path: root/ftlayout.txt
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1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ftlayout.txt b/ftlayout.txt
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+About FTLayout
+FTLayout is a layout engine stacked on FreeType2. Currently
+TrueTypeGX/AAT is supported as a file format. OpenType is also
+supported, but highly experimental.
+FTLayout provides an generic interface which is shared by a layout
+engine(GXLayout) for TrueTypeGX/AAT and a layout engine(OTLayout)for
+OpenType for glyph substitution, one of the text layout function.
+See "The TureType Font File"
+about TrueTypeGX/AAT.
+About GXLayout
+GXLayout provides interface for mort, morx, lcar, format 0, 2 3 kern,
+feat TrueTypeGX/AAT tables.
+We tested GXLayout against "Non-contextual glyph substitution" and
+"Ligature substitution" in kochigx-substitute-20040218
+fonts. "Non-contextual glyph substitution" in
+kochigx-substitute-20040218 fonts represents "vertical
+substitution". "Ligature substitution" in kochigx-substitute-20040218
+fonts represents "Non-contextual glyph substitution".
+We tested GXLayout against "fi" ligature("Ligature substitution") in
+MacOSX's dfonts.
+It seems that Pfaedit can generate TrueTypeGX/AAT font. However, we
+have not tested GXLayout against fonts generated by Pfaedit yet.
+About OTLayout
+(Different from GXLayout)OTLayout is not written from scratch; it
+is just applied existing implementation to FTLayout, a newly designed
+interface. The existing implementation stands for:
+ The code ported by the author of Pango to FreeType2 for using
+ the code in Pango from TrueTypeOpen code in FreeType1
+ implemented by FreeType developers.
+What we have done is to make fit the existing implementation to
+new FTLayout glyph substitution interface. As written above, OTLayout
+in FTLayout is highly experimental. We have tested only punctuation
+substitution in Japanese vertical writing. Currently OpenType/TrueType
+is supported; OpenType/CFF is not supported. Hereafter in this
+document we focus on GXLayout.
+You have not changed the install procedure. However we recommend to
+give --prefix=/somewhere-different-from-/usr-or-/usr/local to
+configure command if FreeType2 is already installed on your system.
+e.g. --prefix=/opt
+We have taken care that we do not change the source/binary interfaces
+of FreeType2. However FTLayout development is based on the FreeType
+code of HEAD in FreeType2's CVS repository(as of Mon Feb 23 14:30:49
+2004). If source/binary interfaces are not compatible between in
+FreeType2 on your system and that of HEAD, installing FreeType2 with
+FTLayout into /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib will be trouble. Take care.
+Demo program
+fi and gxdemo are bundled as GXLayout demo programs. To build the demo
+programs, type following command line in src/gxlayout after installing
+FreeType2 with FTLayout:
+ $ make -f
+fi and gxdemo will be built.
+ - fi command
+ With rules defined in a font file specified as the first argument
+ for fi, try to substitute "fi" glyph string; and print the result
+ to stdout. The default value defined in feat table is used as font
+ feature settings in substitution. If you want to try different
+ settings, gxdemo is suitable.
+ Example:
+ $ ./fi /Library/Fonts/Zapfino.dfont
+ -------------------
+ File: /Library/Fonts/Zapfino.dfont
+ Name: Zapfino
+ [IN]f: 536, i: 552
+ [OUT]f: 1089, i: 65535<empty>
+ This output stands for
+ - [IN] is input glyph string,
+ - [OUT] substituted glyph string,
+ - ([IN])the glyph id for `f' is 536,
+ - ([IN])the glyph id for `i' is 552, and
+ - ([OUT])as the result of substitution, we get single glyph which
+ is 1089. 536, 552 are ligature into 1089.
+ Only FreeType2 with FTLayout and standard C library are used in
+ fi.
+ - gxdemo
+ gxdemo is a tool to inspect tables in a TrueTypeGX/AAT font and
+ the behavior of GXLayout with GUI.
+ Run gxdemo with a target TrueTypeGX/AAT font file from a terminal.
+ gxdemo's window has multiple tabs.
+ In "Features" tab, you can change the feature settings. Pressing
+ "Reset" button and the settings are reset; setting are set to the
+ default values defined in feat table. With "Run" button, you can
+ try to substitute glyphs under the setting given in this "Features"
+ tab. Pressing "Run" button, "Input: " prompt is appeared in the
+ terminal. Give the glyph ids separated by space and type return key
+ at the end of input glyph ids. Then substituted glyph ids are
+ printed on the terminal.
+ Example:
+ $ ./gxdemo ~/.fonts/kochigx-mincho-subst.ttf
+ Input: 200 19 20 300
+ Substituted: 200 14571 65535<empty> 300
+ In "Glyph" tab, you can render a glyph by giving a glyph id.
+ In "Dump" tab, you can dump the TrueTypeGX/AAT tables of the font
+ in pseudo XML format with pressing "Dump Font Tables" button. Also
+ with pressing "Dump Feature Request" button, you can dump the
+ current font feature settings in "Features" tab in a text format.
