path: root/gcc/ada/a-ztedit.adb
diff options
authorcharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2005-02-09 11:14:42 +0000
committercharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2005-02-09 11:14:42 +0000
commit7ce1e9473ed905b0abcbe66b2fef2c81c8e3cffa (patch)
treefc2c56125c477bf3312555b0de2bc5a1860ba895 /gcc/ada/a-ztedit.adb
parent661a91eca8edc1eb8d2516f867db70a441df2bcf (diff)
* a-rbtgso.adb,, a-crbtgo.adb,,
a-crbtgk.adb,,, a-coprnu.adb,, a-coorse.adb,, a-convec.adb,,, a-coinve.adb,,, a-cohama.adb,, a-ciorse.adb,, a-cihama.adb,, a-cidlli.adb,, a-chtgop.adb,, a-cgcaso.adb,, a-cgarso.adb,, a-cdlili.adb, a-cgaaso.adb, a-coormu.adb, a-ciormu.adb, a-cihase.adb,, a-cohase.adb,,,,,,,,, a-swunha.adb, a-stunha.adb,, a-ciorma.adb, a-coorma.adb, a-secain.adb,,, a-slcain.adb,, a-shcain.adb,, a-chtgke.adb,, a-stwiha.adb,, a-strhas.adb,,,,,,,,,, a-stzbou.adb,, a-stzfix.adb,, a-stzhas.adb,, a-stzmap.adb,, a-stzsea.adb,, a-stzsup.adb,, a-stzunb.adb,, a-swunau.adb,,, a-szunau.adb,, a-szunha.adb,, a-szuzti.adb,,,, a-ztcoau.adb,, a-ztcoio.adb,, a-ztcstr.adb,, a-ztdeau.adb,, a-ztdeio.adb,, a-ztedit.adb,, a-ztenau.adb,, a-ztenio.adb,, a-ztexio.adb,, a-ztfiio.adb,, a-ztflau.adb,, a-ztflio.adb,, a-ztgeau.adb,, a-ztinau.adb,, a-ztinio.adb,, a-ztmoau.adb,, a-ztmoio.adb,, a-zttest.adb,, New files. Part of new Ada 2005 library. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/a-ztedit.adb')
1 files changed, 2773 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/a-ztedit.adb b/gcc/ada/a-ztedit.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..14de63c1ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/a-ztedit.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,2773 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- A D A . W I D E _ W I D E _ T E X T _ I O . E D I T I N G --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
+-- --
+with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
+with Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Fixed;
+package body Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Editing is
+ package Strings renames Ada.Strings;
+ package Strings_Fixed renames Ada.Strings.Fixed;
+ package Strings_Wide_Wide_Fixed renames Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Fixed;
+ package Wide_Wide_Text_IO renames Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local_Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ function To_Wide (C : Character) return Wide_Wide_Character;
+ pragma Inline (To_Wide);
+ -- Convert Character to corresponding Wide_Wide_Character
+ ---------------------
+ -- Blank_When_Zero --
+ ---------------------
+ function Blank_When_Zero (Pic : in Picture) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Pic.Contents.Original_BWZ;
+ end Blank_When_Zero;
+ --------------------
+ -- Decimal_Output --
+ --------------------
+ package body Decimal_Output is
+ -----------
+ -- Image --
+ -----------
+ function Image
+ (Item : Num;
+ Pic : Picture;
+ Currency : Wide_Wide_String := Default_Currency;
+ Fill : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Fill;
+ Separator : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Separator;
+ Radix_Mark : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Radix_Mark)
+ return Wide_Wide_String
+ is
+ begin
+ return Format_Number
+ (Pic.Contents, Num'Image (Item),
+ Currency, Fill, Separator, Radix_Mark);
+ end Image;
+ ------------
+ -- Length --
+ ------------
+ function Length
+ (Pic : Picture;
+ Currency : Wide_Wide_String := Default_Currency) return Natural
+ is
+ Picstr : constant String := Pic_String (Pic);
+ V_Adjust : Integer := 0;
+ Cur_Adjust : Integer := 0;
+ begin
+ -- Check if Picstr has 'V' or '$'
+ -- If 'V', then length is 1 less than otherwise
+ -- If '$', then length is Currency'Length-1 more than otherwise
+ -- This should use the string handling package ???
+ for J in Picstr'Range loop
+ if Picstr (J) = 'V' then
+ V_Adjust := -1;
+ elsif Picstr (J) = '$' then
+ Cur_Adjust := Currency'Length - 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Picstr'Length - V_Adjust + Cur_Adjust;
+ end Length;
+ ---------
+ -- Put --
+ ---------
+ procedure Put
+ (File : Wide_Wide_Text_IO.File_Type;
+ Item : Num;
+ Pic : Picture;
+ Currency : Wide_Wide_String := Default_Currency;
+ Fill : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Fill;
+ Separator : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Separator;
+ Radix_Mark : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Radix_Mark)
+ is
+ begin
+ Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Put (File, Image (Item, Pic,
+ Currency, Fill, Separator, Radix_Mark));
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put
+ (Item : Num;
+ Pic : Picture;
+ Currency : Wide_Wide_String := Default_Currency;
+ Fill : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Fill;
+ Separator : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Separator;
+ Radix_Mark : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Radix_Mark)
+ is
+ begin
+ Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Put (Image (Item, Pic,
+ Currency, Fill, Separator, Radix_Mark));
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put
+ (To : out Wide_Wide_String;
+ Item : Num;
+ Pic : Picture;
+ Currency : Wide_Wide_String := Default_Currency;
+ Fill : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Fill;
+ Separator : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Separator;
+ Radix_Mark : Wide_Wide_Character := Default_Radix_Mark)
+ is
+ Result : constant Wide_Wide_String :=
+ Image (Item, Pic, Currency, Fill, Separator, Radix_Mark);
+ begin
+ if Result'Length > To'Length then
+ raise Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Layout_Error;
+ else
+ Strings_Wide_Wide_Fixed.Move (Source => Result, Target => To,
+ Justify => Strings.Right);
+ end if;
+ end Put;
+ -----------
+ -- Valid --
+ -----------
+ function Valid
+ (Item : Num;
+ Pic : Picture;
+ Currency : Wide_Wide_String := Default_Currency) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ declare
+ Temp : constant Wide_Wide_String := Image (Item, Pic, Currency);
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Temp);
+ begin
+ return True;
+ end;
+ exception
+ when Layout_Error => return False;
+ end Valid;
+ end Decimal_Output;
+ ------------
+ -- Expand --
+ ------------
+ function Expand (Picture : in String) return String is
+ Result : String (1 .. MAX_PICSIZE);
+ Picture_Index : Integer := Picture'First;
+ Result_Index : Integer := Result'First;
+ Count : Natural;
+ Last : Integer;
+ begin
+ if Picture'Length < 1 then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Picture (Picture'First) = '(' then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ case Picture (Picture_Index) is
+ when '(' =>
+ -- We now need to scan out the count after a left paren. In
+ -- the non-wide version we used Integer_IO.Get, but that is
+ -- not convenient here, since we don't want to drag in normal
+ -- Text_IO just for this purpose. So we do the scan ourselves,
+ -- with the normal validity checks.
