diff options
authorcharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2010-10-26 10:31:39 +0000
committercharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2010-10-26 10:31:39 +0000
commitc4f05e61f09072d37a87b218e3a812bb0bd0e0b7 (patch)
parent9c3137f67e6c3f7ef0e8c7dd3239933085e1f779 (diff)
2010-10-26 Matthew Heaney <>
* Makefile.rtl, impunit.adb: Added bounded list container. *, a-cbdlli.adb: New file. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
5 files changed, 2282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
index 3ab14974838..117b1145835 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
+++ b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2010-10-26 Matthew Heaney <>
+ * Makefile.rtl, impunit.adb: Added bounded list container.
+ *, a-cbdlli.adb: New file.
2010-10-25 Eric Botcazou <>
* gcc-interface/utils2.c: Include flags.h and remove prototypes.
diff --git a/gcc/ada/Makefile.rtl b/gcc/ada/Makefile.rtl
index d5a2d0dc4ba..d57d67913bc 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/Makefile.rtl
+++ b/gcc/ada/Makefile.rtl
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ GNATRTL_NONTASKING_OBJS= \
a-calfor$(objext) \
a-catizo$(objext) \
a-cborse$(objext) \
+ a-cbdlli$(objext) \
a-cborma$(objext) \
a-cdlili$(objext) \
a-cgaaso$(objext) \
diff --git a/gcc/ada/a-cbdlli.adb b/gcc/ada/a-cbdlli.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ee296b49da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/a-cbdlli.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,2005 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 2004-2010, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
+-- --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
+-- <>. --
+-- --
+-- This unit was originally developed by Matthew J Heaney. --
+with System; use type System.Address;
+package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Allocate
+ (Container : in out List;
+ New_Item : Element_Type;
+ New_Node : out Count_Type);
+ procedure Allocate
+ (Container : in out List;
+ New_Node : out Count_Type);
+ procedure Allocate
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ New_Node : out Count_Type);
+ procedure Free
+ (Container : in out List;
+ X : Count_Type);
+ procedure Insert_Internal
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Before : Count_Type;
+ New_Node : Count_Type);
+ function Vet (Position : Cursor) return Boolean;
+ ---------
+ -- "=" --
+ ---------
+ function "=" (Left, Right : List) return Boolean is
+ LN : Node_Array renames Left.Nodes;
+ RN : Node_Array renames Right.Nodes;
+ LI, RI : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Left'Address = Right'Address then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ if Left.Length /= Right.Length then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ LI := Left.First;
+ RI := Right.First;
+ for J in 1 .. Left.Length loop
+ if LN (LI).Element /= RN (RI).Element then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ LI := LN (LI).Next;
+ RI := RN (RI).Next;
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end "=";
+ --------------
+ -- Allocate --
+ --------------
+ procedure Allocate
+ (Container : in out List;
+ New_Item : Element_Type;
+ New_Node : out Count_Type)
+ is
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ begin
+ if Container.Free >= 0 then
+ New_Node := Container.Free;
+ -- We always perform the assignment first, before we
+ -- change container state, in order to defend against
+ -- exceptions duration assignment.
+ N (New_Node).Element := New_Item;
+ Container.Free := N (New_Node).Next;
+ else
+ -- A negative free store value means that the links of the nodes
+ -- in the free store have not been initialized. In this case, the
+ -- nodes are physically contiguous in the array, starting at the
+ -- index that is the absolute value of the Container.Free, and
+ -- continuing until the end of the array (Nodes'Last).
+ New_Node := abs Container.Free;
+ -- As above, we perform this assignment first, before modifying
+ -- any container state.
+ N (New_Node).Element := New_Item;
+ Container.Free := Container.Free - 1;
+ end if;
+ end Allocate;
+ procedure Allocate
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ New_Node : out Count_Type)
+ is
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ begin
+ if Container.Free >= 0 then
+ New_Node := Container.Free;
+ -- We always perform the assignment first, before we
+ -- change container state, in order to defend against
+ -- exceptions duration assignment.
+ Element_Type'Read (Stream, N (New_Node).Element);
+ Container.Free := N (New_Node).Next;
+ else
+ -- A negative free store value means that the links of the nodes
+ -- in the free store have not been initialized. In this case, the
+ -- nodes are physically contiguous in the array, starting at the
+ -- index that is the absolute value of the Container.Free, and
+ -- continuing until the end of the array (Nodes'Last).
+ New_Node := abs Container.Free;
+ -- As above, we perform this assignment first, before modifying
+ -- any container state.
+ Element_Type'Read (Stream, N (New_Node).Element);
+ Container.Free := Container.Free - 1;
+ end if;
+ end Allocate;
+ procedure Allocate
+ (Container : in out List;
+ New_Node : out Count_Type)
+ is
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ begin
+ if Container.Free >= 0 then
+ New_Node := Container.Free;
+ Container.Free := N (New_Node).Next;
+ else
+ -- As explained above, a negative free store value means that the
+ -- links for the nodes in the free store have not been initialized.
+ New_Node := abs Container.Free;
+ Container.Free := Container.Free - 1;
+ end if;
+ end Allocate;
+ ------------
+ -- Append --
+ ------------
+ procedure Append
+ (Container : in out List;
+ New_Item : Element_Type;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1)
+ is
+ begin
+ Insert (Container, No_Element, New_Item, Count);
+ end Append;
+ ------------
+ -- Assign --
+ ------------
+ procedure Assign (Target : in out List; Source : List) is
+ SN : Node_Array renames Source.Nodes;
+ J : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Target'Address = Source'Address then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Target.Capacity < Source.Length then
+ raise Capacity_Error -- ???
