/* * FreeRTOS+TCP V2.0.11 * Copyright (C) 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * http://www.FreeRTOS.org */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "timers.h" #include "semphr.h" /* FreeRTOS+TCP includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS_IP.h" #include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h" #include "FreeRTOS_IP_Private.h" #include "NetworkBufferManagement.h" #include "Zynq/x_emacpsif.h" #include "Zynq/x_topology.h" #include "xstatus.h" #include "xparameters.h" #include "xparameters_ps.h" #include "xil_exception.h" #include "xil_mmu.h" #include "uncached_memory.h" /* Two defines used to set or clear the EMAC interrupt */ #define INTC_BASE_ADDR XPAR_SCUGIC_CPU_BASEADDR #define INTC_DIST_BASE_ADDR XPAR_SCUGIC_DIST_BASEADDR #if( ipconfigPACKET_FILLER_SIZE != 2 ) #error Please define ipconfigPACKET_FILLER_SIZE as the value '2' #endif #define TX_OFFSET ipconfigPACKET_FILLER_SIZE /* Defined in NetworkInterface.c */ extern TaskHandle_t xEMACTaskHandle; /* pxDMA_tx_buffers: these are character arrays, each one is big enough to hold 1 MTU. The actual TX buffers are located in uncached RAM. */ static unsigned char *pxDMA_tx_buffers[ ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC ] = { NULL }; /* pxDMA_rx_buffers: these are pointers to 'NetworkBufferDescriptor_t'. Once a message has been received by the EMAC, the descriptor can be passed immediately to the IP-task. */ static NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxDMA_rx_buffers[ ipconfigNIC_N_RX_DESC ] = { NULL }; /* The FreeRTOS+TCP port is using a fixed 'topology', which is declared in ./portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/NetworkInterface.c */ extern struct xtopology_t xXTopology; static SemaphoreHandle_t xTXDescriptorSemaphore = NULL; /* The FreeRTOS+TCP port does not make use of "src/xemacps_bdring.c". In stead 'struct xemacpsif_s' has a "head" and a "tail" index. "head" is the next index to be written, used. "tail" is the next index to be read, freed. */ int is_tx_space_available( xemacpsif_s *xemacpsif ) { size_t uxCount; if( xTXDescriptorSemaphore != NULL ) { uxCount = ( ( UBaseType_t ) ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC ) - uxSemaphoreGetCount( xTXDescriptorSemaphore ); } else { uxCount = ( UBaseType_t ) 0u; } return uxCount; } void emacps_check_tx( xemacpsif_s *xemacpsif ) { int tail = xemacpsif->txTail; int head = xemacpsif->txHead; size_t uxCount = ( ( UBaseType_t ) ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC ) - uxSemaphoreGetCount( xTXDescriptorSemaphore ); /* uxCount is the number of TX descriptors that are in use by the DMA. */ /* When done, "TXBUF_USED" will be set. */ while( ( uxCount > 0 ) && ( ( xemacpsif->txSegments[ tail ].flags & XEMACPS_TXBUF_USED_MASK ) != 0 ) ) { if( ( tail == head ) && ( uxCount != ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC ) ) { break; } #if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER != 0 ) { void *pvBuffer = pxDMA_tx_buffers[ tail ]; NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxBuffer; if( pvBuffer != NULL ) { pxDMA_tx_buffers[ tail ] = NULL; pxBuffer = pxPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer( pvBuffer ); if( pxBuffer != NULL ) { vReleaseNetworkBufferAndDescriptor( pxBuffer ); } else { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "emacps_check_tx: Can not find network buffer\n" ) ); } } } #endif /* Clear all but the "used" and "wrap" bits. */ if( tail < ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC - 1 ) { xemacpsif->txSegments[ tail ].flags = XEMACPS_TXBUF_USED_MASK; } else { xemacpsif->txSegments[ tail ].flags = XEMACPS_TXBUF_USED_MASK | XEMACPS_TXBUF_WRAP_MASK; } uxCount--; /* Tell the counting semaphore that one more TX descriptor is available. */ xSemaphoreGive( xTXDescriptorSemaphore ); if( ++tail == ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC ) { tail = 0; } xemacpsif->txTail = tail; } return; } void emacps_send_handler(void *arg) { xemacpsif_s *xemacpsif; BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; xemacpsif = (xemacpsif_s *)(arg); /* In this port for FreeRTOS+TCP, the EMAC interrupts will only set a bit in "isr_events". The task in NetworkInterface will wake-up and do the necessary work. */ xemacpsif->isr_events |= EMAC_IF_TX_EVENT; xemacpsif->txBusy = pdFALSE; if( xEMACTaskHandle != NULL ) { vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR( xEMACTaskHandle, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ); } portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ); } static BaseType_t xValidLength( BaseType_t xLength ) { BaseType_t xReturn; if( ( xLength >= ( BaseType_t ) sizeof( struct xARP_PACKET ) ) && ( ( ( uint32_t ) xLength ) <= ipTOTAL_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE ) ) { xReturn = pdTRUE; } else { xReturn = pdFALSE; } return xReturn; } XStatus emacps_send_message(xemacpsif_s *xemacpsif, NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxBuffer, int iReleaseAfterSend ) { int head = xemacpsif->txHead; int iHasSent = 0; uint32_t ulBaseAddress = xemacpsif->emacps.Config.BaseAddress; TickType_t xBlockTimeTicks = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 5000u ); #if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER != 0 ) { /* This driver wants to own all network buffers which are to be transmitted. */ configASSERT( iReleaseAfterSend != pdFALSE ); } #endif /* Open a do {} while ( 0 ) loop to be able to call break. */ do { uint32_t ulFlags = 0; if( xValidLength( pxBuffer->xDataLength ) != pdTRUE ) { break; } if( xTXDescriptorSemaphore == NULL ) { break; } if( xSemaphoreTake( xTXDescriptorSemaphore, xBlockTimeTicks ) != pdPASS ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "emacps_send_message: Time-out waiting for TX buffer\n" ) ); break; } #if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER != 0 ) /* Pass the pointer (and its ownership) directly to DMA. */ pxDMA_tx_buffers[ head ] = pxBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer; if( ucIsCachedMemory( pxBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ) != 0 ) { Xil_DCacheFlushRange( ( unsigned )pxBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer, pxBuffer->xDataLength ); } /* Buffer has been transferred, do not release it. */ iReleaseAfterSend = pdFALSE; #else if( pxDMA_tx_buffers[ head ] == NULL ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "emacps_send_message: pxDMA_tx_buffers[ %d ] == NULL\n", head ) ); break; } /* Copy the message to unbuffered space in RAM. */ memcpy( pxDMA_tx_buffers[ head ], pxBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer, pxBuffer->xDataLength ); #endif /* Packets will be sent one-by-one, so for each packet the TXBUF_LAST bit will be set. */ ulFlags |= XEMACPS_TXBUF_LAST_MASK; ulFlags |= ( pxBuffer->xDataLength & XEMACPS_TXBUF_LEN_MASK ); if( head == ( ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC - 1 ) ) { ulFlags |= XEMACPS_TXBUF_WRAP_MASK; } /* Copy the address of the buffer and set the flags. */ xemacpsif->txSegments[ head ].address = ( uint32_t )pxDMA_tx_buffers[ head ]; xemacpsif->txSegments[ head ].flags = ulFlags; iHasSent = pdTRUE; if( ++head == ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC ) { head = 0; } /* Update the TX-head index. These variable are declared volatile so they will be accessed as little as possible. */ xemacpsif->txHead = head; } while( pdFALSE ); if( iReleaseAfterSend != pdFALSE ) { vReleaseNetworkBufferAndDescriptor( pxBuffer ); pxBuffer = NULL; } /* Data Synchronization Barrier */ dsb(); if( iHasSent != pdFALSE ) { /* Make STARTTX high */ uint32_t ulValue = XEmacPs_ReadReg( ulBaseAddress, XEMACPS_NWCTRL_OFFSET); /* Start transmit */ xemacpsif->txBusy = pdTRUE; XEmacPs_WriteReg( ulBaseAddress, XEMACPS_NWCTRL_OFFSET, ( ulValue | XEMACPS_NWCTRL_STARTTX_MASK ) ); /* Reading it back is important compiler is