+ Last := Picture_Index + 1;
+ Count := 0;
+ if Picture (Last) not in '0' .. '9' then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ Count := Character'Pos (Picture (Last)) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ Last := Last + 1;
+ loop
+ if Last > Picture'Last then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Picture (Last) = '_' then
+ if Picture (Last - 1) = '_' then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ elsif Picture (Last) = ')' then
+ exit;
+ elsif Picture (Last) not in '0' .. '9' then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ else
+ Count := Count * 10
+ + Character'Pos (Picture (Last)) -
+ Character'Pos ('0');
+ end if;
+ Last := Last + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- In what follows note that one copy of the repeated
+ -- character has already been made, so a count of one is
+ -- no-op, and a count of zero erases a character.
+ for J in 2 .. Count loop
+ Result (Result_Index + J - 2) := Picture (Picture_Index - 1);
+ end loop;
+ Result_Index := Result_Index + Count - 1;
+ -- Last was a ')' throw it away too.
+ Picture_Index := Last + 1;
+ when ')' =>
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ when others =>
+ Result (Result_Index) := Picture (Picture_Index);
+ Picture_Index := Picture_Index + 1;
+ Result_Index := Result_Index + 1;
+ end case;
+ exit when Picture_Index > Picture'Last;
+ end loop;
+ return Result (1 .. Result_Index - 1);
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end Expand;
+ -------------------
+ -- Format_Number --
+ -------------------
+ function Format_Number
+ (Pic : Format_Record;
+ Number : String;
+ Currency_Symbol : Wide_Wide_String;
+ Fill_Character : Wide_Wide_Character;
+ Separator_Character : Wide_Wide_Character;
+ Radix_Point : Wide_Wide_Character) return Wide_Wide_String
+ is
+ Attrs : Number_Attributes := Parse_Number_String (Number);
+ Position : Integer;
+ Rounded : String := Number;
+ Sign_Position : Integer := Pic.Sign_Position; -- may float.
+ Answer : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. Pic.Picture.Length);
+ Last : Integer;
+ Currency_Pos : Integer := Pic.Start_Currency;
+ Dollar : Boolean := False;
+ -- Overridden immediately if necessary.
+ Zero : Boolean := True;
+ -- Set to False when a non-zero digit is output.
+ begin
+ -- If the picture has fewer decimal places than the number, the image
+ -- must be rounded according to the usual rules.
+ if Attrs.Has_Fraction then
+ declare
+ R : constant Integer :=
+ (Attrs.End_Of_Fraction - Attrs.Start_Of_Fraction + 1)
+ - Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits;
+ R_Pos : Integer;
+ begin
+ if R > 0 then
+ R_Pos := Rounded'Length - R;
+ if Rounded (R_Pos + 1) > '4' then
+ if Rounded (R_Pos) = '.' then
+ R_Pos := R_Pos - 1;
+ end if;
+ if Rounded (R_Pos) /= '9' then
+ Rounded (R_Pos) := Character'Succ (Rounded (R_Pos));
+ else
+ Rounded (R_Pos) := '0';
+ R_Pos := R_Pos - 1;
+ while R_Pos > 1 loop
+ if Rounded (R_Pos) = '.' then
+ R_Pos := R_Pos - 1;
+ end if;
+ if Rounded (R_Pos) /= '9' then
+ Rounded (R_Pos) := Character'Succ (Rounded (R_Pos));
+ exit;
+ else
+ Rounded (R_Pos) := '0';
+ R_Pos := R_Pos - 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- The rounding may add a digit in front. Either the
+ -- leading blank or the sign (already captured) can be
+ -- overwritten.
+ if R_Pos = 1 then
+ Rounded (R_Pos) := '1';
+ Attrs.Start_Of_Int := Attrs.Start_Of_Int - 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ for J in Answer'Range loop
+ Answer (J) := To_Wide (Pic.Picture.Expanded (J));
+ end loop;
+ if Pic.Start_Currency /= Invalid_Position then
+ Dollar := Answer (Pic.Start_Currency) = '$';
+ end if;
+ -- Fix up "direct inserts" outside the playing field. Set up as one
+ -- loop to do the beginning, one (reverse) loop to do the end.
+ Last := 1;
+ loop
+ exit when Last = Pic.Start_Float;
+ exit when Last = Pic.Radix_Position;
+ exit when Answer (Last) = '9';
+ case Answer (Last) is
+ when '_' =>
+ Answer (Last) := Separator_Character;
+ when 'b' =>
+ Answer (Last) := ' ';
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ exit when Last = Answer'Last;
+ Last := Last + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- Now for the end...
