(* Yacc parser template (TP Yacc V3.0), V1.2 6-17-91 AG *) (* global definitions: *) program h2pas; (* Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Florian Klaempfl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ****************************************************************************) {$message TODO: warning Unit types is only needed due to issue 7910} uses SysUtils,types, classes, h2poptions,scan,converu,h2plexlib,h2pyacclib; type YYSTYPE = presobject; const SHORT_STR = 'shortint'; USHORT_STR = 'byte'; //C++ SHORT types usually map to the small types SMALL_STR = 'smallint'; USMALL_STR = 'word'; INT_STR = 'longint'; UINT_STR = 'dword'; CHAR_STR = 'char'; UCHAR_STR = USHORT_STR; { should we use byte or char for 'unsigned char' ?? } INT64_STR = 'int64'; QWORD_STR = 'qword'; FLOAT_STR = 'single'; WCHAR_STR = 'widechar'; {ctypes strings} const cint8_STR = 'cint8'; cuint8_STR = 'cuint8'; cchar_STR = 'cchar'; cschar_STR = 'cschar'; cuchar_STR = 'cuchar'; cint16_STR = 'cint16'; cuint16_STR = 'cuint16'; cshort_STR = 'cshort'; csshort_STR = 'csshort'; cushort_STR = 'cushort'; cint32_STR = 'cint32'; cuint32_STR = 'cuint32'; cint_STR = 'cint'; csint_STR = 'csint'; cuint_STR = 'cuint'; csigned_STR = 'csigned'; cunsigned_STR = 'cunsigned'; cint64_STR = 'cint64'; cuint64_STR = 'cuint64'; clonglong_STR = 'clonglong'; cslonglong_STR = 'cslonglong'; culonglong_STR = 'culonglong'; cbool_STR = 'cbool'; clong_STR = 'clong'; cslong_STR = 'cslong'; culong_STR = 'culong'; cfloat_STR = 'cfloat'; cdouble_STR = 'cdouble'; clongdouble_STR = 'clongdouble'; const MAX_CTYPESARRAY = 25; CTypesArray : array [0..MAX_CTYPESARRAY] of string = (cint8_STR, cuint8_STR, cchar_STR, cschar_STR, cuchar_STR, cint16_STR, cuint16_STR, cshort_STR, csshort_STR, cushort_STR, csigned_STR, cunsigned_STR, cint32_STR, cuint32_STR, cint_STR, csint_STR, cuint_STR, cint64_STR, cuint64_STR, clonglong_STR, cslonglong_STR, culonglong_STR, cbool_STR, clong_STR, cslong_STR, culong_STR); var hp,ph : presobject; implemfile : text; (* file for implementation headers extern procs *) IsExtern : boolean; NeedEllipsisOverload : boolean; must_write_packed_field : boolean; tempfile : text; No_pop : boolean; s,TN,PN : String; pointerprefix: boolean; freedynlibproc, loaddynlibproc : tstringlist; (* $ define yydebug compile with -dYYDEBUG to get debugging info *) const (* number of a?b:c construction in one define *) if_nb : longint = 0; is_packed : boolean = false; is_procvar : boolean = false; var space_array : array [0..255] of byte; space_index : byte; { Used when PPointers is used - pointer type definitions } PTypeList : TStringList; procedure shift(space_number : byte); var i : byte; begin space_array[space_index]:=space_number; inc(space_index); for i:=1 to space_number do aktspace:=aktspace+' '; end; procedure popshift; begin dec(space_index); if space_index<0 then internalerror(20); delete(aktspace,1,space_array[space_index]); end; function str(i : longint) : string; var s : string; begin system.str(i,s); str:=s; end; function hexstr(i : cardinal) : string; const HexTbl : array[0..15] of char='0123456789ABCDEF'; var str : string; begin str:=''; while i<>0 do begin str:=hextbl[i and $F]+str; i:=i shr 4; end; if str='' then str:='0'; hexstr:='$'+str; end; function uppercase(s : string) : string; var i : byte; begin for i:=1 to length(s) do s[i]:=UpCase(s[i]); uppercase:=s; end; procedure write_type_specifier(var outfile:text; p : presobject);forward; procedure write_p_a_def(var outfile:text; p,simple_type : presobject);forward; procedure write_ifexpr(var outfile:text; p : presobject);forward; procedure write_funexpr(var outfile:text; p : presobject);forward; procedure yymsg(const msg : string); begin writeln('line ',line_no,': ',msg); end; { This converts pascal reserved words to the correct syntax. } function FixId(const s:string):string; const maxtokens = 14; reservedid: array[1..maxtokens] of string[14] = ( 'CLASS', 'DISPOSE', 'FUNCTION', 'FALSE', 'LABEL', 'NEW', 'PROPERTY', 'PROCEDURE', 'RECORD', 'REPEAT', 'STRING', 'TYPE', 'TRUE', 'UNTIL' ); var b : boolean; up : string; i: integer; begin if s='' then begin FixId:=''; exit; end; b:=false; up:=Uppercase(s); for i:=1 to maxtokens do begin if up=reservedid[i] then begin b:=true; break; end; end; if b then FixId:='_'+s else FixId:=s; end; function TypeName(const s:string):string; var i : longint; begin i:=1; if RemoveUnderScore and (length(s)>1) and (s[1]='_') then i:=2; if PrependTypes then TypeName:='T'+Copy(s,i,255) else TypeName:=Copy(s,i,255); end; function IsACType(const s : String) : Boolean; var i : Integer; begin IsACType := True; for i := 0 to MAX_CTYPESARRAY do begin if s = CTypesArray[i] then begin Exit; end; end; IsACType := False; end; function PointerName(const s:string):string; var i : longint; begin if UseCTypesUnit then begin if IsACType(s) then begin PointerName := 'p'+s; exit; end; end; i:=1; if RemoveUnderScore and (length(s)>1) and (s[1]='_') then i:=2; if UsePPointers then begin PointerName:='P'+Copy(s,i,255); PTypeList.Add(PointerName); end else PointerName:=Copy(s,i,255); if PointerPrefix then PTypeList.Add('P'+s); end; procedure write_packed_fields_info(var outfile:text; p : presobject; ph : string); var hp1,hp2,hp3 : presobject; is_sized : boolean; line : string; flag_index : longint; name : pchar; ps : byte; begin { write out the tempfile created } close(tempfile); reset(tempfile); is_sized:=false; flag_index:=0; writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'const'); shift(2); while not eof(tempfile) do begin readln(tempfile,line); ps:=pos('&',line); if ps>0 then line:=copy(line,1,ps-1)+ph+'_'+copy(line,ps+1,255); writeln(outfile,aktspace,line); end; writeln(outfile); close(tempfile); rewrite(tempfile); popshift; (* walk through all members *) hp1 := p^.p1; while assigned(hp1) do begin (* hp2 is t_memberdec *) hp2:=hp1^.p1; (* hp3 is t_declist *) hp3:=hp2^.p2; while assigned(hp3) do begin if assigned(hp3^.p1^.p3) and (hp3^.p1^.p3^.typ = t_size_specifier) then begin is_sized:=true; name:=hp3^.p1^.p2^.p; { get function in interface } write(outfile,aktspace,'function ',name); write(outfile,'(var a : ',ph,') : '); shift(2); write_p_a_def(outfile,hp3^.p1^.p1,hp2^.p1); writeln(outfile,';'); popshift; { get function in implementation } write(implemfile,aktspace,'function ',name); write(implemfile,'(var a : ',ph,') : '); if not compactmode then shift(2); write_p_a_def(implemfile,hp3^.p1^.p1,hp2^.p1); writeln(implemfile,';'); writeln(implemfile,aktspace,'begin'); shift(2); write(implemfile,aktspace,name,':=(a.flag',flag_index); writeln(implemfile,' and bm_',ph,'_',name,') shr bp_',ph,'_',name,';'); popshift; writeln(implemfile,aktspace,'end;'); if not compactmode then popshift; writeln(implemfile,''); { set function in interface } write(outfile,aktspace,'procedure set_',name); write(outfile,'(var a : ',ph,'; __',name,' : '); shift(2); write_p_a_def(outfile,hp3^.p1^.p1,hp2^.p1); writeln(outfile,');'); popshift; { set function in implementation } write(implemfile,aktspace,'procedure set_',name); write(implemfile,'(var a : ',ph,'; __',name,' : '); if not compactmode then shift(2); write_p_a_def(implemfile,hp3^.p1^.p1,hp2^.p1); writeln(implemfile,');'); writeln(implemfile,aktspace,'begin'); shift(2); write(implemfile,aktspace,'a.flag',flag_index,':='); write(implemfile,'a.flag',flag_index,' or '); writeln(implemfile,'((__',name,' shl bp_',ph,'_',name,') and bm_',ph,'_',name,');'); popshift; writeln(implemfile,aktspace,'end;'); if not compactmode then popshift; writeln(implemfile,''); end else if is_sized then begin is_sized:=false; inc(flag_index); end; hp3:=hp3^.next; end; hp1:=hp1^.next; end; must_write_packed_field:=false; block_type:=bt_no; end; procedure write_expr(var outfile:text; p : presobject); begin if assigned(p) then begin case p^.typ of t_id, t_ifexpr : write(outfile,FixId(p^.p)); t_funexprlist : write_funexpr(outfile,p); t_exprlist : begin if assigned(p^.p1) then write_expr(outfile,p^.p1); if assigned(p^.next) then begin write(', '); write_expr(outfile,p^.next); end; end; t_preop : begin write(outfile,p^.p,'('); write_expr(outfile,p^.p1); write(outfile,')'); flush(outfile); end; t_typespec : begin write_type_specifier(outfile,p^.p1); write(outfile,'('); write_expr(outfile,p^.p2); write(outfile,')'); flush(outfile); end; t_bop : begin if p^.p1^.typ<>t_id then write(outfile,'('); write_expr(outfile,p^.p1); if p^.p1^.typ<>t_id then write(outfile,')'); write(outfile,p^.p); if p^.p2^.typ<>t_id then write(outfile,'('); write_expr(outfile,p^.p2); if p^.p2^.typ<>t_id then write(outfile,')'); flush(outfile); end; t_arrayop : begin write_expr(outfile,p^.p1); write(outfile,p^.p,'['); write_expr(outfile,p^.p2); write(outfile,']'); flush(outfile); end; t_callop : begin write_expr(outfile,p^.p1); write(outfile,p^.p,'('); write_expr(outfile,p^.p2); write(outfile,')'); flush(outfile); end; else begin writeln(ord(p^.typ)); internalerror(2); end; end; end; end; procedure write_ifexpr(var outfile:text; p : presobject); begin flush(outfile); write(outfile,'if '); write_expr(outfile,p^.p1); writeln(outfile,' then'); write(outfile,aktspace,' '); write(outfile,p^.p); write(outfile,':='); write_expr(outfile,p^.p2); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'else'); write(outfile,aktspace,' '); write(outfile,p^.p); write(outfile,':='); write_expr(outfile,p^.p3); writeln(outfile,';'); write(outfile,aktspace); flush(outfile); end; procedure write_all_ifexpr(var outfile:text; p : presobject); begin if assigned(p) then begin case p^.typ of t_id :; t_preop : write_all_ifexpr(outfile,p^.p1); t_callop, t_arrayop, t_bop : begin write_all_ifexpr(outfile,p^.p1); write_all_ifexpr(outfile,p^.p2); end; t_ifexpr : begin write_all_ifexpr(outfile,p^.p1); write_all_ifexpr(outfile,p^.p2); write_all_ifexpr(outfile,p^.p3); write_ifexpr(outfile,p); end; t_typespec : write_all_ifexpr(outfile,p^.p2); t_funexprlist, t_exprlist : begin if assigned(p^.p1) then write_all_ifexpr(outfile,p^.p1); if assigned(p^.next) then write_all_ifexpr(outfile,p^.next); end else internalerror(6); end; end; end; procedure write_funexpr(var outfile:text; p : presobject); var i : longint; begin if assigned(p) then begin case p^.typ of t_ifexpr : write(outfile,p^.p); t_exprlist : begin write_expr(outfile,p^.p1); if assigned(p^.next) then begin write(outfile,','); write_funexpr(outfile,p^.next); end end; t_funcname : begin if if_nb>0 then begin writeln(outfile,aktspace,'var'); write(outfile,aktspace,' '); for i:=1 to if_nb do begin write(outfile,'if_local',i); if it_arglist then internalerror(10); (* is ellipsis ? *) if not assigned(p^.p1^.p1) and not assigned(p^.p1^.next) then begin write(outfile,'args:array of const'); (* if variable number of args we must allways pop *) no_pop:=false; (* Needs 2 declarations, also one without args, becuase in C you can omit the second parameter. Default parameter doesn't help as that isn't possible with array of const *) NeedEllipsisOverload:=true; (* Remove this para *) if assigned(lastp) then lastp^.next:=nil; dispose(p,done); (* leave the loop as p isnot valid anymore *) break; end (* we need to correct this in the pp file after *) else begin (* generate a call by reference parameter ? *) // varpara:=usevarparas and // assigned(p^.p1^.p2^.p1) and // (p^.p1^.p2^.p1^.typ in [t_addrdef,t_pointerdef]) and // assigned(p^.p1^.p2^.p1^.p1) and // (p^.p1^.p2^.p1^.p1^.typ<>t_procdef); varpara:=usevarparas and assigned(p^.p1^.p1) and (p^.p1^.p1^.typ in [t_addrdef,t_pointerdef]) and assigned(p^.p1^.p1^.p1) and (p^.p1^.p1^.p1^.typ<>t_procdef); (* do not do it for char pointer !! *) (* para : pchar; and var para : char; are *) (* completely different in pascal *) (* here we exclude all typename containing char *) (* is this a good method ?? *) if varpara and (p^.p1^.p1^.typ=t_pointerdef) and (p^.p1^.p1^.p1^.typ=t_id) and (pos('CHAR',uppercase(p^.p1^.p1^.p1^.str))<>0) then varpara:=false; if varpara then begin write(outfile,'var '); inc(len,4); end; (* write new parameter name *) if assigned(p^.p1^.p2^.p2) then begin hs:=FixId(p^.p1^.p2^.p2^.p); write(outfile,hs); inc(len,length(hs)); end else begin If removeUnderscore then begin Write (outfile,'para',para); inc(Len,5); end else begin write(outfile,'_para',para); inc(Len,6); end; end; write(outfile,':'); if varpara then begin write_p_a_def(outfile,p^.p1^.p2^.p1,p^.p1^.p1^.p1); end else write_p_a_def(outfile,p^.p1^.p2^.p1,p^.p1^.p1); end; lastp:=p; p:=p^.next; if assigned(p) then begin write(outfile,'; '); { if len>40 then : too complicated to compute } if (para mod 5) = 0 then begin writeln(outfile); write(outfile,aktspace); end; end; inc(para); end; write(outfile,')'); flush(outfile); in_args:=old_in_args; popshift; end; procedure write_p_a_def(var outfile:text; p,simple_type : presobject); var i : longint; error : integer; pointerwritten, constant : boolean; old_in_args : boolean; begin if not(assigned(p)) then begin write_type_specifier(outfile,simple_type); exit; end; case p^.typ of t_pointerdef : begin (* procedure variable ? *) if assigned(p^.p1) and (p^.p1^.typ=t_procdef) then begin is_procvar:=true; (* distinguish between procedure and function *) if (simple_type^.typ=t_void) and (p^.p1^.p1=nil) then begin write(outfile,'procedure '); shift(10); (* write arguments *) if assigned(p^.p1^.p2) then write_args(outfile,p^.p1^.p2); flush(outfile); popshift; end else begin write(outfile,'function '); shift(9); (* write arguments *) if assigned(p^.p1^.p2) then write_args(outfile,p^.p1^.p2); write(outfile,':'); flush(outfile); old_in_args:=in_args; (* write pointers as P.... instead of ^.... *) in_args:=true; write_p_a_def(outfile,p^.p1^.p1,simple_type); in_args:=old_in_args; popshift; end end else begin (* generate "pointer" ? *) if (simple_type^.typ=t_void) and (p^.p1=nil) then begin write(outfile,'pointer'); flush(outfile); end else begin pointerwritten:=false; if (p^.p1=nil) and UsePPointers then begin if (simple_type^.typ=t_id) then begin write(outfile,PointerName(simple_type^.p)); pointerwritten:=true; end { structure } else if (simple_type^.typ in [t_uniondef,t_structdef]) and (simple_type^.p1=nil) and (simple_type^.p2^.typ=t_id) then begin write(outfile,PointerName(simple_type^.p2^.p)); pointerwritten:=true; end; end; if not pointerwritten then begin if in_args then begin write(outfile,'P'); pointerprefix:=true; end else write(outfile,'^'); write_p_a_def(outfile,p^.p1,simple_type); pointerprefix:=false; end; end; end; end; t_arraydef : begin constant:=false; if assigned(p^.p2) then begin if p^.p2^.typ=t_id then begin val(p^.p2^.str,i,error); if error=0 then begin dec(i); constant:=true; end; end; if not constant then begin write(outfile,'array[0..('); write_expr(outfile,p^.p2); write(outfile,')-1] of '); end else begin write(outfile,'array[0..',i,'] of '); end; end else begin (* open array *) write(outfile,'array of '); end; flush(outfile); write_p_a_def(outfile,p^.p1,simple_type); end; else internalerror(1); end; end; procedure write_type_specifier(var outfile:text; p : presobject); var hp1,hp2,hp3,lastexpr : presobject; i,l,w : longint; error : integer; current_power, mask : cardinal; flag_index : longint; current_level : byte; pointerwritten, is_sized : boolean; begin case p^.typ of t_id : begin if pointerprefix then if UseCtypesUnit then begin if not IsACType(p^.p) then begin PTypeList.Add('P'+p^.str); end; end else PTypeList.Add('P'+p^.str); if p^.intname then write(outfile,p^.p) else write(outfile,TypeName(p^.p)); end; { what can we do with void defs ? } t_void : write(outfile,'pointer'); t_pointerdef : begin pointerwritten:=false; if (p^.p1^.typ=t_void) then begin write(outfile,'pointer'); pointerwritten:=true; end else if UsePPointers then begin if (p^.p1^.typ=t_id) then begin write(outfile,PointerName(p^.p1^.p)); pointerwritten:=true; end { structure } else if (p^.p1^.typ in [t_uniondef,t_structdef]) and (p^.p1^.p1=nil) and (p^.p1^.p2^.typ=t_id) then begin write(outfile,PointerName(p^.p1^.p2^.p)); pointerwritten:=true; end; end; if not pointerwritten then begin if in_args then begin if UseCTypesUnit and IsACType(p^.p1^.p) then write(outfile,'p') else write(outfile,'P'); pointerprefix:=true; end else begin if UseCTypesUnit and (IsACType(p^.p1^.p)=False) then write(outfile,'^') else write(outfile,'p'); end; write_type_specifier(outfile,p^.p1); pointerprefix:=false; end; end; t_enumdef : begin if (typedef_level>1) and (p^.p1=nil) and (p^.p2^.typ=t_id) then begin if pointerprefix then if UseCTypesUnit and (IsACType( p^.p2^.p )=False) then PTypeList.Add('P'+p^.p2^.str); write(outfile,p^.p2^.p); end else if not EnumToConst then begin write(outfile,'('); hp1:=p^.p1; w:=length(aktspace); while assigned(hp1) do begin write(outfile,hp1^.p1^.p); if assigned(hp1^.p2) then begin write(outfile,' := '); write_expr(outfile,hp1^.p2); w:=w+6;(* strlen(hp1^.p); *) end; w:=w+length(hp1^.p1^.str); hp1:=hp1^.next; if assigned(hp1) then write(outfile,','); if w>40 then begin writeln(outfile); write(outfile,aktspace); w:=length(aktspace); end; flush(outfile); end; write(outfile,')'); flush(outfile); end else begin Writeln (outfile,' Longint;'); hp1:=p^.p1; l:=0; lastexpr:=nil; Writeln (outfile,copy(aktspace,1,length(aktspace)-2),'Const'); while assigned(hp1) do begin write (outfile,aktspace,hp1^.p1^.p,' = '); if assigned(hp1^.p2) then begin write_expr(outfile,hp1^.p2); writeln(outfile,';'); lastexpr:=hp1^.p2; if lastexpr^.typ=t_id then begin val(lastexpr^.str,l,error); if error=0 then begin inc(l); lastexpr:=nil; end else l:=1; end else l:=1; end else begin if assigned(lastexpr) then begin write(outfile,'('); write_expr(outfile,lastexpr); writeln(outfile,')+',l,';'); end else writeln (outfile,l,';'); inc(l); end; hp1:=hp1^.next; flush(outfile); end; block_type:=bt_const; end; end; t_structdef : begin inc(typedef_level); flag_index:=-1; is_sized:=false; current_level:=0; if ((in_args) or (typedef_level>1)) and (p^.p1=nil) and (p^.p2^.typ=t_id) then begin if pointerprefix then if UseCTypesUnit and (IsACType(p^.p2^.str)=false) then PTypeList.Add('P'+p^.p2^.str); write(outfile,TypeName(p^.p2^.p)); end else begin if packrecords then writeln(outfile,'packed record') else writeln(outfile,'record'); shift(2); hp1:=p^.p1; (* walk through all members *) while assigned(hp1) do begin (* hp2 is t_memberdec *) hp2:=hp1^.p1; (* hp3 is t_declist *) hp3:=hp2^.p2; while assigned(hp3) do begin if assigned(hp3^.p1) and (not assigned(hp3^.p1^.p3) or (hp3^.p1^.p3^.typ <> t_size_specifier)) then begin if is_sized then begin if current_level <= 16 then writeln(outfile,'word;') else if current_level <= 32 then writeln(outfile,'longint;') else internalerror(11); is_sized:=false; end; write(outfile,aktspace,FixId(hp3^.p1^.p2^.p)); write(outfile,' : '); shift(2); write_p_a_def(outfile,hp3^.p1^.p1,hp2^.p1); popshift; end; { size specifier or default value ? } if assigned(hp3^.p1) and assigned(hp3^.p1^.p3) then begin { we could use mask to implement this } { because we need to respect the positions } if hp3^.p1^.p3^.typ = t_size_specifier then begin if not is_sized then begin current_power:=1; current_level:=0; inc(flag_index); write(outfile,aktspace,'flag',flag_index,' : '); end; must_write_packed_field:=true; is_sized:=true; { can it be something else than a constant ? } { it can be a macro !! } if hp3^.p1^.p3^.p1^.typ=t_id then begin val(hp3^.p1^.p3^.p1^.str,l,error); if error=0 then begin mask:=0; for i:=1 to l do begin inc(mask,current_power); current_power:=current_power*2; end; write(tempfile,'bm_&',hp3^.p1^.p2^.p); writeln(tempfile,' = ',hexstr(mask),';'); write(tempfile,'bp_&',hp3^.p1^.p2^.p); writeln(tempfile,' = ',current_level,';'); current_level:=current_level + l; { go to next flag if 31 } if current_level = 32 then begin write(outfile,'longint'); is_sized:=false; end; end; end; end else if hp3^.p1^.p3^.typ = t_default_value then begin write(outfile,'{='); write_expr(outfile,hp3^.p1^.p3^.p1); write(outfile,' ignored}'); end; end; if not is_sized then begin if is_procvar then begin if not no_pop then write(outfile,';cdecl'); is_procvar:=false; end; writeln(outfile,';'); end; hp3:=hp3^.next; end; hp1:=hp1^.next; end; if is_sized then begin if current_level <= 16 then writeln(outfile,'word;') else if current_level <= 32 then writeln(outfile,'longint;') else internalerror(11); is_sized:=false; end; popshift; write(outfile,aktspace,'end'); flush(outfile); end; dec(typedef_level); end; t_uniondef : begin inc(typedef_level); if (typedef_level>1) and (p^.p1=nil) and (p^.p2^.typ=t_id) then begin write(outfile,p^.p2^.p); end else begin inc(typedef_level); if packrecords then writeln(outfile,'packed record') else writeln(outfile,'record'); shift(2); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'case longint of'); shift(2); l:=0; hp1:=p^.p1; (* walk through all members *) while assigned(hp1) do begin (* hp2 is t_memberdec *) hp2:=hp1^.p1; (* hp3 is t_declist *) hp3:=hp2^.p2; while assigned(hp3) do begin write(outfile,aktspace,l,' : ( '); write(outfile,FixId(hp3^.p1^.p2^.p),' : '); shift(2); write_p_a_def(outfile,hp3^.p1^.p1,hp2^.p1); popshift; writeln(outfile,' );'); hp3:=hp3^.next; inc(l); end; hp1:=hp1^.next; end; popshift; write(outfile,aktspace,'end'); popshift; flush(outfile); dec(typedef_level); end; dec(typedef_level); end; else internalerror(3); end; end; procedure write_def_params(var outfile:text; p : presobject); var hp1 : presobject; begin case p^.typ of t_enumdef : begin hp1:=p^.p1; while assigned(hp1) do begin write(outfile,FixId(hp1^.p1^.p)); hp1:=hp1^.next; if assigned(hp1) then write(outfile,',') else write(outfile); flush(outfile); end; flush(outfile); end; else internalerror(4); end; end; procedure write_statement_block(var outfile:text; p : presobject); begin writeln(outfile,aktspace,'begin'); while assigned(p) do begin shift(2); if assigned(p^.p1) then begin case p^.p1^.typ of t_whilenode: begin write(outfile,aktspace,'while '); write_expr(outfile,p^.p1^.p1); writeln(outfile,' do'); shift(2); write_statement_block(outfile,p^.p1^.p2); popshift; end; else begin write(outfile,aktspace); write_expr(outfile,p^.p1); writeln(outfile,';'); end; end; end; p:=p^.next; popshift; end; writeln(outfile,aktspace,'end;'); end; const _WHILE = 257; const _FOR = 258; const _DO = 259; const _GOTO = 260; const _CONTINUE = 261; const _BREAK = 262; const TYPEDEF = 263; const DEFINE = 264; const COLON = 265; const SEMICOLON = 266; const COMMA = 267; const LKLAMMER = 268; const RKLAMMER = 269; const LECKKLAMMER = 270; const RECKKLAMMER = 271; const LGKLAMMER = 272; const RGKLAMMER = 273; const STRUCT = 274; const UNION = 275; const ENUM = 276; const ID = 277; const NUMBER = 278; const CSTRING = 279; const SHORT = 280; const UNSIGNED = 281; const LONG = 282; const INT = 283; const FLOAT = 284; const _CHAR = 285; const VOID = 286; const _CONST = 287; const _FAR = 288; const _HUGE = 289; const _NEAR = 290; const NEW_LINE = 291; const SPACE_DEFINE = 292; const EXTERN = 293; const STDCALL = 294; const CDECL = 295; const CALLBACK = 296; const PASCAL = 297; const WINAPI = 298; const APIENTRY = 299; const WINGDIAPI = 300; const SYS_TRAP = 301; const _PACKED = 302; const ELLIPSIS = 303; const _ASSIGN = 304; const R_AND = 305; const EQUAL = 306; const UNEQUAL = 307; const GT = 308; const LT = 309; const GTE = 310; const LTE = 311; const QUESTIONMARK = 312; const _OR = 313; const _AND = 314; const _PLUS = 315; const MINUS = 316; const _SHR = 317; const _SHL = 318; const STAR = 319; const _SLASH = 320; const _NOT = 321; const PSTAR = 322; const P_AND = 323; const POINT = 324; const DEREF = 325; const STICK = 326; const SIGNED = 327; const INT8 = 328; const INT16 = 329; const INT32 = 330; const INT64 = 331; var yylval : YYSType; function yylex : Integer; forward; function yyparse : Integer; var yystate, yysp, yyn : Integer; yys : array [1..yymaxdepth] of Integer; yyv : array [1..yymaxdepth] of YYSType; yyval : YYSType; procedure yyaction ( yyruleno : Integer ); (* local definitions: *) begin (* actions: *) case yyruleno of 1 : begin yyval := yyv[yysp-0]; end; 2 : begin yyval:=nil; end; 3 : begin yyval:=nil; end; 4 : begin writeln(outfile,'(* error '); writeln(outfile,yyline); end; 5 : begin if yydebug then writeln('declaration reduced at line ',line_no); if yydebug then writeln(outfile,'(* declaration reduced *)'); end; 6 : begin if yydebug then writeln('define declaration reduced at line ',line_no); if yydebug then writeln(outfile,'(* define declaration reduced *)'); end; 7 : begin if yydebug then writeln('declaration reduced at line ',line_no); end; 8 : begin if yydebug then writeln('define declaration reduced at line ',line_no); end; 9 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('extern')); end; 10 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('intern')); end; 11 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('no_pop')); end; 12 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('cdecl')); end; 13 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('no_pop')); end; 14 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('no_pop')); end; 15 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('no_pop')); end; 16 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('no_pop')); end; 17 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('no_pop')); end; 18 : begin yyval:=nil end; 19 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-1]; end; 20 : begin yyval:=nil; end; 21 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-1]; end; 22 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_whilenode,yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 23 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_statement_list,yyv[yysp-1])); yyval^.next:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 24 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_statement_list,yyv[yysp-0])); end; 25 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_statement_list,nil)); end; 26 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_statement_list,nil)); end; 27 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-1]; end; 28 : begin IsExtern:=false; (* by default we must pop the args pushed on stack *) no_pop:=false; if (assigned(yyv[yysp-1])and assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.p1)and assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1)) and (yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.typ=t_procdef) then begin repeat If UseLib then IsExtern:=true else IsExtern:=assigned(yyv[yysp-4])and(yyv[yysp-4]^.str='extern'); no_pop:=assigned(yyv[yysp-2]) and (yyv[yysp-2]^.str='no_pop'); if (block_type<>bt_func) and not(createdynlib) then begin writeln(outfile); block_type:=bt_func; end; (* dyn. procedures must be put into a var block *) if createdynlib then begin if (block_type<>bt_var) then begin if not(compactmode) then writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'var'); block_type:=bt_var; end; shift(2); end; if not CompactMode then begin write(outfile,aktspace); if not IsExtern then write(implemfile,aktspace); end; (* distinguish between procedure and function *) if assigned(yyv[yysp-3]) then if (yyv[yysp-3]^.typ=t_void) and (yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.p1=nil) then begin if createdynlib then begin write(outfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p,' : procedure'); end else begin shift(10); write(outfile,'procedure ',yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p); end; if assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.p2) then write_args(outfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.p2); if createdynlib then begin loaddynlibproc.add('pointer('+yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p+'):=GetProcAddress(hlib,'''+yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p+''');'); freedynlibproc.add(yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p+':=nil;'); end else if not IsExtern then begin write(implemfile,'procedure ',yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p); if assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.p2) then write_args(implemfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.p2); end; end else begin if createdynlib then begin write(outfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p,' : function'); end else begin shift(9); write(outfile,'function ',yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p); end; if assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.p2) then write_args(outfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.p2); write(outfile,':'); old_in_args:=in_args; (* write pointers as P.... instead of ^.... *) in_args:=true; write_p_a_def(outfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.p1,yyv[yysp-3]); in_args:=old_in_args; if createdynlib then begin loaddynlibproc.add('pointer('+yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p+'):=GetProcAddress(hlib,'''+yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p+''');'); freedynlibproc.add(yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p+':=nil;'); end else if not IsExtern then begin write(implemfile,'function ',yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p); if assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.p2) then write_args(implemfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.p2); write(implemfile,':'); old_in_args:=in_args; (* write pointers as P.... instead of ^.... *) in_args:=true; write_p_a_def(implemfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.p1,yyv[yysp-3]); in_args:=old_in_args; end; end; (* No CDECL in interface for Uselib *) if IsExtern and (not no_pop) then write(outfile,';cdecl'); popshift; if createdynlib then begin writeln(outfile,';'); end else if UseLib then begin if IsExtern then begin write (outfile,';external'); If UseName then Write(outfile,' External_library name ''',yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2^.p,''''); end; writeln(outfile,';'); end else begin writeln(outfile,';'); if not IsExtern then begin writeln(implemfile,';'); shift(2); if yyv[yysp-0]^.typ=t_statement_list then write_statement_block(implemfile,yyv[yysp-0]); popshift; end; end; IsExtern:=false; if not(compactmode) and not(createdynlib) then writeln(outfile); until not NeedEllipsisOverload; end else (* yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1^.typ=t_procdef *) if assigned(yyv[yysp-1])and assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.p1) then begin shift(2); if block_type<>bt_var then begin if not(compactmode) then writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'var'); end; block_type:=bt_var; shift(2); IsExtern:=assigned(yyv[yysp-4])and(yyv[yysp-4]^.str='extern'); (* walk through all declarations *) hp:=yyv[yysp-1]; while assigned(hp) and assigned(hp^.p1) do begin (* write new var name *) if assigned(hp^.p1^.p2) and assigned(hp^.p1^.p2^.p) then write(outfile,aktspace,hp^.p1^.p2^.p); write(outfile,' : '); shift(2); (* write its type *) write_p_a_def(outfile,hp^.p1^.p1,yyv[yysp-3]); if assigned(hp^.p1^.p2)and assigned(hp^.p1^.p2^.p)then begin if isExtern then write(outfile,';cvar;external') else write(outfile,';cvar;public'); end; writeln(outfile,';'); popshift; hp:=hp^.p2; end; popshift; popshift; end; if assigned(yyv[yysp-4]) then dispose(yyv[yysp-4],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-3]) then dispose(yyv[yysp-3],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-2]) then dispose(yyv[yysp-2],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-1]) then dispose(yyv[yysp-1],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-0]) then dispose(yyv[yysp-0],done); end; 29 : begin IsExtern:=false; (* by default we must pop the args pushed on stack *) no_pop:=false; if (assigned(yyv[yysp-2])and assigned(yyv[yysp-2]^.p1)and assigned(yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1)) and (yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.typ=t_procdef) then begin repeat If UseLib then IsExtern:=true else IsExtern:=assigned(yyv[yysp-5])and(yyv[yysp-5]^.str='extern'); no_pop:=assigned(yyv[yysp-3]) and (yyv[yysp-3]^.str='no_pop'); if (block_type<>bt_func) and not(createdynlib) then begin writeln(outfile); block_type:=bt_func; end; (* dyn. procedures must be put into a var block *) if createdynlib then begin if (block_type<>bt_var) then begin if not(compactmode) then writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'var'); block_type:=bt_var; end; shift(2); end; if not CompactMode then begin write(outfile,aktspace); if not IsExtern then write(implemfile,aktspace); end; (* distinguish between procedure and function *) if assigned(yyv[yysp-4]) then if (yyv[yysp-4]^.typ=t_void) and (yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.p1=nil) then begin if createdynlib then begin write(outfile,yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p,' : procedure'); end else begin shift(10); write(outfile,'procedure ',yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p); end; if assigned(yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.p2) then write_args(outfile,yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.p2); if createdynlib then begin loaddynlibproc.add('pointer('+yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p+'):=GetProcAddress(hlib,'''+yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p+''');'); freedynlibproc.add(yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p+':=nil;'); end else if not IsExtern then begin write(implemfile,'procedure ',yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p); if assigned(yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.p2) then write_args(implemfile,yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.p2); end; end else begin if createdynlib then begin write(outfile,yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p,' : function'); end else begin shift(9); write(outfile,'function ',yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p); end; if assigned(yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.p2) then write_args(outfile,yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.p2); write(outfile,':'); write_p_a_def(outfile,yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.p1,yyv[yysp-4]); if createdynlib then begin loaddynlibproc.add('pointer('+yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p+'):=GetProcAddress(hlib,'''+yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p+''');'); freedynlibproc.add(yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p+':=nil;'); end else if not IsExtern then begin write(implemfile,'function ',yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p); if assigned(yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.p2) then write_args(implemfile,yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.p2); write(implemfile,':'); old_in_args:=in_args; (* write pointers as P.... instead of ^.... *) in_args:=true; write_p_a_def(implemfile,yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.p1,yyv[yysp-4]); in_args:=old_in_args; end; end; if assigned(yyv[yysp-1]) then write(outfile,';systrap ',yyv[yysp-1]^.p); (* No CDECL in interface for Uselib *) if IsExtern and (not no_pop) then write(outfile,';cdecl'); popshift; if createdynlib then begin writeln(outfile,';'); end else if UseLib then begin if IsExtern then begin write (outfile,';external'); If UseName then Write(outfile,' External_library name ''',yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p2^.p,''''); end; writeln(outfile,';'); end else begin writeln(outfile,';'); if not IsExtern then begin writeln(implemfile,';'); writeln(implemfile,aktspace,'begin'); writeln(implemfile,aktspace,' { You must implement this function }'); writeln(implemfile,aktspace,'end;'); end; end; IsExtern:=false; if not(compactmode) and not(createdynlib) then writeln(outfile); until not NeedEllipsisOverload; end else (* yyv[yysp-2]^.p1^.p1^.typ=t_procdef *) if assigned(yyv[yysp-2])and assigned(yyv[yysp-2]^.p1) then begin shift(2); if block_type<>bt_var then begin if not(compactmode) then writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'var'); end; block_type:=bt_var; shift(2); IsExtern:=assigned(yyv[yysp-5])and(yyv[yysp-5]^.str='extern'); (* walk through all declarations *) hp:=yyv[yysp-2]; while assigned(hp) and assigned(hp^.p1) do begin (* write new var name *) if assigned(hp^.p1^.p2) and assigned(hp^.p1^.p2^.p) then write(outfile,aktspace,hp^.p1^.p2^.p); write(outfile,' : '); shift(2); (* write its type *) write_p_a_def(outfile,hp^.p1^.p1,yyv[yysp-4]); if assigned(hp^.p1^.p2)and assigned(hp^.p1^.p2^.p)then begin if isExtern then write(outfile,';cvar;external') else write(outfile,';cvar;public'); end; writeln(outfile,';'); popshift; hp:=hp^.p2; end; popshift; popshift; end; if assigned(yyv[yysp-5])then dispose(yyv[yysp-5],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-4])then dispose(yyv[yysp-4],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-2])then dispose(yyv[yysp-2],done); end; 30 : begin if block_type<>bt_type then begin if not(compactmode) then writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'type'); block_type:=bt_type; end; shift(2); if ( yyv[yysp-1]^.p2 <> nil ) then begin (* write new type name *) TN:=TypeName(yyv[yysp-1]^.p2^.p); PN:=PointerName(yyv[yysp-1]^.p2^.p); (* define a Pointer type also for structs *) if UsePPointers and (Uppercase(tn)<>Uppercase(pn)) and assigned(yyv[yysp-1]) and (yyv[yysp-1]^.typ in [t_uniondef,t_structdef]) then writeln(outfile,aktspace,PN,' = ^',TN,';'); write(outfile,aktspace,TN,' = '); shift(2); hp:=yyv[yysp-1]; write_type_specifier(outfile,hp); popshift; (* enum_to_const can make a switch to const *) if block_type=bt_type then writeln(outfile,';'); writeln(outfile); flush(outfile); popshift; if must_write_packed_field then write_packed_fields_info(outfile,hp,TN); if assigned(hp) then dispose(hp,done) end else begin TN:=TypeName(yyv[yysp-1]^.str); PN:=PointerName(yyv[yysp-1]^.str); if UsePPointers then writeln(outfile,aktspace,PN,' = ^',TN,';'); if PackRecords then writeln(outfile, aktspace, TN, ' = packed record') else writeln(outfile, aktspace, TN, ' = record'); writeln(outfile, aktspace, ' {undefined structure}'); writeln(outfile, aktspace, ' end;'); writeln(outfile); popshift; end; end; 31 : begin (* TYPEDEF STRUCT dname dname SEMICOLON *) if block_type<>bt_type then begin if not(compactmode) then writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'type'); block_type:=bt_type; end; PN:=TypeName(yyv[yysp-2]^.p); TN:=TypeName(yyv[yysp-1]^.p); if Uppercase(tn)<>Uppercase(pn) then begin shift(2); writeln(outfile,aktspace,PN,' = ',TN,';'); popshift; end; if assigned(yyv[yysp-2]) then dispose(yyv[yysp-2],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-1]) then dispose(yyv[yysp-1],done); end; 32 : begin (* TYPEDEF type_specifier LKLAMMER dec_modifier declarator RKLAMMER maybe_space LKLAMMER argument_declaration_list RKLAMMER SEMICOLON *) if block_type<>bt_type then begin if not(compactmode) then writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'type'); block_type:=bt_type; end; no_pop:=assigned(yyv[yysp-7]) and (yyv[yysp-7]^.str='no_pop'); shift(2); (* walk through all declarations *) hp:=yyv[yysp-6]; if assigned(hp) then begin hp:=yyv[yysp-6]; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_two(t_procdef,nil,yyv[yysp-2])); hp:=yyv[yysp-6]; if assigned(hp^.p1) and assigned(hp^.p1^.p1) then begin writeln(outfile); (* write new type name *) write(outfile,aktspace,TypeName(hp^.p2^.p),' = '); shift(2); write_p_a_def(outfile,hp^.p1,yyv[yysp-9]); popshift; (* if no_pop it is normal fpc calling convention *) if is_procvar and (not no_pop) then