path: root/gcc/ada
diff options
authorcharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2008-08-06 08:33:21 +0000
committercharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2008-08-06 08:33:21 +0000
commitbc0d729a9c81483e2aa77dfe943976b83a926736 (patch)
treebf253ff6c0ad14f839a0965ef719d58c602a7055 /gcc/ada
parentbabc1edf43a7fb89bc8da3264c090cb2b36f1022 (diff)
2008-08-06 Jerome Lambourg <>
* g-comlin.adb (Define_Switch, Get_Switches): New. (Can_Have_Parameter, Require_Parameter, Actual_Switch): New, used when ungrouping switches. (For_Each_Simple_Switch): Allow more control over parameters handling. This generic method now allows ungrouping of switches with parameters and switches with more than one letter after the prefix. (Set_Command_Line): Take care of switches that are prefixed with a switch handling parameters without delimiter (-gnatya and -gnaty3 for example). (Add_Switch, Remove_Switch): Handle parameters possibly present inside a group, as in gnaty3aM80 (3 and 80 are parameters). Report status of the operation. (Start, Alias_Switches, Group_Switches): Take care of parameters possibly present inside a group. * (Define_Switch): New method used to define a list of expected switches, that are necessary for correctly ungrouping switches with more that one character after the prefix. (Get_Switches): Method that builds a getopt string from the list of switches as set previously by Define_Switch. (Add_Switch, Remove_Switch): New versions of the methods, reporting the status of the operation. Also allow the removal of switches with parameters only. (Command_Line_Configuration_Record): Maintain a list of expected switches. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada')
3 files changed, 504 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
index 19f9e385042..9b2088bd08b 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
+++ b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,63 @@
+2008-08-06 Thomas Quinot <>
+ * xnmake.adb: Use new XUtil package for platform independent text
+ output.
+2008-08-06 Vincent Celier <>
+ * gnat_ugn.texi: Document compiler switch -gnateG
+2008-08-06 Quentin Ochem <>
+ * s-stausa.adb (Fill_Stack): Fixed pragma assert and top pattern mark
+ in the case of an empty pattern size.
+ (Compute_Result): Do not do any computation in the case of an empty
+ pattern size.
+ (Report_Result): Fixed computation of the overflow guard.
+2008-08-06 Ed Schonberg <>
+ * g-awk.adb (Finalize): Do not use directly objects of the type in the
+ finalization routine to prevent elaboration order anomalies in new
+ finalization scheme.
+2008-08-06 Ed Schonberg <>
+ * sem_ch3.adb (Find_Type_Name): protect against duplicate incomplete
+ declaration for the same type.
+2008-08-06 Thomas Quinot <>
+ * sem.adb: Minor rewording (comment)
+2008-08-06 Jerome Lambourg <>
+ * g-comlin.adb (Define_Switch, Get_Switches): New.
+ (Can_Have_Parameter, Require_Parameter, Actual_Switch): New, used when
+ ungrouping switches.
+ (For_Each_Simple_Switch): Allow more control over parameters handling.
+ This generic method now allows ungrouping of switches with parameters
+ and switches with more than one letter after the prefix.
+ (Set_Command_Line): Take care of switches that are prefixed with a
+ switch handling parameters without delimiter (-gnatya and -gnaty3 for
+ example).
+ (Add_Switch, Remove_Switch): Handle parameters possibly present inside
+ a group, as in gnaty3aM80 (3 and 80 are parameters). Report status of
+ the operation.
+ (Start, Alias_Switches, Group_Switches): Take care of parameters
+ possibly present inside a group.
+ * (Define_Switch): New method used to define a list of
+ expected switches, that are necessary for correctly ungrouping switches
+ with more that one character after the prefix.
+ (Get_Switches): Method that builds a getopt string from the list of
+ switches as set previously by Define_Switch.
+ (Add_Switch, Remove_Switch): New versions of the methods, reporting the
+ status of the operation. Also allow the removal of switches with
+ parameters only.
+ (Command_Line_Configuration_Record): Maintain a list of expected
+ switches.
