path: root/gcc/ada/sinfo.adb
diff options
authorkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:52:00 +0000
committerkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:52:00 +0000
commitd6f39728ae3cc12d4f867eeb4659d01322643264 (patch)
tree2e58881ac983eb14cefbc37dcb02b8fd6e9f6990 /gcc/ada/sinfo.adb
parentb1a749bacce901a0cad8abbbfc0addb482a8adfa (diff)
New Language: Ada
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/sinfo.adb')
1 files changed, 4798 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sinfo.adb b/gcc/ada/sinfo.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb96678b814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/sinfo.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,4798 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- S I N F O --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.314 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
+-- No subprogram ordering check, due to logical grouping
+with Atree; use Atree;
+package body Sinfo is
+ use Atree.Unchecked_Access;
+ -- This package is one of the few packages which is allowed to make direct
+ -- references to tree nodes (since it is in the business of providing a
+ -- higher level of tree access which other clients are expected to use and
+ -- which implements checks).
+ use Atree_Private_Part;
+ -- The only reason that we ask for direct access to the private part of
+ -- the tree package is so that we can directly reference the Nkind field
+ -- of nodes table entries. We do this since it helps the efficiency of
+ -- the Sinfo debugging checks considerably (note that when we are checking
+ -- Nkind values, we don't need to check for a valid node reference, because
+ -- we will check that anyway when we reference the field).
+ NT : Nodes.Table_Ptr renames Nodes.Table;
+ -- A short hand abbreviation, useful for the debugging checks
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Field Access Functions --
+ ----------------------------
+ function ABE_Is_Certain
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation);
+ return Flag18 (N);
+ end ABE_Is_Certain;
+ function Abort_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Requeue_Statement);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end Abort_Present;
+ function Abortable_Part
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Asynchronous_Select);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Abortable_Part;
+ function Abstract_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition);
+ return Flag4 (N);
+ end Abstract_Present;
+ function Accept_Handler_Records
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative);
+ return List5 (N);
+ end Accept_Handler_Records;
+ function Accept_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Accept_Statement;
+ function Access_Types_To_Process
+ (N : Node_Id) return Elist_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity);
+ return Elist2 (N);
+ end Access_Types_To_Process;
+ function Actions
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else);
+ return List1 (N);
+ end Actions;
+ function Activation_Chain_Entity
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Activation_Chain_Entity;
+ function Acts_As_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body);
+ return Flag4 (N);
+ end Acts_As_Spec;
+ function Aggregate_Bounds
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Aggregate_Bounds;
+ function Aliased_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Constrained_Array_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition);
+ return Flag4 (N);
+ end Aliased_Present;
+ function All_Others
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Others_Choice);
+ return Flag11 (N);
+ end All_Others;
+ function All_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end All_Present;
+ function Alternatives
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement);
+ return List4 (N);
+ end Alternatives;
+ function Ancestor_Part
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Ancestor_Part;
+ function Array_Aggregate
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Array_Aggregate;
+ function Assignment_OK
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end Assignment_OK;
+ function At_End_Proc
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end At_End_Proc;
+ function Attribute_Name
+ (N : Node_Id) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference);
+ return Name2 (N);
+ end Attribute_Name;
+ function Aux_Decls_Node
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Aux_Decls_Node;
+ function Backwards_OK
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement);
+ return Flag6 (N);
+ end Backwards_OK;
+ function Bad_Is_Detected
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end Bad_Is_Detected;
+ function Body_Required
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Body_Required;
+ function Body_To_Inline
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Body_To_Inline;
+ function Box_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end Box_Present;
+ function By_Ref
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement);
+ return Flag5 (N);
+ end By_Ref;
+ function Char_Literal_Value
+ (N : Node_Id) return Char_Code is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Character_Literal);
+ return Char_Code2 (N);
+ end Char_Literal_Value;
+ function Chars
+ (N : Node_Id) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Chars);
+ return Name1 (N);
+ end Chars;
+ function Choice_Parameter
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Choice_Parameter;
+ function Choices
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association);
+ return List1 (N);
+ end Choices;
+ function Compile_Time_Known_Aggregate
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate);
+ return Flag18 (N);
+ end Compile_Time_Known_Aggregate;
+ function Component_Associations
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate);
+ return List2 (N);
+ end Component_Associations;
+ function Component_Clauses
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause);
+ return List3 (N);
+ end Component_Clauses;
+ function Component_Items
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List);
+ return List3 (N);
+ end Component_Items;
+ function Component_List
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Component_List;
+ function Component_Name
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Component_Name;
+ function Condition
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exit_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Constraint_Error
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Program_Error
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Storage_Error
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Condition;
+ function Condition_Actions
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme);
+ return List3 (N);
+ end Condition_Actions;
+ function Constant_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ return Flag17 (N);
+ end Constant_Present;
+ function Constraint
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Constraint;
+ function Constraints
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint);
+ return List1 (N);
+ end Constraints;
+ function Context_Installed
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Context_Installed;
+ function Context_Items
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ return List1 (N);
+ end Context_Items;
+ function Controlling_Argument
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Controlling_Argument;
+ function Conversion_OK
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ return Flag14 (N);
+ end Conversion_OK;
+ function Corresponding_Body
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Corresponding_Body;
+ function Corresponding_Generic_Association
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Corresponding_Generic_Association;
+ function Corresponding_Integer_Value
+ (N : Node_Id) return Uint is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal);
+ return Uint4 (N);
+ end Corresponding_Integer_Value;
+ function Corresponding_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Corresponding_Spec;
+ function Corresponding_Stub
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Corresponding_Stub;
+ function Dcheck_Function
+ (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Dcheck_Function;
+ function Debug_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Debug_Statement;
+ function Declarations
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body);
+ return List2 (N);
+ end Declarations;
+ function Default_Expression
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Default_Expression;
+ function Default_Name
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Default_Name;
+ function Defining_Identifier
+ (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Index_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Implicit_Label_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Protected_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Task_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Defining_Identifier;
+ function Defining_Unit_Name
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Defining_Unit_Name;
+ function Delay_Alternative
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Timed_Entry_Call);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Delay_Alternative;
+ function Delay_Finalize_Attach
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ return Flag14 (N);
+ end Delay_Finalize_Attach;
+ function Delay_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Delay_Statement;
+ function Delta_Expression
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delta_Constraint
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Delta_Expression;
+ function Digits_Expression
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Digits_Constraint
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Floating_Point_Definition);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Digits_Expression;
+ function Discr_Check_Funcs_Built
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration);
+ return Flag11 (N);
+ end Discr_Check_Funcs_Built;
+ function Discrete_Choices
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant);
