/* * awkgram.y --- yacc/bison parser */ /* * Copyright (C) 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991-2010 the Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GAWK, the GNU implementation of the * AWK Programming Language. * * GAWK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GAWK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ %{ #ifdef GAWKDEBUG #define YYDEBUG 12 #endif #include "awk.h" #if defined(__STDC__) && __STDC__ < 1 /* VMS weirdness, maybe elsewhere */ #define signed /**/ #endif static void yyerror(const char *m, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF_1; static char *get_src_buf(void); static int yylex(void); int yyparse(void); static INSTRUCTION *snode(INSTRUCTION *subn, INSTRUCTION *op); static int func_install(INSTRUCTION *fp, INSTRUCTION *def); static void pop_params(NODE *params); static NODE *make_param(char *pname); static NODE *mk_rexp(INSTRUCTION *exp); static void append_param(char *pname); static int dup_parms(NODE *func); static void param_sanity(INSTRUCTION *arglist); static int parms_shadow(INSTRUCTION *pc, int *shadow); static int isnoeffect(OPCODE type); static INSTRUCTION *make_assignable(INSTRUCTION *ip); static void dumpintlstr(const char *str, size_t len); static void dumpintlstr2(const char *str1, size_t len1, const char *str2, size_t len2); static int isarray(NODE *n); static int include_source(char *src); static void next_sourcefile(void); static char *tokexpand(void); #define instruction(t) bcalloc(t, 1, 0) static INSTRUCTION *mk_program(void); static INSTRUCTION *append_rule(INSTRUCTION *pattern, INSTRUCTION *action); static INSTRUCTION *mk_condition(INSTRUCTION *cond, INSTRUCTION *ifp, INSTRUCTION *true_branch, INSTRUCTION *elsep, INSTRUCTION *false_branch); static INSTRUCTION *mk_expression_list(INSTRUCTION *list, INSTRUCTION *s1); static INSTRUCTION *mk_for_loop(INSTRUCTION *forp, INSTRUCTION *init, INSTRUCTION *cond, INSTRUCTION *incr, INSTRUCTION *body); static void fix_break_continue(INSTRUCTION *start, INSTRUCTION *end, int check_continue); static INSTRUCTION *mk_binary(INSTRUCTION *s1, INSTRUCTION *s2, INSTRUCTION *op); static INSTRUCTION *mk_boolean(INSTRUCTION *left, INSTRUCTION *right, INSTRUCTION *op); static INSTRUCTION *mk_assignment(INSTRUCTION *lhs, INSTRUCTION *rhs, INSTRUCTION *op); static INSTRUCTION *mk_getline(INSTRUCTION *op, INSTRUCTION *opt_var, INSTRUCTION *redir, OPCODE redirtype); static NODE *make_regnode(int type, NODE *exp); static int count_expressions(INSTRUCTION **list, int isarg); static INSTRUCTION *optimize_assignment(INSTRUCTION *exp); static void add_lint(INSTRUCTION *list, LINTTYPE linttype); enum defref { FUNC_DEFINE, FUNC_USE }; static void func_use(const char *name, enum defref how); static void check_funcs(void); static void free_bcpool(INSTRUCTION *pl); static ssize_t read_one_line(int fd, void *buffer, size_t count); static int one_line_close(int fd); static void (*install_func)(char *) = NULL; static int want_source = FALSE; static int want_regexp; /* lexical scanning kludge */ static int can_return; /* parsing kludge */ static int rule = 0; const char *const ruletab[] = { "?", "BEGIN", "Rule", "END", "BEGINFILE", "ENDFILE", }; static int in_print = FALSE; /* lexical scanning kludge for print */ static int in_parens = 0; /* lexical scanning kludge for print */ static int sub_counter = 0; /* array dimension counter for use in delete */ static char *lexptr = NULL; /* pointer to next char during parsing */ static char *lexend; static char *lexptr_begin; /* keep track of where we were for error msgs */ static char *lexeme; /* beginning of lexeme for debugging */ static int lexeof; /* seen EOF for current source? */ static char *thisline = NULL; static int in_braces = 0; /* count braces for firstline, lastline in an 'action' */ static int lastline = 0; static int firstline = 0; static SRCFILE *sourcefile = NULL; /* current program source */ static int lasttok = 0; static int eof_warned = FALSE; /* GLOBAL: want warning for each file */ static int break_allowed; /* kludge for break */ static int continue_allowed; /* kludge for continue */ #define END_FILE -1000 #define END_SRC -2000 #define YYDEBUG_LEXER_TEXT (lexeme) static int param_counter; static NODE *func_params; /* list of parameters for the current function */ static char *tokstart = NULL; static char *tok = NULL; static char *tokend; static int errcount = 0; static NODE *symbol_list; extern void destroy_symbol(char *name); static long func_count; /* total number of functions */ #define HASHSIZE 1021 /* this constant only used here */ NODE *variables[HASHSIZE]; static int var_count; /* total number of global variables */ extern char *source; extern int sourceline; extern SRCFILE *srcfiles; extern INSTRUCTION *rule_list; extern int max_args; static INSTRUCTION *rule_block[sizeof(ruletab)]; static INSTRUCTION *ip_rec; static INSTRUCTION *ip_newfile; static INSTRUCTION *ip_atexit = NULL; static INSTRUCTION *ip_end; static INSTRUCTION *ip_endfile; static INSTRUCTION *ip_beginfile; static inline INSTRUCTION *list_create(INSTRUCTION *x); static inline INSTRUCTION *list_append(INSTRUCTION *l, INSTRUCTION *x); static inline INSTRUCTION *list_prepend(INSTRUCTION *l, INSTRUCTION *x); static inline INSTRUCTION *list_merge(INSTRUCTION *l1, INSTRUCTION *l2); extern double fmod(double x, double y); /* * This string cannot occur as a real awk identifier. * Use it as a special token to make function parsing * uniform, but if it's seen, don't install the function. * e.g. * function split(x) { return x } * function x(a) { return a } * should only produce one error message, and not core dump. */ static char builtin_func[] = "@builtin"; #define YYSTYPE INSTRUCTION * %} %token FUNC_CALL NAME REGEXP FILENAME %token YNUMBER YSTRING %token RELOP IO_OUT IO_IN %token ASSIGNOP ASSIGN MATCHOP CONCAT_OP %token SUBSCRIPT %token LEX_BEGIN LEX_END LEX_IF LEX_ELSE LEX_RETURN LEX_DELETE %token LEX_SWITCH LEX_CASE LEX_DEFAULT LEX_WHILE LEX_DO LEX_FOR LEX_BREAK LEX_CONTINUE %token LEX_PRINT LEX_PRINTF LEX_NEXT LEX_EXIT LEX_FUNCTION %token LEX_BEGINFILE LEX_ENDFILE %token LEX_GETLINE LEX_NEXTFILE %token LEX_IN %token LEX_AND LEX_OR INCREMENT DECREMENT %token LEX_BUILTIN LEX_LENGTH %token LEX_EOF %token LEX_INCLUDE LEX_EVAL %token NEWLINE /* Lowest to highest */ %right ASSIGNOP ASSIGN SLASH_BEFORE_EQUAL %right '?' ':' %left LEX_OR %left LEX_AND %left LEX_GETLINE %nonassoc LEX_IN %left FUNC_CALL LEX_BUILTIN LEX_LENGTH %nonassoc ',' %left MATCHOP %nonassoc RELOP '<' '>' IO_IN IO_OUT %left CONCAT_OP %left YSTRING YNUMBER %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %right '!' UNARY %right '^' %left INCREMENT DECREMENT %left '$' %left '(' ')' %% program : /* empty */ | program rule { rule = 0; yyerrok; } | program nls | program LEX_EOF { next_sourcefile(); } | program error { rule = 0; /* * If errors, give up, don't produce an infinite * stream of syntax error messages. */ /* yyerrok; */ } ; rule : pattern action { (void) append_rule($1, $2); } | pattern statement_term { if (rule != Rule) { msg(_("%s blocks must have an action part"), ruletab[rule]); errcount++; } else if ($1 == NULL) { msg(_("each rule must have a pattern or an action part")); errcount++; } else /* pattern rule with non-empty pattern */ (void) append_rule($1, NULL); } | function_prologue action { can_return = FALSE; if ($1 && func_install($1, $2) < 0) YYABORT; func_params = NULL; yyerrok; } | '@' LEX_INCLUDE source statement_term { want_source = FALSE; yyerrok; } ; source : FILENAME { char *src = $1->lextok; if (include_source(src) < 0) YYABORT; efree(src); bcfree($1); $$ = NULL; } | FILENAME error { $$ = NULL; } | error { $$ = NULL; } ; pattern : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; rule = Rule; } | exp { $$ = $1; rule = Rule; } | exp ',' exp { INSTRUCTION *tp; add_lint($1, LINT_assign_in_cond); add_lint($3, LINT_assign_in_cond); tp = instruction(Op_no_op); list_prepend($1, bcalloc(Op_line_range, !!do_profiling + 1, 0)); $1->nexti->triggered = FALSE; $1->nexti->target_jmp = $3->nexti; list_append($1, instruction(Op_cond_pair)); $1->lasti->line_range = $1->nexti; $1->lasti->target_jmp = tp; list_append($3, instruction(Op_cond_pair)); $3->lasti->line_range = $1->nexti; $3->lasti->target_jmp = tp; if (do_profiling) { ($1->nexti + 1)->condpair_left = $1->lasti; ($1->nexti + 1)->condpair_right = $3->lasti; } $$ = list_append(list_merge($1, $3), tp); rule = Rule; } | LEX_BEGIN { static int begin_seen = 0; if (do_lint_old && ++begin_seen == 2) warning(_("old awk does not support multiple `BEGIN' or `END' rules")); $1->in_rule = rule = BEGIN; $1->source_file = source; $$ = $1; } | LEX_END { static int end_seen = 0; if (do_lint_old && ++end_seen == 2) warning(_("old awk does not support multiple `BEGIN' or `END' rules")); $1->in_rule = rule = END; $1->source_file = source; $$ = $1; } | LEX_BEGINFILE { $1->in_rule = rule = BEGINFILE; $1->source_file = source; $$ = $1; } | LEX_ENDFILE { $1->in_rule = rule = ENDFILE; $1->source_file = source; $$ = $1; } ; action : l_brace statements r_brace opt_semi opt_nls { if ($2 == NULL) $$ = list_create(instruction(Op_no_op)); else $$ = $2; } ; func_name : NAME { $$ = $1; } | FUNC_CALL { $$ = $1; } | lex_builtin { yyerror(_("`%s' is a built-in function, it cannot be redefined"), tokstart); $1->opcode = Op_symbol; /* Op_symbol instead of Op_token so that * free_bc_internal does not try to free it */ $1->lextok = builtin_func; $$ = $1; /* yyerrok; */ } | '@' LEX_EVAL { $$ = $2; } ; lex_builtin : LEX_BUILTIN | LEX_LENGTH ; function_prologue : LEX_FUNCTION { param_counter = 0; func_params = NULL; } func_name '(' opt_param_list r_paren opt_nls { NODE *t; $1->source_file = source; t = make_param($3->lextok); $3->lextok = NULL; bcfree($3); t->flags |= FUNC; t->rnode = func_params; func_params = t; $$ = $1; can_return = TRUE; /* check for duplicate parameter names */ if (dup_parms(t)) errcount++; } ; regexp /* * In this rule, want_regexp tells yylex that the next thing * is a regexp so it should read up to the closing slash. */ : a_slash { ++want_regexp; } REGEXP /* The terminating '/' is consumed by yylex(). */ { NODE *n, *exp; char *re; size_t len; re = $3->lextok; len = strlen(re); if (do_lint) { if (len == 0) lintwarn(_("regexp constant `//' looks like a C++ comment, but is not")); else if ((re)[0] == '*' && (re)[len-1] == '*') /* possible C comment */ lintwarn(_("regexp constant `/%s/' looks like a C comment, but is not"), tokstart); } exp = make_str_node(re, len, ALREADY_MALLOCED); n = make_regnode(Node_regex, exp); if (n == NULL) { unref(exp); YYABORT; } $$ = $3; $$->opcode = Op_match_rec; $$->memory = n; } ; a_slash : '/' { bcfree($1); } | SLASH_BEFORE_EQUAL ; statements : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | statements statement { if ($2 == NULL) $$ = $1; else { add_lint($2, LINT_no_effect); if ($1 == NULL) $$ = $2; else $$ = list_merge($1, $2); } yyerrok; } | statements error { $$ = NULL; } ; statement_term : nls | semi opt_nls ; statement : semi opt_nls { $$ = NULL; } | l_brace statements r_brace { $$ = $2; } | if_statement { if (do_profiling) $$ = list_prepend($1, instruction(Op_exec_count)); else $$ = $1; } | LEX_SWITCH '(' exp r_paren opt_nls l_brace switch_body opt_nls r_brace { INSTRUCTION *ip; $1->opcode = Op_push_loop; $1->target_continue = NULL; ip = list_prepend($3, $1); if ($7->nexti->switch_dflt == NULL) $7->nexti->switch_dflt = $1; /* implicit break */ if (do_profiling) { (void) list_prepend(ip, instruction(Op_exec_count)); ($1 + 1)->opcode = Op_K_switch; ($1 + 1)->switch_body = $7->nexti; } (void) list_merge(ip, $7); $$ = list_append(ip, instruction(Op_pop_loop)); $1->target_break = $$->lasti; break_allowed--; fix_break_continue($1, $$->lasti, FALSE); } | LEX_WHILE '(' exp r_paren opt_nls statement { /* * [Op_push_loop| z| y] * ----------------- * z: * cond * ----------------- * [Op_jmp_false y ] * ----------------- * body * ----------------- * [Op_jmp z ] * y: [Op_pop_loop ] */ INSTRUCTION *ip, *tp; tp = instruction(Op_pop_loop); add_lint($3, LINT_assign_in_cond); $1->opcode = Op_push_loop; $1->target_continue = $3->nexti; $1->target_break = tp; ip = list_create($1); (void) list_merge(ip, $3); (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_jmp_false)); ip->lasti->target_jmp = tp; if (do_profiling) { (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_exec_count)); ($1 + 1)->opcode = Op_K_while; ($1 + 1)->while_body = ip->lasti; } if ($6 != NULL) (void) list_merge(ip, $6); (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_jmp)); ip->lasti->target_jmp = $1->target_continue; $$ = list_append(ip, tp); break_allowed--; continue_allowed--; fix_break_continue($1, tp, TRUE); } | LEX_DO opt_nls statement LEX_WHILE '(' exp r_paren opt_nls { /* * [Op_push_loop | x | y] * ----------------- * z: * body * ----------------- * x: * cond * ----------------- * [Op_jmp_true | z ] * y: [Op_pop_loop ] */ INSTRUCTION *ip; $4->opcode = Op_pop_loop; $1->opcode = Op_push_loop; $1->target_continue = $6->nexti; $1->target_break = $4; add_lint($6, LINT_assign_in_cond); if ($3 != NULL) ip = list_merge($3, $6); else ip = list_prepend($6, instruction(Op_no_op)); if (do_profiling) { (void) list_prepend(ip, instruction(Op_exec_count)); ($1 + 1)->opcode = Op_K_do; ($1 + 1)->doloop_cond = $1->target_continue; } (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_jmp_true)); ip->lasti->target_jmp = ip->nexti; $$ = list_prepend(ip, $1); (void) list_append(ip, $4); break_allowed--; continue_allowed--; fix_break_continue($1, $4, TRUE); } | LEX_FOR '(' NAME LEX_IN simple_variable r_paren opt_nls statement { INSTRUCTION *ip; char *var_name = $3->lextok; if ($8 != NULL && $8->lasti->opcode == Op_K_delete && $8->lasti->expr_count == 1 && $8->nexti->opcode == Op_push && ($8->nexti->memory->type != Node_var || !($8->nexti->memory->var_update)) && strcmp($8->nexti->memory->vname, var_name) == 0 ) { /* Efficiency hack. Recognize the special case of * * for (iggy in foo) * delete foo[iggy] * * and treat it as if it were * * delete foo * * Check that the body is a `delete a[i]' statement, * and that both the loop var and array names match. */ NODE *arr = NULL; ip = $8->nexti->nexti; if ($5->nexti->opcode == Op_push && $5->lasti == $5->nexti) arr = $5->nexti->memory; if (arr != NULL && ip->opcode == Op_no_op && ip->nexti->opcode == Op_push_array && strcmp(ip->nexti->memory->vname, arr->vname) == 0 && ip->nexti->nexti == $8->lasti ) { (void) make_assignable($8->nexti); $8->lasti->opcode = Op_K_delete_loop; $8->lasti->expr_count = 0; bcfree($1); efree(var_name); bcfree($3); bcfree($4); bcfree($5); $$ = $8; } else goto regular_loop; } else { /* [ Op_push_array a ] * [ Op_arrayfor_init| w ] * [ Op_push_loop | z | y ] * z: [ Op_arrayfor_incr | y ] * [ Op_var_assign if any ] * * body * * [Op_jmp | z ] * y: [Op_pop_loop ] * w: [Op_arrayfor_final ] */ regular_loop: ip = $5; ip->nexti->opcode = Op_push_array; $3->opcode = Op_arrayfor_init; (void) list_append(ip, $3); $4->opcode = Op_arrayfor_incr; $4->array_var = variable(var_name, Node_var); $1->opcode = Op_push_loop; $1->target_continue = $4; (void) list_append(ip, $1); /* add update_FOO instruction if necessary */ if ($4->array_var->type == Node_var && $4->array_var->var_update) { (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_var_update)); ip->lasti->memory = $4->array_var; } (void) list_append(ip, $4); /* add set_FOO instruction if necessary */ if ($4->array_var->type == Node_var && $4->array_var->var_assign) { (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_var_assign)); ip->lasti->memory = $4->array_var; } if (do_profiling) { (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_exec_count)); ($1 + 1)->opcode = Op_K_arrayfor; ($1 + 1)->forloop_cond = $4; ($1 + 1)->forloop_body = ip->lasti; } if ($8 != NULL) (void) list_merge(ip, $8); (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_jmp)); ip->lasti->target_jmp = $4; (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_pop_loop)); $4->target_jmp = $1->target_break = ip->lasti; $$ = list_append(ip, instruction(Op_arrayfor_final)); $3->target_jmp = $$->lasti; fix_break_continue($1, $4->target_jmp, TRUE); } break_allowed--; continue_allowed--; } | LEX_FOR '(' opt_simple_stmt semi opt_nls exp semi opt_nls opt_simple_stmt r_paren opt_nls statement { $$ = mk_for_loop($1, $3, $6, $9, $12); break_allowed--; continue_allowed--; } | LEX_FOR '(' opt_simple_stmt semi opt_nls semi opt_nls opt_simple_stmt r_paren opt_nls statement { $$ = mk_for_loop($1, $3, (INSTRUCTION *) NULL, $8, $11); break_allowed--; continue_allowed--; } | non_compound_stmt { if (do_profiling) $$ = list_prepend($1, instruction(Op_exec_count)); else $$ = $1; } ; non_compound_stmt : LEX_BREAK statement_term { if (! break_allowed) yyerror(_("`break' is not allowed outside a loop or switch")); $1->target_jmp = NULL; $$ = list_create($1); } | LEX_CONTINUE statement_term { if (! continue_allowed) yyerror(_("`continue' is not allowed outside a loop")); $1->target_jmp = NULL; $$ = list_create($1); } | LEX_NEXT statement_term { if (rule != Rule) yyerror(_("`next' used in %s action"), ruletab[rule]); $1->target_jmp = ip_rec; $$ = list_create($1); } | LEX_NEXTFILE statement_term { static short warned = FALSE; if (do_traditional) { /* * can't use yyerror, since may have overshot * the source line */ errcount++; error(_("`nextfile' is a gawk extension")); } if (do_lint && ! warned) { warned = TRUE; lintwarn(_("`nextfile' is a gawk extension")); } if (rule == BEGIN || rule == END || rule == ENDFILE) { errcount++; error(_("`nextfile' used in %s action"), ruletab[rule]); } $1->target_jmp = ip_newfile; $1->target_endfile = ip_endfile; $$ = list_create($1); } | LEX_EXIT opt_exp statement_term { if (rule == END) $1->target_jmp = ip_atexit; else $1->target_jmp = ip_end; /* first instruction (no-op) in end block */ if ($2 == NULL) { $$ = list_create($1); (void) list_prepend($$, instruction(Op_push_i)); $$->nexti->memory = Nnull_string; } else $$ = list_append($2, $1); } | LEX_RETURN { if (! can_return) yyerror(_("`return' used outside function context")); } opt_exp statement_term { if ($3 == NULL) { $$ = list_create($1); (void) list_prepend($$, instruction(Op_push_i)); $$->nexti->memory = Nnull_string; } else $$ = list_append($3, $1); } | simple_stmt statement_term ; /* * A simple_stmt exists to satisfy a constraint in the POSIX * grammar allowing them to occur as the 1st and 3rd parts * in a `for (...;...;...)' loop. This is a historical oddity * inherited from Unix awk, not at all documented in the AK&W * awk book. We support it, as this was reported as a bug. * We don't bother to document it though. So there. */ simple_stmt : print { in_print = TRUE; in_parens = 0; } print_expression_list output_redir { /* * Optimization: plain `print' has no expression list, so $3 is null. * If $3 is NULL or is a bytecode list for $0 use Op_K_print_rec, * which is faster for these two cases. */ if ($1->opcode == Op_K_print && ($3 == NULL || ($3->lasti->opcode == Op_field_spec && $3->nexti->nexti->nexti == $3->lasti && $3->nexti->nexti->opcode == Op_push_i && $3->nexti->nexti->memory->type == Node_val && $3->nexti->nexti->memory->numbr == 0.0) ) ) { static short warned = FALSE; /* ----------------- * output_redir * [ redirect exp ] * ----------------- * expression_list * ------------------ * [Op_K_print_rec | NULL | redir_type | expr_count] */ if ($3 != NULL) { bcfree($3->lasti); /* Op_field_spec */ $3->nexti->nexti->memory->flags &= ~PERM; $3->nexti->nexti->memory->flags |= MALLOC; unref($3->nexti->nexti->memory); /* Node_val */ bcfree($3->nexti->nexti); /* Op_push_i */ bcfree($3->nexti); /* Op_list */ bcfree($3); /* Op_list */ } else { if (do_lint && (rule == BEGIN || rule == END) && ! warned) { warned = TRUE; lintwarn( _("plain `print' in BEGIN or END rule should probably be `print \"\"'")); } } $1->expr_count = 0; $1->opcode = Op_K_print_rec; if ($4 == NULL) { /* no redircetion */ $1->redir_type = 0; $$ = list_create($1); } else { INSTRUCTION *ip; ip = $4->nexti; $1->redir_type = ip->redir_type; $4->nexti = ip->nexti; bcfree(ip); $$ = list_append($4, $1); } } else { /* ----------------- * [ output_redir ] * [ redirect exp ] * ----------------- * [ expression_list ] * ------------------ * [$1 | NULL | redir_type | expr_count] * */ if ($4 == NULL) { /* no redirection */ if ($3 == NULL) { /* printf without arg */ $1->expr_count = 0; $1->redir_type = 0; $$ = list_create($1); } else { INSTRUCTION *t = $3; $1->expr_count = count_expressions(&t, FALSE); $1->redir_type = 0; $$ = list_append(t, $1); } } else { INSTRUCTION *ip; ip = $4->nexti; $1->redir_type = ip->redir_type; $4->nexti = ip->nexti; bcfree(ip); if ($3 == NULL) { $1->expr_count = 0; $$ = list_append($4, $1); } else { INSTRUCTION *t = $3; $1->expr_count = count_expressions(&t, FALSE); $$ = list_append(list_merge($4, t), $1); } } } } | LEX_DELETE NAME { sub_counter = 0; } delete_subscript_list { char *arr = $2->lextok; $2->opcode = Op_push_array; $2->memory = variable(arr, Node_var_array); if ($4 == NULL) { static short warned = FALSE; if (do_lint && ! warned) { warned = TRUE; lintwarn(_("`delete array' is a gawk extension")); } if (do_traditional) { /* * can't use yyerror, since may have overshot * the source line */ errcount++; error(_("`delete array' is a gawk extension")); } $1->expr_count = 0; $$ = list_append(list_create($2), $1); } else { $1->expr_count = sub_counter; $$ = list_append(list_append($4, $2), $1); } } | LEX_DELETE '(' NAME ')' /* * this is for tawk compatibility. maybe the warnings * should always be done. */ { static short warned = FALSE; char *arr = $3->lextok; if (do_lint && ! warned) { warned = TRUE; lintwarn(_("`delete(array)' is a non-portable tawk extension")); } if (do_traditional) { /* * can't use yyerror, since may have overshot * the source line. */ errcount++; error(_("`delete(array)' is a non-portable tawk extension")); } $3->memory = variable(arr, Node_var_array); $3->opcode = Op_push_array; $1->expr_count = 0; $$ = list_append(list_create($3), $1); } | exp { $$ = optimize_assignment($1); } ; opt_simple_stmt : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | simple_stmt { $$ = $1; } ; switch_body : case_statements { INSTRUCTION *dflt = NULL; if ($1 != NULL) { INSTRUCTION *curr; const char **case_values = NULL; int maxcount = 128; int case_count = 0; int i; emalloc(case_values, const char **, sizeof(char *) * maxcount, "statement"); for (curr = $1->case_val->nexti; curr != NULL; curr = curr->nexti) { if (curr->opcode == Op_K_case) { char *caseval; if (curr->memory->type == Node_regex) caseval = curr->memory->re_exp->stptr; else caseval = force_string(curr->memory)->stptr; for (i = 0; i < case_count; i++) if (strcmp(caseval, case_values[i]) == 0) yyerror(_("duplicate case values in switch body: %s"), caseval); if (case_count >= maxcount) { maxcount += 128; erealloc(case_values, const char **, sizeof(char*) * maxcount, "statement"); } case_values[case_count++] = caseval; } else { /* Otherwise save a pointer to the default node. */ if (dflt != NULL) yyerror(_("duplicate `default' detected in switch body")); dflt = curr; } } efree(case_values); $$ = list_prepend($1->case_stmt, instruction(Op_K_switch)); $$->nexti->case_val = $1->case_val->nexti; $$->nexti->switch_dflt = dflt; bcfree($1->case_val); /* Op_list */ bcfree($1); /* Op_case_list */ } else { $$ = list_create(instruction(Op_K_switch)); $$->nexti->case_val = NULL; $$->nexti->switch_dflt = NULL; } } ; case_statements : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | case_statements case_statement { if ($1 == NULL) { $2->case_val = list_create($2->case_val); $$ = $2; } else { (void) list_append($1->case_val, $2->case_val); (void) list_merge($1->case_stmt, $2->case_stmt); bcfree($2); /* Op_case_list */ $$ = $1; } } | case_statements error { $$ = NULL; } ; case_statement : LEX_CASE case_value colon opt_nls statements { INSTRUCTION *casestmt = $5; $1->memory = $2->memory; bcfree($2); if ($5 == NULL) casestmt = list_create(instruction(Op_no_op)); if (do_profiling) (void) list_prepend(casestmt, instruction(Op_exec_count)); $1->target_stmt = casestmt->nexti; /* recycle $3 as Op_case_list */ $3->opcode = Op_case_list; $3->case_val = $1; /* Op_K_case */ $3->case_stmt = casestmt; /* Op_list */ $$ = $3; } | LEX_DEFAULT colon opt_nls statements { INSTRUCTION *casestmt = $4; if ($4 == NULL) casestmt = list_create(instruction(Op_no_op)); if (do_profiling) (void) list_prepend(casestmt, instruction(Op_exec_count)); $1->target_stmt = casestmt->nexti; $2->opcode = Op_case_list; $2->case_val = $1; /* Op_K_default */ $2->case_stmt = casestmt; /* Op_list */ $$ = $2; } ; case_value : YNUMBER { $1->opcode = Op_K_case; $$ = $1; } | '-' YNUMBER %prec UNARY { $2->memory->numbr = -(force_number($2->memory)); bcfree($1); $2->opcode = Op_K_case; $$ = $2; } | '+' YNUMBER %prec UNARY { bcfree($1); $2->opcode = Op_K_case; $$ = $2; } | YSTRING { $1->opcode = Op_K_case; $$ = $1; } | regexp { $1->opcode = Op_K_case; $$ = $1; } ; print : LEX_PRINT { $$ = $1; } | LEX_PRINTF { $$ = $1; } ; /* * Note: ``print(x)'' is already parsed by the first rule, * so there is no good in covering it by the second one too. */ print_expression_list : opt_expression_list | '(' expression_list r_paren { $$ = $2; } ; output_redir : /* empty */ { in_print = FALSE; in_parens = 0; $$ = NULL; } | IO_OUT { in_print = FALSE; in_parens = 0; } common_exp { if ($1->redir_type == redirect_twoway && $3->lasti->opcode == Op_K_getline_redir && $3->lasti->redir_type == redirect_twoway) yyerror(_("multistage two-way pipelines don't work")); $$ = list_prepend($3, $1); } ; if_statement : LEX_IF '(' exp r_paren opt_nls statement { $$ = mk_condition($3, $1, $6, NULL, NULL); } | LEX_IF '(' exp r_paren opt_nls statement LEX_ELSE opt_nls statement { $$ = mk_condition($3, $1, $6, $7, $9); } ; nls : NEWLINE | nls NEWLINE ; opt_nls : /* empty */ | nls ; input_redir : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | '<' simp_exp { bcfree($1); $$ = $2; } ; opt_param_list : /* empty */ | param_list ; param_list : NAME { append_param($1->lextok); $1->lextok = NULL; bcfree($1); } | param_list comma NAME { append_param($3->lextok); $3->lextok = NULL; bcfree($3); yyerrok; } | error { /* func_params = NULL; */ } | param_list error { /* func_params = NULL; */ } | param_list comma error { /* func_params = NULL; */ } ; /* optional expression, as in for loop */ opt_exp : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | exp { $$ = $1; } ; opt_expression_list : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | expression_list { $$ = $1; } ; expression_list : exp { $$ = mk_expression_list(NULL, $1); } | expression_list comma exp { $$ = mk_expression_list($1, $3); yyerrok; } | error { $$ = NULL; } | expression_list error { $$ = NULL; } | expression_list error exp { $$ = NULL; } | expression_list comma error { $$ = NULL; } ; /* Expressions, not including the comma operator. */ exp : variable assign_operator exp %prec ASSIGNOP { if (do_lint && $3->lasti->opcode == Op_match_rec) lintwarn(_("regular expression on right of assignment")); $$ = mk_assignment($1, $3, $2); } | exp LEX_AND exp { $$ = mk_boolean($1, $3, $2); } | exp LEX_OR exp { $$ = mk_boolean($1, $3, $2); } | exp MATCHOP exp { if ($1->lasti->opcode == Op_match_rec) warning(_("regular expression on left of `~' or `!~' operator")); if ($3->lasti == $3->nexti && $3->nexti->opcode == Op_match_rec) { $2->memory = $3->nexti->memory; bcfree($3->nexti); /* Op_match_rec */ bcfree($3); /* Op_list */ $$ = list_append($1, $2); } else { $2->memory = make_regnode(Node_dynregex, NULL); $$ = list_append(list_merge($1, $3), $2); } } | exp LEX_IN simple_variable { if (do_lint_old) warning(_("old awk does not support the keyword `in' except after `for'")); $3->nexti->opcode = Op_push_array; $2->opcode = Op_in_array; $2->expr_count = 1; $$ = list_append(list_merge($1, $3), $2); } | exp a_relop exp %prec RELOP { if (do_lint && $3->lasti->opcode == Op_match_rec) lintwarn(_("regular expression on right of comparison")); $$ = list_append(list_merge($1, $3), $2); } | exp '?' exp ':' exp { $$ = mk_condition($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); } | common_exp { $$ = $1; } ; assign_operator : ASSIGN { $$ = $1; } | ASSIGNOP { $$ = $1; } | SLASH_BEFORE_EQUAL ASSIGN /* `/=' */ { $2->opcode = Op_assign_quotient; $$ = $2; } ; relop_or_less : RELOP { $$ = $1; } | '<' { $$ = $1; } ; a_relop : relop_or_less { $$ = $1; } | '>' { $$ = $1; } ; common_exp : simp_exp { $$ = $1; } | simp_exp_nc { $$ = $1; } | common_exp simp_exp %prec CONCAT_OP { int count = 2; int is_simple_var = FALSE; INSTRUCTION *ip1, *ip2; if ($1->lasti->opcode == Op_concat) { /* multiple (> 2) adjacent strings optimization */ is_simple_var = ($1->lasti->concat_flag & CSVAR); count = $1->lasti->expr_count + 1; $1->lasti->opcode = Op_no_op; } else { is_simple_var = ($1->nexti->opcode == Op_push && $1->lasti == $1->nexti); /* first exp. is a simple * variable?; kludge for use * in Op_assign_concat. */ } ip1 = $1->nexti; ip2 = $2->nexti; if (ip1->memory != NULL && ip1->memory->type == Node_val && ip1 == $1->lasti && ip2->memory != NULL && ip2->memory->type == Node_val && ip2 == $2->lasti && do_optimize > 1){ size_t nlen; ip1->memory = force_string(ip1->memory); ip2->memory = force_string(ip2->memory); nlen = ip1->memory->stlen + ip2->memory->stlen; erealloc(ip1->memory->stptr, char *, nlen + 2, "constant fold"); memcpy(ip1->memory->stptr + ip1->memory->stlen, ip2->memory->stptr, ip2->memory->stlen); ip1->memory->stlen = nlen; ip1->memory->stptr[nlen] = '\0'; ip1->memory->flags &= ~(NUMCUR|NUMBER); ip1->memory->flags |= (STRING|STRCUR); bcfree($2); bcfree(ip2); $1->opcode = Op_push_i; $$ = $1; } else { $$ = list_append(list_merge($1, $2), instruction(Op_concat)); $$->lasti->concat_flag = (is_simple_var ? CSVAR : 0); $$->lasti->expr_count = count; if (count > max_args) max_args = count; } } ; simp_exp : non_post_simp_exp /* Binary operators in order of decreasing precedence. */ | simp_exp '^' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } | simp_exp '*' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } | simp_exp '/' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } | simp_exp '%' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } | simp_exp '+' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } | simp_exp '-' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } | LEX_GETLINE opt_variable input_redir { /* * In BEGINFILE/ENDFILE, allow `getline var < file' */ if (rule == BEGINFILE || rule == ENDFILE) { if ($2 != NULL && $3 != NULL) ; /* all ok */ else { if ($2 != NULL) yyerror(_("`getline var' invalid inside `%s' rule"), ruletab[rule]); else yyerror(_("`getline' invalid inside `%s' rule"), ruletab[rule]); YYABORT; } } if (do_lint && rule == END && $3 == NULL) lintwarn(_("non-redirected `getline' undefined inside END action")); $$ = mk_getline($1, $2, $3, redirect_input); } | variable INCREMENT { $2->opcode = Op_postincrement; $$ = mk_assignment($1, NULL, $2); } | variable DECREMENT { $2->opcode = Op_postdecrement; $$ = mk_assignment($1, NULL, $2); } | '(' expression_list r_paren LEX_IN simple_variable { if (do_lint_old) { warning(_("old awk does not support the keyword `in' except after `for'")); warning(_("old awk does not support multidimensional arrays")); } $5->nexti->opcode = Op_push_array; $4->opcode = Op_in_array; if ($2 == NULL) { /* error */ errcount++; $4->expr_count = 0; $$ = list_merge($5, $4); } else { INSTRUCTION *t = $2; $4->expr_count = count_expressions(&t, FALSE); $$ = list_append(list_merge(t, $5), $4); } } ; /* Expressions containing "| getline" lose the ability to be on the right-hand side of a concatenation. */ simp_exp_nc : common_exp IO_IN LEX_GETLINE opt_variable { $$ = mk_getline($3, $4, $1, $2->redir_type); bcfree($2); } /* Binary operators in order of decreasing precedence. */ | simp_exp_nc '^' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } | simp_exp_nc '*' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } | simp_exp_nc '/' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } | simp_exp_nc '%' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } | simp_exp_nc '+' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } | simp_exp_nc '-' simp_exp { $$ = mk_binary($1, $3, $2); } ; non_post_simp_exp : regexp { $$ = list_create($1); } | '!' simp_exp %prec UNARY { if ($2->opcode == Op_match_rec) { $2->opcode = Op_nomatch; $1->opcode = Op_push_i; $1->memory = mk_number(0.0, (PERM|NUMCUR|NUMBER)); $$ = list_append(list_append(list_create($1), instruction(Op_field_spec)), $2); } else { INSTRUCTION *ip; ip = $2->nexti; if (ip->memory->type == Node_val && $2->lasti == ip && do_optimize > 1) { NODE *ret; if ((ip->memory->flags & (STRCUR|STRING)) != 0) { if (ip->memory->stlen == 0) { ret = make_number((AWKNUM) 1.0); } else { ret = make_number((AWKNUM) 0.0); } } else { if (ip->memory->numbr == 0) { ret = make_number((AWKNUM) 1.0); } else { ret = make_number((AWKNUM) 0.0); } } ret->flags &= ~MALLOC; ret->flags |= PERM; $1->memory = ret; $1->opcode = Op_push_i; bcfree(ip); bcfree($2); $$ = list_create($1); } else { $1->opcode = Op_not; add_lint($2, LINT_assign_in_cond); $$ = list_append($2, $1); } } } | '(' exp r_paren { $$ = $2; } | LEX_BUILTIN '(' opt_expression_list r_paren { $$ = snode($3, $1); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } | LEX_LENGTH '(' opt_expression_list r_paren { $$ = snode($3, $1); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } | LEX_LENGTH { static short warned1 = FALSE; if (do_lint && ! warned1) { warned1 = TRUE; lintwarn(_("call of `length' without parentheses is not portable")); } $$ = snode(NULL, $1); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } | func_call | variable | INCREMENT variable { $1->opcode = Op_preincrement; $$ = mk_assignment($2, NULL, $1); } | DECREMENT variable { $1->opcode = Op_predecrement; $$ = mk_assignment($2, NULL, $1); } | YNUMBER { $$ = list_create($1); } | YSTRING { $$ = list_create($1); } | '-' simp_exp %prec UNARY { if ($2->lasti->opcode == Op_push_i && ($2->lasti->memory->flags & (STRCUR|STRING)) == 0) { $2->lasti->memory->numbr = -(force_number($2->lasti->memory)); $$ = $2; bcfree($1); } else { $1->opcode = Op_unary_minus; $$ = list_append($2, $1); } } | '+' simp_exp %prec UNARY { /* * was: $$ = $2 * POSIX semantics: force a conversion to numeric type */ $1->opcode = Op_plus_i; $1->memory = mk_number((AWKNUM) 0.0, (PERM|NUMCUR|NUMBER)); $$ = list_append($2, $1); } ; func_call : direct_func_call { func_use($1->lasti->func_name, FUNC_USE); $$ = $1; } | '@' direct_func_call { /* indirect function call */ INSTRUCTION *f, *t; char *name; NODE *indirect_var; static short warned = FALSE; const char *msg = _("indirect function calls are a gawk extension"); if (do_traditional || do_posix) yyerror("%s", msg); else if (do_lint && ! warned) { warned = TRUE; lintwarn("%s", msg); } f = $2->lasti; f->opcode = Op_indirect_func_call; name = estrdup(f->func_name, strlen(f->func_name)); if (is_std_var(name)) yyerror(_("can not use special variable `%s' for indirect function call"), name); indirect_var = variable(name, Node_var_new); t = instruction(Op_push); t->memory = indirect_var; /* prepend indirect var instead of appending to arguments (opt_expression_list), * and pop it off in setup_frame (eval.c) (left to right evaluation order); Test case: * f = "fun" * @f(f="real_fun") */ $$ = list_prepend($2, t); } ; direct_func_call : FUNC_CALL '(' opt_expression_list r_paren { param_sanity($3); $1->opcode = Op_func_call; $1->func_body = NULL; if ($3 == NULL) { /* no argument or error */ ($1 + 1)->expr_count = 0; $$ = list_create($1); } else { INSTRUCTION *t = $3; ($1 + 1)->expr_count = count_expressions(&t, TRUE); $$ = list_append(t, $1); } } ; opt_variable : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | variable { $$ = $1; } ; delete_subscript_list : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | delete_subscript SUBSCRIPT { $$ = $1; } ; delete_subscript : delete_exp_list { $$ = $1; } | delete_subscript delete_exp_list { $$ = list_merge($1, $2); } ; delete_exp_list : bracketed_exp_list { INSTRUCTION *ip = $1->lasti; int count = ip->sub_count; /* # of SUBSEP-seperated expressions */ if (count > 1) { /* change Op_subscript or Op_sub_array to Op_concat */ ip->opcode = Op_concat; ip->concat_flag = CSUBSEP; ip->expr_count = count; } else ip->opcode = Op_no_op; sub_counter++; /* count # of dimensions */ $$ = $1; } ; bracketed_exp_list : '[' expression_list ']' { INSTRUCTION *t = $2; if ($2 == NULL) { errcount++; error(_("invalid subscript expression")); /* install Null string as subscript. */ t = list_create(instruction(Op_push_i)); t->nexti->memory = Nnull_string; $3->sub_count = 1; } else $3->sub_count = count_expressions(&t, FALSE); $$ = list_append(t, $3); } ; subscript : bracketed_exp_list { $$ = $1; } | subscript bracketed_exp_list { $$ = list_merge($1, $2); } ; subscript_list : subscript SUBSCRIPT { $$ = $1; } ; simple_variable : NAME { char *var_name = $1->lextok; $1->opcode = Op_push; $1->memory = variable(var_name, Node_var_new); $$ = list_create($1); } | NAME subscript_list { NODE *n; char *arr = $1->lextok; if ((n = lookup(arr)) != NULL && ! isarray(n)) yyerror(_("use of non-array as array")); $1->memory = variable(arr, Node_var_array); $1->opcode = Op_push_array; $$ = list_prepend($2, $1); } ; variable : simple_variable { INSTRUCTION *ip = $1->nexti; if (ip->opcode == Op_push && ip->memory->type == Node_var && ip->memory->var_update ) { $$ = list_prepend($1, instruction(Op_var_update)); $$->nexti->memory = ip->memory; } else $$ = $1; } | '$' non_post_simp_exp opt_incdec { $$ = list_append($2, $1); if ($3 != NULL) mk_assignment($2, NULL, $3); } ; opt_incdec : INCREMENT { $1->opcode = Op_postincrement; } | DECREMENT { $1->opcode = Op_postdecrement; } | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } ; l_brace : '{' opt_nls ; r_brace : '}' opt_nls { yyerrok; } ; r_paren : ')' { yyerrok; } ; opt_semi : /* empty */ | semi ; semi : ';' { yyerrok; } ; colon : ':' { $$ = $1; yyerrok; } ; comma : ',' opt_nls { yyerrok; } ; %% struct token { const char *operator; /* text to match */ OPCODE value; /* type */ int class; /* lexical class */ unsigned flags; /* # of args. allowed and compatability */ # define ARGS 0xFF /* 0, 1, 2, 3 args allowed (any combination */ # define A(n) (1<<(n)) # define VERSION_MASK 0xFF00 /* old awk is zero */ # define NOT_OLD 0x0100 /* feature not in old awk */ # define NOT_POSIX 0x0200 /* feature not in POSIX */ # define GAWKX 0x0400 /* gawk extension */ # define RESX 0x0800 /* Bell Labs Research extension */ # define BREAK 0x1000 /* break allowed inside */ # define CONTINUE 0x2000 /* continue allowed inside */ NODE *(*ptr)(int); /* function that implements this keyword */ }; #if 'a' == 0x81 /* it's EBCDIC */ /* tokcompare --- lexicographically compare token names for sorting */ static int tokcompare(void *l, void *r) { struct token *lhs, *rhs; lhs = (struct token *) l; rhs = (struct token *) r; return strcmp(lhs->operator, rhs->operator); } #endif /* * Tokentab is sorted ASCII ascending order, so it can be binary searched. * See check_special(), which sorts the table on EBCDIC systems. * Function pointers come from declarations in awk.h. */ static const struct token tokentab[] = { {"BEGIN", Op_rule, LEX_BEGIN, 0, 0}, {"BEGINFILE", Op_rule, LEX_BEGINFILE, GAWKX, 0}, {"END", Op_rule, LEX_END, 0, 0}, {"ENDFILE", Op_rule, LEX_ENDFILE, GAWKX, 0}, #ifdef ARRAYDEBUG {"adump", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(1), do_adump}, #endif {"and", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(2), do_and}, {"asort", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(1)|A(2), do_asort}, {"asorti", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(1)|A(2), do_asorti}, {"atan2", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(2), do_atan2}, {"bindtextdomain", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(1)|A(2), do_bindtextdomain}, {"break", Op_K_break, LEX_BREAK, 0, 0}, {"case", Op_K_case, LEX_CASE, GAWKX, 0}, {"close", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(1)|A(2), do_close}, {"compl", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(1), do_compl}, {"continue", Op_K_continue, LEX_CONTINUE, 0, 0}, {"cos", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(1), do_cos}, {"dcgettext", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(1)|A(2)|A(3), do_dcgettext}, {"dcngettext", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(1)|A(2)|A(3)|A(4)|A(5), do_dcngettext}, {"default", Op_K_default, LEX_DEFAULT, GAWKX, 0}, {"delete", Op_K_delete, LEX_DELETE, NOT_OLD, 0}, {"do", Op_symbol, LEX_DO, NOT_OLD|BREAK|CONTINUE, 0}, {"else", Op_K_else, LEX_ELSE, 0, 0}, {"eval", Op_symbol, LEX_EVAL, 0, 0}, {"exit", Op_K_exit, LEX_EXIT, 0, 0}, {"exp", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, A(1), do_exp}, {"extension", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(2), do_ext}, {"fflush", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, RESX|A(0)|A(1), do_fflush}, {"for", Op_symbol, LEX_FOR, BREAK|CONTINUE, 0}, {"func", Op_func, LEX_FUNCTION, NOT_POSIX|NOT_OLD, 0}, {"function",Op_func, LEX_FUNCTION, NOT_OLD, 0}, {"gensub", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(3)|A(4), do_gensub}, {"getline", Op_K_getline_redir, LEX_GETLINE, NOT_OLD, 0}, {"gsub", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(2)|A(3), do_gsub}, {"if", Op_K_if, LEX_IF, 0, 0}, {"in", Op_symbol, LEX_IN, 0, 0}, {"include", Op_symbol, LEX_INCLUDE, GAWKX, 0}, {"index", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, A(2), do_index}, {"int", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, A(1), do_int}, {"length", Op_builtin, LEX_LENGTH, A(0)|A(1), do_length}, {"log", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, A(1), do_log}, {"lshift", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(2), do_lshift}, {"match", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(2)|A(3), do_match}, {"mktime", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(1), do_mktime}, {"next", Op_K_next, LEX_NEXT, 0, 0}, {"nextfile", Op_K_nextfile, LEX_NEXTFILE, GAWKX, 0}, {"or", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(2), do_or}, {"patsplit", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(2)|A(3)|A(4), do_patsplit}, {"print", Op_K_print, LEX_PRINT, 0, 0}, {"printf", Op_K_printf, LEX_PRINTF, 0, 0}, {"rand", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(0), do_rand}, {"return", Op_K_return, LEX_RETURN, NOT_OLD, 0}, {"rshift", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(2), do_rshift}, {"sin", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(1), do_sin}, {"split", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, A(2)|A(3)|A(4), do_split}, {"sprintf", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, 0, do_sprintf}, {"sqrt", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, A(1), do_sqrt}, {"srand", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(0)|A(1), do_srand}, #if defined(GAWKDEBUG) || defined(ARRAYDEBUG) /* || ... */ {"stopme", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(0), stopme}, #endif {"strftime", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(0)|A(1)|A(2)|A(3), do_strftime}, {"strtonum", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(1), do_strtonum}, {"sub", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(2)|A(3), do_sub}, {"substr", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, A(2)|A(3), do_substr}, {"switch", Op_symbol, LEX_SWITCH, GAWKX|BREAK, 0}, {"system", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(1), do_system}, {"systime", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(0), do_systime}, {"tolower", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(1), do_tolower}, {"toupper", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, NOT_OLD|A(1), do_toupper}, {"while", Op_symbol, LEX_WHILE, BREAK|CONTINUE, 0}, {"xor", Op_builtin, LEX_BUILTIN, GAWKX|A(2), do_xor}, }; #ifdef MBS_SUPPORT /* Variable containing the current shift state. */ static mbstate_t cur_mbstate; /* Ring buffer containing current characters. */ #define MAX_CHAR_IN_RING_BUFFER 8 #define RING_BUFFER_SIZE (MAX_CHAR_IN_RING_BUFFER * MB_LEN_MAX) static char cur_char_ring[RING_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* Index for ring buffers. */ static int cur_ring_idx; /* This macro means that last nextc() return a singlebyte character or 1st byte of a multibyte character. */ #define nextc_is_1stbyte (cur_char_ring[cur_ring_idx] == 1) #else /* MBS_SUPPORT */ /* a dummy */ #define nextc_is_1stbyte 1 #endif /* MBS_SUPPORT */ /* getfname --- return name of a builtin function (for pretty printing) */ const char * getfname(NODE *(*fptr)(int)) { int i, j; j = sizeof(tokentab) / sizeof(tokentab[0]); /* linear search, no other way to do it */ for (i = 0; i < j; i++) if (tokentab[i].ptr == fptr) return tokentab[i].operator; return NULL; } /* yyerror --- print a syntax error message, show where */ /* * Function identifier purposely indented to avoid mangling * by ansi2knr. Sigh. */ static void yyerror(const char *m, ...) { va_list args; const char *mesg = NULL; char *bp, *cp; char *scan; char *buf; int count; static char end_of_file_line[] = "(END OF FILE)"; char save; int saveline; SRCFILE *s; /* suppress current file name, line # from `.. included from ..' msgs */ saveline = sourceline; sourceline = 0; for (s = sourcefile; s->stype == SRC_INC; ) { int line; s = s->next; if (s->fd <= INVALID_HANDLE) continue; line = s->srclines; /* if last token is NEWLINE, line number is off by 1. */ if (s->lasttok == NEWLINE) line--; msg("%s %s:%d%c", s->prev == sourcefile ? "In file included from" : " from", (s->stype == SRC_INC || s->stype == SRC_FILE) ? s->src : "cmd. line", line, s->stype == SRC_INC ? ',' : ':' ); } sourceline = saveline; errcount++; /* Find the current line in the input file */ if (lexptr && lexeme) { if (thisline == NULL) { cp = lexeme; if (*cp == '\n') { cp--; mesg = _("unexpected newline or end of string"); } for (; cp != lexptr_begin && *cp != '\n'; --cp) continue; if (*cp == '\n') cp++; thisline = cp; } /* NL isn't guaranteed */ bp = lexeme; while (bp < lexend && *bp && *bp != '\n') bp++; } else { thisline = end_of_file_line; bp = thisline + strlen(thisline); } /* * Saving and restoring *bp keeps valgrind happy, * since the guts of glibc uses strlen, even though * we're passing an explict precision. Sigh. * * 8/2003: We may not need this anymore. */ save = *bp; *bp = '\0'; msg("%.*s", (int) (bp - thisline), thisline); *bp = save; va_start(args, m); if (mesg == NULL) mesg = m; count = (bp - thisline) + strlen(mesg) + 2 + 1; emalloc(buf, char *, count, "yyerror"); bp = buf; if (lexptr != NULL) { scan = thisline; while (scan < lexeme) if (*scan++ == '\t') *bp++ = '\t'; else *bp++ = ' '; *bp++ = '^'; *bp++ = ' '; } strcpy(bp, mesg); err("", buf, args); va_end(args); efree(buf); } /* mk_program --- create a single list of instructions */ static INSTRUCTION * mk_program() { INSTRUCTION *cp, *tmp; #define begin_block rule_block[BEGIN] #define end_block rule_block[END] #define prog_block rule_block[Rule] #define beginfile_block rule_block[BEGINFILE] #define endfile_block rule_block[ENDFILE] if (end_block == NULL) end_block = list_create(ip_end); else (void) list_prepend(end_block, ip_end); if (! in_main_context()) { if (begin_block != NULL && prog_block != NULL) cp = list_merge(begin_block, prog_block); else cp = (begin_block != NULL) ? begin_block : prog_block; if (cp != NULL) (void) list_merge(cp, end_block); else cp = end_block; (void) list_append(cp, instruction(Op_stop)); goto out; } if (endfile_block == NULL) endfile_block = list_create(ip_endfile); else { extern int has_endfile; /* kludge for use in inrec (io.c) */ has_endfile = TRUE; (void) list_prepend(endfile_block, ip_endfile); } if (beginfile_block == NULL) beginfile_block = list_create(ip_beginfile); else (void) list_prepend(beginfile_block, ip_beginfile); if (prog_block == NULL) { if (end_block->nexti == end_block->lasti && beginfile_block->nexti == beginfile_block->lasti && endfile_block->nexti == endfile_block->lasti ) { /* no pattern-action and (real) end, beginfile or endfile blocks */ bcfree(ip_rec); bcfree(ip_newfile); ip_rec = ip_newfile = NULL; list_append(beginfile_block, instruction(Op_after_beginfile)); (void) list_append(endfile_block, instruction(Op_after_endfile)); if (begin_block == NULL) /* no program at all */ cp = end_block; else cp = list_merge(begin_block, end_block); (void) list_append(cp, ip_atexit); (void) list_append(cp, instruction(Op_stop)); /* append beginfile_block and endfile_block for sole use * in getline without redirection (Op_K_getline). */ (void) list_merge(cp, beginfile_block); (void) list_merge(cp, endfile_block); goto out; } else { /* install a do-nothing prog block */ prog_block = list_create(instruction(Op_no_op)); } } (void) list_append(endfile_block, instruction(Op_after_endfile)); (void) list_prepend(prog_block, ip_rec); (void) list_append(prog_block, instruction(Op_jmp)); prog_block->lasti->target_jmp = ip_rec; list_append(beginfile_block, instruction(Op_after_beginfile)); cp = list_merge(beginfile_block, prog_block); (void) list_prepend(cp, ip_newfile); (void) list_merge(cp, endfile_block); (void) list_merge(cp, end_block); if (begin_block != NULL) cp = list_merge(begin_block, cp); (void) list_append(cp, ip_atexit); (void) list_append(cp, instruction(Op_stop)); out: /* delete the Op_list, not needed */ tmp = cp->nexti; bcfree(cp); return tmp; #undef begin_block #undef end_block #undef prog_block #undef beginfile_block #undef endfile_block } /* parse_program --- read in the program and convert into a list of instructions */ int parse_program(INSTRUCTION **pcode) { int ret; /* pre-create non-local jump targets * ip_end (Op_no_op) -- used as jump target for `exit' * outside an END block. */ ip_end = instruction(Op_no_op); if (! in_main_context()) ip_newfile = ip_rec = ip_atexit = ip_beginfile = ip_endfile = NULL; else { ip_endfile = instruction(Op_no_op); ip_beginfile = instruction(Op_no_op); ip_newfile = instruction(Op_newfile); /* target for `nextfile' */ ip_newfile->target_jmp = ip_end; ip_newfile->target_endfile = ip_endfile; ip_rec = instruction(Op_get_record); /* target for `next' */ ip_atexit = instruction(Op_atexit); /* target for `exit' in END block */ } sourcefile = srcfiles->next; lexeof = FALSE; lexptr = NULL; lasttok = 0; memset(rule_block, 0, sizeof(ruletab) * sizeof(INSTRUCTION *)); errcount = 0; tok = tokstart != NULL ? tokstart : tokexpand(); ret = yyparse(); *pcode = mk_program(); /* avoid false source indications */ source = NULL; sourceline = 0; check_funcs(); return (ret || errcount); } /* do_add_srcfile --- add one item to srcfiles */ static SRCFILE * do_add_srcfile(int stype, char *src, char *path, SRCFILE *thisfile) { SRCFILE *s; emalloc(s, SRCFILE *, sizeof(SRCFILE), "do_add_srcfile"); memset(s, 0, sizeof(SRCFILE)); s->src = estrdup(src, strlen(src)); s->fullpath = path; s->stype = stype; s->fd = INVALID_HANDLE; s->next = thisfile; s->prev = thisfile->prev; thisfile->prev->next = s; thisfile->prev = s; return s; } /* add_srcfile --- add one item to srcfiles after checking if * a source file exists and not already in list. */ SRCFILE * add_srcfile(int stype, char *src, SRCFILE *thisfile, int *already_included, int *errcode) { SRCFILE *s; struct stat sbuf; char *path; int errno_val = 0; if (already_included) *already_included = FALSE; if (errcode) *errcode = 0; if (stype == SRC_CMDLINE || stype == SRC_STDIN) return do_add_srcfile(stype, src, NULL, thisfile); path = find_source(src, &sbuf, &errno_val); if (path == NULL) { if (errcode) { *errcode = errno_val; return NULL; } fatal(_("can't open source file `%s' for reading (%s)"), src, errno_val ? strerror(errno_val) : _("reason unknown")); } for (s = srcfiles->next; s != srcfiles; s = s->next) { if ((s->stype == SRC_FILE || s->stype == SRC_INC) && files_are_same(& sbuf, & s->sbuf) ) { if (do_lint) lintwarn(_("already included source file `%s'"), src); efree(path); if (already_included) *already_included = TRUE; return NULL; } } s = do_add_srcfile(stype, src, path, thisfile); s->sbuf = sbuf; s->mtime = sbuf.st_mtime; return s; } /* include_source --- read program from source included using `@include' */ static int include_source(char *src) { SRCFILE *s; int errcode; int already_included; if (do_traditional || do_posix) { error(_("@include is a gawk extension")); errcount++; return -1; } if (strlen(src) == 0) { if (do_lint) lintwarn(_("empty filename after @include")); return 0; } s = add_srcfile(SRC_INC, src, sourcefile, &already_included, &errcode); if (s == NULL) { if (already_included) return 0; error(_("can't open source file `%s' for reading (%s)"), src, errcode ? strerror(errcode) : _("reason unknown")); errcount++; return -1; } /* save scanner state for the current sourcefile */ sourcefile->srclines = sourceline; sourcefile->lexptr = lexptr; sourcefile->lexend = lexend; sourcefile->lexptr_begin = lexptr_begin; sourcefile->lexeme = lexeme; sourcefile->lasttok = lasttok; /* included file becomes the current source */ sourcefile = s; lexptr = NULL; sourceline = 0; source = NULL; lasttok = 0; lexeof = FALSE; eof_warned = FALSE; return 0; } /* next_sourcefile --- read program from the next source in srcfiles */ static void next_sourcefile() { static int (*closefunc)(int fd) = NULL; if (closefunc == NULL) { char *cp = getenv("AWKREADFUNC"); /* If necessary, one day, test value for different functions. */ if (cp == NULL) closefunc = close; else closefunc = one_line_close; } assert(lexeof == TRUE); lexeof = FALSE; eof_warned = FALSE; sourcefile->srclines = sourceline; /* total no of lines in current file */ if (sourcefile->fd > INVALID_HANDLE) { if (sourcefile->fd != fileno(stdin)) /* safety */ (*closefunc)(sourcefile->fd); sourcefile->fd = INVALID_HANDLE; } if (sourcefile->buf != NULL) { efree(sourcefile->buf); sourcefile->buf = NULL; sourcefile->lexptr_begin = NULL; } sourcefile = sourcefile->next; if (sourcefile == srcfiles) return; if (sourcefile->lexptr_begin != NULL) { /* resume reading from already opened file (postponed to process '@include') */ lexptr = sourcefile->lexptr; lexend = sourcefile->lexend; lasttok = sourcefile->lasttok; lexptr_begin = sourcefile->lexptr_begin; lexeme = sourcefile->lexeme; sourceline = sourcefile->srclines; source = sourcefile->src; } else { lexptr = NULL; sourceline = 0; source = NULL; lasttok = 0; } } /* get_src_buf --- read the next buffer of source program */ static char * get_src_buf() { int n; char *scan; int newfile; int savelen; struct stat sbuf; /* * No argument prototype on readfunc on purpose, * avoids problems with some ancient systems where * the types of arguments to read() aren't up to date. */ static ssize_t (*readfunc)() = 0; if (readfunc == NULL) { char *cp = getenv("AWKREADFUNC"); /* If necessary, one day, test value for different functions. */ if (cp == NULL) readfunc = read; else readfunc = read_one_line; } newfile = FALSE; if (sourcefile == srcfiles) return NULL; if (sourcefile->stype == SRC_CMDLINE) { if (sourcefile->bufsize == 0) { sourcefile->bufsize = strlen(sourcefile->src); lexptr = lexptr_begin = lexeme = sourcefile->src; lexend = lexptr + sourcefile->bufsize; sourceline = 1; if (sourcefile->bufsize == 0) { /* * Yet Another Special case: * gawk '' /path/name * Sigh. */ static short warned = FALSE; if (do_lint && ! warned) { warned = TRUE; lintwarn(_("empty program text on command line")); } lexeof = TRUE; } } else if (sourcefile->buf == NULL && *(lexptr-1) != '\n') { /* * The following goop is to ensure that the source * ends with a newline and that the entire current * line is available for error messages. */ int offset; char *buf; offset = lexptr - lexeme; for (scan = lexeme; scan > lexptr_begin; scan--) if (*scan == '\n') { scan++; break; } savelen = lexptr - scan; emalloc(buf, char *, savelen + 1, "get_src_buf"); memcpy(buf, scan, savelen); thisline = buf; lexptr = buf + savelen; *lexptr = '\n'; lexeme = lexptr - offset; lexptr_begin = buf; lexend = lexptr + 1; sourcefile->buf = buf; } else lexeof = TRUE; return lexptr; } if (sourcefile->fd <= INVALID_HANDLE) { int fd; int l; source = sourcefile->src; if (source == NULL) return NULL; fd = srcopen(sourcefile); if (fd <= INVALID_HANDLE) { char *in; /* suppress file name and line no. in error mesg */ in = source; source = NULL; error(_("can't open source file `%s' for reading (%s)"), in, strerror(errno)); errcount++; lexeof = TRUE; return sourcefile->src; } sourcefile->fd = fd; l = optimal_bufsize(fd, &sbuf); /* * Make sure that something silly like * AWKBUFSIZE=8 make check * works ok. */ #define A_DECENT_BUFFER_SIZE 128 if (l < A_DECENT_BUFFER_SIZE) l = A_DECENT_BUFFER_SIZE; #undef A_DECENT_BUFFER_SIZE sourcefile->bufsize = l; newfile = TRUE; emalloc(sourcefile->buf, char *, sourcefile->bufsize, "get_src_buf"); lexptr = lexptr_begin = lexeme = sourcefile->buf; savelen = 0; sourceline = 1; thisline = NULL; } else { /* * Here, we retain the current source line in the beginning of the buffer. */ int offset; for (scan = lexeme; scan > lexptr_begin; scan--) if (*scan == '\n') { scan++; break; } savelen = lexptr - scan; offset = lexptr - lexeme; if (savelen > 0) { /* * Need to make sure we have room left for reading new text; * grow the buffer (by doubling, an arbitrary choice), if the retained line * takes up more than a certain percentage (50%, again an arbitrary figure) * of the available space. */ if (savelen > sourcefile->bufsize / 2) { /* long line or token */ sourcefile->bufsize *= 2; erealloc(sourcefile->buf, char *, sourcefile->bufsize, "get_src_buf"); scan = sourcefile->buf + (scan - lexptr_begin); lexptr_begin = sourcefile->buf; } thisline = lexptr_begin; memmove(thisline, scan, savelen); lexptr = thisline + savelen; lexeme = lexptr - offset; } else { savelen = 0; lexptr = lexeme = lexptr_begin; thisline = NULL; } } n = (*readfunc)(sourcefile->fd, lexptr, sourcefile->bufsize - savelen); if (n == -1) { error(_("can't read sourcefile `%s' (%s)"), source, strerror(errno)); errcount++; lexeof = TRUE; } else { lexend = lexptr + n; if (n == 0) { static short warned = FALSE; if (do_lint && newfile && ! warned){ warned = TRUE; lintwarn(_("source file `%s' is empty"), source); } lexeof = TRUE; } } return sourcefile->buf; } /* tokadd --- add a character to the token buffer */ #define tokadd(x) (*tok++ = (x), tok == tokend ? tokexpand() : tok) /* tokexpand --- grow the token buffer */ static char * tokexpand() { static int toksize; int tokoffset; if (tokstart != NULL) { tokoffset = tok - tokstart; toksize *= 2; erealloc(tokstart, char *, toksize, "tokexpand"); tok = tokstart + tokoffset; } else { toksize = 60; emalloc(tokstart, char *, toksize, "tokexpand"); tok = tokstart; } tokend = tokstart + toksize; return tok; } /* nextc --- get the next input character */ #ifdef MBS_SUPPORT static int nextc(void) { if (gawk_mb_cur_max > 1) { again: if (lexeof) return END_FILE; if (lexptr == NULL || lexptr >= lexend) { if (get_src_buf()) goto again; return END_SRC; } /* Update the buffer index. */ cur_ring_idx = (cur_ring_idx == RING_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)? 0 : cur_ring_idx + 1; /* Did we already check the current character? */ if (cur_char_ring[cur_ring_idx] == 0) { /* No, we need to check the next character on the buffer. */ int idx, work_ring_idx = cur_ring_idx; mbstate_t tmp_state; size_t mbclen; for (idx = 0 ; lexptr + idx < lexend ; idx++) { tmp_state = cur_mbstate; mbclen = mbrlen(lexptr, idx + 1, &tmp_state); if (mbclen == 1 || mbclen == (size_t)-1 || mbclen == 0) { /* It is a singlebyte character, non-complete multibyte character or EOF. We treat it as a singlebyte character. */ cur_char_ring[work_ring_idx] = 1; break; } else if (mbclen == (size_t)-2) { /* It is not a complete multibyte character. */ cur_char_ring[work_ring_idx] = idx + 1; } else { /* mbclen > 1 */ cur_char_ring[work_ring_idx] = mbclen; break; } work_ring_idx = (work_ring_idx == RING_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)? 0 : work_ring_idx + 1; } cur_mbstate = tmp_state; /* Put a mark on the position on which we write next character. */ work_ring_idx = (work_ring_idx == RING_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)? 0 : work_ring_idx + 1; cur_char_ring[work_ring_idx] = 0; } return (int) (unsigned char) *lexptr++; } else { do { if (lexeof) return END_FILE; if (lexptr && lexptr < lexend) return ((int) (unsigned char) *lexptr++); } while (get_src_buf()); return END_SRC; } } #else /* MBS_SUPPORT */ int nextc() { do { if (lexeof) return END_FILE; if (lexptr && lexptr < lexend) return ((int) (unsigned char) *lexptr++); } while (get_src_buf()); return END_SRC; } #endif /* MBS_SUPPORT */ /* pushback --- push a character back on the input */ static inline void pushback(void) { #ifdef MBS_SUPPORT if (gawk_mb_cur_max > 1) cur_ring_idx = (cur_ring_idx == 0)? RING_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 : cur_ring_idx - 1; #endif (! lexeof && lexptr && lexptr > lexptr_begin ? lexptr-- : lexptr); } /* allow_newline --- allow newline after &&, ||, ? and : */ static void allow_newline(void) { int c; for (;;) { c = nextc(); if (c == END_FILE) { pushback(); break; } if (c == '#') { while ((c = nextc()) != '\n' && c != END_FILE) continue; if (c == END_FILE) { pushback(); break; } } if (c == '\n') sourceline++; if (! isspace(c)) { pushback(); break; } } } /* yylex --- Read the input and turn it into tokens. */ static int yylex(void) { int c; int seen_e = FALSE; /* These are for numbers */ int seen_point = FALSE; int esc_seen; /* for literal strings */ int mid; static int did_newline = FALSE; char *tokkey; int inhex = FALSE; int intlstr = FALSE; #define GET_INSTRUCTION(op) bcalloc(op, 1, sourceline) /* NB: a newline at end does not start a source line. */ #define NEWLINE_EOF \ (lasttok != NEWLINE ? \ (pushback(), do_lint && ! eof_warned && \ (lintwarn(_("source file does not end in newline")), \ eof_warned = TRUE), sourceline++, NEWLINE) : \ (sourceline--, eof_warned = FALSE, LEX_EOF)) yylval = (INSTRUCTION *) NULL; if (lasttok == SUBSCRIPT) { lasttok = 0; return SUBSCRIPT; } if (lasttok == LEX_EOF) /* error earlier in current source, must give up !! */ return 0; c = nextc(); if (c == END_SRC) return 0; if (c == END_FILE) return lasttok = NEWLINE_EOF; pushback(); #if defined OS2 || defined __EMX__ /* * added for OS/2's extproc feature of cmd.exe * (like #! in BSD sh) */ if (strncasecmp(lexptr, "extproc ", 8) == 0) { while (*lexptr && *lexptr != '\n') lexptr++; } #endif lexeme = lexptr; thisline = NULL; if (want_regexp) { int in_brack = 0; /* count brackets, [[:alnum:]] allowed */ /* * Counting brackets is non-trivial. [[] is ok, * and so is [\]], with a point being that /[/]/ as a regexp * constant has to work. * * Do not count [ or ] if either one is preceded by a \. * A `[' should be counted if * a) it is the first one so far (in_brack == 0) * b) it is the `[' in `[:' * A ']' should be counted if not preceded by a \, since * it is either closing `:]' or just a plain list. * According to POSIX, []] is how you put a ] into a set. * Try to handle that too. * * The code for \ handles \[ and \]. */ want_regexp = FALSE; tok = tokstart; for (;;) { c = nextc(); if (gawk_mb_cur_max == 1 || nextc_is_1stbyte) switch (c) { case '[': /* one day check for `.' and `=' too */ if (nextc() == ':' || in_brack == 0) in_brack++; pushback(); break; case ']': if (tokstart[0] == '[' && (tok == tokstart + 1 || (tok == tokstart + 2 && tokstart[1] == '^'))) /* do nothing */; else in_brack--; break; case '\\': if ((c = nextc()) == END_FILE) { pushback(); yyerror(_("unterminated regexp ends with `\\' at end of file")); goto end_regexp; /* kludge */ } else if (c == '\n') { sourceline++; continue; } else { tokadd('\\'); tokadd(c); continue; } break; case '/': /* end of the regexp */ if (in_brack > 0) break; end_regexp: yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_token); yylval->lextok = estrdup(tokstart, tok - tokstart); if (do_lint) { int peek = nextc(); pushback(); if (peek == 'i' || peek == 's') { if (source) lintwarn( _("%s: %d: tawk regex modifier `/.../%c' doesn't work in gawk"), source, sourceline, peek); else lintwarn( _("tawk regex modifier `/.../%c' doesn't work in gawk"), peek); } } return lasttok = REGEXP; case '\n': pushback(); yyerror(_("unterminated regexp")); goto end_regexp; /* kludge */ case END_FILE: pushback(); yyerror(_("unterminated regexp at end of file")); goto end_regexp; /* kludge */ } tokadd(c); } } retry: /* skipping \r is a hack, but windows is just too pervasive. sigh. */ while ((c = nextc()) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r') continue; lexeme = lexptr ? lexptr - 1 : lexptr; thisline = NULL; tok = tokstart; #ifdef MBS_SUPPORT if (gawk_mb_cur_max == 1 || nextc_is_1stbyte) #endif switch (c) { case END_SRC: return 0; case END_FILE: return lasttok = NEWLINE_EOF; case '\n': sourceline++; return lasttok = NEWLINE; case '#': /* it's a comment */ while ((c = nextc()) != '\n') { if (c == END_FILE) return lasttok = NEWLINE_EOF; } sourceline++; return lasttok = NEWLINE; case '@': return lasttok = '@'; case '\\': #ifdef RELAXED_CONTINUATION /* * This code puports to allow comments and/or whitespace * after the `\' at the end of a line used for continuation. * Use it at your own