path: root/gcc/ada/
diff options
authorcharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2008-05-20 12:43:29 +0000
committercharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2008-05-20 12:43:29 +0000
commitbd75c418e8673f4abce0fe318a9e60a8556bfd8e (patch)
treed477bc164e38f6d8c8babcee4149043637f10957 /gcc/ada/
parent581f8050f25925435ebe0c41e4f90a1f8606412a (diff)
2008-05-20 Thomas Quinot <>
* Makefile.rtl (GNAT.Sockets.Thin_Common): New unit. * g-sttsne-vxworks.adb: Add missing dependency on Sockets.Constants. Add missing "with" of Ada.Unchecked_Conversion *,,,,,,,,,,,,,, g-socthi-vxworks.adb,, Move common code out of GNAT.Sockets.Thin implementations and into Thin_Common. New constant SIZEOF_fd_set New flag Has_Sockaddr_Len New constants SIZEOF_sockaddr_in, SIZEOF_sockaddr_in6 * g-stsifd-sockets.adb (Create): Remove call to Set_Length; use Set_Family to set the family and (on appropriate platforms) length fields in struct sockaddr. * g-socthi.adb,,, g-socthi-vms.adb, g-socthi-mingw.adb,, g-socthi-vxworks.adb,, New constant SIZEOF_fd_set Move common code out of GNAT.Sockets.Thin implementations and into Thin_Common. *, g-socket.adb: Move common code out of GNAT.Sockets.Thin implementations and into Thin_Common. (Connect_Socket, Accept_Socket): Provide new versions of these two routines that operate with a user specified timeout. (Bind_Socket, Connect_Socket, Send_Socket): Remove calls to Set_Length, this is now handled automatically by Set_Family on platforms that require it. * gen-soccon.c: Move common code out of GNAT.Sockets.Thin implementations and into Thin_Common. (SIZEOF_sockaddr_in6): On platforms where IPv6 is not supported, define this constant to 0 (not -1) because we use it to initialize an unsigned_char value. Align values for numeric constants only. Handle the case of systems that do not support AF_INET6. New constant SIZEOF_fd_set New flag Has_Sockaddr_Len New constants SIZEOF_sockaddr_in, SIZEOF_sockaddr_in6 * gsocket.h: New flag Has_Sockaddr_Len New constants SIZEOF_sockaddr_in, SIZEOF_sockaddr_in6 git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index b2af2ca020b..3bcc21b8c67 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -37,26 +37,20 @@
-- This is the Alpha/VMS version
-with Interfaces.C.Pointers;
with Interfaces.C.Strings;
with GNAT.OS_Lib;
-with GNAT.Sockets.Constants;
+with GNAT.Sockets.Thin_Common;
with System;
-with System.Aux_DEC;
package GNAT.Sockets.Thin is
-- ??? more comments needed ???