+ return List4 (N);
+ end Discrete_Choices;
+ function Discrete_Range
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Slice);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Discrete_Range;
+ function Discrete_Subtype_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Index_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Discrete_Subtype_Definition;
+ function Discrete_Subtype_Definitions
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Constrained_Array_Definition);
+ return List2 (N);
+ end Discrete_Subtype_Definitions;
+ function Discriminant_Specifications
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration);
+ return List4 (N);
+ end Discriminant_Specifications;
+ function Discriminant_Type
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Discriminant_Type;
+ function Do_Access_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Explicit_Dereference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Indexed_Component
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Slice);
+ return Flag11 (N);
+ end Do_Access_Check;
+ function Do_Accessibility_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Do_Accessibility_Check;
+ function Do_Discriminant_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Do_Discriminant_Check;
+ function Do_Division_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Mod
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rem);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Do_Division_Check;
+ function Do_Length_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_And
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Or
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Xor
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ return Flag4 (N);
+ end Do_Length_Check;
+ function Do_Overflow_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ return Flag17 (N);
+ end Do_Overflow_Check;
+ function Do_Range_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ return Flag9 (N);
+ end Do_Range_Check;
+ function Do_Storage_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body);
+ return Flag17 (N);
+ end Do_Storage_Check;
+ function Do_Tag_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Do_Tag_Check;
+ function Elaborate_All_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end Elaborate_All_Present;
+ function Elaborate_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ return Flag4 (N);
+ end Elaborate_Present;
+ function Elaboration_Boolean
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Elaboration_Boolean;
+ function Else_Actions
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression);
+ return List3 (N);
+ end Else_Actions;
+ function Else_Statements
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Entry_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selective_Accept);
+ return List4 (N);
+ end Else_Statements;
+ function Elsif_Parts
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement);
+ return List3 (N);
+ end Elsif_Parts;
+ function Enclosing_Variant
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Enclosing_Variant;
+ function End_Label
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end End_Label;
+ function End_Span
+ (N : Node_Id) return Uint is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement);
+ return Uint5 (N);
+ end End_Span;
+ function Entity
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Entity
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Entity;
+ function Entry_Body_Formal_Part
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Entry_Body_Formal_Part;
+ function Entry_Call_Alternative
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Entry_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Timed_Entry_Call);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Entry_Call_Alternative;
+ function Entry_Call_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Entry_Call_Statement;
+ function Entry_Direct_Name
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Entry_Direct_Name;
+ function Entry_Index
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Entry_Index;
+ function Entry_Index_Specification
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Entry_Index_Specification;
+ function Etype
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Etype);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Etype;
+ function Exception_Choices
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler);
+ return List4 (N);
+ end Exception_Choices;
+ function Exception_Handlers
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements);
+ return List5 (N);
+ end Exception_Handlers;
+ function Exception_Junk
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Goto_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Label
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration);
+ return Flag11 (N);
+ end Exception_Junk;
+ function Expansion_Delayed
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate);
+ return Flag11 (N);
+ end Expansion_Delayed;
+ function Explicit_Actual_Parameter
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Explicit_Actual_Parameter;
+ function Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Association);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter;
+ function Expression
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_At_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Code_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Relative_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Until_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Association
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Mod_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Modular_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma_Argument_Association
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Qualified_Expression
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Expression
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Expression;
+ function Expressions
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Indexed_Component);
+ return List1 (N);
+ end Expressions;
+ function First_Bit
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end First_Bit;
+ function First_Inlined_Subprogram
+ (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end First_Inlined_Subprogram;
+ function First_Name
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ return Flag5 (N);
+ end First_Name;
+ function First_Named_Actual
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end First_Named_Actual;
+ function First_Real_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end First_Real_Statement;
+ function First_Subtype_Link
+ (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end First_Subtype_Link;
+ function Float_Truncate
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ return Flag11 (N);
+ end Float_Truncate;
+ function Formal_Type_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Formal_Type_Definition;
+ function Forwards_OK
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement);
+ return Flag5 (N);
+ end Forwards_OK;
+ function From_At_Mod
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause);
+ return Flag4 (N);
+ end From_At_Mod;
+ function Generic_Associations
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation);
+ return List3 (N);
+ end Generic_Associations;
+ function Generic_Formal_Declarations
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration);
+ return List2 (N);
+ end Generic_Formal_Declarations;
+ function Generic_Parent
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Generic_Parent;
+ function Generic_Parent_Type
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Generic_Parent_Type;
+ function Handled_Statement_Sequence
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Handled_Statement_Sequence;
+ function Handler_List_Entry
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Handler_List_Entry;
+ function Has_Created_Identifier
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end Has_Created_Identifier;
+ function Has_Dynamic_Length_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Flag10 (N);
+ end Has_Dynamic_Length_Check;
+ function Has_Dynamic_Range_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Flag12 (N);
+ end Has_Dynamic_Range_Check;
+ function Has_No_Elaboration_Code
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ return Flag17 (N);
+ end Has_No_Elaboration_Code;
+ function Has_Priority_Pragma
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ return Flag6 (N);
+ end Has_Priority_Pragma;
+ function Has_Private_View
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Character_Literal
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Operator_Symbol);
+ return Flag11 (N);
+ end Has_Private_View;
+ function Has_Storage_Size_Pragma
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ return Flag5 (N);
+ end Has_Storage_Size_Pragma;
+ function Has_Task_Info_Pragma
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ return Flag7 (N);
+ end Has_Task_Info_Pragma;
+ function Has_Task_Name_Pragma
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ return Flag8 (N);
+ end Has_Task_Name_Pragma;
+ function Has_Wide_Character
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_String_Literal);
+ return Flag11 (N);
+ end Has_Wide_Character;
+ function Hidden_By_Use_Clause
+ (N : Node_Id) return Elist_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause);
+ return Elist4 (N);
+ end Hidden_By_Use_Clause;
+ function High_Bound
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Range_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end High_Bound;
+ function Identifier
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_At_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Designator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Label
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Info);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Identifier;
+ function Implicit_With
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ return Flag17 (N);
+ end Implicit_With;
+ function In_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end In_Present;
+ function Includes_Infinities
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range);
+ return Flag11 (N);
+ end Includes_Infinities;
