path: root/gcc/ada/s-tasini.adb
diff options
authorkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:30:19 +0000
committerkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:30:19 +0000
commitc32d045231e086867f117700fbe01dbbbce3ea14 (patch)
tree86d33ed164722c539e5c03eb27ae96b8b7667e75 /gcc/ada/s-tasini.adb
parent49d882a7d8c985758c04737e801f6028d5b7240f (diff)
New Language: Ada
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/s-tasini.adb')
1 files changed, 981 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-tasini.adb b/gcc/ada/s-tasini.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..08d778f9231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-tasini.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,981 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- S Y S T E M . T A S K I N G . I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.63 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1991-2001, Florida State University --
+-- --
+-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNARL; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. It is --
+-- now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc. in cooperation with Florida --
+-- State University ( --
+-- --
+pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
+-- Turn off subprogram alpha ordering check, since we group soft link
+-- bodies and dummy soft link bodies together separately in this unit.
+pragma Polling (Off);
+-- Turn polling off for this package. We don't need polling during any
+-- of the routines in this package, and more to the point, if we try
+-- to poll it can cause infinite loops.
+-- This package provides overall initialization of the tasking portion
+-- of the RTS. This package must be elaborated before any tasking
+-- features are used. It also contains initialization for
+-- Ada Task Control Block (ATCB) records.
+with Ada.Exceptions;
+-- used for Exception_Occurrence_Access.
+with System.Tasking;
+pragma Elaborate_All (System.Tasking);
+-- ensure that the first step initializations have been performed
+with System.Task_Primitives;
+-- used for Lock
+with System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
+-- used for Set_Priority
+-- Write_Lock
+-- Unlock
+-- Initialize_Lock
+with System.Soft_Links;
+-- used for the non-tasking routines (*_NT) that refer to global data.
+-- They are needed here before the tasking run time has been elaborated.
+with System.Tasking.Debug;
+-- used for Trace
+with System.Tasking.Task_Attributes;
+-- used for All_Attrs_L
+with System.Stack_Checking;
+package body System.Tasking.Initialization is
+ package STPO renames System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
+ package SSL renames System.Soft_Links;
+ package AE renames Ada.Exceptions;
+ use System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
+ Global_Task_Lock : aliased System.Task_Primitives.RTS_Lock;
+ -- This is a global lock; it is used to execute in mutual exclusion
+ -- from all other tasks. It is only used by Task_Lock,
+ -- Task_Unlock, and Final_Task_Unlock.
+ function Current_Target_Exception return AE.Exception_Occurrence;
+ pragma Import
+ (Ada, Current_Target_Exception, "__gnat_current_target_exception");
+ -- Import this subprogram from the private part of Ada.Exceptions.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Tasking versions of services needed by non-tasking programs --
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure Task_Lock;
+ -- Locks out other tasks. Preceding a section of code by Task_Lock and
+ -- following it by Task_Unlock creates a critical region. This is used
+ -- for ensuring that a region of non-tasking code (such as code used to
+ -- allocate memory) is tasking safe. Note that it is valid for calls to
+ -- Task_Lock/Task_Unlock to be nested, and this must work properly, i.e.
+ -- only the corresponding outer level Task_Unlock will actually unlock.
+ procedure Task_Unlock;
+ -- Releases lock previously set by call to Task_Lock. In the nested case,
+ -- all nested locks must be released before other tasks competing for the
+ -- tasking lock are released.
+ function Get_Jmpbuf_Address return Address;
+ procedure Set_Jmpbuf_Address (Addr : Address);
+ -- Get/Set Jmpbuf_Address for current task
+ function Get_Sec_Stack_Addr return Address;
+ procedure Set_Sec_Stack_Addr (Addr : Address);
+ -- Get/Set location of current task's secondary stack
+ function Get_Exc_Stack_Addr return Address;
+ -- Get the exception stack for the current task
+ procedure Set_Exc_Stack_Addr (Self_ID : Address; Addr : Address);
+ -- Self_ID is the Task_ID of the task that gets the exception stack.