+ for J in reverse Last .. Answer'Last loop
+ exit when J = Pic.Radix_Position;
+ -- Do this test First, Separator_Character can equal Pic.Floater
+ if Answer (J) = Pic.Floater then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ case Answer (J) is
+ when '_' =>
+ Answer (J) := Separator_Character;
+ when 'b' =>
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ when '9' =>
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- Non-floating sign
+ if Pic.Start_Currency /= -1
+ and then Answer (Pic.Start_Currency) = '#'
+ and then Pic.Floater /= '#'
+ then
+ if Currency_Symbol'Length >
+ Pic.End_Currency - Pic.Start_Currency + 1
+ then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ elsif Currency_Symbol'Length =
+ Pic.End_Currency - Pic.Start_Currency + 1
+ then
+ Answer (Pic.Start_Currency .. Pic.End_Currency) :=
+ Currency_Symbol;
+ elsif Pic.Radix_Position = Invalid_Position
+ or else Pic.Start_Currency < Pic.Radix_Position
+ then
+ Answer (Pic.Start_Currency .. Pic.End_Currency) :=
+ (others => ' ');
+ Answer (Pic.End_Currency - Currency_Symbol'Length + 1 ..
+ Pic.End_Currency) := Currency_Symbol;
+ else
+ Answer (Pic.Start_Currency .. Pic.End_Currency) :=
+ (others => ' ');
+ Answer (Pic.Start_Currency ..
+ Pic.Start_Currency + Currency_Symbol'Length - 1) :=
+ Currency_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Fill in leading digits
+ if Attrs.End_Of_Int - Attrs.Start_Of_Int + 1 >
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits
+ then
+ raise Layout_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Pic.Radix_Position = Invalid_Position then
+ Position := Answer'Last;
+ else
+ Position := Pic.Radix_Position - 1;
+ end if;
+ for J in reverse Attrs.Start_Of_Int .. Attrs.End_Of_Int loop
+ while Answer (Position) /= '9'
+ and Answer (Position) /= Pic.Floater
+ loop
+ if Answer (Position) = '_' then
+ Answer (Position) := Separator_Character;
+ elsif Answer (Position) = 'b' then
+ Answer (Position) := ' ';
+ end if;
+ Position := Position - 1;
+ end loop;
+ Answer (Position) := To_Wide (Rounded (J));
+ if Rounded (J) /= '0' then
+ Zero := False;
+ end if;
+ Position := Position - 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- Do lead float
+ if Pic.Start_Float = Invalid_Position then
+ -- No leading floats, but need to change '9' to '0', '_' to
+ -- Separator_Character and 'b' to ' '.
+ for J in Last .. Position loop
+ -- Last set when fixing the "uninteresting" leaders above.
+ -- Don't duplicate the work.
+ if Answer (J) = '9' then
+ Answer (J) := '0';
+ elsif Answer (J) = '_' then
+ Answer (J) := Separator_Character;
+ elsif Answer (J) = 'b' then
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ elsif Pic.Floater = '<'
+ or else
+ Pic.Floater = '+'
+ or else
+ Pic.Floater = '-'
+ then
+ for J in Pic.End_Float .. Position loop -- May be null range
+ if Answer (J) = '9' then
+ Answer (J) := '0';
+ elsif Answer (J) = '_' then
+ Answer (J) := Separator_Character;
+ elsif Answer (J) = 'b' then
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Position > Pic.End_Float then
+ Position := Pic.End_Float;
+ end if;
+ for J in Pic.Start_Float .. Position - 1 loop
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ end loop;
+ Answer (Position) := Pic.Floater;
+ Sign_Position := Position;
+ elsif Pic.Floater = '$' then
+ for J in Pic.End_Float .. Position loop -- May be null range
+ if Answer (J) = '9' then
+ Answer (J) := '0';
+ elsif Answer (J) = '_' then
+ Answer (J) := ' '; -- no separator before leftmost digit
+ elsif Answer (J) = 'b' then
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Position > Pic.End_Float then
+ Position := Pic.End_Float;
+ end if;
+ for J in Pic.Start_Float .. Position - 1 loop
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ end loop;
+ Answer (Position) := Pic.Floater;
+ Currency_Pos := Position;
+ elsif Pic.Floater = '*' then
+ for J in Pic.End_Float .. Position loop -- May be null range
+ if Answer (J) = '9' then
+ Answer (J) := '0';
+ elsif Answer (J) = '_' then
+ Answer (J) := Separator_Character;
+ elsif Answer (J) = 'b' then
+ Answer (J) := '*';
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Position > Pic.End_Float then
+ Position := Pic.End_Float;
+ end if;
+ for J in Pic.Start_Float .. Position loop
+ Answer (J) := '*';
+ end loop;
+ else
+ if Pic.Floater = '#' then
+ Currency_Pos := Currency_Symbol'Length;
+ end if;
+ for J in reverse Pic.Start_Float .. Position loop
+ case Answer (J) is
+ when '*' =>
+ Answer (J) := Fill_Character;
+ when 'Z' | 'b' | '/' | '0' =>
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ when '9' =>
+ Answer (J) := '0';
+ when '.' | 'V' | 'v' | '<' | '$' | '+' | '-' =>
+ null;
+ when '#' =>
+ if Currency_Pos = 0 then
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ else
+ Answer (J) := Currency_Symbol (Currency_Pos);
+ Currency_Pos := Currency_Pos - 1;
+ end if;
+ when '_' =>
+ case Pic.Floater is
+ when '*' =>
+ Answer (J) := Fill_Character;
+ when 'Z' | 'b' =>
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ when '#' =>
+ if Currency_Pos = 0 then
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ else
+ Answer (J) := Currency_Symbol (Currency_Pos);
+ Currency_Pos := Currency_Pos - 1;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ if Pic.Floater = '#' and then Currency_Pos /= 0 then
+ raise Layout_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Do sign
+ if Sign_Position = Invalid_Position then
+ if Attrs.Negative then
+ raise Layout_Error;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Attrs.Negative then
+ case Answer (Sign_Position) is
+ when 'C' | 'D' | '-' =>
+ null;
+ when '+' =>
+ Answer (Sign_Position) := '-';
+ when '<' =>
+ Answer (Sign_Position) := '(';
+ Answer (Pic.Second_Sign) := ')';
+ when others =>
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end case;
+ else -- positive
+ case Answer (Sign_Position) is
+ when '-' =>
+ Answer (Sign_Position) := ' ';
+ when '<' | 'C' | 'D' =>
+ Answer (Sign_Position) := ' ';
+ Answer (Pic.Second_Sign) := ' ';
+ when '+' =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Fill in trailing digits
+ if Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits > 0 then
+ if Attrs.Has_Fraction then
+ Position := Attrs.Start_Of_Fraction;
+ Last := Pic.Radix_Position + 1;
+ for J in Last .. Answer'Last loop
+ if Answer (J) = '9' or Answer (J) = Pic.Floater then
+ Answer (J) := To_Wide (Rounded (Position));
+ if Rounded (Position) /= '0' then
+ Zero := False;
+ end if;
+ Position := Position + 1;
+ Last := J + 1;
+ -- Used up fraction but remember place in Answer
+ exit when Position > Attrs.End_Of_Fraction;
+ elsif Answer (J) = 'b' then
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ elsif Answer (J) = '_' then
+ Answer (J) := Separator_Character;
+ end if;
+ Last := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Position := Last;
+ else
+ Position := Pic.Radix_Position + 1;
+ end if;
+ -- Now fill remaining 9's with zeros and _ with separators
+ Last := Answer'Last;
+ for J in Position .. Last loop
+ if Answer (J) = '9' then
+ Answer (J) := '0';
+ elsif Answer (J) = Pic.Floater then
+ Answer (J) := '0';
+ elsif Answer (J) = '_' then
+ Answer (J) := Separator_Character;
+ elsif Answer (J) = 'b' then
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Position := Last + 1;
+ else
+ if Pic.Floater = '#' and then Currency_Pos /= 0 then
+ raise Layout_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- No trailing digits, but now J may need to stick in a currency
+ -- symbol or sign.
