path: root/gcc/ada/prj-proc.adb
diff options
authorkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:23:52 +0000
committerkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:23:52 +0000
commit49d882a7d8c985758c04737e801f6028d5b7240f (patch)
tree0509e847916fc00cfe5c311617e039600afa9622 /gcc/ada/prj-proc.adb
parent83cce46b47d48de4c71b02a20f5bf36296a48568 (diff)
New Language: Ada
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/prj-proc.adb')
1 files changed, 1371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/prj-proc.adb b/gcc/ada/prj-proc.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4822596f964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/prj-proc.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1371 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- P R J . P R O C --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.16 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+with Errout; use Errout;
+with Namet; use Namet;
+with Opt;
+with Output; use Output;
+with Prj.Attr; use Prj.Attr;
+with Prj.Com; use Prj.Com;
+with Prj.Ext; use Prj.Ext;
+with Prj.Nmsc; use Prj.Nmsc;
+with Stringt; use Stringt;
+with GNAT.HTable;
+package body Prj.Proc is
+ Error_Report : Put_Line_Access := null;
+ package Processed_Projects is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
+ (Header_Num => Header_Num,
+ Element => Project_Id,
+ No_Element => No_Project,
+ Key => Name_Id,
+ Hash => Hash,
+ Equal => "=");
+ -- This hash table contains all processed projects
+ procedure Add (To_Exp : in out String_Id; Str : String_Id);
+ -- Concatenate two strings and returns another string if both
+ -- arguments are not null string.
+ procedure Add_Attributes
+ (Decl : in out Declarations;
+ First : Attribute_Node_Id);
+ -- Add all attributes, starting with First, with their default
+ -- values to the package or project with declarations Decl.
+ function Expression
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ From_Project_Node : Project_Node_Id;
+ Pkg : Package_Id;
+ First_Term : Project_Node_Id;
+ Kind : Variable_Kind)
+ return Variable_Value;
+ -- From N_Expression project node From_Project_Node, compute the value
+ -- of an expression and return it as a Variable_Value.
+ function Imported_Or_Modified_Project_From
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ With_Name : Name_Id)
+ return Project_Id;
+ -- Find an imported or modified project of Project whose name is With_Name.
+ function Package_From
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ With_Name : Name_Id)
+ return Package_Id;
+ -- Find the package of Project whose name is With_Name.
+ procedure Process_Declarative_Items
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ From_Project_Node : Project_Node_Id;
+ Pkg : Package_Id;
+ Item : Project_Node_Id);
+ -- Process declarative items starting with From_Project_Node, and put them
+ -- in declarations Decl. This is a recursive procedure; it calls itself for
+ -- a package declaration or a case construction.
+ procedure Recursive_Process
+ (Project : out Project_Id;
+ From_Project_Node : Project_Node_Id;
+ Modified_By : Project_Id);
+ -- Process project with node From_Project_Node in the tree.
+ -- Do nothing if From_Project_Node is Empty_Node.
+ -- If project has already been processed, simply return its project id.
+ -- Otherwise create a new project id, mark it as processed, call itself
+ -- recursively for all imported projects and a modified project, if any.
+ -- Then process the declarative items of the project.
+ procedure Check (Project : in out Project_Id);
+ -- Set all projects to not checked, then call Recursive_Check for
+ -- the main project Project.
+ -- Project is set to No_Project if errors occurred.
+ procedure Recursive_Check (Project : Project_Id);
+ -- If Project is marked as not checked, mark it as checked,
+ -- call Check_Naming_Scheme for the project, then call itself
+ -- for a possible modified project and all the imported projects
+ -- of Project.
+ ---------
+ -- Add --
+ ---------
+ procedure Add (To_Exp : in out String_Id; Str : String_Id) is
+ begin
+ if To_Exp = Types.No_String or else String_Length (To_Exp) = 0 then
+ -- To_Exp is nil or empty. The result is Str.