+ -- For Self_ID = Null_Address, the current task gets the exception stack.
+ function Get_Machine_State_Addr return Address;
+ procedure Set_Machine_State_Addr (Addr : Address);
+ -- Get/Set the address for storing the current task's machine state
+ function Get_Current_Excep return SSL.EOA;
+ -- Comments needed???
+ procedure Timed_Delay_T (Time : Duration; Mode : Integer);
+ -- Comments needed???
+ function Get_Stack_Info return Stack_Checking.Stack_Access;
+ -- Get access to the current task's Stack_Info
+ procedure Update_Exception
+ (X : AE.Exception_Occurrence := Current_Target_Exception);
+ -- Handle exception setting and check for pending actions
+ ------------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Do_Pending_Action (Self_ID : Task_ID);
+ -- This is introduced to allow more efficient
+ -- in-line expansion of Undefer_Abort.
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Tasking Initialization --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Init_RTS;
+ -- This procedure completes the initialization of the GNARL. The first
+ -- part of the initialization is done in the body of System.Tasking.
+ -- It consists of initializing global locks, and installing tasking
+ -- versions of certain operations used by the compiler. Init_RTS is called
+ -- during elaboration.
+ --------------------------
+ -- Change_Base_Priority --
+ --------------------------
+ -- Call only with abort deferred and holding Self_ID locked.
+ procedure Change_Base_Priority (T : Task_ID) is
+ begin
+ if T.Common.Base_Priority /= T.New_Base_Priority then
+ T.Common.Base_Priority := T.New_Base_Priority;
+ Set_Priority (T, T.Common.Base_Priority);
+ end if;
+ end Change_Base_Priority;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Check_Abort_Status --
+ ------------------------
+ function Check_Abort_Status return Integer is
+ Self_ID : Task_ID := Self;
+ begin
+ if Self_ID /= null and then Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0
+ and then Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level < Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level
+ then
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Abort_Status;
+ -----------------
+ -- Defer_Abort --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Defer_Abort (Self_ID : Task_ID) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0);
+-- pragma Assert
+-- (Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level >= Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level);
+ -- The above check has been useful in detecting mismatched
+ -- defer/undefer pairs. You may uncomment it when testing on
+ -- systems that support preemptive abort.
+ -- If the OS supports preemptive abort (e.g. pthread_kill),
+ -- it should have happened already. A problem is with systems
+ -- that do not support preemptive abort, and so rely on polling.
+ -- On such systems we may get false failures of the assertion,
+ -- since polling for pending abort does no occur until the abort
+ -- undefer operation.
+ -- Even on systems that only poll for abort, the assertion may
+ -- be useful for catching missed abort completion polling points.
+ -- The operations that undefer abort poll for pending aborts.
+ -- This covers most of the places where the core Ada semantics
+ -- require abort to be caught, without any special attention.
+ -- However, this generally happens on exit from runtime system
+ -- call, which means a pending abort will not be noticed on the
+ -- way into the runtime system. We considered adding a check
+ -- for pending aborts at this point, but chose not to, because
+ -- of the overhead. Instead, we searched for RTS calls that
+ -- where abort completion is required and a task could go
+ -- farther than Ada allows before undeferring abort; we then
+ -- modified the code to ensure the abort would be detected.
+ Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level + 1;
+ end Defer_Abort;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Defer_Abort_Nestable --
+ --------------------------
+ procedure Defer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID : Task_ID) is
+ begin
+-- pragma Assert
+-- ((Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level >= Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level or else
+-- Self_ID.Deferral_Level > 0));
+ -- See comment in Defer_Abort on the situations in which it may
+ -- be useful to uncomment the above assertion.
+ Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level + 1;
+ end Defer_Abort_Nestable;
+ --------------------
+ -- Defer_Abortion --
+ --------------------
+ -- ??????