+ function Instance_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Instance_Spec;
+ function Intval
+ (N : Node_Id) return Uint is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Integer_Literal);
+ return Uint3 (N);
+ end Intval;
+ function Is_Asynchronous_Call_Block
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement);
+ return Flag7 (N);
+ end Is_Asynchronous_Call_Block;
+ function Is_Component_Left_Opnd
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Concat);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Is_Component_Left_Opnd;
+ function Is_Component_Right_Opnd
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Concat);
+ return Flag14 (N);
+ end Is_Component_Right_Opnd;
+ function Is_Controlling_Actual
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ return Flag16 (N);
+ end Is_Controlling_Actual;
+ function Is_Machine_Number
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal);
+ return Flag11 (N);
+ end Is_Machine_Number;
+ function Is_Overloaded
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ return Flag5 (N);
+ end Is_Overloaded;
+ function Is_Power_Of_2_For_Shift
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Expon);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Is_Power_Of_2_For_Shift;
+ function Is_Protected_Subprogram_Body
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body);
+ return Flag7 (N);
+ end Is_Protected_Subprogram_Body;
+ function Is_Static_Expression
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ return Flag6 (N);
+ end Is_Static_Expression;
+ function Is_Subprogram_Descriptor
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ return Flag16 (N);
+ end Is_Subprogram_Descriptor;
+ function Is_Task_Allocation_Block
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement);
+ return Flag6 (N);
+ end Is_Task_Allocation_Block;
+ function Is_Task_Master
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body);
+ return Flag5 (N);
+ end Is_Task_Master;
+ function Iteration_Scheme
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Iteration_Scheme;
+ function Itype
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Itype_Reference);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Itype;
+ function Kill_Range_Check
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion);
+ return Flag11 (N);
+ end Kill_Range_Check;
+ function Label_Construct
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Implicit_Label_Declaration);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Label_Construct;
+ function Last_Bit
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Last_Bit;
+ function Last_Name
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ return Flag6 (N);
+ end Last_Name;
+ function Left_Opnd
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_In
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Not_In
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Binary_Op);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Left_Opnd;
+ function Library_Unit
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Library_Unit;
+ function Limited_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition);
+ return Flag17 (N);
+ end Limited_Present;
+ function Literals
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Type_Definition);
+ return List1 (N);
+ end Literals;
+ function Loop_Actions
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association);
+ return List2 (N);
+ end Loop_Actions;
+ function Loop_Parameter_Specification
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Loop_Parameter_Specification;
+ function Low_Bound
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Range_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Low_Bound;
+ function Mod_Clause
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Mod_Clause;
+ function More_Ids
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ return Flag5 (N);
+ end More_Ids;
+ function Must_Not_Freeze
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ return Flag8 (N);
+ end Must_Not_Freeze;
+ function Name
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Designator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exit_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Goto_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Requeue_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Type_Clause);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Name;
+ function Names
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abort_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause);
+ return List2 (N);
+ end Names;
+ function Next_Entity
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Character_Literal
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Identifier
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Next_Entity;
+ function Next_Named_Actual
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Next_Named_Actual;
+ function Next_Rep_Item
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Next_Rep_Item;
+ function Next_Use_Clause
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Next_Use_Clause;
+ function No_Ctrl_Actions
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement);
+ return Flag7 (N);
+ end No_Ctrl_Actions;
+ function No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ return Flag8 (N);
+ end No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec;
+ function No_Initialization
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end No_Initialization;
+ function Null_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Null_Present;
+ function Null_Record_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate);
+ return Flag17 (N);
+ end Null_Record_Present;
+ function Object_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Object_Definition;
+ function OK_For_Stream
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference);
+ return Flag4 (N);
+ end OK_For_Stream;
+ function Original_Discriminant
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Original_Discriminant;
+ function Others_Discrete_Choices
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Others_Choice);
+ return List1 (N);
+ end Others_Discrete_Choices;
+ function Out_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ return Flag17 (N);
+ end Out_Present;
+ function Parameter_Associations
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ return List3 (N);
+ end Parameter_Associations;
+ function Parameter_List_Truncated
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ return Flag17 (N);
+ end Parameter_List_Truncated;
+ function Parameter_Specifications
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Procedure_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification);
+ return List3 (N);
+ end Parameter_Specifications;
+ function Parameter_Type
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Parameter_Type;
+ function Parent_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Parent_Spec;
+ function Position
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Position;
+ function Pragma_Argument_Associations
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma);
+ return List2 (N);
+ end Pragma_Argument_Associations;
+ function Pragmas_After
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative);
+ return List5 (N);
+ end Pragmas_After;
+ function Pragmas_Before
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Mod_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative);
+ return List4 (N);
+ end Pragmas_Before;
+ function Prefix
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Explicit_Dereference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Indexed_Component
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Slice);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Prefix;
+ function Present_Expr
+ (N : Node_Id) return Uint is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant);
+ return Uint3 (N);
+ end Present_Expr;
+ function Prev_Ids
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ return Flag6 (N);
+ end Prev_Ids;
+ function Print_In_Hex
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Integer_Literal);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Print_In_Hex;
+ function Private_Declarations
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ return List3 (N);
+ end Private_Declarations;
+ function Private_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end Private_Present;
+ function Procedure_To_Call
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Procedure_To_Call;
+ function Proper_Body
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Proper_Body;
+ function Protected_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Protected_Declaration);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Protected_Definition;
+ function Protected_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Procedure_Definition);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end Protected_Present;
+ function Raises_Constraint_Error
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ return Flag7 (N);
+ end Raises_Constraint_Error;
+ function Range_Constraint
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delta_Constraint
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Digits_Constraint);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Range_Constraint;
+ function Range_Expression
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range_Constraint);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Range_Expression;
+ function Real_Range_Specification
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Floating_Point_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Real_Range_Specification;
+ function Realval
+ (N : Node_Id) return Ureal is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal);
+ return Ureal3 (N);
+ end Realval;
+ function Record_Extension_Part
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Record_Extension_Part;
+ function Redundant_Use
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Redundant_Use;
+ function Return_Type
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Return_Type;
+ function Reverse_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end Reverse_Present;
+ function Right_Opnd
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_In
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Not_In