+ if Pic.Start_Currency = Invalid_Position then
+ Position := Answer'Last + 1;
+ else
+ Position := Pic.Start_Currency;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ for J in Position .. Answer'Last loop
+ if Pic.Start_Currency /= Invalid_Position and then
+ Answer (Pic.Start_Currency) = '#' then
+ Currency_Pos := 1;
+ end if;
+ -- Note: There are some weird cases J can imagine with 'b' or '#'
+ -- in currency strings where the following code will cause
+ -- glitches. The trick is to tell when the character in the
+ -- answer should be checked, and when to look at the original
+ -- string. Some other time. RIE 11/26/96 ???
+ case Answer (J) is
+ when '*' =>
+ Answer (J) := Fill_Character;
+ when 'b' =>
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ when '#' =>
+ if Currency_Pos > Currency_Symbol'Length then
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ else
+ Answer (J) := Currency_Symbol (Currency_Pos);
+ Currency_Pos := Currency_Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ when '_' =>
+ case Pic.Floater is
+ when '*' =>
+ Answer (J) := Fill_Character;
+ when 'Z' | 'z' =>
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ when '#' =>
+ if Currency_Pos > Currency_Symbol'Length then
+ Answer (J) := ' ';
+ else
+ Answer (J) := Currency_Symbol (Currency_Pos);
+ Currency_Pos := Currency_Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- Now get rid of Blank_when_Zero and complete Star fill.
+ if Zero and Pic.Blank_When_Zero then
+ -- Value is zero, and blank it.
+ Last := Answer'Last;
+ if Dollar then
+ Last := Last - 1 + Currency_Symbol'Length;
+ end if;
+ if Pic.Radix_Position /= Invalid_Position and then
+ Answer (Pic.Radix_Position) = 'V' then
+ Last := Last - 1;
+ end if;
+ return Wide_Wide_String'(1 .. Last => ' ');
+ elsif Zero and Pic.Star_Fill then
+ Last := Answer'Last;
+ if Dollar then
+ Last := Last - 1 + Currency_Symbol'Length;
+ end if;
+ if Pic.Radix_Position /= Invalid_Position then
+ if Answer (Pic.Radix_Position) = 'V' then
+ Last := Last - 1;
+ elsif Dollar then
+ if Pic.Radix_Position > Pic.Start_Currency then
+ return
+ Wide_Wide_String'(1 .. Pic.Radix_Position - 1 => '*') &
+ Radix_Point &
+ Wide_Wide_String'(Pic.Radix_Position + 1 .. Last => '*');
+ else
+ return
+ Wide_Wide_String'
+ (1 ..
+ Pic.Radix_Position + Currency_Symbol'Length - 2
+ => '*') &
+ Radix_Point &
+ Wide_Wide_String'
+ (Pic.Radix_Position + Currency_Symbol'Length .. Last
+ => '*');
+ end if;
+ else
+ return
+ Wide_Wide_String'(1 .. Pic.Radix_Position - 1 => '*') &
+ Radix_Point &
+ Wide_Wide_String'(Pic.Radix_Position + 1 .. Last => '*');
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Wide_Wide_String'(1 .. Last => '*');
+ end if;
+ -- This was once a simple return statement, now there are nine
+ -- different return cases. Not to mention the five above to deal
+ -- with zeros. Why not split things out?
+ -- Processing the radix and sign expansion separately
+ -- would require lots of copying--the string and some of its
+ -- indicies--without really simplifying the logic. The cases are:
+ -- 1) Expand $, replace '.' with Radix_Point
+ -- 2) No currency expansion, replace '.' with Radix_Point
+ -- 3) Expand $, radix blanked
+ -- 4) No currency expansion, radix blanked
+ -- 5) Elide V
+ -- 6) Expand $, Elide V
+ -- 7) Elide V, Expand $ (Two cases depending on order.)
+ -- 8) No radix, expand $
+ -- 9) No radix, no currency expansion
+ if Pic.Radix_Position /= Invalid_Position then
+ if Answer (Pic.Radix_Position) = '.' then
+ Answer (Pic.Radix_Position) := Radix_Point;
+ if Dollar then
+ -- 1) Expand $, replace '.' with Radix_Point
+ return Answer (1 .. Currency_Pos - 1) & Currency_Symbol &
+ Answer (Currency_Pos + 1 .. Answer'Last);
+ else
+ -- 2) No currency expansion, replace '.' with Radix_Point
+ return Answer;
+ end if;
+ elsif Answer (Pic.Radix_Position) = ' ' then -- blanked radix.
