path: root/src/otlayout/ftxgsub.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/otlayout/ftxgsub.h')
1 files changed, 613 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/otlayout/ftxgsub.h b/src/otlayout/ftxgsub.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8951e4413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/otlayout/ftxgsub.h
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+ *
+ * ftxgsub.h
+ *
+ * TrueType Open GSUB table support
+ *
+ * Copyright 1996-2000 by
+ * David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
+ *
+ * This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used
+ * modified and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
+ * license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
+ * this file you indicate that you have read the license and
+ * understand and accept it fully.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************/
+#ifndef FTXOPEN_H
+#error "Don't include this file! Use ftxopen.h instead."
+#ifndef FTXGSUB_H
+#define FTXGSUB_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define TTO_Err_Invalid_GSUB_SubTable_Format 0x1010
+#define TTO_Err_Invalid_GSUB_SubTable 0x1011
+/* Lookup types for glyph substitution */
+/* Use this if a feature applies to all glyphs */
+#define ALL_GLYPHS 0xFFFF
+ /* A pointer to a function which selects the alternate glyph. `pos' is
+ the position of the glyph with index `glyphID', `num_alternates'
+ gives the number of alternates in the `alternates' array. `data'
+ points to the user-defined structure specified during a call to
+ TT_GSUB_Register_Alternate_Function(). The function must return an
+ index into the `alternates' array. */
+ typedef FT_UShort (*TTO_AltFunction)(FT_ULong pos,
+ FT_UShort glyphID,
+ FT_UShort num_alternates,
+ FT_UShort* alternates,
+ void* data );
+ struct TTO_GSUBHeader_
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory;
+ FT_ULong offset;
+ FT_Fixed Version;
+ TTO_ScriptList ScriptList;
+ TTO_FeatureList FeatureList;
+ TTO_LookupList LookupList;
+ TTO_GDEFHeader* gdef;
+ /* the next two fields are used for an alternate substitution callback
+ function to select the proper alternate glyph. */
+ TTO_AltFunction altfunc;
+ void* data;
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_GSUBHeader_ TTO_GSUBHeader;
+ typedef struct TTO_GSUBHeader_* TTO_GSUB;
+ /* LookupType 1 */
+ struct TTO_SingleSubstFormat1_
+ {
+ FT_Short DeltaGlyphID; /* constant added to get
+ substitution glyph index */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_SingleSubstFormat1_ TTO_SingleSubstFormat1;
+ struct TTO_SingleSubstFormat2_
+ {
+ FT_UShort GlyphCount; /* number of glyph IDs in
+ Substitute array */
+ FT_UShort* Substitute; /* array of substitute glyph IDs */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_SingleSubstFormat2_ TTO_SingleSubstFormat2;
+ struct TTO_SingleSubst_
+ {
+ FT_UShort SubstFormat; /* 1 or 2 */
+ TTO_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
+ union
+ {
+ TTO_SingleSubstFormat1 ssf1;
+ TTO_SingleSubstFormat2 ssf2;
+ } ssf;
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_SingleSubst_ TTO_SingleSubst;
+ /* LookupType 2 */
+ struct TTO_Sequence_
+ {
+ FT_UShort GlyphCount; /* number of glyph IDs in the
+ Substitute array */
+ FT_UShort* Substitute; /* string of glyph IDs to
+ substitute */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_Sequence_ TTO_Sequence;
+ struct TTO_MultipleSubst_
+ {
+ FT_UShort SubstFormat; /* always 1 */
+ TTO_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
+ FT_UShort SequenceCount; /* number of Sequence tables */
+ TTO_Sequence* Sequence; /* array of Sequence tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_MultipleSubst_ TTO_MultipleSubst;
+ /* LookupType 3 */
+ struct TTO_AlternateSet_
+ {
+ FT_UShort GlyphCount; /* number of glyph IDs in the
+ Alternate array */
+ FT_UShort* Alternate; /* array of alternate glyph IDs */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_AlternateSet_ TTO_AlternateSet;
+ struct TTO_AlternateSubst_
+ {
+ FT_UShort SubstFormat; /* always 1 */
+ TTO_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
+ FT_UShort AlternateSetCount;
+ /* number of AlternateSet tables */
+ TTO_AlternateSet* AlternateSet; /* array of AlternateSet tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_AlternateSubst_ TTO_AlternateSubst;
+ /* LookupType 4 */
+ struct TTO_Ligature_
+ {