+ To_Exp := Str;
+ -- If Str is nil, then do not change To_Ext
+ elsif Str /= No_String then
+ Start_String (To_Exp);
+ Store_String_Chars (Str);
+ To_Exp := End_String;
+ end if;
+ end Add;
+ --------------------
+ -- Add_Attributes --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Add_Attributes
+ (Decl : in out Declarations;
+ First : Attribute_Node_Id) is
+ The_Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id := First;
+ Attribute_Data : Attribute_Record;
+ begin
+ while The_Attribute /= Empty_Attribute loop
+ Attribute_Data := Attributes.Table (The_Attribute);
+ if Attribute_Data.Kind_2 /= Associative_Array then
+ declare
+ New_Attribute : Variable_Value;
+ begin
+ case Attribute_Data.Kind_1 is
+ -- Undefined should not happen
+ when Undefined =>
+ pragma Assert
+ (False, "attribute with an undefined kind");
+ raise Program_Error;
+ -- Single attributes have a default value of empty string
+ when Single =>
+ New_Attribute :=
+ (Kind => Single,
+ Location => No_Location,
+ Default => True,
+ Value => Empty_String);
+ -- List attributes have a default value of nil list
+ when List =>
+ New_Attribute :=
+ (Kind => List,
+ Location => No_Location,
+ Default => True,
+ Values => Nil_String);
+ end case;
+ Variable_Elements.Increment_Last;
+ Variable_Elements.Table (Variable_Elements.Last) :=
+ (Next => Decl.Attributes,
+ Name => Attribute_Data.Name,
+ Value => New_Attribute);
+ Decl.Attributes := Variable_Elements.Last;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ The_Attribute := Attributes.Table (The_Attribute).Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Attributes;
+ -----------
+ -- Check --
+ -----------
+ procedure Check (Project : in out Project_Id) is
+ begin
+ -- Make sure that all projects are marked as not checked.
+ for Index in 1 .. Projects.Last loop
+ Projects.Table (Index).Checked := False;
+ end loop;
+ Recursive_Check (Project);
+ if Errout.Errors_Detected > 0 then
+ Project := No_Project;
+ end if;
+ end Check;
+ ----------------
+ -- Expression --
+ ----------------
+ function Expression
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ From_Project_Node : Project_Node_Id;
+ Pkg : Package_Id;
+ First_Term : Project_Node_Id;
+ Kind : Variable_Kind)
+ return Variable_Value
+ is
+ The_Term : Project_Node_Id := First_Term;
+ -- The term in the expression list
+ The_Current_Term : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
+ -- The current term node id
+ Term_Kind : Variable_Kind;
+ -- The kind of the current term
+ Result : Variable_Value (Kind => Kind);
+ -- The returned result
+ Last : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
+ -- Reference to the last string elements in Result, when Kind is List.
+ begin
+ Result.Location := Location_Of (From_Project_Node);
+ -- Process each term of the expression, starting with First_Term
+ while The_Term /= Empty_Node loop
+ -- We get the term data and kind ...
+ Term_Kind := Expression_Kind_Of (The_Term);
+ The_Current_Term := Current_Term (The_Term);
+ case Kind_Of (The_Current_Term) is
+ when N_Literal_String =>
+ case Kind is
+ when Undefined =>
+ -- Should never happen
+ pragma Assert (False, "Undefined expression kind");
+ raise Program_Error;
+ when Single =>
+ Add (Result.Value, String_Value_Of (The_Current_Term));
+ when List =>
+ String_Elements.Increment_Last;
+ if Last = Nil_String then
+ -- This can happen in an expression such as
+ -- () & "toto"
+ Result.Values := String_Elements.Last;
+ else
+ String_Elements.Table (Last).Next :=
+ String_Elements.Last;
+ end if;
+ Last := String_Elements.Last;
+ String_Elements.Table (Last) :=
+ (Value => String_Value_Of (The_Current_Term),
+ Location => Location_Of (The_Current_Term),
+ Next => Nil_String);
+ end case;
+ when N_Literal_String_List =>
+ declare
+ String_Node : Project_Node_Id :=
+ First_Expression_In_List (The_Current_Term);
+ Value : Variable_Value;
+ begin
+ if String_Node /= Empty_Node then
+ -- If String_Node is nil, it is an empty list,
+ -- there is nothing to do
+ Value := Expression
+ (Project => Project,
+ From_Project_Node => From_Project_Node,
+ Pkg => Pkg,