+ if Dollar then
+ -- 3) Expand $, radix blanked
+ return Answer (1 .. Currency_Pos - 1) & Currency_Symbol &
+ Answer (Currency_Pos + 1 .. Answer'Last);
+ else
+ -- 4) No expansion, radix blanked
+ return Answer;
+ end if;
+ -- V cases
+ else
+ if not Dollar then
+ -- 5) Elide V
+ return Answer (1 .. Pic.Radix_Position - 1) &
+ Answer (Pic.Radix_Position + 1 .. Answer'Last);
+ elsif Currency_Pos < Pic.Radix_Position then
+ -- 6) Expand $, Elide V
+ return Answer (1 .. Currency_Pos - 1) & Currency_Symbol &
+ Answer (Currency_Pos + 1 .. Pic.Radix_Position - 1) &
+ Answer (Pic.Radix_Position + 1 .. Answer'Last);
+ else
+ -- 7) Elide V, Expand $
+ return Answer (1 .. Pic.Radix_Position - 1) &
+ Answer (Pic.Radix_Position + 1 .. Currency_Pos - 1) &
+ Currency_Symbol &
+ Answer (Currency_Pos + 1 .. Answer'Last);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ elsif Dollar then
+ -- 8) No radix, expand $
+ return Answer (1 .. Currency_Pos - 1) & Currency_Symbol &
+ Answer (Currency_Pos + 1 .. Answer'Last);
+ else
+ -- 9) No radix, no currency expansion
+ return Answer;
+ end if;
+ end Format_Number;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Parse_Number_String --
+ -------------------------
+ function Parse_Number_String (Str : String) return Number_Attributes is
+ Answer : Number_Attributes;
+ begin
+ for J in Str'Range loop
+ case Str (J) is
+ when ' ' =>
+ null; -- ignore
+ when '1' .. '9' =>
+ -- Decide if this is the start of a number.
+ -- If so, figure out which one...
+ if Answer.Has_Fraction then
+ Answer.End_Of_Fraction := J;
+ else
+ if Answer.Start_Of_Int = Invalid_Position then
+ -- start integer
+ Answer.Start_Of_Int := J;
+ end if;
+ Answer.End_Of_Int := J;
+ end if;
+ when '0' =>
+ -- Only count a zero before the decimal point if it follows a
+ -- non-zero digit. After the decimal point, zeros will be
+ -- counted if followed by a non-zero digit.
+ if not Answer.Has_Fraction then
+ if Answer.Start_Of_Int /= Invalid_Position then
+ Answer.End_Of_Int := J;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when '-' =>
+ -- Set negative
+ Answer.Negative := True;
+ when '.' =>
+ -- Close integer, start fraction
+ if Answer.Has_Fraction then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Two decimal points is a no-no.
+ Answer.Has_Fraction := True;
+ Answer.End_Of_Fraction := J;
+ -- Could leave this at Invalid_Position, but this seems the
+ -- right way to indicate a null range...
+ Answer.Start_Of_Fraction := J + 1;
+ Answer.End_Of_Int := J - 1;
+ when others =>
+ raise Picture_Error; -- can this happen? probably not!
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ if Answer.Start_Of_Int = Invalid_Position then
+ Answer.Start_Of_Int := Answer.End_Of_Int + 1;
+ end if;
+ -- No significant (intger) digits needs a null range.
+ return Answer;
+ end Parse_Number_String;
+ ----------------
+ -- Pic_String --
+ ----------------
+ -- The following ensures that we return B and not b being careful not
+ -- to break things which expect lower case b for blank. See CXF3A02.
+ function Pic_String (Pic : in Picture) return String is
+ Temp : String (1 .. Pic.Contents.Picture.Length) :=
+ Pic.Contents.Picture.Expanded;
+ begin
+ for J in Temp'Range loop
+ if Temp (J) = 'b' then Temp (J) := 'B'; end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Temp;
+ end Pic_String;
+ ------------------
+ -- Precalculate --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Precalculate (Pic : in out Format_Record) is
+ Computed_BWZ : Boolean := True;
+ type Legality is (Okay, Reject);
+ State : Legality := Reject;
+ -- Start in reject, which will reject null strings.
+ Index : Pic_Index := Pic.Picture.Expanded'First;
+ function At_End return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (At_End);
+ procedure Set_State (L : Legality);
+ pragma Inline (Set_State);
+ function Look return Character;
+ pragma Inline (Look);
+ function Is_Insert return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Insert);
+ procedure Skip;
+ pragma Inline (Skip);
+ procedure Trailing_Currency;
+ procedure Trailing_Bracket;
+ procedure Number_Fraction;
+ procedure Number_Completion;
+ procedure Number_Fraction_Or_Bracket;
+ procedure Number_Fraction_Or_Z_Fill;
+ procedure Zero_Suppression;
+ procedure Floating_Bracket;
+ procedure Number_Fraction_Or_Star_Fill;
+ procedure Star_Suppression;
+ procedure Number_Fraction_Or_Dollar;
+ procedure Leading_Dollar;
+ procedure Number_Fraction_Or_Pound;
+ procedure Leading_Pound;
+ procedure Picture;
+ procedure Floating_Plus;
+ procedure Floating_Minus;
+ procedure Picture_Plus;
+ procedure Picture_Minus;
+ procedure Picture_Bracket;
+ procedure Number;
+ procedure Optional_RHS_Sign;
+ procedure Picture_String;
+ ------------
+ -- At_End --
+ ------------
+ function At_End return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Index > Pic.Picture.Length;
+ end At_End;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Floating_Bracket --
+ ----------------------
+ -- Note that Floating_Bracket is only called with an acceptable
+ -- prefix. But we don't set Okay, because we must end with a '>'.
+ procedure Floating_Bracket is
+ begin
+ Pic.Floater := '<';
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ -- First bracket wasn't counted...
