path: root/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A9_Zynq_ZC702/RTOSDemo_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include/xscugic.h
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1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A9_Zynq_ZC702/RTOSDemo_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include/xscugic.h b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A9_Zynq_ZC702/RTOSDemo_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include/xscugic.h
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index 000000000..9a43efbb3
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+++ b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A9_Zynq_ZC702/RTOSDemo_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include/xscugic.h
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+* (c) Copyright 2010-2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+* This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc.
+* and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and other
+* intellectual property laws.
+* This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the
+* materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid
+* license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by
+* and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including
+* negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage
+* of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these
+* materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental,
+* or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill,
+* or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by
+* a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or
+* Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same.
+* Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in
+* any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or
+* safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities,
+* applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications
+* that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or
+* environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical
+* Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of
+* Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws
+* and regulations governing limitations on product liability.
+* @file xscugic.h
+* The generic interrupt controller driver component.
+* The interrupt controller driver uses the idea of priority for the various
+* handlers. Priority is an integer within the range of 1 and 31 inclusive with
+* default of 1 being the highest priority interrupt source. The priorities
+* of the various sources can be dynamically altered as needed through
+* hardware configuration.
+* The generic interrupt controller supports the following
+* features:
+* - specific individual interrupt enabling/disabling
+* - specific individual interrupt acknowledging
+* - attaching specific callback function to handle interrupt source
+* - assigning desired priority to interrupt source if default is not
+* acceptable.
+* Details about connecting the interrupt handler of the driver are contained
+* in the source file specific to interrupt processing, xscugic_intr.c.
+* This driver is intended to be RTOS and processor independent. It works with
+* physical addresses only. Any needs for dynamic memory management, threads
+* or thread mutual exclusion, virtual memory, or cache control must be
+* satisfied by the layer above this driver.
+* <b>Interrupt Vector Tables</b>
+* The device ID of the interrupt controller device is used by the driver as a
+* direct index into the configuration data table. The user should populate the
+* vector table with handlers and callbacks at run-time using the
+* XScuGic_Connect() and XScuGic_Disconnect() functions.
+* Each vector table entry corresponds to a device that can generate an
+* interrupt. Each entry contains an interrupt handler function and an
+* argument to be passed to the handler when an interrupt occurs. The
+* user must use XScuGic_Connect() when the interrupt handler takes an
+* argument other than the base address.
+* <b>Nested Interrupts Processing</b>
+* Nested interrupts are not supported by this driver.
+* NOTE:
+* The generic interrupt controller is not a part of the snoop control unit
+* as indicated by the prefix "scu" in the name of the driver.
+* It is an independent module in APU.
+* <pre>
+* Ver Who Date Changes
+* ----- ---- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------
+* 1.00a drg 01/19/00 First release
+* 1.01a sdm 11/09/11 The XScuGic and XScuGic_Config structures have changed.
+* The HandlerTable (of type XScuGic_VectorTableEntry) is
+* moved to XScuGic_Config structure from XScuGic structure.
+* The "Config" entry in XScuGic structure is made as
+* pointer for better efficiency.
+* A new file named as xscugic_hw.c is now added. It is
+* to implement low level driver routines without using
+* any xscugic instance pointer. They are useful when the
+* user wants to use xscugic through device id or
+* base address. The driver routines provided are explained
+* below.
+* XScuGic_DeviceInitialize that takes device id as
+* argument and initializes the device (without calling
+* XScuGic_CfgInitialize).
+* XScuGic_DeviceInterruptHandler that takes device id
+* as argument and calls appropriate handlers from the
+* HandlerTable.
+* XScuGic_RegisterHandler that registers a new handler
+* by taking xscugic hardware base address as argument.
+* LookupConfigByBaseAddress is used to return the
+* corresponding config structure from XScuGic_ConfigTable
+* based on the scugic base address passed.
+* 1.02a sdm 12/20/11 Removed AckBeforeService from the XScuGic_Config
+* structure.
+* 1.03a srt 02/27/13 Moved Offset calculation macros from *.c and *_hw.c to
+* *_hw.h
+* Added APIs
+* - XScuGic_SetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr()
+* - XScuGic_GetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr()
+* (CR 702687)
+* Added support to direct interrupts to the appropriate CPU. Earlier
+* interrupts were directed to CPU1 (hard coded). Now depending
+* upon the CPU selected by the user (xparameters.h), interrupts
+* will be directed to the relevant CPU. This fixes CR 699688.
+* 1.04a hk 05/04/13 Assigned EffectiveAddr to CpuBaseAddress in
+* XScuGic_CfgInitialize. Fix for CR#704400 to remove warnings.
+* Moved functions XScuGic_SetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr and
+* XScuGic_GetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr to xscugic_hw.c.
+* This is fix for CR#705621.
+* 1.05a hk 06/26/13 Modified tcl to export external interrupts correctly to
+* xparameters.h. Fix for CR's 690505, 708928 & 719359.