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Right_Opnd;
+ function Rounded_Result
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Multiply
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ return Flag18 (N);
+ end Rounded_Result;
+ function Scope
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Character_Literal
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Identifier
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Scope;
+ function Select_Alternatives
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selective_Accept);
+ return List1 (N);
+ end Select_Alternatives;
+ function Selector_Name
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Association
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Selector_Name;
+ function Selector_Names
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Association);
+ return List1 (N);
+ end Selector_Names;
+ function Shift_Count_OK
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rotate_Left
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rotate_Right
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Left
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Right
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Right_Arithmetic);
+ return Flag4 (N);
+ end Shift_Count_OK;
+ function Source_Type
+ (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Source_Type;
+ function Specification
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Specification;
+ function Statements
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abortable_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative);
+ return List3 (N);
+ end Statements;
+ function Static_Processing_OK
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate);
+ return Flag4 (N);
+ end Static_Processing_OK;
+ function Storage_Pool
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Storage_Pool;
+ function Strval
+ (N : Node_Id) return String_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Operator_Symbol
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_String_Literal);
+ return Str3 (N);
+ end Strval;
+ function Subtype_Indication
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Constrained_Array_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition);
+ return Node5 (N);
+ end Subtype_Indication;
+ function Subtype_Mark
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Qualified_Expression
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Subtype_Mark;
+ function Subtype_Marks
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause);
+ return List2 (N);
+ end Subtype_Marks;
+ function Tagged_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Type_Clause);
+ return Flag15 (N);
+ end Tagged_Present;
+ function Target_Type
+ (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Target_Type;
+ function Task_Body_Procedure
+ (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Task_Body_Procedure;
+ function Task_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Task_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Task_Definition;
+ function Then_Actions
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression);
+ return List2 (N);
+ end Then_Actions;
+ function Then_Statements
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement);
+ return List2 (N);
+ end Then_Statements;
+ function Treat_Fixed_As_Integer
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Mod
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Multiply
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rem);
+ return Flag14 (N);
+ end Treat_Fixed_As_Integer;
+ function Triggering_Alternative
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Asynchronous_Select);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Triggering_Alternative;
+ function Triggering_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative);
+ return Node1 (N);
+ end Triggering_Statement;
+ function TSS_Elist
+ (N : Node_Id) return Elist_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity);
+ return Elist3 (N);
+ end TSS_Elist;
+ function Type_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration);
+ return Node3 (N);
+ end Type_Definition;
+ function Unit
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ return Node2 (N);
+ end Unit;
+ function Unknown_Discriminants_Present
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Unknown_Discriminants_Present;
+ function Unreferenced_In_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ return Flag7 (N);
+ end Unreferenced_In_Spec;
+ function Variant_Part
+ (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List);
+ return Node4 (N);
+ end Variant_Part;
+ function Variants
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant_Part);
+ return List1 (N);
+ end Variants;
+ function Visible_Declarations
+ (N : Node_Id) return List_Id is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ return List2 (N);
+ end Visible_Declarations;
+ function Was_Originally_Stub
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body);
+ return Flag13 (N);
+ end Was_Originally_Stub;
+ function Zero_Cost_Handling
+ (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements);
+ return Flag5 (N);
+ end Zero_Cost_Handling;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Field Set Procedures --
+ --------------------------
+ procedure Set_ABE_Is_Certain
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation);
+ Set_Flag18 (N, Val);
+ end Set_ABE_Is_Certain;
+ procedure Set_Abort_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Requeue_Statement);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Abort_Present;
+ procedure Set_Abortable_Part
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Asynchronous_Select);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Abortable_Part;
+ procedure Set_Abstract_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition);
+ Set_Flag4 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Abstract_Present;
+ procedure Set_Accept_Handler_Records
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative);
+ Set_List5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Accept_Handler_Records;
+ procedure Set_Accept_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Accept_Statement;
+ procedure Set_Access_Types_To_Process
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Elist_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity);
+ Set_Elist2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Access_Types_To_Process;
+ procedure Set_Actions
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else);
+ Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Actions;
+ procedure Set_Activation_Chain_Entity
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body);
+ Set_Node3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Activation_Chain_Entity;
+ procedure Set_Acts_As_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body);
+ Set_Flag4 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Acts_As_Spec;
+ procedure Set_Aggregate_Bounds
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate);
+ Set_Node3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Aggregate_Bounds;
+ procedure Set_Aliased_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Constrained_Array_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition);
+ Set_Flag4 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Aliased_Present;
+ procedure Set_All_Others
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Others_Choice);
+ Set_Flag11 (N, Val);
+ end Set_All_Others;
+ procedure Set_All_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_All_Present;
+ procedure Set_Alternatives
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement);
+ Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Alternatives;
+ procedure Set_Ancestor_Part
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Ancestor_Part;
+ procedure Set_Array_Aggregate
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Array_Aggregate;
+ procedure Set_Assignment_OK
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Assignment_OK;
+ procedure Set_At_End_Proc
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements);
+ Set_Node1 (N, Val);
+ end Set_At_End_Proc;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Name
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference);
+ Set_Name2 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Attribute_Name;
+ procedure Set_Aux_Decls_Node
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ Set_Node5_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Aux_Decls_Node;
+ procedure Set_Backwards_OK
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement);
+ Set_Flag6 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Backwards_OK;
+ procedure Set_Bad_Is_Detected
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Bad_Is_Detected;
+ procedure Set_Body_Required
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Body_Required;
+ procedure Set_Body_To_Inline
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration);
+ Set_Node3 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Body_To_Inline;
+ procedure Set_Box_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Box_Present;
+ procedure Set_By_Ref
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement);
+ Set_Flag5 (N, Val);
+ end Set_By_Ref;
+ procedure Set_Char_Literal_Value
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Char_Code) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Character_Literal);
+ Set_Char_Code2 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Char_Literal_Value;
+ procedure Set_Chars
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Chars);
+ Set_Name1 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Chars;
+ procedure Set_Choice_Parameter
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Choice_Parameter;
+ procedure Set_Choices
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association);
+ Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Choices;
+ procedure Set_Compile_Time_Known_Aggregate
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate);
+ Set_Flag18 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Compile_Time_Known_Aggregate;
+ procedure Set_Component_Associations
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate);
+ Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Component_Associations;
