path: root/support/pma.c
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1 files changed, 663 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/pma.c b/support/pma.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da4d0b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pma.c
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+/* "pma", a persistent memory allocator (implementation)
+ Copyright (C) 2019, 2022 Terence Kelly
+ Contact: tpkelly @ {,, }
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ Code is intended to be (mostly) C99 / POSIX 2017.
+ Compile and link with your programs in the obvious way. If
+ assertions are enabled (the default) extensive integrity checks
+ are frequently performed; these checks may be slow, depending on
+ the size and state of the persistent heap.
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "pma.h"
+// Software version; not the same as backing file format version.
+const char pma_version[] = "2022.05May.01 (Avon 5) + gawk";
+#define S(s) #s
+#define S2(s) S(s)
+#define COORDS __FILE__ ":" S2(__LINE__) ": "
+#define FP(...) (void)fprintf(stderr, COORDS __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ERN " errno => '%s'\n", strerror(errno)
+#define ERR(...) do { if (0 < state.vrb) FP("ERROR: " __VA_ARGS__); } while (0)
+#define WRN(...) do { if (1 < state.vrb) FP("Warning: " __VA_ARGS__); } while (0)
+#define FYI(...) do { if (2 < state.vrb) FP("FYI: " __VA_ARGS__); } while (0)
+int pma_errno;
+#define SE pma_errno = __LINE__
+#define RL return __LINE__
+#define RN return NULL
+#define SERL do { SE; RL; } while (0)
+#define SERN do { SE; RN; } while (0)
+enum {
+ VERS = 2, // backing file format version number
+ WDSZ = 8, // word size (bytes)
+ NFL = 422 // number of free lists / size classes
+static int PGSZ; // can vary per system and even dynamically
+typedef struct ao { // alloc object
+ struct ao *anext, // header; singly linked list of all aos in addr order
+ *fprev, *fnext; // for doubly linked free list
+} ao_t;
+// We stash three flags in the least significant bits of a header:
+// bit 0: is this ao in use (i.e., live, as opposed to free)?
+// bit 1: is the previous ao on the state.anext list in use?
+// bit 2: has this ao ever grown via realloc?
+// Some older compilers gratuitously reject the himask definition on
+// the first line below despite it being perfectly legal C99. The
+// workaround on the second line below appears correct by inspection
+// but it has not yet been subjected to the same extensive tests as
+// the original.
+// static const uintptr_t lomask = 0x7, himask = ~lomask; // requires recent compiler
+static const uintptr_t lomask = 0x7, himask = ~ ( (uintptr_t) 0x7 ); // not extensively tested as of Fri 27 May 2022
+// extract bits from header
+#define HIBH(ao_t_ptr) ((ao_t *)((uintptr_t)(ao_t_ptr) & himask))
+#define LOBH(ao_t_ptr) ((ao_t *)((uintptr_t)(ao_t_ptr) & lomask))
+// size of an ao is its memory footprint; capacity of ao is number of bytes
+// available to caller; difference is header overhead of live (in-use) ao
+#define AOSZ(ao_t_ptr) ((size_t)((uintptr_t)HIBH((ao_t_ptr)->anext) - (uintptr_t)HIBH(ao_t_ptr)))
+#define AOCAP(ao_t_ptr) (AOSZ(ao_t_ptr) - WDSZ)
+#define Z1(i) assert(0 == (i) || 1 == (i))
+static void slobh(ao_t *p, int iu, int piu, int grown) { // set low bits of header to which p points
+ uintptr_t h;
+ assert(p); Z1(iu); Z1(piu); Z1(grown);
+ h = (uintptr_t)p->anext;
+ h &= himask; // clear low bits
+ h |= (uintptr_t)(iu | piu << 1 | grown << 2);
+ p->anext = (ao_t *)h;
+// getters below could be re-written as simpler macros
+static void globh(const ao_t *p, int *iu, int *piu, int *grown) { // get low bits of header to which p points
+ uintptr_t h;
+ assert(p && iu && piu && grown);
+ h = (uintptr_t)p->anext;
+ *iu = !!(h & 0x1); Z1(*iu);
+ *piu = !!(h & 0x2); Z1(*piu);
+ *grown = !!(h & 0x4); Z1(*grown);
+typedef struct { // header of backing file; contains allocator metadata
+ void * mapaddr; // virtual address where backing file must be mapped
+ uint64_t bf_vers, // version number of backing file format
+ nallocs, // number of allocations
+ nfrees, // number of de-allocations
+ res_0; // reserved for possible future use
+ void * root; // live persistent data must be reachable from root
+ ao_t * afirst, // list of all alloc objects, both live & free, in addr order
+ * abound; // one beyond end of allocatable area
+ ao_t free[NFL]; // free lists; each has dummy header
+} pma_hdr_t;
+static struct {
+ int init, // has persistent heap been initialized?
