path: root/gcc/ada/ali.adb
diff options
authorkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 13:55:47 +0000
committerkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 13:55:47 +0000
commit1fac938ee5fb71eb038b3b33e393a02d5ea33190 (patch)
tree2984031fa75d4e716ac1f562efe5ae818a291ca8 /gcc/ada/ali.adb
parente6e7bf38fd3e54eef6e896049ef2d52135eab3d0 (diff)
New Language: Ada
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/ali.adb')
1 files changed, 1376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ali.adb b/gcc/ada/ali.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0909b38034f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/ali.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1376 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- A L I --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.124 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+with Butil; use Butil;
+with Debug; use Debug;
+with Fname; use Fname;
+with Namet; use Namet;
+with Osint; use Osint;
+with Output; use Output;
+package body ALI is
+ use ASCII;
+ -- Make control characters visible
+ --------------------
+ -- Initialize_ALI --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Initialize_ALI is
+ begin
+ -- When (re)initializing ALI data structures the ALI user expects to
+ -- get a fresh set of data structures. Thus we first need to erase the
+ -- marks put in the name table by the previous set of ALI routine calls.
+ -- This loop is empty and harmless the first time in.
+ for J in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
+ Set_Name_Table_Info (ALIs.Table (J).Afile, 0);
+ end loop;
+ ALIs.Init;
+ Units.Init;
+ Withs.Init;
+ Sdep.Init;
+ Linker_Options.Init;
+ Xref_Section.Init;
+ Xref_Entity.Init;
+ Xref.Init;
+ Version_Ref.Reset;
+ -- Add dummy zero'th item in Linker_Options for the sort function
+ Linker_Options.Increment_Last;
+ -- Initialize global variables recording cumulative options in all
+ -- ALI files that are read for a given processing run in gnatbind.
+ Dynamic_Elaboration_Checks_Specified := False;
+ Float_Format_Specified := ' ';
+ Locking_Policy_Specified := ' ';
+ No_Normalize_Scalars_Specified := False;
+ No_Object_Specified := False;
+ Normalize_Scalars_Specified := False;
+ No_Run_Time_Specified := False;
+ Queuing_Policy_Specified := ' ';
+ Static_Elaboration_Model_Used := False;
+ Task_Dispatching_Policy_Specified := ' ';
+ Unreserve_All_Interrupts_Specified := False;
+ Zero_Cost_Exceptions_Specified := False;
+ end Initialize_ALI;
+ --------------
+ -- Scan_ALI --
+ --------------
+ function Scan_ALI
+ (F : File_Name_Type;
+ T : Text_Buffer_Ptr;
+ Ignore_ED : Boolean;
+ Err : Boolean;
+ Read_Xref : Boolean := False)
+ return ALI_Id
+ is
+ P : Text_Ptr := T'First;
+ Line : Logical_Line_Number := 1;
+ Id : ALI_Id;
+ C : Character;
+ NS_Found : Boolean;
+ First_Arg : Arg_Id;
+ function At_Eol return Boolean;
+ -- Test if at end of line
+ function At_End_Of_Field return Boolean;
+ -- Test if at end of line, or if at blank or horizontal tab
+ procedure Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ -- Check if we are at end of field, fatal error if not
+ procedure Checkc (C : Character);
+ -- Check next character is C. If so bump past it, if not fatal error
+ Bad_ALI_Format : exception;
+ procedure Fatal_Error;
+ -- Generate fatal error message for badly formatted ALI file if
+ -- Err is false, or raise Bad_ALI_Format if Err is True.
+ function Getc return Character;
+ -- Get next character, bumping P past the character obtained
+ function Get_Name (Lower : Boolean := False) return Name_Id;
+ -- Skip blanks, then scan out a name (name is left in Name_Buffer with
+ -- length in Name_Len, as well as being returned in Name_Id form). The
+ -- name is adjusted appropriately if it refers to a file that is to be
+ -- substituted by another name as a result of a configuration pragma.
+ -- If Lower is set to true then the Name_Buffer will be converted to
+ -- all lower case. This only happends for systems where file names are
+ -- not case sensitive, and ensures that gnatbind works correctly on
+ -- such systems, regardless of the case of the file name.