optimised. */ XEmacPs_ReadReg( ulBaseAddress, XEMACPS_NWCTRL_OFFSET ); } dsb(); return 0; } void emacps_recv_handler(void *arg) { xemacpsif_s *xemacpsif; BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; xemacpsif = (xemacpsif_s *)(arg); xemacpsif->isr_events |= EMAC_IF_RX_EVENT; if( xEMACTaskHandle != NULL ) { vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR( xEMACTaskHandle, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ); } portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ); } static void prvPassEthMessages( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxDescriptor ) { IPStackEvent_t xRxEvent; xRxEvent.eEventType = eNetworkRxEvent; xRxEvent.pvData = ( void * ) pxDescriptor; if( xSendEventStructToIPTask( &xRxEvent, ( TickType_t ) 1000 ) != pdPASS ) { /* The buffer could not be sent to the stack so must be released again. This is a deferred handler taskr, not a real interrupt, so it is ok to use the task level function here. */ #if( ipconfigUSE_LINKED_RX_MESSAGES != 0 ) { do { NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxNext = pxDescriptor->pxNextBuffer; vReleaseNetworkBufferAndDescriptor( pxDescriptor ); pxDescriptor = pxNext; } while( pxDescriptor != NULL ); } #else { vReleaseNetworkBufferAndDescriptor( pxDescriptor ); } #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LINKED_RX_MESSAGES */ iptraceETHERNET_RX_EVENT_LOST(); FreeRTOS_printf( ( "prvPassEthMessages: Can not queue return packet!\n" ) ); } } int emacps_check_rx( xemacpsif_s *xemacpsif ) { NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxBuffer, *pxNewBuffer; int rx_bytes; volatile int msgCount = 0; int head = xemacpsif->rxHead; #if( ipconfigUSE_LINKED_RX_MESSAGES != 0 ) NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxFirstDescriptor = NULL; NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxLastDescriptor = NULL; #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LINKED_RX_MESSAGES */ /* There seems to be an issue (SI# 692601), see comments below. */ resetrx_on_no_rxdata(xemacpsif); /* This FreeRTOS+TCP driver shall be compiled with the option "ipconfigUSE_LINKED_RX_MESSAGES" enabled. It allows the driver to send a chain of RX messages within one message to the IP-task. */ for( ;; ) { if( ( ( xemacpsif->rxSegments[ head ].address & XEMACPS_RXBUF_NEW_MASK ) == 0 ) || ( pxDMA_rx_buffers[ head ] == NULL ) ) { break; } pxNewBuffer = pxGetNetworkBufferWithDescriptor( ipTOTAL_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE, ( TickType_t ) 0 ); if( pxNewBuffer == NULL ) { /* A packet has been received, but there is no replacement for this Network Buffer. The packet will be dropped, and it Network Buffer will stay in place. */ FreeRTOS_printf( ("emacps_check_rx: unable to allocate a Netwrok Buffer\n" ) ); pxNewBuffer = ( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * )pxDMA_rx_buffers[ head ]; } else { pxBuffer = ( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * )pxDMA_rx_buffers[ head ]; /* Just avoiding to use or refer to the same buffer again */ pxDMA_rx_buffers[ head ] = pxNewBuffer; /* * Adjust the buffer size to the actual number of bytes received. */ rx_bytes = xemacpsif->rxSegments[ head ].flags & XEMACPS_RXBUF_LEN_MASK; pxBuffer->xDataLength = rx_bytes; if( ucIsCachedMemory( pxBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ) != 0 ) { Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange( ( ( uint32_t )pxBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ) - ipconfigPACKET_FILLER_SIZE, (unsigned)rx_bytes ); } /* store it in the receive queue, where it'll be processed by a different handler. */ iptraceNETWORK_INTERFACE_RECEIVE(); #if( ipconfigUSE_LINKED_RX_MESSAGES != 0 ) { pxBuffer->pxNextBuffer = NULL; if( pxFirstDescriptor == NULL ) { // Becomes the first message pxFirstDescriptor = pxBuffer; } else if( pxLastDescriptor != NULL ) { // Add to the tail pxLastDescriptor->pxNextBuffer = pxBuffer; } pxLastDescriptor = pxBuffer; } #else { prvPassEthMessages( pxBuffer ); } #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LINKED_RX_MESSAGES */ msgCount++; } { if( ucIsCachedMemory( pxNewBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ) != 0 ) { Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange( ( ( uint32_t )pxNewBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ) - ipconfigPACKET_FILLER_SIZE, (unsigned)ipTOTAL_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE ); } { uint32_t addr = ( ( uint32_t )pxNewBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ) & XEMACPS_RXBUF_ADD_MASK; if( head == ( ipconfigNIC_N_RX_DESC - 1 ) ) { addr |= XEMACPS_RXBUF_WRAP_MASK; } /* Clearing 'XEMACPS_RXBUF_NEW_MASK' 0x00000001 *< Used bit.. */ xemacpsif->rxSegments[ head ].flags = 0; xemacpsif->rxSegments[ head ].address = addr; if (xemacpsif->rxSegments[ head ].address) { // Just to read it } } } if( ++head == ipconfigNIC_N_RX_DESC ) { head = 0; } xemacpsif->rxHead = head; } #if( ipconfigUSE_LINKED_RX_MESSAGES != 0 ) { if( pxFirstDescriptor != NULL ) { prvPassEthMessages( pxFirstDescriptor ); } } #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LINKED_RX_MESSAGES */ return msgCount; } void clean_dma_txdescs(xemacpsif_s *xemacpsif) { int index; unsigned char *ucTxBuffer; /* Clear all TX descriptors and assign uncached memory to each descriptor. "tx_space" points to the first available TX buffer. */ ucTxBuffer = xemacpsif->tx_space; for( index = 0; index < ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC; index++ ) { xemacpsif->txSegments[ index ].address = ( uint32_t )ucTxBuffer; xemacpsif->txSegments[ index ].flags = XEMACPS_TXBUF_USED_MASK; #if( ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER != 0 ) pxDMA_tx_buffers[ index ] = ( unsigned char * )NULL; #else pxDMA_tx_buffers[ index ] = ( unsigned char * )( ucTxBuffer + TX_OFFSET ); #endif ucTxBuffer += xemacpsif->uTxUnitSize; } xemacpsif->txSegments[ ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC - 1 ].flags = XEMACPS_TXBUF_USED_MASK | XEMACPS_TXBUF_WRAP_MASK; } XStatus init_dma(xemacpsif_s *xemacpsif) { NetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxBuffer; int iIndex; UBaseType_t xRxSize; UBaseType_t xTxSize; struct xtopology_t *xtopologyp = &xXTopology; xRxSize = ipconfigNIC_N_RX_DESC * sizeof( xemacpsif->rxSegments[ 0 ] ); xTxSize = ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC * sizeof( xemacpsif->txSegments[ 0 ] ); /* Also round-up to 4KB */ xemacpsif->uTxUnitSize = ( ipTOTAL_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE + 0x1000ul ) & ~0xffful; /* * We allocate 65536 bytes for RX BDs which can accommodate a * maximum of 8192 BDs which is much more than any application * will ever need. */ xemacpsif->rxSegments = ( struct xBD_TYPE * )( pucGetUncachedMemory ( xRxSize ) ); xemacpsif->txSegments = ( struct xBD_TYPE * )( pucGetUncachedMemory ( xTxSize ) ); xemacpsif->tx_space = ( unsigned char * )( pucGetUncachedMemory ( ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC * xemacpsif->uTxUnitSize ) ); /* These variables will be used in XEmacPs_Start (see src/xemacps.c). */ xemacpsif->emacps.RxBdRing.BaseBdAddr = ( uint32_t ) xemacpsif->rxSegments; xemacpsif->emacps.TxBdRing.BaseBdAddr = ( uint32_t ) xemacpsif->txSegments; if( xTXDescriptorSemaphore == NULL ) { xTXDescriptorSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateCounting( ( UBaseType_t ) ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC, ( UBaseType_t ) ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC ); configASSERT( xTXDescriptorSemaphore ); } /* * Allocate RX descriptors, 1 RxBD at a time. */ for( iIndex = 0; iIndex < ipconfigNIC_N_RX_DESC; iIndex++ ) { pxBuffer = pxDMA_rx_buffers[ iIndex ]; if( pxBuffer == NULL ) { pxBuffer = pxGetNetworkBufferWithDescriptor( ipTOTAL_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE, ( TickType_t ) 0 ); if( pxBuffer == NULL ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ("Unable