+ First_Term => Tree.First_Term (String_Node),
+ Kind => Single);
+ String_Elements.Increment_Last;
+ if Result.Values = Nil_String then
+ -- This literal string list is the first term
+ -- in a string list expression
+ Result.Values := String_Elements.Last;
+ else
+ String_Elements.Table (Last).Next :=
+ String_Elements.Last;
+ end if;
+ Last := String_Elements.Last;
+ String_Elements.Table (Last) :=
+ (Value => Value.Value,
+ Location => Value.Location,
+ Next => Nil_String);
+ loop
+ -- Add the other element of the literal string list
+ -- one after the other
+ String_Node :=
+ Next_Expression_In_List (String_Node);
+ exit when String_Node = Empty_Node;
+ Value :=
+ Expression
+ (Project => Project,
+ From_Project_Node => From_Project_Node,
+ Pkg => Pkg,
+ First_Term => Tree.First_Term (String_Node),
+ Kind => Single);
+ String_Elements.Increment_Last;
+ String_Elements.Table (Last).Next :=
+ String_Elements.Last;
+ Last := String_Elements.Last;
+ String_Elements.Table (Last) :=
+ (Value => Value.Value,
+ Location => Value.Location,
+ Next => Nil_String);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when N_Variable_Reference | N_Attribute_Reference =>
+ declare
+ The_Project : Project_Id := Project;
+ The_Package : Package_Id := Pkg;
+ The_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
+ The_Variable_Id : Variable_Id := No_Variable;
+ The_Variable : Variable;
+ Term_Project : constant Project_Node_Id :=
+ Project_Node_Of (The_Current_Term);
+ Term_Package : constant Project_Node_Id :=
+ Package_Node_Of (The_Current_Term);
+ begin
+ if Term_Project /= Empty_Node and then
+ Term_Project /= From_Project_Node
+ then
+ -- This variable or attribute comes from another project
+ The_Name := Name_Of (Term_Project);
+ The_Project := Imported_Or_Modified_Project_From
+ (Project => Project, With_Name => The_Name);
+ end if;
+ if Term_Package /= Empty_Node then
+ -- This is an attribute of a package
+ The_Name := Name_Of (Term_Package);
+ The_Package := Projects.Table (The_Project).Decl.Packages;
+ while The_Package /= No_Package
+ and then Packages.Table (The_Package).Name /= The_Name
+ loop
+ The_Package := Packages.Table (The_Package).Next;
+ end loop;
+ pragma Assert
+ (The_Package /= No_Package,
+ "package not found.");
+ elsif Kind_Of (The_Current_Term) = N_Attribute_Reference then
+ The_Package := No_Package;
+ end if;
+ The_Name := Name_Of (The_Current_Term);
+ if The_Package /= No_Package then
+ -- First, if there is a package, look into the package
+ if Kind_Of (The_Current_Term) = N_Variable_Reference then
+ The_Variable_Id :=
+ Packages.Table (The_Package).Decl.Variables;
+ else
+ The_Variable_Id :=
+ Packages.Table (The_Package).Decl.Attributes;
+ end if;
+ while The_Variable_Id /= No_Variable
+ and then
+ Variable_Elements.Table (The_Variable_Id).Name /=
+ The_Name
+ loop
+ The_Variable_Id :=
+ Variable_Elements.Table (The_Variable_Id).Next;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if The_Variable_Id = No_Variable then
+ -- If we have not found it, look into the project
+ if Kind_Of (The_Current_Term) = N_Variable_Reference then
+ The_Variable_Id :=
+ Projects.Table (The_Project).Decl.Variables;
+ else
+ The_Variable_Id :=
+ Projects.Table (The_Project).Decl.Attributes;
+ end if;
+ while The_Variable_Id /= No_Variable
+ and then
+ Variable_Elements.Table (The_Variable_Id).Name /=
+ The_Name
+ loop
+ The_Variable_Id :=
+ Variable_Elements.Table (The_Variable_Id).Next;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ pragma Assert (The_Variable_Id /= No_Variable,
+ "variable or attribute not found");
+ The_Variable := Variable_Elements.Table (The_Variable_Id);
+ case Kind is
+ when Undefined =>
+ -- Should never happen
+ pragma Assert (False, "undefined expression kind");
+ null;
+ when Single =>
+ case The_Variable.Value.Kind is
+ when Undefined =>
+ null;
+ when Single =>
+ Add (Result.Value, The_Variable.Value.Value);
+ when List =>
+ -- Should never happen
+ pragma Assert
+ (False,
+ "list cannot appear in single " &
+ "string expression");
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when List =>
+ case The_Variable.Value.Kind is