+ function Get_Nat return Nat;
+ -- Skip blanks, then scan out an unsigned integer value in Nat range
+ function Get_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Type;
+ -- Skip blanks, then scan out a time stamp
+ function Nextc return Character;
+ -- Return current character without modifying pointer P
+ procedure Skip_Eol;
+ -- Skip past end of line (fatal error if not at end of line)
+ procedure Skip_Space;
+ -- Skip past white space (blanks or horizontal tab)
+ ---------------------
+ -- At_End_Of_Field --
+ ---------------------
+ function At_End_Of_Field return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Nextc <= ' ';
+ end At_End_Of_Field;
+ ------------
+ -- At_Eol --
+ ------------
+ function At_Eol return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Nextc = EOF or else Nextc = CR or else Nextc = LF;
+ end At_Eol;
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Check_At_End_Of_Field --
+ ---------------------------
+ procedure Check_At_End_Of_Field is
+ begin
+ if not At_End_Of_Field then
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ ------------
+ -- Checkc --
+ ------------
+ procedure Checkc (C : Character) is
+ begin
+ if Nextc = C then
+ P := P + 1;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Checkc;
+ -----------------
+ -- Fatal_Error --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Fatal_Error is
+ Ptr1 : Text_Ptr;
+ Ptr2 : Text_Ptr;
+ Col : Int;
+ procedure Wchar (C : Character);
+ -- Write a single character, replacing horizontal tab by spaces
+ procedure Wchar (C : Character) is
+ begin
+ if C = HT then
+ loop
+ Wchar (' ');
+ exit when Col mod 8 = 0;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Write_Char (C);
+ Col := Col + 1;
+ end if;
+ end Wchar;
+ -- Start of processing for Fatal_Error
+ begin
+ if Err then
+ raise Bad_ALI_Format;
+ end if;
+ Set_Standard_Error;
+ Write_Str ("fatal error: file ");
+ Write_Name (F);
+ Write_Str (" is incorrectly formatted");
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str
+ ("make sure you are using consistent versions of gcc/gnatbind");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Find start of line
+ Ptr1 := P;
+ while Ptr1 > T'First
+ and then T (Ptr1 - 1) /= CR
+ and then T (Ptr1 - 1) /= LF
+ loop
+ Ptr1 := Ptr1 - 1;
+ end loop;
+ Write_Int (Int (Line));
+ Write_Str (". ");
+ if Line < 100 then
+ Write_Char (' ');
+ end if;
+ if Line < 10 then
+ Write_Char (' ');
+ end if;
+ Col := 0;
+ Ptr2 := Ptr1;
+ while Ptr2 < T'Last
+ and then T (Ptr2) /= CR
+ and then T (Ptr2) /= LF
+ loop
+ Wchar (T (Ptr2));
+ Ptr2 := Ptr2 + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ Col := 0;
+ while Ptr1 < P loop
+ if T (Ptr1) = HT then
+ Wchar (HT);
+ else
+ Wchar (' ');
+ end if;
+ Ptr1 := Ptr1 + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Wchar ('|');
+ Write_Eol;
+ Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
+ end Fatal_Error;
+ --------------
+ -- Get_Name --
+ --------------
+ function Get_Name (Lower : Boolean := False) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ Name_Len := 0;
+ Skip_Space;
+ if At_Eol then
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := Getc;
+ exit when At_End_Of_Field;
+ end loop;
+ -- Convert file name to all lower case if file names are not case
+ -- sensitive. This ensures that we handle names in the canonical
+ -- lower case format, regardless of the actual case.