+ vrb; // verbsity level
+ const char * file; // name of backing file
+ pma_hdr_t * hdr; // addr where backing file is mapped
+} state;
+#define ASI assert(1 == state.init || 2 == state.init)
+enum { IU = 0, PIU = 1, GROWN = 2 };
+static int getbit(ao_t *p, int bit) {
+ int iu, piu, grown;
+ globh(p, &iu, &piu, &grown);
+ switch (bit) {
+ case IU: return iu;
+ case PIU: return piu;
+ case GROWN: return grown;
+ default:
+ ERR("bad bit: %d\n", bit);
+ assert(0);
+ return INT_MIN;
+ }
+#define DP(...) (void)fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define VS (void *)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+static int valid_footer(ao_t *p) {
+ if (!getbit(p, IU)) {
+ ao_t **ftr = (ao_t **)HIBH(p->anext) - 1;
+ return *ftr == p; // footer should point to header
+ }
+ else
+ return 1;
+// valid ao ptr:
+#define VAO(p) (VS state.hdr->afirst <= VS (p) && VS state.hdr->abound > VS (p))
+#define VAF(p) (VAO(p) && valid_footer(p))
+#endif // NDEBUG
+static void pao(ao_t *p) { // print ao
+ int iu, piu, grown;
+ ao_t **footer = (ao_t **) ((char *)p + AOSZ(p)) - 1; // TODO: squelch alignment warning?
+ assert(VAO(p));
+ assert(0 == AOSZ(p) % WDSZ);
+ assert(0 == LOBH(p));
+ globh(p, &iu, &piu, &grown);
+ DP(" AO at %p: size %lu B / %lu w\n"
+ " hdr %p (H 0%lo L 0%lo) iu %d piu %d grown %d\n"
+ " fp %p%s\n"
+ " fn %p%s\n"
+ " ft %p%s\n",
+ VS p, AOSZ(p), AOSZ(p) / WDSZ,
+ VS p->anext, (uintptr_t)HIBH(p->anext), (uintptr_t)LOBH(p->anext), iu, piu, grown,
+ VS p->fprev, iu ? " (ignore)" : "",
+ VS p->fnext, iu ? " (ignore)" : "",
+ VS *footer, iu ? " (ignore)" : "");
+static size_t UB[NFL]; // UB[c] is upper bound of size class c in machine words
+#define IC integrity_check(__LINE__)
+static int integrity_check(int line) { // can be slow; intended for debugging small heaps
+ pma_hdr_t *h = state.hdr;
+ int nadd = 0, naddfree = 0, tiu = 0, tpiu = 0, tf = 0; // beware overflow if lists are long
+ FYI("integrity_check called from line %d\n", line);
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+ WRN("integrity check relies on assertions, which are disabled (call at line %d)\n", line);
+ assert(h && h == h->mapaddr);
+ // check addr-ordered list
+ for (ao_t *next, *a = h->afirst; a < h->abound; a = next) {
+ next = HIBH(a->anext);
+ assert(VAF(a));
+ assert(32 <= AOSZ(a));
+ assert(next > a && next <= h->abound);
+ if (1000000 < ++nadd) {
+ WRN("integrity check discontinued; anext list too long (call at line %d)\n", line);
+ SE; // if persistent heap contains too many aos/blocks,
+ return 0; // integrity check will be too slow; therefore discontinue
+ }
+ if (0 == getbit(a, IU))
+ ++naddfree;
+ tiu += getbit(a, IU); // total number of aos with in-use bit set
+ tpiu += getbit(a, PIU); // total number of aos with previous-ao-is-in-use bit set
+ }
+ assert(tpiu == tiu || 1 + tpiu == tiu);
+ FYI("anext list length: %d tiu %d tpiu %d nallocs %lu nfrees %lu\n",
+ nadd, tiu, tpiu, h->nallocs, h->nfrees);