+* 2.0 adk 12/10/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's
+* 2.1 adk 25/04/14 Fixed the CR:789373 changes are made in the driver tcl file.
+* </pre>
+#ifndef XSCUGIC_H /* prevent circular inclusions */
+#define XSCUGIC_H /* by using protection macros */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/***************************** Include Files *********************************/
+#include "xstatus.h"
+#include "xil_io.h"
+#include "xscugic_hw.h"
+#include "xil_exception.h"
+/************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/
+/**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/
+/* The following data type defines each entry in an interrupt vector table.
+ * The callback reference is the base address of the interrupting device
+ * for the low level driver and an instance pointer for the high level driver.
+ */
+typedef struct
+ Xil_InterruptHandler Handler;
+ void *CallBackRef;
+} XScuGic_VectorTableEntry;
+ * This typedef contains configuration information for the device.
+ */
+typedef struct
+ u16 DeviceId; /**< Unique ID of device */
+ u32 CpuBaseAddress; /**< CPU Interface Register base address */
+ u32 DistBaseAddress; /**< Distributor Register base address */
+ XScuGic_VectorTableEntry HandlerTable[XSCUGIC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS];/**<
+ Vector table of interrupt handlers */
+} XScuGic_Config;
+ * The XScuGic driver instance data. The user is required to allocate a
+ * variable of this type for every intc device in the system. A pointer
+ * to a variable of this type is then passed to the driver API functions.
+ */
+typedef struct
+ XScuGic_Config *Config; /**< Configuration table entry */
+ u32 IsReady; /**< Device is initialized and ready */
+ u32 UnhandledInterrupts; /**< Intc Statistics */
+} XScuGic;
+/***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/
+* Write the given CPU Interface register
+* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the instance to be worked on.
+* @param RegOffset is the register offset to be written
+* @param Data is the 32-bit value to write to the register
+* @return None.
+* @note
+* C-style signature:
+* void XScuGic_CPUWriteReg(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 RegOffset, u32 Data)
+#define XScuGic_CPUWriteReg(InstancePtr, RegOffset, Data) \
+(XScuGic_WriteReg(((InstancePtr)->Config->CpuBaseAddress), (RegOffset), \
+ ((u32)Data)))
+* Read the given CPU Interface register
+* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the instance to be worked on.
+* @param RegOffset is the register offset to be read
+* @return The 32-bit value of the register
+* @note
+* C-style signature:
+* u32 XScuGic_CPUReadReg(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 RegOffset)
+#define XScuGic_CPUReadReg(InstancePtr, RegOffset) \
+ (XScuGic_ReadReg(((InstancePtr)->Config->CpuBaseAddress), (RegOffset)))
+* Write the given Distributor Interface register
+* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the instance to be worked on.
+* @param RegOffset is the register offset to be written
+* @param Data is the 32-bit value to write to the register
+* @return None.
+* @note
+* C-style signature:
+* void XScuGic_DistWriteReg(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 RegOffset, u32 Data)
+#define XScuGic_DistWriteReg(InstancePtr, RegOffset, Data) \
+(XScuGic_WriteReg(((InstancePtr)->Config->DistBaseAddress), (RegOffset), \
+ ((u32)Data)))
+* Read the given Distributor Interface register
+* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the instance to be worked on.
+* @param RegOffset is the register offset to be read
+* @return The 32-bit value of the register
+* @note
+* C-style signature:
+* u32 XScuGic_DistReadReg(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 RegOffset)
+#define XScuGic_DistReadReg(InstancePtr, RegOffset) \
+(XScuGic_ReadReg(((InstancePtr)->Config->DistBaseAddress), (RegOffset)))
+/************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/
+ * Required functions in xscugic.c
+ */
+int XScuGic_Connect(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 Int_Id,
+ Xil_InterruptHandler Handler, void *CallBackRef);
+void XScuGic_Disconnect(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 Int_Id);
+void XScuGic_Enable(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 Int_Id);
+void XScuGic_Disable(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 Int_Id);
+int XScuGic_CfgInitialize(XScuGic *InstancePtr, XScuGic_Config *ConfigPtr,
+ u32 EffectiveAddr);
+int XScuGic_SoftwareIntr(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 Int_Id, u32 Cpu_Id);
+void XScuGic_GetPriorityTriggerType(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 Int_Id,
+ u8 *Priority, u8 *Trigger);
+void XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 Int_Id,
+ u8 Priority, u8 Trigger);
+ * Initialization functions in xscugic_sinit.c
+ */
+XScuGic_Config *XScuGic_LookupConfig(u16 DeviceId);
+ * Interrupt functions in xscugic_intr.c
+ */
+void XScuGic_InterruptHandler(XScuGic *InstancePtr);
+ * Self-test functions in xscugic_selftest.c
+ */
+int XScuGic_SelfTest(XScuGic *InstancePtr);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* end of protection macro */