Wed Aug 23 08:07:18 IDT 2017 ============================ If you are reading this, you have retrieved the gawk code base via Git from This is good; gawk no longer uses CVS. On GNU and Unix systems, please execute use the following to build gawk after doing `git clone' or `git pull': make distclean # if not a new clone ./ && ./configure && make && make check On systems supported by configuration files in the pc/ subdirectory, chdir into pc/ and run the make-config.bat script there. This will produce an up-to-date version of config.h from the latest Then proceed as described in README_d/README.pc. Bug reports should be sent to Note that posting in comp.lang.awk is generally a bad idea, no matter what the purpose, but especially if you wish to report a gawk bug. Use the above email address. Really. You can find gawk's GIT repository at Savannah Detailed instructions on using and contributing to gawk can also be found at Savannah, see Thanks, Arnold Robbins Gawk Maintainer ===================================================================== Here are some questions and answers related to using git compiled by several of the gawk maintainers. - I don't want to mess with git. Can I just get a tarball of a branch without a lot of hassle? Yes. Use something like this: wget Put the right thing in place of BRANCH-NAME. - How can I check out the GIT repository ? Depending upon your working habits, there are several options. 1. On the Linux command line use the git command (details see below) 2. With Microsoft Windows, use TortoiseGIT 3. On both platforms Eclipse with its EGIT plugin is an excellent choice On the Linux command line use git to check out the repository. With Microsoft Windows, use TortoiseGIT. - Where is TortoiseGIT and how do I install it ? Follow these instructions for installation: Begin with installing Putty, then msysgit and finally TortoiseGIT. Find Putty at - What about the SSH keys needed when Windows is my primary environment ? On Windows you may use Puttygen for generating keys. Save both keys (public and private) in a local .ppk file. Notice that this file is highly confidential and even other team members are not supposed to see your keys. Finally you need to convert Putty's keys (.ppk file) so that they can also be used on Linux. puttygen my_keys.ppk -O private-openssh -o .ssh/id_rsa puttygen my_keys.ppk -O public-openssh -o .ssh/ - What about the SSH keys needed when Linux is my primary environment ? On Linux follow these instructions to generate keys: If you ever need these keys inside a Windows environment, use Puttygen to import the already existing keys. - I know Subversion, now what's different with git ? Read the "Git - SVN Crash Course". It lists the Subversion commands that are roughly equivalent to certain git commands: This document is only one of many copies of the document on the Internet. You should read the original (which is currently offline and unreachable): - How can I check out this repository inside a clean subdirectory ? mkdir -p workspace/git cd workspace/git git clone git:// git remote -v origin ssh:// (fetch) origin ssh:// (push) - How can I check out this repository with Eclipse ? Use the most recent version of Eclipse, it already comes with the EGIT plugin installed. Select File -> Import -> Git -> Git Repository. Press clone and maintain the git repository "ssh://". You only have to paste the URL to the first line of the dialog, the rest will be filled out automatically. You can find details in the EGIT tutorial. - Can I start adding new files to the repository right now ? Yes, you can, but you should not do so. Convention with branches. But first you should make sure some global settings identifying you are set. The global settings will be used every time you commit something to the repository. git config --global "First-Name Last-Name" git config --global git config --global color.ui auto - How can I inspect my settings ? git config --list giggle.main-window-maximized=false giggle.main-window-geometry=1369x753+183+81 giggle.main-window-view=HistoryView giggle.history-view-vpane-position=389 giggle.file-view-vpane-position=293 Last-Name color.diff=auto color.status=auto color.branch=auto gui.spellingdictionary=en_US core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=false core.logallrefupdates=true remote.origin.