+ assert(h->nallocs >= h->nfrees);
+ assert(h->nallocs - h->nfrees == (uint64_t)tiu);
+ // check free lists
+ for (int i = 0; i < NFL; i++) {
+ ao_t *p, *f = &(h->free[i]);
+ if (f->fprev == f) // empty list
+ assert(f->fnext == f);
+ else {
+ int nfwd = 0, nrev = 0; // count how many we find going forward and reverse
+ for (p = f->fnext; p != f; p = p->fnext) { nfwd++; assert(VAF(p)); assert(0 == getbit(p, IU)); }
+ for (p = f->fprev; p != f; p = p->fprev) { nrev++; assert(VAF(p)); assert(0 == getbit(p, IU)); }
+ assert(nfwd == nrev); // count should be the same in both directions
+ tf += nfwd;
+ // check ao sizes against UB
+ for (p = f->fnext; p != f; p = p->fnext) {
+ #ifndef NDEBUG
+ size_t capwords = AOCAP(p) / WDSZ;
+ #endif
+ assert(capwords <= UB[i]);
+ if (0 < i)
+ assert(capwords > UB[i-1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FYI("total free aos: %d naddfree %d integrity check line %d\n", tf, naddfree, line);
+ assert(tf == naddfree);
+ return 0;
+#define NM " not meaningful in fallback mode\n"
+void pma_check_and_dump(void) {
+ pma_hdr_t *h = state.hdr;
+ ASI;
+ if (2 == state.init) { ERR("check_and_dump" NM); assert(0); SE; return; }
+ if (IC) ERR("integrity check failed\n");
+ DP(COORDS "check data structures and dump\n");
+ DP("header version: %s\n", PMA_H_VERSION);
+ DP("software version: %s\n", pma_version);
+ DP("sizeof state: %lu\n", sizeof state);
+ DP("sizeof header: %lu\n", sizeof(pma_hdr_t));
+ DP("state:\n");
+ DP(" init: %d\n", state.init); assert(0 == state.init || 1 == state.init || 2 == state.init);
+ DP(" vrb: %d\n", state.vrb); assert(0 <= state.vrb && 3 >= state.vrb);
+ DP(" file: %p \"%s\"\n", (const void *)state.file, state.file);
+ DP(" hdr: %p\n", VS h);
+ if (NULL != h) {
+ DP("header:\n"); // nallocs & nfrees not printed; they'd add noise to initial/final state diff
+ DP(" mapaddr: %p\n", h->mapaddr);
+ DP(" bf_vers: %" PRIu64 "\n", h->bf_vers);
+ DP(" root: %p\n", h->root); assert(NULL == h->root || (h->root >= VS h->afirst && h->root < VS h->abound));
+ DP(" afirst: %p\n", VS h->afirst); assert(VS h->afirst > h->mapaddr);
+ DP(" abound: %p\n", VS h->abound); assert(h->abound > h->afirst);
+ DP(" all allocated objects in addr order:\n");
+ for (ao_t *a = h->afirst; a < h->abound; a = HIBH(a->anext)) {
+ assert(HIBH(a->anext) > a);
+ pao(a);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < NFL; i++) {
+ ao_t *f = &(h->free[i]);
+ if (f->fprev == f) // empty list
+ assert(f->fnext == f);
+ else {
+ DP(" free list of size class %d UB %lu (prev %lu) list head %p:\n", i, UB[i], i > 0 ? UB[i-1] : 0, VS f);
+ for (ao_t *p = f->fnext; p != f; p = p->fnext)
+ pao(p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#undef DP
+static int sc(size_t nbytes) { // compute size class; nbytes is malloc() arg
+ static int init;
+ const size_t maxwords = (size_t)0x1 << 61; // 2^61 words == 2^64 bytes
+ size_t nwords;
+ int c;
+ if (! init) {
+ FYI("initializing UB[]\n");