+ FT_UShort LigGlyph; /* glyphID of ligature
+ to substitute */
+ FT_UShort ComponentCount; /* number of components in ligature */
+ FT_UShort* Component; /* array of component glyph IDs */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_Ligature_ TTO_Ligature;
+ struct TTO_LigatureSet_
+ {
+ FT_UShort LigatureCount; /* number of Ligature tables */
+ TTO_Ligature* Ligature; /* array of Ligature tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_LigatureSet_ TTO_LigatureSet;
+ struct TTO_LigatureSubst_
+ {
+ FT_UShort SubstFormat; /* always 1 */
+ TTO_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
+ FT_UShort LigatureSetCount; /* number of LigatureSet tables */
+ TTO_LigatureSet* LigatureSet; /* array of LigatureSet tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_LigatureSubst_ TTO_LigatureSubst;
+ /* needed by both lookup type 5 and 6 */
+ struct TTO_SubstLookupRecord_
+ {
+ FT_UShort SequenceIndex; /* index into current
+ glyph sequence */
+ FT_UShort LookupListIndex; /* Lookup to apply to that pos. */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_SubstLookupRecord_ TTO_SubstLookupRecord;
+ /* LookupType 5 */
+ struct TTO_SubRule_
+ {
+ FT_UShort GlyphCount; /* total number of input glyphs */
+ FT_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecord
+ tables */
+ FT_UShort* Input; /* array of input glyph IDs */
+ TTO_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord;
+ /* array of SubstLookupRecord
+ tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_SubRule_ TTO_SubRule;
+ struct TTO_SubRuleSet_
+ {
+ FT_UShort SubRuleCount; /* number of SubRule tables */
+ TTO_SubRule* SubRule; /* array of SubRule tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_SubRuleSet_ TTO_SubRuleSet;
+ struct TTO_ContextSubstFormat1_
+ {
+ TTO_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
+ FT_UShort SubRuleSetCount; /* number of SubRuleSet tables */
+ TTO_SubRuleSet* SubRuleSet; /* array of SubRuleSet tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ContextSubstFormat1_ TTO_ContextSubstFormat1;
+ struct TTO_SubClassRule_
+ {
+ FT_UShort GlyphCount; /* total number of context classes */
+ FT_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecord
+ tables */
+ FT_UShort* Class; /* array of classes */
+ TTO_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord;
+ /* array of SubstLookupRecord
+ tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_SubClassRule_ TTO_SubClassRule;
+ struct TTO_SubClassSet_
+ {
+ FT_UShort SubClassRuleCount;
+ /* number of SubClassRule tables */
+ TTO_SubClassRule* SubClassRule; /* array of SubClassRule tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_SubClassSet_ TTO_SubClassSet;
+ /* The `MaxContextLength' field is not defined in the TTO specification
+ but simplifies the implementation of this format. It holds the
+ maximal context length used in the context rules. */
+ struct TTO_ContextSubstFormat2_
+ {
+ FT_UShort MaxContextLength;
+ /* maximal context length */
+ TTO_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
+ TTO_ClassDefinition ClassDef; /* ClassDef table */
+ FT_UShort SubClassSetCount;
+ /* number of SubClassSet tables */
+ TTO_SubClassSet* SubClassSet; /* array of SubClassSet tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ContextSubstFormat2_ TTO_ContextSubstFormat2;
+ struct TTO_ContextSubstFormat3_
+ {
+ FT_UShort GlyphCount; /* number of input glyphs */
+ FT_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecords */
+ TTO_Coverage* Coverage; /* array of Coverage tables */
+ TTO_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord;
+ /* array of substitution lookups */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ContextSubstFormat3_ TTO_ContextSubstFormat3;
+ struct TTO_ContextSubst_
+ {
+ FT_UShort SubstFormat; /* 1, 2, or 3 */
+ union
+ {
+ TTO_ContextSubstFormat1 csf1;
+ TTO_ContextSubstFormat2 csf2;
+ TTO_ContextSubstFormat3 csf3;
+ } csf;
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ContextSubst_ TTO_ContextSubst;
+ /* LookupType 6 */
+ struct TTO_ChainSubRule_
+ {
+ FT_UShort BacktrackGlyphCount;
+ /* total number of backtrack glyphs */
+ FT_UShort* Backtrack; /* array of backtrack glyph IDs */
+ FT_UShort InputGlyphCount;
+ /* total number of input glyphs */
+ FT_UShort* Input; /* array of input glyph IDs */
+ FT_UShort LookaheadGlyphCount;
+ /* total number of lookahead glyphs */
+ FT_UShort* Lookahead; /* array of lookahead glyph IDs */