2008-08-06 Doug Rupp <>
* gcc-interface/decl.c (gnat_to_gnu_param): Force 32bit descriptor if
diff --git a/gcc/ada/g-comlin.adb b/gcc/ada/g-comlin.adb
index a3faf53040b..221b3a3c4e3 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/g-comlin.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/g-comlin.adb
@@ -111,11 +111,22 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Str : String_Access);
-- Append a new element to Line
+ function Can_Have_Parameter (S : String) return Boolean;
+ -- Tell if S can have a parameter.
+ function Require_Parameter (S : String) return Boolean;
+ -- Tell if S requires a paramter.
+ function Actual_Switch (S : String) return String;
+ -- Remove any possible trailing '!', ':', '?' and '='
- with procedure Callback (Simple_Switch : String);
+ with procedure Callback (Simple_Switch : String; Parameter : String);
procedure For_Each_Simple_Switch
- (Cmd : Command_Line;
- Switch : String);
+ (Cmd : Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Parameter : String := "";
+ Unalias : Boolean := True);
-- Breaks Switch into as simple switches as possible (expanding aliases and
-- ungrouping common prefixes when possible), and call Callback for each of
-- these.
@@ -1089,6 +1100,22 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Append (Config.Prefixes, new String'(Prefix));
end Define_Prefix;
+ -------------------
+ -- Define_Switch --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Define_Switch
+ (Config : in out Command_Line_Configuration;
+ Switch : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Config = null then
+ Config := new Command_Line_Configuration_Record;
+ end if;
+ Append (Config.Switches, new String'(Switch));
+ end Define_Switch;
-- Define_Section --
@@ -1105,6 +1132,35 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Append (Config.Sections, new String'(Section));
end Define_Section;
+ ------------------
+ -- Get_Switches --
+ ------------------
+ function Get_Switches
+ (Config : Command_Line_Configuration;
+ Switch_Char : Character)
+ return String
+ is
+ Ret : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
+ use type Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
+ begin
+ if Config = null or else Config.Switches = null then
+ return "";
+ end if;
+ for J in Config.Switches'Range loop
+ if Config.Switches (J) (Config.Switches (J)'First) = Switch_Char then
+ Ret := Ret & " " &
+ Config.Switches (J)
+ (Config.Switches (J)'First + 1 .. Config.Switches (J)'Last);
+ else
+ Ret := Ret & " " & Config.Switches (J).all;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (Ret);
+ end Get_Switches;
-- Set_Configuration --
@@ -1203,16 +1259,33 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
if not Is_Section then
if Section = null then
- Add_Switch
- (Cmd, Sw,
- Parameter (Parser),
- Separator (Parser));
+ -- Workaround some weird cases: some switches may
+ -- expect parameters, but have the same value as
+ -- longer switches: -gnaty3 (-gnaty, parameter=3) and
+ -- -gnatya (-gnatya, no parameter).
+ -- So we are calling add_switch here with parameter
+ -- attached. This will be anyway correctly handled by
+ -- Add_Switch if -gnaty3 is actually furnished.
+ if Separator (Parser) = ASCII.NUL then
+ Add_Switch
+ (Cmd, Sw & Parameter (Parser), "");
+ else
+ Add_Switch
+ (Cmd, Sw, Parameter (Parser), Separator (Parser));
+ end if;
- Add_Switch
- (Cmd, Sw,
- Parameter (Parser),
- Separator (Parser),
- Section.all);
+ if Separator (Parser) = ASCII.NUL then
+ Add_Switch
+ (Cmd, Sw & Parameter (Parser), "",
+ Separator (Parser),
+ Section.all);
+ else
+ Add_Switch
+ (Cmd, Sw,
+ Parameter (Parser),
+ Separator (Parser),
+ Section.all);
+ end if;
end if;
end if;
@@ -1250,14 +1323,157 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
and then Type_Str (Index .. Index + Substring'Length - 1) = Substring;
end Looking_At;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Can_Have_Parameter --
+ ------------------------
+ function Can_Have_Parameter (S : String) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if S'Length <= 1 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ case S (S'Last) is
+ when '!' | ':' | '?' | '=' =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Can_Have_Parameter;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Require_Parameter --
+ -----------------------
+ function Require_Parameter (S : String) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if S'Length <= 1 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ case S (S'Last) is
+ when '!' | ':' | '=' =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Require_Parameter;
+ -------------------
+ -- Actual_Switch --
+ -------------------
+ function Actual_Switch (S : String) return String is
+ begin
+ if S'Length <= 1 then
+ return S;
+ end if;
+ case S (S'Last) is
+ when '!' | ':' | '?' | '=' =>
+ return S (S'First .. S'Last - 1);
+ when others =>
+ return S;
+ end case;
+ end Actual_Switch;
-- For_Each_Simple_Switch --
procedure For_Each_Simple_Switch
- (Cmd : Command_Line;
- Switch : String)
+ (Cmd : Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Parameter : String := "";
+ Unalias : Boolean := True)
+ function Group_Analysis
+ (Prefix : String;
+ Group : String) return Boolean;
+ -- Perform the analysis of a group of switches.