+ if Lower and not File_Names_Case_Sensitive then
+ Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ end if;
+ return Name_Find;
+ end Get_Name;
+ -------------
+ -- Get_Nat --
+ -------------
+ function Get_Nat return Nat is
+ V : Nat;
+ begin
+ Skip_Space;
+ V := 0;
+ loop
+ V := V * 10 + (Character'Pos (Getc) - Character'Pos ('0'));
+ exit when At_End_Of_Field;
+ exit when Nextc < '0' or Nextc > '9';
+ end loop;
+ return V;
+ end Get_Nat;
+ ---------------
+ -- Get_Stamp --
+ ---------------
+ function Get_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Type is
+ T : Time_Stamp_Type;
+ Start : Integer;
+ begin
+ Skip_Space;
+ if At_Eol then
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Following reads old style time stamp missing first two digits
+ if Nextc in '7' .. '9' then
+ T (1) := '1';
+ T (2) := '9';
+ Start := 3;
+ -- Normal case of full year in time stamp
+ else
+ Start := 1;
+ end if;
+ for J in Start .. T'Last loop
+ T (J) := Getc;
+ end loop;
+ return T;
+ end Get_Stamp;
+ ----------
+ -- Getc --
+ ----------
+ function Getc return Character is
+ begin
+ if P = T'Last then
+ return EOF;
+ else
+ P := P + 1;
+ return T (P - 1);
+ end if;
+ end Getc;
+ -----------
+ -- Nextc --
+ -----------
+ function Nextc return Character is
+ begin
+ return T (P);
+ end Nextc;
+ --------------
+ -- Skip_Eol --
+ --------------
+ procedure Skip_Eol is
+ begin
+ Skip_Space;
+ if not At_Eol then Fatal_Error; end if;
+ -- Loop to skip past blank lines (first time through skips this EOL)
+ while Nextc < ' ' and then Nextc /= EOF loop
+ if Nextc = LF then
+ Line := Line + 1;
+ end if;
+ P := P + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Skip_Eol;
+ ----------------
+ -- Skip_Space --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Skip_Space is
+ begin
+ while Nextc = ' ' or else Nextc = HT loop
+ P := P + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Skip_Space;
+ --------------------------------------
+ -- Start of processing for Scan_ALI --
+ --------------------------------------
+ begin
+ ALIs.Increment_Last;
+ Id := ALIs.Last;
+ Set_Name_Table_Info (F, Int (Id));
+ ALIs.Table (Id) := (
+ Afile => F,
+ Compile_Errors => False,
+ First_Sdep => No_Sdep_Id,
+ First_Unit => No_Unit_Id,
+ Float_Format => 'I',
+ Last_Sdep => No_Sdep_Id,
+ Last_Unit => No_Unit_Id,
+ Locking_Policy => ' ',
+ Main_Priority => -1,
+ Main_Program => None,
+ No_Object => False,
+ No_Run_Time => False,
+ Normalize_Scalars => False,
+ Ofile_Full_Name => Full_Object_File_Name,
+ Queuing_Policy => ' ',
+ Restrictions => (others => ' '),
+ Sfile => No_Name,
+ Task_Dispatching_Policy => ' ',
+ Time_Slice_Value => -1,
+ WC_Encoding => '8',
+ Unit_Exception_Table => False,
+ Ver => (others => ' '),
+ Ver_Len => 0,
+ Zero_Cost_Exceptions => False);
+ -- Acquire library version
+ Checkc ('V');
+ Checkc (' ');
+ Skip_Space;
+ Checkc ('"');
+ for J in 1 .. Ver_Len_Max loop
+ C := Getc;
+ exit when C = '"';
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Ver (J) := C;
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Ver_Len := J;
+ end loop;
+ Skip_Eol;
+ -- Acquire main program line if present
+ C := Getc;
+ if C = 'M' then
+ Checkc (' ');
+ Skip_Space;
+ C := Getc;
+ if C = 'F' then
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Main_Program := Func;
+ elsif C = 'P' then
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Main_Program := Proc;
+ else
+ P := P - 1;
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Skip_Space;
+ if not At_Eol then
+ if Nextc < 'A' then
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Main_Priority := Get_Nat;
+ end if;
+ Skip_Space;
+ if Nextc = 'T' then
+ P := P + 1;
+ Checkc ('=');
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Time_Slice_Value := Get_Nat;
+ end if;
+ Skip_Space;
+ Checkc ('W');
+ Checkc ('=');
+ ALIs.Table (Id).WC_Encoding := Getc;
+ end if;
+ Skip_Eol;
+ C := Getc;
+ end if;
+ -- Acquire argument lines
+ First_Arg := Args.Last + 1;
+ Arg_Loop : while C = 'A' loop
+ Checkc (' ');
+ Name_Len := 0;
+ while not At_Eol loop
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := Getc;
+ end loop;
+ Args.Increment_Last;
+ Args.Table (Args.Last) := new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Skip_Eol;
+ C := Getc;
+ end loop Arg_Loop;
+ -- Acquire P line, first set defaults
+ if C /= 'P' then
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ NS_Found := False;
+ while not At_Eol loop
+ Checkc (' ');
+ Skip_Space;
+ C := Getc;
+ if C = 'C' then
+ Checkc ('E');
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Compile_Errors := True;
+ elsif C = 'F' then
+ Float_Format_Specified := Getc;
