{ %version=1.1 } { Source provided for Free Pascal Bug Report 2129 } { Submitted by "Bill Rayer" on 2002-09-18 } { e-mail: lingolanguage@hotmail.com } (* Comp() cast has different effect in FPC. Compiles using Delphi4: dcc32 -CC fpc19 Compiles in FPC 1.0.6: ppc386 -WC fpc19 When run, the Delphi version shows -6.5E+18, but the FPC version shows zero. In Delphi, the comp() cast actually moves 8 bytes from the double into the comp without converting the data, but FPC uses floating point instructions to convert the data and therefore prints zero. In Delphi, if you want to convert a double to a float, you just use the assignment "comp1 := dbl1" which corresponds to the FLD/FIST opcodes. FPC should not use the comp() cast for doing this, since it introduces a subtle incompatibility with Delphi. *) program fpc19; { the same as tw2129.pp for cpu's were comp = int64 } var comp1 : comp; dbl1 : double; s : string; begin {$ifdef cpui386} dbl1 := -1e-128; comp1 := comp(dbl1); str(comp1,s); if s<>' 0.00000000000000E+0000' then begin writeln('error: ',s); halt(1); end; {$endif cpui386} end.