/* * FreeRTOS V202012.00 * Copyright (C) 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://www.FreeRTOS.org * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * * 1 tab == 4 spaces! */ /* FreeRTOS includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" /* FreeRTOS+CLI includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS_CLI.h" /* * Writes trace data to a disk file when the trace recording is stopped. * This function will simply overwrite any trace files that already exist. */ static void prvSaveTraceFile( void ); /* * Defines a command that returns a table showing the state of each task at the * time the command is called. */ static BaseType_t prvTaskStatsCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString ); /* * Defines a command that returns a table showing how much time each task has * spent in the Running state. */ static BaseType_t prvRunTimeStatsCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString ); /* * Defines a command that expects exactly three parameters. Each of the three * parameter are echoed back one at a time. */ static BaseType_t prvThreeParameterEchoCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString ); /* * Defines a command that can take a variable number of parameters. Each * parameter is echoes back one at a time. */ static BaseType_t prvParameterEchoCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString ); /* * Defines a command that starts/stops events being recorded for offline viewing * in FreeRTOS+Trace. */ static BaseType_t prvStartStopTraceCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString ); /* Structure that defines the "run-time-stats" command line command. */ static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xRunTimeStats = { "run-time-stats", /* The command string to type. */ "\r\nrun-time-stats:\r\n Displays a table showing how much processing time each FreeRTOS task has used\r\n\r\n", prvRunTimeStatsCommand, /* The function to run. */ 0 /* No parameters are expected. */ }; /* Structure that defines the "task-stats" command line command. */ static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xTaskStats = { "task-stats", /* The command string to type. */ "\r\ntask-stats:\r\n Displays a table showing the state of each FreeRTOS task\r\n\r\n", prvTaskStatsCommand, /* The function to run. */ 0 /* No parameters are expected. */ }; /* Structure that defines the "echo_3_parameters" command line command. This takes exactly three parameters that the command simply echos back one at a time. */ static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xThreeParameterEcho = { "echo_3_parameters", "\r\necho_3_parameters :\r\n Expects three parameters, echos each in turn\r\n\r\n", prvThreeParameterEchoCommand, /* The function to run. */ 3 /* Three parameters are expected, which can take any value. */ }; /* Structure that defines the "echo_parameters" command line command. This takes a variable number of parameters that the command simply echos back one at a time. */ static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xParameterEcho = { "echo_parameters", "\r\necho_parameters <...>:\r\n Take variable number of parameters, echos each in turn\r\n\r\n", prvParameterEchoCommand, /* The function to run. */ -1 /* The user can enter any number of commands. */ }; /* Structure that defines the "trace" command line command. This takes a single parameter, which can be either "start" or "stop". */ static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xStartTrace = { "trace", "\r\ntrace [start | stop]:\r\n Starts or stops a trace recording for viewing in FreeRTOS+Trace\r\n\r\n", prvStartStopTraceCommand, /* The function to run. */ 1 /* One parameter is expected. Valid values are "start" and "stop". */ }; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void vRegisterCLICommands( void ) { /* Register all the command line commands defined immediately above. */ FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand( &xTaskStats ); FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand( &xRunTimeStats ); FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand( &xThreeParameterEcho ); FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand( &xParameterEcho ); FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand( &xStartTrace ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static BaseType_t prvTaskStatsCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString ) { const char *const pcHeader = "Task State Priority Stack #\r\n************************************************\r\n"; /* Remove compile time warnings about unused parameters, and check the write buffer is not NULL. NOTE - for simplicity, this example assumes the write buffer length is adequate, so does not check for buffer overflows. */ ( void ) pcCommandString; ( void ) xWriteBufferLen; configASSERT( pcWriteBuffer ); /* Generate a table of task stats. */ strcpy( pcWriteBuffer, pcHeader ); vTaskList( pcWriteBuffer + strlen( pcHeader ) ); /* There is no more data to return after this single string, so return pdFALSE. */ return pdFALSE; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static BaseType_t prvRunTimeStatsCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString ) { const char * const pcHeader = "Task Abs Time % Time\r\n****************************************\r\n"; /* Remove compile time warnings about unused parameters, and check the write buffer is not NULL. NOTE - for simplicity, this example assumes the write buffer length is adequate, so does not check for buffer overflows. */ ( void ) pcCommandString; ( void ) xWriteBufferLen; configASSERT( pcWriteBuffer ); /* Generate a table of task stats. */ strcpy( pcWriteBuffer, pcHeader ); vTaskGetRunTimeStats( pcWriteBuffer + strlen( pcHeader ) ); /* There is no more data to return after this single string, so return pdFALSE. */ return