+ when Undefined =>
+ null;
+ when Single =>
+ String_Elements.Increment_Last;
+ if Last = Nil_String then
+ -- This can happen in an expression such as
+ -- () & Var
+ Result.Values := String_Elements.Last;
+ else
+ String_Elements.Table (Last).Next :=
+ String_Elements.Last;
+ end if;
+ Last := String_Elements.Last;
+ String_Elements.Table (Last) :=
+ (Value => The_Variable.Value.Value,
+ Location => Location_Of (The_Current_Term),
+ Next => Nil_String);
+ when List =>
+ declare
+ The_List : String_List_Id :=
+ The_Variable.Value.Values;
+ begin
+ while The_List /= Nil_String loop
+ String_Elements.Increment_Last;
+ if Last = Nil_String then
+ Result.Values := String_Elements.Last;
+ else
+ String_Elements.Table (Last).Next :=
+ String_Elements.Last;
+ end if;
+ Last := String_Elements.Last;
+ String_Elements.Table (Last) :=
+ (Value =>
+ String_Elements.Table
+ (The_List).Value,
+ Location => Location_Of
+ (The_Current_Term),
+ Next => Nil_String);
+ The_List :=
+ String_Elements.Table (The_List).Next;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end case;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ when N_External_Value =>
+ String_To_Name_Buffer
+ (String_Value_Of (External_Reference_Of (The_Current_Term)));
+ declare
+ Name : constant Name_Id := Name_Find;
+ Default : String_Id := No_String;
+ Value : String_Id := No_String;
+ Default_Node : constant Project_Node_Id :=
+ External_Default_Of (The_Current_Term);
+ begin
+ if Default_Node /= Empty_Node then
+ Default := String_Value_Of (Default_Node);
+ end if;
+ Value := Prj.Ext.Value_Of (Name, Default);
+ if Value = No_String then
+ if Error_Report = null then
+ Error_Msg
+ ("undefined external reference",
+ Location_Of (The_Current_Term));
+ else
+ Error_Report
+ ("""" & Get_Name_String (Name) &
+ """ is an undefined external reference");
+ end if;
+ Value := Empty_String;
+ end if;
+ case Kind is
+ when Undefined =>
+ null;
+ when Single =>
+ Add (Result.Value, Value);
+ when List =>
+ String_Elements.Increment_Last;
+ if Last = Nil_String then
+ Result.Values := String_Elements.Last;
+ else
+ String_Elements.Table (Last).Next :=
+ String_Elements.Last;
+ end if;
+ Last := String_Elements.Last;
+ String_Elements.Table (Last) :=
+ (Value => Value,
+ Location => Location_Of (The_Current_Term),
+ Next => Nil_String);
+ end case;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ -- Should never happen
+ pragma Assert
+ (False,
+ "illegal node kind in an expression");
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ The_Term := Next_Term (The_Term);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end Expression;
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- Imported_Or_Modified_Project_From --
+ ---------------------------------------
+ function Imported_Or_Modified_Project_From
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ With_Name : Name_Id)
+ return Project_Id
+ is
+ Data : constant Project_Data := Projects.Table (Project);
+ List : Project_List := Data.Imported_Projects;
+ begin
+ -- First check if it is the name of a modified project
+ if Data.Modifies /= No_Project
+ and then Projects.Table (Data.Modifies).Name = With_Name
+ then
+ return Data.Modifies;
+ else
+ -- Then check the name of each imported project
+ while List /= Empty_Project_List
+ and then
+ Projects.Table
+ (Project_Lists.Table (List).Project).Name /= With_Name
+ loop
+ List := Project_Lists.Table (List).Next;
+ end loop;
+ pragma Assert
+ (List /= Empty_Project_List,
+ "project not found");
+ return Project_Lists.Table (List).Project;
+ end if;
+ end Imported_Or_Modified_Project_From;
+ ------------------
+ -- Package_From --
+ ------------------
+ function Package_From
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ With_Name : Name_Id)
+ return Package_Id
+ is
+ Data : constant Project_Data := Projects.Table (Project);
+ Result : Package_Id := Data.Decl.Packages;
+ begin
+ -- Check the name of each existing package of Project
+ while Result /= No_Package
+ and then
+ Packages.Table (Result).Name /= With_Name
+ loop
+ Result := Packages.Table (Result).Next;
+ end loop;