+ Skip; -- known '<'
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '<' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Skip;
+ when '9' =>
+ Number_Completion;
+ when '$' =>
+ Leading_Dollar;
+ when '#' =>
+ Leading_Pound;
+ when 'V' | 'v' | '.' =>
+ Pic.Radix_Position := Index;
+ Skip;
+ Number_Fraction_Or_Bracket;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Floating_Bracket;
+ --------------------
+ -- Floating_Minus --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Floating_Minus is
+ begin
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '-' =>
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when '9' =>
+ Number_Completion;
+ return;
+ when '.' | 'V' | 'v' =>
+ Pic.Radix_Position := Index;
+ Skip; -- Radix
+ while Is_Insert loop
+ Skip;
+ end loop;
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Look = '-' then
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '-' =>
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits :=
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Number_Completion;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Floating_Minus;
+ -------------------
+ -- Floating_Plus --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Floating_Plus is
+ begin
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '+' =>
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when '9' =>
+ Number_Completion;
+ return;
+ when '.' | 'V' | 'v' =>
+ Pic.Radix_Position := Index;
+ Skip; -- Radix
+ while Is_Insert loop
+ Skip;
+ end loop;
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Look = '+' then
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '+' =>
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits :=
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Number_Completion;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Floating_Plus;
+ ---------------
+ -- Is_Insert --
+ ---------------
+ function Is_Insert return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if At_End then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ case Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' => return True;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b'; -- canonical
+ return True;
+ when others => return False;
+ end case;
+ end Is_Insert;
+ --------------------
+ -- Leading_Dollar --
+ --------------------
+ -- Note that Leading_Dollar can be called in either State.
+ -- It will set state to Okay only if a 9 or (second) $
+ -- is encountered.
+ -- Also notice the tricky bit with State and Zero_Suppression.
+ -- Zero_Suppression is Picture_Error if a '$' or a '9' has been
+ -- encountered, exactly the cases where State has been set.
+ procedure Leading_Dollar is
+ begin
+ -- Treat as a floating dollar, and unwind otherwise.
+ Pic.Floater := '$';
+ Pic.Start_Currency := Index;
+ Pic.End_Currency := Index;
+ Pic.Start_Float := Index;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ -- Don't increment Pic.Max_Leading_Digits, we need one "real"
+ -- currency place.
+ Skip; -- known '$'
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ -- A trailing insertion character is not part of the
+ -- floating currency, so need to look ahead.
+ if Look /= '$' then
+ Pic.End_Float := Pic.End_Float - 1;
+ end if;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when 'Z' | 'z' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'Z'; -- consistency
+ if State = Okay then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ else
+ -- Will overwrite Floater and Start_Float
+ Zero_Suppression;
+ end if;
+ when '*' =>
+ if State = Okay then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ else
+ -- Will overwrite Floater and Start_Float
+ Star_Suppression;
+ end if;
+ when '$' =>
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.End_Currency := Index;
+ Set_State (Okay); Skip;
+ when '9' =>
+ if State /= Okay then
+ Pic.Floater := '!';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ Pic.End_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ end if;
+ -- A single dollar does not a floating make.
+ Number_Completion;
+ return;
+ when 'V' | 'v' | '.' =>
+ if State /= Okay then
+ Pic.Floater := '!';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ Pic.End_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ end if;
+ -- Only one dollar before the sign is okay,
+ -- but doesn't float.
+ Pic.Radix_Position := Index;
+ Skip;
+ Number_Fraction_Or_Dollar;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Leading_Dollar;
+ -------------------
+ -- Leading_Pound --
+ -------------------
+ -- This one is complex! A Leading_Pound can be fixed or floating,
+ -- but in some cases the decision has to be deferred until we leave
+ -- this procedure. Also note that Leading_Pound can be called in
+ -- either State.
+ -- It will set state to Okay only if a 9 or (second) # is
+ -- encountered.
+ -- One Last note: In ambiguous cases, the currency is treated as
+ -- floating unless there is only one '#'.
+ procedure Leading_Pound is
+ Inserts : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set to True if a '_', '0', '/', 'B', or 'b' is encountered
+ Must_Float : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set to true if a '#' occurs after an insert.
+ begin
+ -- Treat as a floating currency. If it isn't, this will be
+ -- overwritten later.
+ Pic.Floater := '#';
+ Pic.Start_Currency := Index;
+ Pic.End_Currency := Index;
+ Pic.Start_Float := Index;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ -- Don't increment Pic.Max_Leading_Digits, we need one "real"
+ -- currency place.
+ Pic.Max_Currency_Digits := 1; -- we've seen one.
+ Skip; -- known '#'
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Inserts := True;
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Inserts := True;
+ Skip;
+ when 'Z' | 'z' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'Z'; -- consistency
+ if Must_Float then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ else
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := 0;
+ -- Will overwrite Floater and Start_Float
+ Zero_Suppression;
+ end if;
+ when '*' =>
+ if Must_Float then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ else
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := 0;
+ -- Will overwrite Floater and Start_Float
+ Star_Suppression;
+ end if;
+ when '#' =>
+ if Inserts then
+ Must_Float := True;
+ end if;
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.End_Currency := Index;
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ Skip;
+ when '9' =>
+ if State /= Okay then
+ -- A single '#' doesn't float.
+ Pic.Floater := '!';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ Pic.End_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ end if;
+ Number_Completion;
+ return;
+ when 'V' | 'v' | '.' =>
+ if State /= Okay then
+ Pic.Floater := '!';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ Pic.End_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ end if;
+ -- Only one pound before the sign is okay,
+ -- but doesn't float.
+ Pic.Radix_Position := Index;
+ Skip;
+ Number_Fraction_Or_Pound;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Leading_Pound;
+ ----------
+ -- Look --
+ ----------
+ function Look return Character is
+ begin
+ if At_End then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index);
+ end Look;
+ ------------
+ -- Number --
+ ------------
+ procedure Number is
+ begin
+ loop
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '9' =>
+ Computed_BWZ := False;
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ Skip;
+ when '.' | 'V' | 'v' =>
+ Pic.Radix_Position := Index;
+ Skip;
+ Number_Fraction;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Will return in Okay state if a '9' was seen.
+ end loop;
+ end Number;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Number_Completion --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Number_Completion is
+ begin
+ while not At_End loop
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '9' =>
+ Computed_BWZ := False;
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ Skip;
+ when 'V' | 'v' | '.' =>
+ Pic.Radix_Position := Index;
+ Skip;
+ Number_Fraction;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Number_Completion;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Number_Fraction --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Number_Fraction is
+ begin
+ -- Note that number fraction can be called in either State.
+ -- It will set state to Valid only if a 9 is encountered.