+ --------------------
+ -- Group_Analysis --
+ --------------------
+ function Group_Analysis
+ (Prefix : String;
+ Group : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ Idx : Natural := Group'First;
+ Found : Boolean;
+ begin
+ while Idx <= Group'Last loop
+ Found := False;
+ for S in Cmd.Config.Switches'Range loop
+ declare
+ Sw : constant String :=
+ Actual_Switch
+ (Cmd.Config.Switches (S).all);
+ Full : constant String :=
+ Prefix & Group (Idx .. Group'Last);
+ Last : Natural;
+ Param : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Sw'Length >= Prefix'Length
+ -- Verify that sw starts with Prefix
+ and then Looking_At (Sw, Sw'First, Prefix)
+ -- Verify that the group starts with sw
+ and then Looking_At (Full, Full'First, Sw)
+ then
+ Last := Idx + Sw'Length - Prefix'Length - 1;
+ Param := Last + 1;
+ if Can_Have_Parameter (Cmd.Config.Switches (S).all) then
+ -- Include potential parameter to the recursive call.
+ -- Only numbers are allowed.
+ while Last < Group'Last
+ and then Group (Last + 1) in '0' .. '9'
+ loop
+ Last := Last + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if not Require_Parameter (Cmd.Config.Switches (S).all)
+ or else Last >= Param
+ then
+ if Idx = Group'First and then Last = Group'Last then
+ -- The group only concerns a single switch. Do not
+ -- perform recursive call.
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Found := True;
+ -- Recursive call, using the detected parameter if any
+ if Last >= Param then
+ For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd,
+ Prefix & Group (Idx .. Param - 1),
+ Group (Param .. Last));
+ else
+ For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd, Prefix & Group (Idx .. Last), "");
+ end if;
+ Idx := Last + 1;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ if not Found then
+ For_Each_Simple_Switch (Cmd, Prefix & Group (Idx), "");
+ Idx := Idx + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end Group_Analysis;
-- Are we adding a switch that can in fact be expanded through aliases ?
-- If yes, we add separately each of its expansion.
@@ -1267,13 +1483,16 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
-- in which we do things here, the expansion of the alias will itself
-- be checked for a common prefix and further split into simple switches
- if Cmd.Config /= null
+ if Unalias
+ and then Cmd.Config /= null
and then Cmd.Config.Aliases /= null
for A in Cmd.Config.Aliases'Range loop
- if Cmd.Config.Aliases (A).all = Switch then
+ if Cmd.Config.Aliases (A).all = Switch
+ and then Parameter = ""
+ then
- (Cmd, Cmd.Config.Expansions (A).all);
+ (Cmd, Cmd.Config.Expansions (A).all, "");
end if;
end loop;
@@ -1291,19 +1510,31 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
(Switch, Switch'First, Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P).all)
-- Alias expansion will be done recursively
+ if Cmd.Config.Switches = null then
+ for S in Switch'First + Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P)'Length
+ .. Switch'Last
+ loop
+ For_Each_Simple_Switch
+ (Cmd, Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P).all & Switch (S), "");
+ end loop;
- for S in Switch'First + Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P)'Length
- .. Switch'Last
- loop
- For_Each_Simple_Switch
- (Cmd, Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P).all & Switch (S));
- end loop;
- return;
+ return;
+ elsif Group_Analysis
+ (Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P).all,
+ Switch
+ (Switch'First + Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P)'Length
+ .. Switch'Last))
+ then
+ -- Recursive calls already done on each switch of the
+ -- group. Let's return to not call Callback.