+ if Result = No_Package then
+ -- Should never happen
+ Write_Line ("package """ & Get_Name_String (With_Name) &
+ """ not found");
+ raise Program_Error;
+ else
+ return Result;
+ end if;
+ end Package_From;
+ -------------
+ -- Process --
+ -------------
+ procedure Process
+ (Project : out Project_Id;
+ From_Project_Node : Project_Node_Id;
+ Report_Error : Put_Line_Access)
+ is
+ begin
+ Error_Report := Report_Error;
+ -- Make sure there is no projects in the data structure
+ Projects.Set_Last (No_Project);
+ Processed_Projects.Reset;
+ -- And process the main project and all of the projects it depends on,
+ -- recursively
+ Recursive_Process
+ (Project => Project,
+ From_Project_Node => From_Project_Node,
+ Modified_By => No_Project);
+ if Errout.Errors_Detected > 0 then
+ Project := No_Project;
+ end if;
+ if Project /= No_Project then
+ Check (Project);
+ end if;
+ end Process;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Process_Declarative_Items --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Process_Declarative_Items
+ (Project : Project_Id;
+ From_Project_Node : Project_Node_Id;
+ Pkg : Package_Id;
+ Item : Project_Node_Id) is
+ Current_Declarative_Item : Project_Node_Id := Item;
+ Current_Item : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
+ begin
+ -- For each declarative item
+ while Current_Declarative_Item /= Empty_Node loop
+ -- Get its data
+ Current_Item := Current_Item_Node (Current_Declarative_Item);
+ -- And set Current_Declarative_Item to the next declarative item
+ -- ready for the next iteration
+ Current_Declarative_Item := Next_Declarative_Item
+ (Current_Declarative_Item);
+ case Kind_Of (Current_Item) is
+ when N_Package_Declaration =>
+ Packages.Increment_Last;
+ declare
+ New_Pkg : constant Package_Id := Packages.Last;
+ The_New_Package : Package_Element;
+ Project_Of_Renamed_Package : constant Project_Node_Id :=
+ Project_Of_Renamed_Package_Of
+ (Current_Item);
+ begin
+ The_New_Package.Name := Name_Of (Current_Item);
+ if Pkg /= No_Package then
+ The_New_Package.Next :=
+ Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Packages;
+ Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Packages := New_Pkg;
+ else
+ The_New_Package.Next :=
+ Projects.Table (Project).Decl.Packages;
+ Projects.Table (Project).Decl.Packages := New_Pkg;
+ end if;
+ Packages.Table (New_Pkg) := The_New_Package;
+ if Project_Of_Renamed_Package /= Empty_Node then
+ -- Renamed package
+ declare
+ Project_Name : constant Name_Id :=
+ Name_Of
+ (Project_Of_Renamed_Package);
+ Renamed_Project : constant Project_Id :=
+ Imported_Or_Modified_Project_From
+ (Project, Project_Name);
+ Renamed_Package : constant Package_Id :=
+ Package_From
+ (Renamed_Project,
+ Name_Of (Current_Item));
+ begin
+ Packages.Table (New_Pkg).Decl :=
+ Packages.Table (Renamed_Package).Decl;
+ end;
+ else
+ -- Set the default values of the attributes
+ Add_Attributes
+ (Packages.Table (New_Pkg).Decl,
+ Package_Attributes.Table
+ (Package_Id_Of (Current_Item)).First_Attribute);
+ Process_Declarative_Items
+ (Project => Project,
+ From_Project_Node => From_Project_Node,
+ Pkg => New_Pkg,
+ Item => First_Declarative_Item_Of
+ (Current_Item));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when N_String_Type_Declaration =>
+ -- There is nothing to process
+ null;
+ when N_Attribute_Declaration |
+ N_Typed_Variable_Declaration |
+ N_Variable_Declaration =>
+ pragma Assert (Expression_Of (Current_Item) /= Empty_Node,
+ "no expression for an object declaration");
+ declare
+ New_Value : constant Variable_Value :=
+ Expression
+ (Project => Project,
+ From_Project_Node => From_Project_Node,
+ Pkg => Pkg,
+ First_Term =>
+ Tree.First_Term (Expression_Of
+ (Current_Item)),
+ Kind =>
+ Expression_Kind_Of (Current_Item));
+ The_Variable : Variable_Id := No_Variable;
+ Current_Item_Name : constant Name_Id :=
+ Name_Of (Current_Item);
+ begin
+ if Kind_Of (Current_Item) = N_Typed_Variable_Declaration then
+ if String_Equal (New_Value.Value, Empty_String) then
+ Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Of (Current_Item);
+ if Error_Report = null then
