path: root/FreeRTOS/Demo/RISC-V_RV32_SiFive_HiFive1-RevB_FreedomStudio/freedom-metal/build.wake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FreeRTOS/Demo/RISC-V_RV32_SiFive_HiFive1-RevB_FreedomStudio/freedom-metal/build.wake')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/RISC-V_RV32_SiFive_HiFive1-RevB_FreedomStudio/freedom-metal/build.wake b/FreeRTOS/Demo/RISC-V_RV32_SiFive_HiFive1-RevB_FreedomStudio/freedom-metal/build.wake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21edd636f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS/Demo/RISC-V_RV32_SiFive_HiFive1-RevB_FreedomStudio/freedom-metal/build.wake
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+tuple MachineExecutionEnvironment =
+ Job_: Job
+ IncludeDir_: String
+ LibDir_: String
+ LibMetal_: Path
+ LibMetalGloss_: Path
+ ConfigOptions: FreedomMetalConfigureOptions
+ AllOutputs_: List Path
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentJob = getMachineExecutionEnvironmentJob_
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentLibMetal = getMachineExecutionEnvironmentLibMetal_
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentLibMetalGloss = getMachineExecutionEnvironmentLibMetalGloss_
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentIncludeDir = getMachineExecutionEnvironmentIncludeDir_
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentLibDir = getMachineExecutionEnvironmentLibDir_
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentAllOutputs = getMachineExecutionEnvironmentAllOutputs_
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentRISCV_ARCH = _.getMachineExecutionEnvironmentConfigOptions.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsRISCV_ARCH
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentRISCV_ABI = _.getMachineExecutionEnvironmentConfigOptions.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsRISCV_ABI
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentRISCV_CMODEL = _.getMachineExecutionEnvironmentConfigOptions.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsRISCV_CMODEL
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentHost = _.getMachineExecutionEnvironmentConfigOptions.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsHost
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentPrefix = _.getMachineExecutionEnvironmentConfigOptions.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsOutputDir
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentName = _.getMachineExecutionEnvironmentConfigOptions.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsMachineName
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentHeader = _.getMachineExecutionEnvironmentConfigOptions.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsMachineHeader
+global def getMachineExecutionEnvironmentLdScript = _.getMachineExecutionEnvironmentConfigOptions.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsMachineLdScript
+tuple FreedomMetalConfigureOptions =
+ global Resources: List String
+ global RISCV_ARCH: String
+ global RISCV_ABI: String
+ global RISCV_CMODEL: String
+ global Host: String
+ global OutputDir: String
+ global MachineName: String
+ global MachineHeader: Path
+ global MachineInlineHeader: Path
+ global PlatformHeader: Path
+ global MachineLdScript: Path
+global def defaultSiFiveRISCVResources = "riscv-tools/2019.05.0", Nil
+global def makeFreedomMetalConfigureOptions arch abi cmodel host outputDir name header inlineHeader platformHeader ldScript =
+ def resources = defaultSiFiveRISCVResources
+ FreedomMetalConfigureOptions resources arch abi cmodel host outputDir name header inlineHeader platformHeader ldScript
+global tuple MakeElfOptions =
+ global MEE: MachineExecutionEnvironment
+ global ProgramSrcs: List Path
+ global CFlags: List String
+ global LFlags: List String
+ global IncludeDirs: List String
+ global ElfFile: String
+global def runFreedomMetalInstall options =
+ def outputDir = options.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsOutputDir
+ def metalHeader = options.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsMachineHeader
+ def metalInline = options.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsMachineInlineHeader
+ def platformHeader = options.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsPlatformHeader
+ def metalInstallDir = outputDir
+ def installedFreedomMetal =
+ def inputs =
+ sources "freedom-metal" `.*`
+ | filter (!matches `freedom-metal/doc/.*` _.getPathName)
+ def cmdline =
+ "rsync",
+ "-r",
+ "--exclude", "freedom-metal/doc",
+ "--exclude", "freedom-metal/.git",
+ "--exclude", "*.wake",
+ "freedom-metal",
+ outputDir,
+ Nil
+ def fnOutputs _ =
+ files "freedom-metal" `.*`
+ | filter (!matches `freedom-metal/(\.git|doc)/.*` _)
+ | filter (!matches `.*\.(in|am|m4|wake)` _) # exclude these because autoconf modfies them
+ | filter (!matches `(.*/)?(configure)` _)
+ | map ("{metalInstallDir}/{_}")
+ makePlan cmdline inputs
+ | setPlanFnOutputs fnOutputs
+ | setPlanLocalOnly True
+ | runJob
+ | getJobOutputs
+ def runDir = "{metalInstallDir}/freedom-metal"
+ def cmdline = "bash", "-c", "%
+ set -eo pipefail
+ machine_header=$(pwd)/%{metalHeader.getPathName}
+ machine_inline=$(pwd)/%{metalInline.getPathName}
+ platform_header=$(pwd)/%{platformHeader.getPathName}
+ install_dir=$(pwd)/%{outputDir}
+ cd %{runDir}
+ ./configure \
+ --host=%{options.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsHost} \
+ --with-builtin-libgloss \
+ --with-machine-header=$machine_header \
+ --with-machine-inline=$machine_inline \
+ --with-platform-header=$platform_header \
+ --prefix=
+ make \
+ RANLIB="riscv64-unknown-elf-ranlib -D" \
+ make \
+ RANLIB="riscv64-unknown-elf-ranlib -D" \
+ DESTDIR=$install_dir \
+ install
+ %", Nil
+ def inputs = mkdir outputDir, metalHeader, installedFreedomMetal
+ def foutputs _ =
+ files "{outputDir}/include" `.*`
+ ++ files "{outputDir}/lib" `.*`
+ def withCFlags =
+ def march = options.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsRISCV_ARCH
+ def mabi = options.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsRISCV_ABI
+ def cmodel = options.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsRISCV_CMODEL
+ "CFLAGS=-march={march} -mabi={mabi} -g -mcmodel={cmodel}", _
+ def job =
+ makePlan cmdline inputs
+ | setPlanLocalOnly True
+ | setPlanFnOutputs foutputs
+ | setPlanResources options.getFreedomMetalConfigureOptionsResources
+ | editPlanEnvironment withCFlags
+ | runJob
+ def makeOutputs = job.getJobOutputs
+ def getFile f msg = match (makeOutputs | map getPathResult | findFail)
+ Fail e = makeBadPath e
+ Pass _ =
+ filter (simplify f ==~ _.getPathName) makeOutputs
+ | head
+ | getOrElse msg.makeError.makeBadPath
+ def libmetal =
+ def fileName = "{outputDir}/lib/libmetal.a"
+ getFile fileName "Failed to compile libmetal: {fileName}"
+ def libmetalGloss =
+ def fileName = "{outputDir}/lib/libmetal-gloss.a"
+ getFile fileName "Failed to compile libgloss: {fileName}"
+ def includeDir = "{outputDir}/include"
+ def libDir = "{outputDir}/lib"
+ MachineExecutionEnvironment job includeDir libDir libmetal libmetalGloss options makeOutputs