path: root/gcc/ada/prj.adb
diff options
authorcharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2009-07-13 10:45:14 +0000
committercharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2009-07-13 10:45:14 +0000
commitd15bad045d8514e6c767e0bdc1cd2b2956274dbd (patch)
treef36850a6b47b83f1fbdba5bbb834d88e131763f5 /gcc/ada/prj.adb
parent15a0a16549b258f53a99b57968c64192448df6cc (diff)
2009-07-13 Emmanuel Briot <>
* gnatcmd.adb, prj-proc.adb, make.adb, mlib-prj.adb, prj-ext.adb, gnat_ugn.texi, prj.adb,, clean.adb, prj-nmsc.adb, prj-util.adb, prj-conf.adb, gnatname.adb, prj-env.adb,, prj-tree.adb, (Prj.Tree.Create*): New subprograms to create new packages and attributes in a project tree. (Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme): Provide real implementation. Remove last remaining mode-specific code (ada_only or multi_language). This was duplicating code (Get_Mode, Set_Mode): removed, no longer used. (Initialize_Project_Path): all tools will now take into account both GPR_PROJECT_PATH and ADA_PROJECT_PATH (in that order). Remove some global variables and subprograms no longer used Make temporary files tree-specific, to avoid interferences between trees loaded in memory at the same time. (Prj.Delete_Temporary_File): new subprogram (Object_Paths, Source_Paths): fields no longer stored in the project tree, since they are only needed locally in Set_Ada_Paths. (Set_Mapping_File_Initial_State_To_Empty): removed, since had no effect in practice. (Project_Tree_Data.Ada_Path_Buffer): removed, since it can be replaced by local variables in the appropriate subprograms (Has_Foreign_Sources): removed. * gcc-interface/ prj-pp.o is now needed to build gnatmake git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/prj.adb')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/prj.adb b/gcc/ada/prj.adb
index 45effae1682..c8f30ec5e76 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/prj.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/prj.adb
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Debug;
with Osint; use Osint;
+with Output; use Output;
with Prj.Attr;
with Prj.Err; use Prj.Err;
with Snames; use Snames;
-with Table;
with Uintp; use Uintp;
with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
@@ -47,22 +47,18 @@ package body Prj is
Initial_Buffer_Size : constant := 100;
-- Initial size for extensible buffer used in Add_To_Buffer
- Current_Mode : Mode := Ada_Only;
- The_Empty_String : Name_Id;
- Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix_Id : File_Name_Type;
- Default_Ada_Body_Suffix_Id : File_Name_Type;
- -- Initialized in Prj.Initialize, then never modified
+ The_Empty_String : Name_Id := No_Name;
subtype Known_Casing is Casing_Type range All_Upper_Case .. Mixed_Case;
- The_Casing_Images : constant array (Known_Casing) of String_Access :=
- (All_Lower_Case => new String'("lowercase"),
- All_Upper_Case => new String'("UPPERCASE"),
- Mixed_Case => new String'("MixedCase"));
- Initialized : Boolean := False;
+ type Cst_String_Access is access constant String;
+ All_Lower_Case_Image : aliased constant String := "lowercase";
+ All_Upper_Case_Image : aliased constant String := "UPPERCASE";
+ Mixed_Case_Image : aliased constant String := "MixedCase";
+ The_Casing_Images : constant array (Known_Casing) of Cst_String_Access :=
+ (All_Lower_Case => All_Lower_Case_Image'Access,
+ All_Upper_Case => All_Upper_Case_Image'Access,
+ Mixed_Case => Mixed_Case_Image'Access);
Project_Empty : constant Project_Data :=
(Qualifier => Unspecified,
@@ -114,16 +110,6 @@ package body Prj is
Depth => 0,
Unkept_Comments => False);
- package Temp_Files is new Table.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Path_Name_Type,
- Table_Index_Type => Integer,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 20,
- Table_Increment => 100,
- Table_Name => "Makegpr.Temp_Files");
- -- Table to store the path name of all the created temporary files, so that
- -- they can be deleted at the end, or when the program is interrupted.