+ return;
+ end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
- Callback (Switch);
+ Callback (Switch, Parameter);
end For_Each_Simple_Switch;
@@ -1317,7 +1548,25 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Separator : Character := ' ';
Section : String := "")
- procedure Add_Simple_Switch (Simple : String);
+ Success : Boolean;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Success);
+ begin
+ Add_Switch (Cmd, Switch, Parameter, Separator, Section, Success);
+ end Add_Switch;
+ ----------------
+ -- Add_Switch --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Add_Switch
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Parameter : String := "";
+ Separator : Character := ' ';
+ Section : String := "";
+ Success : out Boolean)
+ is
+ procedure Add_Simple_Switch (Simple : String; Param : String);
-- Add a new switch that has had all its aliases expanded, and switches
-- ungrouped. We know there is no more aliases in Switches
@@ -1325,32 +1574,37 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
-- Add_Simple_Switch --
- procedure Add_Simple_Switch (Simple : String) is
+ procedure Add_Simple_Switch (Simple : String; Param : String) is
if Cmd.Expanded = null then
Cmd.Expanded := new Argument_List'(1 .. 1 => new String'(Simple));
- if Parameter = "" then
- Cmd.Params := new Argument_List'(1 .. 1 => null);
- else
+ if Param /= "" then
Cmd.Params := new Argument_List'
- (1 .. 1 => new String'(Separator & Parameter));
+ (1 .. 1 => new String'(Separator & Param));
+ else
+ Cmd.Params := new Argument_List'(1 .. 1 => null);
end if;
if Section = "" then
Cmd.Sections := new Argument_List'(1 .. 1 => null);
Cmd.Sections := new Argument_List'
(1 .. 1 => new String'(Section));
end if;
-- Do we already have this switch ?
for C in Cmd.Expanded'Range loop
if Cmd.Expanded (C).all = Simple
and then
- ((Cmd.Params (C) = null and then Parameter = "")
+ ((Cmd.Params (C) = null and then Param = "")
or else
(Cmd.Params (C) /= null
- and then Cmd.Params (C).all = Separator & Parameter))
+ and then Cmd.Params (C).all = Separator & Param))
and then
((Cmd.Sections (C) = null and then Section = "")
or else
@@ -1361,12 +1615,15 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
end if;
end loop;
+ -- Inserting at least one switch
+ Success := True;
Append (Cmd.Expanded, new String'(Simple));
- if Parameter = "" then
- Append (Cmd.Params, null);
+ if Param /= "" then
+ Append (Cmd.Params, new String'(Separator & Param));
- Append (Cmd.Params, new String'(Separator & Parameter));
+ Append (Cmd.Params, null);
end if;
if Section = "" then
@@ -1383,7 +1640,8 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
-- Start of processing for Add_Switch
- Add_Simple_Switches (Cmd, Switch);
+ Success := False;
+ Add_Simple_Switches (Cmd, Switch, Parameter);
Free (Cmd.Coalesce);
end Add_Switch;
@@ -1436,20 +1694,40 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
procedure Remove_Switch
- (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
- Switch : String;
- Remove_All : Boolean := False;
- Section : String := "")
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Remove_All : Boolean := False;
+ Has_Parameter : Boolean := False;
+ Section : String := "")
- procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String);
+ Success : Boolean;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Success);
+ begin
+ Remove_Switch (Cmd, Switch, Remove_All, Has_Parameter, Section, Success);
+ end Remove_Switch;
+ -------------------
+ -- Remove_Switch --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Remove_Switch
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Remove_All : Boolean := False;
+ Has_Parameter : Boolean := False;
+ Section : String := "";
+ Success : out Boolean)
+ is
+ procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String; Param : String);
-- Removes a simple switch, with no aliasing or grouping
-- Remove_Simple_Switch --
- procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String) is
+ procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String; Param : String) is
