path: root/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A9_Zynq_ZC702/RTOSDemo_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/libsrc/uartps_v2_1/src/xuartps.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A9_Zynq_ZC702/RTOSDemo_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/libsrc/uartps_v2_1/src/xuartps.h')
1 files changed, 513 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A9_Zynq_ZC702/RTOSDemo_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/libsrc/uartps_v2_1/src/xuartps.h b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A9_Zynq_ZC702/RTOSDemo_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/libsrc/uartps_v2_1/src/xuartps.h
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index 000000000..4687bbe1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_A9_Zynq_ZC702/RTOSDemo_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/libsrc/uartps_v2_1/src/xuartps.h
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+* (c) Copyright 2010-14 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+* This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc.
+* and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and other
+* intellectual property laws.
+* This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the
+* materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid
+* license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by
+* and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including
+* negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage
+* of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these
+* materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental,
+* or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill,
+* or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by
+* a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or
+* Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same.
+* Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in
+* any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or
+* safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities,
+* applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications
+* that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or
+* environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical
+* Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of
+* Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws
+* and regulations governing limitations on product liability.
+* @file xuartps.h
+* This driver supports the following features:
+* - Dynamic data format (baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity)
+* - Polled mode
+* - Interrupt driven mode
+* - Transmit and receive FIFOs (32 byte FIFO depth)
+* - Access to the external modem control lines
+* <b>Initialization & Configuration</b>
+* The XUartPs_Config structure is used by the driver to configure itself.
+* Fields inside this structure are properties of XUartPs based on its hardware
+* build.
+* To support multiple runtime loading and initialization strategies employed
+* by various operating systems, the driver instance can be initialized in the
+* following way:
+* - XUartPs_CfgInitialize(InstancePtr, CfgPtr, EffectiveAddr) - Uses a
+* configuration structure provided by the caller. If running in a system
+* with address translation, the parameter EffectiveAddr should be the
+* virtual address.
+* <b>Baud Rate</b>
+* The UART has an internal baud rate generator, which furnishes the baud rate
+* clock for both the receiver and the transmitter. Ther input clock frequency
+* can be either the master clock or the master clock divided by 8, configured
+* through the mode register.
+* Accompanied with the baud rate divider register, the baud rate is determined
+* by:
+* <pre>
+* baud_rate = input_clock / (bgen * (bdiv + 1)
+* </pre>
+* where bgen is the value of the baud rate generator, and bdiv is the value of
+* baud rate divider.
+* <b>Interrupts</b>
+* The FIFOs are not flushed when the driver is initialized, but a function is
+* provided to allow the user to reset the FIFOs if desired.
+* The driver defaults to no interrupts at initialization such that interrupts
+* must be enabled if desired. An interrupt is generated for one of the
+* following conditions.
+* - A change in the modem signals
+* - Data in the receive FIFO for a configuable time without receiver activity
+* - A parity error
+* - A framing error
+* - An overrun error
+* - Transmit FIFO is full
+* - Transmit FIFO is empty
+* - Receive FIFO is full
+* - Receive FIFO is empty
+* - Data in the receive FIFO equal to the receive threshold
+* The application can control which interrupts are enabled using the
+* XUartPs_SetInterruptMask() function.
+* In order to use interrupts, it is necessary for the user to connect the
+* driver interrupt handler, XUartPs_InterruptHandler(), to the interrupt
+* system of the application. A separate handler should be provided by the
+* application to communicate with the interrupt system, and conduct
+* application specific interrupt handling. An application registers its own
+* handler through the XUartPs_SetHandler() function.
+* <b>Data Transfer</b>
+* The functions, XUartPs_Send() and XUartPs_Recv(), are provided in the
+* driver to allow data to be sent and received. They can be used in either
+* polled or interrupt mode.
+* @note
+* The default configuration for the UART after initialization is:
+* - 9,600 bps or XPAR_DFT_BAUDRATE if defined
+* - 8 data bits
+* - 1 stop bit
+* - no parity
+* - FIFO's are enabled with a receive threshold of 8 bytes
+* - The RX timeout is enabled with a timeout of 1 (4 char times)
+* <pre>
+* Ver Who Date Changes
+* ----- ------ -------- ----------------------------------------------
+* 1.00a drg/jz 01/12/10 First Release
+* 1.00a sdm 09/27/11 Fixed compiler warnings and also a bug
+* in XUartPs_SetFlowDelay where the value was not
+* being written to the register.
