {$if compilerversion>=22} // DXE {$define has_keyboard} {$ifend} {$if compilerversion>=23} // DXE2..DXE4 (5?) {$define has_globalformatsettings} {$define has_extendedTrect} // ? {$ifend} {$ifdef has_pointermath} {$pointermath on} // aka FPC emulation {$endif} // most code nowadays probably won't compile under D2009. And even D2009 might be difficult // due to increased generics usage in 20. {$ifndef ver150}{$define inlineon}{$endif} // if not D7, then can use inline. Nicer than version. {$ifndef Delphiunicode} {$define vstoldstring} {$else} {$define newvst} {$define newcomport} {$endif} begin end.