risk. We think it's a bad idea, which * is why it's not on by default. */ if (! do_traditional) { /* strip trailing white-space and/or comment */ while ((c = nextc()) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r') continue; if (c == '#') { static short warned = FALSE; if (do_lint && ! warned) { warned = TRUE; lintwarn( _("use of `\\ #...' line continuation is not portable")); } while ((c = nextc()) != '\n') if (c == END_FILE) break; } pushback(); } #endif /* RELAXED_CONTINUATION */ c = nextc(); if (c == '\r') /* allow MS-DOS files. bleah */ c = nextc(); if (c == '\n') { sourceline++; goto retry; } else { yyerror(_("backslash not last character on line")); return lasttok = LEX_EOF; } break; case ':': case '?': yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_cond_exp); if (! do_posix) allow_newline(); return lasttok = c; /* * in_parens is undefined unless we are parsing a print * statement (in_print), but why bother with a check? */ case ')': in_parens--; return lasttok = c; case '(': in_parens++; return lasttok = c; case '$': yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_field_spec); return lasttok = c; case '{': if (++in_braces == 1) firstline = sourceline; case ';': case ',': case '[': return lasttok = c; case ']': c = nextc(); pushback(); if (c == '[') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_sub_array); lasttok = ']'; } else { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_subscript); lasttok = SUBSCRIPT; /* end of subscripts */ } return ']'; case '*': if ((c = nextc()) == '=') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_assign_times); return lasttok = ASSIGNOP; } else if (do_posix) { pushback(); yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_times); return lasttok = '*'; } else if (c == '*') { /* make ** and **= aliases for ^ and ^= */ static int did_warn_op = FALSE, did_warn_assgn = FALSE; if (nextc() == '=') { if (! did_warn_assgn) { did_warn_assgn = TRUE; if (do_lint) lintwarn(_("POSIX does not allow operator `**='")); if (do_lint_old) warning(_("old awk does not support operator `**='")); } yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_assign_exp); return ASSIGNOP; } else { pushback(); if (! did_warn_op) { did_warn_op = TRUE; if (do_lint) lintwarn(_("POSIX does not allow operator `**'")); if (do_lint_old) warning(_("old awk does not support operator `**'")); } yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_exp); return lasttok = '^'; } } pushback(); yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_times); return lasttok = '*'; case '/': if (nextc() == '=') { pushback(); return lasttok = SLASH_BEFORE_EQUAL; } pushback(); yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_quotient); return lasttok = '/'; case '%': if (nextc() == '=') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_assign_mod); return lasttok = ASSIGNOP; } pushback(); yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_mod); return lasttok = '%'; case '^': { static int did_warn_op = FALSE, did_warn_assgn = FALSE; if (nextc() == '=') { if (do_lint_old && ! did_warn_assgn) { did_warn_assgn = TRUE; warning(_("operator `^=' is not supported in old awk")); } yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_assign_exp); return lasttok = ASSIGNOP; } pushback(); if (do_lint_old && ! did_warn_op) { did_warn_op = TRUE; warning(_("operator `^' is not supported in old awk")); } yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_exp); return lasttok = '^'; } case '+': if ((c = nextc()) == '=') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_assign_plus); return lasttok = ASSIGNOP; } if (c == '+') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_symbol); return lasttok = INCREMENT; } pushback(); yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_plus); return lasttok = '+'; case '!': if ((c = nextc()) == '=') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_notequal); return lasttok = RELOP; } if (c == '~') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_nomatch); return lasttok = MATCHOP; } pushback(); yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_symbol); return lasttok = '!'; case '<': if (nextc() == '=') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_leq); return lasttok = RELOP; } yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_less); pushback(); return lasttok = '<'; case '=': if (nextc() == '=') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_equal); return lasttok = RELOP; } yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_assign); pushback(); return lasttok = ASSIGN; case '>': if ((c = nextc()) == '=') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_geq); return lasttok = RELOP; } else if (c == '>') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_symbol); yylval->redir_type = redirect_append; return lasttok = IO_OUT; } pushback(); if (in_print && in_parens == 0) { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_symbol); yylval->redir_type = redirect_output; return lasttok = IO_OUT; } yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_greater); return lasttok = '>'; case '~': yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_match); return lasttok = MATCHOP; case '}': /* * Added did newline stuff. Easier than * hacking the grammar. */ if (did_newline) { did_newline = FALSE; if (--in_braces == 0) lastline = sourceline; return lasttok = c; } did_newline++; --lexptr; /* pick up } next time */ return lasttok = NEWLINE; case '"': string: esc_seen = FALSE; while ((c = nextc()) != '"') { if (c == '\n') { pushback(); yyerror(_("unterminated string")); return lasttok = LEX_EOF; } if ((gawk_mb_cur_max == 1 || nextc_is_1stbyte) && c == '\\') { c = nextc(); if (c == '\n') { sourceline++; continue; } esc_seen = TRUE; if (! want_source || c != '"') tokadd('\\'); } if (c == END_FILE) { pushback(); yyerror(_("unterminated string")); return lasttok = LEX_EOF; } tokadd(c); } yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_token); if (want_source) { yylval->lextok = estrdup(tokstart, tok - tokstart); return lasttok = FILENAME; } yylval->opcode = Op_push_i; yylval->memory = make_str_node(tokstart, tok - tokstart, esc_seen ? SCAN : 0); yylval->memory->flags &= ~MALLOC; yylval->memory->flags |= PERM; if (intlstr) { yylval->memory->flags |= INTLSTR; intlstr = FALSE; if (do_intl) dumpintlstr(yylval->memory->stptr, yylval->memory->stlen); } return lasttok = YSTRING; case '-': if ((c = nextc()) == '=') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_assign_minus); return lasttok = ASSIGNOP; } if (c == '-') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_symbol); return lasttok = DECREMENT; } pushback(); yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_minus); return lasttok = '-'; case '.': c = nextc(); pushback(); if (! isdigit(c)) return lasttok = '.'; else c = '.'; /* FALL THROUGH */ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': /* It's a number */ for (;;) { int gotnumber = FALSE; tokadd(c); switch (c) { case 'x': case 'X': if (do_traditional) goto done; if (tok == tokstart + 2) { int peek = nextc(); if (isxdigit(peek)) { inhex = TRUE; pushback(); /* following digit */ } else { pushback(); /* x or X */ goto done; } } break; case '.': /* period ends exponent part of floating point number */ if (seen_point || seen_e) { gotnumber = TRUE; break; } seen_point = TRUE; break; case 'e': case 'E': if (inhex) break; if (seen_e) { gotnumber = TRUE; break; } seen_e = TRUE; if ((c = nextc()) == '-' || c == '+') { int c2 = nextc(); if (isdigit(c2)) { tokadd(c); tokadd(c2); } else { pushback(); /* non-digit after + or - */ pushback(); /* + or - */ pushback(); /* e or E */ } } else if (! isdigit(c)) { pushback(); /* character after e or E */ pushback(); /* e or E */ } else { pushback(); /* digit */ } break; case 'a': case 'A': case 'b': case 'B': case 'c': case 'C': case 'D': case 'd': case 'f': case 'F': if (do_traditional || ! inhex) goto done; /* fall through */ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': break; default: done: gotnumber = TRUE; } if (gotnumber) break; c = nextc(); } pushback(); tokadd('\0'); yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_push_i); if (! do_traditional && isnondecimal(tokstart, FALSE)) { if (do_lint) { if (isdigit(tokstart[1])) /* not an 'x' or 'X' */ lintwarn("numeric constant `%.*s' treated as octal", (int) strlen(tokstart)-1, tokstart); else if (tokstart[1] == 'x' || tokstart[1] == 'X') lintwarn("numeric constant `%.*s' treated as hexadecimal", (int) strlen(tokstart)-1, tokstart); } yylval->memory = mk_number(nondec2awknum(tokstart, strlen(tokstart)), PERM|NUMCUR|NUMBER); } else yylval->memory = mk_number(atof(tokstart), PERM|NUMCUR|NUMBER); return lasttok = YNUMBER; case '&': if ((c = nextc()) == '&') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_and); allow_newline(); return lasttok = LEX_AND; } pushback(); yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_symbol); return lasttok = '&'; case '|': if ((c = nextc()) == '|') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_or); allow_newline(); return lasttok = LEX_OR; } else if (! do_traditional && c == '&') { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_symbol); yylval->redir_type = redirect_twoway; return lasttok = (in_print && in_parens == 0 ? IO_OUT : IO_IN); } pushback(); if (in_print && in_parens == 0) { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_symbol); yylval->redir_type = redirect_pipe; return lasttok = IO_OUT; } else { yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_symbol); yylval->redir_type = redirect_pipein; return lasttok = IO_IN; } } if (c != '_' && ! isalpha(c)) { yyerror(_("invalid char '%c' in expression"), c); return lasttok = LEX_EOF; } /* * Lots of fog here. Consider: * * print "xyzzy"$_"foo" * * Without the check for ` lasttok != '$' ', this is parsed as * * print "xxyzz" $(_"foo") * * With the check, it is "correctly" parsed as three * string concatenations. Sigh. This seems to be * "more correct", but this is definitely one of those * occasions where the interactions are funny. */ if (! do_traditional && c == '_' && lasttok != '$') { if ((c = nextc()) == '"') { intlstr = TRUE; goto string; } pushback(); c = '_'; } /* it's some type of name-type-thing. Find its length. */ tok = tokstart; while (c != END_FILE && is_identchar(c)) { tokadd(c); c = nextc(); } tokadd('\0'); pushback(); /* See if it is a special token. */ if ((mid = check_special(tokstart)) >= 0) { int class = tokentab[mid].class; if ((class == LEX_INCLUDE || class == LEX_EVAL) && lasttok != '@') goto out; if (do_lint) { if (tokentab[mid].flags & GAWKX) lintwarn(_("`%s' is a gawk extension"), tokentab[mid].operator); if (tokentab[mid].flags & RESX) lintwarn(_("`%s' is a Bell Labs extension"), tokentab[mid].operator); if (tokentab[mid].flags & NOT_POSIX) lintwarn(_("POSIX does not allow `%s'"), tokentab[mid].operator); } if (do_lint_old && (tokentab[mid].flags & NOT_OLD)) warning(_("`%s' is not supported in old awk"), tokentab[mid].operator); if (tokentab[mid].flags & BREAK) break_allowed++; if (tokentab[mid].flags & CONTINUE) continue_allowed++; if ((do_traditional && (tokentab[mid].flags & GAWKX)) || (do_posix && (tokentab[mid].flags & NOT_POSIX))) goto out; switch (class) { case LEX_INCLUDE: want_source = TRUE; break; case LEX_EVAL: if (in_main_context()) goto out; emalloc(tokkey, char *, tok - tokstart + 1, "yylex"); tokkey[0] = '@'; memcpy(tokkey + 1, tokstart, tok - tokstart); yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_token); yylval->lextok = tokkey; break; case LEX_FUNCTION: case LEX_BEGIN: case LEX_END: case LEX_BEGINFILE: case LEX_ENDFILE: yylval = bcalloc(tokentab[mid].value, 3, sourceline); break; case LEX_WHILE: case LEX_DO: case LEX_FOR: case LEX_SWITCH: yylval = bcalloc(tokentab[mid].value, !!do_profiling + 1, sourceline); break; default: yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(tokentab[mid].value); if (class == LEX_BUILTIN || class == LEX_LENGTH) yylval->builtin_idx = mid; break; } return lasttok = class; } out: tokkey = estrdup(tokstart, tok - tokstart); if (*lexptr == '(') { yylval = bcalloc(Op_token, 2, sourceline); yylval->lextok = tokkey; return lasttok = FUNC_CALL; } else { static short goto_warned = FALSE; yylval = GET_INSTRUCTION(Op_token); yylval->lextok = tokkey; #define SMART_ALECK 1 if (SMART_ALECK && do_lint && ! goto_warned && strcasecmp(tokkey, "goto") == 0) { goto_warned = TRUE; lintwarn(_("`goto' considered harmful!\n")); } return lasttok = NAME; } #undef GET_INSTRUCTION #undef NEWLINE_EOF } /* mk_symbol --- allocates a symbol for the symbol table. */ NODE * mk_symbol(NODETYPE type, NODE *value) { NODE *r; getnode(r); r->type = type; r->flags = MALLOC; r->lnode = value; r->rnode = NULL; r->var_assign = (Func_ptr) 0; return r; } /* snode --- instructions for builtin functions. Checks for arg. count and supplies defaults where possible. */ static INSTRUCTION * snode(INSTRUCTION *subn, INSTRUCTION *r) { INSTRUCTION *arg; INSTRUCTION *ip; NODE *n; int nexp = 0; int args_allowed; int idx = r->builtin_idx; if (subn != NULL) { INSTRUCTION *tp; for (tp = subn->nexti; tp; tp = tp->nexti) { /* assert(tp->opcode == Op_list); */ tp = tp->lasti; nexp++; } assert(nexp > 0); } r->builtin = tokentab[idx].ptr; /* check against how many args. are allowed for this builtin */ args_allowed = tokentab[idx].flags & ARGS; if (args_allowed && (args_allowed & A(nexp)) == 0) { yyerror(_("%d is invalid as number of arguments for %s"), nexp, tokentab[idx].operator); return NULL; } /* special case processing for a few builtins */ if (r->builtin == do_length) { if (nexp == 0) { INSTRUCTION *list; /* no args. Use $0 */ r->expr_count = 1; list = list_create(r); (void) list_prepend(list, instruction(Op_field_spec)); (void) list_prepend(list, instruction(Op_push_i)); list->nexti->memory = mk_number((AWKNUM) 0.0, (PERM|NUMCUR|NUMBER)); return list; } } else if (r->builtin == do_match) { static short warned = FALSE; arg = subn->nexti->lasti->nexti; /* 2nd arg list */ (void) mk_rexp(arg); if (nexp == 3) { /* 3rd argument there */ if (do_lint && ! warned) { warned = TRUE; lintwarn(_("match: third argument is a gawk extension")); } if (do_traditional) { yyerror(_("match: third argument is a gawk extension")); return NULL; } arg = arg->lasti->nexti; /* third arg list */ ip = arg->lasti; if (/*ip == arg->nexti && */ ip->opcode == Op_push) ip->opcode = Op_push_array; } } else if (r->builtin == do_sub || r->builtin == do_gsub) { int literal = FALSE; arg = subn->nexti; /* first arg list */ (void) mk_rexp(arg); arg = arg->lasti->nexti; /* 2nd arg list */ if (nexp == 2) { INSTRUCTION *expr; expr = list_create(instruction(Op_push_i)); expr->nexti->memory = mk_number((AWKNUM) 0.0, (PERM|NUMCUR|NUMBER)); (void) mk_expression_list(subn, list_append(expr, instruction(Op_field_spec))); } arg = arg->lasti->nexti; /* third arg list */ ip = arg->lasti; if (ip->opcode == Op_push_i) { if (do_lint) lintwarn(_("%s: string literal as last arg of substitute has no effect"), (r->builtin == do_sub) ? "sub" : "gsub"); literal = TRUE; } else { if (make_assignable(ip) == NULL) yyerror(_("%s third parameter is not a changeable object"), (r->builtin == do_sub) ? "sub" : "gsub"); else ip->do_reference = TRUE; } /* kludge: This is one of the few cases * when we need to know the type of item on stack. * In case of string literal as the last argument, * pass 4 as # of args (See sub_common code in builtin.c). * Other cases like length(array or scalar) seem * to work out ok. */ r->expr_count = count_expressions(&subn, FALSE) + !!literal; ip = subn->lasti; (void) list_append(subn, r); /* add after_assign bytecode(s) */ if (ip->opcode == Op_push_lhs && ip->memory->type == Node_var && ip->memory->var_assign) { (void) list_append(subn, instruction(Op_var_assign)); subn->lasti->memory = ip->memory; } else if (ip->opcode == Op_field_spec_lhs) { (void) list_append(subn, instruction(Op_field_assign)); subn->lasti->field_assign = (Func_ptr) 0; ip->target_assign = subn->lasti; } return subn; } else if (r->builtin == do_gensub) { if (nexp == 3) { arg = subn->nexti->lasti->nexti->lasti->nexti; /* 3rd arg list */ ip = instruction(Op_push_i); ip->memory = mk_number((AWKNUM) 0.0, (PERM|NUMCUR|NUMBER)); (void) mk_expression_list(subn, list_append(list_create(ip), instruction(Op_field_spec))); } arg = subn->nexti; /* first arg list */ (void) mk_rexp(arg); } else if (r->builtin == do_split) { arg = subn->nexti->lasti->nexti; /* 2nd arg list */ ip = arg->lasti; if (ip->opcode == Op_push) ip->opcode = Op_push_array; if (nexp == 2) { INSTRUCTION *expr; expr = list_create(instruction(Op_push)); expr->nexti->memory = FS_node; (void) mk_expression_list(subn, expr); } arg = arg->lasti->nexti; n = mk_rexp(arg); if (nexp == 2) n->re_flags |= FS_DFLT; if (nexp == 4) { arg = arg->lasti->nexti; ip = arg->lasti; if (ip->opcode == Op_push) ip->opcode = Op_push_array; } } else if (r->builtin == do_patsplit) { arg = subn->nexti->lasti->nexti; /* 2nd arg list */ ip = arg->lasti; if (ip->opcode == Op_push) ip->opcode = Op_push_array; if (nexp == 2) { INSTRUCTION *expr; expr = list_create(instruction(Op_push)); expr->nexti->memory = FPAT_node; (void) mk_expression_list(subn, expr); } arg = arg->lasti->nexti; n = mk_rexp(arg); if (nexp == 4) { arg = arg->lasti->nexti; ip = arg->lasti; if (ip->opcode == Op_push) ip->opcode = Op_push_array; } } else if (r->builtin == do_close) { static short warned = FALSE; if (nexp == 2) { if (do_lint && ! warned) { warned = TRUE; lintwarn(_("close: second argument is a gawk extension")); } if (do_traditional) { yyerror(_("close: second argument is a gawk extension")); return NULL; } } } else if (do_intl /* --gen-po */ && r->builtin == do_dcgettext /* dcgettext(...) */ && subn->nexti->lasti->opcode == Op_push_i /* 1st arg is constant */ && (subn->nexti->lasti->memory->flags & STRCUR) != 0) { /* it's a string constant */ /* ala xgettext, dcgettext("some string" ...) dumps the string */ NODE *str = subn->nexti->lasti->memory; if ((str->flags & INTLSTR) != 0) warning(_("use of dcgettext(_\"...