path: root/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/coreSNTP_Windows_Simulator/DemoTasks/SNTPClientTask.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/coreSNTP_Windows_Simulator/DemoTasks/SNTPClientTask.c')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/coreSNTP_Windows_Simulator/DemoTasks/SNTPClientTask.c b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/coreSNTP_Windows_Simulator/DemoTasks/SNTPClientTask.c
index dc794bde2..7a84f56de 100755
--- a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/coreSNTP_Windows_Simulator/DemoTasks/SNTPClientTask.c
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/coreSNTP_Windows_Simulator/DemoTasks/SNTPClientTask.c
@@ -571,6 +571,28 @@ static SntpStatus_t validateServerAuth( SntpAuthContext_t * pAuthContext,
static uint32_t generateRandomNumber();
+ * @brief Utility to create a new FreeRTOS UDP socket and bind a random
+ * port to it.
+ * A random port is used for the created UDP socket as a protection mechanism
+ * against spoofing attacks from malicious actors that are off the network
+ * path of the client-server communication.
+ *
+ * @param[out] This will be populated with a new FreeRTOS UDP socket
+ * that is bound to a random port.
+ *
+ * @return Returns #true for successful creation of UDP socket; #false
+ * otherwise for failure.
+ */
+static bool createUdpSocket( Socket_t * pSocket );
+ * @brief Utility to close the passed FreeRTOS UDP socket.
+ *
+ * @param pSocket The UDP socket to close.
+ */
+static void closeUdpSocket( Socket_t * pSocket );
static uint32_t translateYearToUnixSeconds( uint16_t year )
@@ -1259,70 +1281,100 @@ static bool initializeSntpClient( SntpContext_t * pContext,
+ UdpTransportInterface_t udpTransportIntf;
+ SntpAuthenticationInterface_t symmetricKeyAuthIntf;
for( uint8_t index = 0; index < numOfServers; index++ )
pServers[ index ].pServerName = pTimeServers[ index ];
pServers[ index ].port = SNTP_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT;
- LogInfo( ( "Calculated poll interval: %lus", systemClock.pollPeriod ) );
+ /* Set the UDP transport interface object. */
+ udpTransportIntf.pUserContext = pUdpContext;
+ udpTransportIntf.sendTo = UdpTransport_Send;
+ udpTransportIntf.recvFrom = UdpTransport_Recv;
+ /* Set the authentication interface object. */
+ symmetricKeyAuthIntf.pAuthContext = pAuthContext;
+ symmetricKeyAuthIntf.generateClientAuth = addClientAuthCode;
+ symmetricKeyAuthIntf.validateServerAuth = validateServerAuth;
+ /* Initialize context. */
+ Sntp_Init( pContext,
+ pServers,
+ numOfServers,
+ pContextBuffer,
+ contextBufferSize,
+ resolveDns,
+ sntpClient_GetTime,
+ sntpClient_SetTime,
+ &udpTransportIntf,
+ &symmetricKeyAuthIntf );
+ initStatus = true;
+ }
+ return initStatus;
+static bool createUdpSocket( Socket_t * pSocket )
+ bool status = false;
+ struct freertos_sockaddr bindAddress;
+ configASSERT( pSocket != NULL );
- /* Create a UDP socket for network I/O with server. */
- pUdpContext->socket = FreeRTOS_socket( FREERTOS_AF_INET,
+ /* Call the FreeRTOS+TCP API to create a UDP socket. */
+ *pSocket = FreeRTOS_socket( FREERTOS_AF_INET,
- /* Check the socket was created successfully. */
- /* TODO - Consider using random port assigned by FreeRTOS for better protection */
- /* against "off-path" attacker. */
- if( pUdpContext->socket == FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET )
+ /* Check the socket was created successfully. */
+ {
+ /* There was insufficient FreeRTOS heap memory available for the socket
+ * to be created. */
+ LogError( ( "Failed to create UDP socket for SNTP client due to insufficient memory." ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Use a random UDP port for SNTP communication with server for protection against
+ * spoofing vulnerability from "network off-path" attackers. */
+ uint16_t randomPort = ( generateRandomNumber() % UINT16_MAX );
+ bindAddress.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons( randomPort );
+ if( FreeRTOS_bind( *pSocket, &bindAddress, sizeof( bindAddress ) ) == 0 )
- /* There was insufficient FreeRTOS heap memory available for the socket
- * to be created. */
- LogError( ( "Failed to create UDP socket for SNTP client due to insufficient memory." ) );
+ /* The bind was successful. */
+ LogDebug( ( "UDP socket has been bound to port %u", randomPort ) );
+ status = true;
- struct freertos_sockaddr bindAddress;
- UdpTransportInterface_t udpTransportIntf;
- SntpAuthenticationInterface_t symmetricKeyAuthIntf;
+ LogError( ( "Failed to bind UDP socket to port %u", randomPort ) );
+ }
+ }
- bindAddress.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons( SNTP_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT );
+ return status;
- if( FreeRTOS_bind( pUdpContext->socket, &bindAddress, sizeof( bindAddress ) ) == 0 )
- {
- /* The bind was successful. */
- LogDebug( ( "UDP socket has been bound to port %lu", SNTP_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT ) );