+ with "Target capacity is less than Source length";
+ end if;
+ Target.Clear;
+ J := Source.First;
+ while J /= 0 loop
+ Target.Append (SN (J).Element);
+ J := SN (J).Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Assign;
+ -----------
+ -- Clear --
+ -----------
+ procedure Clear (Container : in out List) is
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ X : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Container.Length = 0 then
+ pragma Assert (Container.First = 0);
+ pragma Assert (Container.Last = 0);
+ pragma Assert (Container.Busy = 0);
+ pragma Assert (Container.Lock = 0);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Container.First >= 1);
+ pragma Assert (Container.Last >= 1);
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.First).Prev = 0);
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.Last).Next = 0);
+ if Container.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ while Container.Length > 1 loop
+ X := Container.First;
+ pragma Assert (N (N (X).Next).Prev = Container.First);
+ Container.First := N (X).Next;
+ N (Container.First).Prev := 0;
+ Container.Length := Container.Length - 1;
+ Free (Container, X);
+ end loop;
+ X := Container.First;
+ pragma Assert (X = Container.Last);
+ Container.First := 0;
+ Container.Last := 0;
+ Container.Length := 0;
+ Free (Container, X);
+ end Clear;
+ --------------
+ -- Contains --
+ --------------
+ function Contains
+ (Container : List;
+ Item : Element_Type) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ return Find (Container, Item) /= No_Element;
+ end Contains;
+ ----------
+ -- Copy --
+ ----------
+ function Copy (Source : List; Capacity : Count_Type := 0) return List is
+ C : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Capacity = 0 then
+ C := Source.Length;
+ elsif Capacity >= Source.Length then
+ C := Capacity;
+ else
+ raise Capacity_Error with "Capacity value too small";
+ end if;
+ return Target : List (Capacity => C) do
+ Assign (Target => Target, Source => Source);
+ end return;
+ end Copy;
+ ------------
+ -- Delete --
+ ------------
+ procedure Delete
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Position : in out Cursor;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1)
+ is
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ X : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Position.Node = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with
+ "Position cursor has no element";
+ end if;
+ if Position.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Position cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Delete");
+ pragma Assert (Container.First >= 1);
+ pragma Assert (Container.Last >= 1);
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.First).Prev = 0);
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.Last).Next = 0);
+ if Position.Node = Container.First then
+ Delete_First (Container, Count);
+ Position := No_Element;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Count = 0 then
+ Position := No_Element;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Container.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ for Index in 1 .. Count loop
+ pragma Assert (Container.Length >= 2);
+ X := Position.Node;
+ Container.Length := Container.Length - 1;
+ if X = Container.Last then
+ Position := No_Element;
+ Container.Last := N (X).Prev;
+ N (Container.Last).Next := 0;
+ Free (Container, X);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Position.Node := N (X).Next;
+ N (N (X).Next).Prev := N (X).Prev;
+ N (N (X).Prev).Next := N (X).Next;
+ Free (Container, X);
+ end loop;
+ Position := No_Element;
+ end Delete;
+ ------------------
+ -- Delete_First --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Delete_First
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1)
+ is
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ X : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Count >= Container.Length then
+ Clear (Container);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Count = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Container.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ for I in 1 .. Count loop
+ X := Container.First;
+ pragma Assert (N (N (X).Next).Prev = Container.First);
+ Container.First := N (X).Next;
+ N (Container.First).Prev := 0;
+ Container.Length := Container.Length - 1;
+ Free (Container, X);
+ end loop;
+ end Delete_First;
+ -----------------
+ -- Delete_Last --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Delete_Last
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1)
+ is
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ X : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Count >= Container.Length then
+ Clear (Container);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Count = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Container.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ for I in 1 .. Count loop
+ X := Container.Last;
+ pragma Assert (N (N (X).Prev).Next = Container.Last);
+ Container.Last := N (X).Prev;
+ N (Container.Last).Next := 0;
+ Container.Length := Container.Length - 1;
+ Free (Container, X);
+ end loop;
+ end Delete_Last;
+ -------------
+ -- Element --
+ -------------
+ function Element (Position : Cursor) return Element_Type is
+ begin
+ if Position.Node = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with
+ "Position cursor has no element";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Element");
+ return Position.Container.Nodes (Position.Node).Element;
+ end Element;
+ ----------
+ -- Find --
+ ----------
+ function Find
+ (Container : List;
+ Item : Element_Type;
+ Position : Cursor := No_Element) return Cursor
+ is
+ Nodes : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ Node : Count_Type := Position.Node;
+ begin
+ if Node = 0 then
+ Node := Container.First;
+ else
+ if Position.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Position cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Find");
+ end if;
+ while Node /= 0 loop
+ if Nodes (Node).Element = Item then
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node);
+ end if;
+ Node := Nodes (Node).Next;
+ end loop;
+ return No_Element;
+ end Find;
+ -----------
+ -- First --
+ -----------
+ function First (Container : List) return Cursor is
+ begin
+ if Container.First = 0 then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Container.First);
+ end First;
+ -------------------
+ -- First_Element --
+ -------------------
+ function First_Element (Container : List) return Element_Type is
+ begin
+ if Container.First = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "list is empty";
+ end if;
+ return Container.Nodes (Container.First).Element;
+ end First_Element;
+ ----------
+ -- Free --
+ ----------
+ procedure Free
+ (Container : in out List;
+ X : Count_Type)
+ is
+ pragma Assert (X > 0);
+ pragma Assert (X <= Container.Capacity);
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ pragma Assert (N (X).Prev >= 0); -- node is active
+ begin
+ -- The list container actually contains two lists: one for the "active"
+ -- nodes that contain elements that have been inserted onto the list,
+ -- and another for the "inactive" nodes for the free store.