\") is incorrect: remove leading underscore")); /* don't dump it, the lexer already did */ else dumpintlstr(str->stptr, str->stlen); } else if (do_intl /* --gen-po */ && r->builtin == do_dcngettext /* dcngettext(...) */ && subn->nexti->lasti->opcode == Op_push_i /* 1st arg is constant */ && (subn->nexti->lasti->memory->flags & STRCUR) != 0 /* it's a string constant */ && subn->nexti->lasti->nexti->lasti->opcode == Op_push_i /* 2nd arg is constant too */ && (subn->nexti->lasti->nexti->lasti->memory->flags & STRCUR) != 0) { /* it's a string constant */ /* ala xgettext, dcngettext("some string", "some plural" ...) dumps the string */ NODE *str1 = subn->nexti->lasti->memory; NODE *str2 = subn->nexti->lasti->nexti->lasti->memory; if (((str1->flags | str2->flags) & INTLSTR) != 0) warning(_("use of dcngettext(_\"...\") is incorrect: remove leading underscore")); else dumpintlstr2(str1->stptr, str1->stlen, str2->stptr, str2->stlen); } else if (r->builtin == do_asort || r->builtin == do_asorti) { arg = subn->nexti; /* 1st arg list */ ip = arg->lasti; if (/* ip == arg->nexti && */ ip->opcode == Op_push) ip->opcode = Op_push_array; if (nexp == 2) { arg = ip->nexti; ip = arg->lasti; if (/* ip == arg->nexti && */ ip->opcode == Op_push) ip->opcode = Op_push_array; } } #ifdef ARRAYDEBUG else if (r->builtin == do_adump) { ip = subn->nexti->lasti; if (ip->opcode == Op_push) ip->opcode = Op_push_array; } #endif if (subn != NULL) { r->expr_count = count_expressions(&subn, FALSE); return list_append(subn, r); } r->expr_count = 0; return list_create(r); } /* append_param --- append PNAME to the list of parameters * for the current function. */ static void append_param(char *pname) { static NODE *savetail = NULL; NODE *p; p = make_param(pname); if (func_params == NULL) { func_params = p; savetail = p; } else if (savetail != NULL) { savetail->rnode = p; savetail = p; } } /* dup_parms --- return TRUE if there are duplicate parameters */ static int dup_parms(NODE *func) { NODE *np; const char *fname, **names; int count, i, j, dups; NODE *params; if (func == NULL) /* error earlier */ return TRUE; fname = func->param; count = func->param_cnt; params = func->rnode; if (count == 0) /* no args, no problem */ return FALSE; if (params == NULL) /* error earlier */ return TRUE; emalloc(names, const char **, count * sizeof(char *), "dup_parms"); i = 0; for (np = params; np != NULL; np = np->rnode) { if (np->param == NULL) { /* error earlier, give up, go home */ efree(names); return TRUE; } names[i++] = np->param; } dups = 0; for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (strcmp(names[i], names[j]) == 0) { dups++; error( _("function `%s': parameter #%d, `%s', duplicates parameter #%d"), fname, i + 1, names[j], j+1); } } } efree(names); return (dups > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); } /* parms_shadow --- check if parameters shadow globals */ static int parms_shadow(INSTRUCTION *pc, int *shadow) { int pcount, i; int ret = FALSE; NODE *func; char *fname; func = pc->func_body; fname = func->lnode->param; #if 0 /* can't happen, already exited if error ? */ if (fname == NULL || func == NULL) /* error earlier */ return FALSE; #endif pcount = func->lnode->param_cnt; if (pcount == 0) /* no args, no problem */ return 0; source = pc->source_file; sourceline = pc->source_line; /* * Use warning() and not lintwarn() so that can warn * about all shadowed parameters. */ for (i = 0; i < pcount; i++) { if (lookup(func->parmlist[i]) != NULL) { warning( _("function `%s': parameter `%s' shadows global variable"), fname, func->parmlist[i]); ret = TRUE; } } *shadow |= ret; return 0; } /* * install_symbol: * Install a name in the symbol table, even if it is already there. * Caller must check against redefinition if that is desired. */ NODE * install_symbol(char *name, NODE *value) { NODE *hp; size_t len; int bucket; if (install_func) (*install_func)(name); var_count++; len = strlen(name); bucket = hash(name, len, (unsigned long) HASHSIZE, NULL); getnode(hp); hp->type = Node_hashnode; hp->hnext = variables[bucket]; variables[bucket] = hp; hp->hlength = len; hp->hvalue = value; hp->hname = name; hp->hvalue->vname = name; return hp->hvalue; } /* lookup --- find the most recent hash node for name installed by install_symbol */ NODE * lookup(const char *name) { NODE *bucket; size_t len; len = strlen(name); for (bucket = variables[hash(name, len, (unsigned long) HASHSIZE, NULL)]; bucket != NULL; bucket = bucket->hnext) if (bucket->hlength == len && STREQN(bucket->hname, name, len)) return bucket->hvalue; return NULL; } /* sym_comp --- compare two symbol (variable or function) names */ static int sym_comp(const void *v1, const void *v2) { const NODE *const *npp1, *const *npp2; const NODE *n1, *n2; int minlen; npp1 = (const NODE *const *) v1; npp2 = (const NODE *const *) v2; n1 = *npp1; n2 = *npp2; if (n1->hlength > n2->hlength) minlen = n1->hlength; else minlen = n2->hlength; return strncmp(n1->hname, n2->hname, minlen); } /* valinfo --- dump var info */ void valinfo(NODE *n, int (*print_func)(FILE *, const char *, ...), FILE *fp) { if (n == Nnull_string) print_func(fp, "uninitialized scalar\n"); else if (n->flags & STRING) { pp_string_fp(print_func, fp, n->stptr, n->stlen, '"', FALSE); print_func(fp, "\n"); } else if (n->flags & NUMBER) print_func(fp, "%.17g\n", n->numbr); else if (n->flags & STRCUR) { pp_string_fp(print_func, fp, n->stptr, n->stlen, '"', FALSE); print_func(fp, "\n"); } else if (n->flags & NUMCUR) print_func(fp, "%.17g\n", n->numbr); else print_func(fp, "?? flags %s\n", flags2str(n->flags)); } /* get_varlist --- list of global variables */ NODE ** get_varlist() { int i, j; NODE **table; NODE *p; emalloc(table, NODE **, (var_count + 1) * sizeof(NODE *), "get_varlist"); update_global_values(); for (i = j = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) for (p = variables[i]; p != NULL; p = p->hnext) table[j++] = p; assert(j == var_count); /* Shazzam! */ qsort(table, j, sizeof(NODE *), sym_comp); table[j] = NULL; return table; } /* print_vars --- print names and values of global variables */ void print_vars(int (*print_func)(FILE *, const char *, ...), FILE *fp) { int i; NODE **table; NODE *p; table = get_varlist(); for (i = 0; (p = table[i]) != NULL; i++) { if (p->hvalue->type == Node_func) continue; print_func(fp, "%.*s: ", (int) p->hlength, p->hname); if (p->hvalue->type == Node_var_array) print_func(fp, "array, %ld elements\n", p->hvalue->table_size); else if (p->hvalue->type == Node_var_new) print_func(fp, "untyped variable\n"); else if (p->hvalue->type == Node_var) valinfo(p->hvalue->var_value, print_func, fp); } efree(table); } /* dump_vars --- dump the symbol table */ void dump_vars(const char *fname) { FILE *fp; if (fname == NULL) fp = stderr; else if ((fp = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL) { warning(_("could not open `%s' for writing (%s)"), fname, strerror(errno)); warning(_("sending profile to standard error")); fp = stderr; } print_vars(fprintf, fp); if (fp != stderr && fclose(fp) != 0) warning(_("%s: close failed (%s)"), fname, strerror(errno)); } /* release_all_vars --- free all variable memory */ void release_all_vars() { int i; NODE *p, *next; for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { for (p = variables[i]; p != NULL; p = next) { next = p->hnext; if (p->hvalue->type == Node_func) continue; else if (p->hvalue->type == Node_var_array) assoc_clear(p->hvalue); else if (p->hvalue->type != Node_var_new) unref(p->hvalue->var_value); efree(p->hname); freenode(p->hvalue); freenode(p); } } } /* dump_funcs --- print all functions */ void dump_funcs() { if (func_count <= 0) return; (void) foreach_func((int (*)(INSTRUCTION *, void *)) pp_func, TRUE, (void *) 0); } /* shadow_funcs --- check all functions for parameters that shadow globals */ void shadow_funcs() { static int calls = 0; int shadow = FALSE; if (func_count <= 0) return; if (calls++ != 0) fatal(_("shadow_funcs() called twice!")); (void) foreach_func((int (*)(INSTRUCTION *, void *)) parms_shadow, TRUE, &shadow); /* End with fatal if the user requested it. */ if (shadow && lintfunc != warning) lintwarn(_("there were shadowed variables.")); } /* * func_install: * check if name is already installed; if so, it had better have Null value, * in which case def is added as the value. Otherwise, install name with def * as value. * * Extra work, build up and save a list of the parameter names in a table * and hang it off params->parmlist. This is used to set the `vname' field * of each function parameter during a function call. See eval.c. */ static int func_install(INSTRUCTION *func, INSTRUCTION *def) { NODE *params; NODE *r, *n, *thisfunc, *hp; char **pnames = NULL; char *fname; int pcount = 0; int i; params = func_params; /* check for function foo(foo) { ... }. bleah. */ for (n = params->rnode; n != NULL; n = n->rnode) { if (strcmp(n->param, params->param) == 0) { error(_("function `%s': can't use function name as parameter name"), params->param); errcount++; return -1; } else if (is_std_var(n->param)) { error(_("function `%s': can't use special variable `%s' as a function parameter"), params->param, n->param); errcount++; return -1; } } thisfunc = NULL; /* turn off warnings */ fname = params->param; /* symbol table management */ hp = remove_symbol(params->param); /* remove function name out of symbol table */ if (hp != NULL) freenode(hp); r = lookup(fname); if (r != NULL) { error(_("function name `%s' previously defined"), fname); errcount++; return -1; } else if (fname == builtin_func) /* not a valid function name */ goto remove_params; /* add an implicit return at end; * also used by 'return' command in debugger */ (void) list_append(def, instruction(Op_push_i)); def->lasti->memory = Nnull_string; (void) list_append(def, instruction(Op_K_return)); if (do_profiling) (void) list_prepend(def, instruction(Op_exec_count)); /* func->opcode is Op_func */ (func + 1)->firsti = def->nexti; (func + 1)->lasti = def->lasti; (func + 2)->first_line = func->source_line; (func + 2)->last_line = lastline; func->nexti = def->nexti; bcfree(def); (void) list_append(rule_list, func + 1); /* debugging */ /* install the function */ thisfunc = mk_symbol(Node_func, params); (void) install_symbol(fname, thisfunc); thisfunc->code_ptr = func; func->func_body = thisfunc; for (n = params->rnode; n != NULL; n = n->rnode) pcount++; if (pcount != 0) { emalloc(pnames, char **, (pcount + 1) * sizeof(char *), "func_install"); for (i = 0, n = params->rnode; i < pcount; i++, n = n->rnode) pnames[i] = n->param; pnames[pcount] = NULL; } thisfunc->parmlist = pnames; /* update lint table info */ func_use(fname, FUNC_DEFINE); func_count++; /* used in profiler / pretty printer */ remove_params: /* remove params from symbol table */ pop_params(params->rnode); return 0; } /* remove_symbol --- remove a variable from the symbol table */ NODE * remove_symbol(char *name) { NODE *bucket, **save; size_t len; len = strlen(name); save = &(variables[hash(name, len, (unsigned long) HASHSIZE, NULL)]); for (bucket = *save; bucket != NULL; bucket = bucket->hnext) { if (len == bucket->hlength && STREQN(bucket->hname, name, len)) { var_count--; *save = bucket->hnext; return bucket; } save = &(bucket->hnext); } return NULL; } /* pop_params --- remove list of function parameters from symbol table */ /* * pop parameters out of the symbol table. do this in reverse order to * avoid reading freed memory if there were duplicated parameters. */ static void pop_params(NODE *params) { NODE *hp; if (params == NULL) return; pop_params(params->rnode); hp = remove_symbol(params->param); if (hp != NULL) freenode(hp); } /* make_param --- make NAME into a function parameter */ static NODE * make_param(char *name) { NODE *r; getnode(r); r->type = Node_param_list; r->rnode = NULL; r->param_cnt = param_counter++; return (install_symbol(name, r)); } static struct fdesc { char *name; short used; short defined; struct fdesc *next; } *ftable[HASHSIZE]; /* func_use --- track uses and definitions of functions */ static void func_use(const char *name, enum defref how) { struct fdesc *fp; int len; int ind; len = strlen(name); ind = hash(name, len, HASHSIZE, NULL); for (fp = ftable[ind]; fp != NULL; fp = fp->next) { if (strcmp(fp->name, name) == 0) { if (how == FUNC_DEFINE) fp->defined++; else fp->used++; return; } } /* not in the table, fall through to allocate a new one */ emalloc(fp, struct fdesc *, sizeof(struct fdesc), "func_use"); memset(fp, '\0', sizeof(struct fdesc)); emalloc(fp->name, char *, len + 1, "func_use"); strcpy(fp->name, name); if (how == FUNC_DEFINE) fp->defined++; else fp->used++; fp->next = ftable[ind]; ftable[ind] = fp; } /* check_funcs --- verify functions that are called but not defined */ static void check_funcs() { struct fdesc *fp, *next; int i; if (! in_main_context()) goto free_mem; for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { for (fp = ftable[i]; fp != NULL; fp = fp->next) { #ifdef REALLYMEAN /* making this the default breaks old code. sigh. */ if (fp->defined == 0) { error( _("function `%s' called but never defined"), fp->name); errcount++; } #else if (do_lint && fp->defined == 0) lintwarn( _("function `%s' called but never defined"), fp->name); #endif if (do_lint && fp->used == 0) { lintwarn(_("function `%s' defined but never called"), fp->name); } } } free_mem: /* now let's free all the memory */ for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { for (fp = ftable[i]; fp != NULL; fp = next) { next = fp->next; efree(fp->name); efree(fp); } ftable[i] = NULL; } } /* param_sanity --- look for parameters that are regexp constants */ static void param_sanity(INSTRUCTION *arglist) { INSTRUCTION *argl, *arg; int i = 1; if (arglist == NULL) return; for (argl = arglist->nexti; argl; ) { arg = argl->lasti; if (arg->opcode == Op_match_rec) warning(_("regexp constant for parameter #%d yields boolean value"), i); argl = arg->nexti; i++; } } /* foreach_func --- execute given function for each awk function in symbol table. */ int foreach_func(int (*pfunc)(INSTRUCTION *, void *), int sort, void *data) { int i, j; NODE *p; int ret = 0; if (sort) { NODE **tab; /* * Walk through symbol table counting functions. * Could be more than func_count if there are * extension functions. */ for (i = j = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { for (p = variables[i]; p != NULL; p = p->hnext) { if (p->hvalue->type == Node_func) { j++; } } } if (j == 0) return 0; emalloc(tab, NODE **, j * sizeof(NODE *), "foreach_func"); /* now walk again, copying info */ for (i = j = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { for (p = variables[i]; p != NULL; p = p->hnext) { if (p->hvalue->type == Node_func) { tab[j] = p; j++; } } } /* Shazzam! */ qsort(tab, j, sizeof(NODE *), sym_comp); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { if ((ret = pfunc(tab[i]->hvalue->code_ptr, data)) != 0) break; } efree(tab); return ret; } /* unsorted */ for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { for (p = variables[i]; p != NULL; p = p->hnext) { if (p->hvalue->type == Node_func && (ret = pfunc(p->hvalue->code_ptr, data)) != 0) return ret; } } return 0; } /* deferred variables --- those that are only defined if needed. */ /* * Is there any reason to use a hash table for deferred variables? At the * moment, there are only 1 to 3 such variables, so it may not be worth * the overhead. If more modules start using this facility, it should * probably be converted into a hash table. */ static struct deferred_variable { NODE *(*load_func)(void); struct deferred_variable *next; char name[1]; /* variable-length array */ } *deferred_variables; /* register_deferred_variable --- add a var name and loading function to the list */ void register_deferred_variable(const char *name, NODE *(*load_func)(void)) { struct deferred_variable *dv; size_t sl = strlen(name); emalloc(dv, struct deferred_variable *, sizeof(*dv)+sl, "register_deferred_variable"); dv->load_func = load_func; dv->next = deferred_variables; memcpy(dv->name, name, sl+1); deferred_variables = dv; } /* variable --- make sure NAME is in the symbol table */ NODE * variable(char *name, NODETYPE type) { NODE *r; if ((r = lookup(name)) != NULL) { if (r->type == Node_func) { error(_("function `%s' called with space between name and `(',\nor used as a variable or an array"), r->vname); errcount++; r->type = Node_var_new; /* continue parsing instead of exiting */ } } else { /* not found */ struct deferred_variable *dv; for (dv = deferred_variables; TRUE; dv = dv->next) { if (dv == NULL) { /* * This is the only case in which we may not free the string. */ if (type == Node_var) r = mk_symbol(type, Nnull_string); else r = mk_symbol(type, (NODE *) NULL); return install_symbol(name, r); } if (STREQ(name, dv->name)) { r = (*dv->load_func)(); break; } } } efree(name); return r; } /* make_regnode --- make a regular expression node */ static NODE * make_regnode(int type, NODE *exp) { NODE *n; getnode(n); memset(n, 0, sizeof(NODE)); n->type = type; n->re_cnt = 1; if (type == Node_regex) { n->re_reg = make_regexp(exp->stptr, exp->stlen, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); if (n->re_reg == NULL) { freenode(n); return NULL; } n->re_exp = exp; n->re_flags = CONSTANT; } return n; } /* mk_rexp --- make a regular expression constant */ static NODE * mk_rexp(INSTRUCTION *list) { INSTRUCTION *ip; ip = list->nexti; if (ip == list->lasti && ip->opcode == Op_match_rec) ip->opcode = Op_push_re; else { ip = instruction(Op_push_re); ip->memory = make_regnode(Node_dynregex, NULL); ip->nexti = list->lasti->nexti; list->lasti->nexti = ip; list->lasti = ip; } return ip->memory; } /* isnoeffect --- when used as a statement, has no side effects */ /* * To be completely general, we should recursively walk the parse * tree, to make sure that all the subexpressions also have no effect. * Instead, we just weaken the actual warning that's printed, up above * in the grammar. */ static int isnoeffect(OPCODE type) { switch (type) { case Op_times: case Op_times_i: case Op_quotient: case Op_quotient_i: case Op_mod: case Op_mod_i: case Op_plus: case Op_plus_i: case Op_minus: case Op_minus_i: case Op_subscript: case Op_concat: case Op_exp: case Op_exp_i: case Op_unary_minus: case Op_field_spec: case Op_and_final: case Op_or_final: case Op_equal: case Op_notequal: case Op_less: case Op_greater: case Op_leq: case Op_geq: case Op_match: case Op_nomatch: case Op_match_rec: case Op_not: case Op_in_array: return TRUE; default: break; /* keeps gcc -Wall happy */ } return FALSE; } /* make_assignable --- make this operand an assignable one if posiible */ static INSTRUCTION * make_assignable(INSTRUCTION *ip) { switch (ip->opcode) { case Op_push: if (ip->memory->type == Node_param_list && (ip->memory->flags & FUNC) != 0) return NULL; ip->opcode = Op_push_lhs; return ip; case Op_field_spec: ip->opcode = Op_field_spec_lhs; return ip; case Op_subscript: ip->opcode = Op_subscript_lhs; return ip; default: break; /* keeps gcc -Wall happy */ } return NULL; } /* stopme --- for debugging */ NODE * stopme(int nargs ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { return (NODE *) 0; } /* dumpintlstr --- write out an initial .po file entry for the string */ static void dumpintlstr(const char *str, size_t len) { char *cp; /* See the GNU gettext distribution for details on the file format */ if (source != NULL) { /* ala the gettext sources, remove leading `./'s */ for (cp = source; cp[0] == '.' && cp[1] == '/'; cp += 2) continue; printf("#: %s:%d\n", cp, sourceline); } printf("msgid "); pp_string_fp(fprintf, stdout, str, len, '"', TRUE); putchar('\n'); printf("msgstr \"\"\n\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* dumpintlstr2 --- write out an initial .po file entry for the string and its plural */ static void dumpintlstr2(const char *str1, size_t len1, const char *str2, size_t len2) { char *cp; /* See the GNU gettext distribution for details on the file format */ if (source != NULL) { /* ala the gettext sources, remove leading `./'s */ for (cp = source; cp[0] == '.' && cp[1] == '/'; cp += 2) continue; printf("#: %s:%d\n", cp, sourceline); } printf("msgid "); pp_string_fp(fprintf, stdout, str1, len1, '"', TRUE); putchar('\n'); printf("msgid_plural "); pp_string_fp(fprintf, stdout, str2, len2, '"', TRUE); putchar('\n'); printf("msgstr[0] \"\"\nmsgstr[1] \"\"\n\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* isarray --- can this type be subscripted? */ static int isarray(NODE *n) { switch (n->type) { case Node_var_new: case Node_var_array: return TRUE; case Node_param_list: return (n->flags & FUNC) == 0; case Node_array_ref: cant_happen(); break; default: break; /* keeps gcc -Wall happy */ } return FALSE; } static INSTRUCTION * mk_binary(INSTRUCTION *s1, INSTRUCTION *s2, INSTRUCTION *op) { INSTRUCTION *ip,*ip1; AWKNUM res; ip = s2->nexti; if (s2->lasti == ip && ip->opcode == Op_push_i) { /* do any numeric constant folding */ ip1 = s1->nexti; if (ip1->memory != NULL && ip1->memory->type == Node_val && (ip1->memory->flags & (STRCUR|STRING)) == 0 && ip->memory != NULL && ip->memory->type == Node_val && (ip->memory->flags & (STRCUR|STRING)) == 0 && ip1 == s1->lasti && do_optimize > 1) { ip1->memory->numbr = force_number(ip1->memory); ip->memory->numbr = force_number(ip->memory); res = ip1->memory->numbr; switch (op->opcode) { case Op_times: res *= ip->memory->numbr; break; case Op_quotient: if (ip->memory->numbr == 0) { /* don't fatalize, allow parsing rest of the input */ yyerror(_("division by zero attempted")); goto regular; } res /= ip->memory->numbr; break; case Op_mod: if (ip->memory->numbr == 0) { /* don't fatalize, allow parsing rest of the input */ yyerror(_("division by zero attempted in `%%'")); goto regular; } #ifdef HAVE_FMOD res = fmod(res, ip->memory->numbr); #else /* ! HAVE_FMOD */ (void) modf(res / ip->memory->numbr, &res); res = ip1->memory->numbr - res * ip->memory->numbr; #endif /* ! HAVE_FMOD */ break; case Op_plus: res += ip->memory->numbr; break; case Op_minus: res -= ip->memory->numbr; break; case Op_exp: res = calc_exp(res, ip->memory->numbr); break; default: goto regular; } op->opcode = Op_push_i; op->memory = mk_number(res, (PERM|NUMCUR|NUMBER)); bcfree(ip1); bcfree(ip); bcfree(s1); bcfree(s2); return list_create(op); } else { /* do basic arithmetic optimisation */ /* convert (Op_push_i Node_val) + (Op_plus) to (Op_plus_i Node_val) */ switch (op->opcode) { case Op_times: op->opcode = Op_times_i; break; case Op_quotient: op->opcode = Op_quotient_i; break; case Op_mod: op->opcode = Op_mod_i; break; case Op_plus: op->opcode = Op_plus_i; break; case Op_minus: op->opcode = Op_minus_i; break; case Op_exp: op->opcode = Op_exp_i; break; default: goto regular; } op->memory = ip->memory; bcfree(ip); bcfree(s2); /* Op_list */ return list_append(s1, op); } } regular: /* append lists s1, s2 and add `op' bytecode */ (void) list_merge(s1, s2); return list_append(s1, op); } /* mk_boolean --- instructions for boolean and, or */ static INSTRUCTION * mk_boolean(INSTRUCTION *left, INSTRUCTION *right, INSTRUCTION *op) { INSTRUCTION *tp; OPCODE opc, final_opc; opc = op->opcode; /* Op_and or Op_or */ final_opc = (opc == Op_or) ? Op_or_final : Op_and_final; add_lint(right, LINT_assign_in_cond); tp = left->lasti; if (tp->opcode != final_opc) { /* x || y */ list_append(right, instruction(final_opc)); add_lint(left, LINT_assign_in_cond); (void) list_append(left, op); left->lasti->target_jmp = right->lasti; /* NB: target_stmt points to previous Op_and(Op_or) in a chain; * target_stmt only used in the parser (see below). */ left->lasti->target_stmt = left->lasti; right->lasti->target_stmt = left->lasti; } else { /* optimization for x || y || z || ... */ INSTRUCTION *ip; op->opcode = final_opc; (void) list_append(right, op); op->target_stmt = tp; tp->opcode = opc; tp->target_jmp = op; /* update jump targets */ for (ip = tp->target_stmt; ; ip = ip->target_stmt) { assert(ip->opcode == opc); assert(ip->target_jmp == tp); /* if (ip->opcode == opc && ip->target_jmp == tp) */ ip->target_jmp = op; if (ip->target_stmt == ip) break; } } return list_merge(left, right); } /* mk_condition --- if-else and conditional */ static INSTRUCTION * mk_condition(INSTRUCTION *cond, INSTRUCTION *ifp, INSTRUCTION *true_branch, INSTRUCTION *elsep, INSTRUCTION *false_branch) { /* * ---------------- * cond * ---------------- * t: [Op_jmp_false f ] * ---------------- * true_branch * * ---------------- * [Op_jmp y] * ---------------- * f: * false_branch * ---------------- * y: [Op_no_op] * ---------------- */ INSTRUCTION *ip; /* FIXME else { } -- add elsep */ if (false_branch == NULL) { if (elsep != NULL) /* else { } */ false_branch = list_append(list_create(elsep), instruction(Op_no_op)); else false_branch = list_create(instruction(Op_no_op)); } else { /* assert(elsep != NULL); */ /* avoid a series of no_op's: if .. else if .. else if .. */ if (false_branch->lasti->opcode != Op_no_op) (void) list_append(false_branch, instruction(Op_no_op)); (void) list_prepend(false_branch, elsep); false_branch->nexti->branch_end = false_branch->lasti; if (do_profiling) (void) list_prepend(false_branch, instruction(Op_exec_count)); } (void) list_prepend(false_branch, instruction(Op_jmp)); false_branch->nexti->target_jmp = false_branch->lasti; add_lint(cond, LINT_assign_in_cond); ip = list_append(cond, instruction(Op_jmp_false)); ip->lasti->target_jmp = false_branch->nexti->nexti; (void) list_prepend(ip, ifp); if (do_profiling) { (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_exec_count)); ip->nexti->branch_if = ip->lasti; ip->nexti->branch_else = false_branch->nexti; } if (true_branch != NULL) list_merge(ip, true_branch); return list_merge(ip, false_branch); } enum defline { FIRST_LINE, LAST_LINE }; /* find_line -- find the first(last) line in a list of (pattern) instructions */ static int find_line(INSTRUCTION *pattern, enum defline what) { INSTRUCTION *ip; int lineno = 0; for (ip = pattern->nexti; ip; ip = ip->nexti) { if (what == LAST_LINE) { if (ip->source_line > lineno) lineno = ip->source_line; } else { /* FIRST_LINE */ if (ip->source_line > 0 && (lineno == 0 || ip->source_line < lineno)) lineno = ip->source_line; } if (ip == pattern->lasti) break; } assert(lineno > 0); return lineno; } /* append_rule --- pattern-action instructions */ static INSTRUCTION * append_rule(INSTRUCTION *pattern, INSTRUCTION *action) { /* * ---------------- * pattern * ---------------- * [Op_jmp_false f ] * ---------------- * action * ---------------- * f: [Op_no_op ] * ---------------- */ INSTRUCTION *rp; INSTRUCTION *tp; INSTRUCTION *ip; if (rule != Rule) { rp = pattern; if (do_profiling) (void) list_append(action, instruction(Op_no_op)); (rp + 1)->firsti = action->nexti; (rp + 1)->lasti = action->lasti; (rp + 2)->first_line = pattern->source_line; (rp + 2)->last_line = lastline; ip = list_prepend(action, rp); } else { rp = bcalloc(Op_rule, 3, 0); rp->in_rule = Rule; rp->source_file = source; tp = instruction(Op_no_op); if (pattern == NULL) { /* assert(action != NULL); */ if (do_profiling) (void) list_prepend(action, instruction(Op_exec_count)); (rp + 1)->firsti = action->nexti; (rp + 1)->lasti = tp; (rp + 2)->first_line = firstline; (rp + 2)->last_line = lastline; rp->source_line = firstline; ip = list_prepend(list_append(action, tp), rp); } else { (void) list_append(pattern, instruction(Op_jmp_false)); pattern->lasti->target_jmp = tp; (rp + 2)->first_line = find_line(pattern, FIRST_LINE); rp->source_line = (rp + 2)->first_line; if (action == NULL) { (rp + 2)->last_line = find_line(pattern, LAST_LINE); action = list_create(instruction(Op_K_print_rec)); if (do_profiling) (void) list_prepend(action, instruction(Op_exec_count)); } else (rp + 2)->last_line = lastline; if (do_profiling) { (void) list_prepend(pattern, instruction(Op_exec_count)); (void) list_prepend(action, instruction(Op_exec_count)); } (rp + 1)->firsti = action->nexti; (rp + 1)->lasti = tp; ip = list_append( list_merge(list_prepend(pattern, rp), action), tp); } } list_append(rule_list, rp + 1); if (rule_block[rule] == NULL) rule_block[rule] = ip; else (void) list_merge(rule_block[rule], ip); return rule_block[rule]; } /* mk_assignment --- assignment bytecodes */ static INSTRUCTION * mk_assignment(INSTRUCTION *lhs, INSTRUCTION *rhs, INSTRUCTION *op) { INSTRUCTION *tp; INSTRUCTION *ip; tp = lhs->lasti; switch (tp->opcode) { case Op_field_spec: tp->opcode = Op_field_spec_lhs; break; case Op_subscript: tp->opcode = Op_subscript_lhs; break; case Op_push: case Op_push_array: tp->opcode = Op_push_lhs; break; default: cant_happen(); } tp->do_reference = (op->opcode != Op_assign); /* check for uninitialized reference */ if (rhs != NULL) ip = list_merge(rhs, lhs); else ip = lhs; (void) list_append(ip, op); if (tp->opcode == Op_push_lhs && tp->memory->type == Node_var && tp->memory->var_assign ) { tp->do_reference = FALSE; /* no uninitialized reference checking * for a special variable. */ (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_var_assign)); ip->lasti->memory = tp->memory; } else if (tp->opcode == Op_field_spec_lhs) { (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_field_assign)); ip->lasti->field_assign = (Func_ptr) 0; tp->target_assign = ip->lasti; } return ip; } /* optimize_assignment --- peephole optimization for assignment */ static INSTRUCTION * optimize_assignment(INSTRUCTION *exp) { INSTRUCTION *i1; INSTRUCTION *i2; INSTRUCTION *i3; /* * Optimize assignment statements array[subs] = x; var = x; $n = x; * string concatenation of the form s = s t. * * 1) Array element assignment array[subs] = x: * Replaces Op_push_array + Op_subscript_lhs + Op_assign + Op_pop * with single instruction Op_store_sub. * Limitation (FIXME): 1 dimension and sub is simple var/value. * * 2) Simple variable assignment var = x: * Replaces Op_push_lhs + Op_assign + Op_pop with Op_store_var. * * 3) Field assignment $n = x: * Replaces Op_field_spec_lhs + Op_assign + Op_field_assign + Op_pop * with Op_store_field. * * 4) Optimization for string concatenation: * For cases like x = x y, uses realloc to include y in x; * also eliminates instructions Op_push_lhs and Op_pop. */ /* * N.B.: do not append Op_pop instruction to the returned * instruction list if optimized. None of these * optimized instructions pushes the r-value of assignment * onto the runtime stack. */ i2 = NULL; i1 = exp->lasti; if ( ! do_optimize || ( i1->opcode != Op_assign && i1->opcode != Op_field_assign) ) return list_append(exp, instruction(Op_pop)); for (i2 = exp->nexti; i2 != i1; i2 = i2->nexti) { switch (i2->opcode) { case Op_concat: if (i2->nexti->opcode == Op_push_lhs /* l.h.s is a simple variable */ && (i2->concat_flag & CSVAR) /* 1st exp in r.h.s is a simple variable; * see Op_concat in the grammer above. */ && i2->nexti->memory == exp->nexti->memory /* and the same as in l.h.s */ && i2->nexti->nexti == i1 && i1->opcode == Op_assign ) { /* s = s ... optimization */ /* avoid stuff like x = x (x = y) or x = x gsub(/./, "b", x); * check for l-value