C : Integer;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Param);
if Cmd.Expanded /= null then
@@ -1462,10 +1740,12 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
and then Section = "")
or else (Cmd.Sections (C) /= null
and then Section = Cmd.Sections (C).all))
+ and then (not Has_Parameter or else Cmd.Params (C) /= null)
Remove (Cmd.Expanded, C);
Remove (Cmd.Params, C);
Remove (Cmd.Sections, C);
+ Success := True;
if not Remove_All then
@@ -1484,7 +1764,8 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
-- Start of processing for Remove_Switch
- Remove_Simple_Switches (Cmd, Switch);
+ Success := False;
+ Remove_Simple_Switches (Cmd, Switch, "", Unalias => not Has_Parameter);
Free (Cmd.Coalesce);
end Remove_Switch;
@@ -1498,14 +1779,14 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Parameter : String;
Section : String := "")
- procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String);
+ procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String; Param : String);
-- Removes a simple switch, with no aliasing or grouping
-- Remove_Simple_Switch --
- procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String) is
+ procedure Remove_Simple_Switch (Simple : String; Param : String) is
C : Integer;
@@ -1520,7 +1801,7 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
(Cmd.Sections (C) /= null
and then Section = Cmd.Sections (C).all))
and then
- ((Cmd.Params (C) = null and then Parameter = "")
+ ((Cmd.Params (C) = null and then Param = "")
or else
(Cmd.Params (C) /= null
and then
@@ -1529,7 +1810,7 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Cmd.Params (C) (Cmd.Params (C)'First + 1
.. Cmd.Params (C)'Last) =
- Parameter))
+ Param))
Remove (Cmd.Expanded, C);
Remove (Cmd.Params, C);
@@ -1553,7 +1834,7 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
-- Start of processing for Remove_Switch
- Remove_Simple_Switches (Cmd, Switch);
+ Remove_Simple_Switches (Cmd, Switch, Parameter);
Free (Cmd.Coalesce);
end Remove_Switch;
@@ -1567,6 +1848,36 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Sections : Argument_List_Access;
Params : Argument_List_Access)
+ function Compatible_Parameter (Param : String_Access) return Boolean;
+ -- Tell if the parameter can be part of a group
+ --------------------------
+ -- Compatible_Parameter --
+ --------------------------
+ function Compatible_Parameter (Param : String_Access) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Param = null then
+ -- No parameter, OK
+ return True;
+ elsif Param (Param'First) /= ASCII.NUL then
+ -- We need parameters without separators...
+ return False;
+ else
+ -- We need number only parameters.
+ for J in Param'First + 1 .. Param'Last loop
+ if Param (J) not in '0' .. '9' then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end Compatible_Parameter;
Group : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
First : Natural;
use type Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
@@ -1584,7 +1895,7 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
for C in Result'Range loop
if Result (C) /= null
- and then Params (C) = null -- ignored if has a parameter
+ and then Compatible_Parameter (Params (C))
and then Looking_At
(Result (C).all, Result (C)'First, Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P).all)
@@ -1602,7 +1913,14 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Group &
Result (C)
(Result (C)'First + Cmd.Config.Prefixes (P)'Length ..
- Result (C)'Last);
+ Result (C)'Last);
+ if Params (C) /= null then
+ Group := Group &
+ Params (C) (Params (C)'First + 1 .. Params (C)'Last);
+ Free (Params (C));
+ end if;
if First = 0 then
First := C;
end if;
@@ -1646,22 +1964,25 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Found : Boolean;
First : Natural;
- procedure Check_Cb (Switch : String);
+ procedure Check_Cb (Switch : String; Param : String);
-- Comment required ???
- procedure Remove_Cb (Switch : String);
+ procedure Remove_Cb (Switch : String; Param : String);
-- Comment required ???