+ --
+ -- We desire that merely declaring an object should have only minimal
+ -- cost; specially, we want to avoid having to initialize the free
+ -- store (to fill in the links), especially if the capacity is large.
+ --
+ -- The head of the free list is indicated by Container.Free. If its
+ -- value is non-negative, then the free store has been initialized
+ -- in the "normal" way: Container.Free points to the head of the list
+ -- of free (inactive) nodes, and the value 0 means the free list is
+ -- empty. Each node on the free list has been initialized to point
+ -- to the next free node (via its Next component), and the value 0
+ -- means that this is the last free node.
+ --
+ -- If Container.Free is negative, then the links on the free store
+ -- have not been initialized. In this case the link values are
+ -- implied: the free store comprises the components of the node array
+ -- started with the absolute value of Container.Free, and continuing
+ -- until the end of the array (Nodes'Last).
+ --
+ -- If the list container is manipulated on one end only (for example
+ -- if the container were being used as a stack), then there is no
+ -- need to initialize the free store, since the inactive nodes are
+ -- physically contiguous (in fact, they lie immediately beyond the
+ -- logical end being manipulated). The only time we need to actually
+ -- initialize the nodes in the free store is if the node that becomes
+ -- inactive is not at the end of the list. The free store would then
+ -- be discontigous and so its nodes would need to be linked in the
+ -- traditional way.
+ --
+ -- ???
+ -- It might be possible to perform an optimization here. Suppose that
+ -- the free store can be represented as having two parts: one
+ -- comprising the non-contiguous inactive nodes linked together
+ -- in the normal way, and the other comprising the contiguous
+ -- inactive nodes (that are not linked together, at the end of the
+ -- nodes array). This would allow us to never have to initialize
+ -- the free store, except in a lazy way as nodes become inactive.
+ -- When an element is deleted from the list container, its node
+ -- becomes inactive, and so we set its Prev component to a negative
+ -- value, to indicate that it is now inactive. This provides a useful
+ -- way to detect a dangling cursor reference.
+ N (X).Prev := -1; -- Node is deallocated (not on active list)
+ if Container.Free >= 0 then
+ -- The free store has previously been initialized. All we need to
+ -- do here is link the newly-free'd node onto the free list.
+ N (X).Next := Container.Free;
+ Container.Free := X;
+ elsif X + 1 = abs Container.Free then
+ -- The free store has not been initialized, and the node becoming
+ -- inactive immediately precedes the start of the free store. All
+ -- we need to do is move the start of the free store back by one.
+ N (X).Next := 0; -- Not strictly necessary, but marginally safer
+ Container.Free := Container.Free + 1;
+ else
+ -- The free store has not been initialized, and the node becoming
+ -- inactive does not immediately precede the free store. Here we
+ -- first initialize the free store (meaning the links are given
+ -- values in the traditional way), and then link the newly-free'd
+ -- node onto the head of the free store.
+ -- ???
+ -- See the comments above for an optimization opportunity. If
+ -- the next link for a node on the free store is negative, then
+ -- this means the remaining nodes on the free store are
+ -- physically contiguous, starting as the absolute value of
+ -- that index value.
+ Container.Free := abs Container.Free;
+ if Container.Free > Container.Capacity then
+ Container.Free := 0;
+ else
+ for I in Container.Free .. Container.Capacity - 1 loop
+ N (I).Next := I + 1;
+ end loop;
+ N (Container.Capacity).Next := 0;
+ end if;
+ N (X).Next := Container.Free;
+ Container.Free := X;
+ end if;
+ end Free;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Generic_Sorting --
+ ---------------------
+ package body Generic_Sorting is
+ ---------------
+ -- Is_Sorted --
+ ---------------
+ function Is_Sorted (Container : List) return Boolean is
+ Nodes : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ Node : Count_Type := Container.First;
+ begin
+ for I in 2 .. Container.Length loop
+ if Nodes (Nodes (Node).Next).Element < Nodes (Node).Element then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Node := Nodes (Node).Next;
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Sorted;
+ -----------
+ -- Merge --
+ -----------
+ procedure Merge
+ (Target : in out List;
+ Source : in out List)
+ is
+ LN : Node_Array renames Target.Nodes;
+ RN : Node_Array renames Source.Nodes;
+ LI, RI : Cursor;
+ begin
+ if Target'Address = Source'Address then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Target.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors of Target (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ if Source.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ LI := First (Target);
+ RI := First (Source);
+ while RI.Node /= 0 loop
+ pragma Assert (RN (RI.Node).Next = 0
+ or else not (RN (RN (RI.Node).Next).Element <
+ RN (RI.Node).Element));
+ if LI.Node = 0 then
+ Splice (Target, No_Element, Source);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (LN (LI.Node).Next = 0
+ or else not (LN (LN (LI.Node).Next).Element <
+ LN (LI.Node).Element));
+ if RN (RI.Node).Element < LN (LI.Node).Element then
+ declare
+ RJ : Cursor := RI;
+ pragma Warnings (Off, RJ);
+ begin
+ RI.Node := RN (RI.Node).Next;
+ Splice (Target, LI, Source, RJ);
+ end;
+ else
+ LI.Node := LN (LI.Node).Next;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Merge;
+ ----------
+ -- Sort --
+ ----------
+ procedure Sort (Container : in out List) is
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ procedure Partition (Pivot, Back : Count_Type);
+ procedure Sort (Front, Back : Count_Type);
+ ---------------
+ -- Partition --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Partition (Pivot, Back : Count_Type) is
+ Node : Count_Type := N (Pivot).Next;
+ begin
+ while Node /= Back loop
+ if N (Node).Element < N (Pivot).Element then
+ declare
+ Prev : constant Count_Type := N (Node).Prev;
+ Next : constant Count_Type := N (Node).Next;
+ begin
+ N (Prev).Next := Next;
+ if Next = 0 then
+ Container.Last := Prev;
+ else
+ N (Next).Prev := Prev;
+ end if;
+ N (Node).Next := Pivot;
+ N (Node).Prev := N (Pivot).Prev;
+ N (Pivot).Prev := Node;
+ if N (Node).Prev = 0 then
+ Container.First := Node;
+ else
+ N (N (Node).Prev).Next := Node;
+ end if;
+ Node := Next;
+ end;
+ else
+ Node := N (Node).Next;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Partition;