+ procedure Set_Component_Clauses
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause);
+ Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Component_Clauses;
+ procedure Set_Component_Items
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List);
+ Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Component_Items;
+ procedure Set_Component_List
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Component_List;
+ procedure Set_Component_Name
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Component_Name;
+ procedure Set_Condition
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exit_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Constraint_Error
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Program_Error
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Storage_Error
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Condition;
+ procedure Set_Condition_Actions
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme);
+ Set_List3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Condition_Actions;
+ procedure Set_Constant_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ Set_Flag17 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Constant_Present;
+ procedure Set_Constraint
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Constraint;
+ procedure Set_Constraints
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint);
+ Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Constraints;
+ procedure Set_Context_Installed
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Context_Installed;
+ procedure Set_Context_Items
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Context_Items;
+ procedure Set_Controlling_Argument
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ Set_Node1 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Controlling_Argument;
+ procedure Set_Conversion_OK
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ Set_Flag14 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Conversion_OK;
+ procedure Set_Corresponding_Body
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Corresponding_Body;
+ procedure Set_Corresponding_Generic_Association
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration);
+ Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Corresponding_Generic_Association;
+ procedure Set_Corresponding_Integer_Value
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Uint) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal);
+ Set_Uint4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Corresponding_Integer_Value;
+ procedure Set_Corresponding_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Corresponding_Spec;
+ procedure Set_Corresponding_Stub
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit);
+ Set_Node3 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Corresponding_Stub;
+ procedure Set_Dcheck_Function
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant);
+ Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Dcheck_Function;
+ procedure Set_Debug_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Debug_Statement;
+ procedure Set_Declarations
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body);
+ Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Declarations;
+ procedure Set_Default_Expression
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Default_Expression;
+ procedure Set_Default_Name
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Default_Name;
+ procedure Set_Defining_Identifier
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Index_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Implicit_Label_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Protected_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Task_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Defining_Identifier;
+ procedure Set_Defining_Unit_Name
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Defining_Unit_Name;
+ procedure Set_Delay_Alternative
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Timed_Entry_Call);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Delay_Alternative;
+ procedure Set_Delay_Finalize_Attach
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ Set_Flag14 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Delay_Finalize_Attach;
+ procedure Set_Delay_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Delay_Statement;
+ procedure Set_Delta_Expression
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delta_Constraint
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Delta_Expression;
+ procedure Set_Digits_Expression
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Digits_Constraint
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Floating_Point_Definition);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Digits_Expression;
+ procedure Set_Discr_Check_Funcs_Built
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Flag11 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Discr_Check_Funcs_Built;
+ procedure Set_Discrete_Choices
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant);
+ Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Discrete_Choices;
+ procedure Set_Discrete_Range
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Slice);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Discrete_Range;
+ procedure Set_Discrete_Subtype_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Index_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Discrete_Subtype_Definition;
+ procedure Set_Discrete_Subtype_Definitions
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Constrained_Array_Definition);
+ Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Discrete_Subtype_Definitions;
+ procedure Set_Discriminant_Specifications
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Discriminant_Specifications;
+ procedure Set_Discriminant_Type
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification);
+ Set_Node5_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Discriminant_Type;
+ procedure Set_Do_Access_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Explicit_Dereference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Indexed_Component
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Slice);
+ Set_Flag11 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Do_Access_Check;
+ procedure Set_Do_Accessibility_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Do_Accessibility_Check;
+ procedure Set_Do_Discriminant_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Do_Discriminant_Check;
+ procedure Set_Do_Division_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Mod
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rem);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Do_Division_Check;
+ procedure Set_Do_Length_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_And
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Or
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Xor
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ Set_Flag4 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Do_Length_Check;
+ procedure Set_Do_Overflow_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ Set_Flag17 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Do_Overflow_Check;
+ procedure Set_Do_Range_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ Set_Flag9 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Do_Range_Check;
+ procedure Set_Do_Storage_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body);
+ Set_Flag17 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Do_Storage_Check;
+ procedure Set_Do_Tag_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Do_Tag_Check;
+ procedure Set_Elaborate_All_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Elaborate_All_Present;
+ procedure Set_Elaborate_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ Set_Flag4 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Elaborate_Present;
+ procedure Set_Elaboration_Boolean
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification);
+ Set_Node2 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Elaboration_Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Else_Actions
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression);
+ Set_List3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Else_Actions;
+ procedure Set_Else_Statements
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Entry_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selective_Accept);
+ Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Else_Statements;
+ procedure Set_Elsif_Parts
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement);
+ Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Elsif_Parts;
+ procedure Set_Enclosing_Variant
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant);
+ Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Enclosing_Variant;
+ procedure Set_End_Label
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_End_Label;
+ procedure Set_End_Span
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Uint) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement);
+ Set_Uint5 (N, Val);
+ end Set_End_Span;
+ procedure Set_Entity
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Entity
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity);
+ Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Entity;
+ procedure Set_Entry_Body_Formal_Part
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body);
+ Set_Node5_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Entry_Body_Formal_Part;
+ procedure Set_Entry_Call_Alternative
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Entry_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Timed_Entry_Call);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Entry_Call_Alternative;
+ procedure Set_Entry_Call_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Entry_Call_Statement;
+ procedure Set_Entry_Direct_Name
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Entry_Direct_Name;
+ procedure Set_Entry_Index
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement);
+ Set_Node5_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Entry_Index;
+ procedure Set_Entry_Index_Specification
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Entry_Index_Specification;
+ procedure Set_Etype
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Has_Etype);
+ Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Etype;
+ procedure Set_Exception_Choices
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler);
+ Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Exception_Choices;
+ procedure Set_Exception_Handlers
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements);
+ Set_List5_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Exception_Handlers;
+ procedure Set_Exception_Junk
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Goto_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Label
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration);
+ Set_Flag11 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Exception_Junk;
+ procedure Set_Expansion_Delayed
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate);
+ Set_Flag11 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Expansion_Delayed;
+ procedure Set_Explicit_Actual_Parameter
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Explicit_Actual_Parameter;
+ procedure Set_Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Association);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter;
+ procedure Set_Expression
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_At_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Code_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Relative_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Until_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Association
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Mod_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Modular_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma_Argument_Association
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Qualified_Expression
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Expression
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Expression;
+ procedure Set_Expressions
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Indexed_Component);
+ Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Expressions;
+ procedure Set_First_Bit
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_First_Bit;
+ procedure Set_First_Inlined_Subprogram
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ Set_Node3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_First_Inlined_Subprogram;
+ procedure Set_First_Name
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ Set_Flag5 (N, Val);
+ end Set_First_Name;
+ procedure Set_First_Named_Actual
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_First_Named_Actual;
+ procedure Set_First_Real_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements);
+ Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_First_Real_Statement;
+ procedure Set_First_Subtype_Link
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity);
+ Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_First_Subtype_Link;
+ procedure Set_Float_Truncate
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ Set_Flag11 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Float_Truncate;
+ procedure Set_Formal_Type_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Formal_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Set_Forwards_OK
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement);
+ Set_Flag5 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Forwards_OK;
+ procedure Set_From_At_Mod
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause);
+ Set_Flag4 (N, Val);
+ end Set_From_At_Mod;
+ procedure Set_Generic_Associations
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation);
+ Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Generic_Associations;
+ procedure Set_Generic_Formal_Declarations
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration);
+ Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Generic_Formal_Declarations;
+ procedure Set_Generic_Parent
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification);
+ Set_Node5 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Generic_Parent;
+ procedure Set_Generic_Parent_Type
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration);
+ Set_Node4 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Generic_Parent_Type;
+ procedure Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Handled_Statement_Sequence;
+ procedure Set_Handler_List_Entry
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ Set_Node2 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Handler_List_Entry;
+ procedure Set_Has_Created_Identifier
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Has_Created_Identifier;
+ procedure Set_Has_Dynamic_Length_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ Set_Flag10 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Has_Dynamic_Length_Check;
+ procedure Set_Has_Dynamic_Range_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ Set_Flag12 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Has_Dynamic_Range_Check;
+ procedure Set_Has_No_Elaboration_Code
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ Set_Flag17 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Has_No_Elaboration_Code;
+ procedure Set_Has_Priority_Pragma
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ Set_Flag6 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Has_Priority_Pragma;
+ procedure Set_Has_Private_View
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Character_Literal
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Operator_Symbol);
+ Set_Flag11 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Has_Private_View;
+ procedure Set_Has_Storage_Size_Pragma
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ Set_Flag5 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Has_Storage_Size_Pragma;
+ procedure Set_Has_Task_Info_Pragma
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ Set_Flag7 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Has_Task_Info_Pragma;
+ procedure Set_Has_Task_Name_Pragma
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ Set_Flag8 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Has_Task_Name_Pragma;
+ procedure Set_Has_Wide_Character
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_String_Literal);
+ Set_Flag11 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Has_Wide_Character;
+ procedure Set_Hidden_By_Use_Clause
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Elist_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause);
+ Set_Elist4 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Hidden_By_Use_Clause;
+ procedure Set_High_Bound
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Range_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_High_Bound;
+ procedure Set_Identifier
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_At_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Designator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Label
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Info);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Identifier;
+ procedure Set_Implicit_With
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ Set_Flag17 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Implicit_With;
+ procedure Set_In_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_In_Present;
+ procedure Set_Includes_Infinities
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range);
+ Set_Flag11 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Includes_Infinities;
+ procedure Set_Instance_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation);
+ Set_Node5 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no Parent set
+ end Set_Instance_Spec;
+ procedure Set_Intval
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Uint) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Integer_Literal);
+ Set_Uint3 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Intval;
+ procedure Set_Is_Asynchronous_Call_Block
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement);
+ Set_Flag7 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Asynchronous_Call_Block;
+ procedure Set_Is_Component_Left_Opnd
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Concat);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Component_Left_Opnd;
+ procedure Set_Is_Component_Right_Opnd
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Concat);
+ Set_Flag14 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Component_Right_Opnd;
+ procedure Set_Is_Controlling_Actual
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ Set_Flag16 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Controlling_Actual;
+ procedure Set_Is_Machine_Number
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal);
+ Set_Flag11 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Machine_Number;
+ procedure Set_Is_Overloaded
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ Set_Flag5 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Overloaded;
+ procedure Set_Is_Power_Of_2_For_Shift
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Expon);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Power_Of_2_For_Shift;
+ procedure Set_Is_Protected_Subprogram_Body
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body);
+ Set_Flag7 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Protected_Subprogram_Body;
+ procedure Set_Is_Static_Expression
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ Set_Flag6 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Static_Expression;
+ procedure Set_Is_Subprogram_Descriptor
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ Set_Flag16 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Subprogram_Descriptor;
+ procedure Set_Is_Task_Allocation_Block
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement);
+ Set_Flag6 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Task_Allocation_Block;
+ procedure Set_Is_Task_Master
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Block_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body);
+ Set_Flag5 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Task_Master;
+ procedure Set_Iteration_Scheme
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Iteration_Scheme;
+ procedure Set_Itype
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Itype_Reference);
+ Set_Node1 (N, Val); -- no parent, semantic field
+ end Set_Itype;
+ procedure Set_Kill_Range_Check