+ FT_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecords */
+ TTO_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord;
+ /* array of SubstLookupRecords */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ChainSubRule_ TTO_ChainSubRule;
+ struct TTO_ChainSubRuleSet_
+ {
+ FT_UShort ChainSubRuleCount;
+ /* number of ChainSubRule tables */
+ TTO_ChainSubRule* ChainSubRule; /* array of ChainSubRule tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ChainSubRuleSet_ TTO_ChainSubRuleSet;
+ struct TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat1_
+ {
+ TTO_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
+ FT_UShort ChainSubRuleSetCount;
+ /* number of ChainSubRuleSet tables */
+ TTO_ChainSubRuleSet* ChainSubRuleSet;
+ /* array of ChainSubRuleSet tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat1_ TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat1;
+ struct TTO_ChainSubClassRule_
+ {
+ FT_UShort BacktrackGlyphCount;
+ /* total number of backtrack
+ classes */
+ FT_UShort* Backtrack; /* array of backtrack classes */
+ FT_UShort InputGlyphCount;
+ /* total number of context classes */
+ FT_UShort* Input; /* array of context classes */
+ FT_UShort LookaheadGlyphCount;
+ /* total number of lookahead
+ classes */
+ FT_UShort* Lookahead; /* array of lookahead classes */
+ FT_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecords */
+ TTO_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord;
+ /* array of substitution lookups */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ChainSubClassRule_ TTO_ChainSubClassRule;
+ struct TTO_ChainSubClassSet_
+ {
+ FT_UShort ChainSubClassRuleCount;
+ /* number of ChainSubClassRule
+ tables */
+ TTO_ChainSubClassRule* ChainSubClassRule;
+ /* array of ChainSubClassRule
+ tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ChainSubClassSet_ TTO_ChainSubClassSet;
+ /* The `MaxXXXLength' fields are not defined in the TTO specification
+ but simplifies the implementation of this format. It holds the
+ maximal context length used in the specific context rules. */
+ struct TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat2_
+ {
+ TTO_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */
+ FT_UShort MaxBacktrackLength;
+ /* maximal backtrack length */
+ TTO_ClassDefinition BacktrackClassDef;
+ /* BacktrackClassDef table */
+ FT_UShort MaxInputLength;
+ /* maximal input length */
+ TTO_ClassDefinition InputClassDef;
+ /* InputClassDef table */
+ FT_UShort MaxLookaheadLength;
+ /* maximal lookahead length */
+ TTO_ClassDefinition LookaheadClassDef;
+ /* LookaheadClassDef table */
+ FT_UShort ChainSubClassSetCount;
+ /* number of ChainSubClassSet
+ tables */
+ TTO_ChainSubClassSet* ChainSubClassSet;
+ /* array of ChainSubClassSet
+ tables */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat2_ TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat2;
+ struct TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat3_
+ {
+ FT_UShort BacktrackGlyphCount;
+ /* number of backtrack glyphs */
+ TTO_Coverage* BacktrackCoverage;
+ /* array of backtrack Coverage
+ tables */
+ FT_UShort InputGlyphCount;
+ /* number of input glyphs */
+ TTO_Coverage* InputCoverage;
+ /* array of input coverage
+ tables */
+ FT_UShort LookaheadGlyphCount;
+ /* number of lookahead glyphs */
+ TTO_Coverage* LookaheadCoverage;
+ /* array of lookahead coverage
+ tables */
+ FT_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecords */
+ TTO_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord;
+ /* array of substitution lookups */
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat3_ TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat3;
+ struct TTO_ChainContextSubst_
+ {
+ FT_UShort SubstFormat; /* 1, 2, or 3 */
+ union
+ {
+ TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat1 ccsf1;
+ TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat2 ccsf2;
+ TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat3 ccsf3;
+ } ccsf;
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_ChainContextSubst_ TTO_ChainContextSubst;
+ union TTO_GSUB_SubTable_
+ {
+ TTO_SingleSubst single;
+ TTO_MultipleSubst multiple;
+ TTO_AlternateSubst alternate;
+ TTO_LigatureSubst ligature;
+ TTO_ContextSubst context;
+ TTO_ChainContextSubst chain;
+ };
+ typedef union TTO_GSUB_SubTable_ TTO_GSUB_SubTable;
+ /* A simple string object. It can both `send' and `receive' data.