+ ----------
+ -- Sort --
+ ----------
+ procedure Sort (Front, Back : Count_Type) is
+ Pivot : constant Count_Type :=
+ (if Front = 0 then Container.First else N (Front).Next);
+ begin
+ if Pivot /= Back then
+ Partition (Pivot, Back);
+ Sort (Front, Pivot);
+ Sort (Pivot, Back);
+ end if;
+ end Sort;
+ -- Start of processing for Sort
+ begin
+ if Container.Length <= 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.First).Prev = 0);
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.Last).Next = 0);
+ if Container.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ Sort (Front => 0, Back => 0);
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.First).Prev = 0);
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.Last).Next = 0);
+ end Sort;
+ end Generic_Sorting;
+ -----------------
+ -- Has_Element --
+ -----------------
+ function Has_Element (Position : Cursor) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Has_Element");
+ return Position.Node /= 0;
+ end Has_Element;
+ ------------
+ -- Insert --
+ ------------
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ New_Item : Element_Type;
+ Position : out Cursor;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1)
+ is
+ New_Node : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Before.Container /= null then
+ if Before.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Before cursor designates wrong list";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Before), "bad cursor in Insert");
+ end if;
+ if Count = 0 then
+ Position := Before;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Container.Length > Container.Capacity - Count then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length exceeds capacity";
+ end if;
+ if Container.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ Allocate (Container, New_Item, New_Node);
+ Insert_Internal (Container, Before.Node, New_Node => New_Node);
+ Position := Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, Node => New_Node);
+ for Index in Count_Type'(2) .. Count loop
+ Allocate (Container, New_Item, New_Node => New_Node);
+ Insert_Internal (Container, Before.Node, New_Node => New_Node);
+ end loop;
+ end Insert;
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ New_Item : Element_Type;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1)
+ is
+ Position : Cursor;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Position);
+ begin
+ Insert (Container, Before, New_Item, Position, Count);
+ end Insert;
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ Position : out Cursor;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1)
+ is
+ New_Node : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Before.Container /= null then
+ if Before.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Before cursor designates wrong list";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Before), "bad cursor in Insert");
+ end if;
+ if Count = 0 then
+ Position := Before;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Container.Length > Container.Capacity - Count then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length exceeds capacity";
+ end if;
+ if Container.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ Allocate (Container, New_Node => New_Node);
+ Insert_Internal (Container, Before.Node, New_Node);
+ Position := Cursor'(Container'Unchecked_Access, New_Node);
+ for Index in Count_Type'(2) .. Count loop
+ Allocate (Container, New_Node => New_Node);
+ Insert_Internal (Container, Before.Node, New_Node);
+ end loop;
+ end Insert;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Insert_Internal --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Insert_Internal
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Before : Count_Type;
+ New_Node : Count_Type)
+ is
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ begin
+ if Container.Length = 0 then
+ pragma Assert (Before = 0);
+ pragma Assert (Container.First = 0);
+ pragma Assert (Container.Last = 0);
+ Container.First := New_Node;
+ N (Container.First).Prev := 0;
+ Container.Last := New_Node;
+ N (Container.Last).Next := 0;
+ elsif Before = 0 then -- means append
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.Last).Next = 0);
+ N (Container.Last).Next := New_Node;
+ N (New_Node).Prev := Container.Last;
+ Container.Last := New_Node;
+ N (Container.Last).Next := 0;
+ elsif Before = Container.First then -- means prepend
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.First).Prev = 0);
+ N (Container.First).Prev := New_Node;
+ N (New_Node).Next := Container.First;
+ Container.First := New_Node;
+ N (Container.First).Prev := 0;
+ else
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.First).Prev = 0);
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.Last).Next = 0);
+ N (New_Node).Next := Before;
+ N (New_Node).Prev := N (Before).Prev;
+ N (N (Before).Prev).Next := New_Node;
+ N (Before).Prev := New_Node;
+ end if;
+ Container.Length := Container.Length + 1;
+ end Insert_Internal;
+ --------------
+ -- Is_Empty --
+ --------------
+ function Is_Empty (Container : List) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Container.Length = 0;
+ end Is_Empty;
+ -------------
+ -- Iterate --
+ -------------
+ procedure Iterate
+ (Container : List;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor))
+ is
+ C : List renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.all;
+ B : Natural renames C.Busy;
+ Node : Count_Type := Container.First;
+ begin
+ B := B + 1;
+ begin
+ while Node /= 0 loop
+ Process (Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node));
+ Node := Container.Nodes (Node).Next;
+ end loop;
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ B := B - 1;
+ raise;
+ end;
+ B := B - 1;
+ end Iterate;
+ ----------
+ -- Last --
+ ----------
+ function Last (Container : List) return Cursor is
+ begin
+ if Container.Last = 0 then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Container.Last);
+ end Last;
+ ------------------
+ -- Last_Element --
+ ------------------
+ function Last_Element (Container : List) return Element_Type is
+ begin
+ if Container.Last = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "list is empty";
+ end if;
+ return Container.Nodes (Container.Last).Element;
+ end Last_Element;
+ ------------
+ -- Length --
+ ------------
+ function Length (Container : List) return Count_Type is
+ begin
+ return Container.Length;
+ end Length;
+ ----------
+ -- Move --
+ ----------
+ procedure Move
+ (Target : in out List;
+ Source : in out List)
+ is
+ N : Node_Array renames Source.Nodes;
+ X : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Target'Address = Source'Address then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Target.Capacity < Source.Length then