- }
- /* Set the UDP transport interface object. */
- udpTransportIntf.pUserContext = pUdpContext;
- udpTransportIntf.sendTo = UdpTransport_Send;
- udpTransportIntf.recvFrom = UdpTransport_Recv;
- /* Set the authentication interface object. */
- symmetricKeyAuthIntf.pAuthContext = pAuthContext;
- symmetricKeyAuthIntf.generateClientAuth = addClientAuthCode;
- symmetricKeyAuthIntf.validateServerAuth = validateServerAuth;
- /* Initialize context. */
- Sntp_Init( pContext,
- pServers,
- numOfServers,
- pContextBuffer,
- contextBufferSize,
- resolveDns,
- sntpClient_GetTime,
- sntpClient_SetTime,
- &udpTransportIntf,
- &symmetricKeyAuthIntf );
- initStatus = true;
- }
- }
+static void closeUdpSocket( Socket_t * pSocket )
+ bool status = false;
+ struct freertos_sockaddr bindAddress;
- return initStatus;
+ configASSERT( pSocket != NULL );
+ FreeRTOS_shutdown( *pSocket, FREERTOS_SHUT_RDWR );
+ /* Close the socket again. */
+ FreeRTOS_closesocket( *pSocket );
@@ -1381,21 +1433,34 @@ void sntpTask( void * pParameters )
&systemClock.pollPeriod );
configASSERT( status == SntpSuccess );
- LogInfo( ( "Initialized SNTP Client context. Starting the SNTP client loop for time synchronization every %lu seconds",
+ LogDebug( ( "SNTP client polling interval calculated as %lus", systemClock.pollPeriod ) );
+ LogInfo( ( "Initialized SNTP Client context. Starting SNTP client loop to poll time every %lu seconds",
systemClock.pollPeriod ) );
- /* SNTP Client loop of sending and receiving SNTP packets for time synchronization at poll intervals */
+ /* The loop of the SNTP Client task that synchronizes system time with a time server (in the configured list of time servers)
+ * periodically at intervals of polling period. Each iteration of time synchronization is performed by calling the coreSNTP
+ * APIs for sending time request to the server and receiving time response from the server. */
while( 1 )
- status = Sntp_SendTimeRequest( &clientContext, generateRandomNumber(), democonfigSEND_TIME_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS );
+ /* For security, this demo keeps a UDP socket open only for one iteration of SNTP request-response cycle.
+ * There is a security risk of a UDP socket being flooded with invalid or malicious server response packets
+ * when a UDP socket is kept open across multiple time polling cycles. In such a scenario where the UDP
+ * socket buffer has received multiple server response packets from a single time request, the extraneous
+ * server response present in the UDP socket buffer will prevent the SNTP client application from correctly
+ * reading network data of server responses that correspond to future time requests.
+ * By closing the UDP socket after receiving the first acceptable server response (within the server response
+ * timeout window), any extraneous or malicious server response packets for the same time request will be
+ * ignored by the demo. */
+ /* Create a UDP socket for the current iteration of time polling. */
+ bool socketStatus = createUdpSocket( &udpContext.socket );
+ configASSERT( socketStatus == true );
- /*configASSERT( status == SntpSuccess ); */
- if( status != SntpSuccess )
- {
- continue;
- }
+ status = Sntp_SendTimeRequest( &clientContext, generateRandomNumber(), democonfigSEND_TIME_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS );
+ configASSERT( status == SntpSuccess );
- /* Wait till the server response is not received. */
+ /* Wait for server response for a maximum time of server response timeout. */
/* Attempt to receive server response each time for a smaller block time
@@ -1403,8 +1468,27 @@ void sntpTask( void * pParameters )
status = Sntp_ReceiveTimeResponse( &clientContext, democonfigRECEIVE_SERVER_RESPONSE_BLOCK_TIME_MS );
} while( status == SntpNoResponseReceived );
- /* Wait for the poll interval period before the next iteration of time synchronization. */
- vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( systemClock.pollPeriod * 1000 ) );
+ /* Close the UDP socket irrespective of whether a server response is received. */
+ closeUdpSocket( &udpContext.socket );
+ /* Apply back-off delay before the next poll iteration if the demo has been configured with only
+ * a single time server. */
+ if( ( status == SntpRejectedResponse ) && ( numOfServers == 1 ) )
+ {
+ LogInfo( ( "The single configured time server, %s, rejected time request. Backing-off before ",
+ "next time poll....", strlen( pTimeServers[ 0 ] ) ) );
+ /* Add exponential back-off to polling period. */
+ systemClock.pollPeriod *= 2;
+ /* Wait for the increased poll interval before retrying request for time from server. */
+ vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( systemClock.pollPeriod * 1000 ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Wait for the poll interval period before the next iteration of time synchronization. */
+ vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( systemClock.pollPeriod * 1000 ) );
+ }