+ UB[0] = 3; // smallest allocation has size (AOSZ) 4 words and capacity (AOCAP) 3 words
+ for (c = 1; ; c++) {
+ long double hi = floorl((long double)(1 + UB[c-1]) * 1.1L);
+ assert(NFL > c);
+ if (hi >= (long double)maxwords) { UB[c] = maxwords; break; }
+ else UB[c] = (size_t)hi;
+ }
+ assert(NFL - 1 == c);
+ init = 1;
+ }
+ nwords = (nbytes / WDSZ) + !!(nbytes % WDSZ);
+ assert(nwords <= maxwords);
+ for (c = 0; NFL > c; c++)
+ if (nwords <= UB[c])
+ break;
+ assert(NFL > c);
+ return c;
+static void fli(ao_t *p) { // insert given ao at head of appropriate free list
+ ao_t *h;
+ int fl;
+ assert(NULL != p);
+ assert(VAO(p));
+ fl = sc(AOCAP(p));
+ assert(0 <= fl && NFL > fl);
+ h = &(state.hdr->free[fl]); // head of free list
+ FYI("fli(%p) h == %p h->fn %p h->fp %p\n", VS p, VS h, VS h->fnext, VS h->fprev);
+ p->fprev = h;
+ p->fnext = h->fnext;
+ h->fnext->fprev = p;
+ h->fnext = p;
+static void flr(ao_t *p) { // remove ao from free list
+ p->fnext->fprev = p->fprev;
+ p->fprev->fnext = p->fnext;
+ p->fprev = p->fnext = NULL;
+#define MUNMAP(A, N) do { if (0 != munmap((A), (N))) ERR("mmap()" ERN); } while (0)
+static void * addrgap(off_t n) { // find big gap in address space to map n bytes
+ void *A, *Amax = NULL; size_t L = 0, U, Max = 0, N = (size_t)n; char *r;
+ FYI("addrgap(%ld)\n", n);
+ if (N % (size_t)PGSZ) { ERR("file size %lu not multiple of PGSZ\n", N); SERN; }
+ if (N < sizeof(pma_hdr_t) + 10 * PGSZ) { ERR("file size %lu too small\n", N); SERN; }
+ for (U = 1; ; U *= 2) // double upper bound until failure
+ if (MAP_FAILED == (A = MMAP(U))) break;
+ else MUNMAP(A, U);
+ while (1 + L < U) { // binary search between bounds
+ size_t M = L + (U - L) / 2; // avoid overflow
+ if (MAP_FAILED == (A = MMAP(M))) { U = M; }
+ else { Amax = A; Max = M; MUNMAP(A, M); L = M; }
+ }
+ FYI("max gap: %lu bytes at %p\n", Max, Amax);
+ if (Max < N + (size_t)PGSZ * 2) { // safety margin
+ ERR("max gap %lu too small for required %lu\n", Max, N);
+ }
+ r = (char *)Amax + (Max - N)/2;
+ while ((uintptr_t)r % PGSZ) // page align
+ r++;
+ FYI("addrgap returns %p == %lu\n", VS r, (uintptr_t)r);
+ return r;
+#undef MMAP
+#undef MUNMAP
+#define MM(a,s,f) mmap((a), (size_t)(s), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, (f), 0)
+int pma_init(int verbose, const char *file) {
+ int fd; void *a1, *a2; size_t as = sizeof(a1); struct stat s;
+ pma_hdr_t *h;
+ assert(0 <= verbose && 3 >= verbose);
+ state.vrb = verbose;
+ if (state.init) { ERR("already initialized\n"); assert(0); SERL; }
+ FYI("pma software version \"%s\" header version \"%s\", expects backing file format version %d\n",
+ pma_version, PMA_H_VERSION, VERS);
+ assert(0 == strcmp(pma_version, PMA_H_VERSION));
+ FYI("pma_init(%d,\"%s\")\n", verbose, file);
+ // check assumptions
+ assert(WDSZ == sizeof(void *)); // in C11 we'd static_assert()
+ assert(WDSZ == sizeof(size_t));
+ assert(WDSZ == sizeof(unsigned long));
+ assert(0 == sizeof(pma_hdr_t) % WDSZ);