+ In case of sending, `length' and `pos' will be used. In case of
+ receiving, `pos' points to the first free slot, and `allocated'
+ specifies the amount of allocated memory (and the `length' field
+ will be ignored). The routine TT_Add_String() will increase the
+ amount of memory if necessary. After end of receive, `length'
+ should be set to the value of `pos', and `pos' will be set to zero.
+ `properties' (which is treated as a bit field) gives the glyph's
+ properties: If a certain bit is set for a glyph, the feature which
+ has the same bit set in its property value is applied.
+ `components' is an internal array which tracks components of
+ ligatures. We need this for MarkToLigature Attachment Positioning
+ Subtables (in GPOS) together with `ligIDs' (which is used to mark
+ ligatures and the skipped glyphs during a ligature lookup).
+ `max_ligID' is increased after a successful ligature lookup.
+ NEVER modify any elements of the structure! You should rather copy
+ its contents if necessary.
+ TT_Add_String() will also handle allocation; you should use
+ free() in case you want to destroy the arrays in the object. */
+ struct TTO_GSUB_String_
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory;
+ FT_ULong length;
+ FT_ULong pos;
+ FT_ULong allocated;
+ FT_UShort* string;
+ FT_UShort* properties;
+ FT_UShort* components;
+ FT_UShort max_ligID;
+ FT_UShort* ligIDs;
+ FT_Int* logClusters;
+ };
+ typedef struct TTO_GSUB_String_ TTO_GSUB_String;
+ /* finally, the GSUB API */
+ TT_Error TT_Init_GSUB_Extension( TT_Engine engine ); */
+ FT_Error TT_Load_GSUB_Table( FT_Face face,
+ TTO_GSUBHeader** gsub,
+ TTO_GDEFHeader* gdef );
+ FT_Error TT_Done_GSUB_Table( TTO_GSUBHeader* gsub );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_Select_Script( TTO_GSUBHeader* gsub,
+ FT_ULong script_tag,
+ FT_UShort* script_index );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_Select_Language( TTO_GSUBHeader* gsub,
+ FT_ULong language_tag,
+ FT_UShort script_index,
+ FT_UShort* language_index,
+ FT_UShort* req_feature_index );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_Select_Feature( TTO_GSUBHeader* gsub,
+ FT_ULong feature_tag,
+ FT_UShort script_index,
+ FT_UShort language_index,
+ FT_UShort* feature_index );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_Query_Scripts( TTO_GSUBHeader* gsub,
+ FT_ULong** script_tag_list );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_Query_Languages( TTO_GSUBHeader* gsub,
+ FT_UShort script_index,
+ FT_ULong** language_tag_list );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_Query_Features( TTO_GSUBHeader* gsub,
+ FT_UShort script_index,
+ FT_UShort language_index,
+ FT_ULong** feature_tag_list );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_Add_Feature( TTO_GSUBHeader* gsub,
+ FT_UShort feature_index,
+ FT_UShort property );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_Clear_Features( TTO_GSUBHeader* gsub );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_Register_Alternate_Function( TTO_GSUBHeader* gsub,
+ TTO_AltFunction altfunc,
+ void* data );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_String_New( FT_Memory memory,
+ TTO_GSUB_String **result );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_String_Set_Length( TTO_GSUB_String *str,
+ FT_ULong new_length);
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_String_Done( TTO_GSUB_String *str );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_Apply_String( TTO_GSUBHeader* gsub,
+ TTO_GSUB_String* in,
+ TTO_GSUB_String* out );
+ FT_Error TT_GSUB_Add_String( TTO_GSUB_String* in,
+ FT_UShort num_in,
+ TTO_GSUB_String* out,
+ FT_UShort num_out,
+ FT_UShort* glyph_data,
+ FT_UShort component,
+ FT_UShort ligID );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* FTXGSUB_H */
+/* END */