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion);
+ Set_Flag11 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Kill_Range_Check;
+ procedure Set_Label_Construct
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Implicit_Label_Declaration);
+ Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Label_Construct;
+ procedure Set_Last_Bit
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Last_Bit;
+ procedure Set_Last_Name
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ Set_Flag6 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Last_Name;
+ procedure Set_Left_Opnd
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_In
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Not_In
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Binary_Op);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Left_Opnd;
+ procedure Set_Library_Unit
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Library_Unit;
+ procedure Set_Limited_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition);
+ Set_Flag17 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Limited_Present;
+ procedure Set_Literals
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Type_Definition);
+ Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Literals;
+ procedure Set_Loop_Actions
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Association);
+ Set_List2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Loop_Actions;
+ procedure Set_Loop_Parameter_Specification
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Iteration_Scheme);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Loop_Parameter_Specification;
+ procedure Set_Low_Bound
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Range_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Low_Bound;
+ procedure Set_Mod_Clause
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Mod_Clause;
+ procedure Set_More_Ids
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ Set_Flag5 (N, Val);
+ end Set_More_Ids;
+ procedure Set_Must_Not_Freeze
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ Set_Flag8 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Must_Not_Freeze;
+ procedure Set_Name
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Designator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exit_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Goto_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Raise_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Requeue_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Type_Clause);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Name;
+ procedure Set_Names
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abort_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause);
+ Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Names;
+ procedure Set_Next_Entity
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Character_Literal
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Identifier
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol);
+ Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Next_Entity;
+ procedure Set_Next_Named_Actual
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association);
+ Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Next_Named_Actual;
+ procedure Set_Next_Rep_Item
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Definition_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Representation_Clause);
+ Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Next_Rep_Item;
+ procedure Set_Next_Use_Clause
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Package_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause);
+ Set_Node3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Next_Use_Clause;
+ procedure Set_No_Ctrl_Actions
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Assignment_Statement);
+ Set_Flag7 (N, Val);
+ end Set_No_Ctrl_Actions;
+ procedure Set_No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ Set_Flag8 (N, Val);
+ end Set_No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec;
+ procedure Set_No_Initialization
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_No_Initialization;
+ procedure Set_Null_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Null_Present;
+ procedure Set_Null_Record_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Extension_Aggregate);
+ Set_Flag17 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Null_Record_Present;
+ procedure Set_Object_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Object_Definition;
+ procedure Set_OK_For_Stream
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference);
+ Set_Flag4 (N, Val);
+ end Set_OK_For_Stream;
+ procedure Set_Original_Discriminant
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier);
+ Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Original_Discriminant;
+ procedure Set_Others_Discrete_Choices
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Others_Choice);
+ Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Others_Discrete_Choices;
+ procedure Set_Out_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ Set_Flag17 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Out_Present;
+ procedure Set_Parameter_Associations
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Parameter_Associations;
+ procedure Set_Parameter_List_Truncated
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ Set_Flag17 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Parameter_List_Truncated;
+ procedure Set_Parameter_Specifications
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Procedure_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Specification);
+ Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Parameter_Specifications;
+ procedure Set_Parameter_Type
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Parameter_Type;
+ procedure Set_Parent_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Procedure_Instantiation
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration);
+ Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Parent_Spec;
+ procedure Set_Position
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Clause);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Position;
+ procedure Set_Pragma_Argument_Associations
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Pragma);
+ Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Pragma_Argument_Associations;
+ procedure Set_Pragmas_After
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative);
+ Set_List5_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Pragmas_After;
+ procedure Set_Pragmas_Before
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Mod_Clause
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Terminate_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative);
+ Set_List4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Pragmas_Before;
+ procedure Set_Prefix
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Explicit_Dereference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Indexed_Component
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Slice);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Prefix;
+ procedure Set_Present_Expr
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Uint) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant);
+ Set_Uint3 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Present_Expr;
+ procedure Set_Prev_Ids
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Number_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Specification);
+ Set_Flag6 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Prev_Ids;
+ procedure Set_Print_In_Hex
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Integer_Literal);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Print_In_Hex;
+ procedure Set_Private_Declarations
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Private_Declarations;
+ procedure Set_Private_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Private_Present;
+ procedure Set_Procedure_To_Call
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement);
+ Set_Node4 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Procedure_To_Call;
+ procedure Set_Proper_Body
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subunit);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Proper_Body;
+ procedure Set_Protected_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Protected_Declaration);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Protected_Definition;
+ procedure Set_Protected_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Procedure_Definition);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Protected_Present;
+ procedure Set_Raises_Constraint_Error
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Subexpr);
+ Set_Flag7 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Raises_Constraint_Error;
+ procedure Set_Range_Constraint
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delta_Constraint
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Digits_Constraint);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Range_Constraint;
+ procedure Set_Range_Expression
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Range_Constraint);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Range_Expression;
+ procedure Set_Real_Range_Specification
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Floating_Point_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Real_Range_Specification;
+ procedure Set_Realval
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Ureal) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Real_Literal);
+ Set_Ureal3 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Realval;
+ procedure Set_Record_Extension_Part
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Record_Extension_Part;
+ procedure Set_Redundant_Use
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Attribute_Reference
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Identifier);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Redundant_Use;
+ procedure Set_Return_Type
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement);
+ Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Return_Type;
+ procedure Set_Reverse_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Reverse_Present;
+ procedure Set_Right_Opnd