+ -- Phase out Defer_Abortion without Self_ID
+ -- to reduce overhead due to multiple calls to Self
+ procedure Defer_Abortion is
+ Self_ID : constant Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level + 1;
+ end Defer_Abortion;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Do_Pending_Action --
+ -----------------------
+ -- Call only when holding no locks
+ procedure Do_Pending_Action (Self_ID : Task_ID) is
+ use type Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Id;
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Self_ID = Self and then Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0);
+ -- Needs loop to recheck for pending action in case a new one occurred
+ -- while we had abort deferred below.
+ loop
+ -- Temporarily defer abortion so that we can lock Self_ID.
+ Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level + 1;
+ Write_Lock (Self_ID);
+ Self_ID.Pending_Action := False;
+ Poll_Base_Priority_Change (Self_ID);
+ Unlock (Self_ID);
+ -- Restore the original Deferral value.
+ Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level - 1;
+ if not Self_ID.Pending_Action then
+ if Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level < Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level then
+ if not Self_ID.Aborting then
+ Self_ID.Aborting := True;
+ pragma Debug
+ (Debug.Trace (Self_ID, "raise Abort_Signal", 'B'));
+ raise Standard'Abort_Signal;
+ pragma Assert (not Self_ID.ATC_Hack);
+ elsif Self_ID.ATC_Hack then
+ -- The solution really belongs in the Abort_Signal handler
+ -- for async. entry calls. The present hack is very
+ -- fragile. It relies that the very next point after
+ -- Exit_One_ATC_Level at which the task becomes abortable
+ -- will be the call to Undefer_Abort in the
+ -- Abort_Signal handler.
+ Self_ID.ATC_Hack := False;
+ pragma Debug
+ (Debug.Trace
+ (Self_ID, "raise Abort_Signal (ATC hack)", 'B'));
+ raise Standard'Abort_Signal;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Do_Pending_Action;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Final_Task_Unlock --
+ -----------------------
+ -- This version is only for use in Terminate_Task, when the task
+ -- is relinquishing further rights to its own ATCB.
+ -- There is a very interesting potential race condition there, where
+ -- the old task may run concurrently with a new task that is allocated
+ -- the old tasks (now reused) ATCB. The critical thing here is to
+ -- not make any reference to the ATCB after the lock is released.
+ -- See also comments on Terminate_Task and Unlock.
+ procedure Final_Task_Unlock (Self_ID : Task_ID) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 1);
+ Unlock (Global_Task_Lock'Access);
+ end Final_Task_Unlock;
+ --------------
+ -- Init_RTS --
+ --------------
+ procedure Init_RTS is
+ Self_Id : Task_ID;
+ begin
+ -- Terminate run time (regular vs restricted) specific initialization
+ -- of the environment task.
+ Self_Id := Environment_Task;
+ Self_Id.Master_of_Task := Environment_Task_Level;
+ Self_Id.Master_Within := Self_Id.Master_of_Task + 1;
+ for L in Self_Id.Entry_Calls'Range loop
+ Self_Id.Entry_Calls (L).Self := Self_Id;
+ Self_Id.Entry_Calls (L).Level := L;
+ end loop;
+ Self_Id.Awake_Count := 1;
+ Self_Id.Alive_Count := 1;
+ Self_Id.Master_Within := Library_Task_Level;
+ -- Normally, a task starts out with internal master nesting level
+ -- one larger than external master nesting level. It is incremented
+ -- to one by Enter_Master, which is called in the task body only if
+ -- the compiler thinks the task may have dependent tasks. There is no
+ -- corresponding call to Enter_Master for the environment task, so we
+ -- would need to increment it to 2 here. Instead, we set it to 3.
+ -- By doing this we reserve the level 2 for server tasks of the runtime
+ -- system. The environment task does not need to wait for these server
+ -- Initialize lock used to implement mutual exclusion between all tasks
+ Initialize_Lock (Global_Task_Lock'Access, STPO.Global_Task_Level);
+ -- Initialize lock used to implement mutual exclusion in the package
+ -- System.Task_Attributes.