procedure Free (Project : in out Project_Id);
-- Free memory allocated for Project
@@ -175,37 +161,76 @@ package body Prj is
Last := Last + S'Length;
end Add_To_Buffer;
- -----------------------------
- -- Default_Ada_Body_Suffix --
- -----------------------------
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Delete_Temporary_File --
+ ---------------------------
- function Default_Ada_Body_Suffix return File_Name_Type is
+ procedure Delete_Temporary_File
+ (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
+ Path : Path_Name_Type)
+ is
+ Dont_Care : Boolean;
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Dont_Care);
- return Default_Ada_Body_Suffix_Id;
- end Default_Ada_Body_Suffix;
+ if not Debug.Debug_Flag_N then
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Line ("Removing temp file: " & Get_Name_String (Path));
+ end if;
- -----------------------------
- -- Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix --
- -----------------------------
+ Delete_File (Get_Name_String (Path), Dont_Care);
- function Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix return File_Name_Type is
- begin
- return Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix_Id;
- end Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix;
+ for Index in
+ 1 .. Temp_Files_Table.Last (Tree.Private_Part.Temp_Files)
+ loop
+ if Tree.Private_Part.Temp_Files.Table (Index) = Path then
+ Tree.Private_Part.Temp_Files.Table (Index) := No_Path;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Delete_Temporary_File;
-- Delete_All_Temp_Files --
- procedure Delete_All_Temp_Files is
+ procedure Delete_All_Temp_Files (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is
Dont_Care : Boolean;
pragma Warnings (Off, Dont_Care);
+ Path : Path_Name_Type;
if not Debug.Debug_Flag_N then
- for Index in 1 .. Temp_Files.Last loop
- Delete_File
- (Get_Name_String (Temp_Files.Table (Index)), Dont_Care);
+ for Index in
+ 1 .. Temp_Files_Table.Last (Tree.Private_Part.Temp_Files)
+ loop
+ Path := Tree.Private_Part.Temp_Files.Table (Index);
+ if Path /= No_Path then
+ if Current_Verbosity = High then
+ Write_Line ("Removing temp file: "
+ & Get_Name_String (Path));
+ end if;
+ Delete_File (Get_Name_String (Path), Dont_Care);
+ end if;
end loop;
+ Temp_Files_Table.Free (Tree.Private_Part.Temp_Files);
+ Temp_Files_Table.Init (Tree.Private_Part.Temp_Files);
+ end if;
+ -- If any of the environment variables ADA_PRJ_INCLUDE_FILE or
+ -- ADA_PRJ_OBJECTS_FILE has been set, then reset their value to
+ -- the empty string. On VMS, this has the effect of deassigning
+ -- the logical names.
+ if Tree.Private_Part.Ada_Prj_Include_File_Set then
+ Setenv (Project_Include_Path_File, "");
+ Tree.Private_Part.Ada_Prj_Include_File_Set := False;
+ end if;
+ if Tree.Private_Part.Ada_Prj_Objects_File_Set then
+ Setenv (Project_Objects_Path_File, "");
+ Tree.Private_Part.Ada_Prj_Objects_File_Set := False;
end if;
end Delete_All_Temp_Files;
@@ -536,15 +561,6 @@ package body Prj is
return Result;
end Find_Source;
- --------------
- -- Get_Mode --
- --------------
- function Get_Mode return Mode is
- begin
- return Current_Mode;
- end Get_Mode;
-- Hash --
@@ -585,25 +601,29 @@ package body Prj is
return The_Casing_Images (Casing).all;
end Image;
+ -----------------------------
+ -- Is_Standard_GNAT_Naming --
+ -----------------------------
+ function Is_Standard_GNAT_Naming
+ (Naming : Lang_Naming_Data) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ return Get_Name_String (Naming.Spec_Suffix) = ".ads"
+ and then Get_Name_String (Naming.Body_Suffix) = ".adb"
+ and then Get_Name_String (Naming.Dot_Replacement) = "-";
+ end Is_Standard_GNAT_Naming;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is
- if not Initialized then
- Initialized := True;
+ if The_Empty_String = No_Name then
Name_Len := 0;
The_Empty_String := Name_Find;
- Empty_Name := The_Empty_String;
- Empty_File_Name := File_Name_Type (The_Empty_String);
- Name_Len := 4;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. 4) := ".ads";
- Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix_Id := Name_Find;
- Name_Len := 4;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. 4) := ".adb";
- Default_Ada_Body_Suffix_Id := Name_Find;
Set_Name_Table_Byte (Name_Project, Token_Type'Pos (Tok_Project));
@@ -616,18 +636,6 @@ package body Prj is
end if;
end Initialize;
- -------------------
- -- Is_A_Language --
- -------------------
- function Is_A_Language
- (Project : Project_Id;
- Language_Name : Name_Id) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Get_Language_From_Name
- (Project, Get_Name_String (Language_Name)) /= null;
- end Is_A_Language;
-- Is_Extending --
@@ -673,10 +681,11 @@ package body Prj is
-- Record_Temp_File --
- procedure Record_Temp_File (Path : Path_Name_Type) is
+ procedure Record_Temp_File
+ (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
+ Path : Path_Name_Type) is
- Temp_Files.Increment_Last;
- Temp_Files.Table (Temp_Files.Last) := Path;
+ Temp_Files_Table.Append (Tree.Private_Part.Temp_Files, Path);
end Record_Temp_File;
@@ -833,22 +842,13 @@ package body Prj is
Array_Table.Free (Tree.Arrays);
Package_Table.Free (Tree.Packages);
Source_Paths_Htable.Reset (Tree.Source_Paths_HT);
- Unit_Sources_Htable.Reset (Tree.Unit_Sources_HT);
Free_List (Tree.Projects, Free_Project => True);
Free_Units (Tree.Units_HT);
-- Private part
- Path_File_Table.Free (Tree.Private_Part.Path_Files);
- Source_Path_Table.Free (Tree.Private_Part.Source_Paths);
- Object_Path_Table.Free (Tree.Private_Part.Object_Paths);
- Free (Tree.Private_Part.Ada_Path_Buffer);
- -- Naming data (nothing to free ???)