+ PGSZ = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
+ if (NULL == file) {
+ WRN("no backing file provided; falling back on standard malloc\n");
+ state.init = 2;
+ state.file = NULL;
+ state.hdr = NULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // map backing file containing persistent heap
+ if (0 > (fd = open(file, O_RDWR))) { ERR("open()" ERN); SERL; }
+ if (0 != fstat(fd, &s)) { ERR("fstat()" ERN); SERL; }
+ if (!S_ISREG(s.st_mode)) { ERR("not reg\n" ); SERL; }
+ if ((ssize_t)as != read(fd, &a1, as)) { ERR("read()" ERN); SERL; }
+ if (NULL == a1) a1 = addrgap(s.st_size);
+ if (NULL == a1) { ERR("addrgap()" ERN); RL; }
+ FYI("map at %p\n", a1);
+ if (a1 != (a2 = MM(a1, s.st_size, fd))) { ERR("mmap()" ERN); SERL; }
+ if (0 != close(fd)) { ERR("close()" ERN); SE; } // carry on
+ state.init = 1;
+ state.file = file;
+ state.hdr = h = (pma_hdr_t *)a2;
+ if (NULL == h->mapaddr) {
+ int i;
+ ao_t *w, **ftr; // initial "wilderness", footer
+ FYI("initializing persistent heap\n");
+ assert( 0 == h->bf_vers
+ && 0 == h->nallocs
+ && 0 == h->nfrees
+ && 0 == h->res_0
+ && NULL == h->root
+ && NULL == h->afirst
+ && NULL == h->abound);
+ for (i = 0; i < NFL; i++) {
+ assert( NULL == h->free[i].anext
+ && NULL == h->free[i].fprev
+ && NULL == h->free[i].fnext);
+ // free[i] is dummy node in doubly-linked free list; this simplifies code to splice aos into & out of free list
+ h->free[i].fprev = h->free[i].fnext = &(h->free[i]);
+ }
+ h->mapaddr = h;
+ h->bf_vers = VERS;
+ h->nallocs = 0;
+ h->nfrees = 0;
+ h->res_0 = 0;
+ h->afirst = (ao_t *)(1 + h);
+ h->abound = (ao_t *)((char *)h + s.st_size); // TODO: squelch alignment warning?
+ // install "wilderness" free ao on all-object list; every free ao has a
+ // footer pointing to its header, to facilitate coalescing adjacent frees;
+ // header on final ao points beyond allocatable area
+ w = h->afirst;
+ w->anext = h->abound;
+ assert(0 == AOSZ(w) % WDSZ && WDSZ < AOSZ(w));
+ ftr = (ao_t **)h->abound - 1;
+ *ftr = w;
+ fli(w);
+ }
+ else {
+ FYI("persistent heap already initialized\n");
+ if (VERS != h->bf_vers) {
+ ERR("backing file version mismatch: %d vs. %" PRIu64 "\n", VERS, h->bf_vers);
+ }
+ (void)sc(1); // to populate UB[]
+ }
+ if (IC) { ERR("integrity check failed\n"); SERL; }
+ return 0;
+#undef MM
+// bite off adequate prefix if ao is too large, return remainder to appropriate
+// free list; must handle two cases: given ao is free, versus given ao is live
+// and is being shrunk by realloc
+static ao_t * split_ao(ao_t *p, size_t s) {
+ size_t c = AOCAP(p), Cw = c / WDSZ, Sw; int iu, piu, grown; ao_t *n;
+ if (s < 24) s = 24; // increase request size to minimum allocation size if necessary; TODO: magic number here
+ Sw = s / WDSZ + !!(s % WDSZ);
+ assert(NULL == LOBH(p)); // lo bits of header (p->anext) might be set, but not lo bits of p
+ assert(NULL == p->fprev && NULL == p->fnext); // *p should already be spliced out of free lists
+ assert(c >= s && 0 == c % WDSZ);