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* remote.origin.url=ssh:// branch.master.remote=origin branch.master.merge=refs/heads/master branch.xgawk_load.remote=origin branch.xgawk_load.merge=refs/heads/xgawk_load - How can I get or set a specific variable of the settings ? git config --get color.ui git config --set color.ui auto - How can I create new files or directories to the repository ? touch README git add README git commit -m "first commit" - What did I change since the last commit ? git diff README git diff - I have committed everything to my local repository, now how can I "push" these changes up to gawk.git ? git push -u origin master # push up to master branch git push -u origin my_feature_branch # push up to my own branch - How can I inspect the list of branches of my repository ? git branch # shows all local branches git branch -r # shows all remote branches git branch -a # shows all local and all remote branches - How can I change to a different branch ? git checkout my_stuff # change to branch my_stuff git checkout -b my_stuff # create new branch my_stuff and change to it - How can I pull patches from a branch ? git pull origin feature_branch The name of the branch can be omitted if your current branch is created to track the feature_branch ("git branch -t", see below). - How can I create a branch ? For each new feature to be considered for inclusion into future releasses, a new branch shall be created. Upon creation, this new branch shall be based on the master branch. # make master branch the base git checkout master # create new feature branch and connect local to upstream branch git branch -t my_new_feature_branch touch my_new_file.c git add my_new_file.c git status git commit -m "Created new feature branch." git push -u origin my_new_feature_branch git checkout my_new_feature_branch - How can I merge recent patches from the master branch ? My feature branch has been created as describe above (based on master). While I committed and pushed up my changes, the master branch has also changed. Now I want to catch up with recent changes in the master branch. git diff origin/master # What is in master that I don't have ? git merge origin/master # Merge all master patches into local rep git push -u origin my_new_feature_branch # Push these local changes up - How can I throw away an obsolete branch ? git push origin :newfeature # remove remote branch git checkout -f master # switch back from newfeature to master, ignoring changes git branch -D newfeature # remove local branch - I have made stupid changes to a file and want the original back, how ? git checkout file_name.ext This will only work if the file was not yet committed. If you have already committed the change and want back the last pushed version, use "git reset" instead. - I have committed stupid changes, how can I undo the "git commit" ? - Who changed a specific line in my file ? Sometimes you need to find out whom to blame for a certain line of a change. git can tell you for each line who did the most recent change of the line. git blame README - Who else has ever changed my file, when and why ? You can inspect the log history file-wise but also directory-wise. git log README git log - How to fix a broken repository ? git fsck - How to clean up my repository (garbage collection) ? git gc - How can I change settings with an editor (without "git xxx" command) ? This is useful for inspecting the settings of local and remote branches that track each other. vi .git/config - I'm a devoted user of Bazaar, and don't want to switch to git. Is there any way for me to track Gawk development with bzr? Yes, there is. First, install the latest version of bzr (2.5.0 or later is required). If it doesn't come with the bzr-git plugin, download and install it from You will also need dulwich, which is a Python implementation of the git protocol; get it from (To know whether you have bzr-git, type "bzr plugins".) Next, clone the Gawk git repository with this command: bzr git-import git:// gawk This will create a directory called 'gawk' with meta-data of the repository, but without any working trees. To checkout the files, chdir to that directory and type: bzr checkout This will checkout the files for the default branch. To see the list of branches, type bzr branches To switch to another branch, type bzr switch --force BRANCH where BRANCH is the name of the branch, e.g. 'xgawk'. (The --force option is a workaround for an annoying misfeature in bzr 2.5.0, which will most probably be resolved in the near future.) To sync the current branch with upstream, type bzr pull If you want to update several branches, "bzr switch" to each one in turn, followed by "bzr pull" to sync the branch. - How do I manage things if I want to undo a commit? It depends upon if you have pushed the commit or not. Lots of good info is at . - What is the difference between using `git rebase' and `git merge' ? Both of these can be used to bring one branch up to date with respect to another. For example, if you are working on a feature branch based off master, and master has since progressed, you can use git checkout feature git merge master or git checkout feature git rebase master In the end, you will have your changes on top of the current version of master in the feature branch. So which to use? The answer depends on whether your feature branch has been pushed up to the Savannah repo or not. If your branch is completely local to your machine, use `git rebase'. Otherwise, use `git merge'. - How do I remove branches in my local repo that are no longer in the remote repo? Either git fetch --prune or git remote prune origin These remove the remote branches (i.e., origin/something) that no longer exist on the remote. (Thanks to Stepan Kasal for this answer.)