pdFALSE; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static BaseType_t prvThreeParameterEchoCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString ) { const char *pcParameter; BaseType_t lParameterStringLength, xReturn; static BaseType_t lParameterNumber = 0; /* Remove compile time warnings about unused parameters, and check the write buffer is not NULL. NOTE - for simplicity, this example assumes the write buffer length is adequate, so does not check for buffer overflows. */ ( void ) pcCommandString; ( void ) xWriteBufferLen; configASSERT( pcWriteBuffer ); if( lParameterNumber == 0 ) { /* The first time the function is called after the command has been entered just a header string is returned. */ sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "The three parameters were:\r\n" ); /* Next time the function is called the first parameter will be echoed back. */ lParameterNumber = 1L; /* There is more data to be returned as no parameters have been echoed back yet. */ xReturn = pdPASS; } else { /* Obtain the parameter string. */ pcParameter = FreeRTOS_CLIGetParameter ( pcCommandString, /* The command string itself. */ lParameterNumber, /* Return the next parameter. */ &lParameterStringLength /* Store the parameter string length. */ ); /* Sanity check something was returned. */ configASSERT( pcParameter ); /* Return the parameter string. */ memset( pcWriteBuffer, 0x00, xWriteBufferLen ); sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "%d: ", lParameterNumber ); strncat( pcWriteBuffer, pcParameter, lParameterStringLength ); strncat( pcWriteBuffer, "\r\n", strlen( "\r\n" ) ); /* If this is the last of the three parameters then there are no more strings to return after this one. */ if( lParameterNumber == 3L ) { /* If this is the last of the three parameters then there are no more strings to return after this one. */ xReturn = pdFALSE; lParameterNumber = 0L; } else { /* There are more parameters to return after this one. */ xReturn = pdTRUE; lParameterNumber++; } } return xReturn; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static BaseType_t prvParameterEchoCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString ) { const char *pcParameter; BaseType_t lParameterStringLength, xReturn; static BaseType_t lParameterNumber = 0; /* Remove compile time warnings about unused parameters, and check the write buffer is not NULL. NOTE - for simplicity, this example assumes the write buffer length is adequate, so does not check for buffer overflows. */ ( void ) pcCommandString; ( void ) xWriteBufferLen; configASSERT( pcWriteBuffer ); if( lParameterNumber == 0 ) { /* The first time the function is called after the command has been entered just a header string is returned. */ sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "The parameters were:\r\n" ); /* Next time the function is called the first parameter will be echoed back. */ lParameterNumber = 1L; /* There is more data to be returned as no parameters have been echoed back yet. */ xReturn = pdPASS; } else { /* Obtain the parameter string. */ pcParameter = FreeRTOS_CLIGetParameter ( pcCommandString, /* The command string itself. */ lParameterNumber, /* Return the next parameter. */ &lParameterStringLength /* Store the parameter string length. */ ); if( pcParameter != NULL ) { /* Return the parameter string. */ memset( pcWriteBuffer, 0x00, xWriteBufferLen ); sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "%d: ", lParameterNumber ); strncat( pcWriteBuffer, pcParameter, lParameterStringLength ); strncat( pcWriteBuffer, "\r\n", strlen( "\r\n" ) ); /* There might be more parameters to return after this one. */ xReturn = pdTRUE; lParameterNumber++; } else { /* No more parameters were found. Make sure the write buffer does not contain a valid string. */ pcWriteBuffer[ 0 ] = 0x00; /* No more data to return. */ xReturn = pdFALSE; /* Start over the next time this command is executed. */ lParameterNumber = 0; } } return xReturn; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static BaseType_t prvStartStopTraceCommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString ) { const char *pcParameter; BaseType_t lParameterStringLength; /* Remove compile time warnings about unused parameters, and check the write buffer is not NULL. NOTE - for simplicity, this example assumes the write buffer length is adequate, so does not check for buffer overflows. */ ( void ) pcCommandString; ( void ) xWriteBufferLen; configASSERT( pcWriteBuffer ); /* Obtain the parameter string. */ pcParameter = FreeRTOS_CLIGetParameter ( pcCommandString, /* The command string itself. */ 1, /* Return the first parameter. */ &lParameterStringLength /* Store the parameter string length. */ ); /* Sanity check something was returned. */ configASSERT( pcParameter ); /* There are only two valid parameter values. */ if( strncmp( pcParameter, "start", strlen( "start" ) ) == 0 ) { /* Start or restart the trace. */ vTraceStop(); vTraceClear(); uiTraceStart(); sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "Trace recording (re)started.\r\n" ); } else if( strncmp( pcParameter, "stop", strlen( "stop" ) ) == 0 ) { /* End the trace, if one is running. */ vTraceStop(); sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "Stopping trace recording and dumping log to disk.\r\n" ); prvSaveTraceFile(); } else { sprintf( pcWriteBuffer, "Valid parameters are 'start' and 'stop'.\r\n" ); } /* There is no more data to return after this single string, so return pdFALSE. */ return pdFALSE; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prvSaveTraceFile( void ) { FILE* pxOutputFile; fopen_s( &pxOutputFile, "Trace.dump", "wb"); if( pxOutputFile != NULL ) { fwrite( RecorderDataPtr, sizeof( RecorderDataType ), 1, pxOutputFile ); fclose( pxOutputFile ); printf( "\r\nTrace output saved to Trace.dump\r\n" ); } else { printf( "\r\nFailed to create trace dump file\r\n" ); } }