+ Initialize_Lock (System.Tasking.Task_Attributes.All_Attrs_L'Access,
+ All_Attrs_Level);
+ -- Notify that the tasking run time has been elaborated so that
+ -- the tasking version of the soft links can be used.
+ SSL.Abort_Defer := Defer_Abortion'Access;
+ SSL.Abort_Undefer := Undefer_Abortion'Access;
+ SSL.Update_Exception := Update_Exception'Access;
+ SSL.Lock_Task := Task_Lock'Access;
+ SSL.Unlock_Task := Task_Unlock'Access;
+ SSL.Get_Jmpbuf_Address := Get_Jmpbuf_Address'Access;
+ SSL.Set_Jmpbuf_Address := Set_Jmpbuf_Address'Access;
+ SSL.Get_Sec_Stack_Addr := Get_Sec_Stack_Addr'Access;
+ SSL.Set_Sec_Stack_Addr := Set_Sec_Stack_Addr'Access;
+ SSL.Get_Exc_Stack_Addr := Get_Exc_Stack_Addr'Access;
+ SSL.Set_Exc_Stack_Addr := Set_Exc_Stack_Addr'Access;
+ SSL.Get_Machine_State_Addr := Get_Machine_State_Addr'Access;
+ SSL.Set_Machine_State_Addr := Set_Machine_State_Addr'Access;
+ SSL.Get_Current_Excep := Get_Current_Excep'Access;
+ SSL.Timed_Delay := Timed_Delay_T'Access;
+ SSL.Check_Abort_Status := Check_Abort_Status'Access;
+ SSL.Get_Stack_Info := Get_Stack_Info'Access;
+ -- No need to create a new Secondary Stack, since we will use the
+ -- default one created in s-secsta.adb
+ SSL.Set_Sec_Stack_Addr (SSL.Get_Sec_Stack_Addr_NT);
+ SSL.Set_Exc_Stack_Addr (Null_Address, SSL.Get_Exc_Stack_Addr_NT);
+ SSL.Set_Jmpbuf_Address (SSL.Get_Jmpbuf_Address_NT);
+ SSL.Set_Machine_State_Addr (SSL.Get_Machine_State_Addr_NT);
+ -- Abortion is deferred in a new ATCB, so we need to undefer abortion
+ -- at this stage to make the environment task abortable.
+ Undefer_Abort (Environment_Task);
+ end Init_RTS;
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Locked_Abort_To_Level--
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Abort a task to the specified ATC nesting level.
+ -- Call this only with T locked.
+ -- An earlier version of this code contained a call to Wakeup. That
+ -- should not be necessary here, if Abort_Task is implemented correctly,
+ -- since Abort_Task should include the effect of Wakeup. However, the
+ -- above call was in earlier versions of this file, and at least for
+ -- some targets Abort_Task has not beek doing Wakeup. It should not
+ -- hurt to uncomment the above call, until the error is corrected for
+ -- all targets.
+ -- See extended comments in package body System.Tasking.Abortion
+ -- for the overall design of the implementation of task abort.
+ -- If the task is sleeping it will be in an abort-deferred region,
+ -- and will not have Abort_Signal raised by Abort_Task.
+ -- Such an "abort deferral" is just to protect the RTS internals,
+ -- and not necessarily required to enforce Ada semantics.
+ -- Abort_Task should wake the task up and let it decide if it wants
+ -- to complete the aborted construct immediately.
+ -- Note that the effect of the lowl-level Abort_Task is not persistent.
+ -- If the target task is not blocked, this wakeup will be missed.
+ -- We don't bother calling Abort_Task if this task is aborting itself,
+ -- since we are inside the RTS and have abort deferred. Similarly, We
+ -- don't bother to call Abort_Task if T is terminated, since there is
+ -- no need to abort a terminated task, and it could be dangerous to try
+ -- if the task has stopped executing.