+ Batch dump mode is also available. To dump mort and feat from a
+ terminal, type
+ $ ./gxdemo --batch --table=mort:feat font.ttf
+ We, FTLayout developers used
+ mlview( to browse
+ the XML formated dump datum.
+ In "Trace" tab, you can set FreeType2's trace level. To examine
+ the process of glyph substitution, set "gxvm" and "gxchain" to 3.
+ Different from fi, gxdemo uses gtk+ GUI toolkit. To build gxdemo,
+ following libraries are needed:
+ - glib-2.0
+ - gtk+-2.0
+ - libgnomecanvas-2.0
+ - popt
+ At least Red Hat Linux 9 includes these libraries.
+Using FTLayout and GXLayout
+To do glyph substitution in your program, you have to use both
+FTLayout interface(as generic interface) and GXLayout interface(as
+concrete interface). The symbols in FTLayout have "FTL" as prefix.
+The symbols in GXLayout have "GXL" as prefix. Symbols in FTLayout
+are declared in include/freetype/ftlayout.h. Symbols in GXLayout
+are declared in include/freetype/gxlayout.h. To include these header
+files in your source file, you have to obey to the way of FreeType2;
+you have to specify the header files in symbols:
+ #include<ft2build.h>
+ ...
+ #include FT_LAYOUT_H
+ #include FT_GXLAYOUT_H
+The outlines of usage are:
+ 1. Create a face
+ This procedure is the same as before.
+ Create a `face' from the target font file after
+ initialize the library itself.
+ 2. Check the existence of substitution tables
+ You can check the existence of substitution table
+ in the target font by the logical AND operation between
+ face::face_flags and FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_SUBSTITUTION.
+ 3. Check the type of layout engine
+ You can check whether the type of text layout engine
+ is GXLayout or OTLayout by invoking FTL_Query_EngineType.
+ Hereafter, we assume the engine type is GXLayout.
+ 4. Create a request
+ A `request' is needed in FTLayout to specify the
+ font feature settings in substitution. You can create more
+ than one requests against one face and specify the font
+ feature settings independently each of them; and activate
+ one of them. Invoke FTL_New_FeaturesRequest with a face to
+ create a requests. Invoke FTL_Done_FeaturesRequest to release a
+ request.
+ 5. Set the features and settings to the request
+ Concrete text layout engine(GXLayout)'s interface is used to
+ specify the font feature settings to a request. Following
+ functions are available to specify:
+ - GXL_FeaturesRequest_Get_Feature returns a object(feature)
+ which represents Nth feature of a face.
+ - GXL_FeaturesRequest_Get_Feature_Count returns the number of
+ features in a face.
+ - GXL_Feature_Get_Setting returns a object(setting) which
+ requests Nth setting of a feature.
+ - GXL_Feature_Get_Setting_Count returns the number of settings
+ in a feature.
+ - GXL_Feature_Get_Name returns the name of given feature.
+ - GXL_Setting_Get_State returns the state (enable or disable)
+ of given setting.
+ - GXL_Setting_Get_Name returns the name of given setting.
+ - GXL_Feature_Is_Setting_Exclusive returns whether given
+ setting is exclusive or not.
+ These functions may be useful to construct GUI thorough which
+ application users can specify the font features settings.
+ "Features" tab of gxdemo may be good example to construct
+ GUI.
+ The writing direction(vertical or horizontal) have to be
+ specified also in FTLayout level. Use
+ FTL_Set_FeaturesRequest_Direction
+ to specify. Whether you have to specify the direction in
+ GXLayout level or not depends on the target font file.
+ 6. Activate request
+ After setting a request by functions explained in 5.,
+ You have to activate it. Use
+ FTL_Activate_FeaturesRequest
+ to activate a face. (Only one request is active for
+ a face at the same time.)
+ 7. Create input/output glyph array
+ FTL_New_Glyphs_Array is used to create a glyph array.
+ To substitute two glyph arrays are needed to store
+ input glyphs(input) and substituted result(output).
+ About the input, you have to set the length and fill the array
+ with glyphs by your self. Use
+ FTL_Set_Glyphs_Array_Length
+ to set the length of glyph array. Use `gid' field of glyph
+ array to fill the input glyphs.
+ The length of output are automatically set by FTLayout.
+ 8. Substitute
+ Invoke
+ FTL_Substitute_Glyphs
+ with a face, input and output.
+Other than 5. are procedures are done in fi command. Therefore fi.c
+may be good simple example to substitute glyphs.
+- lazy table loading
+- verification table data during loading not in
+ substitution time
+- more detailing error codes and using them
+The licenses of FTLayout and GXLayout are the same as that
+of FreeType2. About OTLayout, see src/otlayout/README.
+This development is supported by Information-technology Promotion
+Agency, Japan(IPA). We would like to appreciate the supports.
+Mitsuru Oka advised us about OpenType and Pango. We would like to
+appreciate his advices.
+Masatake YAMATO
+<> or <>