+ FYI("split_ao(%p,%lu) AOCAP %lu words req %lu words cap %lu\n", VS p, s, c, Sw, Cw);
+ globh(p, &iu, &piu, &grown);
+ if (4 <= Cw - Sw) { // split ao if remainder is large enough to be allocatable
+ ao_t *rem = (ao_t *)(&(p->fprev) + Sw), // remainder
+ **rft = (ao_t **)HIBH(p->anext) - 1; // footer of remainder
+ FYI("splitting at %p\n", VS rem);
+ rem->anext = HIBH(p->anext); // set header of remainder
+ *rft = rem; // set footer of remainder
+ fli(rem);
+ p->anext = rem; // set header of *p
+ }
+ assert(AOCAP(p) >= s);
+ slobh(p, 1, piu, grown); // in-use bit is set; values of prev-in-use and grown bits are preserved
+ // set prev-in-use bit of next ao on anext list (if such exists), preserving iu and grown bits
+ n = HIBH(p->anext);
+ assert(n <= state.hdr->abound);
+ if (n < state.hdr->abound) {
+ globh(n, &iu, &piu, &grown);
+ slobh(n, iu, 1, grown);
+ }
+ return p;
+void * pma_malloc(size_t size) {
+ ao_t *r = NULL;
+ FYI("malloc(%lu)\n", size);
+ ASI;
+ if (2 == state.init) return malloc(size);
+ assert(!IC);
+ if (0 >= size) {
+ WRN("malloc(%lu) argument <= zero\n", size); SERN; }
+ for (int c = sc(size); c < NFL; c++) {
+ ao_t *h = &(state.hdr->free[c]);
+ // FYI("check size class %d UB %lu\n", c, UB[c]);
+ for (ao_t *f = h->fnext; f != h; f = f->fnext) {
+ // FYI("free list contains ao with capacity %lu\n", AOCAP(f));
+ if (AOCAP(f) >= size) {
+ r = f;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end:
+ if (NULL != r) {
+ flr(r);
+ r = split_ao(r, size);
+ FYI("malloc returning %p\n", VS &(r->fprev));
+ ++(state.hdr->nallocs);
+ assert(!IC);
+ return &(r->fprev);
+ }
+ else {
+ WRN("malloc(%lu) cannot satisfy request at this time\n", size);
+ SERN; // conflates ENOMEM / EAGAIN (request might succeed after frees)
+ }
+void * pma_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) {
+ void *p;
+ FYI("calloc(%lu,%lu)\n", nmemb, size);
+ ASI;
+ if (2 == state.init) return calloc(nmemb, size);
+ if (0 >= nmemb || 0 >= size) {
+ WRN("calloc(%lu,%lu) argument <= zero\n", nmemb, size); SERN; }
+ // SSIZE_MAX exists but SIZE_MAX apparently doesn't; sheesh
+ if (nmemb > UINT64_MAX / size) {
+ WRN("calloc(%lu,%lu) arguments overflow\n", nmemb, size); SERN; }
+ if (NULL != (p = pma_malloc(nmemb * size)))
+ (void)memset(p, 0, nmemb * size);
+ return p;
+void * pma_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) {
+ ao_t *p; void *nu; // "new" is a C++ keyword
+ FYI("realloc(%p,%lu)\n", ptr, size);
+ ASI;
+ if (2 == state.init) return realloc(ptr, size);
+ if (NULL == ptr) return pma_malloc(size);
+ if (0 >= size) { pma_free(ptr); RN; }
+ p = (ao_t *)((ao_t **)ptr - 1);
+ if (AOCAP(p) >= size) // no growth needed
+ return ptr;
+ nu = pma_malloc(size);
+ if (NULL == nu)
+ (void)memcpy(nu, ptr, AOCAP(p));
+ pma_free(ptr);
+ return nu;
+// Merge *p with next ao on anext list; returns 1 if coalesces, 0 otherwise.
+// Flag indicates which of the two aos is on the free list and must be removed.