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Float_Format := Float_Format_Specified;
+ elsif C = 'L' then
+ Locking_Policy_Specified := Getc;
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Locking_Policy := Locking_Policy_Specified;
+ elsif C = 'N' then
+ C := Getc;
+ if C = 'O' then
+ ALIs.Table (Id).No_Object := True;
+ No_Object_Specified := True;
+ elsif C = 'R' then
+ No_Run_Time_Specified := True;
+ ALIs.Table (Id).No_Run_Time := True;
+ elsif C = 'S' then
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Normalize_Scalars := True;
+ Normalize_Scalars_Specified := True;
+ NS_Found := True;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ elsif C = 'Q' then
+ Queuing_Policy_Specified := Getc;
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Queuing_Policy := Queuing_Policy_Specified;
+ elsif C = 'T' then
+ Task_Dispatching_Policy_Specified := Getc;
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Task_Dispatching_Policy :=
+ Task_Dispatching_Policy_Specified;
+ elsif C = 'U' then
+ if Nextc = 'A' then
+ Unreserve_All_Interrupts_Specified := True;
+ C := Getc;
+ else
+ Checkc ('X');
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Unit_Exception_Table := True;
+ end if;
+ elsif C = 'Z' then
+ Checkc ('X');
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Zero_Cost_Exceptions := True;
+ Zero_Cost_Exceptions_Specified := True;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if not NS_Found then
+ No_Normalize_Scalars_Specified := True;
+ end if;
+ Skip_Eol;
+ -- Acquire restrictions line
+ if Getc /= 'R' then
+ Fatal_Error;
+ else
+ Checkc (' ');
+ Skip_Space;
+ for J in Partition_Restrictions loop
+ C := Getc;
+ if C = 'v' or else C = 'r' or else C = 'n' then
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Restrictions (J) := C;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if At_Eol then
+ Skip_Eol;
+ C := Getc;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Loop to acquire unit entries
+ Unit_Loop : while C = 'U' loop
+ Checkc (' ');
+ Skip_Space;
+ Units.Increment_Last;
+ if ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit = No_Unit_Id then
+ ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit := Units.Last;
+ end if;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Uname := Get_Name;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Predefined := Is_Predefined_Unit;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Internal := Is_Internal_Unit;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).My_ALI := Id;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Sfile := Get_Name (Lower => True);
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Pure := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Preelab := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).No_Elab := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Shared_Passive := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).RCI := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Remote_Types := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Has_RACW := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Init_Scalars := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Is_Generic := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Icasing := Mixed_Case;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Kcasing := All_Lower_Case;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Dynamic_Elab := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Elaborate_Body := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Set_Elab_Entity := False;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Version := "00000000";
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).First_With := Withs.Last + 1;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).First_Arg := First_Arg;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Elab_Position := 0;
+ if Debug_Flag_U then
+ Write_Str (" ----> reading unit ");
+ Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (Units.Last).Uname);
+ Write_Str (" from file ");
+ Write_Name (Units.Table (Units.Last).Sfile);
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ -- Check for duplicated unit in different files
+ declare
+ Info : constant Int := Get_Name_Table_Info
+ (Units.Table (Units.Last).Uname);
+ begin
+ if Info /= 0
+ and then Units.Table (Units.Last).Sfile /=
+ Units.Table (Unit_Id (Info)).Sfile
+ then
+ -- If Err is set then treat duplicate unit name as an instance
+ -- of a bad ALI format. This is the case of being called from
+ -- gnatmake, and the point is that if anything is wrong with
+ -- the ALI file, then gnatmake should just recompile.