+ Error_Msg
+ ("no value defined for %",
+ Location_Of (Current_Item));
+ else
+ Error_Report
+ ("no value defined for " &
+ Get_Name_String (Error_Msg_Name_1));
+ end if;
+ else
+ declare
+ Current_String : Project_Node_Id :=
+ First_Literal_String
+ (String_Type_Of
+ (Current_Item));
+ begin
+ while Current_String /= Empty_Node
+ and then not String_Equal
+ (String_Value_Of (Current_String),
+ New_Value.Value)
+ loop
+ Current_String :=
+ Next_Literal_String (Current_String);
+ end loop;
+ if Current_String = Empty_Node then
+ String_To_Name_Buffer (New_Value.Value);
+ Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Find;
+ Error_Msg_Name_2 := Name_Of (Current_Item);
+ if Error_Report = null then
+ Error_Msg
+ ("value { is illegal for typed string %",
+ Location_Of (Current_Item));
+ else
+ Error_Report
+ ("value """ &
+ Get_Name_String (Error_Msg_Name_1) &
+ """ is illegal for typed string """ &
+ Get_Name_String (Error_Msg_Name_2) &
+ """");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Kind_Of (Current_Item) /= N_Attribute_Declaration
+ or else
+ Associative_Array_Index_Of (Current_Item) = No_String
+ then
+ -- Usual case
+ -- Code below really needs more comments ???
+ if Kind_Of (Current_Item) = N_Attribute_Declaration then
+ if Pkg /= No_Package then
+ The_Variable :=
+ Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Attributes;
+ else
+ The_Variable :=
+ Projects.Table (Project).Decl.Attributes;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Pkg /= No_Package then
+ The_Variable :=
+ Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Variables;
+ else
+ The_Variable :=
+ Projects.Table (Project).Decl.Variables;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ while
+ The_Variable /= No_Variable
+ and then
+ Variable_Elements.Table (The_Variable).Name /=
+ Current_Item_Name
+ loop
+ The_Variable :=
+ Variable_Elements.Table (The_Variable).Next;
+ end loop;
+ if The_Variable = No_Variable then
+ pragma Assert
+ (Kind_Of (Current_Item) /= N_Attribute_Declaration,
+ "illegal attribute declaration");
+ Variable_Elements.Increment_Last;
+ The_Variable := Variable_Elements.Last;
+ if Pkg /= No_Package then
+ Variable_Elements.Table (The_Variable) :=
+ (Next =>
+ Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Variables,
+ Name => Current_Item_Name,
+ Value => New_Value);
+ Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Variables := The_Variable;
+ else
+ Variable_Elements.Table (The_Variable) :=
+ (Next =>
+ Projects.Table (Project).Decl.Variables,
+ Name => Current_Item_Name,
+ Value => New_Value);
+ Projects.Table (Project).Decl.Variables :=
+ The_Variable;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Variable_Elements.Table (The_Variable).Value :=
+ New_Value;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Associative array attribute
+ String_To_Name_Buffer
+ (Associative_Array_Index_Of (Current_Item));
+ declare
+ The_Array : Array_Id;
+ The_Array_Element : Array_Element_Id :=
+ No_Array_Element;
+ Index_Name : constant Name_Id := Name_Find;
+ begin
+ if Pkg /= No_Package then
+ The_Array := Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Arrays;
+ else
+ The_Array := Projects.Table (Project).Decl.Arrays;
+ end if;
+ while
+ The_Array /= No_Array
+ and then Arrays.Table (The_Array).Name /=
+ Current_Item_Name
+ loop
+ The_Array := Arrays.Table (The_Array).Next;
+ end loop;
+ if The_Array = No_Array then
+ Arrays.Increment_Last;
+ The_Array := Arrays.Last;
+ if Pkg /= No_Package then
+ Arrays.Table (The_Array) :=
+ (Name => Current_Item_Name,
+ Value => No_Array_Element,
+ Next => Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Arrays);
+ Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Arrays := The_Array;
+ else
+ Arrays.Table (The_Array) :=
+ (Name => Current_Item_Name,
+ Value => No_Array_Element,
+ Next =>
+ Projects.Table (Project).Decl.Arrays);
+ Projects.Table (Project).Decl.Arrays :=
+ The_Array;
+ end if;
+ else
+ The_Array_Element := Arrays.Table (The_Array).Value;
+ end if;
+ while The_Array_Element /= No_Array_Element
+ and then
+ Array_Elements.Table (The_Array_Element).Index /=