- null;
+ Temp_Files_Table.Free (Tree.Private_Part.Temp_Files);
Unchecked_Free (Tree);
end if;
@@ -869,45 +869,20 @@ package body Prj is
Array_Table.Init (Tree.Arrays);
Package_Table.Init (Tree.Packages);
Source_Paths_Htable.Reset (Tree.Source_Paths_HT);
- Unit_Sources_Htable.Reset (Tree.Unit_Sources_HT);
Free_List (Tree.Projects, Free_Project => True);
Free_Units (Tree.Units_HT);
-- Private part table
- Path_File_Table.Init (Tree.Private_Part.Path_Files);
- Source_Path_Table.Init (Tree.Private_Part.Source_Paths);
- Object_Path_Table.Init (Tree.Private_Part.Object_Paths);
+ Temp_Files_Table.Init (Tree.Private_Part.Temp_Files);
- if Current_Mode = Ada_Only then
- Tree.Private_Part.Current_Source_Path_File := No_Path;
- Tree.Private_Part.Current_Object_Path_File := No_Path;
- Tree.Private_Part.Ada_Path_Length := 0;
- Tree.Private_Part.Ada_Prj_Include_File_Set := False;
- Tree.Private_Part.Ada_Prj_Objects_File_Set := False;
- Tree.Private_Part.Fill_Mapping_File := True;
- end if;
+ Tree.Private_Part.Current_Source_Path_File := No_Path;
+ Tree.Private_Part.Current_Object_Path_File := No_Path;
+ Tree.Private_Part.Ada_Prj_Include_File_Set := False;
+ Tree.Private_Part.Ada_Prj_Objects_File_Set := False;
end Reset;
- --------------
- -- Set_Mode --
- --------------
- procedure Set_Mode (New_Mode : Mode) is
- begin
- Current_Mode := New_Mode;
- case New_Mode is
- when Ada_Only =>
- Default_Language_Is_Ada := True;
- Must_Check_Configuration := False;
- when Multi_Language =>
- Default_Language_Is_Ada := False;
- Must_Check_Configuration := True;
- end case;
- end Set_Mode;
-- Switches_Name --
@@ -953,29 +928,6 @@ package body Prj is
return False;
end Has_Ada_Sources;
- -------------------------
- -- Has_Foreign_Sources --
- -------------------------
- function Has_Foreign_Sources (Data : Project_Id) return Boolean is
- Lang : Language_Ptr;
- begin
- Lang := Data.Languages;
- while Lang /= No_Language_Index loop
- if Lang.Name /= Name_Ada
- and then
- (Current_Mode = Ada_Only or else Lang.First_Source /= No_Source)
- then
- return True;
- end if;
- Lang := Lang.Next;
- end loop;
- return False;
- end Has_Foreign_Sources;
-- Contains_ALI_Files --
@@ -1153,7 +1105,8 @@ package body Prj is
function Is_Compilable (Source : Source_Id) return Boolean is
- return Source.Language.Config.Compiler_Driver /= Empty_File_Name
+ return Source.Language.Config.Compiler_Driver /= No_File
+ and then Length_Of_Name (Source.Language.Config.Compiler_Driver) /= 0
and then not Source.Locally_Removed;
end Is_Compilable;