- package C renames Interfaces.C;
- use type;
- -- This is so we can declare the Failure constant below
+ use Thin_Common;
- Success : constant := 0;
- Failure : constant := -1;
+ package C renames Interfaces.C;
function Socket_Errno return Integer renames GNAT.OS_Lib.Errno;
-- Returns last socket error number
@@ -81,162 +75,6 @@ package GNAT.Sockets.Thin is
end Host_Error_Messages;
- subtype Fd_Set_Access is System.Aux_DEC.Short_Address;
- No_Fd_Set : constant Fd_Set_Access := System.Null_Address;
- type time_t is
- range -2 ** (8 * Constants.SIZEOF_tv_sec - 1)
- .. 2 ** (8 * Constants.SIZEOF_tv_sec - 1) - 1;
- for time_t'Size use 8 * Constants.SIZEOF_tv_sec;
- pragma Convention (C, time_t);
- type suseconds_t is
- range -2 ** (8 * Constants.SIZEOF_tv_usec - 1)
- .. 2 ** (8 * Constants.SIZEOF_tv_usec - 1) - 1;
- for suseconds_t'Size use 8 * Constants.SIZEOF_tv_usec;
- pragma Convention (C, suseconds_t);
- type Timeval is record
- Tv_Sec : time_t;
- Tv_Usec : suseconds_t;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, Timeval);
- type Timeval_Access is access all Timeval;
- pragma Convention (C, Timeval_Access);
- Immediat : constant Timeval := (0, 0);
- type Int_Access is access all;
- pragma Convention (C, Int_Access);
- -- Access to C integers
- type Chars_Ptr_Array is array (C.size_t range <>) of
- aliased C.Strings.chars_ptr;
- package Chars_Ptr_Pointers is
- new C.Pointers (C.size_t, C.Strings.chars_ptr, Chars_Ptr_Array,
- C.Strings.Null_Ptr);
- -- Arrays of C (char *)
- type In_Addr is record
- S_B1, S_B2, S_B3, S_B4 : C.unsigned_char;
- end record;
- for In_Addr'Alignment use'Alignment;
- pragma Convention (C, In_Addr);
- -- IPv4 address, represented as a network-order Note that the
- -- underlying operating system may assume that values of this type have
- -- alignment, so we need to provide a suitable alignment clause here.
- type In_Addr_Access is access all In_Addr;
- pragma Convention (C, In_Addr_Access);
- -- Access to internet address
- Inaddr_Any : aliased constant In_Addr := (others => 0);
- -- Any internet address (all the interfaces)
- type In_Addr_Access_Array is array (C.size_t range <>)
- of aliased In_Addr_Access;
- pragma Convention (C, In_Addr_Access_Array);
- package In_Addr_Access_Pointers is
- new C.Pointers (C.size_t, In_Addr_Access, In_Addr_Access_Array, null);
- -- Array of internet addresses
- type Sockaddr is record
- Sa_Family : C.unsigned_short;
- Sa_Data : C.char_array (1 .. 14);
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr);
- -- Socket address
- type Sockaddr_Access is access all Sockaddr;
- for Sockaddr_Access'Size use 32;
- pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr_Access);
- -- Access to socket address
- type Sockaddr_In is record
- Sin_Family : C.unsigned_short := Constants.AF_INET;
- Sin_Port : C.unsigned_short := 0;
- Sin_Addr : In_Addr := Inaddr_Any;
- Sin_Zero : C.char_array (1 .. 8) := (others => C.char'Val (0));
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr_In);
- -- Internet socket address
- type Sockaddr_In_Access is access all Sockaddr_In;
- for Sockaddr_In_Access'Size use 32;
- pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr_In_Access);
- -- Access to internet socket address
- procedure Set_Length
- (Sin : Sockaddr_In_Access;
- Len :;
- pragma Inline (Set_Length);
- -- Set Sin.Sin_Length to Len.
- -- On this platform, nothing is done as there is no such field.
- procedure Set_Family
- (Sin : Sockaddr_In_Access;
- Family :;
- pragma Inline (Set_Family);
- -- Set Sin.Sin_Family to Family
- procedure Set_Port
- (Sin : Sockaddr_In_Access;
- Port : C.unsigned_short);
- pragma Inline (Set_Port);
- -- Set Sin.Sin_Port to Port
- procedure Set_Address
- (Sin : Sockaddr_In_Access;
- Address : In_Addr);
- pragma Inline (Set_Address);
- -- Set Sin.Sin_Addr to Address
- type Hostent is record
- H_Name : C.Strings.chars_ptr;
- H_Aliases : Chars_Ptr_Pointers.Pointer;
- H_Addrtype :;
- H_Length :;
- H_Addr_List : In_Addr_Access_Pointers.Pointer;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, Hostent);
- -- Host entry
- type Hostent_Access is access all Hostent;
- for Hostent_Access'Size use 32;
- pragma Convention (C, Hostent_Access);
- -- Access to host entry
- type Servent is record
- S_Name : C.Strings.chars_ptr;
- S_Aliases : Chars_Ptr_Pointers.Pointer;
- S_Port :;
- S_Proto : C.Strings.chars_ptr;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, Servent);
- -- Service entry
- type Servent_Access is access all Servent;
- for Servent_Access'Size use 32;
- pragma Convention (C, Servent_Access);
- -- Access to service entry
- type Two_Ints is array (0 .. 1) of;
- pragma Convention (C, Two_Ints);
- -- Container for two int values
- subtype Fd_Pair is Two_Ints;
- -- Two_Ints as used for Create_Signalling_Fds: a pair of connected file
- -- descriptors, one of which (the "read end" of the connection) being used
- -- for reading, the other one (the "write end") being used for writing.