+ -- Note that an earlier version of this code had some false reasoning
+ -- about being able to reliably wake up a task that had suspended on
+ -- a blocking system call that does not atomically relase the task's
+ -- lock (e.g., UNIX nanosleep, which we once thought could be used to
+ -- implement delays). That still left the possibility of missed
+ -- wakeups.
+ -- We cannot safely call Vulnerable_Complete_Activation here,
+ -- since that requires locking Self_ID.Parent. The anti-deadlock
+ -- lock ordering rules would then require us to release the lock
+ -- on Self_ID first, which would create a timing window for other
+ -- tasks to lock Self_ID. This is significant for tasks that may be
+ -- aborted before their execution can enter the task body, and so
+ -- they do not get a chance to call Complete_Task. The actual work
+ -- for this case is done in Terminate_Task.
+ procedure Locked_Abort_To_Level
+ (Self_ID : Task_ID;
+ T : Task_ID;
+ L : ATC_Level) is
+ begin
+ if not T.Aborting and then T /= Self_ID then
+ case T.Common.State is
+ when Unactivated | Terminated =>
+ pragma Assert (False);
+ null;
+ when Runnable =>
+ -- This is needed to cancel an asynchronous protected entry
+ -- call during a requeue with abort.
+ T.Entry_Calls
+ (T.ATC_Nesting_Level).Cancellation_Attempted := True;
+ when Interrupt_Server_Blocked_On_Event_Flag =>
+ null;
+ when Delay_Sleep |
+ Async_Select_Sleep |
+ Interrupt_Server_Idle_Sleep |
+ Interrupt_Server_Blocked_Interrupt_Sleep |
+ Timer_Server_Sleep |
+ AST_Server_Sleep =>
+ Wakeup (T, T.Common.State);
+ when Acceptor_Sleep =>
+ T.Open_Accepts := null;
+ Wakeup (T, T.Common.State);
+ when Entry_Caller_Sleep =>
+ T.Entry_Calls
+ (T.ATC_Nesting_Level).Cancellation_Attempted := True;
+ Wakeup (T, T.Common.State);
+ when Activator_Sleep |
+ Master_Completion_Sleep |
+ Master_Phase_2_Sleep |
+ Asynchronous_Hold =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if T.Pending_ATC_Level > L then
+ T.Pending_ATC_Level := L;
+ T.Pending_Action := True;
+ if L = 0 then
+ T.Callable := False;
+ end if;
+ -- This prevents aborted task from accepting calls
+ if T.Aborting then
+ -- The test above is just a heuristic, to reduce wasteful
+ -- calls to Abort_Task. We are holding T locked, and this
+ -- value will not be set to False except with T also locked,
+ -- inside Exit_One_ATC_Level, so we should not miss wakeups.
+ if T.Common.State = Acceptor_Sleep then
+ T.Open_Accepts := null;
+ end if;
+ elsif T /= Self_ID and then
+ (T.Common.State = Runnable
+ or else T.Common.State = Interrupt_Server_Blocked_On_Event_Flag)
+ -- The task is blocked on a system call waiting for the
+ -- completion event. In this case Abort_Task may need to take
+ -- special action in order to succeed. Example system: VMS.
+ then
+ Abort_Task (T);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Locked_Abort_To_Level;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Poll_Base_Priority_Change --
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Poll for pending base priority change and for held tasks.
+ -- This should always be called with (only) Self_ID locked.
+ -- It may temporarily release Self_ID's lock.
+ -- The call to Yield is to force enqueuing at the
+ -- tail of the dispatching queue.
+ -- We must unlock Self_ID for this to take effect,
+ -- since we are inheriting high active priority from the lock.
+ -- See also Poll_Base_Priority_Change_At_Entry_Call,
+ -- in package System.Tasking.Entry_Calls.
+ -- In this version, we check if the task is held too because
+ -- doing this only in Do_Pending_Action is not enough.