+static int coalesce(ao_t *p, int flr_lo_hi) {
+ ao_t *n = HIBH(p->anext), **ftr; int piu;
+ assert(n > p && n <= state.hdr->abound);
+ FYI("coalesce(%p)\n", VS p);
+ if (n >= state.hdr->abound) // *p is final ao on anext list
+ return 0;
+ if (0 == getbit(n, IU)) { // next ao is not in use, therefore coalesce
+ flr(flr_lo_hi ? n : p); // remove appropriate ao from free list
+ piu = getbit(p, PIU);
+ p->anext = HIBH(n->anext);
+ ftr = (ao_t **)p->anext - 1;
+ *ftr = p;
+ slobh(p, 0, piu, 0); // preserve prev-in-use bit of header of *p
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else // next ao is in use, therefore do not coalesce
+ return 0;
+void pma_free(void *ptr) {
+ ao_t *p, *n, **ftr; int r;
+ FYI("free(%p)\n", ptr);
+ ASI;
+ if (2 == state.init) { free(ptr); return; }
+ assert(!IC);
+ if (NULL == ptr) return; // allowed by C & POSIX
+ if (! (VS state.hdr->afirst <= ptr && VS state.hdr->abound > ptr)) { // e.g., p=strdup("foo") ... pma_free(p);
+ ERR("freed ptr %p outside allocatable area bounds %p %p\n",
+ ptr, VS state.hdr->afirst, VS state.hdr->abound);
+ assert(0);
+ SE;
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(0 == (uintptr_t)ptr % WDSZ);
+ p = (ao_t *)((ao_t **)ptr - 1);
+ assert(VAO(p));
+ n = HIBH(p->anext);
+ assert(p < n && n <= state.hdr->abound);
+ assert(1 == getbit(p, IU));
+ slobh(p, 0, getbit(p, PIU), 0); // clear iu and grown bits of *p header
+ if (n < state.hdr->abound)
+ assert(1 == getbit(n, PIU));
+ FYI("merge with right/higher ao\n");
+ r = coalesce(p, 1);
+ FYI("%s\n", r ? "yes" : "no");
+ if (0 == getbit(p, PIU) && p > state.hdr->afirst) { // if ao is not leftmost/lowest and previous/lower ao is not in use, merge
+ ao_t *prev = *((ao_t **)p - 1);
+ assert(prev < p);
+ FYI("merge with left/lower ao\n");
+ r = coalesce(prev, 0);
+ assert(r);
+ p = prev;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ (void)memset(&(p->fprev), 0, AOCAP(p)); // for near-complete "reversibility"
+ n = HIBH(p->anext);
+ assert(p < n && n <= state.hdr->abound);
+ ftr = (ao_t **)n - 1;
+ *ftr = p;
+ if (n < state.hdr->abound)
+ slobh(n, getbit(n, IU), 0, getbit(n, GROWN)); // clear prev-in-use bit of next
+ fli(p);
+ ++(state.hdr->nfrees);
+ assert(!IC);
+ }
+void pma_set_root(void *p) {
+ FYI("set_root(%p)\n", p);
+ ASI;
+ if (2 == state.init) { ERR("set_root" NM); assert(0); SE; return; }
+ assert(NULL == p || VAO(p)); // could also check that p "looks like" pointer returned by malloc,
+ state.hdr->root = p; // e.g., header's in-use bit should be set and HIBH should be reasonable
+void * pma_get_root(void) {
+ void *p;
+ FYI("get_root()\n");
+ ASI;
+ if (2 == state.init) { ERR("get_root" NM); assert(0); SERN; }
+ p = state.hdr->root;
+ assert(NULL == p || VAO(p));
+ return p;
+typedef unsigned long ul_t;
+void pma_set_avail_mem(const ul_t v) {
+ FYI("set_avail_mem(0x%lx)\n", v);
+ ASI;
+ if (2 == state.init) { ERR("set_avail_mem" NM); assert(0); SE; return; }
+ assert(!IC);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NFL; i++) {
+ ao_t *p, *f = &(state.hdr->free[i]);
+ if (f->fprev != f)
+ for (p = f->fnext; p != f; p = p->fnext) {
+ ul_t *q = (ul_t *)(1 + p),
+ *e = (ul_t *)(HIBH(p->anext)) - 1;
+ for ( ; q != e; q++)
+ if (*q != v) // avoid over-writing same value; gratuitous modification is a Bad Thing for persistent memory
+ *q = v;
+ for ( ; q != e; q++)
+ assert(*q == v);
+ }
+ }
+ assert(!IC);