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '9' =>
+ Computed_BWZ := False;
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits := Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Set_State (Okay); Skip;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Number_Fraction;
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Number_Fraction_Or_Bracket --
+ --------------------------------
+ procedure Number_Fraction_Or_Bracket is
+ begin
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' => Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '<' =>
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits := Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '<' =>
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits :=
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ Number_Fraction;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Number_Fraction_Or_Bracket;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Number_Fraction_Or_Dollar --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Number_Fraction_Or_Dollar is
+ begin
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '$' =>
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits := Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '$' =>
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits :=
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ Number_Fraction;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Number_Fraction_Or_Dollar;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Number_Fraction_Or_Pound --
+ ------------------------------
+ procedure Number_Fraction_Or_Pound is
+ begin
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '#' =>
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits := Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '#' =>
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits :=
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ Number_Fraction;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Number_Fraction_Or_Pound;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Number_Fraction_Or_Star_Fill --
+ ----------------------------------
+ procedure Number_Fraction_Or_Star_Fill is
+ begin
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '*' =>
+ Pic.Star_Fill := True;
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits := Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '*' =>
+ Pic.Star_Fill := True;
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits :=
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ Number_Fraction;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Number_Fraction_Or_Star_Fill;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Number_Fraction_Or_Z_Fill --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Number_Fraction_Or_Z_Fill is
+ begin
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when 'Z' | 'z' =>
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits := Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'Z'; -- consistency
+ Skip;
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when 'Z' | 'z' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'Z'; -- consistency
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits :=
+ Pic.Max_Trailing_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ Number_Fraction;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Number_Fraction_Or_Z_Fill;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Optional_RHS_Sign --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Optional_RHS_Sign is
+ begin
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '+' | '-' =>
+ Pic.Sign_Position := Index;
+ Skip;
+ return;
+ when 'C' | 'c' =>
+ Pic.Sign_Position := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'C';
+ Skip;
+ if Look = 'R' or Look = 'r' then
+ Pic.Second_Sign := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'R';
+ Skip;
+ else
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when 'D' | 'd' =>
+ Pic.Sign_Position := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'D';
+ Skip;
+ if Look = 'B' or Look = 'b' then
+ Pic.Second_Sign := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'B';
+ Skip;
+ else
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when '>' =>
+ if Pic.Picture.Expanded (Pic.Sign_Position) = '<' then
+ Pic.Second_Sign := Index;
+ Skip;
+ else
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end Optional_RHS_Sign;
+ -------------
+ -- Picture --
+ -------------
+ -- Note that Picture can be called in either State.
+ -- It will set state to Valid only if a 9 is encountered or floating
+ -- currency is called.
+ procedure Picture is
+ begin
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '$' =>
+ Leading_Dollar;
+ return;
+ when '#' =>
+ Leading_Pound;
+ return;
+ when '9' =>
+ Computed_BWZ := False;
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Skip;
+ when 'V' | 'v' | '.' =>
+ Pic.Radix_Position := Index;
+ Skip;
+ Number_Fraction;
+ Trailing_Currency;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Picture;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Picture_Bracket --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Picture_Bracket is
+ begin
+ Pic.Sign_Position := Index;
+ Pic.Sign_Position := Index;
+ -- Treat as a floating sign, and unwind otherwise.
+ Pic.Floater := '<';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Index;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ -- Don't increment Pic.Max_Leading_Digits, we need one "real"
+ -- sign place.
+ Skip; -- Known Bracket
+ loop
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '<' =>
+ Set_State (Okay); -- "<<>" is enough.
+ Floating_Bracket;
+ Trailing_Currency;
+ Trailing_Bracket;
+ return;
+ when '$' | '#' | '9' | '*' =>
+ if State /= Okay then
+ Pic.Floater := '!';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ Pic.End_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ end if;
+ Picture;
+ Trailing_Bracket;
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ return;
+ when '.' | 'V' | 'v' =>
+ if State /= Okay then
+ Pic.Floater := '!';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ Pic.End_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ end if;
+ -- Don't assume that state is okay, haven't seen a digit
+ Picture;
+ Trailing_Bracket;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Picture_Bracket;
+ -------------------
+ -- Picture_Minus --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Picture_Minus is
+ begin
+ Pic.Sign_Position := Index;
+ -- Treat as a floating sign, and unwind otherwise.
+ Pic.Floater := '-';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Index;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ -- Don't increment Pic.Max_Leading_Digits, we need one "real"
+ -- sign place.
+ Skip; -- Known Minus
+ loop
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '-' =>
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ Set_State (Okay); -- "-- " is enough.
+ Floating_Minus;
+ Trailing_Currency;
+ return;
+ when '$' | '#' | '9' | '*' =>
+ if State /= Okay then
+ Pic.Floater := '!';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ Pic.End_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ end if;
+ Picture;
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ return;
+ when 'Z' | 'z' =>
+ -- Can't have Z and a floating sign.
+ if State = Okay then
+ Set_State (Reject);
+ end if;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'Z'; -- consistency
+ Zero_Suppression;
+ Trailing_Currency;
+ Optional_RHS_Sign;
+ return;
+ when '.' | 'V' | 'v' =>
+ if State /= Okay then
+ Pic.Floater := '!';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ Pic.End_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ end if;
+ -- Don't assume that state is okay, haven't seen a digit.
+ Picture;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Picture_Minus;
+ ------------------
+ -- Picture_Plus --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Picture_Plus is
+ begin
+ Pic.Sign_Position := Index;
+ -- Treat as a floating sign, and unwind otherwise.
+ Pic.Floater := '+';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Index;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ -- Don't increment Pic.Max_Leading_Digits, we need one "real"
+ -- sign place.
+ Skip; -- Known Plus
+ loop
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '+' =>
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ Set_State (Okay); -- "++" is enough.
+ Floating_Plus;
+ Trailing_Currency;
+ return;
+ when '$' | '#' | '9' | '*' =>
+ if State /= Okay then
+ Pic.Floater := '!';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ Pic.End_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ end if;
+ Picture;
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ return;
+ when 'Z' | 'z' =>
+ if State = Okay then
+ Set_State (Reject);
+ end if;
+ -- Can't have Z and a floating sign.