- Read_End : constant := 0;
- Write_End : constant := 1;
- -- Indices into an Fd_Pair value providing access to each of the connected
- -- file descriptors.
-- Standard library functions --
@@ -386,55 +224,6 @@ package GNAT.Sockets.Thin is
end Signalling_Fds;
- ----------------------------
- -- Socket sets management --
- ----------------------------
- procedure Free_Socket_Set
- (Set : Fd_Set_Access);
- -- Free system-dependent socket set
- procedure Get_Socket_From_Set
- (Set : Fd_Set_Access;
- Socket : Int_Access;
- Last : Int_Access);
- -- Get last socket in Socket and remove it from the socket set. The
- -- parameter Last is a maximum value of the largest socket. This hint is
- -- used to avoid scanning very large socket sets. After a call to
- -- Get_Socket_From_Set, Last is set back to the real largest socket in the
- -- socket set.
- procedure Insert_Socket_In_Set
- (Set : Fd_Set_Access;
- Socket :;
- -- Insert socket in the socket set
- function Is_Socket_In_Set
- (Set : Fd_Set_Access;
- Socket : return;
- -- Check whether Socket is in the socket set, return a non-zero
- -- value if it is, zero if it is not.
- procedure Last_Socket_In_Set
- (Set : Fd_Set_Access;
- Last : Int_Access);
- -- Find the largest socket in the socket set. This is needed for select().
- -- When Last_Socket_In_Set is called, parameter Last is a maximum value of
- -- the largest socket. This hint is used to avoid scanning very large
- -- socket sets. After the call, Last is set back to the real largest socket
- -- in the socket set.
- function New_Socket_Set
- (Set : Fd_Set_Access) return Fd_Set_Access;
- -- Allocate a new socket set which is a system-dependent structure and
- -- initialize by copying Set if it is non-null, by making it empty
- -- otherwise.
- procedure Remove_Socket_From_Set
- (Set : Fd_Set_Access;
- Socket :;
- -- Remove socket from the socket set
-- Nonreentrant network databases access --
@@ -474,14 +263,6 @@ private
pragma Import (C, C_Strerror, "DECC$STRERROR");
pragma Import (C, C_System, "DECC$SYSTEM");
- pragma Import (C, Free_Socket_Set, "__gnat_free_socket_set");
- pragma Import (C, Get_Socket_From_Set, "__gnat_get_socket_from_set");
- pragma Import (C, Is_Socket_In_Set, "__gnat_is_socket_in_set");
- pragma Import (C, Last_Socket_In_Set, "__gnat_last_socket_in_set");
- pragma Import (C, New_Socket_Set, "__gnat_new_socket_set");
- pragma Import (C, Insert_Socket_In_Set, "__gnat_insert_socket_in_set");
- pragma Import (C, Remove_Socket_From_Set, "__gnat_remove_socket_from_set");
pragma Import (C, Nonreentrant_Gethostbyname, "DECC$GETHOSTBYNAME");
pragma Import (C, Nonreentrant_Gethostbyaddr, "DECC$GETHOSTBYADDR");
pragma Import (C, Nonreentrant_Getservbyname, "DECC$GETSERVBYNAME");