+ Index_Name
+ loop
+ The_Array_Element :=
+ Array_Elements.Table (The_Array_Element).Next;
+ end loop;
+ if The_Array_Element = No_Array_Element then
+ Array_Elements.Increment_Last;
+ The_Array_Element := Array_Elements.Last;
+ Array_Elements.Table (The_Array_Element) :=
+ (Index => Index_Name,
+ Value => New_Value,
+ Next => Arrays.Table (The_Array).Value);
+ Arrays.Table (The_Array).Value := The_Array_Element;
+ else
+ Array_Elements.Table (The_Array_Element).Value :=
+ New_Value;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when N_Case_Construction =>
+ declare
+ The_Project : Project_Id := Project;
+ The_Package : Package_Id := Pkg;
+ The_Variable : Variable_Value := Nil_Variable_Value;
+ Case_Value : String_Id := No_String;
+ Case_Item : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
+ Choice_String : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
+ Decl_Item : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
+ begin
+ declare
+ Variable_Node : constant Project_Node_Id :=
+ Case_Variable_Reference_Of
+ (Current_Item);
+ Var_Id : Variable_Id := No_Variable;
+ Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
+ begin
+ if Project_Node_Of (Variable_Node) /= Empty_Node then
+ Name := Name_Of (Project_Node_Of (Variable_Node));
+ The_Project :=
+ Imported_Or_Modified_Project_From (Project, Name);
+ end if;
+ if Package_Node_Of (Variable_Node) /= Empty_Node then
+ Name := Name_Of (Package_Node_Of (Variable_Node));
+ The_Package := Package_From (The_Project, Name);
+ end if;
+ Name := Name_Of (Variable_Node);
+ if The_Package /= No_Package then
+ Var_Id := Packages.Table (The_Package).Decl.Variables;
+ Name := Name_Of (Variable_Node);
+ while Var_Id /= No_Variable
+ and then
+ Variable_Elements.Table (Var_Id).Name /= Name
+ loop
+ Var_Id := Variable_Elements.Table (Var_Id).Next;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Var_Id = No_Variable
+ and then Package_Node_Of (Variable_Node) = Empty_Node
+ then
+ Var_Id := Projects.Table (The_Project).Decl.Variables;
+ while Var_Id /= No_Variable
+ and then
+ Variable_Elements.Table (Var_Id).Name /= Name
+ loop
+ Var_Id := Variable_Elements.Table (Var_Id).Next;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Var_Id = No_Variable then
+ -- Should never happen
+ Write_Line ("variable """ &
+ Get_Name_String (Name) &
+ """ not found");
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ The_Variable := Variable_Elements.Table (Var_Id).Value;
+ if The_Variable.Kind /= Single then
+ -- Should never happen
+ Write_Line ("variable""" &
+ Get_Name_String (Name) &
+ """ is not a single string variable");
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Case_Value := The_Variable.Value;
+ end;
+ Case_Item := First_Case_Item_Of (Current_Item);
+ Case_Item_Loop :
+ while Case_Item /= Empty_Node loop
+ Choice_String := First_Choice_Of (Case_Item);
+ if Choice_String = Empty_Node then
+ Decl_Item := First_Declarative_Item_Of (Case_Item);
+ exit Case_Item_Loop;
+ end if;
+ Choice_Loop :
+ while Choice_String /= Empty_Node loop
+ if String_Equal (Case_Value,
+ String_Value_Of (Choice_String))
+ then
+ Decl_Item :=
+ First_Declarative_Item_Of (Case_Item);
+ exit Case_Item_Loop;
+ end if;
+ Choice_String :=
+ Next_Literal_String (Choice_String);
+ end loop Choice_Loop;
+ Case_Item := Next_Case_Item (Case_Item);
+ end loop Case_Item_Loop;
+ if Decl_Item /= Empty_Node then
+ Process_Declarative_Items
+ (Project => Project,
+ From_Project_Node => From_Project_Node,
+ Pkg => Pkg,
+ Item => Decl_Item);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ -- Should never happen
+ Write_Line ("Illegal declarative item: " &
+ Project_Node_Kind'Image (Kind_Of (Current_Item)));
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Process_Declarative_Items;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Recursive_Check --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Recursive_Check (Project : Project_Id) is
+ Data : Project_Data;
+ Imported_Project_List : Project_List := Empty_Project_List;
+ begin
+ -- Do nothing if Project is No_Project, or Project has already
+ -- been marked as checked.