+ if Err then
+ raise Bad_ALI_Format;
+ -- If Err is not set, then this is a fatal error
+ else
+ Set_Standard_Error;
+ Write_Str ("error: duplicate unit name: ");
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str ("error: unit """);
+ Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (Units.Last).Uname);
+ Write_Str (""" found in file """);
+ Write_Name_Decoded (Units.Table (Units.Last).Sfile);
+ Write_Char ('"');
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str ("error: unit """);
+ Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (Unit_Id (Info)).Uname);
+ Write_Str (""" found in file """);
+ Write_Name_Decoded (Units.Table (Unit_Id (Info)).Sfile);
+ Write_Char ('"');
+ Write_Eol;
+ Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Set_Name_Table_Info
+ (Units.Table (Units.Last).Uname, Int (Units.Last));
+ -- Scan out possible version and other parameters
+ loop
+ Skip_Space;
+ exit when At_Eol;
+ C := Getc;
+ -- Version field
+ if C in '0' .. '9' or else C in 'a' .. 'f' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Version (1) := C;
+ for J in 2 .. 8 loop
+ C := Getc;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Version (J) := C;
+ end loop;
+ -- DE parameter (Dynamic elaboration checks
+ elsif C = 'D' then
+ Checkc ('E');
+ Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Dynamic_Elab := True;
+ Dynamic_Elaboration_Checks_Specified := True;
+ -- EB/EE parameters
+ elsif C = 'E' then
+ C := Getc;
+ if C = 'B' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Elaborate_Body := True;
+ elsif C = 'E' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Set_Elab_Entity := True;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ -- GE parameter (generic)
+ elsif C = 'G' then
+ Checkc ('E');
+ Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Is_Generic := True;
+ -- IL/IS/IU parameters
+ elsif C = 'I' then
+ C := Getc;
+ if C = 'L' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Icasing := All_Lower_Case;
+ elsif C = 'S' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Init_Scalars := True;
+ Initialize_Scalars_Used := True;
+ elsif C = 'U' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Icasing := All_Upper_Case;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ -- KM/KU parameters
+ elsif C = 'K' then
+ C := Getc;
+ if C = 'M' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Kcasing := Mixed_Case;
+ elsif C = 'U' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Kcasing := All_Upper_Case;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ -- NE parameter
+ elsif C = 'N' then
+ Checkc ('E');
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).No_Elab := True;
+ Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ -- PR/PU/PK parameters
+ elsif C = 'P' then
+ C := Getc;
+ -- PR parameter (preelaborate)
+ if C = 'R' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Preelab := True;
+ -- PU parameter (pure)
+ elsif C = 'U' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Pure := True;
+ -- PK indicates unit is package
+ elsif C = 'K' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Unit_Kind := 'p';
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ -- RC/RT parameters
+ elsif C = 'R' then
+ C := Getc;
+ -- RC parameter (remote call interface)
+ if C = 'C' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).RCI := True;
+ -- RT parameter (remote types)
+ elsif C = 'T' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Remote_Types := True;
+ -- RA parameter (remote access to class wide type)
+ elsif C = 'A' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Has_RACW := True;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ elsif C = 'S' then
+ C := Getc;
+ -- SP parameter (shared passive)
+ if C = 'P' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Shared_Passive := True;
+ -- SU parameter indicates unit is subprogram
+ elsif C = 'U' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Unit_Kind := 's';
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Skip_Eol;
+ -- Check if static elaboration model used
+ if not Units.Table (Units.Last).Dynamic_Elab
+ and then not Units.Table (Units.Last).Internal
+ then
+ Static_Elaboration_Model_Used := True;
+ end if;
+ -- Scan out With lines for this unit
+ C := Getc;
+ With_Loop : while C = 'W' loop
+ Checkc (' ');
+ Skip_Space;
+ Withs.Increment_Last;
+ Withs.Table (Withs.Last).Uname := Get_Name;
+ Withs.Table (Withs.Last).Elaborate := False;
+ Withs.Table (Withs.Last).Elaborate_All := False;
+ Withs.Table (Withs.Last).Elab_All_Desirable := False;
+ -- Generic case with no object file available
+ if At_Eol then
+ Withs.Table (Withs.Last).Sfile := No_File;
+ Withs.Table (Withs.Last).Afile := No_File;
+ -- Normal case
+ else
+ Withs.Table (Withs.Last).Sfile := Get_Name (Lower => True);
+ Withs.Table (Withs.Last).Afile := Get_Name;
+ -- Scan out possible E, EA, and NE parameters
+ while not At_Eol loop
+ Skip_Space;
+ if Nextc = 'E' then
+ P := P + 1;
+ if At_End_Of_Field then
+ Withs.Table (Withs.Last).Elaborate := True;
+ elsif Nextc = 'A' then
+ P := P + 1;
+ Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ Withs.Table (Withs.Last).Elaborate_All := True;
+ else
+ Checkc ('D');
+ Check_At_End_Of_Field;
+ -- Store ED indication unless ignore required
+ if not Ignore_ED then
+ Withs.Table (Withs.Last).Elab_All_Desirable := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Skip_Eol;
+ C := Getc;
+ end loop With_Loop;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Last_With := Withs.Last;
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Last_Arg := Args.Last;
+ end loop Unit_Loop;
+ -- End loop through units for one ALI file
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Last_Unit := Units.Last;
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Sfile := Units.Table (ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit).Sfile;
+ -- Set types of the units (there can be at most 2 of them)
+ if ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit /= ALIs.Table (Id).Last_Unit then
+ Units.Table (ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit).Utype := Is_Body;
+ Units.Table (ALIs.Table (Id).Last_Unit).Utype := Is_Spec;
+ else
+ -- Deal with body only and spec only cases, note that the reason we
+ -- do our own checking of the name (rather than using Is_Body_Name)
+ -- is that Uname drags in far too much compiler junk!