+* 1.01a sdm 12/20/11 Removed the InputClockHz parameter from the XUartPs
+* instance structure and the driver is updated to use
+* InputClockHz parameter from the XUartPs_Config config
+* structure.
+* Added a parameter to XUartPs_Config structure which
+* specifies whether the user has selected Modem pins
+* to be connected to MIO or FMIO.
+* Added the tcl file to generate the xparameters.h
+* 1.02a sg 05/16/12 Changed XUARTPS_RXWM_MASK to 0x3F for CR 652540 fix.
+* 1.03a sg 07/16/12 Updated XUARTPS_FORMAT_7_BITS and XUARTPS_FORMAT_6_BITS
+* with the correct values for CR 666724
+* Modified the name of these defines
+* 1.05a hk 08/22/13 Added API for uart reset and related
+* constant definitions.
+* 2.0 hk 03/07/14 Version number revised.
+* 2.1 hk 04/16/14 Change XUARTPS_MAX_RATE to 921600. CR# 780625.
+* </pre>
+#ifndef XUARTPS_H /* prevent circular inclusions */
+#define XUARTPS_H /* by using protection macros */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/***************************** Include Files ********************************/
+#include "xil_types.h"
+#include "xil_assert.h"
+#include "xstatus.h"
+#include "xuartps_hw.h"
+/************************** Constant Definitions ****************************/
+ * The following constants indicate the max and min baud rates and these
+ * numbers are based only on the testing that has been done. The hardware
+ * is capable of other baud rates.
+ */
+#define XUARTPS_MAX_RATE 921600
+#define XUARTPS_MIN_RATE 110
+#define XUARTPS_DFT_BAUDRATE 115200 /* Default baud rate */
+/** @name Configuration options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * These constants specify the options that may be set or retrieved
+ * with the driver, each is a unique bit mask such that multiple options
+ * may be specified. These constants indicate the available options
+ * in active state.
+ *
+ */
+#define XUARTPS_OPTION_SET_BREAK 0x0080 /**< Starts break transmission */
+#define XUARTPS_OPTION_STOP_BREAK 0x0040 /**< Stops break transmission */
+#define XUARTPS_OPTION_RESET_TMOUT 0x0020 /**< Reset the receive timeout */
+#define XUARTPS_OPTION_RESET_TX 0x0010 /**< Reset the transmitter */
+#define XUARTPS_OPTION_RESET_RX 0x0008 /**< Reset the receiver */
+#define XUARTPS_OPTION_ASSERT_RTS 0x0004 /**< Assert the RTS bit */
+#define XUARTPS_OPTION_ASSERT_DTR 0x0002 /**< Assert the DTR bit */
+#define XUARTPS_OPTION_SET_FCM 0x0001 /**< Turn on flow control mode */
+/** @name Channel Operational Mode
+ *
+ * The UART can operate in one of four modes: Normal, Local Loopback, Remote
+ * Loopback, or automatic echo.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+#define XUARTPS_OPER_MODE_NORMAL 0x00 /**< Normal Mode */
+#define XUARTPS_OPER_MODE_AUTO_ECHO 0x01 /**< Auto Echo Mode */
+#define XUARTPS_OPER_MODE_LOCAL_LOOP 0x02 /**< Local Loopback Mode */
+#define XUARTPS_OPER_MODE_REMOTE_LOOP 0x03 /**< Remote Loopback Mode */
+/* @} */
+/** @name Data format values
+ *
+ * These constants specify the data format that the driver supports.