write(outfile,';cdecl'); writeln(outfile,';'); flush(outfile); end; end; popshift; if assigned(yyv[yysp-9])then dispose(yyv[yysp-9],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-7])then dispose(yyv[yysp-7],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-6])then (* disposes also yyv[yysp-2] *) dispose(yyv[yysp-6],done); end; 33 : begin (* TYPEDEF type_specifier dec_modifier declarator_list SEMICOLON *) if block_type<>bt_type then begin if not(compactmode) then writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'type'); block_type:=bt_type; end else writeln(outfile); no_pop:=assigned(yyv[yysp-2]) and (yyv[yysp-2]^.str='no_pop'); shift(2); (* Get the name to write the type definition for, try to use the tag name first *) if assigned(yyv[yysp-3]^.p2) then begin ph:=yyv[yysp-3]^.p2; end else begin if not assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2) then internalerror(4444); ph:=yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p2; end; (* write type definition *) is_procvar:=false; TN:=TypeName(ph^.p); PN:=PointerName(ph^.p); if UsePPointers and (Uppercase(tn)<>Uppercase(pn)) and assigned(yyv[yysp-3]) and (yyv[yysp-3]^.typ<>t_procdef) then writeln(outfile,aktspace,PN,' = ^',TN,';'); (* write new type name *) write(outfile,aktspace,TN,' = '); shift(2); write_p_a_def(outfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.p1,yyv[yysp-3]); popshift; (* if no_pop it is normal fpc calling convention *) if is_procvar and (not no_pop) then write(outfile,';cdecl'); writeln(outfile,';'); flush(outfile); (* write alias names, ph points to the name already used *) hp:=yyv[yysp-1]; while assigned(hp) do begin if (hp<>ph) and assigned(hp^.p1^.p2) then begin PN:=TypeName(ph^.p); TN:=TypeName(hp^.p1^.p2^.p); if Uppercase(TN)<>Uppercase(PN) then begin write(outfile,aktspace,TN,' = '); write_p_a_def(outfile,hp^.p1^.p1,ph); writeln(outfile,';'); PN:=PointerName(hp^.p1^.p2^.p); if UsePPointers and (Uppercase(tn)<>Uppercase(pn)) and assigned(yyv[yysp-3]) and (yyv[yysp-3]^.typ<>t_procdef) then writeln(outfile,aktspace,PN,' = ^',TN,';'); end; end; hp:=hp^.next; end; popshift; if must_write_packed_field then if assigned(ph) then write_packed_fields_info(outfile,yyv[yysp-3],ph^.str) else if assigned(yyv[yysp-3]^.p2) then write_packed_fields_info(outfile,yyv[yysp-3],yyv[yysp-3]^.p2^.str); if assigned(yyv[yysp-3])then dispose(yyv[yysp-3],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-2])then dispose(yyv[yysp-2],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-1])then dispose(yyv[yysp-1],done); end; 34 : begin if block_type<>bt_type then begin if not(compactmode) then writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'type'); block_type:=bt_type; end else writeln(outfile); shift(2); (* write as pointer *) writeln(outfile,'(* generic typedef *)'); writeln(outfile,aktspace,yyv[yysp-1]^.p,' = pointer;'); flush(outfile); popshift; if assigned(yyv[yysp-1]) then dispose(yyv[yysp-1],done); end; 35 : begin writeln(outfile,'in declaration at line ',line_no,' *)'); aktspace:=''; in_space_define:=0; in_define:=false; arglevel:=0; if_nb:=0; aktspace:=' '; space_index:=1; yyerrok; end; 36 : begin (* DEFINE dname LKLAMMER enum_list RKLAMMER para_def_expr NEW_LINE *) if not stripinfo then begin writeln (outfile,aktspace,'{ was #define dname(params) para_def_expr }'); writeln (implemfile,aktspace,'{ was #define dname(params) para_def_expr }'); if assigned(yyv[yysp-3]) then begin writeln (outfile,aktspace,'{ argument types are unknown }'); writeln (implemfile,aktspace,'{ argument types are unknown }'); end; if not assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.p3) then begin writeln(outfile,aktspace,'{ return type might be wrong } '); writeln(implemfile,aktspace,'{ return type might be wrong } '); end; end; if block_type<>bt_func then writeln(outfile); block_type:=bt_func; write(outfile,aktspace,'function ',yyv[yysp-5]^.p); write(implemfile,aktspace,'function ',yyv[yysp-5]^.p); if assigned(yyv[yysp-3]) then begin write(outfile,'('); write(implemfile,'('); ph:=new(presobject,init_one(t_enumdef,yyv[yysp-3])); write_def_params(outfile,ph); write_def_params(implemfile,ph); if assigned(ph) then dispose(ph,done); ph:=nil; (* types are unknown *) write(outfile,' : longint)'); write(implemfile,' : longint)'); end; if not assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.p3) then begin writeln(outfile,' : longint;',aktspace,commentstr); writeln(implemfile,' : longint;'); flush(outfile); end else begin write(outfile,' : '); write_type_specifier(outfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p3); writeln(outfile,';',aktspace,commentstr); flush(outfile); write(implemfile,' : '); write_type_specifier(implemfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p3); writeln(implemfile,';'); end; writeln(outfile); flush(outfile); hp:=new(presobject,init_two(t_funcname,yyv[yysp-5],yyv[yysp-1])); write_funexpr(implemfile,hp); writeln(implemfile); flush(implemfile); if assigned(hp)then dispose(hp,done); end; 37 : begin (* DEFINE dname SPACE_DEFINE NEW_LINE *) writeln(outfile,'{$define ',yyv[yysp-2]^.p,'}',aktspace,commentstr); flush(outfile); if assigned(yyv[yysp-2])then dispose(yyv[yysp-2],done); end; 38 : begin writeln(outfile,'{$define ',yyv[yysp-1]^.p,'}',aktspace,commentstr); flush(outfile); if assigned(yyv[yysp-1])then dispose(yyv[yysp-1],done); end; 39 : begin (* DEFINE dname SPACE_DEFINE def_expr NEW_LINE *) if (yyv[yysp-1]^.typ=t_exprlist) and yyv[yysp-1]^.p1^.is_const and not assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.next) then begin if block_type<>bt_const then begin if block_type<>bt_func then writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,aktspace,'const'); end; block_type:=bt_const; shift(2); write(outfile,aktspace,yyv[yysp-3]^.p); write(outfile,' = '); flush(outfile); write_expr(outfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p1); writeln(outfile,';',aktspace,commentstr); popshift; if assigned(yyv[yysp-3]) then dispose(yyv[yysp-3],done); if assigned(yyv[yysp-1]) then dispose(yyv[yysp-1],done); end else begin if block_type<>bt_func then writeln(outfile); if not stripinfo then begin writeln (outfile,aktspace,'{ was #define dname def_expr }'); writeln (implemfile,aktspace,'{ was #define dname def_expr }'); end; block_type:=bt_func; write(outfile,aktspace,'function ',yyv[yysp-3]^.p); write(implemfile,aktspace,'function ',yyv[yysp-3]^.p); shift(2); if not assigned(yyv[yysp-1]^.p3) then begin writeln(outfile,' : longint; { return type might be wrong }'); flush(outfile); writeln(implemfile,' : longint; { return type might be wrong }'); end else begin write(outfile,' : '); write_type_specifier(outfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p3); writeln(outfile,';',aktspace,commentstr); flush(outfile); write(implemfile,' : '); write_type_specifier(implemfile,yyv[yysp-1]^.p3); writeln(implemfile,';'); end; writeln(outfile); flush(outfile); hp:=new(presobject,init_two(t_funcname,yyv[yysp-3],yyv[yysp-1])); write_funexpr(implemfile,hp); popshift; dispose(hp,done); writeln(implemfile); flush(implemfile); end; end; 40 : begin writeln(outfile,'in define line ',line_no,' *)'); aktspace:=''; in_space_define:=0; in_define:=false; arglevel:=0; if_nb:=0; aktspace:=' '; space_index:=1; yyerrok; end; 41 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-1]; end; 42 : begin writeln(outfile,' in member_list *)'); yyerrok; yyval:=nil; end; 43 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-1]; end; 44 : begin writeln(outfile,' in enum_list *)'); yyerrok; yyval:=nil; end; 45 : begin if (not is_packed) and (not packrecords) then writeln(outfile,'{$PACKRECORDS 1}'); is_packed:=true; yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_structdef,yyv[yysp-1],yyv[yysp-2])); end; 46 : begin if (is_packed) and (not packrecords) then writeln(outfile,'{$PACKRECORDS 4}'); is_packed:=false; yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_structdef,yyv[yysp-0],yyv[yysp-1])); end; 47 : begin if (not is_packed) and (not packrecords) then writeln(outfile,'{$PACKRECORDS 1}'); is_packed:=true; yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_uniondef,yyv[yysp-1],yyv[yysp-2])); end; 48 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_uniondef,yyv[yysp-0],yyv[yysp-1])); end; 49 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 50 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 51 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_enumdef,yyv[yysp-0],yyv[yysp-1])); end; 52 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 53 : begin if not stripinfo then writeln(outfile,'(* Const before type ignored *)'); yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 54 : begin if (not is_packed) and (not packrecords)then writeln(outfile,'{$PACKRECORDS 1}'); is_packed:=true; yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_uniondef,yyv[yysp-1])); end; 55 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_uniondef,yyv[yysp-0])); end; 56 : begin if (not is_packed) and (not packrecords) then writeln(outfile,'{$PACKRECORDS 1}'); is_packed:=true; yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_structdef,yyv[yysp-1])); end; 57 : begin if (is_packed) and (not packrecords) then writeln(outfile,'{$PACKRECORDS 4}'); is_packed:=false; yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_structdef,yyv[yysp-0])); end; 58 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_enumdef,yyv[yysp-0])); end; 59 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 60 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 61 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_memberdeclist,yyv[yysp-1])); yyval^.next:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 62 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_memberdeclist,yyv[yysp-0])); end; 63 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_memberdec,yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-1])); end; 64 : begin (*dname*) yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(act_token)); end; 65 : begin hp:=yyv[yysp-0]; yyval:=hp; if assigned(hp) then begin s:=strpas(hp^.p); if UseCTypesUnit then begin if s=cint_STR then s:=csint_STR else if s=cshort_STR then s:=csshort_STR else if s=cchar_STR then s:=cschar_STR else if s=clong_STR then s:=cslong_STR else if s=clonglong_STR then s:=cslonglong_STR else if s=cint8_STR then s:=cint8_STR else if s=cint16_STR then s:=cint16_STR else if s=cint32_STR then s:=cint32_STR else if s=cint64_STR then s:=cint64_STR else s:=''; end else begin if s=UINT_STR then s:=INT_STR else if s=USHORT_STR then s:=SHORT_STR else if s=USMALL_STR then s:=SMALL_STR else if s=UCHAR_STR then s:=CHAR_STR else if s=QWORD_STR then s:=INT64_STR else s:=''; end; if s<>'' then hp^.setstr(s); end; end; 66 : begin hp:=yyv[yysp-0]; yyval:=hp; if assigned(hp) then begin s:=strpas(hp^.p); if UseCTypesUnit then begin if s=cint_STR then s:=cuint_STR else if s=cshort_STR then s:=cushort_STR else if s=cchar_STR then s:=cuchar_STR else if s=clong_STR then s:=culong_STR else if s=clonglong_STR then s:=culonglong_STR else if s=cint8_STR then s:=cuint8_STR else if s=cint16_STR then s:=cuint16_STR else if s=cint32_STR then s:=cuint32_STR else if s=cint64_STR then s:=cuint64_STR else s:=''; end else begin if s=INT_STR then s:=UINT_STR else if s=SHORT_STR then s:=USHORT_STR else if s=SMALL_STR then s:=USMALL_STR else if s=CHAR_STR then s:=UCHAR_STR else if s=INT64_STR then s:=QWORD_STR else s:=''; end; if s<>'' then hp^.setstr(s); end; end; 67 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(cint_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(INT_STR)); end; 68 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(clong_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(INT_STR)); end; 69 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(clong_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(INT_STR)); end; 70 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(clonglong_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(INT64_STR)); end; 71 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(clonglong_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(INT64_STR)); end; 72 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(cshort_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(SMALL_STR)); end; 73 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(cshort_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(SMALL_STR)); end; 74 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(cint8_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(SHORT_STR)); end; 75 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(cint16_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(SMALL_STR)); end; 76 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(cint32_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(INT_STR)); end; 77 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(cint64_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(INT64_STR)); end; 78 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(cfloat_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(FLOAT_STR)); end; 79 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_no(t_void)); end; 80 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(cchar_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(CHAR_STR)); end; 81 : begin if UseCTypesUnit then yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(cunsigned_STR)) else yyval:=new(presobject,init_intid(UINT_STR)); end; 82 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 83 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; tn:=yyval^.str; if removeunderscore and (length(tn)>1) and (tn[1]='_') then yyval^.setstr(Copy(tn,2,length(tn)-1)); end; 84 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-2]; hp:=yyv[yysp-2]; while assigned(hp^.next) do hp:=hp^.next; hp^.next:=new(presobject,init_one(t_declist,yyv[yysp-0])); end; 85 : begin writeln(outfile,' in declarator_list *)'); yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; yyerrok; end; 86 : begin writeln(outfile,' in declarator_list *)'); yyerrok; end; 87 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_declist,yyv[yysp-0])); end; 88 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_arg,yyv[yysp-1],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 89 : begin (* type_specifier STAR declarator *) hp:=new(presobject,init_one(t_pointerdef,yyv[yysp-2])); yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_arg,hp,yyv[yysp-0])); end; 90 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_arg,yyv[yysp-1],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 91 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_arglist,yyv[yysp-0],nil)); end; 92 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_arglist,yyv[yysp-2],nil)); yyval^.next:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 93 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_arglist,ellipsisarg,nil)); end; 94 : begin yyval:=nil; end; 95 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('far')); end; 96 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('near')); end; 97 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id('huge')); end; 98 : begin if not stripinfo then writeln(outfile,'(* Const before declarator ignored *)'); yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 99 : begin if not stripinfo then writeln(outfile,aktspace,'(* ',yyv[yysp-2]^.p,' ignored *)'); dispose(yyv[yysp-2],done); hp:=yyv[yysp-0]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_one(t_pointerdef,nil)); end; 100 : begin (* %prec PSTAR this was wrong!! *) hp:=yyv[yysp-0]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_one(t_pointerdef,nil)); end; 101 : begin hp:=yyv[yysp-0]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_one(t_addrdef,nil)); end; 102 : begin (* size specifier supported *) hp:=new(presobject,init_one(t_size_specifier,yyv[yysp-0])); yyval:=new(presobject,init_three(t_dec,nil,yyv[yysp-2],hp)); end; 103 : begin if not stripinfo then writeln(outfile,'(* Warning : default value for ',yyv[yysp-2]^.p,' ignored *)'); hp:=new(presobject,init_one(t_default_value,yyv[yysp-0])); yyval:=new(presobject,init_three(t_dec,nil,yyv[yysp-2],hp)); end; 104 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_dec,nil,yyv[yysp-0])); end; 105 : begin hp:=yyv[yysp-3]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_two(t_procdef,nil,yyv[yysp-1])); end; 106 : begin hp:=yyv[yysp-1]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_two(t_procdef,nil,nil)); end; 107 : begin hp:=yyv[yysp-3]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_two(t_arraydef,nil,yyv[yysp-1])); end; 108 : begin (* this is translated into a pointer *) hp:=yyv[yysp-2]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_one(t_pointerdef,nil)); end; 109 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-1]; end; 110 : begin yyval := yyv[yysp-1]; end; 111 : begin yyval := yyv[yysp-2]; end; 112 : begin if not stripinfo then writeln(outfile,'(* Const before abstract_declarator ignored *)'); yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 113 : begin if not stripinfo then writeln(outfile,aktspace,'(* ',yyv[yysp-2]^.p,' ignored *)'); dispose(yyv[yysp-2],done); hp:=yyv[yysp-0]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_one(t_pointerdef,nil)); end; 114 : begin hp:=yyv[yysp-0]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_one(t_pointerdef,nil)); end; 115 : begin hp:=yyv[yysp-3]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_two(t_procdef,nil,yyv[yysp-1])); end; 116 : begin hp:=yyv[yysp-1]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_two(t_procdef,nil,nil)); end; 117 : begin hp:=yyv[yysp-3]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_two(t_arraydef,nil,yyv[yysp-1])); end; 118 : begin (* this is translated into a pointer *) hp:=yyv[yysp-2]; yyval:=hp; while assigned(hp^.p1) do hp:=hp^.p1; hp^.p1:=new(presobject,init_one(t_pointerdef,nil)); end; 119 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-1]; end; 120 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_dec,nil,nil)); end; 121 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 122 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop(':=',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 123 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('=',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 124 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('<>',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 125 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('>',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 126 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('>=',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 127 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('<',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 128 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('<=',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 129 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('+',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 130 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('-',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 131 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('*',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 132 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('/',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 133 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop(' or ',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 134 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop(' and ',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 135 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop(' not ',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 