+ if Project /= No_Project
+ and then not Projects.Table (Project).Checked
+ then
+ Data := Projects.Table (Project);
+ -- Call itself for a possible modified project.
+ -- (if there is no modified project, then nothing happens).
+ Recursive_Check (Data.Modifies);
+ -- Call itself for all imported projects
+ Imported_Project_List := Data.Imported_Projects;
+ while Imported_Project_List /= Empty_Project_List loop
+ Recursive_Check
+ (Project_Lists.Table (Imported_Project_List).Project);
+ Imported_Project_List :=
+ Project_Lists.Table (Imported_Project_List).Next;
+ end loop;
+ -- Mark project as checked
+ Projects.Table (Project).Checked := True;
+ if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
+ Write_Str ("Checking project file """);
+ Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Data.Name));
+ Write_Line ("""");
+ end if;
+ Prj.Nmsc.Check_Naming_Scheme (Project, Error_Report);
+ end if;
+ end Recursive_Check;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Recursive_Process --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Recursive_Process
+ (Project : out Project_Id;
+ From_Project_Node : Project_Node_Id;
+ Modified_By : Project_Id)
+ is
+ With_Clause : Project_Node_Id;
+ begin
+ if From_Project_Node = Empty_Node then
+ Project := No_Project;
+ else
+ declare
+ Processed_Data : Project_Data := Empty_Project;
+ Imported : Project_List := Empty_Project_List;
+ Declaration_Node : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
+ Name : constant Name_Id :=
+ Name_Of (From_Project_Node);
+ begin
+ Project := Processed_Projects.Get (Name);
+ if Project /= No_Project then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Projects.Increment_Last;
+ Project := Projects.Last;
+ Processed_Projects.Set (Name, Project);
+ Processed_Data.Name := Name;
+ Processed_Data.Path_Name := Path_Name_Of (From_Project_Node);
+ Processed_Data.Location := Location_Of (From_Project_Node);
+ Processed_Data.Directory := Directory_Of (From_Project_Node);
+ Processed_Data.Modified_By := Modified_By;
+ Add_Attributes (Processed_Data.Decl, Attribute_First);
+ With_Clause := First_With_Clause_Of (From_Project_Node);
+ while With_Clause /= Empty_Node loop
+ declare
+ New_Project : Project_Id;
+ New_Data : Project_Data;
+ begin
+ Recursive_Process
+ (Project => New_Project,
+ From_Project_Node => Project_Node_Of (With_Clause),
+ Modified_By => No_Project);
+ New_Data := Projects.Table (New_Project);
+ -- If we were the first project to import it,
+ -- set First_Referred_By to us.
+ if New_Data.First_Referred_By = No_Project then
+ New_Data.First_Referred_By := Project;
+ Projects.Table (New_Project) := New_Data;
+ end if;
+ -- Add this project to our list of imported projects
+ Project_Lists.Increment_Last;
+ Project_Lists.Table (Project_Lists.Last) :=
+ (Project => New_Project, Next => Empty_Project_List);
+ -- Imported is the id of the last imported project.
+ -- If it is nil, then this imported project is our first.
+ if Imported = Empty_Project_List then
+ Processed_Data.Imported_Projects := Project_Lists.Last;
+ else
+ Project_Lists.Table (Imported).Next := Project_Lists.Last;
+ end if;
+ Imported := Project_Lists.Last;
+ With_Clause := Next_With_Clause_Of (With_Clause);
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Declaration_Node := Project_Declaration_Of (From_Project_Node);
+ Recursive_Process
+ (Project => Processed_Data.Modifies,
+ From_Project_Node => Modified_Project_Of (Declaration_Node),
+ Modified_By => Project);
+ Projects.Table (Project) := Processed_Data;
+ Process_Declarative_Items
+ (Project => Project,
+ From_Project_Node => From_Project_Node,
+ Pkg => No_Package,
+ Item => First_Declarative_Item_Of
+ (Declaration_Node));
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Recursive_Process;
+end Prj.Proc;