+ * The data format includes the number of data bits, the number of stop
+ * bits and parity.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+#define XUARTPS_FORMAT_8_BITS 0 /**< 8 data bits */
+#define XUARTPS_FORMAT_7_BITS 2 /**< 7 data bits */
+#define XUARTPS_FORMAT_6_BITS 3 /**< 6 data bits */
+#define XUARTPS_FORMAT_NO_PARITY 4 /**< No parity */
+#define XUARTPS_FORMAT_MARK_PARITY 3 /**< Mark parity */
+#define XUARTPS_FORMAT_SPACE_PARITY 2 /**< parity */
+#define XUARTPS_FORMAT_ODD_PARITY 1 /**< Odd parity */
+#define XUARTPS_FORMAT_EVEN_PARITY 0 /**< Even parity */
+#define XUARTPS_FORMAT_2_STOP_BIT 2 /**< 2 stop bits */
+#define XUARTPS_FORMAT_1_5_STOP_BIT 1 /**< 1.5 stop bits */
+#define XUARTPS_FORMAT_1_STOP_BIT 0 /**< 1 stop bit */
+/** @name Callback events
+ *
+ * These constants specify the handler events that an application can handle
+ * using its specific handler function. Note that these constants are not bit
+ * mask, so only one event can be passed to an application at a time.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+#define XUARTPS_EVENT_RECV_DATA 1 /**< Data receiving done */
+#define XUARTPS_EVENT_RECV_TOUT 2 /**< A receive timeout occurred */
+#define XUARTPS_EVENT_SENT_DATA 3 /**< Data transmission done */
+#define XUARTPS_EVENT_RECV_ERROR 4 /**< A receive error detected */
+#define XUARTPS_EVENT_MODEM 5 /**< Modem status changed */
+/**************************** Type Definitions ******************************/
+ * This typedef contains configuration information for the device.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ u16 DeviceId; /**< Unique ID of device */
+ u32 BaseAddress; /**< Base address of device (IPIF) */
+ u32 InputClockHz;/**< Input clock frequency */
+ int ModemPinsConnected; /** Specifies whether modem pins are connected
+ * to MIO or FMIO */
+} XUartPs_Config;
+ * Keep track of state information about a data buffer in the interrupt mode.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ u8 *NextBytePtr;
+ unsigned int RequestedBytes;
+ unsigned int RemainingBytes;
+} XUartPsBuffer;
+ * Keep track of data format setting of a device.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ u32 BaudRate; /**< In bps, ie 1200 */
+ u32 DataBits; /**< Number of data bits */
+ u32 Parity; /**< Parity */
+ u8 StopBits; /**< Number of stop bits */
+} XUartPsFormat;
+ * This data type defines a handler that an application defines to communicate
+ * with interrupt system to retrieve state information about an application.
+ *
+ * @param CallBackRef is a callback reference passed in by the upper layer
+ * when setting the handler, and is passed back to the upper layer
+ * when the handler is called. It is used to find the device driver
+ * instance.
+ * @param Event contains one of the event constants indicating events that
+ * have occurred.
+ * @param EventData contains the number of bytes sent or received at the
+ * time of the call for send and receive events and contains the
+ * modem status for modem events.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+typedef void (*XUartPs_Handler) (void *CallBackRef, u32 Event,
+ unsigned int EventData);
+ * The XUartPs driver instance data structure. A pointer to an instance data
+ * structure is passed around by functions to refer to a specific driver
+ * instance.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ XUartPs_Config Config; /* Configuration data structure */
+ u32 InputClockHz; /* Input clock frequency */
+ u32 IsReady; /* Device is initialized and ready */
+ u32 BaudRate; /* Current baud rate */
+ XUartPsBuffer SendBuffer;
+ XUartPsBuffer ReceiveBuffer;
+ XUartPs_Handler Handler;
+ void *CallBackRef; /* Callback reference for event handler */
+} XUartPs;
+/***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions ********************/
+* Get the UART Channel Status Register.
+* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUartPs instance.
+* @return The value read from the register.
+* @note C-Style signature:
+* u16 XUartPs_GetChannelStatus(XUartPs *InstancePtr)
+#define XUartPs_GetChannelStatus(InstancePtr) \
+ Xil_In32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET)
+* Get the UART Mode Control Register.
+* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUartPs instance.
+* @return The value read from the register.
+* @note C-Style signature:
+* u32 XUartPs_GetControl(XUartPs *InstancePtr)
+#define XUartPs_GetModeControl(InstancePtr) \
+ Xil_In32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XUARTPS_CR_OFFSET)
+* Set the UART Mode Control Register.
+* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUartPs instance.
+* @param RegisterValue is the value to be written to the register.
+* @return None.
+* @note C-Style signature:
+* void XUartPs_SetModeControl(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u16 RegisterValue)
+#define XUartPs_SetModeControl(InstancePtr, RegisterValue) \
+ Xil_Out32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XUARTPS_CR_OFFSET, \
+ (RegisterValue))
+* Enable the transmitter and receiver of the UART.
+* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUartPs instance.
+* @return None.
+* @note C-Style signature:
+* void XUartPs_EnableUart(XUartPs *InstancePtr)
+#define XUartPs_EnableUart(InstancePtr) \
+ Xil_Out32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress + XUARTPS_CR_OFFSET), \
+ ((Xil_In32((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress + XUARTPS_CR_OFFSET) & \
+* Disable the transmitter and receiver of the UART.
+* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUartPs instance.
+* @return None.
+* @note C-Style signature:
+* void XUartPs_DisableUart(XUartPs *InstancePtr)
+#define XUartPs_DisableUart(InstancePtr) \
+ Xil_Out32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress + XUARTPS_CR_OFFSET), \
+ (((Xil_In32((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress + XUARTPS_CR_OFFSET)) & \
+* Determine if the transmitter FIFO is empty.
+* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XUartPs instance.
+* @return
+* - TRUE if a byte can be sent
+* - FALSE if the Transmitter Fifo is not empty
+* @note C-Style signature:
+* u32 XUartPs_IsTransmitEmpty(XUartPs InstancePtr)
+#define XUartPs_IsTransmitEmpty(InstancePtr) \
+ ((Xil_In32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET) & \
+/************************** Function Prototypes *****************************/
+ * Static lookup function implemented in xuartps_sinit.c
+ */
+XUartPs_Config *XUartPs_LookupConfig(u16 DeviceId);
+ * Interface functions implemented in xuartps.c
+ */
+int XUartPs_CfgInitialize(XUartPs *InstancePtr,
+ XUartPs_Config * Config, u32 EffectiveAddr);
+unsigned int XUartPs_Send(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u8 *BufferPtr,
+ unsigned int NumBytes);
+unsigned int XUartPs_Recv(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u8 *BufferPtr,
+ unsigned int NumBytes);
+int XUartPs_SetBaudRate(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u32 BaudRate);
+ * Options functions in xuartps_options.c
+ */
+void XUartPs_SetOptions(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u16 Options);
+u16 XUartPs_GetOptions(XUartPs *InstancePtr);
+void XUartPs_SetFifoThreshold(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u8 TriggerLevel);
+u8 XUartPs_GetFifoThreshold(XUartPs *InstancePtr);
+u16 XUartPs_GetModemStatus(XUartPs *InstancePtr);
+u32 XUartPs_IsSending(XUartPs *InstancePtr);
+u8 XUartPs_GetOperMode(XUartPs *InstancePtr);
+void XUartPs_SetOperMode(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u8 OperationMode);
+u8 XUartPs_GetFlowDelay(XUartPs *InstancePtr);
+void XUartPs_SetFlowDelay(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u8 FlowDelayValue);
+u8 XUartPs_GetRecvTimeout(XUartPs *InstancePtr);
+void XUartPs_SetRecvTimeout(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u8 RecvTimeout);
+int XUartPs_SetDataFormat(XUartPs *InstancePtr, XUartPsFormat * Format);
+void XUartPs_GetDataFormat(XUartPs *InstancePtr, XUartPsFormat * Format);
+ * interrupt functions in xuartps_intr.c
+ */
+u32 XUartPs_GetInterruptMask(XUartPs *InstancePtr);
+void XUartPs_SetInterruptMask(XUartPs *InstancePtr, u32 Mask);
+void XUartPs_InterruptHandler(XUartPs *InstancePtr);
+void XUartPs_SetHandler(XUartPs *InstancePtr, XUartPs_Handler FuncPtr,
+ void *CallBackRef);
+ * self-test functions in xuartps_selftest.c
+ */
+int XUartPs_SelfTest(XUartPs *InstancePtr);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* end of protection macro */