+ raise Capacity_Error with "Source length exceeds Target capacity";
+ end if;
+ if Source.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ Clear (Target);
+ while Source.Length > 0 loop
+ X := Source.First;
+ Append (Target, N (X).Element);
+ Source.First := N (X).Next;
+ N (Source.First).Prev := 0;
+ Source.Length := Source.Length - 1;
+ Free (Source, X);
+ end loop;
+ end Move;
+ ----------
+ -- Next --
+ ----------
+ procedure Next (Position : in out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ Position := Next (Position);
+ end Next;
+ function Next (Position : Cursor) return Cursor is
+ begin
+ if Position.Node = 0 then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Next");
+ declare
+ Nodes : Node_Array renames Position.Container.Nodes;
+ Node : constant Count_Type := Nodes (Position.Node).Next;
+ begin
+ if Node = 0 then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Position.Container, Node);
+ end;
+ end Next;
+ -------------
+ -- Prepend --
+ -------------
+ procedure Prepend
+ (Container : in out List;
+ New_Item : Element_Type;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1)
+ is
+ begin
+ Insert (Container, First (Container), New_Item, Count);
+ end Prepend;
+ --------------
+ -- Previous --
+ --------------
+ procedure Previous (Position : in out Cursor) is
+ begin
+ Position := Previous (Position);
+ end Previous;
+ function Previous (Position : Cursor) return Cursor is
+ begin
+ if Position.Node = 0 then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Previous");
+ declare
+ Nodes : Node_Array renames Position.Container.Nodes;
+ Node : constant Count_Type := Nodes (Position.Node).Prev;
+ begin
+ if Node = 0 then
+ return No_Element;
+ end if;
+ return Cursor'(Position.Container, Node);
+ end;
+ end Previous;
+ -------------------
+ -- Query_Element --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Query_Element
+ (Position : Cursor;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Element : Element_Type))
+ is
+ begin
+ if Position.Node = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with
+ "Position cursor has no element";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Query_Element");
+ declare
+ C : List renames Position.Container.all'Unrestricted_Access.all;
+ B : Natural renames C.Busy;
+ L : Natural renames C.Lock;
+ begin
+ B := B + 1;
+ L := L + 1;
+ declare
+ N : Node_Type renames C.Nodes (Position.Node);
+ begin
+ Process (N.Element);
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ L := L - 1;
+ B := B - 1;
+ raise;
+ end;
+ L := L - 1;
+ B := B - 1;
+ end;
+ end Query_Element;
+ ----------
+ -- Read --
+ ----------
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : out List)
+ is
+ N : Count_Type'Base;
+ X : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ Clear (Item);
+ Count_Type'Base'Read (Stream, N);
+ if N < 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with "bad list length (corrupt stream)";
+ end if;
+ if N = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if N > Item.Capacity then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "length exceeds capacity";
+ end if;
+ for Idx in 1 .. N loop
+ Allocate (Item, Stream, New_Node => X);
+ Insert_Internal (Item, Before => 0, New_Node => X);
+ end loop;
+ end Read;
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : out Cursor)
+ is
+ begin
+ raise Program_Error with "attempt to stream list cursor";
+ end Read;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Replace_Element --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Replace_Element
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Position : Cursor;
+ New_Item : Element_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Position.Container = null then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "Position cursor has no element";
+ end if;
+ if Position.Container /= Container'Unchecked_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Position cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ if Container.Lock > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with elements (list is locked)";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Replace_Element");
+ Container.Nodes (Position.Node).Element := New_Item;
+ end Replace_Element;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Reverse_Elements --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Reverse_Elements (Container : in out List) is
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ I : Count_Type := Container.First;
+ J : Count_Type := Container.Last;
+ procedure Swap (L, R : Count_Type);
+ ----------
+ -- Swap --
+ ----------
+ procedure Swap (L, R : Count_Type) is
+ LN : constant Count_Type := N (L).Next;
+ LP : constant Count_Type := N (L).Prev;
+ RN : constant Count_Type := N (R).Next;
+ RP : constant Count_Type := N (R).Prev;
+ begin
+ if LP /= 0 then
+ N (LP).Next := R;
+ end if;
+ if RN /= 0 then
+ N (RN).Prev := L;
+ end if;
+ N (L).Next := RN;
+ N (R).Prev := LP;
+ if LN = R then
+ pragma Assert (RP = L);
+ N (L).Prev := R;
+ N (R).Next := L;
+ else
+ N (L).Prev := RP;
+ N (RP).Next := L;
+ N (R).Next := LN;
+ N (LN).Prev := R;
+ end if;
+ end Swap;
+ -- Start of processing for Reverse_Elements
+ begin
+ if Container.Length <= 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.First).Prev = 0);
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.Last).Next = 0);
+ if Container.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ Container.First := J;
+ Container.Last := I;
+ loop
+ Swap (L => I, R => J);
+ J := N (J).Next;
+ exit when I = J;
+ I := N (I).Prev;
+ exit when I = J;
+ Swap (L => J, R => I);
+ I := N (I).Next;
+ exit when I = J;
+ J := N (J).Prev;
+ exit when I = J;
+ end loop;
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.First).Prev = 0);
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.Last).Next = 0);
+ end Reverse_Elements;
+ ------------------
+ -- Reverse_Find --
+ ------------------
+ function Reverse_Find
+ (Container : List;
+ Item : Element_Type;
+ Position : Cursor := No_Element) return Cursor
+ is
+ Node : Count_Type := Position.Node;
+ begin
+ if Node = 0 then
+ Node := Container.Last;
+ else
+ if Position.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Position cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Reverse_Find");
+ end if;
+ while Node /= 0 loop
+ if Container.Nodes (Node).Element = Item then
+ return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node);
+ end if;
+ Node := Container.Nodes (Node).Prev;
+ end loop;
+ return No_Element;