+ Get_Name_String (Units.Table (Units.Last).Uname);
+ if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = 'b' then
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Utype := Is_Body_Only;
+ else
+ Units.Table (Units.Last).Utype := Is_Spec_Only;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- If there are linker options lines present, scan them
+ while C = 'L' loop
+ Checkc (' ');
+ Skip_Space;
+ Checkc ('"');
+ Name_Len := 0;
+ loop
+ C := Getc;
+ if C < Character'Val (16#20#)
+ or else C > Character'Val (16#7E#)
+ then
+ Fatal_Error;
+ elsif C = '{' then
+ C := Character'Val (0);
+ declare
+ V : Natural;
+ begin
+ V := 0;
+ for J in 1 .. 2 loop
+ C := Getc;
+ if C in '0' .. '9' then
+ V := V * 16 +
+ Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ elsif C in 'A' .. 'F' then
+ V := V * 16 +
+ Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Checkc ('}');
+ Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Character'Val (V));
+ end;
+ else
+ if C = '"' then
+ exit when Nextc /= '"';
+ C := Getc;
+ end if;
+ Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (C);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (nul);
+ Skip_Eol;
+ C := Getc;
+ Linker_Options.Increment_Last;
+ Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last).Name
+ := Name_Enter;
+ Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last).Unit
+ := ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit;
+ Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last).Internal_File
+ := Is_Internal_File_Name (F);
+ Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last).Original_Pos
+ := Linker_Options.Last;
+ end loop;
+ -- Scan out external version references and put in hash table
+ while C = 'E' loop
+ Checkc (' ');
+ Skip_Space;
+ Name_Len := 0;
+ Name_Len := 0;
+ loop
+ C := Getc;
+ if C < ' ' then
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ exit when At_End_Of_Field;
+ Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (C);
+ end loop;
+ Version_Ref.Set (new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)), True);
+ Skip_Eol;
+ C := Getc;
+ end loop;
+ -- Scan out source dependency lines for this ALI file
+ ALIs.Table (Id).First_Sdep := Sdep.Last + 1;
+ while C = 'D' loop
+ Checkc (' ');
+ Skip_Space;
+ Sdep.Increment_Last;
+ Sdep.Table (Sdep.Last).Sfile := Get_Name (Lower => True);
+ Sdep.Table (Sdep.Last).Stamp := Get_Stamp;
+ -- Check for version number present, and if so store it
+ Skip_Space;
+ declare
+ Ctr : Natural;
+ Chk : Word;
+ begin
+ Ctr := 0;
+ Chk := 0;
+ loop
+ exit when At_Eol or else Ctr = 8;
+ if Nextc in '0' .. '9' then
+ Chk := Chk * 16 +
+ Character'Pos (Nextc) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ elsif Nextc in 'A' .. 'F' then
+ Chk := Chk * 16 +
+ Character'Pos (Nextc) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10;
+ else
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Ctr := Ctr + 1;
+ P := P + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Ctr = 8 and then At_End_Of_Field then
+ Sdep.Table (Sdep.Last).Checksum := Chk;
+ else
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- Acquire subunit and reference file name entries
+ Sdep.Table (Sdep.Last).Subunit_Name := No_Name;
+ Sdep.Table (Sdep.Last).Rfile := Sdep.Table (Sdep.Last).Sfile;
+ Sdep.Table (Sdep.Last).Start_Line := 1;
+ if not At_Eol then
+ Skip_Space;
+ -- Here for subunit name
+ if Nextc not in '0' .. '9' then
+ Name_Len := 0;
+ while not At_End_Of_Field loop