reference to this variable in the r.h.s. * Also avoid function calls in general, to guard against * global variable assignment. */ for (i3 = exp->nexti->nexti; i3 != i2; i3 = i3->nexti) { if ((i3->opcode == Op_push_lhs && i3->memory == i2->nexti->memory) || i3->opcode == Op_func_call) return list_append(exp, instruction(Op_pop)); /* no optimization */ } /* remove the variable from r.h.s */ i3 = exp->nexti; exp->nexti = i3->nexti; bcfree(i3); if (--i2->expr_count == 1) /* one less expression in Op_concat */ i2->opcode = Op_no_op; i3 = i2->nexti; assert(i3->opcode == Op_push_lhs); i3->opcode = Op_assign_concat; /* change Op_push_lhs to Op_assign_concat */ i3->nexti = NULL; bcfree(i1); /* Op_assign */ exp->lasti = i3; /* update Op_list */ return exp; } break; case Op_field_spec_lhs: if (i2->nexti->opcode == Op_assign && i2->nexti->nexti == i1 && i1->opcode == Op_field_assign ) { /* $n = .. */ i2->opcode = Op_store_field; bcfree(i2->nexti); /* Op_assign */ i2->nexti = NULL; bcfree(i1); /* Op_field_assign */ exp->lasti = i2; /* update Op_list */ return exp; } break; case Op_push_array: if (i2->nexti->nexti->opcode == Op_subscript_lhs) { i3 = i2->nexti->nexti; if (i3->sub_count == 1 && i3->nexti == i1 && i1->opcode == Op_assign ) { /* array[sub] = .. */ i3->opcode = Op_store_sub; i3->memory = i2->memory; i3->expr_count = 1; /* sub_count shadows memory, * so use expr_count instead. */ i3->nexti = NULL; i2->opcode = Op_no_op; bcfree(i1); /* Op_assign */ exp->lasti = i3; /* update Op_list */ return exp; } } break; case Op_push_lhs: if (i2->nexti == i1 && i1->opcode == Op_assign ) { /* var = .. */ i2->opcode = Op_store_var; i2->nexti = NULL; bcfree(i1); /* Op_assign */ exp->lasti = i2; /* update Op_list */ return exp; } break; default: break; } } /* no optimization */ return list_append(exp, instruction(Op_pop)); } /* mk_getline --- make instructions for getline */ static INSTRUCTION * mk_getline(INSTRUCTION *op, INSTRUCTION *var, INSTRUCTION *redir, OPCODE redirtype) { INSTRUCTION *ip; INSTRUCTION *tp; INSTRUCTION *asgn = NULL; /* * getline [var] < [file] * * [ file (simp_exp)] * [ [ var ] ] * [ Op_K_getline_redir|NULL|redir_type|into_var] * [ [var_assign] ] * */ if (redir == NULL) { int sline = op->source_line; bcfree(op); op = bcalloc(Op_K_getline, 2, sline); (op + 1)->target_endfile = ip_endfile; (op + 1)->target_beginfile = ip_beginfile; } if (var != NULL) { tp = make_assignable(var->lasti); assert(tp != NULL); /* check if we need after_assign bytecode */ if (tp->opcode == Op_push_lhs && tp->memory->type == Node_var && tp->memory->var_assign ) { asgn = instruction(Op_var_assign); asgn->memory = tp->memory; } else if (tp->opcode == Op_field_spec_lhs) { asgn = instruction(Op_field_assign); asgn->field_assign = (Func_ptr) 0; /* determined at run time */ tp->target_assign = asgn; } if (redir != NULL) { ip = list_merge(redir, var); (void) list_append(ip, op); } else ip = list_append(var, op); } else if (redir != NULL) ip = list_append(redir, op); else ip = list_create(op); op->into_var = (var != NULL); op->redir_type = (redir != NULL) ? redirtype : 0; return (asgn == NULL ? ip : list_append(ip, asgn)); } /* mk_for_loop --- for loop bytecodes */ static INSTRUCTION * mk_for_loop(INSTRUCTION *forp, INSTRUCTION *init, INSTRUCTION *cond, INSTRUCTION *incr, INSTRUCTION *body) { /* * [ Op_push_loop | z| y] <-- continue | break * ------------------------ * init (may be NULL) * ------------------------ * x: * cond (Op_no_op if NULL) * ------------------------ * [ Op_jmp_false y ] * ------------------------ * body (may be NULL) * ------------------------ * z: * incr (may be NULL) * [ Op_jmp x ] * ------------------------ * y:[ Op_pop_loop ] */ INSTRUCTION *ip; INSTRUCTION *cp; INSTRUCTION *jmp; INSTRUCTION *pp_cond; INSTRUCTION *ret; cp = instruction(Op_pop_loop); forp->opcode = Op_push_loop; forp->target_break = cp; ip = list_create(forp); if (init != NULL) (void) list_merge(ip, init); if (cond != NULL) { add_lint(cond, LINT_assign_in_cond); pp_cond = cond->nexti; (void) list_merge(ip, cond); (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_jmp_false)); ip->lasti->target_jmp = cp; } else { pp_cond = instruction(Op_no_op); (void) list_append(ip, pp_cond); } if (do_profiling) { (void) list_append(ip, instruction(Op_exec_count)); (forp + 1)->opcode = Op_K_for; (forp + 1)->forloop_cond = pp_cond; (forp + 1)->forloop_body = ip->lasti; } if (body != NULL) (void) list_merge(ip, body); if (incr != NULL) { forp->target_continue = incr->nexti; (void) list_merge(ip, incr); } jmp = instruction(Op_jmp); jmp->target_jmp = pp_cond; if (incr == NULL) forp->target_continue = jmp; (void) list_append(ip, jmp); ret = list_append(ip, cp); fix_break_continue(forp, cp, TRUE); return ret; } /* add_lint --- add lint warning bytecode if needed */ static void add_lint(INSTRUCTION *list, LINTTYPE linttype) { #ifndef NO_LINT INSTRUCTION *ip; switch (linttype) { case LINT_assign_in_cond: ip = list->lasti; if (ip->opcode == Op_var_assign || ip->opcode == Op_field_assign) { assert(ip != list->nexti); for (ip = list->nexti; ip->nexti != list->lasti; ip = ip->nexti) ; } if (ip->opcode == Op_assign || ip->opcode == Op_assign_concat) { list_append(list, instruction(Op_lint)); list->lasti->lint_type = linttype; } break; case LINT_no_effect: if (list->lasti->opcode == Op_pop && list->nexti != list->lasti) { for (ip = list->nexti; ip->nexti != list->lasti; ip = ip->nexti) ; if (do_lint) { /* compile-time warning */ if (isnoeffect(ip->opcode)) lintwarn(_("statement may have no effect")); } if (ip->opcode == Op_push) { /* run-time warning */ list_append(list, instruction(Op_lint)); list->lasti->lint_type = linttype; } } break; default: break; } #endif } /* mk_expression_list --- list of bytecode lists */ static INSTRUCTION * mk_expression_list(INSTRUCTION *list, INSTRUCTION *s1) { INSTRUCTION *r; /* we can't just combine all bytecodes, since we need to * process individual expressions for a few builtins in snode() (-: */ /* -- list of lists */ /* [Op_list| ... ]------ * | * [Op_list| ... ] -- | * ... | | * ... <------- | * [Op_list| ... ] -- | * ... | | * ... | | * ... <------- -- */ assert(s1 != NULL && s1->opcode == Op_list); if (list == NULL) { list = instruction(Op_list); list->nexti = s1; list->lasti = s1->lasti; return list; } /* append expression to the end of the list */ r = list->lasti; r->nexti = s1; list->lasti = s1->lasti; return list; } /* count_expressions --- fixup expression_list from mk_expression_list. * returns no of expressions in list. isarg is true * for function arguments. */ static int count_expressions(INSTRUCTION **list, int isarg) { INSTRUCTION *expr; INSTRUCTION *r = NULL; int count = 0; if (*list == NULL) /* error earlier */ return 0; for (expr = (*list)->nexti; expr; ) { INSTRUCTION *t1, *t2; t1 = expr->nexti; t2 = expr->lasti; if (isarg && t1 == t2 && t1->opcode == Op_push) t1->opcode = Op_push_param; if (++count == 1) r = expr; else (void) list_merge(r, expr); expr = t2->nexti; } assert(count > 0); if (! isarg && count > max_args) max_args = count; bcfree(*list); *list = r; return count; } /* fix_break_continue --- fix up break & continue nodes in loop bodies */ static void fix_break_continue(INSTRUCTION *start, INSTRUCTION *end, int check_continue) { INSTRUCTION *ip, *b_target, *c_target; assert(start->opcode == Op_push_loop); assert(end->opcode == Op_pop_loop); b_target = start->target_break; c_target = start->target_continue; for (ip = start; ip != end; ip = ip->nexti) { switch (ip->opcode) { case Op_K_break: if (ip->target_jmp == NULL) ip->target_jmp = b_target; break; case Op_K_continue: if (check_continue && ip->target_jmp == NULL) ip->target_jmp = c_target; break; default: /* this is to keep the compiler happy. sheesh. */ break; } } } /* append_symbol --- append symbol to the list of symbols * installed in the symbol table. */ void append_symbol(char *name) { NODE *hp; /* N.B.: func_install removes func name and reinstalls it; * and we get two entries for it here!. destroy_symbol() * will find and destroy the Node_func which is what we want. */ getnode(hp); hp->hname = name; /* shallow copy */ hp->hnext = symbol_list->hnext; symbol_list->hnext = hp; } /* release_symbol --- free symbol list and optionally remove symbol from symbol table */ void release_symbols(NODE *symlist, int keep_globals) { NODE *hp, *n; for (hp = symlist->hnext; hp != NULL; hp = n) { if (! keep_globals) { /* destroys globals, function, and params * if still in symbol table and not removed by func_install * due to parse error. */ destroy_symbol(hp->hname); } n = hp->hnext; freenode(hp); } symlist->hnext = NULL; } /* destroy_symbol --- remove a symbol from symbol table * and free all associated memory. */ void destroy_symbol(char *name) { NODE *symbol, *hp; symbol = lookup(name); if (symbol == NULL) return; if (symbol->type == Node_func) { char **varnames; NODE *func, *n; func = symbol; varnames = func->parmlist; if (varnames != NULL) efree(varnames); /* function parameters of type Node_param_list */ for (n = func->lnode->rnode; n != NULL; ) { NODE *np; np = n->rnode; efree(n->param); freenode(n); n = np; } freenode(func->lnode); func_count--; } else if (symbol->type == Node_var_array) assoc_clear(symbol); else if (symbol->type == Node_var) unref(symbol->var_value); /* remove from symbol table */ hp = remove_symbol(name); efree(hp->hname); freenode(hp->hvalue); freenode(hp); } #define pool_size d.dl #define freei x.xi static INSTRUCTION *pool_list; static CONTEXT *curr_ctxt = NULL; /* new_context --- create a new execution context. */ CONTEXT * new_context() { CONTEXT *ctxt; emalloc(ctxt, CONTEXT *, sizeof(CONTEXT), "new_context"); memset(ctxt, 0, sizeof(CONTEXT)); ctxt->srcfiles.next = ctxt->srcfiles.prev = &ctxt->srcfiles; ctxt->rule_list.opcode = Op_list; ctxt->rule_list.lasti = &ctxt->rule_list; return ctxt; } /* set_context --- change current execution context. */ static void set_context(CONTEXT *ctxt) { pool_list = &ctxt->pools; symbol_list = &ctxt->symbols; srcfiles = &ctxt->srcfiles; rule_list = &ctxt->rule_list; install_func = ctxt->install_func; curr_ctxt = ctxt; } /* * push_context: * * Switch to the given context after saving the current one. The set * of active execution contexts forms a stack; the global or main context * is at the bottom of the stack. */ void push_context(CONTEXT *ctxt) { ctxt->prev = curr_ctxt; /* save current source and sourceline */ if (curr_ctxt != NULL) { curr_ctxt->sourceline = sourceline; curr_ctxt->source = source; } sourceline = 0; source = NULL; set_context(ctxt); } /* pop_context --- switch to previous execution context. */ void pop_context() { CONTEXT *ctxt; assert(curr_ctxt != NULL); ctxt = curr_ctxt->prev; /* restore source and sourceline */ sourceline = ctxt->sourceline; source = ctxt->source; set_context(ctxt); } /* in_main_context --- are we in the main context ? */ int in_main_context() { assert(curr_ctxt != NULL); return (curr_ctxt->prev == NULL); } /* free_context --- free context structure and related data. */ void free_context(CONTEXT *ctxt, int keep_globals) { SRCFILE *s, *sn; if (ctxt == NULL) return; assert(curr_ctxt != ctxt); /* free all code including function codes */ free_bcpool(&ctxt->pools); /* free symbols */ release_symbols(&ctxt->symbols, keep_globals); /* free srcfiles */ for (s = &ctxt->srcfiles; s != &ctxt->srcfiles; s = sn) { sn = s->next; if (s->stype != SRC_CMDLINE && s->stype != SRC_STDIN) efree(s->fullpath); efree(s->src); efree(s); } efree(ctxt); } /* free_bc_internal --- free internal memory of an instruction. */ static void free_bc_internal(INSTRUCTION *cp) { INSTRUCTION *curr; NODE *m; switch(cp->opcode) { case Op_func_call: if (cp->func_name != NULL && cp->func_name != builtin_func ) efree(cp->func_name); break; case Op_K_switch: for (curr = cp->case_val; curr != NULL; curr = curr->nexti) { if (curr->opcode == Op_K_case && curr->memory->type != Node_val ) { m = curr->memory; if (m->re_text != NULL) unref(m->re_text); if (m->re_reg != NULL) refree(m->re_reg); if (m->re_exp != NULL) unref(m->re_exp); freenode(m); } } break; case Op_push_re: case Op_match_rec: case Op_match: case Op_nomatch: m = cp->memory; if (m->re_reg != NULL) refree(m->re_reg); if (m->re_exp != NULL) unref(m->re_exp); if (m->re_text != NULL) unref(m->re_text); freenode(m); break; case Op_token: /* token lost during error recovery in yyparse */ if (cp->lextok != NULL) efree(cp->lextok); break; case Op_illegal: cant_happen(); default: break; } } /* INSTR_CHUNK must be > largest code size (3) */ #define INSTR_CHUNK 127 /* bcfree --- deallocate instruction */ void bcfree(INSTRUCTION *cp) { cp->opcode = 0; cp->nexti = pool_list->freei; pool_list->freei = cp; } /* bcalloc --- allocate a new instruction */ INSTRUCTION * bcalloc(OPCODE op, int size, int srcline) { INSTRUCTION *cp; if (size > 1) { /* wide instructions Op_rule, Op_func_call .. */ emalloc(cp, INSTRUCTION *, (size + 1) * sizeof(INSTRUCTION), "bcalloc"); cp->pool_size = size; cp->nexti = pool_list->nexti; pool_list->nexti = cp++; } else { INSTRUCTION *pool; pool = pool_list->freei; if (pool == NULL) { INSTRUCTION *last; emalloc(cp, INSTRUCTION *, (INSTR_CHUNK + 1) * sizeof(INSTRUCTION), "bcalloc"); cp->pool_size = INSTR_CHUNK; cp->nexti = pool_list->nexti; pool_list->nexti = cp; pool = ++cp; last = &pool[INSTR_CHUNK - 1]; for (; cp <= last; cp++) { cp->opcode = 0; cp->nexti = cp + 1; } --cp; cp->nexti = NULL; } cp = pool; pool_list->freei = cp->nexti; } memset(cp, 0, size * sizeof(INSTRUCTION)); cp->opcode = op; cp->source_line = srcline; return cp; } /* free_bcpool --- free list of instruction memory pools */ static void free_bcpool(INSTRUCTION *pl) { INSTRUCTION *pool, *tmp; for (pool = pl->nexti; pool != NULL; pool = tmp) { INSTRUCTION *cp, *last; long psiz; psiz = pool->pool_size; if (psiz == INSTR_CHUNK) last = pool + psiz; else last = pool + 1; for (cp = pool + 1; cp <= last ; cp++) { if (cp->opcode != 0) free_bc_internal(cp); } tmp = pool->nexti; efree(pool); } memset(pl, 0, sizeof(INSTRUCTION)); } static inline INSTRUCTION * list_create(INSTRUCTION *x) { INSTRUCTION *l; l = instruction(Op_list); l->nexti = x; l->lasti = x; return l; } static inline INSTRUCTION * list_append(INSTRUCTION *l, INSTRUCTION *x) { #ifdef GAWKDEBUG if (l->opcode != Op_list) cant_happen(); #endif l->lasti->nexti = x; l->lasti = x; return l; } static inline INSTRUCTION * list_prepend(INSTRUCTION *l, INSTRUCTION *x) { #ifdef GAWKDEBUG if (l->opcode != Op_list) cant_happen(); #endif x->nexti = l->nexti; l->nexti = x; return l; } static inline INSTRUCTION * list_merge(INSTRUCTION *l1, INSTRUCTION *l2) { #ifdef GAWKDEBUG if (l1->opcode != Op_list) cant_happen(); if (l2->opcode != Op_list) cant_happen(); #endif l1->lasti->nexti = l2->nexti; l1->lasti = l2->lasti; bcfree(l2); return l1; } /* See if name is a special token. */ int check_special(const char *name) { int low, high, mid; int i; #if 'a' == 0x81 /* it's EBCDIC */ static int did_sort = FALSE; if (! did_sort) { qsort(tokentab, sizeof(tokentab) / sizeof(tokentab[0]), sizeof(tokentab[0]), tokcompare); did_sort = TRUE; } #endif low = 0; high = (sizeof(tokentab) / sizeof(tokentab[0])) - 1; while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high) / 2; i = *name - tokentab[mid].operator[0]; if (i == 0) i = strcmp(name, tokentab[mid].operator); if (i < 0) /* token < mid */ high = mid - 1; else if (i > 0) /* token > mid */ low = mid + 1; else return mid; } return -1; } /* * This provides a private version of functions that act like VMS's * variable-length record filesystem, where there was a bug on * certain source files. */ static FILE *fp = NULL; /* read_one_line --- return one input line at a time. mainly for debugging. */ static ssize_t read_one_line(int fd, void *buffer, size_t count) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* Minor potential memory leak here. Too bad. */ if (fp == NULL) { fp = fdopen(fd, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ugh. fdopen: %s\n", strerror(errno)); gawk_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp) == NULL) return 0; memcpy(buffer, buf, strlen(buf)); return strlen(buf); } /* one_line_close --- close the open file being read with read_one_line() */ static int one_line_close(int fd) { int ret; if (fp == NULL || fd != fileno(fp)) fatal("debugging read/close screwed up!"); ret = fclose(fp); fp = NULL; return ret; }