path: root/gcc/ada/g-regist.adb
diff options
authorkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:18:40 +0000
committerkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:18:40 +0000
commit83cce46b47d48de4c71b02a20f5bf36296a48568 (patch)
tree6570bc15069492ca4f53a85c5d09a36d099fd63f /gcc/ada/g-regist.adb
parentee6ba406bdc83a0b016ec0099d84035d7fd26fd7 (diff)
New Language: Ada
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/g-regist.adb')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/g-regist.adb b/gcc/ada/g-regist.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..97e58fbc24e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/g-regist.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- G N A T . R E G I S T R Y --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.4 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+with Ada.Exceptions;
+with Interfaces.C;
+with System;
+package body GNAT.Registry is
+ use Ada;
+ use System;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Binding to the Win32 API --
+ ------------------------------
+ subtype LONG is Interfaces.C.long;
+ subtype ULONG is Interfaces.C.unsigned_long;
+ subtype DWORD is ULONG;
+ type PULONG is access all ULONG;
+ subtype PDWORD is PULONG;
+ subtype LPDWORD is PDWORD;
+ subtype Error_Code is LONG;
+ subtype REGSAM is LONG;
+ type PHKEY is access all HKEY;
+ ERROR_SUCCESS : constant Error_Code := 0;
+ REG_SZ : constant := 1;
+ function RegCloseKey (Key : HKEY) return LONG;
+ pragma Import (Stdcall, RegCloseKey, "RegCloseKey");
+ function RegCreateKeyEx
+ (Key : HKEY;
+ lpSubKey : Address;
+ Reserved : DWORD;
+ lpClass : Address;
+ dwOptions : DWORD;
+ samDesired : REGSAM;
+ lpSecurityAttributes : Address;
+ phkResult : PHKEY;
+ lpdwDisposition : LPDWORD)
+ return LONG;
+ pragma Import (Stdcall, RegCreateKeyEx, "RegCreateKeyExA");
+ function RegDeleteKey
+ (Key : HKEY;
+ lpSubKey : Address)
+ return LONG;
+ pragma Import (Stdcall, RegDeleteKey, "RegDeleteKeyA");
+ function RegDeleteValue
+ (Key : HKEY;
+ lpValueName : Address)
+ return LONG;
+ pragma Import (Stdcall, RegDeleteValue, "RegDeleteValueA");
+ function RegEnumValue
+ (Key : HKEY;
+ dwIndex : DWORD;
+ lpValueName : Address;
+ lpcbValueName : LPDWORD;
+ lpReserved : LPDWORD;
+ lpType : LPDWORD;
+ lpData : Address;
+ lpcbData : LPDWORD)
+ return LONG;
+ pragma Import (Stdcall, RegEnumValue, "RegEnumValueA");
+ function RegOpenKeyEx
+ (Key : HKEY;
+ lpSubKey : Address;
+ ulOptions : DWORD;
+ samDesired : REGSAM;
+ phkResult : PHKEY)
+ return LONG;
+ pragma Import (Stdcall, RegOpenKeyEx, "RegOpenKeyExA");
+ function RegQueryValueEx
+ (Key : HKEY;
+ lpValueName : Address;
+ lpReserved : LPDWORD;
+ lpType : LPDWORD;
+ lpData : Address;
+ lpcbData : LPDWORD)
+ return LONG;
+ pragma Import (Stdcall, RegQueryValueEx, "RegQueryValueExA");
+ function RegSetValueEx
+ (Key : HKEY;
+ lpValueName : Address;
+ Reserved : DWORD;
+ dwType : DWORD;
+ lpData : Address;
+ cbData : DWORD)
+ return LONG;
+ pragma Import (Stdcall, RegSetValueEx, "RegSetValueExA");
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ function To_C_Mode (Mode : Key_Mode) return REGSAM;
+ -- Returns the Win32 mode value for the Key_Mode value.
+ procedure Check_Result (Result : LONG; Message : String);
+ -- Checks value Result and raise the exception Registry_Error if it is not
+ -- equal to ERROR_SUCCESS. Message and the error value (Result) is added
+ -- to the exception message.