+ procedure Poll_Base_Priority_Change (Self_ID : Task_ID) is
+ begin
+ if Dynamic_Priority_Support
+ and then Self_ID.Pending_Priority_Change
+ then
+ -- Check for ceiling violations ???
+ Self_ID.Pending_Priority_Change := False;
+ if Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority = Self_ID.New_Base_Priority then
+ Unlock (Self_ID);
+ Yield;
+ Write_Lock (Self_ID);
+ elsif Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority < Self_ID.New_Base_Priority then
+ Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority := Self_ID.New_Base_Priority;
+ Set_Priority (Self_ID, Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority);
+ else
+ -- Lowering priority
+ Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority := Self_ID.New_Base_Priority;
+ Set_Priority (Self_ID, Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority);
+ Unlock (Self_ID);
+ Yield;
+ Write_Lock (Self_ID);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Poll_Base_Priority_Change;
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Remove_From_All_Tasks_List --
+ --------------------------------
+ procedure Remove_From_All_Tasks_List (T : Task_ID) is
+ C : Task_ID;
+ Previous : Task_ID;
+ begin
+ pragma Debug
+ (Debug.Trace ("Remove_From_All_Tasks_List", 'C'));
+ Lock_All_Tasks_List;
+ Previous := Null_Task;
+ C := All_Tasks_List;
+ while C /= Null_Task loop
+ if C = T then
+ if Previous = Null_Task then
+ All_Tasks_List :=
+ All_Tasks_List.Common.All_Tasks_Link;
+ else
+ Previous.Common.All_Tasks_Link := C.Common.All_Tasks_Link;
+ end if;
+ Unlock_All_Tasks_List;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Previous := C;
+ C := C.Common.All_Tasks_Link;
+ end loop;
+ pragma Assert (False);
+ end Remove_From_All_Tasks_List;
+ ---------------
+ -- Task_Lock --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Task_Lock is
+ T : Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ T.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting := T.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting + 1;
+ if T.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 1 then
+ Defer_Abort_Nestable (T);
+ Write_Lock (Global_Task_Lock'Access);
+ end if;
+ end Task_Lock;
+ procedure Task_Lock (Self_ID : Task_ID) is
+ begin
+ Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting := Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting + 1;
+ if Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 1 then
+ Defer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID);
+ Write_Lock (Global_Task_Lock'Access);
+ end if;
+ end Task_Lock;
+ -----------------
+ -- Task_Unlock --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Task_Unlock is
+ T : Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (T.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting > 0);
+ T.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting := T.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting - 1;
+ if T.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 0 then
+ Unlock (Global_Task_Lock'Access);
+ Undefer_Abort_Nestable (T);
+ end if;
+ end Task_Unlock;
+ procedure Task_Unlock (Self_ID : Task_ID) is
+ begin
+ Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting := Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting - 1;
+ if Self_ID.Global_Task_Lock_Nesting = 0 then
+ Unlock (Global_Task_Lock'Access);
+ Undefer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID);
+ end if;
+ end Task_Unlock;
+ -------------------
+ -- Undefer_Abort --
+ -------------------
+ -- Precondition : Self does not hold any locks!
+ -- Undefer_Abort is called on any abortion completion point (aka.
+ -- synchronization point). It performs the following actions if they
+ -- are pending: (1) change the base priority, (2) abort the task,
+ -- (3) raise a pending exception.
+ -- The priority change has to occur before abortion. Otherwise, it would
+ -- take effect no earlier than the next abortion completion point.
+ procedure Undefer_Abort (Self_ID : Task_ID) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 1);
+ Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level - 1;
+ if Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0 then
+ pragma Assert (Check_No_Locks (Self_ID));
+ if Self_ID.Pending_Action then
+ Do_Pending_Action (Self_ID);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Undefer_Abort;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Undefer_Abort_Nestable --
+ ----------------------------
+ -- An earlier version would re-defer abort if an abort is
+ -- in progress. Then, we modified the effect of the raise
+ -- statement so that it defers abort until control reaches a
+ -- handler. That was done to prevent "skipping over" a
+ -- handler if another asynchronous abort occurs during the
+ -- propagation of the abort to the handler.