+ end Reverse_Find;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Reverse_Iterate --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Reverse_Iterate
+ (Container : List;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor))
+ is
+ C : List renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.all;
+ B : Natural renames C.Busy;
+ Node : Count_Type := Container.Last;
+ begin
+ B := B + 1;
+ begin
+ while Node /= 0 loop
+ Process (Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node));
+ Node := Container.Nodes (Node).Prev;
+ end loop;
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ B := B - 1;
+ raise;
+ end;
+ B := B - 1;
+ end Reverse_Iterate;
+ ------------
+ -- Splice --
+ ------------
+ procedure Splice
+ (Target : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ Source : in out List)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Before.Container /= null then
+ if Before.Container /= Target'Unrestricted_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Before cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Before), "bad cursor in Splice");
+ end if;
+ if Target'Address = Source'Address
+ or else Source.Length = 0
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Source.Nodes (Source.First).Prev = 0);
+ pragma Assert (Source.Nodes (Source.Last).Next = 0);
+ if Target.Length > Count_Type'Last - Source.Length then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length exceeds maximum";
+ end if;
+ if Target.Length + Source.Length > Target.Capacity then
+ raise Capacity_Error with "new length exceeds target capacity";
+ end if;
+ if Target.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors of Target (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ if Source.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Insert (Target, Before, Source.Nodes (Source.Last).Element);
+ Delete_Last (Source);
+ exit when Is_Empty (Source);
+ end loop;
+ end Splice;
+ procedure Splice
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ Position : Cursor)
+ is
+ N : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
+ begin
+ if Before.Container /= null then
+ if Before.Container /= Container'Unchecked_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Before cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Before), "bad Before cursor in Splice");
+ end if;
+ if Position.Node = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "Position cursor has no element";
+ end if;
+ if Position.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Position cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad Position cursor in Splice");
+ if Position.Node = Before.Node
+ or else N (Position.Node).Next = Before.Node
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Container.Length >= 2);
+ if Container.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ if Before.Node = 0 then
+ pragma Assert (Position.Node /= Container.Last);
+ if Position.Node = Container.First then
+ Container.First := N (Position.Node).Next;
+ N (Container.First).Prev := 0;
+ else
+ N (N (Position.Node).Prev).Next := N (Position.Node).Next;
+ N (N (Position.Node).Next).Prev := N (Position.Node).Prev;
+ end if;
+ N (Container.Last).Next := Position.Node;
+ N (Position.Node).Prev := Container.Last;
+ Container.Last := Position.Node;
+ N (Container.Last).Next := 0;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Before.Node = Container.First then
+ pragma Assert (Position.Node /= Container.First);
+ if Position.Node = Container.Last then
+ Container.Last := N (Position.Node).Prev;
+ N (Container.Last).Next := 0;
+ else
+ N (N (Position.Node).Prev).Next := N (Position.Node).Next;
+ N (N (Position.Node).Next).Prev := N (Position.Node).Prev;
+ end if;
+ N (Container.First).Prev := Position.Node;
+ N (Position.Node).Next := Container.First;
+ Container.First := Position.Node;
+ N (Container.First).Prev := 0;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Position.Node = Container.First then
+ Container.First := N (Position.Node).Next;
+ N (Container.First).Prev := 0;
+ elsif Position.Node = Container.Last then
+ Container.Last := N (Position.Node).Prev;
+ N (Container.Last).Next := 0;
+ else
+ N (N (Position.Node).Prev).Next := N (Position.Node).Next;
+ N (N (Position.Node).Next).Prev := N (Position.Node).Prev;
+ end if;
+ N (N (Before.Node).Prev).Next := Position.Node;
+ N (Position.Node).Prev := N (Before.Node).Prev;
+ N (Before.Node).Prev := Position.Node;
+ N (Position.Node).Next := Before.Node;
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.First).Prev = 0);
+ pragma Assert (N (Container.Last).Next = 0);
+ end Splice;
+ procedure Splice
+ (Target : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ Source : in out List;
+ Position : in out Cursor)
+ is
+ Target_Position : Cursor;
+ begin
+ if Target'Address = Source'Address then
+ Splice (Target, Before, Position);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Before.Container /= null then
+ if Before.Container /= Target'Unrestricted_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Before cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Before), "bad Before cursor in Splice");
+ end if;
+ if Position.Node = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "Position cursor has no element";
+ end if;
+ if Position.Container /= Source'Unrestricted_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Position cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad Position cursor in Splice");
+ if Target.Length >= Target.Capacity then
+ raise Capacity_Error with "Target is full";
+ end if;
+ if Target.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors of Target (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ if Source.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ Insert
+ (Container => Target,
+ Before => Before,
+ New_Item => Source.Nodes (Position.Node).Element,
+ Position => Target_Position);
+ Delete (Source, Position);
+ Position := Target_Position;
+ end Splice;
+ ----------
+ -- Swap --
+ ----------
+ procedure Swap
+ (Container : in out List;
+ I, J : Cursor)
+ is
+ begin
+ if I.Node = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "I cursor has no element";
+ end if;
+ if J.Node = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "J cursor has no element";
+ end if;
+ if I.Container /= Container'Unchecked_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with "I cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ if J.Container /= Container'Unchecked_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with "J cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ if I.Node = J.Node then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Container.Lock > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with elements (list is locked)";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (I), "bad I cursor in Swap");