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind in N_Op
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_And_Then
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_In
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Not_In
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Or_Else);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Right_Opnd;
+ procedure Set_Rounded_Result
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Multiply
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion);
+ Set_Flag18 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Rounded_Result;
+ procedure Set_Scope
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Character_Literal
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Identifier
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol);
+ Set_Node3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Scope;
+ procedure Set_Select_Alternatives
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selective_Accept);
+ Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Select_Alternatives;
+ procedure Set_Selector_Name
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Expanded_Name
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Association
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Parameter_Association
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Selected_Component);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Selector_Name;
+ procedure Set_Selector_Names
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Discriminant_Association);
+ Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Selector_Names;
+ procedure Set_Shift_Count_OK
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rotate_Left
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rotate_Right
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Left
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Right
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Shift_Right_Arithmetic);
+ Set_Flag4 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Shift_Count_OK;
+ procedure Set_Source_Type
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion);
+ Set_Node1 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Source_Type;
+ procedure Set_Specification
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Specification;
+ procedure Set_Statements
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Abortable_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Accept_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Case_Statement_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Delay_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Entry_Call_Alternative
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Loop_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative);
+ Set_List3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Statements;
+ procedure Set_Static_Processing_OK
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Aggregate);
+ Set_Flag4 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Static_Processing_OK;
+ procedure Set_Storage_Pool
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Allocator
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Free_Statement
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Return_Statement);
+ Set_Node1 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Storage_Pool;
+ procedure Set_Strval
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : String_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Operator_Symbol
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_String_Literal);
+ Set_Str3 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Strval;
+ procedure Set_Subtype_Indication
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_To_Object_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Constrained_Array_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Derived_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition);
+ Set_Node5_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Subtype_Indication;
+ procedure Set_Subtype_Mark
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Access_Function_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Object_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Object_Renaming_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Qualified_Expression
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subtype_Indication
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Type_Conversion
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Subtype_Mark;
+ procedure Set_Subtype_Marks
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Use_Type_Clause);
+ Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Subtype_Marks;
+ procedure Set_Tagged_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Record_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Type_Clause);
+ Set_Flag15 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Tagged_Present;
+ procedure Set_Target_Type
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion);
+ Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Target_Type;
+ procedure Set_Task_Body_Procedure
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Entity_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Node2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Task_Body_Procedure;
+ procedure Set_Task_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Single_Task_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Task_Definition;
+ procedure Set_Then_Actions
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Conditional_Expression);
+ Set_List2 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_Then_Actions;
+ procedure Set_Then_Statements
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Elsif_Part
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_If_Statement);
+ Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Then_Statements;
+ procedure Set_Treat_Fixed_As_Integer
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Divide
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Mod
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Multiply
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Op_Rem);
+ Set_Flag14 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Treat_Fixed_As_Integer;
+ procedure Set_Triggering_Alternative
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Asynchronous_Select);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Triggering_Alternative;
+ procedure Set_Triggering_Statement
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Triggering_Alternative);
+ Set_Node1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Triggering_Statement;
+ procedure Set_TSS_Elist
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Elist_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Freeze_Entity);
+ Set_Elist3 (N, Val); -- semantic field, no parent set
+ end Set_TSS_Elist;
+ procedure Set_Type_Definition
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Full_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Node3_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Set_Unit
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Compilation_Unit);
+ Set_Node2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Unit;
+ procedure Set_Unknown_Discriminants_Present
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Formal_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Extension_Declaration
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Private_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Unknown_Discriminants_Present;
+ procedure Set_Unreferenced_In_Spec
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_With_Clause);
+ Set_Flag7 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Unreferenced_In_Spec;
+ procedure Set_Variant_Part
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Component_List);
+ Set_Node4_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Variant_Part;
+ procedure Set_Variants
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Variant_Part);
+ Set_List1_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Variants;
+ procedure Set_Visible_Declarations
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : List_Id) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Specification
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Definition
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Definition);
+ Set_List2_With_Parent (N, Val);
+ end Set_Visible_Declarations;
+ procedure Set_Was_Originally_Stub
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Package_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Protected_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Task_Body);
+ Set_Flag13 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Was_Originally_Stub;
+ procedure Set_Zero_Cost_Handling
+ (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (False
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Exception_Handler
+ or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements);
+ Set_Flag5 (N, Val);
+ end Set_Zero_Cost_Handling;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Iterator Procedures --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Next_Entity (N : in out Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ N := Next_Entity (N);
+ end Next_Entity;
+ procedure Next_Named_Actual (N : in out Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ N := Next_Named_Actual (N);
+ end Next_Named_Actual;
+ procedure Next_Rep_Item (N : in out Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ N := Next_Rep_Item (N);
+ end Next_Rep_Item;
+ procedure Next_Use_Clause (N : in out Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ N := Next_Use_Clause (N);
+ end Next_Use_Clause;
+ ------------------
+ -- End_Location --
+ ------------------
+ function End_Location (N : Node_Id) return Source_Ptr is
+ L : constant Uint := End_Span (N);
+ begin
+ if L = No_Uint then
+ return No_Location;
+ else
+ return Source_Ptr (Int (Sloc (N)) + UI_To_Int (L));
+ end if;
+ end End_Location;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Set_End_Location --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Set_End_Location (N : Node_Id; S : Source_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ Set_End_Span (N,
+ UI_From_Int (Int (S) - Int (Sloc (N))));
+ end Set_End_Location;
+end Sinfo;