+ -- There has been talk of reversing that decision, based on
+ -- a newer implementation of exception propagation. Care must
+ -- be taken to evaluate how such a change would interact with
+ -- the above code and all the places where abort-deferral is
+ -- used to bridge over critical transitions, such as entry to
+ -- the scope of a region with a finalizer and entry into the
+ -- body of an accept-procedure.
+ procedure Undefer_Abort_Nestable (Self_ID : Task_ID) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Self_ID.Deferral_Level > 0);
+ Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level - 1;
+ if Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0 then
+ pragma Assert (Check_No_Locks (Self_ID));
+ if Self_ID.Pending_Action then
+ Do_Pending_Action (Self_ID);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Undefer_Abort_Nestable;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Undefer_Abortion --
+ ----------------------
+ -- Phase out RTS-internal use of Undefer_Abortion
+ -- to reduce overhead due to multiple calls to Self.
+ procedure Undefer_Abortion is
+ Self_ID : constant Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Self_ID.Deferral_Level > 0);
+ Self_ID.Deferral_Level := Self_ID.Deferral_Level - 1;
+ if Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0 then
+ pragma Assert (Check_No_Locks (Self_ID));
+ if Self_ID.Pending_Action then
+ Do_Pending_Action (Self_ID);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Undefer_Abortion;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Update_Exception --
+ ----------------------
+ -- Call only when holding no locks.
+ procedure Update_Exception
+ (X : AE.Exception_Occurrence := Current_Target_Exception)
+ is
+ Self_Id : constant Task_ID := Self;
+ use Ada.Exceptions;
+ begin
+ Save_Occurrence (Self_Id.Common.Compiler_Data.Current_Excep, X);
+ if Self_Id.Deferral_Level = 0 then
+ if Self_Id.Pending_Action then
+ Self_Id.Pending_Action := False;
+ Self_Id.Deferral_Level := Self_Id.Deferral_Level + 1;
+ Write_Lock (Self_Id);
+ Self_Id.Pending_Action := False;
+ Poll_Base_Priority_Change (Self_Id);
+ Unlock (Self_Id);
+ Self_Id.Deferral_Level := Self_Id.Deferral_Level - 1;
+ if Self_Id.Pending_ATC_Level < Self_Id.ATC_Nesting_Level then
+ if not Self_Id.Aborting then
+ Self_Id.Aborting := True;
+ raise Standard'Abort_Signal;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Update_Exception;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Wakeup_Entry_Caller --
+ --------------------------
+ -- This is called at the end of service of an entry call, to abort the
+ -- caller if he is in an abortable part, and to wake up the caller if it
+ -- is on Entry_Caller_Sleep. It assumes that the call is already off-queue.
+ -- (This enforces the rule that a task must be off-queue if its state is
+ -- Done or Cancelled.) Call it holding the lock of Entry_Call.Self.
+ -- Timed_Call or Simple_Call:
+ -- The caller is waiting on Entry_Caller_Sleep, in
+ -- Wait_For_Completion, or Wait_For_Completion_With_Timeout.
+ -- Conditional_Call:
+ -- The caller might be in Wait_For_Completion,
+ -- waiting for a rendezvous (possibly requeued without abort)
+ -- to complete.
+ -- Asynchronous_Call:
+ -- The caller may be executing in the abortable part o
+ -- an async. select, or on a time delay,
+ -- if Entry_Call.State >= Was_Abortable.