-- Check_Cb --
- procedure Check_Cb (Switch : String) is
+ procedure Check_Cb (Switch : String; Param : String) is
if Found then
for E in Result'Range loop
if Result (E) /= null
- and then Params (E) = null -- Ignore if has a param
+ and then
+ (Params (E) = null
+ or else Params (E) (Params (E)'First + 1
+ .. Params (E)'Last) = Param)
and then Result (E).all = Switch
@@ -1676,14 +1997,21 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
-- Remove_Cb --
- procedure Remove_Cb (Switch : String) is
+ procedure Remove_Cb (Switch : String; Param : String) is
for E in Result'Range loop
- if Result (E) /= null and then Result (E).all = Switch then
+ if Result (E) /= null
+ and then
+ (Params (E) = null
+ or else Params (E) (Params (E)'First + 1
+ .. Params (E)'Last) = Param)
+ and then Result (E).all = Switch
+ then
if First > E then
First := E;
end if;
Free (Result (E));
+ Free (Params (E));
end if;
end loop;
@@ -1820,11 +2148,20 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
end if;
end loop;
+ Cmd.Coalesce_Params := new Argument_List (Cmd.Params'Range);
+ for E in Cmd.Params'Range loop
+ if Cmd.Params (E) = null then
+ Cmd.Coalesce_Params (E) := null;
+ else
+ Cmd.Coalesce_Params (E) := new String'(Cmd.Params (E).all);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
-- Not a clone, since we will not modify the parameters anyway
- Cmd.Coalesce_Params := Cmd.Params;
- Alias_Switches (Cmd, Cmd.Coalesce, Cmd.Params);
- Group_Switches (Cmd, Cmd.Coalesce, Cmd.Coalesce_Sections, Cmd.Params);
+ Alias_Switches (Cmd, Cmd.Coalesce, Cmd.Coalesce_Params);
+ Group_Switches
+ (Cmd, Cmd.Coalesce, Cmd.Coalesce_Sections, Cmd.Coalesce_Params);
end if;
if Expanded then
@@ -1841,6 +2178,7 @@ package body GNAT.Command_Line is
Iter.Current := Integer'Last;
Iter.Current := Iter.List'First;
while Iter.Current <= Iter.List'Last
and then Iter.List (Iter.Current) = null
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index d92c157e3f1..738afe96a69 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -513,6 +513,14 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- characters whose order is irrelevant. In fact, this package will sort
-- them alphabetically.
+ procedure Define_Switch
+ (Config : in out Command_Line_Configuration;
+ Switch : String);
+ -- Indicates a new switch. The format of this switch follows the getopt
+ -- format (trailing ':', '?', etc for defining a switch with parameters).
+ -- The switches defined in the command_line_configuration object are used
+ -- when ungrouping switches with more that one character after the prefix.
procedure Define_Section
(Config : in out Command_Line_Configuration;
Section : String);
@@ -520,6 +528,13 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- section are ordered together, preceded by the section. They are placed
-- at the end of the command line (as in 'gnatmake somefile.adb -cargs -g')
+ function Get_Switches
+ (Config : Command_Line_Configuration;
+ Switch_Char : Character)
+ return String;
+ -- Get the switches list as expected by getopt. This list is built using
+ -- all switches defined previously via Define_Switch above.
procedure Free (Config : in out Command_Line_Configuration);
-- Free the memory used by Config
@@ -595,11 +610,22 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- added if not already present. For example, to add the -g switch into the
-- -cargs section, you need to call (Cmd, "-g", Section => "-cargs")
+ procedure Add_Switch
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Parameter : String := "";
+ Separator : Character := ' ';
+ Section : String := "";
+ Success : out Boolean);
+ -- Same as above, returning the status of
+ -- the operation
procedure Remove_Switch
- (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
- Switch : String;
- Remove_All : Boolean := False;
- Section : String := "");
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Remove_All : Boolean := False;
+ Has_Parameter : Boolean := False;
+ Section : String := "");
-- Remove Switch from the command line, and ungroup existing switches if
-- necessary.
@@ -610,6 +636,9 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- If Remove_All is True, then all matching switches are removed, otherwise
-- only the first matching one is removed.
+ -- if Has_Parameter is set to True, then only switches having a parameter
+ -- are removed.
+ --
-- If the switch belongs to a section, then this section should be
-- specified: Remove_Switch (Cmd_Line, "-g", Section => "-cargs") called
-- on the command line "-g -cargs -g" will result in "-g", while if
@@ -617,6 +646,16 @@ package GNAT.Command_Line is
-- If Remove_All is set, then both "-g" will be removed.
procedure Remove_Switch
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Line;
+ Switch : String;
+ Remove_All : Boolean := False;
+ Has_Parameter : Boolean := False;
+ Section : String := "";
+ Success : out Boolean);
+ -- Same as above, reporting the success of the operation (Success is False
+ -- if no switch was removed).
+ procedure Remove_Switch
(Cmd : in out Command_Line;
Switch : String;
Parameter : String;
@@ -774,6 +813,9 @@ private
Aliases : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
Expansions : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
-- The aliases. Both arrays have the same indices
+ Switches : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List_Access;
+ -- List of expected switches. Used when expanding switch groups.
end record;
type Command_Line_Configuration is access Command_Line_Configuration_Record;