# Indent with spaces .RECIPEPREFIX := $(.RECIPEPREFIX) $(.RECIPEPREFIX) # Do not move this line below the include MAKEFILE_ABSPATH := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) include ../../makefile.in # PROJECT_SRC lists the .c files under test PROJECT_SRC += queue.c # PROJECT_DEPS_SRC list the .c file that are dependencies of PROJECT_SRC files # Files in PROJECT_DEPS_SRC are excluded from coverage measurements PROJECT_DEPS_SRC += list.c # PROJECT_HEADER_DEPS: headers that should be excluded from coverage measurements. PROJECT_HEADER_DEPS += FreeRTOS.h # SUITE_UT_SRC: .c files that contain test cases (must end in _utest.c) SUITE_UT_SRC += queue_create_dynamic_utest.c SUITE_UT_SRC += queue_create_static_utest.c SUITE_UT_SRC += queue_delete_dynamic_utest.c SUITE_UT_SRC += queue_delete_static_utest.c SUITE_UT_SRC += queue_reset_utest.c SUITE_UT_SRC += queue_receive_nonblocking_utest.c SUITE_UT_SRC += queue_receive_blocking_utest.c SUITE_UT_SRC += queue_send_nonblocking_utest.c SUITE_UT_SRC += queue_send_blocking_utest.c SUITE_UT_SRC += queue_status_utest.c SUITE_UT_SRC += queue_get_static_buffers_utest.c # SUITE_SUPPORT_SRC: .c files used for testing that do not contain test cases. # Paths are relative to PROJECT_DIR SUITE_SUPPORT_SRC += queue_utest_common.c SUITE_SUPPORT_SRC += td_task.c SUITE_SUPPORT_SRC += td_port.c # List the headers used by PROJECT_SRC that you would like to mock MOCK_FILES_FP += $(KERNEL_DIR)/include/task.h MOCK_FILES_FP += $(UT_ROOT_DIR)/config/fake_assert.h MOCK_FILES_FP += $(UT_ROOT_DIR)/config/fake_port.h # List any addiitonal flags needed by the preprocessor CPPFLAGS += -DportUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS=0 # List any addiitonal flags needed by the compiler CFLAGS += -O1 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -fno-exceptions # Try not to edit beyond this line unless necessary. # Project / Suite are determined based on path: $(UT_ROOT_DIR)/$(PROJECT)/$(SUITE) PROJECT := $(lastword $(subst /, ,$(dir $(abspath $(MAKEFILE_ABSPATH)/../)))) SUITE := $(lastword $(subst /, ,$(dir $(MAKEFILE_ABSPATH)))) # Make variables available to included makefile export include ../../testdir.mk