+ ------------------
+ -- Check_Result --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Check_Result (Result : LONG; Message : String) is
+ use type LONG;
+ begin
+ if Result /= ERROR_SUCCESS then
+ Exceptions.Raise_Exception
+ (Registry_Error'Identity,
+ Message & " (" & LONG'Image (Result) & ')');
+ end if;
+ end Check_Result;
+ ---------------
+ -- Close_Key --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Close_Key (Key : HKEY) is
+ Result : LONG;
+ begin
+ Result := RegCloseKey (Key);
+ Check_Result (Result, "Close_Key");
+ end Close_Key;
+ ----------------
+ -- Create_Key --
+ ----------------
+ function Create_Key
+ (From_Key : HKEY;
+ Sub_Key : String;
+ Mode : Key_Mode := Read_Write)
+ return HKEY
+ is
+ use type REGSAM;
+ use type DWORD;
+ REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE : constant := 16#0#;
+ C_Sub_Key : constant String := Sub_Key & ASCII.Nul;
+ C_Class : constant String := "" & ASCII.Nul;
+ C_Mode : constant REGSAM := To_C_Mode (Mode);
+ New_Key : aliased HKEY;
+ Result : LONG;
+ Dispos : aliased DWORD;
+ begin
+ Result := RegCreateKeyEx
+ (From_Key,
+ C_Sub_Key (C_Sub_Key'First)'Address,
+ 0,
+ C_Class (C_Class'First)'Address,
+ C_Mode,
+ Null_Address,
+ New_Key'Unchecked_Access,
+ Dispos'Unchecked_Access);
+ Check_Result (Result, "Create_Key " & Sub_Key);
+ return New_Key;
+ end Create_Key;
+ ----------------
+ -- Delete_Key --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Delete_Key (From_Key : HKEY; Sub_Key : String) is
+ C_Sub_Key : constant String := Sub_Key & ASCII.Nul;
+ Result : LONG;
+ begin
+ Result := RegDeleteKey (From_Key, C_Sub_Key (C_Sub_Key'First)'Address);
+ Check_Result (Result, "Delete_Key " & Sub_Key);
+ end Delete_Key;
+ ------------------
+ -- Delete_Value --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Delete_Value (From_Key : HKEY; Sub_Key : String) is
+ C_Sub_Key : constant String := Sub_Key & ASCII.Nul;
+ Result : LONG;
+ begin
+ Result := RegDeleteValue (From_Key, C_Sub_Key (C_Sub_Key'First)'Address);
+ Check_Result (Result, "Delete_Value " & Sub_Key);
+ end Delete_Value;
+ -------------------------
+ -- For_Every_Key_Value --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure For_Every_Key_Value (From_Key : HKEY) is
+ use type LONG;
+ use type ULONG;
+ Index : ULONG := 0;
+ Result : LONG;
+ Sub_Key : String (1 .. 100);
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Sub_Key);
+ Value : String (1 .. 100);
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Value);
+ Size_Sub_Key : aliased ULONG;
+ Size_Value : aliased ULONG;
+ Type_Sub_Key : aliased DWORD;
+ Quit : Boolean;
+ begin
+ loop
+ Size_Sub_Key := Sub_Key'Length;
+ Size_Value := Value'Length;
+ Result := RegEnumValue
+ (From_Key, Index,
+ Sub_Key (1)'Address,
+ Size_Sub_Key'Unchecked_Access,
+ null,
+ Type_Sub_Key'Unchecked_Access,
+ Value (1)'Address,
+ Size_Value'Unchecked_Access);
+ exit when not (Result = ERROR_SUCCESS);
+ if Type_Sub_Key = REG_SZ then
+ Quit := False;
+ Action (Natural (Index) + 1,
+ Sub_Key (1 .. Integer (Size_Sub_Key)),
+ Value (1 .. Integer (Size_Value) - 1),
+ Quit);
+ exit when Quit;
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end For_Every_Key_Value;
+ ----------------
+ -- Key_Exists --
+ ----------------
+ function Key_Exists
+ (From_Key : HKEY;
+ Sub_Key : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ New_Key : HKEY;
+ begin
+ New_Key := Open_Key (From_Key, Sub_Key);
+ Close_Key (New_Key);
+ -- We have been able to open the key so it exists
+ return True;
+ exception
+ when Registry_Error =>
+ -- An error occured, the key was not found
+ return False;
+ end Key_Exists;
+ --------------
+ -- Open_Key --
+ --------------
+ function Open_Key
+ (From_Key : HKEY;
+ Sub_Key : String;
+ Mode : Key_Mode := Read_Only)
+ return HKEY
+ is
+ use type REGSAM;
+ C_Sub_Key : constant String := Sub_Key & ASCII.Nul;
+ C_Mode : constant REGSAM := To_C_Mode (Mode);
+ New_Key : aliased HKEY;
+ Result : LONG;
+ begin
+ Result := RegOpenKeyEx
+ (From_Key,
+ C_Sub_Key (C_Sub_Key'First)'Address,
+ 0,
+ C_Mode,
+ New_Key'Unchecked_Access);
+ Check_Result (Result, "Open_Key " & Sub_Key);
+ return New_Key;
+ end Open_Key;
+ -----------------
+ -- Query_Value --
+ -----------------
+ function Query_Value
+ (From_Key : HKEY;
+ Sub_Key : String)
+ return String
+ is
+ use type LONG;
+ use type ULONG;
+ Value : String (1 .. 100);
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Value);
+ Size_Value : aliased ULONG;
+ Type_Value : aliased DWORD;
+ C_Sub_Key : constant String := Sub_Key & ASCII.Nul;
+ Result : LONG;
+ begin
+ Size_Value := Value'Length;
+ Result := RegQueryValueEx
+ (From_Key,
+ C_Sub_Key (C_Sub_Key'First)'Address,
+ null,
+ Type_Value'Unchecked_Access,
+ Value (Value'First)'Address,
+ Size_Value'Unchecked_Access);
+ Check_Result (Result, "Query_Value " & Sub_Key & " key");
+ return Value (1 .. Integer (Size_Value - 1));
+ end Query_Value;
+ ---------------
+ -- Set_Value --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Set_Value
+ (From_Key : HKEY;
+ Sub_Key : String;
+ Value : String)
+ is
+ C_Sub_Key : constant String := Sub_Key & ASCII.Nul;
+ C_Value : constant String := Value & ASCII.Nul;
+ Result : LONG;
+ begin
+ Result := RegSetValueEx
+ (From_Key,
+ C_Sub_Key (C_Sub_Key'First)'Address,
+ 0,
+ C_Value (C_Value'First)'Address,
+ C_Value'Length);
+ Check_Result (Result, "Set_Value " & Sub_Key & " key");
+ end Set_Value;
+ ---------------
+ -- To_C_Mode --
+ ---------------
+ function To_C_Mode (Mode : Key_Mode) return REGSAM is
+ use type REGSAM;
+ KEY_READ : constant := 16#20019#;
+ KEY_WRITE : constant := 16#20006#;
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Read_Only =>
+ return KEY_READ;
+ when Read_Write =>
+ return KEY_READ + KEY_WRITE;
+ end case;
+ end To_C_Mode;
+end GNAT.Registry;