{ Construct the position table, as well as first position sets. The position table stores symbol positions in regular expressions of the Lex grammar. It also allows to store the corresponding first and follow sets. By this means, the position table represents an eps- free nondeterministic automaton for the regular expressions of the Lex grammar (cf. Aho/Sethi/Ullman, Compilers : Principles, Techniques and Tools, 1986, Section 3.9, on constructing NFA's from regular expressions using position tables). Copyright (c) 1990-92 Albert Graef Copyright (C) 1996 Berend de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Revision: 1.2 $ $Modtime: 96-08-01 6:30 $ $History: LEXPOS.PAS $ * * ***************** Version 2 ***************** * User: Berend Date: 96-10-10 Time: 21:16 * Updated in $/Lex and Yacc/tply * Updated for protected mode, windows and Delphi 1.X and 2.X. } unit LexPos; interface uses LexBase, LexTable; procedure addExpr(r : RegExpr; var FIRST : IntSet); (* Add the positions in r to the position table, and return the set of first positions of r. *) implementation procedure eval(r : RegExpr; var FIRST, LAST : IntSet; var nullable : Boolean); (* Evaluates the expression r, adding the positions in r to the position table and assigning FIRST, LAST and FOLLOW sets accordingly (cf. Aho/ Sethi/Ullman, Compilers : Principles, Techniques and Tools, Section 3.9). Returns: - FIRST: the set of first positions in r - LAST: the set of last positions in r - nullable: denotes whether the r is nullable (i.e. is matched by the empty string). *) var c : Char; str : StrPtr; cc : CClassPtr; rule, pos : Integer; r1, r2 : RegExpr; FIRST1, LAST1 : IntSet; nullable1 : Boolean; i : integer; begin if is_epsExpr(r) then begin empty(FIRST); empty(LAST); nullable := true end else if is_markExpr(r, rule, pos) then begin addMarkPos(rule, pos); singleton(FIRST, n_pos); singleton(LAST, n_pos); nullable := true end else if is_charExpr(r, c) then begin addCharPos(c); singleton(FIRST, n_pos); singleton(LAST, n_pos); nullable := false end else if is_strExpr(r, str) then if length(str^)=0 then (* empty string is treated as empty expression *) begin empty(FIRST); empty(LAST); nullable := true end else begin addCharPos(str^[1]); singleton(FIRST, n_pos); for i := 2 to length(str^) do begin addCharPos(str^[i]); singleton(pos_table^[pred(n_pos)].follow_pos^, n_pos); end; singleton(LAST, n_pos); nullable := false end else if is_CClassExpr(r, cc) then begin addCClassPos(cc); singleton(FIRST, n_pos); singleton(LAST, n_pos); nullable := false end else if is_starExpr(r, r1) then begin eval(r1, FIRST, LAST, nullable); for i := 1 to size(LAST) do setunion(pos_table^[LAST[i]].follow_pos^, FIRST); nullable := true end else if is_plusExpr(r, r1) then begin eval(r1, FIRST, LAST, nullable); for i := 1 to size(LAST) do setunion(pos_table^[LAST[i]].follow_pos^, FIRST); end else if is_optExpr(r, r1) then begin eval(r1, FIRST, LAST, nullable); nullable := true end else if is_catExpr(r, r1, r2) then begin eval(r1, FIRST, LAST1, nullable); eval(r2, FIRST1, LAST, nullable1); for i := 1 to size(LAST1) do setunion(pos_table^[LAST1[i]].follow_pos^, FIRST1); if nullable then setunion(FIRST, FIRST1); if nullable1 then setunion(LAST, LAST1); nullable := nullable and nullable1 end else if is_altExpr(r, r1, r2) then begin eval(r1, FIRST, LAST, nullable); eval(r2, FIRST1, LAST1, nullable1); setunion(FIRST, FIRST1); setunion(LAST, LAST1); nullable := nullable or nullable1 end end(*eval*); procedure addExpr(r : RegExpr; var FIRST : IntSet); var LAST : IntSet; nullable : Boolean; begin eval(r, FIRST, LAST, nullable); end(*addExpr*); end(*LexPos*).