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := Getc;
+ end loop;
+ Sdep.Table (Sdep.Last).Subunit_Name := Name_Enter;
+ Skip_Space;
+ end if;
+ -- Here for reference file name entry
+ if Nextc in '0' .. '9' then
+ Sdep.Table (Sdep.Last).Start_Line := Get_Nat;
+ Checkc (':');
+ Name_Len := 0;
+ while not At_End_Of_Field loop
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := Getc;
+ end loop;
+ Sdep.Table (Sdep.Last).Rfile := Name_Enter;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Skip_Eol;
+ C := Getc;
+ end loop;
+ ALIs.Table (Id).Last_Sdep := Sdep.Last;
+ -- Loop through Xref sections (skip loop if not reading xref stuff)
+ while Read_Xref and then C = 'X' loop
+ -- Make new entry in section table
+ Xref_Section.Increment_Last;
+ declare
+ XS : Xref_Section_Record renames
+ Xref_Section.Table (Xref_Section.Last);
+ Current_File_Num : Sdep_Id;
+ -- Keeps track of the current file number (changed by nn|)
+ begin
+ XS.File_Num := Sdep_Id (Get_Nat + Nat (First_Sdep_Entry) - 1);
+ XS.File_Name := Get_Name;
+ XS.First_Entity := Xref_Entity.Last + 1;
+ Current_File_Num := XS.File_Num;
+ Skip_Eol;
+ C := Nextc;
+ -- Loop through Xref entities
+ while C /= 'X' and then C /= EOF loop
+ Xref_Entity.Increment_Last;
+ declare
+ XE : Xref_Entity_Record renames
+ Xref_Entity.Table (Xref_Entity.Last);
+ N : Nat;
+ begin
+ XE.Line := Get_Nat;
+ XE.Etype := Getc;
+ XE.Col := Get_Nat;
+ XE.Lib := (Getc = '*');
+ XE.Entity := Get_Name;
+ Skip_Space;
+ if Nextc = '<' then
+ P := P + 1;
+ N := Get_Nat;
+ if Nextc = '|' then
+ XE.Ptype_File_Num :=
+ Sdep_Id (N + Nat (First_Sdep_Entry) - 1);
+ Current_File_Num := XE.Ptype_File_Num;
+ P := P + 1;
+ N := Get_Nat;
+ else
+ XE.Ptype_File_Num := Current_File_Num;
+ end if;
+ XE.Ptype_Line := N;
+ XE.Ptype_Type := Getc;
+ XE.Ptype_Col := Get_Nat;
+ else
+ XE.Ptype_File_Num := No_Sdep_Id;
+ XE.Ptype_Line := 0;
+ XE.Ptype_Type := ' ';
+ XE.Ptype_Col := 0;
+ end if;
+ XE.First_Xref := Xref.Last + 1;
+ -- Loop through cross-references for this entity
+ Current_File_Num := XS.File_Num;
+ loop
+ Skip_Space;
+ if At_Eol then
+ Skip_Eol;
+ exit when Nextc /= '.';
+ P := P + 1;
+ end if;
+ Xref.Increment_Last;
+ declare
+ XR : Xref_Record renames Xref.Table (Xref.Last);
+ begin
+ N := Get_Nat;
+ if Nextc = '|' then
+ XR.File_Num :=
+ Sdep_Id (N + Nat (First_Sdep_Entry) - 1);
+ Current_File_Num := XR.File_Num;
+ P := P + 1;
+ N := Get_Nat;
+ else
+ XR.File_Num := Current_File_Num;
+ end if;
+ XR.Line := N;
+ XR.Rtype := Getc;
+ XR.Col := Get_Nat;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ -- Record last cross-reference
+ XE.Last_Xref := Xref.Last;
+ C := Nextc;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ -- Record last entity
+ XS.Last_Entity := Xref_Entity.Last;
+ end;
+ C := Getc;
+ end loop;
+ -- Here after dealing with xref sections
+ if C /= EOF and then C /= 'X' then
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Id;
+ exception
+ when Bad_ALI_Format =>
+ return No_ALI_Id;
+ end Scan_ALI;
+ ---------
+ -- SEq --
+ ---------
+ function SEq (F1, F2 : String_Ptr) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return F1.all = F2.all;
+ end SEq;
+ -----------
+ -- SHash --
+ -----------
+ function SHash (S : String_Ptr) return Vindex is
+ H : Word;
+ begin
+ H := 0;
+ for J in S.all'Range loop
+ H := H * 2 + Character'Pos (S (J));
+ end loop;
+ return Vindex (Vindex'First + Vindex (H mod Vindex'Range_Length));
+ end SHash;
+end ALI;