{ %GRAPH } { %TARGET=go32v2,win32,linux } program TestGetPutim; {Compiled with the 0.99.13 version under GO32V2!} uses graph; var graphdriver,graphmode :integer; imsize:longint; im:pointer; begin {$ifdef win32} graphdriver:=VGA; graphmode:=detect; {$else not win32} graphdriver:=VESA; graphmode:=$103; {$endif} Initgraph(graphdriver,graphmode,''); {************} (* setcolor(6); moveto(0,0); {Some drawing} lineto(500,500); circle(95,95,80); {************} {!!!!!!!!!!!!} imsize:= imagesize(0,0,300,300); {This is the part we have problem with.} getmem(im,imsize); {The result we get after PutImage is} getimage(0,0,300,300,im^); {chaotic independently from the graphmode!} putimage(50,50,im^,0); {We tested this on a S3Trio 3D videcard,} {which is VESA compatible.} {!!!!!!!!!!!!} readln; {repeat until keypressed;} *) closegraph; end. { I. Groma groma@metal.elte.hu Budapest 11/24/1999 }