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'Z'; -- consistency
+ -- '+Z' is acceptable
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ Zero_Suppression;
+ Trailing_Currency;
+ Optional_RHS_Sign;
+ return;
+ when '.' | 'V' | 'v' =>
+ if State /= Okay then
+ Pic.Floater := '!';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ Pic.End_Float := Invalid_Position;
+ end if;
+ -- Don't assume that state is okay, haven't seen a digit.
+ Picture;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Picture_Plus;
+ --------------------
+ -- Picture_String --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Picture_String is
+ begin
+ while Is_Insert loop
+ Skip;
+ end loop;
+ case Look is
+ when '$' | '#' =>
+ Picture;
+ Optional_RHS_Sign;
+ when '+' =>
+ Picture_Plus;
+ when '-' =>
+ Picture_Minus;
+ when '<' =>
+ Picture_Bracket;
+ when 'Z' | 'z' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'Z'; -- consistency
+ Zero_Suppression;
+ Trailing_Currency;
+ Optional_RHS_Sign;
+ when '*' =>
+ Star_Suppression;
+ Trailing_Currency;
+ Optional_RHS_Sign;
+ when '9' | '.' | 'V' | 'v' =>
+ Number;
+ Trailing_Currency;
+ Optional_RHS_Sign;
+ when others =>
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- Blank when zero either if the PIC does not contain a '9' or if
+ -- requested by the user and no '*'
+ Pic.Blank_When_Zero :=
+ (Computed_BWZ or Pic.Blank_When_Zero) and not Pic.Star_Fill;
+ -- Star fill if '*' and no '9'.
+ Pic.Star_Fill := Pic.Star_Fill and Computed_BWZ;
+ if not At_End then
+ Set_State (Reject);
+ end if;
+ end Picture_String;
+ ---------------
+ -- Set_State --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Set_State (L : Legality) is
+ begin
+ State := L;
+ end Set_State;
+ ----------
+ -- Skip --
+ ----------
+ procedure Skip is
+ begin
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ end Skip;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Star_Suppression --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Star_Suppression is
+ begin
+ Pic.Floater := '*';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Index;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ -- Even a single * is a valid picture
+ Pic.Star_Fill := True;
+ Skip; -- Known *
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when '*' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Set_State (Okay); Skip;
+ when '9' =>
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ Number_Completion;
+ return;
+ when '.' | 'V' | 'v' =>
+ Pic.Radix_Position := Index;
+ Skip;
+ Number_Fraction_Or_Star_Fill;
+ return;
+ when '#' | '$' =>
+ Trailing_Currency;
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ return;
+ when others => raise Picture_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Star_Suppression;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Trailing_Bracket --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Trailing_Bracket is
+ begin
+ if Look = '>' then
+ Pic.Second_Sign := Index;
+ Skip;
+ else
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Trailing_Bracket;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Trailing_Currency --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Trailing_Currency is
+ begin
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Look = '$' then
+ Pic.Start_Currency := Index;
+ Pic.End_Currency := Index;
+ Skip;
+ else
+ while not At_End and then Look = '#' loop
+ if Pic.Start_Currency = Invalid_Position then
+ Pic.Start_Currency := Index;
+ end if;
+ Pic.End_Currency := Index;
+ Skip;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ if At_End then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' => Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when others => return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Trailing_Currency;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Zero_Suppression --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Zero_Suppression is
+ begin
+ Pic.Floater := 'Z';
+ Pic.Start_Float := Index;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'Z'; -- consistency
+ Skip; -- Known Z
+ loop
+ -- Even a single Z is a valid picture
+ if At_End then
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Look is
+ when '_' | '0' | '/' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Skip;
+ when 'B' | 'b' =>
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'b';
+ Skip;
+ when 'Z' | 'z' =>
+ Pic.Picture.Expanded (Index) := 'Z'; -- consistency
+ Pic.Max_Leading_Digits := Pic.Max_Leading_Digits + 1;
+ Pic.End_Float := Index;
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ Skip;
+ when '9' =>
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ Number_Completion;
+ return;
+ when '.' | 'V' | 'v' =>
+ Pic.Radix_Position := Index;
+ Skip;
+ Number_Fraction_Or_Z_Fill;
+ return;
+ when '#' | '$' =>
+ Trailing_Currency;
+ Set_State (Okay);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Zero_Suppression;
+ -- Start of processing for Precalculate
+ begin
+ Picture_String;
+ if State = Reject then
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end if;
+ exception
+ when Constraint_Error =>
+ -- To deal with special cases like null strings.
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end Precalculate;
+ ----------------
+ -- To_Picture --
+ ----------------
+ function To_Picture
+ (Pic_String : String;
+ Blank_When_Zero : Boolean := False) return Picture
+ is
+ Result : Picture;
+ begin
+ declare
+ Item : constant String := Expand (Pic_String);
+ begin
+ Result.Contents.Picture := (Item'Length, Item);
+ Result.Contents.Original_BWZ := Blank_When_Zero;
+ Result.Contents.Blank_When_Zero := Blank_When_Zero;
+ Precalculate (Result.Contents);
+ return Result;
+ end;
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ raise Picture_Error;
+ end To_Picture;
+ -------------
+ -- To_Wide --
+ -------------
+ function To_Wide (C : Character) return Wide_Wide_Character is
+ begin
+ return Wide_Wide_Character'Val (Character'Pos (C));
+ end To_Wide;
+ -----------
+ -- Valid --
+ -----------
+ function Valid
+ (Pic_String : String;
+ Blank_When_Zero : Boolean := False) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ declare
+ Expanded_Pic : constant String := Expand (Pic_String);
+ -- Raises Picture_Error if Item not well-formed
+ Format_Rec : Format_Record;
+ begin
+ Format_Rec.Picture := (Expanded_Pic'Length, Expanded_Pic);
+ Format_Rec.Blank_When_Zero := Blank_When_Zero;
+ Format_Rec.Original_BWZ := Blank_When_Zero;
+ Precalculate (Format_Rec);
+ -- False only if Blank_When_0 is True but the pic string
+ -- has a '*'
+ return not Blank_When_Zero or
+ Strings_Fixed.Index (Expanded_Pic, "*") = 0;
+ end;
+ exception
+ when others => return False;
+ end Valid;
+end Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Editing;