136 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop(' shl ',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 137 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop(' shr ',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 138 : begin yyv[yysp-0]^.p1:=yyv[yysp-2]; yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; inc(if_nb); yyval^.p:=strpnew('if_local'+str(if_nb)); end; 139 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 140 : begin (* if A then B else C *) yyval:=new(presobject,init_three(t_ifexpr,nil,yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 141 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 142 : begin yyval:=nil; end; 143 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 144 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 145 : begin (* remove L prefix for widestrings *) s:=act_token; if Win32headers and (s[1]='L') then delete(s,1,1); yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(''''+copy(s,2,length(s)-2)+'''')); end; 146 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_id(act_token)); end; 147 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('.',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 148 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_bop('^.',yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 149 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_preop('-',yyv[yysp-0])); end; 150 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_preop('+',yyv[yysp-0])); end; 151 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_preop('@',yyv[yysp-0])); end; 152 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_preop(' not ',yyv[yysp-0])); end; 153 : begin if assigned(yyv[yysp-0]) then yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_typespec,yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])) else yyval:=yyv[yysp-2]; end; 154 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_typespec,yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; 155 : begin hp:=new(presobject,init_one(t_pointerdef,yyv[yysp-3])); yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_typespec,hp,yyv[yysp-0])); end; 156 : begin if not stripinfo then writeln(outfile,aktspace,'(* ',yyv[yysp-3]^.p,' ignored *)'); dispose(yyv[yysp-3],done); write_type_specifier(outfile,yyv[yysp-4]); writeln(outfile,' ignored *)'); hp:=new(presobject,init_one(t_pointerdef,yyv[yysp-4])); yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_typespec,hp,yyv[yysp-0])); end; 157 : begin hp:=new(presobject,init_one(t_exprlist,yyv[yysp-3])); yyval:=new(presobject,init_three(t_funexprlist,hp,yyv[yysp-1],nil)); end; 158 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-1]; end; 159 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_callop,yyv[yysp-5],yyv[yysp-1])); end; 160 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_arrayop,yyv[yysp-3],yyv[yysp-1])); end; 161 : begin (*enum_element COMMA enum_list *) yyval:=yyv[yysp-2]; yyval^.next:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 162 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 163 : begin (* empty enum list *) yyval:=nil; end; 164 : begin begin (*enum_element: dname _ASSIGN expr *) yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_enumlist,yyv[yysp-2],yyv[yysp-0])); end; end; 165 : begin begin (*enum_element: dname*) yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_enumlist,yyv[yysp-0],nil)); end; end; 166 : begin if yyv[yysp-0]^.typ=t_funexprlist then yyval:=yyv[yysp-0] else yyval:=new(presobject,init_two(t_exprlist,yyv[yysp-0],nil)); (* if here is a type specifier we know the return type *) if (yyv[yysp-0]^.typ=t_typespec) then yyval^.p3:=yyv[yysp-0]^.p1^.get_copy; end; 167 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 168 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-1] end; 169 : begin (*exprlist COMMA expr*) yyval:=yyv[yysp-2]; yyv[yysp-2]^.next:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 170 : begin yyval:=yyv[yysp-0]; end; 171 : begin (* empty expression list *) yyval:=nil; end; 172 : begin yyval:=new(presobject,init_one(t_exprlist,yyv[yysp-0])); end; end; end(*yyaction*); (* parse table: *) type YYARec = record sym, act : Integer; end; YYRRec = record len, sym : Integer; end; const yynacts = 3055; yyngotos = 424; yynstates = 313; yynrules = 172; yya : array [1..yynacts] of YYARec = ( { 0: } ( sym: 256; act: 7 ), ( sym: 263; act: 8 ), ( sym: 264; act: 9 ), ( sym: 274; act: 10 ), ( sym: 275; act: 11 ), ( sym: 276; act: 12 ), ( sym: 293; act: 13 ), ( sym: 277; act: -10 ), ( sym: 280; act: -10 ), ( sym: 281; act: -10 ), ( sym: 282; act: -10 ), ( sym: 283; act: -10 ), ( sym: 284; act: -10 ), ( sym: 285; act: -10 ), ( sym: 286; act: -10 ), ( sym: 287; act: -10 ), ( sym: 327; act: -10 ), ( sym: 328; act: -10 ), ( sym: 329; act: -10 ), ( sym: 330; act: -10 ), ( sym: 331; act: -10 ), { 1: } ( sym: 266; act: 14 ), { 2: } ( sym: 274; act: 20 ), ( sym: 275; act: 21 ), ( sym: 276; act: 22 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 287; act: 31 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 3: } { 4: } { 5: } ( sym: 256; act: 7 ), ( sym: 263; act: 8 ), ( sym: 264; act: 9 ), ( sym: 274; act: 10 ), ( sym: 275; act: 11 ), ( sym: 276; act: 12 ), ( sym: 293; act: 13 ), ( sym: 0; act: -1 ), ( sym: 277; act: -10 ), ( sym: 280; act: -10 ), ( sym: 281; act: -10 ), ( sym: 282; act: -10 ), ( sym: 283; act: -10 ), ( sym: 284; act: -10 ), ( sym: 285; act: -10 ), ( sym: 286; act: -10 ), ( sym: 287; act: -10 ), ( sym: 327; act: -10 ), ( sym: 328; act: -10 ), ( sym: 329; act: -10 ), ( sym: 330; act: -10 ), ( sym: 331; act: -10 ), { 6: } ( sym: 0; act: 0 ), { 7: } { 8: } ( sym: 274; act: 42 ), ( sym: 275; act: 21 ), ( sym: 276; act: 22 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 287; act: 31 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 9: } ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), { 10: } ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), { 11: } ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), { 12: } ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), { 13: } { 14: } { 15: } { 16: } { 17: } { 18: } ( sym: 294; act: 48 ), ( sym: 295; act: 49 ), ( sym: 296; act: 50 ), ( sym: 297; act: 51 ), ( sym: 298; act: 52 ), ( sym: 299; act: 53 ), ( sym: 300; act: 54 ), ( sym: 256; act: -18 ), ( sym: 268; act: -18 ), ( sym: 277; act: -18 ), ( sym: 287; act: -18 ), ( sym: 288; act: -18 ), ( sym: 289; act: -18 ), ( sym: 290; act: -18 ), ( sym: 314; act: -18 ), ( sym: 319; act: -18 ), { 19: } { 20: } ( sym: 256; act: 56 ), ( sym: 272; act: 57 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), { 21: } ( sym: 256; act: 56 ), ( sym: 272; act: 57 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), { 22: } ( sym: 256; act: 60 ), ( sym: 272; act: 61 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), { 23: } { 24: } ( sym: 283; act: 62 ), ( sym: 256; act: -72 ), ( sym: 265; act: -72 ), ( sym: 266; act: -72 ), ( sym: 267; act: -72 ), ( sym: 268; act: -72 ), ( sym: 269; act: -72 ), ( sym: 270; act: -72 ), ( sym: 271; act: -72 ), ( sym: 272; act: -72 ), ( sym: 273; act: -72 ), ( sym: 277; act: -72 ), ( sym: 287; act: -72 ), ( sym: 288; act: -72 ), ( sym: 289; act: -72 ), ( sym: 290; act: -72 ), ( sym: 291; act: -72 ), ( sym: 294; act: -72 ), ( sym: 295; act: -72 ), ( sym: 296; act: -72 ), ( sym: 297; act: -72 ), ( sym: 298; act: -72 ), ( sym: 299; act: -72 ), ( sym: 300; act: -72 ), ( sym: 301; act: -72 ), ( sym: 304; act: -72 ), ( sym: 306; act: -72 ), ( sym: 307; act: -72 ), ( sym: 308; act: -72 ), ( sym: 309; act: -72 ), ( sym: 310; act: -72 ), ( sym: 311; act: -72 ), ( sym: 312; act: -72 ), ( sym: 313; act: -72 ), ( sym: 314; act: -72 ), ( sym: 315; act: -72 ), ( sym: 316; act: -72 ), ( sym: 317; act: -72 ), ( sym: 318; act: -72 ), ( sym: 319; act: -72 ), ( sym: 320; act: -72 ), ( sym: 321; act: -72 ), ( sym: 324; act: -72 ), ( sym: 325; act: -72 ), { 25: } ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 256; act: -81 ), ( sym: 265; act: -81 ), ( sym: 266; act: -81 ), ( sym: 267; act: -81 ), ( sym: 268; act: -81 ), ( sym: 269; act: -81 ), ( sym: 270; act: -81 ), ( sym: 271; act: -81 ), ( sym: 272; act: -81 ), ( sym: 273; act: -81 ), ( sym: 277; act: -81 ), ( sym: 287; act: -81 ), ( sym: 288; act: -81 ), ( sym: 289; act: -81 ), ( sym: 290; act: -81 ), ( sym: 291; act: -81 ), ( sym: 294; act: -81 ), ( sym: 295; act: -81 ), ( sym: 296; act: -81 ), ( sym: 297; act: -81 ), ( sym: 298; act: -81 ), ( sym: 299; act: -81 ), ( sym: 300; act: -81 ), ( sym: 301; act: -81 ), ( sym: 304; act: -81 ), ( sym: 306; act: -81 ), ( sym: 307; act: -81 ), ( sym: 308; act: -81 ), ( sym: 309; act: -81 ), ( sym: 310; act: -81 ), ( sym: 311; act: -81 ), ( sym: 312; act: -81 ), ( sym: 313; act: -81 ), ( sym: 314; act: -81 ), ( sym: 315; act: -81 ), ( sym: 316; act: -81 ), ( sym: 317; act: -81 ), ( sym: 318; act: -81 ), ( sym: 319; act: -81 ), ( sym: 320; act: -81 ), ( sym: 321; act: -81 ), ( sym: 324; act: -81 ), ( sym: 325; act: -81 ), { 26: } ( sym: 282; act: 64 ), ( sym: 283; act: 65 ), ( sym: 256; act: -68 ), ( sym: 265; act: -68 ), ( sym: 266; act: -68 ), ( sym: 267; act: -68 ), ( sym: 268; act: -68 ), ( sym: 269; act: -68 ), ( sym: 270; act: -68 ), ( sym: 271; act: -68 ), ( sym: 272; act: -68 ), ( sym: 273; act: -68 ), ( sym: 277; act: -68 ), ( sym: 287; act: -68 ), ( sym: 288; act: -68 ), ( sym: 289; act: -68 ), ( sym: 290; act: -68 ), ( sym: 291; act: -68 ), ( sym: 294; act: -68 ), ( sym: 295; act: -68 ), ( sym: 296; act: -68 ), ( sym: 297; act: -68 ), ( sym: 298; act: -68 ), ( sym: 299; act: -68 ), ( sym: 300; act: -68 ), ( sym: 301; act: -68 ), ( sym: 304; act: -68 ), ( sym: 306; act: -68 ), ( sym: 307; act: -68 ), ( sym: 308; act: -68 ), ( sym: 309; act: -68 ), ( sym: 310; act: -68 ), ( sym: 311; act: -68 ), ( sym: 312; act: -68 ), ( sym: 313; act: -68 ), ( sym: 314; act: -68 ), ( sym: 315; act: -68 ), ( sym: 316; act: -68 ), ( sym: 317; act: -68 ), ( sym: 318; act: -68 ), ( sym: 319; act: -68 ), ( sym: 320; act: -68 ), ( sym: 321; act: -68 ), ( sym: 324; act: -68 ), ( sym: 325; act: -68 ), { 27: } { 28: } { 29: } { 30: } { 31: } ( sym: 274; act: 20 ), ( sym: 275; act: 21 ), ( sym: 276; act: 22 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 287; act: 31 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 32: } ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 33: } { 34: } { 35: } { 36: } { 37: } { 38: } { 39: } ( sym: 266; act: 68 ), ( sym: 291; act: 69 ), { 40: } ( sym: 268; act: 71 ), ( sym: 294; act: 48 ), ( sym: 295; act: 49 ), ( sym: 296; act: 50 ), ( sym: 297; act: 51 ), ( sym: 298; act: 52 ), ( sym: 299; act: 53 ), ( sym: 300; act: 54 ), ( sym: 256; act: -18 ), ( sym: 277; act: -18 ), ( sym: 287; act: -18 ), ( sym: 288; act: -18 ), ( sym: 289; act: -18 ), ( sym: 290; act: -18 ), ( sym: 314; act: -18 ), ( sym: 319; act: -18 ), { 41: } ( sym: 266; act: 72 ), ( sym: 256; act: -83 ), ( sym: 268; act: -83 ), ( sym: 277; act: -83 ), ( sym: 287; act: -83 ), ( sym: 288; act: -83 ), ( sym: 289; act: -83 ), ( sym: 290; act: -83 ), ( sym: 294; act: -83 ), ( sym: 295; act: -83 ), ( sym: 296; act: -83 ), ( sym: 297; act: -83 ), ( sym: 298; act: -83 ), ( sym: 299; act: -83 ), ( sym: 300; act: -83 ), ( sym: 314; act: -83 ), ( sym: 319; act: -83 ), { 42: } ( sym: 256; act: 56 ), ( sym: 272; act: 57 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), { 43: } ( sym: 268; act: 74 ), ( sym: 291; act: 75 ), ( sym: 292; act: 76 ), { 44: } ( sym: 256; act: 56 ), ( sym: 272; act: 57 ), ( sym: 266; act: -50 ), ( sym: 267; act: -50 ), ( sym: 268; act: -50 ), ( sym: 269; act: -50 ), ( sym: 270; act: -50 ), ( sym: 277; act: -50 ), ( sym: 287; act: -50 ), ( sym: 288; act: -50 ), ( sym: 289; act: -50 ), ( sym: 290; act: -50 ), ( sym: 294; act: -50 ), ( sym: 295; act: -50 ), ( sym: 296; act: -50 ), ( sym: 297; act: -50 ), ( sym: 298; act: -50 ), ( sym: 299; act: -50 ), ( sym: 300; act: -50 ), ( sym: 314; act: -50 ), ( sym: 319; act: -50 ), { 45: } ( sym: 256; act: 56 ), ( sym: 272; act: 57 ), ( sym: 266; act: -49 ), ( sym: 267; act: -49 ), ( sym: 268; act: -49 ), ( sym: 269; act: -49 ), ( sym: 270; act: -49 ), ( sym: 277; act: -49 ), ( sym: 287; act: -49 ), ( sym: 288; act: -49 ), ( sym: 289; act: -49 ), ( sym: 290; act: -49 ), ( sym: 294; act: -49 ), ( sym: 295; act: -49 ), ( sym: 296; act: -49 ), ( sym: 297; act: -49 ), ( sym: 298; act: -49 ), ( sym: 299; act: -49 ), ( sym: 300; act: -49 ), ( sym: 314; act: -49 ), ( sym: 319; act: -49 ), { 46: } ( sym: 256; act: 60 ), ( sym: 272; act: 61 ), ( sym: 266; act: -52 ), ( sym: 267; act: -52 ), ( sym: 268; act: -52 ), ( sym: 269; act: -52 ), ( sym: 270; act: -52 ), ( sym: 277; act: -52 ), ( sym: 287; act: -52 ), ( sym: 288; act: -52 ), ( sym: 289; act: -52 ), ( sym: 290; act: -52 ), ( sym: 294; act: -52 ), ( sym: 295; act: -52 ), ( sym: 296; act: -52 ), ( sym: 297; act: -52 ), ( sym: 298; act: -52 ), ( sym: 299; act: -52 ), ( sym: 300; act: -52 ), ( sym: 314; act: -52 ), ( sym: 319; act: -52 ), { 47: } ( sym: 256; act: 84 ), ( sym: 268; act: 85 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 86 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 91 ), { 48: } { 49: } { 50: } { 51: } { 52: } { 53: } { 54: } { 55: } ( sym: 302; act: 92 ), ( sym: 256; act: -57 ), ( sym: 267; act: -57 ), ( sym: 268; act: -57 ), ( sym: 269; act: -57 ), ( sym: 270; act: -57 ), ( sym: 277; act: -57 ), ( sym: 287; act: -57 ), ( sym: 288; act: -57 ), ( sym: 289; act: -57 ), ( sym: 290; act: -57 ), ( sym: 294; act: -57 ), ( sym: 295; act: -57 ), ( sym: 296; act: -57 ), ( sym: 297; act: -57 ), ( sym: 298; act: -57 ), ( sym: 299; act: -57 ), ( sym: 300; act: -57 ), ( sym: 314; act: -57 ), ( sym: 319; act: -57 ), { 56: } { 57: } ( sym: 274; act: 20 ), ( sym: 275; act: 21 ), ( sym: 276; act: 22 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 287; act: 31 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 58: } ( sym: 302; act: 97 ), ( sym: 256; act: -55 ), ( sym: 267; act: -55 ), ( sym: 268; act: -55 ), ( sym: 269; act: -55 ), ( sym: 270; act: -55 ), ( sym: 277; act: -55 ), ( sym: 287; act: -55 ), ( sym: 288; act: -55 ), ( sym: 289; act: -55 ), ( sym: 290; act: -55 ), ( sym: 294; act: -55 ), ( sym: 295; act: -55 ), ( sym: 296; act: -55 ), ( sym: 297; act: -55 ), ( sym: 298; act: -55 ), ( sym: 299; act: -55 ), ( sym: 300; act: -55 ), ( sym: 314; act: -55 ), ( sym: 319; act: -55 ), { 59: } { 60: } { 61: } ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 273; act: -163 ), { 62: } { 63: } { 64: } ( sym: 283; act: 102 ), ( sym: 256; act: -70 ), ( sym: 265; act: -70 ), ( sym: 266; act: -70 ), ( sym: 267; act: -70 ), ( sym: 268; act: -70 ), ( sym: 269; act: -70 ), ( sym: 270; act: -70 ), ( sym: 271; act: -70 ), ( sym: 272; act: -70 ), ( sym: 273; act: -70 ), ( sym: 277; act: -70 ), ( sym: 287; act: -70 ), ( sym: 288; act: -70 ), ( sym: 289; act: -70 ), ( sym: 290; act: -70 ), ( sym: 291; act: -70 ), ( sym: 294; act: -70 ), ( sym: 295; act: -70 ), ( sym: 296; act: -70 ), ( sym: 297; act: -70 ), ( sym: 298; act: -70 ), ( sym: 299; act: -70 ), ( sym: 300; act: -70 ), ( sym: 301; act: -70 ), ( sym: 304; act: -70 ), ( sym: 306; act: -70 ), ( sym: 307; act: -70 ), ( sym: 308; act: -70 ), ( sym: 309; act: -70 ), ( sym: 310; act: -70 ), ( sym: 311; act: -70 ), ( sym: 312; act: -70 ), ( sym: 313; act: -70 ), ( sym: 314; act: -70 ), ( sym: 315; act: -70 ), ( sym: 316; act: -70 ), ( sym: 317; act: -70 ), ( sym: 318; act: -70 ), ( sym: 319; act: -70 ), ( sym: 320; act: -70 ), ( sym: 321; act: -70 ), ( sym: 324; act: -70 ), ( sym: 325; act: -70 ), { 65: } { 66: } { 67: } { 68: } { 69: } { 70: } ( sym: 256; act: 84 ), ( sym: 268; act: 85 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 86 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 91 ), { 71: } ( sym: 294; act: 48 ), ( sym: 295; act: 49 ), ( sym: 296; act: 50 ), ( sym: 297; act: 51 ), ( sym: 298; act: 52 ), ( sym: 299; act: 53 ), ( sym: 300; act: 54 ), ( sym: 268; act: -18 ), ( sym: 277; act: -18 ), ( sym: 287; act: -18 ), ( sym: 288; act: -18 ), ( sym: 289; act: -18 ), ( sym: 290; act: -18 ), ( sym: 314; act: -18 ), ( sym: 319; act: -18 ), { 72: } { 73: } ( sym: 256; act: 56 ), ( sym: 272; act: 57 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 268; act: -50 ), ( sym: 287; act: -50 ), ( sym: 288; act: -50 ), ( sym: 289; act: -50 ), ( sym: 290; act: -50 ), ( sym: 294; act: -50 ), ( sym: 295; act: -50 ), ( sym: 296; act: -50 ), ( sym: 297; act: -50 ), ( sym: 298; act: -50 ), ( sym: 299; act: -50 ), ( sym: 300; act: -50 ), ( sym: 314; act: -50 ), ( sym: 319; act: -50 ), { 74: } ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 269; act: -163 ), { 75: } { 76: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 291; act: 114 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 77: } ( sym: 302; act: 119 ), ( sym: 256; act: -46 ), ( sym: 266; act: -46 ), ( sym: 267; act: -46 ), ( sym: 268; act: -46 ), ( sym: 269; act: -46 ), ( sym: 270; act: -46 ), ( sym: 277; act: -46 ), ( sym: 287; act: -46 ), ( sym: 288; act: -46 ), ( sym: 289; act: -46 ), ( sym: 290; act: -46 ), ( sym: 294; act: -46 ), ( sym: 295; act: -46 ), ( sym: 296; act: -46 ), ( sym: 297; act: -46 ), ( sym: 298; act: -46 ), ( sym: 299; act: -46 ), ( sym: 300; act: -46 ), ( sym: 314; act: -46 ), ( sym: 319; act: -46 ), { 78: } ( sym: 302; act: 120 ), ( sym: 256; act: -48 ), ( sym: 266; act: -48 ), ( sym: 267; act: -48 ), ( sym: 268; act: -48 ), ( sym: 269; act: -48 ), ( sym: 270; act: -48 ), ( sym: 277; act: -48 ), ( sym: 287; act: -48 ), ( sym: 288; act: -48 ), ( sym: 289; act: -48 ), ( sym: 290; act: -48 ), ( sym: 294; act: -48 ), ( sym: 295; act: -48 ), ( sym: 296; act: -48 ), ( sym: 297; act: -48 ), ( sym: 298; act: -48 ), ( sym: 299; act: -48 ), ( sym: 300; act: -48 ), ( sym: 314; act: -48 ), ( sym: 319; act: -48 ), { 79: } { 80: } ( sym: 319; act: 121 ), { 81: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 270; act: 124 ), ( sym: 266; act: -87 ), ( sym: 267; act: -87 ), ( sym: 272; act: -87 ), ( sym: 301; act: -87 ), { 82: } ( sym: 267; act: 127 ), ( sym: 272; act: 128 ), ( sym: 301; act: 129 ), ( sym: 266; act: -20 ), { 83: } ( sym: 265; act: 131 ), ( sym: 266; act: -104 ), ( sym: 267; act: -104 ), ( sym: 268; act: -104 ), ( sym: 269; act: -104 ), ( sym: 270; act: -104 ), ( sym: 272; act: -104 ), ( sym: 301; act: -104 ), { 84: } { 85: } ( sym: 268; act: 85 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 86 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 91 ), { 86: } ( sym: 268; act: 85 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 86 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 91 ), { 87: } { 88: } { 89: } { 90: } ( sym: 268; act: 85 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 86 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 91 ), { 91: } ( sym: 268; act: 85 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 86 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 91 ), { 92: } { 93: } ( sym: 273; act: 137 ), { 94: } ( sym: 274; act: 20 ), ( sym: 275; act: 21 ), ( sym: 276; act: 22 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 287; act: 31 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 273; act: -62 ), { 95: } ( sym: 273; act: 139 ), { 96: } ( sym: 256; act: 84 ), ( sym: 268; act: 85 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 86 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 91 ), { 97: } { 98: } ( sym: 273; act: 141 ), { 99: } ( sym: 267; act: 142 ), ( sym: 269; act: -162 ), ( sym: 273; act: -162 ), { 100: } ( sym: 273; act: 143 ), { 101: } ( sym: 304; act: 144 ), ( sym: 267; act: -165 ), ( sym: 269; act: -165 ), ( sym: 273; act: -165 ), { 102: } { 103: } ( sym: 266; act: 145 ), ( sym: 267; act: 127 ), { 104: } ( sym: 268; act: 85 