+ pragma Assert (Vet (J), "bad J cursor in Swap");
+ declare
+ EI : Element_Type renames Container.Nodes (I.Node).Element;
+ EJ : Element_Type renames Container.Nodes (J.Node).Element;
+ EI_Copy : constant Element_Type := EI;
+ begin
+ EI := EJ;
+ EJ := EI_Copy;
+ end;
+ end Swap;
+ ----------------
+ -- Swap_Links --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Swap_Links
+ (Container : in out List;
+ I, J : Cursor)
+ is
+ begin
+ if I.Node = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "I cursor has no element";
+ end if;
+ if J.Node = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "J cursor has no element";
+ end if;
+ if I.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with "I cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ if J.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with "J cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ if I.Node = J.Node then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Container.Busy > 0 then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (I), "bad I cursor in Swap_Links");
+ pragma Assert (Vet (J), "bad J cursor in Swap_Links");
+ declare
+ I_Next : constant Cursor := Next (I);
+ begin
+ if I_Next = J then
+ Splice (Container, Before => I, Position => J);
+ else
+ declare
+ J_Next : constant Cursor := Next (J);
+ begin
+ if J_Next = I then
+ Splice (Container, Before => J, Position => I);
+ else
+ pragma Assert (Container.Length >= 3);
+ Splice (Container, Before => I_Next, Position => J);
+ Splice (Container, Before => J_Next, Position => I);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end Swap_Links;
+ --------------------
+ -- Update_Element --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Update_Element
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Position : Cursor;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Element : in out Element_Type))
+ is
+ begin
+ if Position.Node = 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "Position cursor has no element";
+ end if;
+ if Position.Container /= Container'Unchecked_Access then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Position cursor designates wrong container";
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Update_Element");
+ declare
+ B : Natural renames Container.Busy;
+ L : Natural renames Container.Lock;
+ begin
+ B := B + 1;
+ L := L + 1;
+ declare
+ N : Node_Type renames Container.Nodes (Position.Node);
+ begin
+ Process (N.Element);
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ L := L - 1;
+ B := B - 1;
+ raise;
+ end;
+ L := L - 1;
+ B := B - 1;
+ end;
+ end Update_Element;
+ ---------
+ -- Vet --
+ ---------
+ function Vet (Position : Cursor) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Position.Node = 0 then
+ return Position.Container = null;
+ end if;
+ if Position.Container = null then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ L : List renames Position.Container.all;
+ N : Node_Array renames L.Nodes;
+ begin
+ if L.Length = 0 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if L.First = 0
+ or L.First > L.Capacity
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if L.Last = 0
+ or L.Last > L.Capacity
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (L.First).Prev /= 0 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (L.Last).Next /= 0 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Position.Node > L.Capacity then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (Position.Node).Prev < 0 then -- see Free
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (Position.Node).Prev > L.Capacity then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (Position.Node).Next = Position.Node then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (Position.Node).Prev = Position.Node then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (Position.Node).Prev = 0
+ and then Position.Node /= L.First
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- If we get here, we know that this disjunction is true:
+ -- N (Position.Node).Prev /= 0 or else Position.Node = L.First
+ if N (Position.Node).Next = 0
+ and then Position.Node /= L.Last
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- If we get here, we know that this disjunction is true:
+ -- N (Position.Node).Next /= 0 or else Position.Node = L.Last
+ if L.Length = 1 then
+ return L.First = L.Last;
+ end if;
+ if L.First = L.Last then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (L.First).Next = 0 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (L.Last).Prev = 0 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (N (L.First).Next).Prev /= L.First then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (N (L.Last).Prev).Next /= L.Last then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if L.Length = 2 then
+ if N (L.First).Next /= L.Last then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (L.Last).Prev /= L.First then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ if N (L.First).Next = L.Last then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (L.Last).Prev = L.First then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Position.Node = L.First then -- eliminates ealier disjunct
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ -- If we get here, we know, per disjunctive syllogism (modus
+ -- tollendo ponens), that this predicate is true:
+ -- N (Position.Node).Prev /= 0
+ if Position.Node = L.Last then -- eliminates earlier disjunct
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ -- If we get here, we know, per disjunctive syllogism (modus
+ -- tollendo ponens), that this predicate is true:
+ -- N (Position.Node).Next /= 0
+ if N (N (Position.Node).Next).Prev /= Position.Node then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (N (Position.Node).Prev).Next /= Position.Node then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if L.Length = 3 then
+ if N (L.First).Next /= Position.Node then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if N (L.Last).Prev /= Position.Node then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end;
+ end Vet;
+ -----------
+ -- Write --
+ -----------
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : List)
+ is
+ Node : Count_Type;
+ begin
+ Count_Type'Base'Write (Stream, Item.Length);
+ Node := Item.First;
+ while Node /= 0 loop
+ Element_Type'Write (Stream, Item.Nodes (Node).Element);
+ Node := Item.Nodes (Node).Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Write;
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : Cursor)
+ is
+ begin
