type mitem=array[0..8] of string[16]; tstr16=string[16]; const chdiv:array[0..8] of string =('Eclipse','Elongation','Occultation','Conjonction',' Lever', 'Satellites',' Binaire',' Visibilit‚','Courbe'); const ch:array[0..8] of integer= (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); var Error : boolean; Procedure affmenu(const Rr:array of string); var i,j:integer; Begin i:=0;j:=high(Rr);writeln(j); {rr[j div 2]:='Modif';} while (i<=j) do begin writeln(length(RR[i])); writeln(Rr[i]);inc(i); end; if RR[6]<>' Binaire' then Error:=true; End; Procedure affint(const Rr:array of integer); var i,j:integer; Begin i:=0;j:=high(Rr);writeln(j); while (i<=j) do begin writeln(Rr[i]);inc(i); end; End; Procedure affm(Rr:tstr16); Begin writeln(Rr); End; Begin affm(chdiv[8]); affint(ch); writeln('suite'); affmenu(chdiv); writeln('Fin'); if Error then begin writeln('ERROR!'); halt(1); end; End.