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 86 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 91 ), { 105: } ( sym: 266; act: 147 ), { 106: } ( sym: 269; act: 148 ), { 107: } ( sym: 324; act: 149 ), ( sym: 325; act: 150 ), ( sym: 269; act: -166 ), ( sym: 291; act: -166 ), { 108: } { 109: } ( sym: 291; act: 151 ), { 110: } ( sym: 268; act: 152 ), ( sym: 270; act: 153 ), ( sym: 265; act: -143 ), ( sym: 266; act: -143 ), ( sym: 267; act: -143 ), ( sym: 269; act: -143 ), ( sym: 271; act: -143 ), ( sym: 272; act: -143 ), ( sym: 273; act: -143 ), ( sym: 291; act: -143 ), ( sym: 301; act: -143 ), ( sym: 304; act: -143 ), ( sym: 306; act: -143 ), ( sym: 307; act: -143 ), ( sym: 308; act: -143 ), ( sym: 309; act: -143 ), ( sym: 310; act: -143 ), ( sym: 311; act: -143 ), ( sym: 312; act: -143 ), ( sym: 313; act: -143 ), ( sym: 314; act: -143 ), ( sym: 315; act: -143 ), ( sym: 316; act: -143 ), ( sym: 317; act: -143 ), ( sym: 318; act: -143 ), ( sym: 319; act: -143 ), ( sym: 320; act: -143 ), ( sym: 321; act: -143 ), ( sym: 324; act: -143 ), ( sym: 325; act: -143 ), { 111: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 274; act: 20 ), ( sym: 275; act: 21 ), ( sym: 276; act: 22 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 287; act: 31 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 319; act: 160 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 112: } { 113: } { 114: } { 115: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 116: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 117: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 118: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 119: } { 120: } { 121: } ( sym: 268; act: 85 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 86 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 91 ), { 122: } { 123: } ( sym: 269; act: 169 ), ( sym: 274; act: 20 ), ( sym: 275; act: 21 ), ( sym: 276; act: 22 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 170 ), ( sym: 287; act: 31 ), ( sym: 303; act: 171 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 124: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 271; act: 174 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 125: } { 126: } ( sym: 266; act: 175 ), { 127: } ( sym: 268; act: 85 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 86 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 91 ), { 128: } ( sym: 257; act: 180 ), ( sym: 266; act: 181 ), ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 273; act: -26 ), { 129: } ( sym: 268; act: 182 ), { 130: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 131: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 132: } ( sym: 267; act: 185 ), ( sym: 266; act: -86 ), ( sym: 272; act: -86 ), ( sym: 301; act: -86 ), { 133: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 269; act: 186 ), ( sym: 270; act: 124 ), { 134: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 270; act: 124 ), ( sym: 266; act: -98 ), ( sym: 267; act: -98 ), ( sym: 269; act: -98 ), ( sym: 272; act: -98 ), ( sym: 301; act: -98 ), { 135: } ( sym: 270; act: 124 ), ( sym: 266; act: -101 ), ( sym: 267; act: -101 ), ( sym: 268; act: -101 ), ( sym: 269; act: -101 ), ( sym: 272; act: -101 ), ( sym: 301; act: -101 ), { 136: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 270; act: 124 ), ( sym: 266; act: -100 ), ( sym: 267; act: -100 ), ( sym: 269; act: -100 ), ( sym: 272; act: -100 ), ( sym: 301; act: -100 ), { 137: } { 138: } { 139: } { 140: } ( sym: 266; act: 187 ), ( sym: 267; act: 127 ), { 141: } { 142: } ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 269; act: -163 ), ( sym: 273; act: -163 ), { 143: } { 144: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 145: } { 146: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 269; act: 190 ), ( sym: 270; act: 124 ), { 147: } { 148: } ( sym: 292; act: 193 ), ( sym: 268; act: -3 ), { 149: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 150: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 151: } { 152: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 269; act: -171 ), { 153: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 271; act: -171 ), { 154: } ( sym: 324; act: 149 ), ( sym: 325; act: 150 ), ( sym: 265; act: -139 ), ( sym: 266; act: -139 ), ( sym: 267; act: -139 ), ( sym: 268; act: -139 ), ( sym: 269; act: -139 ), ( sym: 270; act: -139 ), ( sym: 271; act: -139 ), ( sym: 272; act: -139 ), ( sym: 273; act: -139 ), ( sym: 291; act: -139 ), ( sym: 301; act: -139 ), ( sym: 304; act: -139 ), ( sym: 306; act: -139 ), ( sym: 307; act: -139 ), ( sym: 308; act: -139 ), ( sym: 309; act: -139 ), ( sym: 310; 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act: -83 ), ( sym: 304; act: -143 ), ( sym: 306; act: -143 ), ( sym: 307; act: -143 ), ( sym: 308; act: -143 ), ( sym: 309; act: -143 ), ( sym: 310; act: -143 ), ( sym: 311; act: -143 ), ( sym: 312; act: -143 ), ( sym: 313; act: -143 ), ( sym: 314; act: -143 ), ( sym: 315; act: -143 ), ( sym: 316; act: -143 ), ( sym: 317; act: -143 ), ( sym: 318; act: -143 ), ( sym: 320; act: -143 ), ( sym: 321; act: -143 ), ( sym: 324; act: -143 ), ( sym: 325; act: -143 ), { 160: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 161: } ( sym: 324; act: 149 ), ( sym: 325; act: 150 ), ( sym: 265; 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act: -149 ), ( sym: 315; act: -149 ), ( sym: 316; act: -149 ), ( sym: 317; act: -149 ), ( sym: 318; act: -149 ), ( sym: 319; act: -149 ), ( sym: 320; act: -149 ), ( sym: 321; act: -149 ), { 164: } ( sym: 324; act: 149 ), ( sym: 325; act: 150 ), ( sym: 265; act: -152 ), ( sym: 266; act: -152 ), ( sym: 267; act: -152 ), ( sym: 268; act: -152 ), ( sym: 269; act: -152 ), ( sym: 270; act: -152 ), ( sym: 271; act: -152 ), ( sym: 272; act: -152 ), ( sym: 273; act: -152 ), ( sym: 291; act: -152 ), ( sym: 301; act: -152 ), ( sym: 304; act: -152 ), ( sym: 306; act: -152 ), ( sym: 307; act: -152 ), ( sym: 308; act: -152 ), ( sym: 309; act: -152 ), ( sym: 310; act: -152 ), ( sym: 311; act: -152 ), ( sym: 312; act: -152 ), ( sym: 313; act: -152 ), ( sym: 314; act: -152 ), ( sym: 315; act: -152 ), ( sym: 316; act: -152 ), ( sym: 317; act: -152 ), ( sym: 318; act: -152 ), ( sym: 319; act: -152 ), ( sym: 320; act: -152 ), ( sym: 321; act: -152 ), { 165: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 270; act: 124 ), ( sym: 266; act: -99 ), ( sym: 267; act: -99 ), ( sym: 269; act: -99 ), ( sym: 272; act: -99 ), ( sym: 301; act: -99 ), { 166: } ( sym: 267; act: 223 ), ( sym: 269; act: -91 ), { 167: } ( sym: 269; act: 224 ), { 168: } ( sym: 268; act: 228 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 229 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 230 ), ( sym: 267; act: -120 ), ( sym: 269; act: -120 ), ( sym: 270; act: -120 ), { 169: } { 170: } ( sym: 269; act: 231 ), ( sym: 267; act: -79 ), ( sym: 268; act: -79 ), ( sym: 270; act: -79 ), ( sym: 277; act: -79 ), ( sym: 287; act: -79 ), ( sym: 288; act: -79 ), ( sym: 289; act: -79 ), ( sym: 290; act: -79 ), ( sym: 314; act: -79 ), ( sym: 319; act: -79 ), { 171: } { 172: } { 173: } ( sym: 271; act: 232 ), ( sym: 304; act: 204 ), ( sym: 306; act: 205 ), ( sym: 307; act: 206 ), ( sym: 308; act: 207 ), ( sym: 309; act: 208 ), ( sym: 310; act: 209 ), ( sym: 311; act: 210 ), ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), { 174: } { 175: } { 176: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 270; act: 124 ), ( sym: 266; act: -84 ), ( sym: 267; act: -84 ), ( sym: 272; act: -84 ), ( sym: 301; act: -84 ), { 177: } ( sym: 273; act: 233 ), { 178: } ( sym: 266; act: 234 ), ( sym: 304; act: 204 ), ( sym: 306; act: 205 ), ( sym: 307; act: 206 ), ( sym: 308; act: 207 ), ( sym: 309; act: 208 ), ( sym: 310; act: 209 ), ( sym: 311; act: 210 ), ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), { 179: } ( sym: 257; act: 180 ), ( sym: 266; act: 181 ), ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 273; act: -24 ), { 180: } ( sym: 268; act: 236 ), { 181: } { 182: } ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), { 183: } ( sym: 304; act: 204 ), ( sym: 306; act: 205 ), ( sym: 307; act: 206 ), ( sym: 308; act: 207 ), ( sym: 309; act: 208 ), ( sym: 310; act: 209 ), ( sym: 311; act: 210 ), ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 266; act: -103 ), ( sym: 267; act: -103 ), ( sym: 268; act: -103 ), ( sym: 269; act: -103 ), ( sym: 270; act: -103 ), ( sym: 272; act: -103 ), ( sym: 301; act: -103 ), { 184: } ( sym: 304; act: 204 ), ( sym: 306; act: 205 ), ( sym: 307; act: 206 ), ( sym: 308; act: 207 ), ( sym: 309; act: 208 ), ( sym: 310; act: 209 ), ( sym: 311; act: 210 ), ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 266; act: -102 ), ( sym: 267; act: -102 ), ( sym: 268; act: -102 ), ( sym: 269; act: -102 ), ( sym: 270; act: -102 ), ( sym: 272; act: -102 ), ( sym: 301; act: -102 ), { 185: } ( sym: 256; act: 84 ), ( sym: 268; act: 85 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 86 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 91 ), { 186: } { 187: } { 188: } { 189: } ( sym: 304; act: 204 ), ( sym: 306; act: 205 ), ( sym: 307; act: 206 ), ( sym: 308; act: 207 ), ( sym: 309; act: 208 ), ( sym: 310; act: 209 ), ( sym: 311; act: 210 ), ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 267; act: -164 ), ( sym: 269; act: -164 ), ( sym: 273; act: -164 ), { 190: } ( sym: 292; act: 240 ), ( sym: 268; act: -3 ), { 191: } ( sym: 291; act: 241 ), { 192: } ( sym: 268; act: 242 ), { 193: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 194: } { 195: } { 196: } ( sym: 267; act: 244 ), ( sym: 269; act: -170 ), ( sym: 271; act: -170 ), { 197: } ( sym: 269; act: 245 ), { 198: } ( sym: 304; act: 204 ), ( sym: 306; act: 205 ), ( sym: 307; act: 206 ), ( sym: 308; act: 207 ), ( sym: 309; act: 208 ), ( sym: 310; act: 209 ), ( sym: 311; act: 210 ), ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 267; act: -172 ), ( sym: 269; act: -172 ), ( sym: 271; act: -172 ), { 199: } ( sym: 271; act: 246 ), { 200: } { 201: } ( sym: 319; act: 247 ), { 202: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 203: } ( sym: 269; act: 249 ), { 204: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 205: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 206: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 207: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 208: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 209: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 210: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 211: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 212: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 213: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 214: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 215: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 216: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 217: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 218: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 219: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 220: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 221: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 265; act: -142 ), ( sym: 266; act: -142 ), ( sym: 267; act: -142 ), ( sym: 269; act: -142 ), ( sym: 270; act: -142 ), ( sym: 271; act: -142 ), ( sym: 272; act: -142 ), ( sym: 273; act: -142 ), ( sym: 291; act: -142 ), ( sym: 301; act: -142 ), ( sym: 304; act: -142 ), ( sym: 306; act: -142 ), ( sym: 307; act: -142 ), ( sym: 308; act: -142 ), ( sym: 309; act: -142 ), ( sym: 310; act: -142 ), ( sym: 311; act: -142 ), ( sym: 312; act: -142 ), ( sym: 313; act: -142 ), ( sym: 317; act: -142 ), ( sym: 318; act: -142 ), ( sym: 319; act: -142 ), ( sym: 320; act: -142 ), ( sym: 324; act: -142 ), ( sym: 325; act: -142 ), { 222: } ( sym: 269; act: 270 ), ( sym: 324; act: 149 ), ( sym: 325; act: 150 ), { 223: } ( sym: 274; act: 20 ), ( sym: 275; act: 21 ), ( sym: 276; act: 22 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 287; act: 31 ), ( sym: 303; act: 171 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 269; act: -94 ), { 224: } { 225: } ( sym: 319; act: 272 ), { 226: } ( sym: 268; act: 274 ), ( sym: 270; act: 275 ), ( sym: 267; act: -90 ), ( sym: 269; act: -90 ), { 227: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 270; act: 276 ), ( sym: 267; act: -88 ), ( sym: 269; act: -88 ), { 228: } ( sym: 268; act: 228 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 229 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 279 ), ( sym: 269; act: -120 ), ( sym: 270; act: -120 ), { 229: } ( sym: 268; act: 228 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 229 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 279 ), ( sym: 267; act: -120 ), ( sym: 269; act: -120 ), ( sym: 270; act: -120 ), { 230: } ( sym: 268; act: 228 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 229 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 279 ), ( sym: 267; act: -120 ), ( sym: 269; act: -120 ), ( sym: 270; act: -120 ), { 231: } { 232: } { 233: } { 234: } { 235: } { 236: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 237: } ( sym: 269; act: 285 ), { 238: } { 239: } ( sym: 268; act: 286 ), { 240: } { 241: } { 242: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 243: } { 244: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 269; act: -171 ), ( sym: 271; act: -171 ), { 245: } { 246: } { 247: } ( sym: 269; act: 289 ), { 248: } ( sym: 324; act: 149 ), ( sym: 325; act: 150 ), ( sym: 265; act: -154 ), ( sym: 266; act: -154 ), ( sym: 267; act: -154 ), ( sym: 268; act: -154 ), ( sym: 269; act: -154 ), ( sym: 270; act: -154 ), ( sym: 271; act: -154 ), ( sym: 272; act: -154 ), ( sym: 273; act: -154 ), ( sym: 291; act: -154 ), ( sym: 301; act: -154 ), ( sym: 304; act: -154 ), ( sym: 306; act: -154 ), ( sym: 307; act: -154 ), ( sym: 308; act: -154 ), ( sym: 309; act: -154 ), ( sym: 310; act: -154 ), ( sym: 311; act: -154 ), ( sym: 312; act: -154 ), ( sym: 313; act: -154 ), ( sym: 314; act: -154 ), ( sym: 315; act: -154 ), ( sym: 316; act: -154 ), ( sym: 317; act: -154 ), ( sym: 318; act: -154 ), ( sym: 319; act: -154 ), ( sym: 320; act: -154 ), ( sym: 321; act: -154 ), { 249: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 250: } ( sym: 304; act: 204 ), ( sym: 306; act: 205 ), ( sym: 307; act: 206 ), ( sym: 308; act: 207 ), ( sym: 309; act: 208 ), ( sym: 310; act: 209 ), ( sym: 311; act: 210 ), ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -122 ), ( sym: 266; act: -122 ), ( sym: 267; act: -122 ), ( sym: 268; act: -122 ), ( sym: 269; act: -122 ), ( sym: 270; act: -122 ), ( sym: 271; act: -122 ), ( sym: 272; act: -122 ), ( sym: 273; act: -122 ), ( sym: 291; act: -122 ), ( sym: 301; act: -122 ), ( sym: 324; act: -122 ), ( sym: 325; act: -122 ), { 251: } ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -123 ), ( sym: 266; act: -123 ), ( sym: 267; act: -123 ), ( sym: 268; act: -123 ), ( sym: 269; act: -123 ), ( sym: 270; act: -123 ), ( sym: 271; act: -123 ), ( sym: 272; act: -123 ), ( sym: 273; act: -123 ), ( sym: 291; act: -123 ), ( sym: 301; act: -123 ), ( sym: 304; act: -123 ), ( sym: 306; act: -123 ), ( sym: 307; act: -123 ), ( sym: 308; act: -123 ), ( sym: 309; act: -123 ), ( sym: 310; act: -123 ), ( sym: 311; act: -123 ), ( sym: 324; act: -123 ), ( sym: 325; act: -123 ), { 252: } ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -124 ), ( sym: 266; act: -124 ), ( sym: 267; act: -124 ), ( sym: 268; act: -124 ), ( sym: 269; act: -124 ), ( sym: 270; act: -124 ), ( sym: 271; act: -124 ), ( sym: 272; act: -124 ), ( sym: 273; act: -124 ), ( sym: 291; act: -124 ), ( sym: 301; act: -124 ), ( sym: 304; act: -124 ), ( sym: 306; act: -124 ), ( sym: 307; act: -124 ), ( sym: 308; act: -124 ), ( sym: 309; act: -124 ), ( sym: 310; act: -124 ), ( sym: 311; act: -124 ), ( sym: 324; act: -124 ), ( sym: 325; act: -124 ), { 253: } ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -125 ), ( sym: 266; act: -125 ), ( sym: 267; act: -125 ), ( sym: 268; act: -125 ), ( sym: 269; act: -125 ), ( sym: 270; act: -125 ), ( sym: 271; act: -125 ), ( sym: 272; act: -125 ), ( sym: 273; act: -125 ), ( sym: 291; act: -125 ), ( sym: 301; act: -125 ), ( sym: 304; act: -125 ), ( sym: 306; act: -125 ), ( sym: 307; act: -125 ), ( sym: 308; act: -125 ), ( sym: 309; act: -125 ), ( sym: 310; act: -125 ), ( sym: 311; act: -125 ), ( sym: 324; act: -125 ), ( sym: 325; act: -125 ), { 254: } ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -127 ), ( sym: 266; act: -127 ), ( sym: 267; act: -127 ), ( sym: 268; act: -127 ), ( sym: 269; act: -127 ), ( sym: 270; act: -127 ), ( sym: 271; act: -127 ), ( sym: 272; act: -127 ), ( sym: 273; act: -127 ), ( sym: 291; act: -127 ), ( sym: 301; act: -127 ), ( sym: 304; act: -127 ), ( sym: 306; act: -127 ), ( sym: 307; act: -127 ), ( sym: 308; act: -127 ), ( sym: 309; act: -127 ), ( sym: 310; act: -127 ), ( sym: 311; act: -127 ), ( sym: 324; act: -127 ), ( sym: 325; act: -127 ), { 255: } ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -126 ), ( sym: 266; act: -126 ), ( sym: 267; act: -126 ), ( sym: 268; act: -126 ), ( sym: 269; act: -126 ), ( sym: 270; act: -126 ), ( sym: 271; act: -126 ), ( sym: 272; act: -126 ), ( sym: 273; act: -126 ), ( sym: 291; act: -126 ), ( sym: 301; act: -126 ), ( sym: 304; act: -126 ), ( sym: 306; act: -126 ), ( sym: 307; act: -126 ), ( sym: 308; act: -126 ), ( sym: 309; act: -126 ), ( sym: 310; act: -126 ), ( sym: 311; act: -126 ), ( sym: 324; act: -126 ), ( sym: 325; act: -126 ), { 256: } ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -128 ), ( sym: 266; act: -128 ), ( sym: 267; act: -128 ), ( sym: 268; act: -128 ), ( sym: 269; act: -128 ), ( sym: 270; act: -128 ), ( sym: 271; act: -128 ), ( sym: 272; act: -128 ), ( sym: 273; act: -128 ), ( sym: 291; act: -128 ), ( sym: 301; act: -128 ), ( sym: 304; act: -128 ), ( sym: 306; act: -128 ), ( sym: 307; act: -128 ), ( sym: 308; act: -128 ), ( sym: 309; act: -128 ), ( sym: 310; act: -128 ), ( sym: 311; act: -128 ), ( sym: 324; act: -128 ), ( sym: 325; act: -128 ), { 257: } { 258: } ( sym: 265; act: 291 ), ( sym: 304; act: 204 ), ( sym: 306; act: 205 ), ( sym: 307; act: 206 ), ( sym: 308; act: 207 ), ( sym: 309; act: 208 ), ( sym: 310; act: 209 ), ( sym: 311; act: 210 ), ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), { 259: } ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -133 ), ( sym: 266; act: -133 ), ( sym: 267; act: -133 ), ( sym: 268; act: -133 ), ( sym: 269; act: -133 ), ( sym: 270; act: -133 ), ( sym: 271; act: -133 ), ( sym: 272; act: -133 ), ( sym: 273; act: -133 ), ( sym: 291; act: -133 ), ( sym: 301; act: -133 ), ( sym: 304; act: -133 ), ( sym: 306; act: -133 ), ( sym: 307; act: -133 ), ( sym: 308; act: -133 ), ( sym: 309; act: -133 ), ( sym: 310; act: -133 ), ( sym: 311; act: -133 ), ( sym: 312; act: -133 ), ( sym: 313; act: -133 ), ( sym: 324; act: -133 ), ( sym: 325; act: -133 ), { 260: } ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -134 ), ( sym: 266; act: -134 ), ( sym: 267; act: -134 ), ( sym: 268; act: -134 ), ( sym: 269; act: -134 ), ( sym: 270; act: -134 ), ( sym: 271; act: -134 ), ( sym: 272; act: -134 ), ( sym: 273; act: -134 ), ( sym: 291; act: -134 ), ( sym: 301; act: -134 ), ( sym: 304; act: -134 ), ( sym: 306; act: -134 ), ( sym: 307; act: -134 ), ( sym: 308; act: -134 ), ( sym: 309; act: -134 ), ( sym: 310; act: -134 ), ( sym: 311; act: -134 ), ( sym: 312; act: -134 ), ( sym: 313; act: -134 ), ( sym: 314; act: -134 ), ( sym: 324; act: -134 ), ( sym: 325; act: -134 ), { 261: } ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -129 ), ( sym: 266; act: -129 ), ( sym: 267; act: -129 ), ( sym: 268; act: -129 ), ( sym: 269; act: -129 ), ( sym: 270; act: -129 ), ( sym: 271; act: -129 ), ( sym: 272; act: -129 ), ( sym: 273; act: -129 ), ( sym: 291; act: -129 ), ( sym: 301; act: -129 ), ( sym: 304; act: -129 ), ( sym: 306; act: -129 ), ( sym: 307; act: -129 ), ( sym: 308; act: -129 ), ( sym: 309; act: -129 ), ( sym: 310; act: -129 ), ( sym: 311; act: -129 ), ( sym: 312; act: -129 ), ( sym: 313; act: -129 ), ( sym: 314; act: -129 ), ( sym: 315; act: -129 ), ( sym: 316; act: -129 ), ( sym: 324; act: -129 ), ( sym: 325; act: -129 ), { 262: } ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -130 ), ( sym: 266; act: -130 ), ( sym: 267; act: -130 ), ( sym: 268; act: -130 ), ( sym: 269; act: -130 ), ( sym: 270; act: -130 ), ( sym: 271; act: -130 ), ( sym: 272; act: -130 ), ( sym: 273; act: -130 ), ( sym: 291; act: -130 ), ( sym: 301; act: -130 ), ( sym: 304; act: -130 ), ( sym: 306; act: -130 ), ( sym: 307; act: -130 ), ( sym: 308; act: -130 ), ( sym: 309; act: -130 ), ( sym: 310; act: -130 ), ( sym: 311; act: -130 ), ( sym: 312; act: -130 ), ( sym: 313; act: -130 ), ( sym: 314; act: -130 ), ( sym: 315; act: -130 ), ( sym: 316; act: -130 ), ( sym: 324; act: -130 ), ( sym: 325; act: -130 ), { 263: } ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -137 ), ( sym: 266; act: -137 ), ( sym: 267; act: -137 ), ( sym: 268; act: -137 ), ( sym: 269; act: -137 ), ( sym: 270; act: -137 ), ( sym: 271; act: -137 ), ( sym: 272; act: -137 ), ( sym: 273; act: -137 ), ( sym: 291; act: -137 ), ( sym: 301; act: -137 ), ( sym: 304; act: -137 ), ( sym: 306; act: -137 ), ( sym: 307; act: -137 ), ( sym: 308; act: -137 ), ( sym: 309; act: -137 ), ( sym: 310; act: -137 ), ( sym: 311; act: -137 ), ( sym: 312; act: -137 ), ( sym: 313; act: -137 ), ( sym: 314; act: -137 ), ( sym: 315; act: -137 ), ( sym: 316; act: -137 ), ( sym: 317; act: -137 ), ( sym: 318; act: -137 ), ( sym: 324; act: -137 ), ( sym: 325; act: -137 ), { 264: } ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -136 ), ( sym: 266; act: -136 ), ( sym: 267; act: -136 ), ( sym: 268; act: -136 ), ( sym: 269; act: -136 ), ( sym: 270; act: -136 ), ( sym: 271; act: -136 ), ( sym: 272; act: -136 ), ( sym: 273; act: -136 ), ( sym: 291; act: -136 ), ( sym: 301; act: -136 ), ( sym: 304; act: -136 ), ( sym: 306; act: -136 ), ( sym: 307; act: -136 ), ( sym: 308; act: -136 ), ( sym: 309; act: -136 ), ( sym: 310; act: -136 ), ( sym: 311; act: -136 ), ( sym: 312; act: -136 ), ( sym: 313; act: -136 ), ( sym: 314; act: -136 ), ( sym: 315; act: -136 ), ( sym: 316; act: -136 ), ( sym: 317; act: -136 ), ( sym: 318; act: -136 ), ( sym: 324; act: -136 ), ( sym: 325; act: -136 ), { 265: } ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -131 ), ( sym: 266; act: -131 ), ( sym: 267; act: -131 ), ( sym: 268; act: -131 ), ( sym: 269; act: -131 ), ( sym: 270; act: -131 ), ( sym: 271; act: -131 ), ( sym: 272; act: -131 ), ( sym: 273; act: -131 ), ( sym: 291; act: -131 ), ( sym: 301; act: -131 ), ( sym: 304; act: -131 ), ( sym: 306; act: -131 ), ( sym: 307; act: -131 ), ( sym: 308; act: -131 ), ( sym: 309; act: -131 ), ( sym: 310; act: -131 ), ( sym: 311; act: -131 ), ( sym: 312; act: -131 ), ( sym: 313; act: -131 ), ( sym: 314; act: -131 ), ( sym: 315; act: -131 ), ( sym: 316; act: -131 ), ( sym: 317; act: -131 ), ( sym: 318; act: -131 ), ( sym: 319; act: -131 ), ( sym: 320; act: -131 ), ( sym: 324; act: -131 ), ( sym: 325; act: -131 ), { 266: } ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -132 ), ( sym: 266; act: -132 ), ( sym: 267; act: -132 ), ( sym: 268; act: -132 ), ( sym: 269; act: -132 ), ( sym: 270; act: -132 ), ( sym: 271; act: -132 ), ( sym: 272; act: -132 ), ( sym: 273; act: -132 ), ( sym: 291; act: -132 ), ( sym: 301; act: -132 ), ( sym: 304; act: -132 ), ( sym: 306; act: -132 ), ( sym: 307; act: -132 ), ( sym: 308; act: -132 ), ( sym: 309; act: -132 ), ( sym: 310; act: -132 ), ( sym: 311; act: -132 ), ( sym: 312; act: -132 ), ( sym: 313; act: -132 ), ( sym: 314; act: -132 ), ( sym: 315; 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act: 150 ), ( sym: 265; act: -141 ), ( sym: 266; act: -141 ), ( sym: 267; act: -141 ), ( sym: 268; act: -141 ), ( sym: 269; act: -141 ), ( sym: 270; act: -141 ), ( sym: 271; act: -141 ), ( sym: 272; act: -141 ), ( sym: 273; act: -141 ), ( sym: 291; act: -141 ), ( sym: 301; act: -141 ), ( sym: 304; act: -141 ), ( sym: 306; act: -141 ), ( sym: 307; act: -141 ), ( sym: 308; act: -141 ), ( sym: 309; act: -141 ), ( sym: 310; act: -141 ), ( sym: 311; act: -141 ), ( sym: 312; act: -141 ), ( sym: 313; act: -141 ), ( sym: 314; act: -141 ), ( sym: 315; act: -141 ), ( sym: 316; act: -141 ), ( sym: 317; act: -141 ), ( sym: 318; act: -141 ), ( sym: 319; act: -141 ), ( sym: 320; act: -141 ), ( sym: 321; act: -141 ), { 270: } ( sym: 292; act: 240 ), ( sym: 268; act: -3 ), { 271: } { 272: } ( sym: 268; act: 228 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 229 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 279 ), ( sym: 267; act: -120 ), ( sym: 269; act: -120 ), ( sym: 270; act: -120 ), { 273: } { 274: } ( sym: 269; act: 169 ), ( sym: 274; act: 20 ), ( sym: 275; act: 21 ), ( sym: 276; act: 22 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 170 ), ( sym: 287; act: 31 ), ( sym: 303; act: 171 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 275: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 276: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 271; act: 297 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 277: } ( sym: 268; act: 274 ), ( sym: 269; act: 298 ), ( sym: 270; act: 275 ), { 278: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 269; act: 186 ), ( sym: 270; act: 276 ), { 279: } ( sym: 268; act: 228 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 287; act: 229 ), ( sym: 288; act: 87 ), ( sym: 289; act: 88 ), ( sym: 290; act: 89 ), ( sym: 314; act: 90 ), ( sym: 319; act: 279 ), ( sym: 267; act: -120 ), ( sym: 269; act: -120 ), ( sym: 270; act: -120 ), { 280: } ( sym: 268; act: 274 ), ( sym: 270; act: 275 ), ( sym: 267; act: -112 ), ( sym: 269; act: -112 ), { 281: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 270; act: 276 ), ( sym: 267; act: -98 ), ( sym: 269; act: -98 ), { 282: } ( sym: 270; act: 275 ), ( sym: 267; act: -114 ), ( sym: 268; act: -114 ), ( sym: 269; act: -114 ), { 283: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 270; act: 276 ), ( sym: 267; act: -89 ), ( sym: 269; act: -89 ), { 284: } ( sym: 269; act: 300 ), ( sym: 304; act: 204 ), ( sym: 306; act: 205 ), ( sym: 307; act: 206 ), ( sym: 308; act: 207 ), ( sym: 309; act: 208 ), ( sym: 310; act: 209 ), ( sym: 311; act: 210 ), ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), { 285: } { 286: } ( sym: 274; act: 20 ), ( sym: 275; act: 21 ), ( sym: 276; act: 22 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 287; act: 31 ), ( sym: 303; act: 171 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 269; act: -94 ), { 287: } ( sym: 269; act: 302 ), { 288: } { 289: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 290: } ( sym: 324; act: 149 ), ( sym: 325; act: 150 ), ( sym: 265; act: -155 ), ( sym: 266; act: -155 ), ( sym: 267; act: -155 ), ( sym: 268; act: -155 ), ( sym: 269; act: -155 ), ( sym: 270; act: -155 ), ( sym: 271; act: -155 ), ( sym: 272; act: -155 ), ( sym: 273; act: -155 ), ( sym: 291; act: -155 ), ( sym: 301; act: -155 ), ( sym: 304; act: -155 ), ( sym: 306; act: -155 ), ( sym: 307; act: -155 ), ( sym: 308; act: -155 ), ( sym: 309; act: -155 ), ( sym: 310; act: -155 ), ( sym: 311; act: -155 ), ( sym: 312; act: -155 ), ( sym: 313; act: -155 ), ( sym: 314; act: -155 ), ( sym: 315; act: -155 ), ( sym: 316; act: -155 ), ( sym: 317; act: -155 ), ( sym: 318; act: -155 ), ( sym: 319; act: -155 ), ( sym: 320; act: -155 ), ( sym: 321; act: -155 ), { 291: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), { 292: } ( sym: 268; act: 305 ), { 293: } ( sym: 268; act: 274 ), ( sym: 270; act: 275 ), ( sym: 267; act: -113 ), ( sym: 269; act: -113 ), { 294: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 270; act: 276 ), ( sym: 267; act: -99 ), ( sym: 269; act: -99 ), { 295: } ( sym: 269; act: 306 ), { 296: } ( sym: 271; act: 307 ), ( sym: 304; act: 204 ), ( sym: 306; act: 205 ), ( sym: 307; act: 206 ), ( sym: 308; act: 207 ), ( sym: 309; act: 208 ), ( sym: 310; act: 209 ), ( sym: 311; act: 210 ), ( sym: 312; act: 211 ), ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), { 297: } { 298: } { 299: } ( sym: 268; act: 123 ), ( sym: 270; act: 276 ), ( sym: 267; act: -100 ), ( sym: 269; act: -100 ), { 300: } ( sym: 257; act: 180 ), ( sym: 266; act: 181 ), ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 273; act: -26 ), { 301: } ( sym: 269; act: 309 ), { 302: } { 303: } ( sym: 324; act: 149 ), ( sym: 325; act: 150 ), ( sym: 265; act: -156 ), ( sym: 266; act: -156 ), ( sym: 267; act: -156 ), ( sym: 268; act: -156 ), ( sym: 269; act: -156 ), ( sym: 270; act: -156 ), ( sym: 271; act: -156 ), ( sym: 272; act: -156 ), ( sym: 273; act: -156 ), ( sym: 291; act: -156 ), ( sym: 301; act: -156 ), ( sym: 304; act: -156 ), ( sym: 306; act: -156 ), ( sym: 307; act: -156 ), ( sym: 308; act: -156 ), ( sym: 309; act: -156 ), ( sym: 310; act: -156 ), ( sym: 311; act: -156 ), ( sym: 312; act: -156 ), ( sym: 313; act: -156 ), ( sym: 314; act: -156 ), ( sym: 315; act: -156 ), ( sym: 316; act: -156 ), ( sym: 317; act: -156 ), ( sym: 318; act: -156 ), ( sym: 319; act: -156 ), ( sym: 320; act: -156 ), ( sym: 321; act: -156 ), { 304: } ( sym: 313; act: 212 ), ( sym: 314; act: 213 ), ( sym: 315; act: 214 ), ( sym: 316; act: 215 ), ( sym: 317; act: 216 ), ( sym: 318; act: 217 ), ( sym: 319; act: 218 ), ( sym: 320; act: 219 ), ( sym: 321; act: 220 ), ( sym: 265; act: -140 ), ( sym: 266; act: -140 ), ( sym: 267; act: -140 ), ( sym: 268; act: -140 ), ( sym: 269; act: -140 ), ( sym: 270; act: -140 ), ( sym: 271; act: -140 ), ( sym: 272; act: -140 ), ( sym: 273; act: -140 ), ( sym: 291; act: -140 ), ( sym: 301; act: -140 ), ( sym: 304; act: -140 ), ( sym: 306; act: -140 ), ( sym: 307; act: -140 ), ( sym: 308; act: -140 ), ( sym: 309; act: -140 ), ( sym: 310; act: -140 ), ( sym: 311; act: -140 ), ( sym: 312; act: -140 ), ( sym: 324; act: -140 ), ( sym: 325; act: -140 ), { 305: } ( sym: 268; act: 111 ), ( sym: 277; act: 23 ), ( sym: 278; act: 112 ), ( sym: 279; act: 113 ), ( sym: 280; act: 24 ), ( sym: 281; act: 25 ), ( sym: 282; act: 26 ), ( sym: 283; act: 27 ), ( sym: 284; act: 28 ), ( sym: 285; act: 29 ), ( sym: 286; act: 30 ), ( sym: 314; act: 115 ), ( sym: 315; act: 116 ), ( sym: 316; act: 117 ), ( sym: 321; act: 118 ), ( sym: 327; act: 32 ), ( sym: 328; act: 33 ), ( sym: 329; act: 34 ), ( sym: 330; act: 35 ), ( sym: 331; act: 36 ), ( sym: 269; act: -171 ), { 306: } { 307: } { 308: } { 309: } ( sym: 266; act: 311 ), { 310: } ( sym: 269; act: 312 ) { 311: } { 312: } ); yyg : array [1..yyngotos] of YYARec = ( { 0: } ( sym: -18; act: 1 ), ( sym: -8; act: 2 ), ( sym: -7; act: 3 ), ( sym: -6; act: 4 ), ( sym: -3; act: 5 ), ( sym: -2; act: 6 ), { 1: } { 2: } ( sym: -29; act: 15 ), ( sym: -27; act: 16 ), ( sym: -18; act: 17 ), ( sym: -16; act: 18 ), ( sym: -11; act: 19 ), { 3: } { 4: } { 5: } ( sym: -18; act: 1 ), ( sym: -8; act: 2 ), ( sym: -7; act: 37 ), ( sym: -6; act: 38 ), { 6: } { 7: } ( sym: -5; act: 39 ), { 8: } ( sym: -29; act: 15 ), ( sym: -27; act: 16 ), ( sym: -18; act: 17 ), ( sym: -16; act: 40 ), ( sym: -11; act: 41 ), { 9: } ( sym: -11; act: 43 ), { 10: } ( sym: -11; act: 44 ), { 11: } ( sym: -11; act: 45 ), { 12: } ( sym: -11; act: 46 ), { 13: } { 14: } { 15: } { 16: } { 17: } { 18: } ( sym: -9; act: 47 ), { 19: } { 20: } ( sym: -24; act: 55 ), ( sym: -11; act: 44 ), { 21: } ( sym: -24; act: 58 ), ( sym: -11; act: 45 ), { 22: } ( sym: -26; act: 59 ), ( sym: -11; act: 46 ), { 23: } { 24: } { 25: } ( sym: -29; act: 63 ), { 26: } { 27: } { 28: } { 29: } { 30: } { 31: } ( sym: -29; act: 15 ), ( sym: -27; act: 16 ), ( sym: -18; act: 17 ), ( sym: -16; act: 66 ), ( sym: -11; act: 19 ), { 32: } ( sym: -29; act: 67 ), { 33: } { 34: } { 35: } { 36: } { 37: } { 38: } { 39: } { 40: } ( sym: -9; act: 70 ), { 41: } { 42: } ( sym: -24; act: 55 ), ( sym: -11; act: 73 ), { 43: } { 44: } ( sym: -24; act: 77 ), { 45: } ( sym: -24; act: 78 ), { 46: } ( sym: -26; act: 79 ), { 47: } ( sym: -32; act: 80 ), ( sym: -19; act: 81 ), ( sym: -17; act: 82 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 48: } { 49: } { 50: } { 51: } { 52: } { 53: } { 54: } { 55: } { 56: } ( sym: -5; act: 93 ), { 57: } ( sym: -29; act: 15 ), ( sym: -28; act: 94 ), ( sym: -27; act: 16 ), ( sym: -25; act: 95 ), ( sym: -18; act: 17 ), ( sym: -16; act: 96 ), ( sym: -11; act: 19 ), { 58: } { 59: } { 60: } ( sym: -5; act: 98 ), { 61: } ( sym: -40; act: 99 ), ( sym: -21; act: 100 ), ( sym: -11; act: 101 ), { 62: } { 63: } { 64: } { 65: } { 66: } { 67: } { 68: } { 69: } { 70: } ( sym: -32; act: 80 ), ( sym: -19; act: 81 ), ( sym: -17; act: 103 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 71: } ( sym: -9; act: 104 ), { 72: } { 73: } ( sym: -24; act: 77 ), ( sym: -11; act: 105 ), { 74: } ( sym: -40; act: 99 ), ( sym: -21; act: 106 ), ( sym: -11; act: 101 ), { 75: } { 76: } ( sym: -37; act: 107 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -23; act: 109 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 77: } { 78: } { 79: } { 80: } { 81: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 82: } ( sym: -15; act: 125 ), ( sym: -10; act: 126 ), { 83: } ( sym: -33; act: 130 ), { 84: } ( sym: -5; act: 132 ), { 85: } ( sym: -32; act: 80 ), ( sym: -19; act: 133 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 86: } ( sym: -32; act: 80 ), ( sym: -19; act: 134 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 87: } { 88: } { 89: } { 90: } ( sym: -32; act: 80 ), ( sym: -19; act: 135 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 91: } ( sym: -32; act: 80 ), ( sym: -19; act: 136 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 92: } { 93: } { 94: } ( sym: -29; act: 15 ), ( sym: -28; act: 94 ), ( sym: -27; act: 16 ), ( sym: -25; act: 138 ), ( sym: -18; act: 17 ), ( sym: -16; act: 96 ), ( sym: -11; act: 19 ), { 95: } { 96: } ( sym: -32; act: 80 ), ( sym: -19; act: 81 ), ( sym: -17; act: 140 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 97: } { 98: } { 99: } { 100: } { 101: } { 102: } { 103: } { 104: } ( sym: -32; act: 80 ), ( sym: -19; act: 146 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 105: } { 106: } { 107: } { 108: } { 109: } { 110: } { 111: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 155 ), ( sym: -29; act: 156 ), ( sym: -27; act: 16 ), ( sym: -18; act: 17 ), ( sym: -16; act: 157 ), ( sym: -13; act: 158 ), ( sym: -11; act: 159 ), { 112: } { 113: } { 114: } { 115: } ( sym: -37; act: 161 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 116: } ( sym: -37; act: 162 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 117: } ( sym: -37; act: 163 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 118: } ( sym: -37; act: 164 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 119: } { 120: } { 121: } ( sym: -32; act: 80 ), ( sym: -19; act: 165 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 122: } { 123: } ( sym: -30; act: 166 ), ( sym: -29; act: 15 ), ( sym: -27; act: 16 ), ( sym: -20; act: 167 ), ( sym: -18; act: 17 ), ( sym: -16; act: 168 ), ( sym: -11; act: 19 ), { 124: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 173 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 125: } { 126: } { 127: } ( sym: -32; act: 80 ), ( sym: -19; act: 176 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 128: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -14; act: 177 ), ( sym: -13; act: 178 ), ( sym: -12; act: 179 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 129: } { 130: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 183 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 131: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 184 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 132: } { 133: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 134: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 135: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 136: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 137: } { 138: } { 139: } { 140: } { 141: } { 142: } ( sym: -40; act: 99 ), ( sym: -21; act: 188 ), ( sym: -11; act: 101 ), { 143: } { 144: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 189 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 145: } { 146: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 147: } { 148: } ( sym: -22; act: 191 ), ( sym: -4; act: 192 ), { 149: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 194 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 150: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 195 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 151: } { 152: } ( sym: -41; act: 196 ), ( sym: -39; act: 197 ), ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 198 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 153: } ( sym: -41; act: 196 ), ( sym: -39; act: 199 ), ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 198 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 154: } { 155: } { 156: } { 157: } ( sym: -32; act: 201 ), { 158: } { 159: } { 160: } ( sym: -37; act: 222 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 161: } { 162: } { 163: } { 164: } { 165: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 166: } { 167: } { 168: } ( sym: -32; act: 225 ), ( sym: -31; act: 226 ), ( sym: -19; act: 227 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 169: } { 170: } { 171: } { 172: } { 173: } { 174: } { 175: } { 176: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 177: } { 178: } { 179: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -14; act: 235 ), ( sym: -13; act: 178 ), ( sym: -12; act: 179 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 180: } { 181: } { 182: } ( sym: -11; act: 237 ), { 183: } { 184: } { 185: } ( sym: -32; act: 80 ), ( sym: -19; act: 81 ), ( sym: -17; act: 238 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 186: } { 187: } { 188: } { 189: } { 190: } ( sym: -4; act: 239 ), { 191: } { 192: } { 193: } ( sym: -37; act: 107 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -23; act: 243 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 194: } { 195: } { 196: } { 197: } { 198: } { 199: } { 200: } { 201: } { 202: } ( sym: -37; act: 248 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 203: } { 204: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 250 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 205: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 251 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 206: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 252 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 207: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 253 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 208: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 254 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 209: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 255 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 210: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 256 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 211: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -36; act: 257 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 258 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 212: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 259 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 213: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 260 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 214: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 261 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 215: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 262 