+ procedure Wakeup_Entry_Caller
+ (Self_ID : Task_ID;
+ Entry_Call : Entry_Call_Link;
+ New_State : Entry_Call_State)
+ is
+ Caller : constant Task_ID := Entry_Call.Self;
+ begin
+ pragma Debug (Debug.Trace
+ (Self_ID, "Wakeup_Entry_Caller", Caller, 'E'));
+ pragma Assert (New_State = Done or else New_State = Cancelled);
+ pragma Assert
+ (Caller.Common.State /= Terminated
+ and then Caller.Common.State /= Unactivated);
+ Entry_Call.State := New_State;
+ if Entry_Call.Mode = Asynchronous_Call then
+ -- Abort the caller in his abortable part,
+ -- but do so only if call has been queued abortably
+ if Entry_Call.State >= Was_Abortable or else New_State = Done then
+ Locked_Abort_To_Level (Self_ID, Caller, Entry_Call.Level - 1);
+ end if;
+ elsif Caller.Common.State = Entry_Caller_Sleep then
+ Wakeup (Caller, Entry_Caller_Sleep);
+ end if;
+ end Wakeup_Entry_Caller;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Soft-Link Bodies --
+ ----------------------
+ function Get_Current_Excep return SSL.EOA is
+ Me : constant Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ return Me.Common.Compiler_Data.Current_Excep'Access;
+ end Get_Current_Excep;
+ function Get_Exc_Stack_Addr return Address is
+ Me : constant Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ return Me.Common.Compiler_Data.Exc_Stack_Addr;
+ end Get_Exc_Stack_Addr;
+ function Get_Jmpbuf_Address return Address is
+ Me : constant Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ return Me.Common.Compiler_Data.Jmpbuf_Address;
+ end Get_Jmpbuf_Address;
+ function Get_Machine_State_Addr return Address is
+ Me : constant Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ return Me.Common.Compiler_Data.Machine_State_Addr;
+ end Get_Machine_State_Addr;
+ function Get_Sec_Stack_Addr return Address is
+ Me : constant Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ return Me.Common.Compiler_Data.Sec_Stack_Addr;
+ end Get_Sec_Stack_Addr;
+ function Get_Stack_Info return Stack_Checking.Stack_Access is
+ Me : constant Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ return Me.Common.Compiler_Data.Pri_Stack_Info'Access;
+ end Get_Stack_Info;
+ procedure Set_Exc_Stack_Addr (Self_ID : Address; Addr : Address) is
+ Me : Task_ID := To_Task_Id (Self_ID);
+ begin
+ if Me = Null_Task then
+ Me := STPO.Self;
+ end if;
+ Me.Common.Compiler_Data.Exc_Stack_Addr := Addr;
+ end Set_Exc_Stack_Addr;
+ procedure Set_Jmpbuf_Address (Addr : Address) is
+ Me : Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ Me.Common.Compiler_Data.Jmpbuf_Address := Addr;
+ end Set_Jmpbuf_Address;
+ procedure Set_Machine_State_Addr (Addr : Address) is
+ Me : Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ Me.Common.Compiler_Data.Machine_State_Addr := Addr;
+ end Set_Machine_State_Addr;
+ procedure Set_Sec_Stack_Addr (Addr : Address) is
+ Me : Task_ID := STPO.Self;
+ begin
+ Me.Common.Compiler_Data.Sec_Stack_Addr := Addr;
+ end Set_Sec_Stack_Addr;
+ procedure Timed_Delay_T (Time : Duration; Mode : Integer) is
+ Self_ID : constant Task_ID := Self;
+ begin
+ STPO.Timed_Delay (Self_ID, Time, Mode);
+ end Timed_Delay_T;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Soft-Link Dummies --
+ ------------------------
+ -- These are dummies for subprograms that are only needed by certain
+ -- optional run-time system packages. If they are needed, the soft
+ -- links will be redirected to the real subprogram by elaboration of
+ -- the subprogram body where the real subprogram is declared.
+ procedure Finalize_Attributes (T : Task_ID) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Finalize_Attributes;
+ procedure Initialize_Attributes (T : Task_ID) is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Initialize_Attributes;
+ Init_RTS;
+end System.Tasking.Initialization;