to allocate a network buffer in recv_handler\n" ) ); return -1; } } xemacpsif->rxSegments[ iIndex ].flags = 0; xemacpsif->rxSegments[ iIndex ].address = ( ( uint32_t )pxBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ) & XEMACPS_RXBUF_ADD_MASK; pxDMA_rx_buffers[ iIndex ] = pxBuffer; /* Make sure this memory is not in cache for now. */ if( ucIsCachedMemory( pxBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ) != 0 ) { Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange( ( ( uint32_t )pxBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ) - ipconfigPACKET_FILLER_SIZE, (unsigned)ipTOTAL_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE ); } } xemacpsif->rxSegments[ ipconfigNIC_N_RX_DESC - 1 ].address |= XEMACPS_RXBUF_WRAP_MASK; memset( xemacpsif->tx_space, '\0', ipconfigNIC_N_TX_DESC * xemacpsif->uTxUnitSize ); clean_dma_txdescs( xemacpsif ); { uint32_t value; value = XEmacPs_ReadReg( xemacpsif->emacps.Config.BaseAddress, XEMACPS_DMACR_OFFSET ); // 1xxxx: Attempt to use INCR16 AHB bursts value = ( value & ~( XEMACPS_DMACR_BLENGTH_MASK ) ) | XEMACPS_DMACR_INCR16_AHB_BURST; #if( ipconfigDRIVER_INCLUDED_TX_IP_CHECKSUM != 0 ) value |= XEMACPS_DMACR_TCPCKSUM_MASK; #else #warning Are you sure the EMAC should not calculate outgoing checksums? value &= ~XEMACPS_DMACR_TCPCKSUM_MASK; #endif XEmacPs_WriteReg( xemacpsif->emacps.Config.BaseAddress, XEMACPS_DMACR_OFFSET, value ); } { uint32_t value; value = XEmacPs_ReadReg( xemacpsif->emacps.Config.BaseAddress, XEMACPS_NWCFG_OFFSET ); /* Network buffers are 32-bit aligned + 2 bytes (because ipconfigPACKET_FILLER_SIZE = 2 ). Now tell the EMAC that received messages should be stored at "address + 2". */ value = ( value & ~XEMACPS_NWCFG_RXOFFS_MASK ) | 0x8000; #if( ipconfigDRIVER_INCLUDED_RX_IP_CHECKSUM != 0 ) value |= XEMACPS_NWCFG_RXCHKSUMEN_MASK; #else #warning Are you sure the EMAC should not calculate incoming checksums? value &= ~XEMACPS_NWCFG_RXCHKSUMEN_MASK; #endif XEmacPs_WriteReg( xemacpsif->emacps.Config.BaseAddress, XEMACPS_NWCFG_OFFSET, value ); } /* * Connect the device driver handler that will be called when an * interrupt for the device occurs, the handler defined above performs * the specific interrupt processing for the device. */ XScuGic_RegisterHandler(INTC_BASE_ADDR, xtopologyp->scugic_emac_intr, (Xil_ExceptionHandler)XEmacPs_IntrHandler, (void *)&xemacpsif->emacps); /* * Enable the interrupt for emacps. */ EmacEnableIntr( ); return 0; } /* * resetrx_on_no_rxdata(): * * It is called at regular intervals through the API xemacpsif_resetrx_on_no_rxdata * called by the user. * The EmacPs has a HW bug (SI# 692601) on the Rx path for heavy Rx traffic. * Under heavy Rx traffic because of the HW bug there are times when the Rx path * becomes unresponsive. The workaround for it is to check for the Rx path for * traffic (by reading the stats registers regularly). If the stats register * does not increment for sometime (proving no Rx traffic), the function resets * the Rx data path. * */ void resetrx_on_no_rxdata(xemacpsif_s *xemacpsif) { unsigned long regctrl; unsigned long tempcntr; tempcntr = XEmacPs_ReadReg( xemacpsif->emacps.Config.BaseAddress, XEMACPS_RXCNT_OFFSET ); if ( ( tempcntr == 0 ) && ( xemacpsif->last_rx_frms_cntr == 0 ) ) { regctrl = XEmacPs_ReadReg(xemacpsif->emacps.Config.BaseAddress, XEMACPS_NWCTRL_OFFSET); regctrl &= (~XEMACPS_NWCTRL_RXEN_MASK); XEmacPs_WriteReg(xemacpsif->emacps.Config.BaseAddress, XEMACPS_NWCTRL_OFFSET, regctrl); regctrl = XEmacPs_ReadReg(xemacpsif->emacps.Config.BaseAddress, XEMACPS_NWCTRL_OFFSET); regctrl |= (XEMACPS_NWCTRL_RXEN_MASK); XEmacPs_WriteReg(xemacpsif->emacps.Config.BaseAddress, XEMACPS_NWCTRL_OFFSET, regctrl); } xemacpsif->last_rx_frms_cntr = tempcntr; } void EmacDisableIntr(void) { XScuGic_DisableIntr(INTC_DIST_BASE_ADDR, xXTopology.scugic_emac_intr); } void EmacEnableIntr(void) { XScuGic_EnableIntr(INTC_DIST_BASE_ADDR, xXTopology.scugic_emac_intr); }