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 216: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 263 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 217: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 264 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 218: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 265 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 219: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 266 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 220: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 267 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 221: } ( sym: -38; act: 268 ), ( sym: -37; act: 269 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 222: } { 223: } ( sym: -30; act: 166 ), ( sym: -29; act: 15 ), ( sym: -27; act: 16 ), ( sym: -20; act: 271 ), ( sym: -18; act: 17 ), ( sym: -16; act: 168 ), ( sym: -11; act: 19 ), { 224: } { 225: } { 226: } ( sym: -34; act: 273 ), { 227: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 228: } ( sym: -32; act: 225 ), ( sym: -31; act: 277 ), ( sym: -19; act: 278 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 229: } ( sym: -32; act: 225 ), ( sym: -31; act: 280 ), ( sym: -19; act: 281 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 230: } ( sym: -32; act: 225 ), ( sym: -31; act: 282 ), ( sym: -19; act: 283 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 231: } { 232: } { 233: } { 234: } { 235: } { 236: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 284 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 237: } { 238: } { 239: } { 240: } { 241: } { 242: } ( sym: -37; act: 107 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -23; act: 287 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 243: } { 244: } ( sym: -41; act: 196 ), ( sym: -39; act: 288 ), ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 198 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 245: } { 246: } { 247: } { 248: } { 249: } ( sym: -37; act: 290 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 250: } { 251: } { 252: } { 253: } { 254: } { 255: } { 256: } { 257: } { 258: } { 259: } { 260: } { 261: } { 262: } { 263: } { 264: } { 265: } { 266: } { 267: } { 268: } { 269: } { 270: } ( sym: -4; act: 292 ), { 271: } { 272: } ( sym: -32; act: 225 ), ( sym: -31; act: 293 ), ( sym: -19; act: 294 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 273: } { 274: } ( sym: -30; act: 166 ), ( sym: -29; act: 15 ), ( sym: -27; act: 16 ), ( sym: -20; act: 295 ), ( sym: -18; act: 17 ), ( sym: -16; act: 168 ), ( sym: -11; act: 19 ), { 275: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 296 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 276: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 173 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 277: } ( sym: -34; act: 273 ), { 278: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 279: } ( sym: -32; act: 225 ), ( sym: -31; act: 282 ), ( sym: -19; act: 299 ), ( sym: -11; act: 83 ), { 280: } ( sym: -34; act: 273 ), { 281: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 282: } ( sym: -34; act: 273 ), { 283: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 284: } { 285: } { 286: } ( sym: -30; act: 166 ), ( sym: -29; act: 15 ), ( sym: -27; act: 16 ), ( sym: -20; act: 301 ), ( sym: -18; act: 17 ), ( sym: -16; act: 168 ), ( sym: -11; act: 19 ), { 287: } { 288: } { 289: } ( sym: -37; act: 303 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 290: } { 291: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 304 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 292: } { 293: } ( sym: -34; act: 273 ), { 294: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 295: } { 296: } { 297: } { 298: } { 299: } ( sym: -34; act: 122 ), { 300: } ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -14; act: 308 ), ( sym: -13; act: 178 ), ( sym: -12; act: 179 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ), { 301: } { 302: } { 303: } { 304: } { 305: } ( sym: -41; act: 196 ), ( sym: -39; act: 310 ), ( sym: -37; act: 154 ), ( sym: -35; act: 172 ), ( sym: -29; act: 108 ), ( sym: -13; act: 198 ), ( sym: -11; act: 110 ) { 306: } { 307: } { 308: } { 309: } { 310: } { 311: } { 312: } ); yyd : array [0..yynstates-1] of Integer = ( { 0: } 0, { 1: } 0, { 2: } 0, { 3: } -8, { 4: } -7, { 5: } 0, { 6: } 0, { 7: } -4, { 8: } 0, { 9: } 0, { 10: } 0, { 11: } 0, { 12: } 0, { 13: } -9, { 14: } -30, { 15: } -82, { 16: } -60, { 17: } -59, { 18: } 0, { 19: } -83, { 20: } 0, { 21: } 0, { 22: } 0, { 23: } -64, { 24: } 0, { 25: } 0, { 26: } 0, { 27: } -67, { 28: } -78, { 29: } -80, { 30: } -79, { 31: } 0, { 32: } 0, { 33: } -74, { 34: } -75, { 35: } -76, { 36: } -77, { 37: } -6, { 38: } -5, { 39: } 0, { 40: } 0, { 41: } 0, { 42: } 0, { 43: } 0, { 44: } 0, { 45: } 0, { 46: } 0, { 47: } 0, { 48: } -11, { 49: } -12, { 50: } -13, { 51: } -14, { 52: } -15, { 53: } -16, { 54: } -17, { 55: } 0, { 56: } -4, { 57: } 0, { 58: } 0, { 59: } -58, { 60: } -4, { 61: } 0, { 62: } -73, { 63: } -66, { 64: } 0, { 65: } -69, { 66: } -53, { 67: } -65, { 68: } -35, { 69: } -40, { 70: } 0, { 71: } 0, { 72: } -34, { 73: } 0, { 74: } 0, { 75: } -38, { 76: } 0, { 77: } 0, { 78: } 0, { 79: } -51, { 80: } 0, { 81: } 0, { 82: } 0, { 83: } 0, { 84: } -4, { 85: } 0, { 86: } 0, { 87: } -95, { 88: } -97, { 89: } -96, { 90: } 0, { 91: } 0, { 92: } -56, { 93: } 0, { 94: } 0, { 95: } 0, { 96: } 0, { 97: } -54, { 98: } 0, { 99: } 0, { 100: } 0, { 101: } 0, { 102: } -71, { 103: } 0, { 104: } 0, { 105: } 0, { 106: } 0, { 107: } 0, { 108: } -144, { 109: } 0, { 110: } 0, { 111: } 0, { 112: } -146, { 113: } -145, { 114: } -37, { 115: } 0, { 116: } 0, { 117: } 0, { 118: } 0, { 119: } -45, { 120: } -47, { 121: } 0, { 122: } -106, { 123: } 0, { 124: } 0, { 125: } -28, { 126: } 0, { 127: } 0, { 128: } 0, { 129: } 0, { 130: } 0, { 131: } 0, { 132: } 0, { 133: } 0, { 134: } 0, { 135: } 0, { 136: } 0, { 137: } -42, { 138: } -61, { 139: } -41, { 140: } 0, { 141: } -44, { 142: } 0, { 143: } -43, { 144: } 0, { 145: } -33, { 146: } 0, { 147: } -31, { 148: } 0, { 149: } 0, { 150: } 0, { 151: } -39, { 152: } 0, { 153: } 0, { 154: } 0, { 155: } 0, { 156: } 0, { 157: } 0, { 158: } 0, { 159: } 0, { 160: } 0, { 161: } 0, { 162: } 0, { 163: } 0, { 164: } 0, { 165: } 0, { 166: } 0, { 167: } 0, { 168: } 0, { 169: } -110, { 170: } 0, { 171: } -93, { 172: } -121, { 173: } 0, { 174: } -108, { 175: } -29, { 176: } 0, { 177: } 0, { 178: } 0, { 179: } 0, { 180: } 0, { 181: } -25, { 182: } 0, { 183: } 0, { 184: } 0, { 185: } 0, { 186: } -109, { 187: } -63, { 188: } -161, { 189: } 0, { 190: } 0, { 191: } 0, { 192: } 0, { 193: } 0, { 194: } -147, { 195: } -148, { 196: } 0, { 197: } 0, { 198: } 0, { 199: } 0, { 200: } -158, { 201: } 0, { 202: } 0, { 203: } 0, { 204: } 0, { 205: } 0, { 206: } 0, { 207: } 0, { 208: } 0, { 209: } 0, { 210: } 0, { 211: } 0, { 212: } 0, { 213: } 0, { 214: } 0, { 215: } 0, { 216: } 0, { 217: } 0, { 218: } 0, { 219: } 0, { 220: } 0, { 221: } 0, { 222: } 0, { 223: } 0, { 224: } -105, { 225: } 0, { 226: } 0, { 227: } 0, { 228: } 0, { 229: } 0, { 230: } 0, { 231: } -111, { 232: } -107, { 233: } -27, { 234: } -21, { 235: } -23, { 236: } 0, { 237: } 0, { 238: } -85, { 239: } 0, { 240: } -2, { 241: } -36, { 242: } 0, { 243: } -167, { 244: } 0, { 245: } -157, { 246: } -160, { 247: } 0, { 248: } 0, { 249: } 0, { 250: } 0, { 251: } 0, { 252: } 0, { 253: } 0, { 254: } 0, { 255: } 0, { 256: } 0, { 257: } -138, { 258: } 0, { 259: } 0, { 260: } 0, { 261: } 0, { 262: } 0, { 263: } 0, { 264: } 0, { 265: } 0, { 266: } 0, { 267: } 0, { 268: } -153, { 269: } 0, { 270: } 0, { 271: } -92, { 272: } 0, { 273: } -116, { 274: } 0, { 275: } 0, { 276: } 0, { 277: } 0, { 278: } 0, { 279: } 0, { 280: } 0, { 281: } 0, { 282: } 0, { 283: } 0, { 284: } 0, { 285: } -19, { 286: } 0, { 287: } 0, { 288: } -169, { 289: } 0, { 290: } 0, { 291: } 0, { 292: } 0, { 293: } 0, { 294: } 0, { 295: } 0, { 296: } 0, { 297: } -108, { 298: } -119, { 299: } 0, { 300: } 0, { 301: } 0, { 302: } -168, { 303: } 0, { 304: } 0, { 305: } 0, { 306: } -115, { 307: } -117, { 308: } -22, { 309: } 0, { 310: } 0, { 311: } -32, { 312: } -159 ); yyal : array [0..yynstates-1] of Integer = ( { 0: } 1, { 1: } 22, { 2: } 23, { 3: } 40, { 4: } 40, { 5: } 40, { 6: } 62, { 7: } 63, { 8: } 63, { 9: } 80, { 10: } 81, { 11: } 82, { 12: } 83, { 13: } 84, { 14: } 84, { 15: } 84, { 16: } 84, { 17: } 84, { 18: } 84, { 19: } 100, { 20: } 100, { 21: } 103, { 22: } 106, { 23: } 109, { 24: } 109, { 25: } 153, { 26: } 208, { 27: } 253, { 28: } 253, { 29: } 253, { 30: } 253, { 31: } 253, { 32: } 270, { 33: } 282, { 34: } 282, { 35: } 282, { 36: } 282, { 37: } 282, { 38: } 282, { 39: } 282, { 40: } 284, { 41: } 300, { 42: } 317, { 43: } 320, { 44: } 323, { 45: } 344, { 46: } 365, { 47: } 386, { 48: } 395, { 49: } 395, { 50: } 395, { 51: } 395, { 52: } 395, { 53: } 395, { 54: } 395, { 55: } 395, { 56: } 415, { 57: } 415, { 58: } 432, { 59: } 452, { 60: } 452, { 61: } 452, { 62: } 454, { 63: } 454, { 64: } 454, { 65: } 498, { 66: } 498, { 67: } 498, { 68: } 498, { 69: } 498, { 70: } 498, { 71: } 507, { 72: } 522, { 73: } 522, { 74: } 539, { 75: } 541, { 76: } 541, { 77: } 562, { 78: } 583, { 79: } 604, { 80: } 604, { 81: } 605, { 82: } 611, { 83: } 615, { 84: } 623, { 85: } 623, { 86: } 631, { 87: } 639, { 88: } 639, { 89: } 639, { 90: } 639, { 91: } 647, { 92: } 655, { 93: } 655, { 94: } 656, { 95: } 674, { 96: } 675, { 97: } 684, { 98: } 684, { 99: } 685, { 100: } 688, { 101: } 689, { 102: } 693, { 103: } 693, { 104: } 695, { 105: } 703, { 106: } 704, { 107: } 705, { 108: } 709, { 109: } 709, { 110: } 710, { 111: } 740, { 112: } 765, { 113: } 765, { 114: } 765, { 115: } 765, { 116: } 785, { 117: } 805, { 118: } 825, { 119: } 845, { 120: } 845, { 121: } 845, { 122: } 853, { 123: } 853, { 124: } 872, { 125: } 893, { 126: } 893, { 127: } 894, { 128: } 902, { 129: } 925, { 130: } 926, { 131: } 946, { 132: } 966, { 133: } 970, { 134: } 973, { 135: } 980, { 136: } 987, { 137: } 994, { 138: } 994, { 139: } 994, { 140: } 994, { 141: } 996, { 142: } 996, { 143: } 999, { 144: } 999, { 145: } 1019, { 146: } 1019, { 147: } 1022, { 148: } 1022, { 149: } 1024, { 150: } 1044, { 151: } 1064, { 152: } 1064, { 153: } 1085, { 154: } 1106, { 155: } 1136, { 156: } 1154, { 157: } 1177, { 158: } 1182, { 159: } 1199, { 160: } 1224, { 161: } 1244, { 162: } 1274, { 163: } 1304, { 164: } 1334, { 165: } 1364, { 166: } 1371, { 167: } 1373, { 168: } 1374, { 169: } 1385, { 170: } 1385, { 171: } 1396, { 172: } 1396, { 173: } 1396, { 174: } 1414, { 175: } 1414, { 176: } 1414, { 177: } 1420, { 178: } 1421, { 179: } 1439, { 180: } 1462, { 181: } 1463, { 182: } 1463, { 183: } 1464, { 184: } 1488, { 185: } 1512, { 186: } 1521, { 187: } 1521, { 188: } 1521, { 189: } 1521, { 190: } 1541, { 191: } 1543, { 192: } 1544, { 193: } 1545, { 194: } 1565, { 195: } 1565, { 196: } 1565, { 197: } 1568, { 198: } 1569, { 199: } 1589, { 200: } 1590, { 201: } 1590, { 202: } 1591, { 203: } 1611, { 204: } 1612, { 205: } 1632, { 206: } 1652, { 207: } 1672, { 208: } 1692, { 209: } 1712, { 210: } 1732, { 211: } 1752, { 212: } 1772, { 213: } 1792, { 214: } 1812, { 215: } 1832, { 216: } 1852, { 217: } 1872, { 218: } 1892, { 219: } 1912, { 220: } 1932, { 221: } 1952, { 222: } 1997, { 223: } 2000, { 224: } 2019, { 225: } 2019, { 226: } 2020, { 227: } 2024, { 228: } 2028, { 229: } 2038, { 230: } 2049, { 231: } 2060, { 232: } 2060, { 233: } 2060, { 234: } 2060, { 235: } 2060, { 236: } 2060, { 237: } 2080, { 238: } 2081, { 239: } 2081, { 240: } 2082, { 241: } 2082, { 242: } 2082, { 243: } 2102, { 244: } 2102, { 245: } 2124, { 246: } 2124, { 247: } 2124, { 248: } 2125, { 249: } 2155, { 250: } 2175, { 251: } 2205, { 252: } 2235, { 253: } 2265, { 254: } 2295, { 255: } 2325, { 256: } 2355, { 257: } 2385, { 258: } 2385, { 259: } 2403, { 260: } 2433, { 261: } 2463, { 262: } 2493, { 263: } 2523, { 264: } 2553, { 265: } 2583, { 266: } 2613, { 267: } 2643, { 268: } 2673, { 269: } 2673, { 270: } 2703, { 271: } 2705, { 272: } 2705, { 273: } 2716, { 274: } 2716, { 275: } 2735, { 276: } 2755, { 277: } 2776, { 278: } 2779, { 279: } 2782, { 280: } 2793, { 281: } 2797, { 282: } 2801, { 283: } 2805, { 284: } 2809, { 285: } 2827, { 286: } 2827, { 287: } 2846, { 288: } 2847, { 289: } 2847, { 290: } 2867, { 291: } 2897, { 292: } 2917, { 293: } 2918, { 294: } 2922, { 295: } 2926, { 296: } 2927, { 297: } 2945, { 298: } 2945, { 299: } 2945, { 300: } 2949, { 301: } 2972, { 302: } 2973, { 303: } 2973, { 304: } 3003, { 305: } 3033, { 306: } 3054, { 307: } 3054, { 308: } 3054, { 309: } 3054, { 310: } 3055, { 311: } 3056, { 312: } 3056 ); yyah : array [0..yynstates-1] of Integer = ( { 0: } 21, { 1: } 22, { 2: } 39, { 3: } 39, { 4: } 39, { 5: } 61, { 6: } 62, { 7: } 62, { 8: } 79, { 9: } 80, { 10: } 81, { 11: } 82, { 12: } 83, { 13: } 83, { 14: } 83, { 15: } 83, { 16: } 83, { 17: } 83, { 18: } 99, { 19: } 99, { 20: } 102, { 21: } 105, { 22: } 108, { 23: } 108, { 24: } 152, { 25: } 207, { 26: } 252, { 27: } 252, { 28: } 252, { 29: } 252, { 30: } 252, { 31: } 269, { 32: } 281, { 33: } 281, { 34: } 281, { 35: } 281, { 36: } 281, { 37: } 281, { 38: } 281, { 39: } 283, { 40: } 299, { 41: } 316, { 42: } 319, { 43: } 322, { 44: } 343, { 45: } 364, { 46: } 385, { 47: } 394, { 48: } 394, { 49: } 394, { 50: } 394, { 51: } 394, { 52: } 394, { 53: } 394, { 54: } 394, { 55: } 414, { 56: } 414, { 57: } 431, { 58: } 451, { 59: } 451, { 60: } 451, { 61: } 453, { 62: } 453, { 63: } 453, { 64: } 497, { 65: } 497, { 66: } 497, { 67: } 497, { 68: } 497, { 69: } 497, { 70: } 506, { 71: } 521, { 72: } 521, { 73: } 538, { 74: } 540, { 75: } 540, { 76: } 561, { 77: } 582, { 78: } 603, { 79: } 603, { 80: } 604, { 81: } 610, { 82: } 614, { 83: } 622, { 84: } 622, { 85: } 630, { 86: } 638, { 87: } 638, { 88: } 638, { 89: } 638, { 90: } 646, { 91: } 654, { 92: } 654, { 93: } 655, { 94: } 673, { 95: } 674, { 96: } 683, { 97: } 683, { 98: } 684, { 99: } 687, { 100: } 688, { 101: } 692, { 102: } 692, { 103: } 694, { 104: } 702, { 105: } 703, { 106: } 704, { 107: } 708, { 108: } 708, { 109: } 709, { 110: } 739, { 111: } 764, { 112: } 764, { 113: } 764, { 114: } 764, { 115: } 784, { 116: } 804, { 117: } 824, { 118: } 844, { 119: } 844, { 120: } 844, { 121: } 852, { 122: } 852, { 123: } 871, { 124: } 892, { 125: } 892, { 126: } 893, { 127: } 901, { 128: } 924, { 129: } 925, { 130: } 945, { 131: } 965, { 132: } 969, { 133: } 972, { 134: } 979, { 135: } 986, { 136: } 993, { 137: } 993, { 138: } 993, { 139: } 993, { 140: } 995, { 141: } 995, { 142: } 998, { 143: } 998, { 144: } 1018, { 145: } 1018, { 146: } 1021, { 147: } 1021, { 148: } 1023, { 149: } 1043, { 150: } 1063, { 151: } 1063, { 152: } 1084, { 153: } 1105, { 154: } 1135, { 155: } 1153, { 156: } 1176, { 157: } 1181, { 158: } 1198, { 159: } 1223, { 160: } 1243, { 161: } 1273, { 162: } 1303, { 163: } 1333, { 164: } 1363, { 165: } 1370, { 166: } 1372, { 167: } 1373, { 168: } 1384, { 169: } 1384, { 170: } 1395, { 171: } 1395, { 172: } 1395, { 173: } 1413, { 174: } 1413, { 175: } 1413, { 176: } 1419, { 177: } 1420, { 178: } 1438, { 179: } 1461, { 180: } 1462, { 181: } 1462, { 182: } 1463, { 183: } 1487, { 184: } 1511, { 185: } 1520, { 186: } 1520, { 187: } 1520, { 188: } 1520, { 189: } 1540, { 190: } 1542, { 191: } 1543, { 192: } 1544, { 193: } 1564, { 194: } 1564, { 195: } 1564, { 196: } 1567, { 197: } 1568, { 198: } 1588, { 199: } 1589, { 200: } 1589, { 201: } 1590, { 202: } 1610, { 203: } 1611, { 204: } 1631, { 205: } 1651, { 206: } 1671, { 207: } 1691, { 208: } 1711, { 209: } 1731, { 210: } 1751, { 211: } 1771, { 212: } 1791, { 213: } 1811, { 214: } 1831, { 215: } 1851, { 216: } 1871, { 217: } 1891, { 218: } 1911, { 219: } 1931, { 220: } 1951, { 221: } 1996, { 222: } 1999, { 223: } 2018, { 224: } 2018, { 225: } 2019, { 226: } 2023, { 227: } 2027, { 228: } 2037, { 229: } 2048, { 230: } 2059, { 231: } 2059, { 232: } 2059, { 233: } 2059, { 234: } 2059, { 235: } 2059, { 236: } 2079, { 237: } 2080, { 238: } 2080, { 239: } 2081, { 240: } 2081, { 241: } 2081, { 242: } 2101, { 243: } 2101, { 244: } 2123, { 245: } 2123, { 246: } 2123, { 247: } 2124, { 248: } 2154, { 249: } 2174, { 250: } 2204, { 251: } 2234, { 252: } 2264, { 253: } 2294, { 254: } 2324, { 255: } 2354, { 256: } 2384, { 257: } 2384, { 258: } 2402, { 259: } 2432, { 260: } 2462, { 261: } 2492, { 262: } 2522, { 263: } 2552, { 264: } 2582, { 265: } 2612, { 266: } 2642, { 267: } 2672, { 268: } 2672, { 269: } 2702, { 270: } 2704, { 271: } 2704, { 272: } 2715, { 273: } 2715, { 274: } 2734, { 275: } 2754, { 276: } 2775, { 277: } 2778, { 278: } 2781, { 279: } 2792, { 280: } 2796, { 281: } 2800, { 282: } 2804, { 283: } 2808, { 284: } 2826, { 285: } 2826, { 286: } 2845, { 287: } 2846, { 288: } 2846, { 289: } 2866, { 290: } 2896, { 291: } 2916, { 292: } 2917, { 293: } 2921, { 294: } 2925, { 295: } 2926, { 296: } 2944, { 297: } 2944, { 298: } 2944, { 299: } 2948, { 300: } 2971, { 301: } 2972, { 302: } 2972, { 303: } 3002, { 304: } 3032, { 305: } 3053, { 306: } 3053, { 307: } 3053, { 308: } 3053, { 309: } 3054, { 310: } 3055, { 311: } 3055, { 312: } 3055 ); yygl : array [0..yynstates-1] of Integer = ( { 0: } 1, { 1: } 7, { 2: } 7, { 3: } 12, { 4: } 12, { 5: } 12, { 6: } 16, { 7: } 16, { 8: } 17, { 9: } 22, { 10: } 23, { 11: } 24, { 12: } 25, { 13: } 26, { 14: } 26, { 15: } 26, { 16: } 26, { 17: } 26, { 18: } 26, { 19: } 27, { 20: } 27, { 21: } 29, { 22: } 31, { 23: } 33, { 24: } 33, { 25: } 33, { 26: } 34, { 27: } 34, { 28: } 34, { 29: } 34, { 30: } 34, { 31: } 34, { 32: } 39, { 33: } 40, { 34: } 40, { 35: } 40, { 36: } 40, { 37: } 40, { 38: } 40, { 39: } 40, { 40: } 40, { 41: } 41, { 42: } 41, { 43: } 43, { 44: } 43, { 45: } 44, { 46: } 45, { 47: } 46, { 48: } 50, { 49: } 50, { 50: } 50, { 51: } 50, { 52: } 50, { 53: } 50, { 54: } 50, { 55: } 50, { 56: } 50, { 57: } 51, { 58: } 58, { 59: } 58, { 60: } 58, { 61: } 59, { 62: } 62, { 63: } 62, { 64: } 62, { 65: } 62, { 66: } 62, { 67: } 62, { 68: } 62, { 69: } 62, { 70: } 62, { 71: } 66, { 72: } 67, { 73: } 67, { 74: } 69, { 75: } 72, { 76: } 72, { 77: } 76, { 78: } 76, { 79: } 76, { 80: } 76, { 81: } 76, { 82: } 77, { 83: } 79, { 84: } 80, { 85: } 81, { 86: } 84, { 87: } 87, { 88: } 87, { 89: } 87, { 90: } 87, { 91: } 90, { 92: } 93, { 93: } 93, { 94: } 93, { 95: } 100, { 96: } 100, { 97: } 104, { 98: } 104, { 99: } 104, { 100: } 104, { 101: } 104, { 102: } 104, { 103: } 104, { 104: } 104, { 105: } 107, { 106: } 107, { 107: } 107, { 108: } 107, { 109: } 107, { 110: } 107, { 111: } 107, { 112: } 115, { 113: } 115, { 114: } 115, { 115: } 115, { 116: } 118, { 117: } 121, { 118: } 124, { 119: } 127, { 120: } 127, { 121: } 127, { 122: } 130, { 123: } 130, { 124: } 137, { 125: } 142, { 126: } 142, { 127: } 142, { 128: } 145, { 129: } 152, { 130: } 152, { 131: } 157, { 132: } 162, { 133: } 162, { 134: } 163, { 135: } 164, { 136: } 165, { 137: } 166, { 138: } 166, { 139: } 166, { 140: } 166, { 141: } 166, { 142: } 166, { 143: } 169, { 144: } 169, { 145: } 174, { 146: } 174, { 147: } 175, { 148: } 175, { 149: } 177, { 150: } 182, { 151: } 187, { 152: } 187, { 153: } 194, { 154: } 201, { 155: } 201, { 156: } 201, { 157: } 201, { 158: } 202, { 159: } 202, { 160: } 202, { 161: } 205, { 162: } 205, { 163: } 205, { 164: } 205, { 165: } 205, { 166: } 206, { 167: } 206, { 168: } 206, { 169: } 210, { 170: } 210, { 171: } 210, { 172: } 210, { 173: } 210, { 174: } 210, { 175: } 210, { 176: } 210, { 177: } 211, { 178: } 211, { 179: } 211, { 180: } 218, { 181: } 218, { 182: } 218, { 183: } 219, { 184: } 219, { 185: } 219, { 186: } 223, { 187: } 223, { 188: } 223, { 189: } 223, { 190: } 223, { 191: } 224, { 192: } 224, { 193: } 224, { 194: } 228, { 195: } 228, { 196: } 228, { 197: } 228, { 198: } 228, { 199: } 228, { 200: } 228, { 201: } 228, { 202: } 228, { 203: } 231, { 204: } 231, { 205: } 236, { 206: } 