+ raise Program_Error with "attempt to stream list cursor";
+ end Write;
+end Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2e5d96cd58d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- --
+-- S p e c --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 2004-2010, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with --
+-- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow --
+-- apply solely to the contents of the part following the private keyword. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
+-- --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
+-- <>. --
+-- --
+-- This unit was originally developed by Matthew J Heaney. --
+private with Ada.Streams;
+ type Element_Type is private;
+ with function "=" (Left, Right : Element_Type)
+ return Boolean is <>;
+package Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
+ pragma Pure;
+ pragma Remote_Types;
+ type List (Capacity : Count_Type) is tagged private;
+ pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (List);
+ type Cursor is private;
+ pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Cursor);
+ Empty_List : constant List;
+ No_Element : constant Cursor;
+ function "=" (Left, Right : List) return Boolean;
+ function Length (Container : List) return Count_Type;
+ function Is_Empty (Container : List) return Boolean;
+ procedure Clear (Container : in out List);
+ function Element (Position : Cursor) return Element_Type;
+ procedure Replace_Element
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Position : Cursor;
+ New_Item : Element_Type);
+ procedure Query_Element
+ (Position : Cursor;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Element : Element_Type));
+ procedure Update_Element
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Position : Cursor;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Element : in out Element_Type));
+ procedure Assign (Target : in out List; Source : List);
+ function Copy (Source : List; Capacity : Count_Type := 0) return List;
+ procedure Move
+ (Target : in out List;
+ Source : in out List);
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ New_Item : Element_Type;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ New_Item : Element_Type;
+ Position : out Cursor;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ procedure Insert
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ Position : out Cursor;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ procedure Prepend
+ (Container : in out List;
+ New_Item : Element_Type;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ procedure Append
+ (Container : in out List;
+ New_Item : Element_Type;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ procedure Delete
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Position : in out Cursor;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ procedure Delete_First
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ procedure Delete_Last
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ procedure Reverse_Elements (Container : in out List);
+ procedure Swap
+ (Container : in out List;
+ I, J : Cursor);
+ procedure Swap_Links
+ (Container : in out List;
+ I, J : Cursor);
+ procedure Splice
+ (Target : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ Source : in out List);
+ procedure Splice
+ (Target : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ Source : in out List;
+ Position : in out Cursor);
+ procedure Splice
+ (Container : in out List;
+ Before : Cursor;
+ Position : Cursor);
+ function First (Container : List) return Cursor;
+ function First_Element (Container : List) return Element_Type;
+ function Last (Container : List) return Cursor;
+ function Last_Element (Container : List) return Element_Type;
+ function Next (Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
+ procedure Next (Position : in out Cursor);
+ function Previous (Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
+ procedure Previous (Position : in out Cursor);
+ function Find
+ (Container : List;
+ Item : Element_Type;
+ Position : Cursor := No_Element) return Cursor;
+ function Reverse_Find
+ (Container : List;
+ Item : Element_Type;
+ Position : Cursor := No_Element) return Cursor;
+ function Contains
+ (Container : List;
+ Item : Element_Type) return Boolean;
+ function Has_Element (Position : Cursor) return Boolean;
+ procedure Iterate
+ (Container : List;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor));
+ procedure Reverse_Iterate
+ (Container : List;
+ Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor));
+ generic
+ with function "<" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
+ package Generic_Sorting is
+ function Is_Sorted (Container : List) return Boolean;
+ procedure Sort (Container : in out List);
+ procedure Merge (Target, Source : in out List);
+ end Generic_Sorting;
+ pragma Inline (Next);
+ pragma Inline (Previous);
+ type Node_Type is record
+ Prev : Count_Type'Base;
+ Next : Count_Type;
+ Element : Element_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Node_Array is array (Count_Type range <>) of Node_Type;
+ type List (Capacity : Count_Type) is tagged record
+ Nodes : Node_Array (1 .. Capacity) := (others => <>);
+ Free : Count_Type'Base := -1;
+ First : Count_Type := 0;
+ Last : Count_Type := 0;
+ Length : Count_Type := 0;
+ Busy : Natural := 0;
+ Lock : Natural := 0;
+ end record;
+ use Ada.Streams;
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : out List);
+ for List'Read use Read;
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : List);
+ for List'Write use Write;
+ type List_Access is access all List;
+ for List_Access'Storage_Size use 0;
+ type Cursor is
+ record
+ Container : List_Access;
+ Node : Count_Type := 0;
+ end record;
+ procedure Read
+ (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : out Cursor);
+ for Cursor'Read use Read;
+ procedure Write
+ (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
+ Item : Cursor);
+ for Cursor'Write use Write;
+ Empty_List : constant List := (Capacity => 0, others => <>);
+ No_Element : constant Cursor := Cursor'(null, 0);
+end Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/impunit.adb b/gcc/ada/impunit.adb
index 9e1f1852f39..267b48d88d5 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/impunit.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/impunit.adb
@@ -508,6 +508,7 @@ package body Impunit is
"s-multip", -- System.Multiprocessors
"s-mudido", -- System.Multiprocessors.Dispatching_Domains
"a-cobove", -- Ada.Containers.Bounded_Vectors
+ "a-cbdlli", -- Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists
"a-cborse", -- Ada.Containers.Bounded_Ordered_Sets
"a-cborma"); -- Ada.Containers.Bounded_Ordered_Maps