241, { 207: } 246, { 208: } 251, { 209: } 256, { 210: } 261, { 211: } 266, { 212: } 272, { 213: } 277, { 214: } 282, { 215: } 287, { 216: } 292, { 217: } 297, { 218: } 302, { 219: } 307, { 220: } 312, { 221: } 317, { 222: } 321, { 223: } 321, { 224: } 328, { 225: } 328, { 226: } 328, { 227: } 329, { 228: } 330, { 229: } 334, { 230: } 338, { 231: } 342, { 232: } 342, { 233: } 342, { 234: } 342, { 235: } 342, { 236: } 342, { 237: } 347, { 238: } 347, { 239: } 347, { 240: } 347, { 241: } 347, { 242: } 347, { 243: } 351, { 244: } 351, { 245: } 358, { 246: } 358, { 247: } 358, { 248: } 358, { 249: } 358, { 250: } 361, { 251: } 361, { 252: } 361, { 253: } 361, { 254: } 361, { 255: } 361, { 256: } 361, { 257: } 361, { 258: } 361, { 259: } 361, { 260: } 361, { 261: } 361, { 262: } 361, { 263: } 361, { 264: } 361, { 265: } 361, { 266: } 361, { 267: } 361, { 268: } 361, { 269: } 361, { 270: } 361, { 271: } 362, { 272: } 362, { 273: } 366, { 274: } 366, { 275: } 373, { 276: } 378, { 277: } 383, { 278: } 384, { 279: } 385, { 280: } 389, { 281: } 390, { 282: } 391, { 283: } 392, { 284: } 393, { 285: } 393, { 286: } 393, { 287: } 400, { 288: } 400, { 289: } 400, { 290: } 403, { 291: } 403, { 292: } 408, { 293: } 408, { 294: } 409, { 295: } 410, { 296: } 410, { 297: } 410, { 298: } 410, { 299: } 410, { 300: } 411, { 301: } 418, { 302: } 418, { 303: } 418, { 304: } 418, { 305: } 418, { 306: } 425, { 307: } 425, { 308: } 425, { 309: } 425, { 310: } 425, { 311: } 425, { 312: } 425 ); yygh : array [0..yynstates-1] of Integer = ( { 0: } 6, { 1: } 6, { 2: } 11, { 3: } 11, { 4: } 11, { 5: } 15, { 6: } 15, { 7: } 16, { 8: } 21, { 9: } 22, { 10: } 23, { 11: } 24, { 12: } 25, { 13: } 25, { 14: } 25, { 15: } 25, { 16: } 25, { 17: } 25, { 18: } 26, { 19: } 26, { 20: } 28, { 21: } 30, { 22: } 32, { 23: } 32, { 24: } 32, { 25: } 33, { 26: } 33, { 27: } 33, { 28: } 33, { 29: } 33, { 30: } 33, { 31: } 38, { 32: } 39, { 33: } 39, { 34: } 39, { 35: } 39, { 36: } 39, { 37: } 39, { 38: } 39, { 39: } 39, { 40: } 40, { 41: } 40, { 42: } 42, { 43: } 42, { 44: } 43, { 45: } 44, { 46: } 45, { 47: } 49, { 48: } 49, { 49: } 49, { 50: } 49, { 51: } 49, { 52: } 49, { 53: } 49, { 54: } 49, { 55: } 49, { 56: } 50, { 57: } 57, { 58: } 57, { 59: } 57, { 60: } 58, { 61: } 61, { 62: } 61, { 63: } 61, { 64: } 61, { 65: } 61, { 66: } 61, { 67: } 61, { 68: } 61, { 69: } 61, { 70: } 65, { 71: } 66, { 72: } 66, { 73: } 68, { 74: } 71, { 75: } 71, { 76: } 75, { 77: } 75, { 78: } 75, { 79: } 75, { 80: } 75, { 81: } 76, { 82: } 78, { 83: } 79, { 84: } 80, { 85: } 83, { 86: } 86, { 87: } 86, { 88: } 86, { 89: } 86, { 90: } 89, { 91: } 92, { 92: } 92, { 93: } 92, { 94: } 99, { 95: } 99, { 96: } 103, { 97: } 103, { 98: } 103, { 99: } 103, { 100: } 103, { 101: } 103, { 102: } 103, { 103: } 103, { 104: } 106, { 105: } 106, { 106: } 106, { 107: } 106, { 108: } 106, { 109: } 106, { 110: } 106, { 111: } 114, { 112: } 114, { 113: } 114, { 114: } 114, { 115: } 117, { 116: } 120, { 117: } 123, { 118: } 126, { 119: } 126, { 120: } 126, { 121: } 129, { 122: } 129, { 123: } 136, { 124: } 141, { 125: } 141, { 126: } 141, { 127: } 144, { 128: } 151, { 129: } 151, { 130: } 156, { 131: } 161, { 132: } 161, { 133: } 162, { 134: } 163, { 135: } 164, { 136: } 165, { 137: } 165, { 138: } 165, { 139: } 165, { 140: } 165, { 141: } 165, { 142: } 168, { 143: } 168, { 144: } 173, { 145: } 173, { 146: } 174, { 147: } 174, { 148: } 176, { 149: } 181, { 150: } 186, { 151: } 186, { 152: } 193, { 153: } 200, { 154: } 200, { 155: } 200, { 156: } 200, { 157: } 201, { 158: } 201, { 159: } 201, { 160: } 204, { 161: } 204, { 162: } 204, { 163: } 204, { 164: } 204, { 165: } 205, { 166: } 205, { 167: } 205, { 168: } 209, { 169: } 209, { 170: } 209, { 171: } 209, { 172: } 209, { 173: } 209, { 174: } 209, { 175: } 209, { 176: } 210, { 177: } 210, { 178: } 210, { 179: } 217, { 180: } 217, { 181: } 217, { 182: } 218, { 183: } 218, { 184: } 218, { 185: } 222, { 186: } 222, { 187: } 222, { 188: } 222, { 189: } 222, { 190: } 223, { 191: } 223, { 192: } 223, { 193: } 227, { 194: } 227, { 195: } 227, { 196: } 227, { 197: } 227, { 198: } 227, { 199: } 227, { 200: } 227, { 201: } 227, { 202: } 230, { 203: } 230, { 204: } 235, { 205: } 240, { 206: } 245, { 207: } 250, { 208: } 255, { 209: } 260, { 210: } 265, { 211: } 271, { 212: } 276, { 213: } 281, { 214: } 286, { 215: } 291, { 216: } 296, { 217: } 301, { 218: } 306, { 219: } 311, { 220: } 316, { 221: } 320, { 222: } 320, { 223: } 327, { 224: } 327, { 225: } 327, { 226: } 328, { 227: } 329, { 228: } 333, { 229: } 337, { 230: } 341, { 231: } 341, { 232: } 341, { 233: } 341, { 234: } 341, { 235: } 341, { 236: } 346, { 237: } 346, { 238: } 346, { 239: } 346, { 240: } 346, { 241: } 346, { 242: } 350, { 243: } 350, { 244: } 357, { 245: } 357, { 246: } 357, { 247: } 357, { 248: } 357, { 249: } 360, { 250: } 360, { 251: } 360, { 252: } 360, { 253: } 360, { 254: } 360, { 255: } 360, { 256: } 360, { 257: } 360, { 258: } 360, { 259: } 360, { 260: } 360, { 261: } 360, { 262: } 360, { 263: } 360, { 264: } 360, { 265: } 360, { 266: } 360, { 267: } 360, { 268: } 360, { 269: } 360, { 270: } 361, { 271: } 361, { 272: } 365, { 273: } 365, { 274: } 372, { 275: } 377, { 276: } 382, { 277: } 383, { 278: } 384, { 279: } 388, { 280: } 389, { 281: } 390, { 282: } 391, { 283: } 392, { 284: } 392, { 285: } 392, { 286: } 399, { 287: } 399, { 288: } 399, { 289: } 402, { 290: } 402, { 291: } 407, { 292: } 407, { 293: } 408, { 294: } 409, { 295: } 409, { 296: } 409, { 297: } 409, { 298: } 409, { 299: } 410, { 300: } 417, { 301: } 417, { 302: } 417, { 303: } 417, { 304: } 417, { 305: } 424, { 306: } 424, { 307: } 424, { 308: } 424, { 309: } 424, { 310: } 424, { 311: } 424, { 312: } 424 ); yyr : array [1..yynrules] of YYRRec = ( { 1: } ( len: 1; sym: -2 ), { 2: } ( len: 1; sym: -4 ), { 3: } ( len: 0; sym: -4 ), { 4: } ( len: 0; sym: -5 ), { 5: } ( len: 2; sym: -3 ), { 6: } ( len: 2; sym: -3 ), { 7: } ( len: 1; sym: -3 ), { 8: } ( len: 1; sym: -3 ), { 9: } ( len: 1; sym: -8 ), { 10: } ( len: 0; sym: -8 ), { 11: } ( len: 1; sym: -9 ), { 12: } ( len: 1; sym: -9 ), { 13: } ( len: 1; sym: -9 ), { 14: } ( len: 1; sym: -9 ), { 15: } ( len: 1; sym: -9 ), { 16: } ( len: 1; sym: -9 ), { 17: } ( len: 1; sym: -9 ), { 18: } ( len: 0; sym: -9 ), { 19: } ( len: 4; sym: -10 ), { 20: } ( len: 0; sym: -10 ), { 21: } ( len: 2; sym: -12 ), { 22: } ( len: 5; sym: -12 ), { 23: } ( len: 2; sym: -14 ), { 24: } ( len: 1; sym: -14 ), { 25: } ( len: 1; sym: -14 ), { 26: } ( len: 0; sym: -14 ), { 27: } ( len: 3; sym: -15 ), { 28: } ( len: 5; sym: -6 ), { 29: } ( len: 6; sym: -6 ), { 30: } ( len: 2; sym: -6 ), { 31: } ( len: 5; sym: -6 ), { 32: } ( len: 11; sym: -6 ), { 33: } ( len: 5; sym: -6 ), { 34: } ( len: 3; sym: -6 ), { 35: } ( len: 3; sym: -6 ), { 36: } ( len: 7; sym: -7 ), { 37: } ( len: 4; sym: -7 ), { 38: } ( len: 3; sym: -7 ), { 39: } ( len: 5; sym: -7 ), { 40: } ( len: 3; sym: -7 ), { 41: } ( len: 3; sym: -24 ), { 42: } ( len: 3; sym: -24 ), { 43: } ( len: 3; sym: -26 ), { 44: } ( len: 3; sym: -26 ), { 45: } ( len: 4; sym: -18 ), { 46: } ( len: 3; sym: -18 ), { 47: } ( len: 4; sym: -18 ), { 48: } ( len: 3; sym: -18 ), { 49: } ( len: 2; sym: -18 ), { 50: } ( len: 2; sym: -18 ), { 51: } ( len: 3; sym: -18 ), { 52: } ( len: 2; sym: -18 ), { 53: } ( len: 2; sym: -16 ), { 54: } ( len: 3; sym: -16 ), { 55: } ( len: 2; sym: -16 ), { 56: } ( len: 3; sym: -16 ), { 57: } ( len: 2; sym: -16 ), { 58: } ( len: 2; sym: -16 ), { 59: } ( len: 1; sym: -16 ), { 60: } ( len: 1; sym: -16 ), { 61: } ( len: 2; sym: -25 ), { 62: } ( len: 1; sym: -25 ), { 63: } ( len: 3; sym: -28 ), { 64: } ( len: 1; sym: -11 ), { 65: } ( len: 2; sym: -29 ), { 66: } ( len: 2; sym: -29 ), { 67: } ( len: 1; sym: -29 ), { 68: } ( len: 1; sym: -29 ), { 69: } ( len: 2; sym: -29 ), { 70: } ( len: 2; sym: -29 ), { 71: } ( len: 3; sym: -29 ), { 72: } ( len: 1; sym: -29 ), { 73: } ( len: 2; sym: -29 ), { 74: } ( len: 1; sym: -29 ), { 75: } ( len: 1; sym: -29 ), { 76: } ( len: 1; sym: -29 ), { 77: } ( len: 1; sym: -29 ), { 78: } ( len: 1; sym: -29 ), { 79: } ( len: 1; sym: -29 ), { 80: } ( len: 1; sym: -29 ), { 81: } ( len: 1; sym: -29 ), { 82: } ( len: 1; sym: -27 ), { 83: } ( len: 1; sym: -27 ), { 84: } ( len: 3; sym: -17 ), { 85: } ( len: 4; sym: -17 ), { 86: } ( len: 2; sym: -17 ), { 87: } ( len: 1; sym: -17 ), { 88: } ( len: 2; sym: -30 ), { 89: } ( len: 3; sym: -30 ), { 90: } ( len: 2; sym: -30 ), { 91: } ( len: 1; sym: -20 ), { 92: } ( len: 3; sym: -20 ), { 93: } ( len: 1; sym: -20 ), { 94: } ( len: 0; sym: -20 ), { 95: } ( len: 1; sym: -32 ), { 96: } ( len: 1; sym: -32 ), { 97: } ( len: 1; sym: -32 ), { 98: } ( len: 2; sym: -19 ), { 99: } ( len: 3; sym: -19 ), { 100: } ( len: 2; sym: -19 ), { 101: } ( len: 2; sym: -19 ), { 102: } ( len: 3; sym: -19 ), { 103: } ( len: 3; sym: -19 ), { 104: } ( len: 1; sym: -19 ), { 105: } ( len: 4; sym: -19 ), { 106: } ( len: 2; sym: -19 ), { 107: } ( len: 4; sym: -19 ), { 108: } ( len: 3; sym: -19 ), { 109: } ( len: 3; sym: -19 ), { 110: } ( len: 2; sym: -34 ), { 111: } ( len: 3; sym: -34 ), { 112: } ( len: 2; sym: -31 ), { 113: } ( len: 3; sym: -31 ), { 114: } ( len: 2; sym: -31 ), { 115: } ( len: 4; sym: -31 ), { 116: } ( len: 2; sym: -31 ), { 117: } ( len: 4; sym: -31 ), { 118: } ( len: 3; sym: -31 ), { 119: } ( len: 3; sym: -31 ), { 120: } ( len: 0; sym: -31 ), { 121: } ( len: 1; sym: -13 ), { 122: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 123: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 124: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 125: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 126: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 127: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 128: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 129: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 130: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 131: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 132: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 133: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 134: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 135: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 136: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 137: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 138: } ( len: 3; sym: -35 ), { 139: } ( len: 1; sym: -35 ), { 140: } ( len: 3; sym: -36 ), { 141: } ( len: 1; sym: -38 ), { 142: } ( len: 0; sym: -38 ), { 143: } ( len: 1; sym: -37 ), { 144: } ( len: 1; sym: -37 ), { 145: } ( len: 1; sym: -37 ), { 146: } ( len: 1; sym: -37 ), { 147: } ( len: 3; sym: -37 ), { 148: } ( len: 3; sym: -37 ), { 149: } ( len: 2; sym: -37 ), { 150: } ( len: 2; sym: -37 ), { 151: } ( len: 2; sym: -37 ), { 152: } ( len: 2; sym: -37 ), { 153: } ( len: 4; sym: -37 ), { 154: } ( len: 4; sym: -37 ), { 155: } ( len: 5; sym: -37 ), { 156: } ( len: 6; sym: -37 ), { 157: } ( len: 4; sym: -37 ), { 158: } ( len: 3; sym: -37 ), { 159: } ( len: 8; sym: -37 ), { 160: } ( len: 4; sym: -37 ), { 161: } ( len: 3; sym: -21 ), { 162: } ( len: 1; sym: -21 ), { 163: } ( len: 0; sym: -21 ), { 164: } ( len: 3; sym: -40 ), { 165: } ( len: 1; sym: -40 ), { 166: } ( len: 1; sym: -23 ), { 167: } ( len: 2; sym: -22 ), { 168: } ( len: 4; sym: -22 ), { 169: } ( len: 3; sym: -39 ), { 170: } ( len: 1; sym: -39 ), { 171: } ( len: 0; sym: -39 ), { 172: } ( len: 1; sym: -41 ) ); const _error = 256; (* error token *) function yyact(state, sym : Integer; var act : Integer) : Boolean; (* search action table *) var k : Integer; begin k := yyal[state]; while (k<=yyah[state]) and (yya[k].sym<>sym) do inc(k); if k>yyah[state] then yyact := false else begin act := yya[k].act; yyact := true; end; end(*yyact*); function yygoto(state, sym : Integer; var nstate : Integer) : Boolean; (* search goto table *) var k : Integer; begin k := yygl[state]; while (k<=yygh[state]) and (yyg[k].sym<>sym) do inc(k); if k>yygh[state] then yygoto := false else begin nstate := yyg[k].act; yygoto := true; end; end(*yygoto*); label parse, next, error, errlab, shift, reduce, accept, abort; begin(*yyparse*) (* initialize: *) yystate := 0; yychar := -1; yynerrs := 0; yyerrflag := 0; yysp := 0; {$ifdef yydebug} yydebug := true; {$else} yydebug := false; {$endif} parse: (* push state and value: *) inc(yysp); if yysp>yymaxdepth then begin yyerror('yyparse stack overflow'); goto abort; end; yys[yysp] := yystate; yyv[yysp] := yyval; next: if (yyd[yystate]=0) and (yychar=-1) then (* get next symbol *) begin yychar := yylex; if yychar<0 then yychar := 0; end; if yydebug then writeln('state ', yystate, ', char ', yychar); (* determine parse action: *) yyn := yyd[yystate]; if yyn<>0 then goto reduce; (* simple state *) (* no default action; search parse table *) if not yyact(yystate, yychar, yyn) then goto error else if yyn>0 then goto shift else if yyn<0 then goto reduce else goto accept; error: (* error; start error recovery: *) if yyerrflag=0 then yyerror('syntax error'); errlab: if yyerrflag=0 then inc(yynerrs); (* new error *) if yyerrflag<=2 then (* incomplete recovery; try again *) begin yyerrflag := 3; (* uncover a state with shift action on error token *) while (yysp>0) and not ( yyact(yys[yysp], _error, yyn) and (yyn>0) ) do begin if yydebug then if yysp>1 then writeln('error recovery pops state ', yys[yysp], ', uncovers ', yys[yysp-1]) else writeln('error recovery fails ... abort'); dec(yysp); end; if yysp=0 then goto abort; (* parser has fallen from stack; abort *) yystate := yyn; (* simulate shift on error *) goto parse; end else (* no shift yet; discard symbol *) begin if yydebug then writeln('error recovery discards char ', yychar); if yychar=0 then goto abort; (* end of input; abort *) yychar := -1; goto next; (* clear lookahead char and try again *) end; shift: (* go to new state, clear lookahead character: *) yystate := yyn; yychar := -1; yyval := yylval; if yyerrflag>0 then dec(yyerrflag); goto parse; reduce: (* execute action, pop rule from stack, and go to next state: *) if yydebug then writeln('reduce ', -yyn); yyflag := yyfnone; yyaction(-yyn); dec(yysp, yyr[-yyn].len); if yygoto(yys[yysp], yyr[-yyn].sym, yyn) then yystate := yyn; (* handle action calls to yyaccept, yyabort and yyerror: *) case yyflag of yyfaccept : goto accept; yyfabort : goto abort; yyferror : goto errlab; end; goto parse; accept: yyparse := 0; exit; abort: yyparse := 1; exit; end(*yyparse*); function yylex : Integer; begin yylex:=scan.yylex; line_no:=yylineno; end; procedure WriteFileHeader(var headerfile: Text); var i: integer; originalstr: string; begin { write unit header } if not includefile then begin if createdynlib then writeln(headerfile,'{$mode objfpc}'); writeln(headerfile,'unit ',unitname,';'); writeln(headerfile,'interface'); writeln(headerfile); if UseCTypesUnit then begin writeln(headerfile,'uses'); writeln(headerfile,' ctypes;'); writeln(headerfile); end; writeln(headerfile,'{'); writeln(headerfile,' Automatically converted by H2Pas ',version,' from ',inputfilename); writeln(headerfile,' The following command line parameters were used:'); for i:=1 to paramcount do writeln(headerfile,' ',paramstr(i)); writeln(headerfile,'}'); writeln(headerfile); end; if UseName then begin writeln(headerfile,aktspace,'const'); writeln(headerfile,aktspace,' External_library=''',libfilename,'''; {Setup as you need}'); writeln(headerfile); end; if UsePPointers then begin Writeln(headerfile,aktspace,'{ Pointers to basic pascal types, inserted by h2pas conversion program.}'); Writeln(headerfile,aktspace,'Type'); Writeln(headerfile,aktspace,' PLongint = ^Longint;'); Writeln(headerfile,aktspace,' PSmallInt = ^SmallInt;'); Writeln(headerfile,aktspace,' PByte = ^Byte;'); Writeln(headerfile,aktspace,' PWord = ^Word;'); Writeln(headerfile,aktspace,' PDWord = ^DWord;'); Writeln(headerfile,aktspace,' PDouble = ^Double;'); Writeln(headerfile); end; if PTypeList.count <> 0 then Writeln(headerfile,aktspace,'Type'); for i:=0 to (PTypeList.Count-1) do begin originalstr:=copy(PTypelist[i],2,length(PTypeList[i])); Writeln(headerfile,aktspace,PTypeList[i],' = ^',originalstr,';'); end; if not packrecords then begin writeln(headerfile,'{$IFDEF FPC}'); writeln(headerfile,'{$PACKRECORDS C}'); writeln(headerfile,'{$ENDIF}'); end; writeln(headerfile); end; var SS : string; i : longint; headerfile: Text; finaloutfile: Text; begin pointerprefix:=false; { Initialize } PTypeList:=TStringList.Create; PTypeList.Sorted := true; PTypeList.Duplicates := dupIgnore; freedynlibproc:=TStringList.Create; loaddynlibproc:=TStringList.Create; yydebug:=true; aktspace:=''; block_type:=bt_no; IsExtern:=false; { Read commandline options } ProcessOptions; if not CompactMode then aktspace:=' '; { open input and output files } assign(yyinput, inputfilename); {$I-} reset(yyinput); {$I+} if ioresult<>0 then begin writeln('file ',inputfilename,' not found!'); halt(1); end; { This is the intermediate output file } assign(outfile, 'ext3.tmp'); {$I-} rewrite(outfile); {$I+} if ioresult<>0 then begin writeln('file ext3.tmp could not be created!'); halt(1); end; writeln(outfile); { Open tempfiles } { This is where the implementation section of the unit shall be stored } Assign(implemfile,'ext.tmp'); rewrite(implemfile); Assign(tempfile,'ext2.tmp'); rewrite(tempfile); { Parse! } yyparse; { Write implementation if needed } if not(includefile) then begin writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,'implementation'); writeln(outfile); end; { here we have a problem if a line is longer than 255 chars !! } reset(implemfile); while not eof(implemfile) do begin readln(implemfile,SS); writeln(outfile,SS); end; if createdynlib then begin writeln(outfile,' uses'); writeln(outfile,' SysUtils, dynlibs;'); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,' var'); writeln(outfile,' hlib : tlibhandle;'); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,' procedure Free',unitname,';'); writeln(outfile,' begin'); writeln(outfile,' FreeLibrary(hlib);'); for i:=0 to (freedynlibproc.Count-1) do Writeln(outfile,' ',freedynlibproc[i]); writeln(outfile,' end;'); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,' procedure Load',unitname,'(lib : pchar);'); writeln(outfile,' begin'); writeln(outfile,' Free',unitname,';'); writeln(outfile,' hlib:=LoadLibrary(lib);'); writeln(outfile,' if hlib=0 then'); writeln(outfile,' raise Exception.Create(format(''Could not load library: %s'',[lib]));'); writeln(outfile); for i:=0 to (loaddynlibproc.Count-1) do Writeln(outfile,' ',loaddynlibproc[i]); writeln(outfile,' end;'); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,'initialization'); writeln(outfile,' Load',unitname,'(''',unitname,''');'); writeln(outfile,'finalization'); writeln(outfile,' Free',unitname,';'); end; { write end of file } writeln(outfile); if not(includefile) then writeln(outfile,'end.'); { close and erase tempfiles } close(implemfile); erase(implemfile); close(tempfile); erase(tempfile); flush(outfile); {**** generate full file ****} assign(headerfile, 'ext4.tmp'); {$I-} rewrite(headerfile); {$I+} if ioresult<>0 then begin writeln('file ext4.tmp could not be created!'); halt(1); end; WriteFileHeader(HeaderFile); { Final output filename } assign(finaloutfile, outputfilename); {$I-} rewrite(finaloutfile); {$I+} if ioresult<>0 then begin writeln('file ',outputfilename,' could not be created!'); halt(1); end; writeln(finaloutfile); { Read unit header file } reset(headerfile); while not eof(headerfile) do begin readln(headerfile,SS); writeln(finaloutfile,SS); end; { Read interface and implementation file } reset(outfile); while not eof(outfile) do begin readln(outfile,SS); writeln(finaloutfile,SS); end; close(HeaderFile); close(outfile); close(finaloutfile); erase(outfile); erase(headerfile); PTypeList.Free; freedynlibproc.free; loaddynlibproc.free; end.